
intraderAnyone, I have trouble synchronizing Tomboy notes; one second computer connected to ubuntu one, I am not able to see the notes synchronized from first computer.00:58
intraderAnyone listening that may help with Tomboy synch with ubuntu one?01:13
intraderStaff, is there anyone  listening that may help with Tomboy synch with ubuntu one? Or is this the appropriate place?01:16
intraderStaff, is there anyone  listening that may help with Tomboy synch with ubuntu one? Or is this the appropriate place?02:12
duanedesignmorning all08:48
duanedesignaquarius: we forgot to have a beer together at UDS and talk about 'interesting uses for ubuntu one' :)11:35
mahenHi !11:40
duanedesignhello mahen11:41
aquariusduanedesign, we did. Bah!11:43
mahenduanedesign: do you know if I should open a bugreport for the timeout problem ? (indeed : my client keeps uploading data infinitely but never finishes a 350MB file apparently because of some timeout -- I upload at about 100KB/sec)11:45
duanedesignmahen: i am glad you mentioned that11:46
duanedesignmahen: i meant to look and see if a report exists for that11:47
mahenah :)11:47
duanedesignlet me poke around and see what i can find11:47
mahenok, thanks !11:47
vdswhat about:14:02
vdsdobey mandel_ nessita thisfred ?14:04
nessitavds: thanks14:04
=== mandel_ is now known as mandel
nessitashall we?14:07
nessitavds: go!14:07
vdsDONE: branch to port to a newer python-couchdb version proposed #675551 still waiting for one review, started a branch of python-couchdb to port the oauth session from DC to python-couchdb, code review14:07
vdsBLOCKED: not at all14:07
vdsCardinalFang: go14:07
CardinalFangDONE: reviews.  Reconcile my proxy branch and get-port branch; might be tricky.14:07
CardinalFangTODO: review and merge remaining branches.14:07
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None14:07
nessitaDONE: branch for bug #627496 and bug #677518, more folders tab for control panel bug #674455, talked with Asif about UI usability issues, weekly call14:07
nessitaTODO: wrap up branches for aforementioned bugs and fix ussoc nightlies14:07
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:07
nessitaNEXT: mandel14:07
nessitaNOTES: today is holiday in Argentina, tomorrow I'm taking the day off (swapp from today)14:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 627496 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Registration screen looks cramped when big fonts selected (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62749614:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 677518 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Split gui code to allow other implentations (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67751814:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 674455 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Add "Folders" tab to UI (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67445514:08
mandelDONE: branch reviews for desktopcouch. Finished changes for #680039, #675522 and #67553014:08
mandelTODO: new msi to share for testing. Finish command manager to fix #675842. Propose merge fo my desktopcouch work. Provide images of Ubuntu One iwndows for cparrino.14:08
mandelBLOCKED: no14:08
* mandel looks at thisfred14:08
thisfredDONE: bug 510159 bug 678313 TODO finish 510159 and start packaging BLOCKED no14:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 510159 in desktopcouch (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Split desktopcouch in two: a records library that can be used on the server and a desktop application/library (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51015914:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 678313 in desktopcouch "Use Abstract Base Classes in RecordDict and MergeableList (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67831314:09
nessitaany comments?14:09
nessitadobey: stand up?14:09
mandelwait, we have to use bug rather than # for the bug numbes?14:10
nessitamandel: we said that last week! :-)14:10
nessitamandel: is the difference between hal and ubot414:11
mandelnessita, really?  was not reading :P14:11
nessitamandel: I can tell :-P14:11
nessitaok, eom it is?14:11
mandeloh! ubot4 I hate u!14:11
dobeyλ DONE: discovery and some work on 677162, 677211, 677480; initial branch for 677632;14:14
dobeyλ TODO: releases, nightlies, banshee tests14:14
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:14
mandelnessita, do you know if lucio and guillermo are on holidays, marianna needs them14:14
nessitamandel: yes they are14:15
nessitamandel: if urgent, I can contact them14:15
mandelnessita, I think, so, let me see14:15
mandelnessita, can you tell them to contact marianna asap, they need to book the hotel asap for the sprint14:16
mandelnessita, which is next week!14:17
nessitamandel: I'll talk to marianna14:18
mandelnessita, ok14:18
mandelnessita, I started to fill like a 'corre ve y dile' :P14:18
nessitamandel: already handled14:28
mandelnessita, thx!14:29
mahenduanedesign: did you find a bugreport concerning the issue btw ?15:29
duanedesignjoshuahoover: do you know if their is a bug report about the timeouts when uploading large files over dial up connections?16:07
joshuahooverduanedesign: not that i'm aware of, though it's likely there's something there for timeouts when uploading large files16:09
mahenduanedesign: okay then, I'll file a report about those :)16:36
duanedesignmahen: ok :)16:38
duanedesignmahen: can you post the bug numbers here when you do. Thank you!16:39
mahenduanedesign: here it is : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/68012816:55
ubot4mahen: Error: Bug #680128 is private.16:55
rajulhi all18:06
rajulyou have a typo18:06
rajul"This share is no longer available18:06
rajulThis share has already been accepted by someone else.18:06
rajulIf this is now what you where expecting, try contacting the person who gave you the link.18:06
rajullast sentence, 4th word18:06
nessitarajul: thanks! can you please file a bug?18:13
nessitarajul: please detail where you're seeing this typo18:14
