
akgranerhey all here is the post with the list of responses to the questions.  This does not include the free form replies - I'll summarize those as there were many duplicate responses. - http://akgraner.com/?p=82004:37
nigelb"Do you currently recommend Ubuntu Weekly News to others?"04:49
nigelbHilarious answer :)04:49
akgranerwait til I get the free form responses summed up04:53
andyrogersHi, is there anyone here at the moment?08:08
andyrogersHi Nigel, i have been reading Amber's post on the planet about request for help with the UWN.08:09
andyrogerswhat is the best way to get in contact & offer assistance from here onwards if I can?08:10
nigelbAha, thank you for volunteering to help.08:10
nigelbYou can hang around in the channel and you can talk to akgraner directly08:10
nigelbA lot of help is needed when we're about to publish if somone's away or something08:11
nigelbWe've suspended the newsletter for a few weeks to get back on track08:11
andyrogersok, when is the best time to chat with akgraner directly?  should I try and message her directly now?08:12
andyrogersiam UK time08:12
nigelbLet me pull up some links that you can take a look at08:12
nigelbIf you look there you'll find Next Issue08:13
nigelband a few links under it08:13
andyrogersnigel, sorry I disappeared before.  good old windows machine @ work crashed08:38
andyrogersi got the link before thanks08:40
andyrogerswhat time is best to contact akgraner? try now or later?08:40
andyrogersor via email?08:40
nigelbemail would be great08:44
nigelbat what times akgraner is awake is a mystery to us all ;)08:44
andyrogersok ill do that then thanks,08:44
nigelbProbably in about 3 to 4 hours she should be on IRC  :-)08:44
andyrogersi had already sent a message to the mailing list night, so I also email her directly or await for a reply from that?08:45
andyrogersNigel, are there any areas in specific in which UWN needs help in due to lack of numbers?08:47
nigelbWell, she'll be able to tell it better than I :)08:47
andyrogersok no probs thanks,08:55
diwichi, I'm not sure this is the right channel, but I tried adding a meeting to the calendar, but it does not show up at fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar08:57
nigelbdiwic: Hi, this probably isn't.  I don't have calnender access either, but lets try to debug :)09:01
nigelbdiwic: Do you know at what point things are going wrong?09:01
diwicnigelb, ok, so I don't have a gmail account, this might be related09:03
nigelbdiwic: erm, you need a gmail account, at least google calender does09:03
diwicnigelb, so I used the way provided by Canonical09:03
diwicnigelb, and invited that strange email address, and after 24 hours or so it responded and said that it accepted the invitation09:04
nigelbdiwic: logged into the calender via your canonical ID?09:04
diwicnigelb, exactly09:04
nigelbhrm, when is it supposed to show up? (which meeting is it?)09:04
diwicit's 11 UTC, today09:05
diwicubuntu-audio-dev meeting09:05
nigelbhrm, let me ask somone with access to take a look09:06
nigelbnhandler, akgraner, or somone else with access, could you please take a look when you login ^^09:09
nigelbdiwic: Can't find anyone online with access yet09:09
diwicnigelb, ok, thanks anyway, as long as nobody steals the spot I'm ok with it :-)09:11
nigelbdiwic: heh :)09:24
nhandlernigelb, diwic: I have no idea why that wasn't showing up (gcal can be a bit strange sometimes). I copied the event directly to the fridge calendar and invited you, diwic. That appears to have made it show up12:47
diwicnhandler, ok, I asked rodrigo_ to setup the next meeting at Dec 7, but perhaps I should retry?12:49
rodrigo_oh, did I do it wrong?12:49
diwicrodrigo_, no12:49
diwicdon't worry :-)12:49
rodrigo_ah, ok12:49
diwicnhandler, so I asked rodrigo_ because he has a true gmail address whereas I use the Canonical stuff12:50
nhandlerdiwic: Feel free. Poke me if it doesn't work and I'll investigate more12:50
diwicrodrigo_, so did you do anything about 7 Dec or should I retry?12:51
rodrigo_diwic, I created it, and it shows in fridge calendar12:52
rodrigo_yeah, it shows up -> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar12:52
diwicrodrigo_, hmm, it doesn't show up here?12:53
diwicrodrigo_, I'm looking at that page12:53
rodrigo_go to Dec 7th12:54
rodrigo_oh, it shows it from my calendar12:54
diwicrodrigo_, there is nothing between Asia and Ubuntu mobile team12:54
rodrigo_no, it shows the one in the fridge calendar12:55
