
ChinnoDogSunday is almost over02:18
BeckySanderlin`xgood. need monday to get here now02:20
ChinnoDogBeckySanderlin`x: why so anxious for Monday?02:25
InHisNameSlowwwww weekend, BeckySanderlin`x,  just can't wait for the week days to start, ehhh?03:06
MutantTurkeyi'm just waiting around for winter break03:40
BeckySanderlin`xanxious for Monday because my check hasnt appeared and it was mailed last Weds.04:16
andrewpay check?04:23
ChinnoDogBeckySanderlin`x: paid yet?15:17
BeckySanderlin`xdont know, mail man hasnt come yet15:17
BeckySanderlin`xusually around 11am15:17
BeckySanderlin`xso fucking anxious for that piece of mail15:17
ChinnoDogBeckySanderlin`x: Is there a real risk you aren't going to get it?15:23
BeckySanderlin`xsec. afk15:24
BeckySanderlin`xwell, theres no real risk of me not getting it. (only a 10% chance that someone else will get it) its a matter of when i get it15:30
MutantTurkeybut when you get it is important15:30
BeckySanderlin`xits thanksgiving week and i need that money for items15:30
BeckySanderlin`xplus black friday is this week and i need my c2d machine back up and running15:30
BeckySanderlin`xcompusa has fab deals atm15:31
BeckySanderlin`xGeForce 450's are 100usd15:31
BeckySanderlin`xand this little netbook im eyeing dropped 50usd15:32
ChinnoDogI see. Turkey and toy fund.15:33
ChinnoDogBeckySanderlin`x: c2d?15:33
MutantTurkeydon't get me started about turkeys15:34
BeckySanderlin`xc2d = core 2 duo15:35
BeckySanderlin`xim on a p4 / geforce 5200 dell atm15:35
BeckySanderlin`xmy c2d has a geforce 220 on Win715:35
BeckySanderlin`xi need that machine up due to school15:35
BeckySanderlin`xand game(s) :D15:36
ChinnoDogBeckySanderlin`x: what games?15:44
BeckySanderlin`xanything Steam related15:45
ChinnoDogMutantTurkey: I'm sure it is just the turkey fund, not the mutant turkey fund.15:45
MutantTurkeywhew. i was worried15:45
BeckySanderlin`xwho serves mutant turkeys for thanksgiving/?!15:45
MutantTurkeybob dole15:45
BeckySanderlin`xChinnoDog:  http://www.steampowered.com15:46
PennBotTitle: Welcome to Steam (at www.steampowered.com)15:46
MutantTurkeywho is bob dole i never actually knew15:46
MutantTurkeyBeckySanderlin`x: are they doing steam or linux?15:47
ChinnoDogGenetically modified turkey = mutant turkey, right?15:47
MutantTurkeyi'd say so15:47
BeckySanderlin`xMutantTurkey: its been in the works for years, but sadly no.15:47
BeckySanderlin`xhence why i need my win7 comp up15:47
MutantTurkeyhas it actually been in the works or 'in the works'15:47
BeckySanderlin`xi got games on there ive not even played15:48
BeckySanderlin`xand cant play because of this shitty gpu15:48
ChinnoDogBy the time you upgrade the GPU the rest of your system will be obsolete15:48
BeckySanderlin`xnah, its been in the works for a while, yet they've not finished or released it15:48
BeckySanderlin`xwell, im not getting a socket 115x anytime soon so...15:48
MutantTurkeywill it be like opengl based or something? since we don't have directx or whatever15:49
BeckySanderlin`xdoubt it, too many games nowadays need dx15:49
BeckySanderlin`xi just use wine for my old games15:50
BeckySanderlin`xbut my cpu is soo slow, i need to close everything else off in order to power up steam + game15:50
BeckySanderlin`xtime to check the mailbox again...15:55
* BeckySanderlin`x prays to the heavens15:55
ChinnoDogI am setting my laptop up so I can boot into Ubuntu and run Server 08 R2 in Xen, but I can still boot directly to Server 08.15:55
JonathanDthe same instance?15:57
ChinnoDogOf Server 08? Yes.15:58
JonathanDthe stuff people believe...15:59
JonathanD"A DGTFX Virus has been detected in your Email folders. Your email account has to be upgraded to our new Secured DGTFX anti-virus 2010 version to prevent damages to our web mail log and your important files."15:59
MutantTurkeyi'm off to class. cya guys later16:02
BeckySanderlin`xSuccess! Mail has been delivered!16:38
ChinnoDogYay, money!16:42
BeckySanderlin`xnow. to find money to get an id so i can cash it.16:52
ChinnoDogBeckySanderlin`x: to get an ID? What happened to your ID?16:53
ChinnoDogHave a passport?16:55
ChinnoDogThat is a problem.16:55
ChinnoDogI have a photo ID that expires at a different time than my drivers license. So, unless I drive around with an expired license for a year, I will always have a valid ID.16:57
BeckySanderlin`xgotta figure this out. later16:58
PennBotTitle: Give Thanks? Science Supersized Your Turkey Dinner | Wired Science | Wired.com (at www.wired.com)17:08
ChinnoDogArticle is a couple years old but is interesting.17:09
ChinnoDog@later tell BeckySanderlin`x I recommend investing in a better network connection too17:44
PennBotChinnoDog: The operation succeeded.17:44
ChinnoDoghi stump18:23
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
chuckh1958anyone here successfully using evolution with Maverick (10.10) and an Exchange server?21:19
ChinnoDogI wish. :-( My version of Exchange is always too new.21:20
JonathanD10.10 works with my exchange (2007)21:24
chuckh1958and email, calendar, and tasks, all work?21:40
JonathanDI haven't explored it completely.21:48
JonathanDI will tonight, though.21:48
chuckh1958I thought if I waited a few weeks they'd get evolution fixed. I did the 10.10 upgrade again today, installed the latest evolution and still cant get it to work with my exchange 20003 server. I ended up restoring 10.04 again. This is the 3rd time I've upgraded and then had to roll back.22:06
chuckh1958It hangs, it crashes, etc. I even tried a clean install and it still doesn't work.22:06
chuckh1958Unfortunately Evolution is the one app I can't live without. If my email and calendar don't work, it's a show-stopper.22:07
chuckh1958Someone needs to write a new linux  PIM that works with Exchange and just scrap Evolution. It's always been the weak link for integrating Linux into the corporate environment.22:08

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