rajulnessita: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/68015918:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 680159 in ubuntuone-client "Typo in a string after clicking an expired shared-folder-link (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]18:18
nessitarajul: where are you seeing this? nautilus? web site?18:19
nessitathisfred: would you be up for a review? not trivial but fun (?)18:20
nessitarajul: ah, web site. Thanks!18:20
rajulyes :-)18:20
thisfrednessita: in a minute18:21
nessitathisfred: awesome!18:21
thisfrednessita: paste me the link!18:21
nessitathisfred: the high count of diff'ed lines comes from moving files from a directory to another https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/split-gui/+merge/4136918:22
thisfrednessita: I'm on it. I may ask you for one in return. Also not small, but for the greater good: the branch that will start enforcing u1lint  in desktopcouch. (and thus fixes a bazillion lint issues.)18:24
nessitathisfred: sure, shoot!18:24
nessitathisfred: for my merge proposal, detailed instructions on testing were added as description18:24
=== didrocks1 is now known as didrocks
rickspencer3hi all18:27
nessitahi rickspencer3, how are you?18:27
rickspencer3I've been keeping all of my notes in a desktopcouch app18:27
rickspencer3I want to reinstall, how can I make sure all my notes are safely on the server?18:28
nessitavds, CardinalFang, thisfred: can you take this one? ^18:28
thisfredrickspencer3: that's a tricky one. Are those tomboy notes, or a different db altogether?18:30
rickspencer3thisfred, different18:30
rickspencer3it's my own app18:30
thisfredrickspencer3: ah ok. (should still be using the same db, but that's a different discussion for a different day ;)18:30
rickspencer3thisfred, no18:31
rickspencer3I thought tomboy went through this screwy snowy API18:31
thisfreda successful replication will signify they're there, but those are hard to come by18:31
CardinalFangrickspencer3, you can verify by looking at the replication log.   ~/.cache/desktop-couch/log/desktop-couch-replication.log18:32
CardinalFangrickspencer3, A line starting   asking 'http://localhost:42715/' to replicate todo to {'url': 'https://couchdb.one. ...18:32
thisfredrickspencer3: it does, but it does end up in the notes database, and as long as your app respects the notes record type, and puts everything else in application_annotations['daily-journal'] your notes would work in both apps18:32
thisfredbut again, that's for later18:32
rickspencer3thisfred, does the ubuntuone preferences dialog cover desktopcouch, or such file sync?18:32
CardinalFangrickspencer3, with the appropriate db for "todo".18:32
CardinalFangrickspencer3, and following that is the result line.   replicate result:  {'status': '200', ...18:33
dobeypreferences does not list arbitrary databases to toggle sync of18:33
rickspencer3but when it says "sync in progress" does that count for desktopcouch?18:33
dobeyonly some known ones, like bookmarks, contacts, and gwibber18:33
dobeythe status is just for files18:33
dobeydesktopcouch is not synced on-demand18:34
thisfredrickspencer3: we will be working on getting succesful replication notices into zeitgeist this cycle, which will then tell you when the last one for a particular db was. But that's not started yet18:34
thisfredrickspencer3: no it does not AFAIK18:34
dobeythisfred: but still, they will not be on demand, right?18:34
thisfreddobey: nope, although we could add that18:34
CardinalFangPushed on demand, but we don't know when the demand is for pulling.18:35
thisfredrickspencer3: so the replication logs are your best bet for now18:35
thisfredrickspencer3: to be super sure, I'd back up the .couch file before reinstalling18:35
nessitathisfred: is zg tracking any desktopcouch db? I don't think so...18:35
=== larsemil_ is now known as larsemil
dobeyCardinalFang: i guess we'd have to add something to the storage protocol for that, and have syncdaemon tell desktopcouch to sync18:35
nessitathisfred: I mean "will"18:35
CardinalFangdobey, Yes.18:35
rickspencer3so if there's no status:200 since 3 days ago, I am not up to date?18:36
rickspencer3if I backup .couch and then just copy it over when I reinstall, will that work?18:36
CardinalFangrickspencer3, Yes.  And yes.18:36
rickspencer3CardinalFang, where is .couch?18:37
CardinalFangrickspencer3, to make sure we're talking about the same thing:   ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/18:37
thisfrednessita: I think that's on the roadmap, right?18:37
rickspencer3I see .local/share/desktop-couch is not small18:38
* rickspencer3 drums fingers18:38
nessitathisfred: we will track zg events for ubuntu one related, you aresaying that independent dbs will be tracked too?18:38
nessitathisfred: I'm not sure, that's why I'm asking you18:39
thisfrednessita: eh, every db in couchdb is ubuntu one related, unless you disable replication, right?18:40
thisfredin desktopcouch couchdb that is18:40
thisfredThis is part of what we'll be figuring out I guess18:40
thisfredwe don't want to flood the user, but it'18:41
thisfredd definitely be interesting to know about successful replications, esp. as long as they are not the norm :(18:41
nessitathisfred: hum18:41
nessitathisfred: I think I need to talk to alecu about this to have a clearer picture18:42
thisfrednessita: my branch (now starting on reviewing yours) https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/desktopcouch/my-use-devtools/+merge/4149718:43
thisfrednessita: I have only the vagues understanding of the ZG work, so I could be completely wrong18:43
thisfredIt would not be the first time18:43
nessitathisfred: reviewing...18:44
rickspencer3geeze, mu couch directory is 5.3 gigs!18:46
kklimondarickspencer3: and without gwibber_messages.couch?18:46
rickspencer3I don't know18:47
thisfreddon't discount the views for gwibber_messages18:47
kklimondaI remember this particular database using a lot of space in the past18:47
thisfredwho live in separate files18:47
thisfredyeah, it's huge, because gwibber stored every single message as it comes in, which is the worst way to write to couchdb.18:48
thisfredcompaction helps18:48
thisfredbut we don't do that automatically18:48
nessitathisfred: running ./run-tests fail with18:49
nessita    fp = open(bookmark_template)18:49
