[00:04] [ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20101124000353-tkhtzdcpvmztrdwv * debian/ (30 files) * New upstream beta release: - Update various .install files - Bump build-depend versions on kdelibs5-dev to >= 4:4.5.80 - Add xsltproc to build-depends [00:07] lol gstreamer conflicts with apt :P [00:12] dantti: huh? [00:13] Riddell: there is a define in both libs [00:13] so I have to separete it myself === muesli_ is now known as muesli [04:03] * ScottK notes GCC on arm takes a long time (the ice cream seems to have given up after a while) [04:03] We're on test suite now anyway. === hrw|gone is now known as hrw [08:38] dantti: ghostscript libs? :P [08:39] dantti: what do you mean by finding? [08:39] for linking? [08:39] surely there ought to be example code for that since everyone outside Kland still uses autohell [08:42] hm [08:42] upgrading to 4.5.3 seems to wanna remove workspace :O [08:46] Investigating (0) plasma-dataengines-workspace [ i386 ] < 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu8 -> 4:4.5.3-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 > ( kde ) [08:46] Broken plasma-dataengines-workspace:i386 Depends on libweather-ion5 [ i386 ] < none -> 4:4.5.3-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 > ( libs ) (= 4:4.5.3-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1) [08:46] Considering libweather-ion5:i386 2 as a solution to plasma-dataengines-workspace:i386 4 [08:46] Removing plasma-dataengines-workspace:i386 rather than change libweather-ion5:i386 [08:58] in and out and in and out [08:58] * apachelogger pokes fldc [09:01] The following packages will be REMOVED: [09:01] libweather-ion4a [09:01] The following NEW packages will be installed: [09:01] libweather-ion5 [09:01] what the fudge? [09:01] Riddell: pingy [09:02] Version: 4:4.5.3-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 [09:02] Replaces: kdebase-workspace-libs4+5, libweather-ion4, libweather-ion4-api, libweather-ion4a [09:03] that relatin with 4a is nothing but pointless since the package only contains library content and thus there is no real relation of any sort [09:09] apachelogger: damn mobile broadband :D [09:10] fldc: get yourself a quassel core :P [09:11] apachelogger: I should, yes :D [09:14] aha! [09:14] oh no :( [09:15] * apachelogger is wondering why aptitude suggests to remove the old lib before trying to remove a whole bunch of packages, whereas apt-get tries to preservethe lib [09:15] latter is even stranger in light of apparently each package depending on it being upgraded [09:22] oh [09:23] Package: libweather-ion5 [09:23] Provides: libweather-ion4-api [09:23] Replaces: kdebase-workspace-libs4+5, libweather-ion4, libweather-ion4-api [09:23] Conflicts: kdebase-workspace-libs4+5, libweather-ion4, libweather-ion4-api [09:23] is it just me [09:23] or is that completely bogus [09:24] first of all ion5 provides ion4? [09:24] and then it conflicts itself? [09:24] since it provides ion4 but conflicts and replaces ion4? [09:24] libweather has been a problem, for sure [09:27] hm [09:27] * apachelogger wonders [09:27] then again, provides&replaces&conflicts has transitional merit [09:28] * apachelogger consults the policy manual [09:28] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s7.6.2 [09:28] true true [09:28] so that makes sense after all [09:28] ... [09:28] if it were providing ion4 :P [09:34] * apachelogger doubts that dropping the relation with 4a will resolve the issue, since that removal relation with ion4-api might get in the way of things [09:38] Riddell: ping [09:48] ulysses: time for team report? [09:48] oops [09:59] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/TeamReports [10:00] is it me or is the wiki dead slow? [10:01] slower than a dead horse [10:24] ulysses: hi [10:25] Riddell: I changed the debian/control and debian/copyright http://paste.ubuntu.com/535820/ [10:26] Riddell: if the copyright correct, only the splitting remains [10:27] ulysses: I'd do it more explicitly than that, copy and paste lines 21 to 40 then "The source code in apps/" and remove "Lesser" [10:28] good point [10:30] http://paste.ubuntu.com/535836/ [10:35] ulysses: remove Lesser in line 48 [10:36] also line 51, and copy and paste lines 51/52 at line 35 [10:38] done [10:41] groovy [10:56] Riddell: How do I the split of hupnp? [11:02] ulysses: create several package descriptions in debian/control [11:03] then make .install files in debian/ which list the files that should go in each package [11:09] JontheEchidna: can kubuntu_91_phonon_forget_option.diff go upstream? [11:09] apachelogger: ^^ [11:11] Riddell: where is that? [11:12] apachelogger: kdebase-runtime [11:12] apachelogger: also any idea where this mysterious phonon 4.4.3 can be found? kdebase-runtime needs that [11:12] Riddell: not released yet [11:12] that's unhelpful [11:13] Riddell: you can patch to 4.4.2 really [11:13] there is absolutely no reason to require 4.4.3 from a libphonon POV [11:14] so can we just change that in kde svn? [11:15] yeah [11:16] Riddell: something like for libhupnp-dev? debian/tmp/usr/include/HUpnpCore/ [11:16] Riddell: better try it first though, maybe someone introduced usage of API that is not even technically targetted for 4.4.3 [11:16] ulysses: yes although you can miss out the "debian/tmp/" [11:16] there seems to be a bit of a confusion of phonon master and the 4.4 branch [11:17] ulysses: you also want the foo.so files [11:17] (that said I am probably going to release from anyway) [11:17] ulysses: in the -dev [11:18] Riddell: patch looks upstreamable at first glance [11:18] apachelogger: groovy, can you propose it in the right place then commit it if it's all good? [11:19] yeah [11:20] Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/535854/ [11:21] oops, I'll be late from the lesson [11:22] brb in two hours [11:22] ulysses: bye [11:22] bye Riddell [11:23] ulysses: libhupnp0.install wants usr/lib/libHUpnp.so.0.