
h00kmy language towards Flash is not very Ubuntu friendly :(00:01
h00kThere it loads.00:02
elkyyou started it.00:05
* popey hugs http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/38074 for a flash-free experience of youtube00:08
elkyHrm, I probably shouldn't on my web dev workstation...00:13
popeyheh :)00:15
* popey hugs having two separate firefox profiles00:15
* popey further hugs a shortcut to firefox --ProfileManager00:15
elkyYeah, there's other extenuating circumstances...00:16
elkyWhich since this is a logged channel...00:16
popeyoooo.. the bedtime fairies have come to get me00:17
bazhangIdleOne, you called it on jordan_u :)01:00
Picioh hai01:01
h00krww: can we hal--I mean, hey, welcome!01:01
bazhangI, for one, welcome our new rww overlords01:01
IdleOnebazhang: :)01:01
macohi rww!01:01
rwwthere's a + by my name :O01:01
* IdleOne tackhuggles the new op01:01
macoIdleOne: i believe the word you are looking for is "glomp"01:01
IdleOnerww:  Welcome to the end of your enjoying IRC01:01
h00kba fooey.01:01
Picirww: Now you can stop reading our logs01:02
bazhangPici, hehe01:02
rwwI imagine Canonical will be pleased by the significant decrease in bandwidth use ;)01:02
pleia2welcome rww :)01:02
rwwThanks, everyone :)01:02
IdleOneShall I ban jordan_u from the #u and forward here?01:03
Picirww: Just a heads up, we haven't decided on whats going on with operator mentorship yet, but they will be assigned probably this week.01:03
Picibad IdleOne01:03
IdleOneoh cmon01:03
macoi forgot about that mentorship thing01:03
IdleOnewe get mentors?01:03
macoi got assigned nhandler as my mentor when i became a #ubuntu op, but id already been a #kubuntu op for like 6 months01:04
h00kI had.../me greps logs01:04
IdleOneI should find out who my mentor is01:04
nhandlermaco: Yeah, we are still trying to work on that aspect of the process01:04
* Pici rolls eyes01:04
macodo i get a new mentor because i got a new channel?01:04
bazhangI never got a mentor for #watchpaintdry, err I mean #xubuntu01:05
IdleOneright! Pici, well he is doing a great job :)01:05
rwwmaco: I think for #ubuntu-offtopic's case, they're called "psychologists".01:05
h00kbazhang: I lol'd.01:05
IdleOnehey, I got +o in here01:06
IdleOnehaha, you people are crazier then i thought01:06
IdleOnethan also01:07
h00kThis exists as a log in my irclogs: ⢁ᗡ.log01:09
bazhangh00k, funkyHat log :)01:09
h00kbazhang: must be01:09
IdleOnewhere is funkyHat?01:09
PiciI think hes been busy with school type things.01:10
h00k^ that01:10
IdleOne[funkyHat] idle 721:47:24,01:10
mneptokat least funkyHat was here during the problems with the Mongol invasions.01:11
mneptoktoo bad he missed the fall of Constantinople.01:11
bazhangmneptok, haha01:11
h00kbut now it's Istanbul.01:11
PiciWhy did Constantinople get the works?01:11
h00kNot Constantinople. It's Istanbul, not Constantinople.01:11
h00kThat's nobody's business but the Turks!01:11
mneptokh00k: that happened in the 20th century. funkyHat was 700 years idle at that point01:12
IdleOneJordan_U: Congrats! and Welcome!!!!!01:16
rwwpsst, IRCC, "Operators of #ubuntu will automatically also become operators of #ubuntu+1" ;)01:16
IdleOnethat is correct01:17
Picirww: Yeah.  We're not sure if we want to do that until your probationary period is over.01:18
bazhangnow Jordan_U has cause to idle here :)01:18
Amaranthrww is abusing his powers, kicked me from #ubuntu-offtopic for no reason :(01:19
PiciJordan_U: Welcome!01:19
IdleOne!appeals > Amaranth01:19
ubottuAmaranth, please see my private message01:19
rwwThus begins the reign of terror.01:19
bazhangAmaranth, awww!01:19
rwwhi Jordan_U :)01:19
Jordan_Urww: Hi :)01:19
AmaranthIdleOne: Hey, step one is complaining here01:19
IdleOneyeah, you complained, we don't care.01:20