nessitaUnboundLocalError: local variable 'bookmark_template' referenced before assignment18:49
thisfredhuh, weird, does not do that here18:50
nessita  File "/home/nessita/canonical/desktopcouch/review_my-use-devtools/desktopcouch/application/start_local_couchdb.py", line 207, in update_bookmark_file18:50
nessitathisfred: want the full trace?18:50
nessitathisfred: ah! I know what can be. I don't have desktopcouch installed (I needed to confirm that gwibber doesn't use dc anymore)18:50
dobeyyou shouldn't need it to be installed to run tests in the tree18:51
nessitadobey: makes sense, but I want to confirm that's the issue18:51
nessitathisfred: desktopcouch needs to be installed at system level to test run18:52
thisfrednessita: yeah, I see. That sucks18:52
nessitathisfred: any idea why?18:52
thisfredalso that implies it talks to the real bookmark file18:52
nessitais it easu fixable?18:52
thisfrednessita: it should not18:52
thisfredlet me see.18:53
nessitathisfred: also, I've got this failure https://pastebin.canonical.com/40030/18:53
nessitaError, I mean, Error18:53
thisfrednessita: when you do ./run-tests do the first two lines look like this: https://pastebin.canonical.com/40031/ ?18:54
dobeypastebin.ubuntu.com for publicly visible things.18:54
nessitadobey: thru18:54
thisfreddobey: sry force of habit18:54
dobeythisfred: there are at least 3 instances of desktopcouch that get started up in the tests18:55
nessitathisfred: yes, they do. full run at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/535307/18:55
thisfrednessita: thx18:56
nessitathisfred: there are also some logging formatting errors (TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting)18:56
nessitathisfred: those should be fixed as well18:56
thisfredCardinalFang: so desktopcouch tests seem to require desktopcouch is installed. That's pretty bad... :(18:56
thisfrednessita: Yeah, I have no idea where they come from... :S18:57
nessitathisfred: I'll help you find that18:57
CardinalFangthisfred, eh?18:58
thisfredCardinalFang: nessita is reviewing my branch, and it breaks horribly18:59
thisfredCardinalFang: while the tests pass hee18:59
nessitaCardinalFang: uninstall desktopcouch and related and try to run the tests18:59
nessitathey won't run18:59
nessitaCardinalFang: full trace http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/535312/19:00
thisfredSo for one thing start_local_couchdb.py is under tested, since there is a path through it that leads to the use of an undeclared variable19:01
CardinalFangnessita,   PYTHONPATH=`pwd` ./run-tests     # what does this do?19:02
nessitaCardinalFang: let's see19:02
nessitaCardinalFang: exact same trace19:03
dobeyCardinalFang: u1trial adds . to the sys.path19:03
nessitaCardinalFang: try it yourself, uninstall everything dc-related19:03
CardinalFangnessita, doing now.19:03
nessitathisfred: bin/desktopcouch-pair line 653 should be logging.exception("Service %s had an error", srv_name)19:04
nessitainstead of logging.error("Service %s had an error", srv_name, e)19:04
thisfrednessita: thx, good find19:04
dobeynessita: more correctly it should probably have a ": %s" added at the end of the string19:04
nessitathisfred: checking if that was the only issue....19:04
nessitadobey: nopes19:05
nessitadobey: on try:except you have to use logging.exception19:05
nessitaand not log the exception yourself19:05
nessitadobey: logging.exception handles the logging of the exception within a context where an exception occurred in a graceful manner19:06
nessitathisfred: that wasn't the (only) problem, I ll keep checking19:06
* dobey suspects there may still be many problems, but less than there were before19:07
nessitaI meant regarding log formatting... not the whole thing :-)19:07
nessitathisfred: also, but this is mostly me thinking out loud, there mixed are %s and %r19:08
nessitathere are mixed*19:08
nessitathisfred: no need to change that noe, of course19:08
nessitathisfred: same fix (logging.exception instead of anything else) on desktopcouch/application/pair/couchdb_pairing/dbus_io.py:103 (though this case should not be failing)19:11
nessitathisfred: same file, same fix, line 13319:11
thisfrednessita: huh? You mean use the comma syntax and %r in both?19:13
nessitathisfred: nopes, replace logging.<whatever> for logging.exception19:13
nessitathisfred: and remove any formatting19:13
nessitathisfred: do you know what logging.exception do?19:13
nessitathisfred: if not, what I'm saying is probably chinese :-)19:14
thisfrednessita: I can guess probably19:14
nessitathisfred: let me show you19:14
blipanybody there19:15
nessitathisfred: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/535316/19:15
thisfrednessita: in testing your branch, to what do I connect d-feet?19:15
nessitathisfred: the exception traceback is automatically logged when using logging.exception19:16
nessitablip: hi there19:16
thisfrednessita: awesome, fixing that19:16
nessitathisfred: you just need to add a proper message, without caring about the exception19:16
nessitathisfred: regarding d-feet, you need to connect to the session bus19:17
nessitathisfred: File -> Connect to Session Bus19:17
nessitafilter per com.ubuntu.sso service19:17
thisfrednessita: thx, gotcha19:17
blipi have got several tropuble when i want to connect19:18
blip to the server19:18
blip in my computer19:18
nessitathisfred: and in the /com/ubuntu/sso/credentials path, browse the CredentialsManagement iface19:18
nessitablip: how are you connecting? what ubuntu are you running?19:18
blipis not running19:18
blip well19:18
blip i put  the ubuntu into19:19
blipvirtual machine19:19
blip but is not working19:19
nessitablip: how can you tell is not working?19:19
dobeythisfred: fwiw, i just proposed a branch to add coverage reporting to u1trial, as well19:19
nessitablip: I mean, what are you expecting to see that you're not seeing? what ubuntu are you running?19:19
nessitathisfred: same logging.exception fix for start_local_couchdb.py:23419:21
nessitathisfred: no! sorry, my lie. That line is juts perfect19:21
thisfreddobey:  let me know if you want me to review that19:21
dobeysure, go ahead19:22
thisfreddobey: I like show_missing=True, but fear I may be alone in that19:23
