
hughbertgood morning03:29
hughbertanybody up?03:29
=== ebel_ is now known as ebel
czajkowskihows folks12:29
ebelyo yo12:30
ShaneMHey tdr11213:17
infoturtleoh no!16:24
IRWolfie-probably dodgy bnc16:25
lau1any one knows were I could borrow an ADSL "modem" for a few hours18:06
infoturtlewhere are you?18:06
lau1Co.Dublin (balbriggan)18:07
infoturtledam, I have one but I'm limerick, sorry18:07
lau1no bother it's a long shot18:07
jtoomeyhello all19:19
infoturtle:) hallo!19:19
jtoomeyhi! hows it going?19:20
infoturtleall cool,messing with layouts for the ubutu-ie page and various other nerd things, any news from the front line?19:22
jtoomeynot really tbh. bored out of my tree in a lecture at the moment...19:25
jtoomeyubuntu.ie is it?19:25
jtoomeyclearly not19:25
infoturtleyea, like i said just messing,wana see the colour and layout I did, again nothings fully coded and its a play thing19:26
jtoomeythe colour and top banner could do with a refresh ...19:27
infoturtleI know it's so dull19:28
jtoomeymore purple/orange :D19:28
infoturtleI went with orange cause of countdown to the maverick meerkat release was orange19:29
jtoomeythis is awesome:http://i.imgur.com/rNOlQ.jpg19:29
infoturtleha ha!! now thats a headline!!19:30
jtoomeythe site looks cool!19:30
jtoomeybit more alive anyway :D19:30
infoturtlethank you, I've only been 2~3 hours at t and nothings proper coded but it can get done19:31
jtoomeyi wonder if you could use this at all - for consistancy: http://font.ubuntu.com/19:31
infoturtlesure no prob19:32
infoturtleI'll change it later tho cause the match is about to start19:32
jtoomeyah, cool19:33
jtoomeyhey - hows it going?19:37
czajkowskigood thanks19:37
czajkowskihow are things?19:37
jtoomeygrand thanks, bored in college :D19:38
czajkowskiwhere are you in college?19:38
jtoomeyDIT Kevin St.19:38
jtoomeyczajkowski: do you know anyone who is good with GTK+?19:41
czajkowskinot of hand I don't sorry19:41
czajkowskichances are there is an irc channel though19:41
jtoomeysure, ill have a look, thanks!19:43
czajkowskioff hand I jsut dont know19:44
ShaneMgnome dev channel or something?19:45
ShaneMI usually ask gtk questions in the vala channel19:45
ShaneMBut I'm doing vala coding, so I don't know if they'd be so helpful.19:46
jtoomeyvala eh?19:46
ShaneMIt's a C# like language19:47
ShaneMCompiles to C19:47
jtoomeyah ok cool19:47
jtoomeythat looks good19:48
ShaneMIt's alot faster then C# though19:48
ShaneMAnd sometimes faster then C++19:48
jtoomeythis vala thing looks interesting - is it used much?19:50
ShaneMAlot of new gnome applications are using it19:50
ShaneMBecause it allows for faster development19:50
ShaneMHmm trying to think of applications using it now.19:50
ShaneMShotwell on Ubuntu is made using Vala19:51
ShaneMI think all applications made by yorba.org uses Vala.19:52
jtoomeyit doesnt have anything to do with Mono does it?19:52
ShaneMBasically how it works19:53
ShaneMIt you code in Vala and the vala compiler converts it to native C code.19:53
jtoomeyah cool19:53
ShaneMSo it doesn't use a Virtual Machine like C#19:53
ShaneMSo there's less overhead and the application is faster.19:53
ShaneMIt's a pretty new language, but I think it's slowly becoming the standard language to use for gnome applications.19:54
jtoomeyah ok - cool19:55
jtoomeyill take a look at the tutorial when i get a chance..19:55
jtoomeyit looks very JAVAish19:56
ShaneMHmmm well it you've used C# it's very very similar.19:57
ShaneMIt does some things very different to Java.19:57
ShaneMI don't really program in Java, so I can't comment really past the documentation.19:57
jtoomeyi have only had a few run ins with C#19:57
ShaneMAh I see.19:58
jtoomeyits really interesting to see where things are going19:59
ShaneMIn terms of Vala or in general ?19:59
jtoomeywell - with vala being the next step for gnome development19:59
ShaneMI think it really speeds up the process.20:00
ShaneMAnd you're not really compensating on speed either.20:00
jtoomeyis there an ide or something? C# is nothing without the VS ide..20:00
