[14:28] hi [16:35] mhall119: are you around? [17:01] An open proxy has been found on your host. Please disconnect from the network before you are forcefully removed. Join #freenode for more information. [18:23] abnormally quiet... === excid3|mbp is now known as lock2box === lock2box is now known as excid3|mbp [18:58] Good afternoon fellow Ubunters!!!! [19:28] Not sure what to make of this, apparently Microsoft just donated its ariel imagery to OpenStreetMaps. [19:28] http://blog.stevecoast.com/im-working-at-microsoft-and-were-donating-ima [19:30] s/ariel/aerial [20:54] mhall119: ping [21:07] hey there ebouza ! [21:08] maxolasersquad: I don't know whether to be happy or sad! [21:08] dorgan: pong [21:42] mhall119: did you order ExtJS in Action? [21:53] (re microsoft's map donation) that's rather unexpected [21:58] dorgan: nope [21:59] mhall119: i would highly recommend it [21:59] is it 3.x? [22:00] yes [22:00] and the next version will be 4.0 [22:01] is there any real point in buying a book for 3.x when 4.0 is coming soon? [22:06] are you planning on upgrading all of your code as soon as 4.0 comes out? Also there will be a compatibility layer so you can still do the things that change in the Ext 3.0 way [22:06] that I don't know [22:07] I'll pass the book recommendation along to my boss and see if he'll buy it