
Kilosmorning superfly nuvolari and others03:14
nuvolariKilos: môre oom04:01
Kilosmore nuvolari gaan dit goed04:02
nuvolariongelukkig nie oom :( Die projek waaraan ek werk kry my onder04:08
Kilosmoed hou seun04:08
corrie206morning all04:10
Kilosmorning corrie206 04:11
nuvolariek probeer oom, moed wil my net nie meer hou nie :P04:11
nuvolarilo corrie20604:11
nuvolariek moet gaan klaarmaak04:11
Kilosverstaan jy dit net nie of is dit te veel werk?04:11
superflymorning oom Kilos05:08
superflyup *really* early this morning05:08
Kilosyeah debs gets home from work at out 5.30am today05:09
Kilosso i try be online05:09
=== smorar is now known as smorar_
nlsthznmorning all06:06
Kiloshi nlsthzn 06:06
nlsthznKilos: How are you? Did you attend the Ubuntu hour yesterday?06:07
Kilosnope. i kinda home bound. would have loved to meet the guys06:08
Kilosbut thats life06:08
Kiloshow you doing06:08
nlsthznok, had two days off... four at work then I am on leave for a few weeks... can't wait :D06:14
Kilosi have a small problem guys. kinda hard to explain but i will give an example06:46
Kilosoften i find certain goodies are working as well as they should and if i go to synaptic and do a reinstall the it downloads a few k and all works again06:47
Kilostill i boot the next day06:47
Kilosseems like dpkg is installing to the front door but once the door is closed for the night it is forgotten06:48
Kilosi have found quite a few packages doing this. especially lib files06:49
Kilosmight still be backlash from my chown fopar where tumbleweed  had to write me a script to get permissions back in order06:50
Kilosits like dpkg is allowed in to the kitchen from the back but not into the lounge06:51
Kilosif that makes sense06:52
Vhata'faux pas'  :P06:58
Kilosyip. massive one06:59
* nlsthzn is confused (nothing new)07:00
Kilosyou were gone07:01
Kiloswhy you confussed now07:02
nlsthznjust catching the last of your conversation with Vhata and it makes no sense :p not that it should I guess :D07:03
Kilosyou were offline for the start07:04
Kilosi will paste it07:04
Kilosits like spam07:04
nlsthznno need :)07:05
Vhatahe wasn't offline07:05
Vhata08:49 -!- nlsthzn [c3e5f236@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #ubuntu-za07:05
Vhata08:50 <Kilos> might still be backlash from my chown fopar where tumbleweed  had to write me a script to get permissions back in order07:05
Vhatayou spelt it 'fopar'.  It's "faux pas", borrowed from French07:06
nlsthzngot that bit...07:06
VhataMaaz: translate faux pas07:06
MaazVhata: stumble07:06
Vhataliterally means "don't do"07:06
Kilosoh sorry07:06
nlsthznsilly french07:06
KilosMaaz, define faux pas07:07
MaazKilos: faux pas \faux` pas"\ (f[=o]` p[.a]"). [F. See {False}, and {Pas}.] A false step; a mistake or wrong measure; especially, a slip or misstep in social etiquette; a blunder in conduct or manners that causes embarassment; as, he committed the faux pas of mentioning John's former wife. [1913 Webster +PJC], faux pas n 1: a socially awkward or tactless act [syn: {faux pas}, {gaffe}, {solecism}, {slip}, {gaucherie}]07:07
nlsthznI made a faux pas :D07:08
Kilosi also made a faux pas07:08
nlsthznI should go away before you taunt me a second time07:08
Kiloshere is the link for the clever fellas that are here yet07:10
Kilosreinstalling lucid is not an option07:10
nlsthznhmmm I am too much of a noob to know :/ I usually re-install if all else fails (but you say it is'nt an option)07:12
Kilosyeah bandwidth07:13
Kilosor i would have done it when i made the "Faux Pas" goodie07:13
nlsthzngotcha... SA needs a few good internet cafe's... one thing that is good in UAE, enough cheap net cafe's07:13
oomkoosmorning people 07:23
Kilosmorning oomkoos 07:24
oomkooshow you Kilos?07:24
Kiloswell ty, and you07:24
oomkoosgood thanks. Monday though.. ugh..07:24
nlsthznlol, here monday is tuesday07:25
oomkooslol closer to Friday then for you07:26
Kiloshi confluency 07:31
nlsthznworking shifts I guess the allure of friday or the bane that is monday doesn't affect me07:38
nlsthznconfluency: Hi :)07:39
Kiloswhat i missed. storm killed connection09:51
* inetpro wondering what to get for lunch10:05
* inetpro enjoyed an incredible Kentucky Tower meal11:18
Vhatabad idea.11:19
inetproVhata: well with the massive shower of rain that we just got maybe I should have gone out to buy this a long time ago11:20