ShaneMSo I think it's a win win.20:00
ShaneMWell there's an IDE called Val(a)IDE20:00
ShaneMBut it's actually quiet simple to compile from terminal.20:01
ShaneMAnd I'm not really a terminal guy either.20:01
ShaneMOr you can use the gedit plugin http://yorba.org/valencia/20:02
ShaneMI rather not use the gedit plugin because I use gedit for reading files quickly20:02
jtoomeyah interesting20:02
ShaneMBut I'd go with ValaIDE20:03
ShaneMIt's nice.20:03
jtoomeyso despite my best efforts i have learned something tonight :P20:03
ShaneMI'm still learning Vala stuff, so I'm not too far behind you :)20:03
jtoomeywhat are you using it for?20:03
ShaneMJust hobby20:03
jtoomeyah ok20:04
ShaneMAt the moment I'm writing my own IDE20:04
ShaneMSo I can learn more about compilers, lexers, parsers etc.20:04
ShaneMI also thought it might be cool to try and make an XNA styled framework for Vala.20:06
infoturtleXNA is Not an Acronym20:10
ShaneMIt's a game framework for C#20:12
ShaneMBut it only works on Windows and Xbox.20:12
infoturtlefor winodws20:12
jtoomeyahh ok20:12
ShaneMAnd it's proprietary.20:12
infoturtlemono is in linux but not as good20:12
ShaneMXNA doesn't work on Linux.20:13
ShaneMBecause it's using Direct3D is assume.20:13
infoturtleis it? I use it and have never paid??20:13
ShaneMis it what?20:13
infoturtle proprietary, that means you have to pay, dosen't it??20:13
ShaneMinforturtle: Naww just means they don't release the source code.20:14
infoturtleoh, well that made me look stupid....20:14
ShaneMSome you have to pay licences for like photoshop or something.20:14
ShaneMBut some like say windows media player which is free is proprietary, as in you can't view the source, only use the software.20:15
ShaneMinforturtle: It's ok :)20:15
infoturtle^^, I get it now, i was told steam will never come to linux cause its proprietary and i thought that ment you had to pay for it's services20:16
ShaneMOh naww20:16
ShaneMIMO Steam coming to Linux is more about there being a user base and not the price.20:16
ShaneMI think the people who want Steam on Linux don't care about it being proprietary.20:17
jtoomeyi dont see it happening any time soon..20:17
infoturtleyea, I'd just love to drop windows altogether, still use games and .net20:17
ShaneMI stopped using Windows when I finished college.20:18
infoturtleno,even if it will games will still not run as well20:18
ShaneMjtoomey: I think it's a good bit away, but sooner then alot of people think. I mean Value has already ported most of their games to OpenGL. So there's not too much work left for Linux support.20:18
infoturtleI tried running unreal in linux before, it's not worth it, someday maybe tho20:19
ShaneMHmm well alot of depends on how it's made.20:21
jtoomeythere is still the issue of closed source drivers for graphics cards which never seems to go away *cough* *nvidia* *cough*20:21
infoturtleha ha nice stab jtoomey20:21
ShaneMLike if you play something like Penumbra it runs like a dream on Linux.20:22
infoturtleoh ya?!20:22
infoturtlemight check that out20:22
ShaneMSo alot of it has to do with developers not spending enough time or not knowing enough about Linux development20:22
ShaneMLike say with World of Goo, they had issues with OpenAL on linux20:22
ShaneMI would assume because they don't know music about pulse audio/gstreamer etc etc on Linux.20:23
infoturtleI know but is it not worth looking into for them to make sales? it'sodd that they don't20:23
ShaneMIt is an it isn't20:24
jtoomeyi used to play EVE Online on linux - they had a native client but they gave up developing it becuse they simply wernt getting enough users... pity20:24
ShaneMFor Linux most Linux people are happy that they even have the game20:24
ShaneMAnd they're more willing then Windows users to accpect bugs20:24
ShaneMProvided it doesn't ruin the game or anything.20:24
jtoomeythen again - you will see a lot of movement in the casual game space on linux for mobile devices - android/meego etc on phones tablets/netbooks/phones - thats what its all gonna be about soon enough20:25
