
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
nhandlerJoeb454, akgraner, pleia2: Any feedback on that interview script?03:42
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
Joeb454nhandler: looks pretty good to me. Certainly handy that it will pick up any interview from the wiki, regardless of location09:31
akgranerHey all - just so you know in case someone asks - I just blogged about UWN and The Fridge and the various changes from last cycle - http://akgraner.com/?p=80516:53
akgranerI'll have the survey results up after while - need to get some paid work done for a little while16:53
andyrogersI have just been reading the Ubuntu Team News blog posted by Amber on the planet.20:12
andyrogersI have been looking at ways to try and make some sort of contribution to the Ubuntu community in some shape and form.20:12
andyrogers 20:12
andyrogersAre there any main requirements if I decided to try and help out here?20:12
nhandlerDarn, missed andy :(22:25
nhandlerakgraner: Did you get a chance to think about what you wanted for that fridge todo item?22:27
akgranernhandler, yep - but I need to finish a post then start dinner will you be online after while22:45
nhandlerakgraner: I'll be around for about 6 hours (on and off irc). Feel free to hilight me when it is convenient22:46
akgranerwill do thanks22:48

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