Vhatainetpro: read the last ten tweets on http://twitter.com/vhata (from the bottom up)11:21
* inetpro not sure I understand Vhata's point11:24
Vhatawhat did you learn from the tweets?11:24
inetproVhata: they don't really look relevant to me11:25
Vhatayou didn't answer my question11:25
inetpro1st one being http://twitter.com/vhata/status/232919459588505611:26
Vhatano, tenth from the top is:11:27
VhataMaaz: http://twitter.com/#!/vhata/status/640465135626240011:27
MaazVhata: Huh?11:27
VhataMaaz: http://twitter.com/vhata/status/640465135626240011:27
MaazVhata: vhata: "The Searing Pains would be a good name for a band if they weren't what I was having in my stomach/chest right now."11:27
Vhatainetpro: I was in agony all weekend, just been to the doctor, and he thinks it's gallstones11:27
Vhata"Numerous small gallstones, composed largely of cholesterol"11:28
Vhataenjoy your Kentucky Tower Meal?  :P11:28
KilosVhata, you need another doctor11:29
Kiloshe thinks it's gallstones11:29
Kilosthey can scan and tell you exactly whats up11:30
Vhatayou think I should keep going to different doctors until one diagnoses "the sniffles"?11:30
Kilosno man that ultrasound thing can see stones11:30
Vhatayes, I'm having one of those at 3pm11:30
inetproVhata: yep I really enjoyed that meal, fortunately I do not have it every day11:31
inetproVhata: but man, I'm sorry to hear about your pains11:32
inetprohope they can help you11:32
Kilosthey can cut and remove or shatter them with lazer or something i think11:32
Vhataheh, thanks11:33
Kilosnot pleasant11:33
Kilosgood luck. hope its not too serious11:33
Kilossomewhere inna back of head htere is a niggling thought that you can eat or drink something to help them dissolve11:34
Kiloswill ask sis when she gets home11:34
Kilosmaybe i thinking of kidney stones11:35
Kilosdont wanna make another fopar ( faux pas)11:36
nlsthznhttp://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODgwMQ linus is a bit miffed :)11:38
KilosVhata, if it is gall stones you can eat lots of radishes. 2 to three bunches a day12:00
Kilosand red grapes12:00
Vhataand sweet potato for HIV?12:00
nlsthznlifeboy soap12:00
Kilosno man im serious12:01
Kiloswithin 3 weeks they will be gone12:01
Kilosmy maverick cd has arrived from shipit12:02
Kilosyoo hoo12:02
=== smorar__ is now known as smorar
* inetpro loves sweet potato12:45
* nlsthzn does his best Vanilla Ice impersination "Go ninja go ninja go! Go ninja go ninja go. Go! Go! Go!"12:53
Kiloswhatever that might be13:52
Cantideit's either pacman, or biting13:52
Kilosdont bite. it hurts13:52
Cantideoh ._.13:53
Kiloslol howzit13:53
Cantidegood good '<13:53
Cantideavoiding work by using IRC13:53
Kilosi live here13:54
Cantidehey nlsthzn13:56
nlsthznhello Cantide, how are you?13:56
* Cantide checks limbs13:57
Cantideyep, quite well13:58
nlsthznall limbs acounted for too :)13:58
Cantideaah '<13:58
Cantidesuddenly i have a question '<13:58
Cantidedoes anyone here use pidgin for YM / MSN ?13:58
Cantidemine seems to be broken :|13:58
Cantideperhaps i just need a new version '<13:59
Kilosi pidgin lots13:59
Kilosthere is also #pidgin but you wait some there13:59
Kiloswhats the prob Cantide 14:00
Cantideit won't connect to YM or MSN anymore14:01
Cantidei know it's been fixed for YM in newer versions14:01
Kilosi use pidgin for msn aim mxit and gtalk14:01
Cantidebut my MSN just broke recently14:01
Cantideyeah, mine still works fine for gtalk :)14:01
Kilosdid you try a reinstall in synaptic14:01
nlsthznonly reason I used to use pidgin was for mxit... now no more need... not that empathy is brilliant or anything but it works14:02
Kilosor another msn address14:02
Kilosempathy doesnt have otr nlsthzn 14:02
Kilosoff the record or private14:02
Kilosits a pidgin special14:03
Kilosworks better than otr on irc14:03
nlsthznoh... k, never needed it before I guess14:03
Kilosgood not to have secrets14:04
Kilosmethinks its good for spies14:04
Cantidesounds good for me :)14:05
Kilosand clandestine ops14:05
Cantidelet me play with synaptic a bit and try a reinstall14:05
Kilosgood luck14:05
Kilosi hate it when things break on thier own14:06
Kilosbut msn has been giving probs for 3 days14:06
Kiloshad to use 3 accounts at times before one would get in14:06
Cantidehow do i reinstall it there? i want to get a newer version than the one currently installed .-.14:08
Cantidei marked it for upgrade14:09
Cantidebut the dependencies failed :@14:09