IdleOnenext step!01:20
PiciJordan_U: As I explained to rww earlier, we will be assigning mentors sometime this week, but we wanted to welcome you all to the team first :).01:20
Amaranthomgbuntu time01:20
IdleOneI do have a small complaint to make01:22
PiciUntil then you're all free to annoy anyone you can find.01:22
PiciIdleOne: hm?01:22
h00kJordan_U: welcome!01:22
IdleOneWhen I first got ops, I was welcomed here and then I got about an hours worth of OMG dude you are going to lose your mind comments/warnings from most of the team.01:22
PiciIdleOne: If its about what I think its about then I'd like to action it as soon as I get word from the rest of the ircc.01:22
IdleOnePici: what?01:23
Picinevermind then ;)01:23
PiciI'll talk to you later about it.01:23
IdleOneso anywayyyyyy.01:23
* Pici returns to his hole01:23
IdleOneI was almost scared into giving up my +o the first day01:23
IdleOneyou people are being way to nice the the new recruits. aren't we going to haze them or something?01:24
rwwhaving +o is its own hazing.01:25
* h00k lowers Pici some food on a string01:25
* Pici noms01:26
h00kI have one called OHSH that is for when a channel gets flooded, it does a bunch of stuffs, I forget.01:28
h00k(an /alias)01:28
PiciI also hacked at a /whois modifier that also gives me people's city, state/region, and country off of their host information.01:29
IdleOnedoes it work in xchat also?01:30
PiciProbably not.01:30
IdleOnecuz that would be helpful01:30
Piciex: http://paste.ubuntu.com/535415/01:31
h00kHe's not in the France01:31
IdleOnebut he isn't in France01:31
PiciSomething thinks that funkyhat.org is.01:32
h00kI bet the VPS or whatever he owns might be!01:32
IdleOnethat's it01:32
macoPici: does your script think im in texas?01:32
nhandlerAmaranth: FYI, going to -ops isn't until step 3 of the appeals process01:32
Picimaco: no, because you have a cloak ;)01:32
macooh right01:32
Amaranthnhandler: Not according to ubottu01:32
nhandlerBleh, the factoid needs to be updated. The wiki page has it as step 301:33
rwwYour script doesn't keep track of history and remember the one time three months ago maco cloaked after /joining? n00b script :(01:33
Picirww: now, but my gigs of logs do.01:33
Picimaco: And based on whatever non-ipv6 host joined with last, it says somewhere in Maryland.01:35
IdleOnethat reminds me I have to delete all the troll.log01:35
macoafaict, all of DC and some of northern virginia claim to be MD01:35
IdleOnebtw maco congrats on -ot +o :)01:37
macoIdleOne: we'll see how long i last01:37
PiciIdleOne: I do have a python script that will take a host as an argument and return the city+region+country.01:37
IdleOneif you take the channel off your autojoin you should last 20-30 years easy01:38
IdleOnethere is probably already a script for that.01:38
* IdleOne will have to check01:39
h00kZeimacht3 may be a troll issue in #ubuntu01:43
rwwhuzzah, the dialup.ice.net dude is back01:45
h00kand Zeimacht3 has been removed.01:45
h00kand is now...I can't tell, threatening in a PM?01:46
bazhangohh that guy01:46
h00kI have some /query I wouldn't mind having logged. what's the best way?01:46
h00kpaste in here?01:46
PiciHow long is it?01:47
PiciI'd suggest adding it to the comment on the bantracker for the bam.01:47
h00k7 lines, so far.01:47
PiciOh! Bantracker!01:47
h00kand a deadline to answer in 3 minutes.01:47
rwwpastebin it to past.ubuntu.com and link it here?01:47
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:47
Picirww: You actually have bt access already.01:47
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.01:48
Picibtlogin ^^01:48
rww-nothing happens001:48
PiciJordan_U: I'm poking someone to grant bantracker access for you.01:48
Picirww: er.. it should have.01:48