dobeythisfred: i wouldn't mind if it didn't make the output harder to read19:24
thisfreddobey: yeah, a little, but there's an easy and fun way to make it prettier: increase coverage ;)19:25
dobeyyes, well. i'm not going to increase coverage of everyone else's code just to make the output easier to read19:25
thisfredI like to see when there's a single statement or maybe two untested in a file. That's low hanging fruit, usually19:25
thisfreda percentage doesn't tell me that without doing math in my head, which it's not cut out for ;)19:26
nessitathisfred: found another issue: (desktopcouch/application/migration/__init__.py)      53             logging.info("Migrating DB: ", db.db.name)19:26
dobeyyeah, but for large files with little coverage, you get multiple lines of output from show_missing19:26
thisfrednessita: thx fixing19:26
nessitathisfred: and that was the last culprit (as far as test coverage goes)19:27
thisfrednessita: revno 224 pushed19:28
nessitathisfred: ack19:28
thisfreddobey: +1d19:28
dobeythisfred: if it was '\n\t'.join(x.name for x in missing_methods) or something, then i'd like it more :)19:28
thisfrednessita: I can't get the import errors you promised when testing your branch19:29
nessitathisfred: what dbus methid you invoked? login or register?19:29
thisfreddobey: since you parse and redisplay the lint output..... ;)19:29
thisfrednessita: both19:29
thisfrednessita: commented on the proposal19:29
nessitathisfred: are you sure you're running the dbus service from my branch?19:29
dobeythisfred: show_missing doesn't give parseable output in the respect. it just gives a string of number pairs19:30
thisfrednessita:  I ran the killall and start from your branch yes19:30
thisfreddobey: yeah, let's forget about it for now, any coverage stats at all are awesome19:30
nessitathisfred: so, let's go from the top since the ImportError should appear :-). I'll be asking silly questions but I want to know we're in synch. How do you setup a branch to review it?19:31
thisfrednessita: bzr branch lp:~nessita etc.19:34
thisfrednessita: wait!19:35
thisfrednessita: I lied19:35
nessitathisfred: so, recommended way of setuping a review is: branch project trunk, then bzr merge target branch to ensure that target branch doesn't generate conflicts19:35
nessitathisfred: you did?19:35
thisfredThe import errors are totally there19:35
nessitathisfred: I told you! :-P19:36
thisfredI just expected errors in the UI or something :)19:36
nessitathisfred: ah no, we signal back every outcome19:36
thisfredbut they're in the console of course19:36
nessitathisfred: my bad for not being explicit about that19:36
nessitaI'm too used having alecu doing the reviews (bad nessita, bad!)19:36
thisfrednah, it's pretty obvious if you're not stupid.19:37
thisfredI was just doing twelvity things at once again19:37
thisfrednessita: +119:39
nessitathisfred: awesome, thanks!19:39
nessitathisfred: I'm still having the test Error on your branch desktopcouch.application.pair.tests.test_couchdb_io.TestCouchdbIo.test_get_database_names_replicatable19:40
nessitathisfred: I do have desktopcouch installed19:40
nessitamaybe I need some other package?19:40
thisfrednessita: I don't think so. CardinalFang any ideas? (test error at the end of http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/535307/ )19:41
thisfredI have never seen that one before19:42
dobeyoh i know how to fix that19:45
dobeyone second19:45
dobeythisfred: in test_couchdb_io.py change the import of unittest from twisted.trial to just be import unittest19:46
thisfreddobey: will do19:47
nessitathisfred: I tried trunk but I've got ImportError: No module named coverage19:48
dobeyah fun19:48
thisfrednessita: ah, yeah, that runtest.py assumes you have coverage installed.19:48
thisfredthat is gone on my branch, but ....19:49
nessitaok, I'll wait your fix then19:49
dobeywell, gone partially19:49
thisfreddobey: we can't skip that one test then. I think I'll kill it anyway. It talks to the internet.19:49
dobeythisfred: skip the one io test?19:49
thisfreddobey: there's a conditionally skipped test19:50
dobeythisfred: the reactor error when away when i switched it to use plain unittest19:50
thisfreddobey: ah yes, but your provider likely does not hijack non existing domains then19:50
CardinalFangthisfred, No, I don't have any specific idea.19:50
thisfredwhich goes to show that the test is not all that unit ;)19:51
thisfreddobey: fun, now I get the sorted error19:51
dobeythisfred: well i didn't see anything in the runtests.py that suggested it did anything beyond just collecting the tests and running them, in that respect19:52
dobeythisfred: so i presume the issue is coming up now because u1trial installs a glib twisted reactor19:52
dobeythisfred: where runtests.py did not19:52
dobeythisfred: i guess it was always sullying the reactor, but there wasn't always a running reactor19:53
nessitaCardinalFang: any news on the tests depending on an installed dc?19:57
dobeynessita: i wonder what specifically is requiring something to be installed, there19:58
* nessita wonders too20:00
thisfrednessita: pushed 225, which should solve the reactor issue20:00
nessitadobey: ah, I just remember. Any news on the nautilus plugin crash issue? I'm having u1client-gnome uninstalled because it kills my syste,20:00
nessitathisfred: ack20:01
dobeynessita: i have not seen any new information on it, no20:02
nessitadobey: what new info do you need? besides the one from Thomas20:02
nessitathisfred: I have tons of FIXMEs and TODOs20:03
nessitaXXX I mean20:03
nessitaand some lint errors:desktopcouch/application/pair/__init__.py:20:03
nessita    19:  [W0511] FIXME constants should be upper case20:03
nessita    31:  [W0611] Unused import httplib220:03
nessita    32:  [W0611] Unused import socket20:03
dobeynessita: i need a backtrace from him. even with the extra glib symbols, your backtrace simply looks like something is corrupting memory somehow, and isn't making much sense20:04
nessitadobey: is there any chance you give  review the nautilus plugin to look for "obvious" memory issues?20:04
thisfrednessita: yes, if I understand correctly, those will not block landing branches, but hopefully nag people into fixing the issuyes20:04