Kilosfor a newer version you need to install the ppa but i dunno how to get that14:09
Kiloswe ask maaz14:09
KilosMaaz, google ppa for pidgin14:10
MaazKilos: "Download Pidgin for Ubuntu" http://www.pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/ :: "#11081 ("Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin ..." http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11081 :: "#10312 (PPA key should be available for download) – Pidgin – Trac" http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/10312 :: "PPA by Pidgin Developers : “Pidgin Developers” team" https://launchpad.net/~pidgin-developers/+archive/ppa/?field.series_filter=jaunty :: "Pa14:10
* Cantide does some browsing14:12
Cantidei'll download it if it's not too big14:13
Kilosit was a tiny file that makes pidgin updateable if i member right14:13
Cantidei see that now14:16
Kilosoh and to reinstall in synaptic you tick on the little block next to pidgin and you get options to reinstall or remove etc14:16
Cantideand when i install it, it says that i already have it installed14:16
nlsthzn:/ Novell has finally accepted a bid for it to be bought... and Microsoft has also gotten there grubby fingers in the pie...14:17
Kilosthen you can also go14:17
Kilossudo aptitude pidgin install14:17
Kiloswht nlsthzn 14:18
nlsthzncould also always first remove it from SC and then re-install pidgin14:18
Kilosif i remember the install with aptitude is also an update command14:19
Cantideaptitude == apt get ?14:19
confluencyNo, but aptitude ~ apt-get.14:20
Cantidewhat he said '<14:20
confluencySome would say that aptitude > apt-get.14:21
LordCowaptitude > apt-get14:21
CantideI can't seem to update it either way - something about dependencies not being able to be installed :|14:21
confluencyLike LordCow, for example.14:21
CantideI see that :D14:21
confluencyWhat is the exact error?14:21
* confluency scrolls up14:21
Cantidepidgin FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU '<14:22
Cantidelet me try Empathy instead then :D14:22
confluencyOh, pidgin.14:22
confluencyUm, what have you tried so far?14:22
KilosCantide, does a reinstall in synaptic also give the dependancies prob14:22
Cantidewell, that ppa14:22
Cantideand i tried to update in synaptic14:22
confluencyWhat PPA, and what error did you get?14:22
Cantidei have an update, remove etc. but no 'reinstall' in synaptic14:23
confluencyUse apt-get or aptitude so we can actually see an error message.14:23
Kilosdo update14:23
Cantidehold on, i tried update manager again and it's now updating other stuff... like flash :|14:24
Kilosin update manager you have the choice what you want to update14:25
Cantideoh, it says "Failed to detect distribution" o_O14:25
Kilosjust untick what you dont14:25
Cantideyeah, i saw that, but there is too much to untick14:25
Kilosdont want14:26
CantideW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin-developers/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pidgin/libpurple-bin_2.7.0-0ubuntu1.1~pidgin1.09.04_all.deb14:26
Cantide  404 Not Found14:26
Cantideseems i have a broken link somewhere '<14:26
drubinMaaz: get http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin-developers/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pidgin/libpurple-bin_2.7.0-0ubuntu1.1~pidgin1.09.04_all.deb14:26
Maazdrubin: 404 Not Found "404 Not Found"14:26
drubinCantide: do sudo apt-get update14:26
drubinCantide: that package doesn't exsist because it has been replaced by another new one :)14:27
confluencyDid you do apt-get update?14:27
Cantidejust did it14:27
confluencyNow try apt-get install pidgin.14:28
Cantideokay, now all i have in update manager is opera lol14:28
Cantideno more pidgin there '<14:28
Cantidei'll try that '<14:28
Cantidepidgin is already the newest version.14:28
Cantide0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.14:28
Cantidelies :O14:28
Cantidepidgin is version 2.5.5, is that the newest one?14:30
Cantidei should have checked the version before i started doing all this :|14:30
confluencyDid you definitely run apt-get update?14:31
confluencyAnd is the PPA definitely added?14:32
Cantidethat's what it tells me14:32
confluencyDo you see lines for it in the update output?14:32
Cantidei'll run it again if you like and pastebin it14:32
confluencyWhat ubuntu version are you running, and what architecture?14:32
Cantide9.04 ._.14:32
