
ScottLTheMuso, persia:  i am running update again and it appears to be working04:02
TheMusook great.04:02
ScottLTheMuso,  update completed, ran debuild, received a few lintian warnings, and fixed all but one04:24
TheMusoOk cool.04:25
ScottLit was complaining about the misc depends for the ubuntustudio-audio package, which will be a transitional package04:25
ScottLpersia said to remove the ${misc:depends}....should i put it back or ignore the lintian warning?04:25
ScottLTheMuso, ^^^04:27
TheMusoHrm lmms hasn't been looked at.05:29
TheMusoIts a warning for a reason. :)05:29
TheMusoLeave it out.05:29
persiaLintian could probably use a patch to detect transitional dummy packages, but that would require a real resolution to the debate over their format (which hasn't been active in a while, but was last given up with a consensus that if the tools handled it, it was probably correct)06:46
ScottLTheMuso, quadrispro said he knew what the problem was on lmms and was taking care of it12:01
ScottLalso i haven't received an email about uninstallable binary on it for a couple of days12:02
ScottLTheMuso, persia: i will leave the miscellaneous, depends out then (which is what i would thinking), thank you12:03
ScottLi'll should have the debdiff this evening then (about +18 hours hence)12:03
scott-workTheMuso: rereading the scrollback (well, logs actually) i might not have explanined the misc depends clearly13:57
scott-workTheMuso: lintian was telling me that the package did NOT have a misc depends13:58
quadrisprogoing to have a shower, persia: thank you very much!13:58
quadrisprosee you later guys13:58
persiaquadrispro, It's not me: you earned it.13:58
scott-workbye quadrispro  :)13:58
scott-workdid quadrispro garner an accolade?13:59
scott-workpersia: severla days ago i was speaking with quadrispro about lashd and jack session15:49
scott-workhe informed me that development for lashd has stopped, which i felt was unfortunate as we are now just including it in the image15:50
scott-workhowever, he did say that despite lack of development, it apparently is well developed so we should see use from it for a while15:50
scott-workbut i expect that means that jack session will be the viable path in the future15:51
persiaI think we should use what works today, even if it's not exciting upstream, and adopt the new upstream model once it's mature.15:52
falktxscott-work: what about ladish ?15:52
scott-workfalktx: i don't know that much about ladish at the moment15:53
falktxafaik, it's not in debian yet15:53
scott-worki also note that the build log for the daily still inlcudes phonon, kdebase-runtime and other kde packages :(15:53
falktxscott-work: i suppose it's Qt15:54
scott-worki remember looking at qjackctl's depencies and thinking it wouldn't pull so much in but i certainly could be wrong15:55
scott-workit does look like one place it is bringin in phonon is from the audio-common seeds15:56
scott-workugh, it also appears like it may be in the video seed as well15:56
scott-workalthough the build logs appear to contain fewer kde packages15:59
falktxscott-work: someone has to install it and check16:02
scott-workfalktx: i have a previous natty install (from approximately a week ago) that i can check a few things16:06
scott-worki used rdpeneds to try and check some of the kde stuff but so much as installed it became unintelligible (literally in the case where i tried to generate a map with graphviz and dot)16:07
scott-works/as installed/was installed16:07
scott-workobviously someone should port qjackctl to gtk16:08
* scott-work is kidding16:08
falktxscott-work: i'm still working on the US live-dvd thing16:10
falktxinternet is still slow16:10
falktxubuntustudio sure has a lot of software....16:12
falktxscott-work: some packages are way big and not really needed (lilypond-doc has 150mb), why not removing it ?16:13
scott-workfalktx:  i would like to reduce the size of the image16:17
quadrisprofalktx, does festige depend on something related to VST?18:41
quadrisprodoes it need to build against any VST-related stuff?18:41
falktxquadrispro: no18:41
quadrisprofalktx, please give me the URL18:42
falktxquadrispro: it needs a header file, but it uses a free one from LMMS18:42
quadrisproScottL, I've become core-dev (hi!)18:42
falktxquadrispro: i havent updated the webpage yet, but the sourceforge release file should be 0.9.218:42
quadrisprofalktx, I took a look somedays ago, now I don't remeber what the problem was18:43
quadrisproyep, going to download the file18:43
falktxi'll give you the final link18:43
falktxquadrispro: http://sourceforge.net/projects/festige/files/0.9.2/festige-0.9.2.tar.gz/download18:43
quadrisprofalktx, I'm on it, does it need fst?18:44
falktxquadrispro: no, it has one built-in18:44
falktx(patched for ladish support)18:45
falktxquadrispro: the source package already has a debian folder :)18:45
quadrisprofalktx, fst was available in Debian -> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=40294518:45
falktx"was" ?18:46
falktxquadrispro: ha, i know about that18:47
falktxquadrispro: please note on the webpage, http://www.joebutton.co.uk/fst/ :18:47
falktx29 Jan 2009 - Development now continues in git. The VST headers are not required anymore. execute git clone "git://repo.or.cz/fst.git" to get it.18:47
falktxVST headers are not required18:47
falktxquadrispro: that was the only issue afaik18:47
quadrisprowell, I'm going to make the 'fst' package first18:48
falktxmake sure you get git code18:48
quadrisprofalktx, did you get your alioth account?18:50
falktxquadrispro: for fst, make sure you get git code, cause it's the one that doesnt need VST header18:51
falktxquadrispro: i think so...18:51
quadrisprofalktx, where fst's git branch is?18:51
falktxquadrispro: http://repo.or.cz/w/fst.git18:52
scott-workquadrispro: congratulations on core-dev!   that is super cool :)18:54
quadrisprothank you scott-work !18:54
quadrisprofalktx, off... they don't provide an homepage, I see...18:54
quadrisproone is http://www.joebutton.co.uk/fst/ but seems not up-to-date18:55
quadrisprofalktx, I need some time to fix a wrong upload of faad2, would you mind to get in touch with upstream in order to get more information about the current status, their plans for the future, etc etc?18:56
falktxquadrispro: sure18:58
falktxno prob18:58
quadrisprofalktx, feel free to CC me18:58
falktxtime to go18:58
scott-workin digging through the daily build log, the number of kde pacakges is greatly reduced, perhaps 1/2 remain20:18

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