jtoomeycasual games like angry birds20:25
infoturtleyea good point20:25
jtoomeyanyone go to the meego conf in dublin last(?) week?20:26
ShaneMNaww I couldn't make it20:26
ShaneMI talked to some people about the event20:26
ShaneMSeemed pretty positive.20:26
jtoomeythey gave away a shedload of netbooks AFAIK20:26
infoturtleI'm in limerick,I miss all the good events20:26
ShaneMjtoomey: They gave away freed netbooks?!20:27
jtoomeyinfoturtle: <insert knife joke here>20:27
ShaneMApparently there was a big point made on upstream and how that's the main focus. Which pleased alot of people.20:27
infoturtleha ha heard em all before20:27
jtoomeyShaneM: yeah - not sure how many but.. lots20:28
ShaneMjtoomey: Ah fuck it20:28
ShaneMI should have went20:28
ShaneMI have a ticket :(20:28
jtoomeyinfoturtle: my da' is from limerick - i think hes likley to punch the next person who makes a "stab city" ref20:28
jtoomeyShaneM: i was trying to find out what day/event you had to go to to get one but noone knew20:29
infoturtlethey getold20:29
infoturtlejtoomey I changed the font but don't really see the difference20:29
infoturtleduno ifI changed it for sure20:30
jtoomeyhave you guys seen this? http://notthenewsireland.wordpress.com/2010/11/22/imf-to-negotiate-directly-with-westlife/20:30
jtoomeyi LOLed20:30
infoturtlehttp://infoturtle.ie/Ubuntuie/index.php# dose that look like the font? I can't tell, lol20:32
ShaneMOh, the ubuntu-ie page is being done up? :D20:33
infoturtlemessing with the look at the moment, it's not for sure, just an idea20:33
ShaneMSome of the letters aren't displaying for me in the "F�gra agus Imeachta�"20:34
infoturtleha ha ya i know, I just going to use english because of the fadas20:34
ShaneMAh ok :)20:34
jtoomeythe black text looks Ubuntu-ish20:35
jtoomeynot sure about the rest20:35
ShaneMWhy don't you just use the default ubuntu font?20:35
ShaneMI'd say you should try and keep the top bar looking like the ubuntu.com and replace the right ubuntu logo with ubuntu-ie.20:36
infoturtlethats the one I was trying to use, I don't own that server, I just rent it off some crowd, I have to add the font myself20:36
ShaneMJust my personal pref, but like you're design, do what you want :)20:36
ShaneMinfoturtle: You could use google fonts, I'm sure they have the Ubuntu font up there.20:36
ShaneMThat way you don't need to have access to the server.20:37
infoturtleegg-salad, just changed the font name to jibberish and nothing saved so the fonts there aren't Ubuntu ones, I'll look at this "google" your talking about20:38
ShaneMgoogle have a font database and you can link it in your page.20:39
ShaneMSo you don't need to have it on your server.20:39
infoturtleno ubuntu font there20:40
infoturtlewell I cant see it20:40
ShaneMAh :(20:40
ShaneMdroid sans look nice too20:44
ShaneMBut I think you should use the Ubuntu font since it's like Ubuntus.20:44
infoturtleya, I still want to use em, I'll keep trying sure, noting better to do and the match is pretty bad20:45
infoturtleuse the Ubuntu one's I mean20:45
ShaneMWell you could use Droid Sans until then, I think it looks kind of similar to Ubuntu font.20:46
infoturtlethink I will, ok pizza and then changing font, for now tho I'm ducking out20:47
infoturtlecya guys ina bit20:47
jtoomeyi have to say though - i really like that new ubuntu font20:52
jtoomeyits very attractive20:52
jtoomeyand yes - im aware that its very sad that i am excited by a font....20:52
ShaneMjtoomey: I like the font too.20:56
ShaneMAlot of other people think it's a waste of time and mock them.20:56
ShaneMBut I think it's important to have an image people know.20:57
ShaneMI mean even Fedora has a font specially for their website :)20:57
jtoomeyhmm.. that is quite cool21:01
jtoomeyok - time to go home methinks...21:02
infoturtlejust became an uncle!  woo!!23:54
infoturtlesorry, just wanted to share the news23:54
ShaneMWell done :)23:55
infoturtlethanks shane, I take your praise willingly while doing none of the work!23:56

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