Cantideupdating software sources now...14:34
drubin9.04 is unsupported14:34
Cantideoh, then that's why i'm having trouble :p14:34
confluencyYes, this PPA has no Jaunty packages.14:35
drubinconfluency: You need to upgrade to karmic or lucid14:35
drubinCantide: ^14:35
Cantidenot so easy when on a Vodacom HSDPA connection14:35
Cantidedata is expensive14:35
Cantideand canonical won't give me another free CD :p14:35
KilosCantide, where are, you14:36
confluencyJaunty is pretty stale.14:36
confluencyYou should be able to find someone who can get you a free or cheap DVD.14:36
Cantidelooks like i'll have to live without IM until I get 10.10 or so '<14:36
drubinnuvolari: ping14:36
Cantidewell, i have a friend with uncapped, and i asked him to download it for me...14:37
drubinMaaz: get ubuntu14:37
Maazdrubin: 301 Moved Permanently to http://www.ubuntu.com/, which gets a 200 OK "Ubuntu homepage | Ubuntu"14:37
Cantidebut he is being slack -_-;14:37
drubinCantide: http://ubuntu-za.org/get-ubuntu14:37
drubintry that OR try the mailing list I am sure some one will be willing to help you out14:37
Kilosthanks for the help drubin confluency 14:38
Kilosi get lost when things dont work14:38
drubinKilos: No worries you have come a long way since you started.14:38
Kiloswill a lot of help from my friends here14:39
drubinVhata: :( hope you feel better and your stuff gets sorted.14:40
Cantidethanks everyone '<14:40
Cantidedrubin, it seems no one in Durban likes Ubuntu :D14:40
KilosCantide, come back with feedback14:41
Cantideanyway, i'll pester my aforementioned friend :p14:41
drubinCantide: what is '< never seen it before14:41
CantideCantide '<14:41
CantideKilos '<14:41
CantideCantide hi14:41
CantideKilos whatever that might be14:41
CantideKilos afternoon14:41
CantideCantide it's either pacman, or biting14:41
CantideKilos dont bite. it hurts14:41
Cantidesorry, it's a habit i have from using Operanet...14:41
Kilosum also Cantide how come you dont order cds from shipit.ubuntu.com14:42
Kilosthats where i get mine14:43
drubinwhy wont they send you another one?14:43
Cantidei tried once, it refused the credit card details, so i got worried and never tried again lol14:43
Kilosstrange that14:43
Cantidedrubin, i have already received one ( 9.04 )14:43
Kilosi get evry new release from them14:43
drubinCantide: You can ask for another one14:43
Cantideit was also my dad's CC14:43
Cantideso i'd rather not mess it up :p14:44
Cantidecredit card14:44
* Cantide is a lazy typer14:44
drubinyou don't pay for shipit.com14:44
Kilosyou dont need cc at shipit Cantide 14:44
Cantideoh, i must be thinking of the canonical site then14:44
drubinWe can send you a CD free of charge, but it will take from six to ten weeks to deliver, so you may prefer to download the CD image and record it yourself. 14:45
Kilossometimes they arrive in three weeks14:45
confluencyCantide: https://launchpad.net/~pidgin-developers/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/1136979/+listing-archive-extra14:45
confluencyI think you can download the old packages from an archive; they're linked on that page.14:46
Cantidedrubin, at the price of data, it's not practical to download14:46
confluencyYou can try downloading and saving them, and installing with dpkg.14:46
drubinCantide: I know. I was suggesting "we can send you a cd free of charge"14:46
* Cantide has a look at shipit14:47
Cantideconfluency, thanks, i'll try :)14:47
drubinwhere do we report bugs against shipit.ubuntu.com ?14:48
Cantide"Already received too many shipments" lol14:49
Cantide1 == too many -_-;14:49
Kilosno man i get every release from shipit14:50
Cantideshipit has favouritism built in :D14:50
Kiloscantide ask on the lists there must be someone near you14:51
Cantidei still think it's easier to ask my friend to download it...14:52
Cantidei'll see him on Saturday14:52
Cantideso i'll pester him about it then :D14:52
Kilosyes if he will14:52
Cantidehe said he would, but i told him it's not urgent14:52
Cantidenow i decided that it is :D14:52
Kilosjust make sure he gets the image i think its called14:52
Kilosi have never done it. also got bandwidth probs14:53
Kilosso i use shipit and they send every time14:54
Cantidei think he's downloaded before - but an older version obviously14:54
confluencyIf he has unlimited bandwidth, get the DVD.14:54
Kilossince 9.0414:54
confluencyI've found that the torrent is pretty fast.14:54