nessitathisfred: I agree on XXX and FIXMEs (though I think they do block tarmac)20:05
nessitathisfred: but the unused import should be fixed20:05
thisfrednessita: ah yes, that's weird20:05
dobeynessita: i looked at libsyncdaemon where your trace points, and i don't see anything there.20:06
thisfrednessita: unused imports removed in 22620:07
nessitathisfred: ack20:07
thisfreddobey: Did I misread u1lint? It seems to do *something* special with W0511 messages20:07
thisfreddobey: to be clear, my question is, will these block in tarmac?20:08
thisfredMy hope is no :)20:08
thisfredMy name is legion20:09
dobeythisfred: "maybe"20:10
thisfredI can live with maybe20:10
dobeythisfred: i think pylint exits with a non-zero value now for FIXME, where it didn't used to20:10
dobeythisfred: if your branch gets blocked by that, i can hack u1lint to do something about that20:10
thisfredthat would suck, but I can make them into TODO I guess :)20:10
thisfreddobey: will let you know20:10
dobeyalthough, actually, i also have to change the config to use ./run-tests instead of ./runtests.py before it will potentially succeed anyway20:11
nessitathisfred, dobey: from my POV, I prefer tarmac not landing branches with XXX and FIXMEs and TODOs20:11
thisfreddobey: I thought I saw some hackery to that effect in u1lint already20:11
nessitathisfred, dobey: and making those bugs in LP20:11
dobeynessita: they should be bugs if they are going to be there, but i don't think we should block on them being there20:11
dobeyblocking on bugs existing in the code is dumb, because there are always going to be bugs20:12
nessitathisfred: so, in the code we may find a comment like # needs better implementation (LP: #XXXXX)20:12
CardinalFangnessita, thisfred, I have a patch for the not-installed testing problem.  That problem was created last Friday or so.20:12
thisfrednessita: I agree in principle, but after fixing a gazillion lint issues, I'm not gonna file 200 bugs as well20:12
nessitathisfred: I understand.20:12
thisfredCardinalFang: awesome, let me at it!20:12
nessitadobey: the problem is how do you enforce people filling bugs for XXXs and related?20:12
dobeythisfred: there is some hackery in that respect, but the exit code gets looked at before whether or not the lint warnings contained the W0511 values20:13
thisfredah ok20:13
dobeynessita: well, we could add code to ensure that there is a bug in the comment20:13
nessitathisfred: ok, test pass, lint issues solved (except those XXX and related). Reviewing code now.20:13
dobeynessita: such that it has to be "FIXME http://launchpad.net/bugs/532434"20:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 532434 in linux (Ubuntu) "E: linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2 (affects: 1) (heat: 11)" [Undecided,Expired]20:14
nessitadobey: that seems, to me, a bit overkill. Just reject branches with lint issues, no matter what they are20:14
dobeythanks for nothing botboy20:14
nessitaand we don't have to add any logic20:14
dobeynessita: that seems overkill, since W0511 isn't a lint issue exactly20:14
nessitalike I said, that was my POV20:15
dobeynessita: we could just disable the warning and it would have same effect20:15
dobeythe whole point of enabling that in pylint is so that they are visible, not necessarily to block on them20:15
nessitathisfred: why did you moved the docstring in bin/desktopcouch-get-port?20:15
nessitathisfred: the correct place for the docstring is *after* the copyright and license20:16
thisfrednessita: not according to pylint20:16
dobeyyes according to pylint20:16
nessitathisfred: maybe you misread the message?20:16
dobeyoterhwise it would have to be before the #! comment too20:16
dobeythe message is just misleading20:16
thisfreddobey: nope it accepts that first20:16
dobeythisfred: it accepts any comments first20:17
dobeythe message is just misleading because it says "line 1"20:17
nessitathisfred: I'm testing now, I'm pretty sure lint will not make moving the docstring20:17
thisfrednessita: dobey ah, maybe it's the pep8 checker then?20:17
thisfredI get warnings when it's not at the top20:17
dobeyor well, the message is misleading20:17
dobeywhoever prints the message20:17
nessitathisfred: I'm running pylint with the docstring moved and I have no messages related to that20:18
dobeythisfred: the first line of executable python code must consist of a docstring20:18
dobeythisfred: the number of comment lines above it is inconsequential20:18
thisfreddobey: nessita, I will move them back wherever I did that.20:18
nessitathisfred: yes please, and show me the error if you have any20:18
nessitathisfred: the docstring itself is not pep-257 compliant, but that's another issue20:19
thisfrednessita: it's probably as dobey says and I misread the message20:19
nessitaand lint will not complain about that20:19
dobeywe need a docstring linter20:19
thisfredanyone know how to grep for """ at the beginning of a file? :)20:19
nessitathisfred: instead, I would recommend:20:20
nessitathisfred: bzr diff --old=../trunk --using=meld20:20
nessitathisfred: that's how I check the code when reviewing20:20
nessitaand you can edit in place20:20
thisfrednessita: yeah, but I may have done some of them on previous branches20:20
nessitathisfred: argh, and who approved!!!!!20:20
thisfrednessita: also I don't like to edit in meld, it leaves whitespace, and insrets tabs if you're not careful20:21
thisfrednessita: not you, that's for sure :)20:21
nessitathisfred: yes, that's the only con I have20:21
nessitathisfred: maybe this would help:20:21
thisfrednessita: I love it for reviews though, or figuring out what went wrong :)20:21
nessitafind -name '*.py' | xargs head20:21
nessitathisfred: that will show the first 10 lines of every .py file20:22
nessitathisfred: though that will not cover bin/, you should go by hand there20:23
CardinalFangthisfred,   find . -type f | while read f; do sed -e 'p;q' "$f" |grep -q '^"""' && echo $f; done20:23
thisfredCardinalFang: I want to marry you. I will tell my wife tonight.20:24
thisfredonly 52 files :)20:24
dobeyyou changed 52 files to put the docstring at the absolute top?20:29
dobeysucks to be you ;)20:29
thisfreddobey: no way less20:29
