
aJynkshey guys.. new user stupid question.... but where is the firefox internet cache in xubuntu?01:19
ridinaJynks: i think ~/.mozilla01:28
aJynksridin, that is where mozilla is but where is the internet cache?01:30
lightaHi guys, i'm looking for some help on java, what the real channel name ? #java only on invite02:42
charlie-tcaWe don't appear to have a java specific channel, but you should be able to get help in #ubuntu02:44
lightaok thanks02:44
charlie-tcaA good reference for channels is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:44
charlie-tcathere are many others not on that, but that is a good starting point, ususally02:45
charlie-tcafound java too, ##java02:46
charlie-tcayou have to have both # signs02:46
lightayeah I tryed this02:47
lightabut nothing append :(02:47
charlie-tcaI went right to it with /j ##java02:47
lightamaybe my irc client02:48
charlie-tcaIn Xchat, I can just left-click the channel in the window here and go there, too02:48
lightayou have xchat ?02:48
lightatryed all this02:48
charlie-tcaMight be the irc client is cancelling out the second # sign02:48
lightastill got no other room02:48
charlie-tcaYes, all I use is xchat and weechat02:49
lightaand right now your on xchat ?02:49
lightawell it doescn't really matter, i'll just try java-talk02:50
charlie-tcayes, I am on xchat now02:50
charlie-tcabut not Xchat-gnome02:50
scrubnubOF CHRISTMAS PAST03:38
bazhangscrubnub, xubuntu support question?03:38
ridinit's the present, he lost04:06
Jyujinkaianyone use Krusader file manager and docky? Cause the normal way of putting Krusader on docky (by right clicking the icon and going pin to docky) dosn't work.. anyone know how to stick it to docky?06:00
Jyujinkairidin, hmm seams ti si just /tmp bgtw06:00
menotknowhello i have 10.4 and i was wondering how to upgrade to 10.0 and does is it hdmi compatoble07:43
menotknowp.s i can not get into 10.4 after i upgraded my video card07:48
menotknowi anyone here?07:53
TheSheepwhat does "hdmi compatoble" mean?07:54
TheSheepI mean I assume you meant compatible, but what does that mean?07:55
menotknowmy video card is ran in hdmi and i can not get in xubunt as of now and i was if i upgrade can i get into it with my hdmi07:55
menotknowi have a radeon hd 5770 video card07:56
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:56
TheSheepI don't know much about it, maybe look at that page and if that doesn't help, search the forums07:57
menotknowi can not get into it so i can not not run any commands its just a black screen07:58
TheSheepalt+ctrl+f1 should get you to a text console07:59
menotknowthank you08:00
menotknowi will try to do what the page told me to do thank you for your help08:00
mr_danielI need to make some network tests and want to virtualize 2 or 3 three guest systems with Virtual Box10:08
mr_danielI though maybe xubuntu is a good choice to do this, because xubuntu is more lightweight then ubuntu is10:09
mr_danielwhat do you think? should I choose xubuntu or another distribution? I have a laptop with 3GB of RAM10:09
Sysiif you can have 1GB for each OS, doesn't matter10:14
mr_danielI also just found lubuntu which uses LXDE intead of Xfce10:19
mr_danielXfce is about 200 MB, LXDE only about 30 MB in size10:20
TheSheepbut looks like win95 :P10:20
mr_danielI think I'll first test Lubuntu and see if all software I need is runable, if not, I'll switch to xubuntu10:20
mr_danielwell, that is not a problem if it looks like Win95 :) I only need a runable Linux environment to make seom network tests10:21
TheSheepthen why do you need gui at all?10:21
mr_danielwell, I need because the software I use and want to test in different networking environments has a GUI for various reasons10:26
ubuXubuwow i didnt know there was that much differene between lxde and xfce11:29
Sysiexept that they have totally different UI?11:30
mark76Hey ubuXubu!11:37
mark76You mean they have a totally different default UI, Sysi11:38
mark76Making one look like the other is easy11:38
Sysilast time i tested, lubuntu looked very nice11:39
mark76Aye, it does that11:39
mark76And Xubuntu's not looking too shabby these days either11:39
mark76It's interesting that both community based spins have chosen a blue palette for the UI11:40
Sysiblues is default for many things11:41
Sysiit's safe and still goodlooking11:41
mark76Waking up one morning and finding your woman done gone left you being one of them11:41
* mark76 plays some d7th chords11:42
mark76No wait11:42
* mark76 plays some 7th chords11:42
mark76Xubuntu has come a long way since the days of Rodent11:46
* TheSheep likes greens and yellows11:48