h00krww: you should get a /query with a login link01:48
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
Picirww: This was all part of the thing you were poking me to have jussi do.01:49
h00kSo, it's logged, I'm assuming some sort of retalitory attack or something, if I don't respond in a certain time.01:49
Picih00k: Can you pastebin it for now?01:49
bazhanglauterino / artarfon/etc01:50
* h00k shrugs01:51
h00k19:50 [~Zeimacht3] Youre as fun as a wodden trimada >(01:51
h00kI'm confused. Anyway.01:52
PiciIts okay, I'm confusd too.01:53
macoi was wondering what i was sposed to get out of that quote01:53
h00kIt happens.01:53
PiciI don't know what a trimada is either, probably something I'll learn when I'm older.01:53
h00kOh, I also got01:54
h00k19:51 [~Zeimacht3] Are by by any chance a femputar! :) / hehe01:54
h00krww: quick to the draw, you were01:58
rwwI made him /quit with my mind.01:58
h00k19:57 ...... whois . CP_123_Mogoloid [~CP_123_Mo@ip-198-194-241-92.dialup.ice.net]01:58
h00kfor logs.01:58
bazhanghe quit before you could remove him!01:58
h00krww: teh Jedi.01:58
h00k'acdc' probbaly02:00
h00kanother dialup02:00
rwwI've never seen any legitimate traffic from dialup.ice.net ;)02:00
IdleOneI can't tell you exactly what femputar is but it looks like like a combo of two words and bitch being one of them02:01
h00kI was thinking something about female and computer.02:01
rwwI think ze confused you with ubottu.02:02
IdleOneahh yeah, maybe02:02
h00kThat's kinda funny.02:02
IdleOnestill couldn't of been meant well02:02
* h00k does the robot02:02
rwwIdleOne: s/of/have/ ;P02:02
IdleOneahhh jeez02:02
IdleOneanother channel for rww to correct me in02:02
rwwaren't you glad I can correct you in realtime now02:02
bazhangacdc is him as well?02:02
h00kbazhang: I have a feeling, yes.02:02
IdleOnerww: you keep it up, I will learn sooner or later02:03
h00krww: HAH!02:03
bazhangwhew thats scary rww02:03
h00kI really hope this isn't going to be some silly time-consuming issue without +b dialup.ice.net02:04
bazhangyou just jinxed us!02:04
rwwbanforward the whole ISP over here. I went and looked the first time this user was a problem, and that really wouldn't be an issue.02:04
h00krww: get some /abr ready.02:04
h00krww: are you on the irssi?02:05
rwwh00k: Logically, if I stay opped up, the psychic rays will keep him out02:05
h00krww: it's true, but that's bad form :(02:05
h00kit seems to be working, anyway.02:05
IdleOnenew ops: Remember to pass by #ubuntu-store and pick up your complimentary foil hats02:06
PiciOh, I banned that person earlier today even.02:06
h00ka bad time for my ISP to have DNS issues, apparently.02:16
IdleOneIRCC the new rww bot is quick.02:19
IdleOnewonder if the code is open source02:20
rww*I am your soldier! Would you care for some tea?*02:21
macooh no, its Dalek Rww02:21
IdleOnelol, to many spoons in the pot now :)02:27
macorww: more letters keep being added on. your +q wont work02:27
rwwoh, I just failed at ident ban, didn't I.02:27
maco(my +b might though)02:27
macoah yes02:28
macoyou quieted on nick instead of ident02:28
macowhile i banned "nicks similar to..."02:28
rww(I pointed TheGreatRift over here because *!*@*.red.bezeqint.net is banned from #ubuntu-offtopic (by h00k a hundred or so days ago, if I'm reading right) and ze wanted to get in there.)04:15
rww(apparently their solution to that was to reconnect with a different ISP, which is on the iffy side but if they behave...)04:19
PiciI remember the user who prompted us to ban that range.04:22
Picihaazma something04:23
rwwoh hey, I have a @login04:23
macoyes you can play with the bt now!04:23
rwwthanks, mysterious bot-wrangler :)04:23
elkyrww i think that's all tied in to the team membership on lp actually04:32