thisfreddobey: a lot of them have no copyright20:29
thisfredalmost done20:30
dobeywhat. files without copyrights?20:30
thisfredyeah SSSSH!20:30
thisfredI'm not doing it20:30
dobeyi think i will add a checker for that too20:30
thisfredyou can't make me20:30
dobeysure i can :)20:30
thisfredI will review the branch gladly20:30
* dobey writes a tarmac plug-in for that real quick20:30
mterryAnyone here able to talk about the ubuntu-sso dbus API for applications?20:31
thisfredmterry: nessita would be my best guess20:32
* mterry gives a pregnant look at nessita20:33
thisfrednessita: 227 pushed, now with less stupid!20:34
nessitamterry: I'm here!20:34
nessitamterry: I hope the pregnancy is not contagious :-P20:35
nessitaotherwise we should not be talking20:35
mterrynessita, no touching, don't worry20:36
nessitamterry: what can I do for you?20:36
mterrynessita, so...  sil was talking to me (the maintainer of Deja Dup) about adding support for backing up to Ubuntu One server-side-only storage20:36
mterrynessita, and he pointed me at part of the story, the sso bits to log into Ubuntu One20:37
mterrynessita, and I played with it, but I don't get it.  :)20:37
nessitamterry: yes, we currently provide a Dbus service to query for credentials for any app. What programming language are you using?20:37
mterrynessita, let me explain my confusion in a sec20:38
mterrynessita, (vala)20:38
nessitamterry: ok, I read you20:38
mterrynessita, I call login_or_register_to_get_credentials and it opens a pretty little dialog, but I'm thinking it's not solving my use case, and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to use instead.  This API asks for stuff like a terms url and reads like I'm asking the user to sign into *Deja Dup*, but I want something to log into *Ubuntu One*20:39
nessitamterry: right, so, 2 things20:40
nessitamterry: are you coding for natty and above, right?20:40
mterrynessita, yes20:40
nessitamterry: so you should be using the new SSO iface (what you're using is the old one). The difference is onyl about how parameters are passed, so we can talk using the old method as reference, but you will need to migrate to new one (should be fairly easy)20:41
nessitamterry: if your goal is to check if a user has a Ubuntu One token, you should query the find_credentials() method, passing as parameter 'Ubuntu One'20:42
mterrynessita, I should be using /com/ubuntu/sso/credentials instead of /credentials, I'm guessing?20:42
nessitamterry: yes! and the iface is called CredentialsManagement20:43
nessitamterry: please note this method, in the new iface, will not return immediately since the keyring can block20:43
mterrynessita, oh.  the old iface specifically talked about how great it was that it wasn't blocking...20:43
nessitamterry: on the new iface, you should call find_credentials('Ubuntu One', {})20:43
mterrynessita, ACK20:43
nessitamterry: that will return thru signals: either CredentialsFound or CredentialsNotFound20:44
nessitamterry: if no credentials were found, here comes the need of using GUI part20:44
nessita(so far no GUI was involved)20:44
thisfredTaking a break from all my worries sure would help a lot.20:44
mterrynessita, oh wait. when you said blocking, you mean non-blocking it sounds like, if it returns via signals20:44
nessitamterry: yes, sorry, I wasn't clear enough. Former find_credentials was indeed blocking since accessing the keyring is blocking20:45
thisfrednessita: ping me if there's more wrong with my branch, though, or when you approve it. That one is sort of urgent.20:45
nessitathisfred: I will20:45
nessitamterry: new find_credentials, is not blocking and return thru signals. So, back to the GUI need: the user has no Ubuntu One credentials and you want to offer to her to either login in or signup20:46
dobeyso complex20:47
mterrynessita, yup!20:47
nessitamterry: and here comes the tricky part (I'm just realizing that this is indeed tricky and we may provide an easy way to solve this, but I need to discuss a new idea with my boss)20:47
dobeywell he wants to tell ubuntuone to offer that20:47
dobeynot to do it himself so much.20:47
nessitadobey: yes, we should offer a dbus call, whithin u1 to get new accounts20:48
mterrynessita, yeah, seems like the register+login call is gone, split in twain.20:48
nessitamterry: theoretically, you should invoke 'register' or 'login' with a fixed set of parameters, specific to Ubuntu One20:49
nessitaso, specific params will be:20:49
nessitaapp_name: 'Ubuntu One'20:49
nessitaextra args, a dict with:20:49
* mterry is thinking that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SingleSignOn/UbuntuSsoClient could use all this info :)20:50
nessitamterry: yes, we have a bug to update that :-)20:50
mterrynessita, but continue, interested in the dict info20:50
nessitaextra dict: {'tc_url': "https://one.ubuntu.com/terms/", 'ping_url': "https://one.ubuntu.com/oauth/sso-finished-so-get-tokens/", 'help_text': "Ubuntu One requires an Ubuntu Single Sign On (SSO) account. This process will allow you to create a new account, if you do not yet have one."}20:51
nessitamterry: as you can see, that parameter set is extremely specific to Ubuntu One20:51
nessitaso we should definitively offer a shorcut whithin ubuntu one20:51
mterrynessita, :-/  Yeah20:51
mterrynessita, for translation purposes if nothing else20:52
nessitamterry: I can provide a solution (or a plan) next Wednesday. Can you wait until then? or use something else until then (like the log call)?20:52
mterrynessita, yeah no rush at all.  I'm just doing some prep work in the UI before the backend stuff (pushing/pulling/listing files in Ubuntu One) is done20:52
mterrynessita, do you know anything about the ETA for that stuff?20:53
nessitamterry: please define "that stuff" :-)20:53
nessitajust to be sure I m etaing the right thing20:53
mterrynessita, my app needs the ability to put, get, and list files in U1 server-side-only storage (from Python this time)20:54
nessitamterry: hum, as far as I know we currently don't have the ability to put, get and list files. We should check with aquarius (sil) if that's part of the plan for  the new AIPs20:55
nessitamterry: I can provide ETAs for the replace of the get credentials burden :-)20:55
