
persiajibel, Do you think http://paste.ubuntu.com/535155/ would be suitable as an announcement forhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-qa-n-testing-different-architectures?  Is there some important part missing?11:06
persiaara, Any modifications that you would prefer?11:06
* ara reads11:06
davmor2morning all11:07
aramorning davmor211:10
arapersia, it looks good to me11:10
persiaMy major concern was whether I needed to be more explicit that folks that don't nominate product managers don't get to be part of the release.  Was that clear enough?11:11
jibelpersia, I agree, you should explain clearly what  will happen if no product manager is nominated.11:33
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=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
alouriehello all13:35
jibelhello alourie13:37
moustafacr3, fader_ , davmor2 : Hello, camembert, and jelly baby14:21
davmor2moustafa: bingo14:21
fader_moustafa: Good morning!14:21
moustafadavmor2: My fandom of the good Doctor keeps growing14:24
davmor2moustafa: muhahahahaha  my evil plan to brain wash everyone with our tv is finally coming to fruition14:26
moustafadavmor2: So your evil plan is to have everyone develop a british accent?14:31
davmor2moustafa: It's just step one to global domination,  next comes the subliminal you must install Ubuntu14:36
moustafadavmor2: That came before I got to know you, so I guess I'm immune14:37
davmor2moustafa: no that is step two14:38
cr3schwuk: by the way, dispatching sru tests by hand is getting old quickly, so I might be tempted to extend the message interface in certify-web and revamp the activity views. you alright with that?14:39
cr3schwuk: that should help dispatch sru tests more effectively from a single location and track errors more reliably14:40
schwukcr3: of course14:40
persiajibel, Hey.  Just wanted your confirmation that http://paste.ubuntu.com/535155/ was complete before I sent it.16:40
jibelpersia, Hi, can you clearly state what will happen if no product manager is nominated ?16:46
persiajibel, That's precisely the point I wasn't sure I was clear enough about :)16:52
persiaHow does http://paste.ubuntu.com/535267/ look (additional sentence in last paragraph)?16:53
jibelpersia, sounds good. Now they know what's over their head if no product manager is nominated :-)16:56
persiaGreat.  Then I'll send that, which ought free everyone else to work on the rest of it.16:57
jibelpersia, thank you.16:58
skaetpersia,   couple quick comments...17:46
skaetprodcuts to be released as part of Ubuntu 10.10 or Ubuntu 11.04?17:47
* persia headdesks17:49
persiaskaet, That was from your email, or from the paste?17:50
skaetspotted it in the paste,  haven't seen email.17:50
persiaAh, good.  emails recalled.17:50
skaetAlso,  might be useful to reference the release manifest as the official source so if there is doubt about whether something has been formally signed up or not, that will be the place to check.17:52
persiaIs it?  I didn't think you'd organised that to the new model yet, so figured I'd just build a new list and give it to you as input.17:52
persiaOnce we have the new list up, I agree that the release manifest would be the official source.17:53
persiaBut right now, I think we're essentially in limbo.17:53
skaetWe can do a list as an itermediate - but I'd raather just extend the manifest to be something useful.   Will talk about it at a release meeting in december,  but figure there's no point to add it to the manifest until there's a product manager assigned to marshall it, and sign off.  ;)17:54
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
skaetpersia, go ahead with the list, until we can socialize the concept at the release meeting, and then we can get feedback before formalizing the process there.17:55
persiaI completely agree, but I want to validate the list also: I know some of the names are old, and I'm certain there are products that are shipped without much care, and other products not on the list.17:56
persiaThat sounds like a plan that works well with the action items in the spec :)17:56
persiaI do have two semantic concerns though: 1) are the products released as part of Ubuntu 11.04, or with Ubuntu 11.04?17:57
persia2) How do we want to handle weaker-support products?  (e.g. Kubuntu Desktop powerpc usually only gets about 6 months, except by accident)17:58
persiaI don't expect answers right away, but I do expect that both of those things will come up in the Release Meeting.17:58
skaetpersia,  fair enough, will see if we can build some concensus proposals before, and use the release meeting to make it official and socialize it a bit wider.18:18
persiaWith luck, yeah :)  There's been some prior soreness around those areas, and I'm not sure that anyone ever really defined the boundaries in a way that made sense.18:21
skaetah well.  we can but try ;)18:24
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=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
=== travis is now known as Guest39584
Guest39584So... I tested out the Asus EEE PC 1215n20:15
Guest39584But, like, I can't make heads or tails of your laptop testing page.20:16
Guest39584You used to have a decent amount of information, but... jesus, I can't make sense of the maze of pages anymore.20:17
Guest39584You should just let people post what info they have.  Some, unstructured, outdated information is better than the zilch you have now.20:18
Guest39584Can't tell if anyone can hear me.  Maybe all 54 are idling, or maybe my IRC skills are rusty... been like 15 years since I bothered.20:19
Guest39584ok well, you guys have fun with that Ubuntu stuff, this is as much effort as I'm willing to make today.20:19

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