elkyPici, for such a wide ban that's so easily reinstated, I think 100 days for expiry is worth a try.04:33
bazhanghaamzatova perhaps04:41
bazhangmore xcodebuild? or the same person04:54
macothe earlier person said they were trying to build something for a friend. maybe this is the friend?05:03
Picielky: agreed05:12
* Pici returns to sleep05:12
mneptokholy mother of cheese. this Intel benchmark server is *insane*06:00
* mneptok *has* to show off06:00
elky23 cores?06:05
mneptok24, dear06:06
mneptokand yes, i have trouble with that, too.06:06
mneptok24 CPUs. 6 cores each.06:07
elkyoh, right, i just scrollled to the bottom and lolled06:07
mneptokelky: understandable. i'd just scroll, too.06:07
mneptok"This is a long book. Let's get to the climactic moment."06:08
macomneptok: like fastforwarding through the monkeys in 2001?06:10
mneptokmaco: more like "Jebus, this is gruelling. DO THEY KILL MOBY-DICK, OR NOT?!"06:12
mneptok"Call me Ishmael. Several years ago, having little or no pmoney in my pocket, I decided to write 50 pages on the rendering of whale blubber."06:12
RottNKorpseHello, I would like to talk to someone about removing an undeserved banishment06:12
mneptokRottNKorpse: as i understand it, you were asked to moderate your tone in #ubuntu, and were not willing to entertain the idea.06:13
elkymneptok we have one of those too for database for a site for a betting company. The highest cpu use it's managed to hit is 2.5% on a particular famous race meet day recently.06:15
RottNKorpsethat was not the case at all. I was certainly willing and even admitted my mistake to ikonia multiple times but I also pleaded my case to the fact that me being yelled at for something that isnt offensive was silly and the fact that it wasnt an op who yelled at me struck a nerve but I didnt curse or anything to the guy06:15
mneptokRottNKorpse: what was it that was said that ikonia took exception to?06:16
RottNKorpseikonia refused to see my side of it and muted me...then kicked me when I tried to explain and then banned me so yea I got mad but I still never cursed06:16
RottNKorpselove logs btw06:16
mneptokRottNKorpse: you can be banned for a poor attitude, not just cursing.06:17
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .06:17
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines06:17
mneptokRottNKorpse: please read those URLs06:17
RottNKorpsemy attitude was poor after I was muted...kicked...and banned without reason06:17
RottNKorpseikonia banned me and I called him pathetic so yea I admit that was stupid but it was after he already banned me so I think that I reacted quite well if you think about it...most would scream and curse06:18
mneptokRottNKorpse: and those people would not have their bans removed any time soon.06:19
elkyActually, most don't.06:19
RottNKorpsehere is what I said to someone trying to help that started it06:19
RottNKorpseits rather silly06:19
RottNKorpseOH CRAP....krunal you are using Win 7 cant believe that slipped my mind06:19
mneptokRottNKorpse: the best thing to do at this point is read the 2 URLs i gave you.06:19
RottNKorpseI understand the COC06:19
mneptokRottNKorpse: those 2 URLs are in youer windshield. you won;t see them if you keep staring at the rear-view mirror. ;)06:20
RottNKorpseis it a lost cause even if I explain that was kicked for saying "crap"06:20
RottNKorpse:) nice analogy06:20
mneptokRottNKorpse: check out those IRC guidelines06:20
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/06:20
mneptokRottNKorpse: leme know when you have read the CoC and IRC Guidelines.06:22
* mneptok whistles the "Jeopardy!" theme06:23
bilalakhtarI just became an operator06:27
bilalakhtarThanks to (the person)06:27
bilalakhtarWhat is the procedure from now onwards?06:27
RottNKorpseoh I'm being timed...my bad didnt know :)06:28