mterrynessita, the first parameter of this dbus API, it seems like it shouldn't be translated (used as a key for credentials), but at the same time, it is shown in the UI20:56
nessitamterry: the app name is never translated20:56
mterrynessita, aquarius has been talking to me about the need for those API bits20:56
nessitaUbuntu One is the same in any language20:56
mterrynessita, well, OK.  Fine for Ubuntu One.  But this seems like a more general-purpose API, and may not be true for other things?20:57
dobeymterry: just because something is shown in the UI, it shouldn't necessarily be translated.20:57
nessitamterry: it is a general purpose api, to create a SSO account to any app. We assumed the app name is not translatable...20:57
mterrynessita, ahem, back20:58
mterrynessita, well, I don't really care, since I'm only interested in Ubuntu One here, but I wouldn't have thought that was a safe assumption20:59
nessitamterry: I see. I'll make sure to add that to the wiki page20:59
nessitamterry: so, regarding the API for file management, we should ask sil. You can count on the improved Dbus method to specifically create a Ubuntu One account, but currently is not available21:00
mterrynessita, dobey's right though that perhaps you want to only show the untranslated version for security reasons or something, but I don't know the places these strings get used21:00
dobeymterry: well it doesn't really matter if the string does get translated or not, though21:00
dobeymterry: it's just a string label. if the user is using a translation they will probably understand what it is if they look on the web or wherever it might show up21:01
mterrynessita, sure.  He mentioned that someone else was working on the files API.  I don't recall who21:01
nessitamterry: ah, ok21:01
mterrydobey, with that attitude, why bother translating anything at all  :)21:01
dobeymterry: well brand names shouldn't be translated. they are in fact, untranslatable.21:02
mterrydobey, that's not true.  Plenty of brands have localized versions.  I think McDonald's has a phonetic version in Chinese and such21:03
dobeymterry: yes, well; people do actually do stupid things sometimes, without necessarily thinking about the consequences.21:03
mterrydobey, but brands aren't the same as applications names.  Calculator's name is translated21:03
dobeymterry: calculator is not an application name. gcalctool is not translated.21:04
dobeybut gcalctool isn't really shown in the UI anywhere21:04
dobeyonly in the about box21:04
mterrydobey, right, and that's why I'm asking how these strings are used.  If the API wants an appid, gcalctool should be passed, if it wants something to present to the user, _("Calculator") should be passed.  Hence my request to be able to pass both fields.21:05
nessitamterry: your request makes sense and with the new dbus iface we can add extra parameters without breaking the dbus api to former clients21:07
nessitamterry: right now, the (visible) app name is also the app id21:07
dobeyi don't think it makese sense; but only because i don't see any technically valid reason to haave anything other than what the user sees21:08
dobeyand in either case, "Ubuntu One" should never be translated21:08
mterrydobey, the point is that the user would see the translated version (unless we only want to show the appid for security reasons -- i.e. to prevent malicious apps fooling people)21:13
CardinalFangthisfred,  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/code-split-changes-relative-path-to-configs/+merge/4151521:14
dobeymterry: i don't think that is a valid way of implementing security. at least, it is very easily defeatable21:15
thisfredCardinalFang: ah, thanks, so that was all my fault then? :)21:15
nessitathisfred: shall I retry?21:15
CardinalFangEh, the compulsory-auth test fails too, so no.21:15
dobeymterry: it is very easy to get a translation for the app name; probably more so in ubuntu for certain apps, given that translations may installed without the application being installed21:16
mterrydobey, probably agreed re:security.  I was just trying to think of reasons you didn't want to show the translated name21:17
mterrydobey, but a naive attempt at getting app name would fail in the case of gcalctool being the appid21:18
mterrydobey, hence why the app needs to provide it21:18
dobeymterry: i don't have any good reason to not show _("Calculator") or something; but for "Ubuntu One" we are not called "Ubuntu Uno"21:18
mterrydobey, I have not been talking about the Ubuntu One case at all here21:19
dobeymterry: i don't think the app providing both is going to solve that issue.21:19
mterrydobey, solve which issue?21:20
dobey16:18 < mterry> dobey, but a naive attempt at getting app name would fail in  the case of gcalctool being the appid21:20
dobeybasically i don't see any valid technical reason to provide the appid21:21
mterrydobey, ah, you've been anti-appid.  My understandings of your comments made me think you were anti-translation21:21
dobeyat that point, we're basically attempting to implement another crappy third party web authentication mechanism over dbus21:21
dobeymight as well just generate UUIDs for developers and tell them to keep them secret :P21:22
mterrydobey, how else would sso find your credentials without a key (the appid)?21:22
nessitathisfred: ping21:23
thisfrednessita: eh sry retry what?21:23
dobeymterry: the same way it does now?21:23
nessitathisfred: I'm confused (a bit). Are the docstring issues solved?21:23
nessitais the not having dc installed issue solved?21:23
dobeymterry: currently if you use translated strings there, it means if you change your translation, you have to log in again.21:24
dobeybut eh21:24
mterrydobey, right, that's the problem we're talking about21:24
thisfrednessita: 1. yes, on my branch in rev 22721:24
thisfrednessita: 2. hopefully, on chad's ^^ branch21:24
dobeymterry: right. i guess i don't see any reason that things that would use translatble strings there, would have to use sso. but eh21:25
nessitathisfred: have you pushed rev 227?21:25
thisfrednessita: yep21:26
nessitathisfred: ok, starting fresh since I don't have those21:26