mark76You love Fluxbuntu then ;)11:48
mark76You'll love Fluxbuntu then ;)11:48
TheSheepnot really11:53
TheSheepxfce is optimal for me in terms of window manager behavior11:53
mark76I was kidding11:53
ubuXubuhowdy mark7611:59
ubuXubunone of the buntu distro utilizes green as the default?12:00
ubuXubuahh correct again sysi! you are on fire today!12:00
mark76Isn't Mint a derivative rather than a distribution of Ubuntu?12:01
TheSheepmark76: what's the difference?12:01
mark76Canonical doesn't support Mint?12:02
TheSheepit's deosn't really support xubuntu either12:02
TheSheepit recognizes it as an official distro12:02
TheSheepthat's all, I think12:02
ubuXubuits odd hoe the only actuallt recognize ubuntu and kubuntu12:03
mark76It is rather12:03
ubuXubuthe rest are like sateliite editions or something12:04
mark76I guess it's to discourage forking12:04
ubuXubuthere is a place for the 4 big ones12:04
ubuXubuits the baziniion others that are not needed12:04
mark76The Box based spins12:04
ubuXubuif all the buntu combined forces to make 4 perfect dsitros, it would be better12:05
mark76Although, technically...12:05
mark76By our DEs combined we are12:06
mark76Captain Ubuntu!12:06
mark76Anyway, yeah. Technically Lubuntu is a *Box based spin12:07
TheSheepeverything is a derivation, nothing is original anymore12:08
mark76Spri appears to be dead. So that's one less12:10
ubuXubunever heard of that one12:13
mark76It was based around IceWM12:15
mark76Originally called Icebuntu12:15
YcareneAnyone know why I'd lose the ability to use my mouse within applications, lose the ability to alt-tab and lose the ability to switch programs using my mouse, all while my mouse still works to click icons on the desktop?13:06
knomecharlie-tca, you there?13:10
YcareneHow do I get Xubuntu 10.10 to install the 64 bit flash player?13:47
leoquantlibflashplayer- from the site/ or a mor recent version. unpack it then: sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins14:05
leoquantremark from adobe: We have closed the Flash Player 10 for 64-bit Linux program on Adobe Labs and have made Flash Player “Square” available14:06
charlie-tcaknome: Good morning14:56
ubuXubuwelcome to xubuntu share15:09
shareim thinking of installing xubuntu15:11
shareon my old machine15:11
sharethe specs are: 434mb ram, 1010mhz cpu, 18gb hdd15:11
shareand what version should i install? 10.04 or 10.10?15:11
likemindeadEither will work. Depends on whether you're more interested in Long Term Support (10.04) or the newer, more bleeding edge (10.10).15:12
sharelikemindead: ill try 10.04 then15:14
nordleIs anyone using Sound Juicer in 10.10?  It's not reading most of my CD's in either DVDRW drive (there are two).  Was fine under 10.04, this is a fresh install but with /home files copied back over.15:42
nordle"Sound Juicer could not read the track listing on this CD.Reason: Cannot access CD: The specified location is not mounted"15:42
likemindeadHmmm... I haven't tried Sound Juicer yet in 10.10. Let me go grab a disc, nordle, and I'll give it a try.15:44
Sysimount the cd?15:45
nordlelikemindead: It worked fine for the first disc, then failed on the next and the next etc.  Tried the other drive, same issue, rebooted, same issue.  http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?p=1407096#post140709615:47
charlie-tcaDid enough change that it needs a new config file for 10.10?15:47
nordlecharlie-tca:  I'll try copying the config out and starting afresh... don't want to delete if possible, as took a while setting up the flac,mp3, ogg etc settings :)15:49
nordlemmm ~/.config/sound-juicer exists but is empty except for an empty genres file.15:51
likemindeadYeah, worked fine here, nordle.16:03
nordlelikemindead:  cool, can you do 150 of my discs :)  Thanks for checking, so its something to do with me using old configs most likely.  Did you try two different discs?16:05
likemindeadI did.16:05
nordleI might try asunder, its quite similar.16:06
nordleAsunder works fine, so i need to delete the sound-juicer configs.  Maybe even gstreamer.16:10
sharei can't load xubuntu 10.04 livecd17:32
sharei checked md5 hash and burned at low speed17:33
shareno one knows?17:41
likemindeadKnows what?17:44
* share lol17:49
* charlie-tca thinks we all know 18:23
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:09
subspiderhow do i know wat driver is my webcam using23:00
Sysilspci -k23:06
subspiderhello Sysi23:37
subspiderlook o managed to flip my camera23:37
subspiderif someone have same problem23:38
subspiderat least for me is working23:38

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