mneptokRottNKorpse: you have a time limit as i have a weekly confcall in ~20 minutes06:28
RottNKorpseno worries...speed reader06:28
mneptokbilalakhtar: you will be expected to idle in this channel. so please do so.06:29
rwwhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorGuidelines is also a good read, if you haven't already06:30
bilalakhtarcongrats rww06:31
rwwbilalakhtar: thanks, you also :)06:32
mneptokRottNKorpse: progress?06:34
RottNKorpsedone with both...Ubuntu community is MUCH different than most distros in guidelines06:37
elkyThank you for noticing.06:38
RottNKorpseI see why crap caused the issue now and ikonia was right in reaction...man thats disappointing...I was so ready to debate my side and now its void06:38
elkyCrap wasn't the problem. Your mocking the person who was put off was.06:39
RottNKorpseI know...I wasnt referring to the word itself but the situation it caused06:39
bilalakhtarrww: I guess it would be good to un-op yourself now?06:40
RottNKorpsethe guidelines even specifically mention instances like that with language differences and vast varying opinions of what is offensive and what isn06:40
rwwbilalakhtar: ah, I was dealing with something and forgot. thanks :)06:40
elkyOne other thing, you'll find people react less if your nick isn't trying to be as ghastly as possible, either ;) Just something to take in to consideration.06:40
RottNKorpseif I only could06:40
RottNKorpseits a really weird nickname I know...I tried to change it to apologize to ikonia but noticed it was an ip ban and then tried searching through channels for this place06:41
rww(the person who wanted to remove Ubuntu and GRUB2 got ejected and banned from #ubuntu by FloodBot for overzealous presses of the Enter key. That was rather overkill if floodbot, so I removed the ban, tracked them down and PMed an apology.)06:41
elkyYou're well capable of registering new nicknames and grouping them to your account. The grouping is the key.06:42
mneptokRottNKorpse: your best approach would have been to say, "Oh, my bad." to ikonia, then /join this channel and ask for clarification.06:42
mneptokRottNKorpse: "ikonia just told me that .... is this true?"06:42
mneptokRottNKorpse: no one would ban you for that06:42
RottNKorpsecertainly in hindsight06:42
mneptokRottNKorpse: so, i take it we may expect you to follow the CoC (*terrible acronym) and IRC Guidelines in the future?06:43
RottNKorpsewish I had...now I'm banned from helping which was only reason I was there06:43
RottNKorpseof course...very unfortunately acronym06:44
mneptokyou are unbanned06:44
RottNKorpseawesome thanks mneptok06:45
=== RottNKorpse is now known as Visuex
elkyunbanned twice to be precise06:45
Visuexthis will be my new nick as the other is quite odd :)06:45
mneptokjust to make you feel "speshul"06:45
elkyVisuex, i'd already lifted the ban, i assumed mneptok was on his teleconf by now06:45
* mneptok is going for a smoke before dealing with the COO06:46
elkyhe didn't see me lift it06:46
Visuexahh cool speshul is nice06:46
Visuexthank you very much as well elky06:46
elkyVisuex, anything else you need from the operator team?06:49
Visuexnope thank you very much...was just staying in for a bit to send a PM to ikonia to apologize06:49
elkyAh, you don't need to be in the same channel for that, by the way. Useful to know sometimes06:49
topyliyou don't even need to be online at the same time. if he's offline (which he almost never is), you can use memoserv to send a message06:51
Visuexinteresting topyli did not know that...anyway thanks again...ciao06:52
rwwrobinetd: http://nerfnow.com/comic/419 :P06:53
rww... damnit.06:53
elkyyeah, you have to make sure you go to the big o-word now.06:53