rodrigo_since it gives me the option of copying it to my calendar12:55
diwicnhandler, does the 7 Dec meeting show up for you?12:56
nhandlerrodrigo_: Yeah, like I said, I copied it to the fridge calendar and removed the other one12:56
rodrigo_nhandler, which one you removed?12:56
nhandlerdiwic: Yes. I see it in a private chromium browsing session (no cookies, not logged in, no cache)12:56
nhandlerrodrigo_: The one diwic added12:56
diwicTried F5, tried restarting browser, still nothing on 7 Dec12:57
diwicoh well, I'll just trust you, perhaps it's there tomorrow12:58
nhandlerdiwic: What browser?12:59
diwicnhandler, Firefox 3.6.1212:59
nhandlerdiwic: Try Ctrl+Shift+P12:59
diwicnhandler, still nothing13:00
diwicperhaps it some kind of automatic geo-caching at Google which is malfunctioning, who knows13:01
nhandlerdiwic: Strange. I have to head out now. Feel free to poke some other people to try and look at it. Otherwise, I'll look more later13:01
diwicnhandler, no problem, I'll see if it's there tomorrow.13:02
diwicthanks for the help.13:02
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
rodrigo_diwic, from pitti: rodrigo_: yes, you can set $APPORT_SYMPTOMS_DIR14:50
diwicrodrigo_, copy that (although this is probably not the appropriate channel ;-) )14:51
rodrigo_diwic, yes, didn't find you on other channel, sorry14:52
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
akgranernigelb, do you still need someone to look and the meeting?16:10
nigelbakgraner: Its all good, nhandler saved the day :)16:11
akgranernigelb, awesome!16:12
akgranerI'll send the email to the Managers, normally I send an email to all the teams after the time changes asking everyone to double check their meetings16:13
akgranerbut I was busy this time :-/16:13
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
nhandlerakgraner: As a heads up, I'm doing some work on the Debian News Team's scripts for Google Code-In. I'll see if we could possibly re-use or benefit from any of them22:27
akgranernice - I wondered if you were going participate in GCI22:28
nhandlerYep. It is a nice Perl programming task, so it is perfect for me22:28
nhandlerakgraner: So, any feedback on the new interview page on ubuntu-news?22:29
akgranernhandler, sorry about that  - had to take a call23:00
nhandlerNo problem23:00
akgranerI like the page - but I think the link will get lost and people won't know it's there - thinking about a way to make it more discoverable23:01
akgranerany thought?23:02
akgranerthoughts even :-)23:02
nhandlerakgraner: Not right now. I'd love to find a way to either get that included in the Fridge RSS feed (or even a feed of its own)23:02
akgranerahh there is a plugin isn't for page rss feeds isn't there?23:03
akgraner(Charlie is going to kill me if we give him more code to review :-)23:03
nhandlerakgraner: There might be. I need to finish reviewing a chapter for a book tonight and start reading through some of the links I got sent for gci, but if you find that plugin feel free to poke me (we can hold off enabling it for a bit)23:04
akgranerof course  = just thinking outloud23:04
nhandlerActually, I could probably have the script check if the WP Page is changing, if it is, it could create an actual post in addition to updating the page. That should be rather trivial23:05
akgranerglad you are involved in gci - hope you are one of the 10 Grandprize winners!23:05
nhandlerakgraner: I'd love to be, but I doubt I will. The task I'm working on now is a medium one not due until 12/7. I'll get a shirt, some money, and the chance to work with some great Debian folks though23:06
akgraner:-) laters23:08
nhandlerakgraner, Joeb454, pleia2: I've gone ahead and implemented my idea from above. The next time an interview is added to the interviews page, it should cause the interviews page on ubuntu-news.org to update *as well as* cause a new blog post to be created (which will show up on the fridge and planet). Next thing on my todo list is to add a citation23:14
pleia2thanks nhandler :)23:17
akgranerpleia2, are you flying somewhere tonight? or am I making that up?23:19
pleia2akgraner: yeah, to new hampshire tonight23:19
nhandlerCitations added and the script appears to be working (see how it worked for zkriesse's interview)23:19
nhandlerI think that should be a bit more visible ;)23:21
akgranerpleia2, have fun!23:22
pleia2thanks :)23:22

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