mterrynessita, btw, the new-style API dropped the combined register+login.  The expectation is that my app will show both options to the user, rather than having that choice (login/register) be made sso-side?21:26
nessitamterry: if you try them both, you'll see that the GUI is the same. Register also offers login at the bottom, like before21:26
nessitamterry: login provides login inly21:27
nessitamterry: we improved just the names and parameters21:27
nessitaand asynchronism (if such word even exists :-P)21:27
dobeynessita: would you care to review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-dev-tools/add-coverage/+merge/41503 ?21:28
nessitadobey: I'm happy to21:28
mterrynessita, OK, cool.  I was expecting when I originally tried register_and_login that the login would be high-priority and there would be a small button to register.  But it was the other way around.  Is it so rare that a user would need to login?  (because as an app author, I can't see why I would ever call 'login' and thus assume that there is no way the user hasn't already got an account)21:29
nessitamterry: software center app wanted this funct6ionality21:29
dobeynessita: thanks21:29
mterrynessita, what's the use case for the login call then?  (use case would be greatly increased if there was a 'register' button in the login screen)21:30
nessitamterry: I'm not sure, they ask "we want a login only screen, with no visible registration"21:30
nessitathey ask for*21:31
mterrynessita, oh, the login-only was the Software Center ask.  I assumed they asked for the register-focus21:31
nessitaat that point our schedule was really tight and the APIs were fixed21:31
mterrynessita, well, I suspect most users are familiar with a web-style login that offers the ability to login and a small button for the once-in-a-lifetime register press.  The way the API is now, as a non-Software-Center app author, I can't imagine calling 'login', so must call 'register'.  But I feel that that screen is so busy  and unfamiliar as a login mechanism that the user might think it's *only* for registering21:33
nessitathisfred: I may be crazy myself, but bin/desktopcouch-get-port keeps having the docstring at the top21:33
nessitamterry: I agree. Can you please add a bug report to ubuntu-sso-client to include registration on the login screen?21:34
thisfrednessita: oops may have skipped those, since they're not .py21:34
nessitathisfred: same for bin/desktopcouch-pair21:34
mterrynessita, OK21:35
thisfrednessita: 228 pushed21:36
nessitathisfred: same for bin/desktopcouch-service21:36
nessitathisfred: did you fix all the bin scripts?21:36
nessitathisfred: SERVICE = DesktopcouchService(init_mainloop()) should not use uppercases21:37
nessitathisfred: only module level constants are upppecases21:37
thisfrednessita: yeah, probably not, I'll escape that instead21:38
nessitathisfred: lint will not complain21:38
thisfredyes it will21:38
nessitathat's not a module level constant21:38
nessitano! :-)21:38
nessitathisfred: I just tried it21:38
thisfrednessita: ah, not with our pylintrc. It did before though21:39
thisfrednessita: ah, no: it does not because the C0103 is escaped in the file21:39
thisfrednessita: because the filename itself is ungood21:40
thisfredgood enought for me21:40
mterrynessita, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/68024021:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 680240 in ubuntu-sso-client "Provide a combined login+register screen with an emphasis on logging in (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]21:41
thisfrednessita: pushed 22921:41
nessitamterry: awesome, thanks!21:41
nessitathisfred: thanks!21:41
nessitathisfred: not related to your branch, but: why are you accessing the keyring?21:47
dobeyyay, my computer locked up again :(21:48
dobeynessita: desktopcouch stores couchdb authentication tokens in the keyring21:50
dobeynessita: not for sso, but for local couchdb21:50
nessitadobey: can that use ussoc?21:51
dobeyit has nothing to do with connecting to the internet21:51
nessitadobey: but sso can store and find credentials without internet21:51
nessitaand now, we have dropped the dependency with the keyring! using the dbus service, so this would work out of the box with kwallet21:52
dobeynessita: it completely abstracts the keyring api? or it requires all the extra sso related stuff for that?21:52
nessitadobey: it abstracts storing, finding and clearing credentials21:52
nessitayou do need to provide an app name21:52
dobeyi don't think the way it does that makes sense for things that don't use the SSO21:53
nessitadobey: by "extra sso related stuff" what do you mean?21:53
dobeynessita: anything extra that is not directly required in the secretes storage API21:54
nessitadobey: then no, no extra sso bits21:55
dobeythen what does it need the app name for?21:56
nessitadobey: to create a token name21:56
nessitathisfred: approved. Great work, really, you rock!21:56
nessitathisfred: you may wanna set the commit message?21:57
dobeynessita: i don't think that's the way it should work.21:57
nessitadobey: I imagine you would say something like that :-)21:58
dobeynessita: well there is a conflict of interest there.21:59
thisfrednessita: many thanks, that was an epic review.21:59
nessitathisfred: it was! but I'm happy to have made it (please correct my crappy english)22:00
dobeynessita: ussoc creates tokens name "app name-machine" right?22:01
nessitaapp_name @ machine_name22:01
dobeyright; i don't think that's relevant for the desktopcouch tokens in question22:03
nessitadobey: is just a token name...22:04
dobeyso is a uuid22:05
nessitathisfred: can you please do another review? this one is much easier than the one before, and very similar review process https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/store-creds/+merge/4152122:06
nessitathisfred: description on how to test, attached to the  merge proposal22:07
thisfrednessita: sure thing, I'm on it22:07
dobeyanyway, i'm outta here for the night; later22:07
thisfredlater dobey22:07
nessitadobey: ping before you go22:08
nessitadobey: shouldn't the import coverage be conditional to having it installed?22:08
nessitaok, gotta go22:24
nessitasee yall tomorrow!22:24

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