rwwI suspect that moving #ubuntu-ops to where #ubuntu-offtopic used to be in my window list was a bad idea.06:54
Tm_T#82 ?06:59
Tm_Trww: bilalakhtar: congrats, welcome, if you ever need any help, just ask07:00
Tm_TJordan_U: you too ^07:01
bilalakhtarTm_T: I haven't been added to the access list07:18
jussi[09:21:09] [ChanServ] Flags +votiA were set on bilalakhtar in #ubuntu.07:21
bilalakhtarthanks jussi07:21
jussibilalakhtar: its best if you are unsure, not to act, and ask in here first.07:22
bilalakhtarjussi: BTW, how do I run the /remove command?07:22
jussiif no answer, then do what you think best, but realise all new ops make mistakes07:22
bilalakhtar /quote something?07:22
* bilalakhtar notes jussi 's lines07:23
jussibilalakhtar: depends on your client, some have it already aliased07:23
bilalakhtarI would also alias it, but I need to know the long command first07:24
jussi /quote REMOVE07:24
rww/alias remove quote remove $C $0 :$1-07:24
rww(for irssi)07:24
bilalakhtarthanks, I also use irssi07:24
rwwusage is /remove nickname optional reason07:24
ubottuautobleh an !irssi helper script for IRC Channel OPs and Network Staff. http://autobleh.projectnet.org/07:25
bilalakhtarare optional and reason different>07:25
jussiHighly recommend that07:25
rwwbilalakhtar: I mean, you can put in a reason if you want. i.e.: "/remove rww" and "/remove rww you are silly" are both valid07:26
bilalakhtarBTW, should I be voiced here? or is it for core ops?07:27
rwwjussi: ^^07:31
jussibilalakhtar: you just need to /cycle07:31
topylibilalakhtar: also get auto_bleh.pl, the script for lazy ops!07:34
topyli(but yes learn the real commands too)07:34
jussitopyli: awesome scrollback reading :D07:36
topylioh yeah07:36
bilalakhtarthanks topyli07:38
topyliaww thanks for making me feel less dumb :)07:38
* jussi huggles topyli and note that planet u finally got a theme upgrade07:39
knomethe rss feed on planet is still not workin08:28
rwwI'm getting new things in my Google Reader, so I guess it wfm.08:29
knomerww, can you check the url?08:31
rwwknome: http://planet.ubuntu.com/rss20.xml works; the actual Planet Ubuntu page has rss200.xml instead, which doesn't.08:34
knomerww, cheers08:35
bilalakhtarSomeone on #ubuntu is leaving and connecting again and again, what should be done?10:18
elkyyou're aware of the channel ##fix-your-connection yeah?10:21
elkymeh, they should redirect that to it anyway10:21
jussibilalakhtar: see what I did?10:23
bilalakhtarjussi: yup10:23
jussiJordan_U: I wouldnt be so hard on "crap"10:26
jussiBacta: hi10:26
Jordan_Ujussi: Ok.10:26
BactaWhat's the capital of Indonesia?10:27
jussiBacta: lets cut to the chase here10:28
BactaIs it Java?10:28
jussiBacta: is there something op/channel related we can help you with?10:28
BactaYes I would like a list of all the channels I'm banned from10:29
jussiBacta: unfortunately I dont have access to that info10:30
BactaWho does?10:31
BactaOr aren't Ubuntu users versed in the ways of grep these days?10:31
jussiBacta: well given I dont own all of them, I would point you to freenode staff10:31
BactaI see10:31
jussiBacta: anything else you need from that?10:32
jussifrom us even?10:32
BactaActually I do have a few general distro questions but given that this is an ops channel and that I am banned from #ubuntu I'm not holding out too much hope10:33
jussiBacta: you have the forums and the general internet at your disposal, as well as other linux channels.10:34
elkyaskubuntu.com too.10:34
BactaYou see other Linux channels aren't too interested in helping me10:34
jussiahh, yes. askubuntu is useful10:34
BactaThey'll either call me a noob for using Ubuntu or tell me to goto #ubuntu10:34
jussiBacta: use other means than IRC.10:35
jussiBacta: in anycase, I cannot help with unbanning you, so shall we move along?10:35