Cantidemaybe i should create a new launchpad account ._.14:54
Cantideconfluency, from the canonical site??14:54
confluencyYes, they have an official torrent.  They've had it for a while.14:55
confluencyYou can leverage the excellent bandwidth of nice people in Russia.14:55
Cantidei'll tell him that '<14:56
Cantideafk for a while14:57
Cantidethanks for the help everyone :)14:57
Kilosyw sorry it didnt work14:57
Kilosgood luck14:57
Kiloshi maiatoday 15:20
maiatodayhi Kilos15:20
maiatodayhow are things15:20
Kiloswell ty and you?15:20
maiatodaygreat thanks15:21
drubinJust reported my first (and confirmed) but against shipit.ubuntu.com15:21
maiatodayhey drubin15:21
maiatodayshipit bug?15:22
maiatodayhey! is that a gcal plugin I see on ubuntu-za.org15:23
=== Cantide is now known as shongololo
=== shongololo is now known as Cantide
drubinmaiatoday: Hope you don't mind me forwarding your email to the loco16:10
MaazPauly: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell pauly sorry we missed you. It is very quiet here over weekends" 2 months, 4 days, 5 hours, 35 minutes and 40 seconds ago17:52
Paulywhere is everyone?17:52
Paulyanyone who is in cape town?17:52
=== smorar_ is now known as smorar__
=== smorar__ is now known as smorar_
Paulyanyone who is in  cape town to offer me training for web design and maintenance?17:54
Vhatathat's quite a big ask17:59
Vhatathe best way is to just start doing it yourself17:59
Cantideyeah, i taught myself in a few months17:59
Cantideweb dev is relatively simple17:59
Vhatais it really?18:00
Cantidethat really depends how good you want to become :p18:01
Cantideyou could still make something knowing only the basics18:01
Vhatawell that's true of mechanics, cooking, juggling or anything else, so it's not actually really saying anything18:01
Cantideno one starts with the advanced stuff18:02
Vhatano, they don't.  But don't say "webdev is simple", because it's not.18:03
Cantideto each their own18:03
Vhata... really?18:03
VhataCantide: I run the servers for yola.com.  We have four million users - our data is in the terabytes, and it needs to be indexed and searched and accessed on the fly, not to mention backed up in an easily restorable way.18:04
VhataWe need to write software that can run on multiple concurrent servers, because one server cannot handle the load18:04
Cantidethat is not the web dev he was asking about, i'm sure18:05
Vhataso we have to worry about concurrency and consistency and atomic operations18:05
Cantideone person wouldn't just ask about a task like that when he is just starting off18:05
Vhatadon't say "webdev is simple".18:05
Vhata"making a simple thing is simple", yes.  Duh.  Making toast is simple.18:05
Cantidesomeone who says "I want to learn how to cook" doesn't expect to make a gourmet meal for 10018:06
VhataI get that, you don't need to keep repeating that.18:06
VhataBut don't say "oh, cooking is easy", because it's not.18:07
VhataSay "getting started is easy, and you hsould be on your first legs in a short while, and you can build from there"18:07
Vhataalso, Pauly didn't ask about web dev, he asked about web design.18:07
charlvnthe term "web dev" is so diluted it's almost as bad as "cloud computing" or "web 2.0"18:09
charlvnit can describe anything from doing basic html/css to writing complicated backends18:09
drubincharlvn: cloud computer is worse then web 2.018:18
charlvndrubin: agreed, and web 3.0 is even worse than cloud computing :)18:19
drubincharlvn: *nothing* beats "mobile web" imho18:22
charlvndrubin: for sure! after all, the "normal" web got too old, now we need a new, totally separate one!18:25
drubincharlvn: A new "mobile web" "4g" on our new "cloud servers" 18:25
charlvndrubin: that settles it, we're moving straight into the marketing department! gonna introduce this new awesome technology to the world!18:26
magespawngood evening all18:40
charlvn'eve magespawn 18:40
magespawnwe have not met before18:41
magespawnhave we?18:43
charlvnprobably not, pleased to be introduced :)18:43
magespawnindeed. ;)18:45
=== smorar_ is now known as smorar__
inetproheh charlvn, good to see you here19:48
inetproVhata: you talking to us from the hospital?19:48
charlvninetpro: hey :)19:49
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:44
wedwo-Nag Oompie, lekker doedoes!20:44
Kilosdankie meneer20:44

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