BactaI notice I'm not banned in #kubuntu but Kubuntu wouldn't use GDM as it's KDE based10:35
BactaAs I'm having issues with GDM10:35
jussiBacta: please use other web resources. I bid you good day.10:36
BactaYou've been awfully helpful jussi10:36
BactaThanks a lot10:36
BactaI'm going to bed now but just for fun I'm going to leave my IRC client open10:36
BactaNight :)10:37
jussiBacta: please part htis channel before leaving10:37
elkyThat would have been much more awesome with ", Sir".10:37
jussiaww, I was going to give him a moment to part10:37
elkyno point, he knows the rule and he was expecting that moment10:38
gnomefreaksadly i have no clue how to use facebook :(10:44
gnomefreakits not showing all my friends, i will call one of the missing ones and get it fixed this morning10:49
Mamarok_gnomefreak: just avoid using your addressbook for automatic search, Facebook has a tendency to think it will then belong to them...11:37
* Mamarok_ considers Facebook the next big spammer11:38
gnomefreakMamarok_: thanks ill try it when i get a spare moment11:39
charlie-tcaCongratulations to the new ops. Great to see you guys!15:26
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ikoniais #ubuntu-server policy of no support if you're running a gui acceptable16:45
Tm_TIMO no16:46
Tm_TI see no reason for that16:46
ikoniamore so as the issue could be related to the fact that the gui's functionality isn't %100 working with his server setup,16:47
ikoniabut then I don't know if this was agreed a long time ago16:47
IdleOnewe support GUI on server install in #u, why not the other way around.16:47
IdleOneSometimes it seems like some users just go the extra mile to break things or try to use apps that just don't work16:49
IdleOnelike proprietary/non-free apps16:49
popeydepends how you define gui, we (work) have hundreds of RHEL5 servers, they all have a gui on them (x / vnc) so we can run graphical admin tools directly on the boxes.16:52
ikoniapopey: yes, and this situation was the install of ubuntu-desktop16:52
ikoniaI've pulled him back into -server and walked him through help16:52
ikoniabut I just wanted to clarify the policy as looking at what was said before I asked him to rejoin, he was told gui on server = no support16:53
Tm_TI wonder from where that comes from16:54
ikoniascottk even16:56
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
BactaSex Bomberber19:53
Tm_Tanks, was about to do the same but much better to have you on it too (:20:01
Picirww: Now that you're registered with the bot, it'll try to parse your commands as bot commands first, then factoids.20:02
PiciBecause @register exists.20:02
Tm_TPici: also we need to keep an eye on him in #k as he strikes there too occasionally20:03
ikoniaTm_T: you don't20:26
ikoniaTm_T: I banned him20:26
ikonia#kubuntu: ban bacta!*@*20:26
Tm_Tikonia: aa nice20:41
tomawI keep hearing noise about banning him from the whole ubuntu namespace but nothing seems to come of it.20:42
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rwwDo we have a process for that? Did someone else start the ball rolling? If not, I will.20:43
Picirww: ikonia and I have sort of started.20:43
ikoniatomaw: it's being progressed20:44
ikoniahe's pretty much banned from the core channels now manually any way20:44
ikoniaI'm working with Pici on it20:44
Piciokay then...20:54
ikoniaPici: well the question he actually asked in the end was nothing like his first quesstion20:58
Piciikonia: agreed.20:58
ikoniathat guy was banned for orginising trolling in ##not-freebsd with his mates for #ubuntu23:06
elkyikonia, which guy?23:06
bazhangwe need -complaints23:35
rwwThat isn't want -offtopic's for? I've been misusing it all this time :(23:36

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