* [11:39] ../../../phonon/kded-module/phononserver.cpp:66:5: error: 'registerMetaTypes' is not a member of 'Phonon' [11:39] apachelogger: guess I need this elusive phonon 4.4.3 [11:50] http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/phonon/compat_reports/libphonon/4.4.2_to_4.4.3/abi_compat_report.html [11:50] yeah [11:50] that is a new interface [11:51] then again said interface is not part of the 4.4 branch, so technically would not be part of it [11:56] apachelogger: so 4.4.3 isn't good enough? [11:58] it will be [11:58] unless someone objects within the next couple of hours I will release git master as 4.4.3 [11:58] because the actual 4.4 branch is not of much use and master actually contains plenty of good things [11:59] shouldn't that be 4.5 then? [12:00] there isnt really anything that would indicate bumping to 4.5 [12:00] mostly just fixes and a bit of movement in phononexperimental [12:02] oh, actually git master's cmake file says 4.4.3 -.- [12:02] this is a mess!!! [12:04] doesn't that match your release plans exactly? [12:25] well, yes, just saying :P [12:40] maco: owncloud 1.1 released if you're looking at the feasability of packaging it [12:41] That would be nice. [12:45] phonon phonon phonon === apachelogger is now known as releaselogger [12:51] * nigelb releases apachelogger v.10.10 nicknamed releaselogger. [12:51] YAY [12:51] heh [12:51] * nigelb hugs releaselogger [12:51] * releaselogger rehugs nigelb [12:52] haha [12:52] my rekonq is boken [12:59] releaselogger: no suprise... [13:00] * nigelb waves to jussi [13:50] * ulysses back [13:54] hi ulysses [13:54] hello Riddell [13:55] I added /usr/lib/libHUpnp.so.0.* to libhupnp0.install [13:56] ulysses: that's all it needs [13:56] nothing else [13:56] and no / at the start either [14:00] Riddell: I created a source package, now I test the build in pbuilder [14:02] ulysses: can you pastebin all the .install files and control ? [14:04] control: http://paste.ubuntu.com/535892/ .install files: http://paste.ubuntu.com/535893/ [14:25] ulysses: you need libhupnp-dev in debian/control [14:25] ulysses: libhupnp0.install only needs the last line, the rest can go [14:27] Riddell: do you mean libhupnp0-dev? [14:28] ulysses: best to call it libhupnp-dev [14:28] you only need the soname number in the -dev if there's multiple versions of the library in the archive [14:29] libhupnp-dev is there [14:35] dpkg-shlibdeps: error: couldn't find library libQtSolutions_SOAP-2.7.so.1 needed by debian/libhupnp0/usr/lib/libHUpnp.so.0.7.1 (ELF format: 'elf32-i386'; RPATH: ''). [14:40] ulysses: libqtsolutions-soap-2.7-1.install wants to have "usr/lib/libQtSolutions_SOAP-2.7.so.1.0.0" and "usr/lib/libQtSolutions_SOAP-2.7.so.1" in it === jjesse_ is now known as jjesse [14:46] Riddell: success! [14:49] ulysses: awooga [14:55] oh jings, the new qtwebkit breaks compiles [15:03] Riddell: ok [15:06] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1200290 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/ (backend.h config.h package.h) Add @since to the apidox of new methods in 1.1 [15:06] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1200291 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/backend.h One more @since [15:09] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1200292 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/config.h Correct the location of this @since [15:27] Riddell: what's next? dput again to revu? [15:28] ulysses: yes [15:35] Riddell: Did you look at the kdegraphics failure yet? I may have a fix and will look into if you haven't taken care of it yet. [15:37] Riddell: uploaded [15:44] * ScottK fixes kdegraphics. [16:05] thanks ScottK [16:05] ulysses: comments added to revu [16:06] Riddell: No problem. It was an easy one. Uploaded. [16:06] (so easy that I managed to upload it once to ninjas without the actual fix) [16:22] Riddell: fixed, uploaded again [16:29] BTW, soyuz is very backlogged at the moment, so don't be suprised if it takes a while for uploads to appear/get accepted. [16:32] is it possible to hack in plasma with project neon? [16:32] ulysses: still some bits missing [16:32] dantti_work: you can hack in whatever you like [16:33] it's just a trunk build, so depends if trunk is what you want [16:33] Riddell: but does the packages comes with sources too? and is it working btw? i heard about it being broken these days [16:34] dantti_work: you can download the package sources of course but generally you want to code on an svn checkout [16:35] it'll install into /opt so it's safe to install, of course trunk can break so it may not run [16:35] Riddell: so I'd install neo, and the svn co kickoff and it will compile against neon libs? [16:36] Riddell: will the packages i put in backports, remain there forever? [16:36] like ... till next LTS atleast [16:36] if you -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/neon then yes [16:36] libweather-ion is still screwing up my upgarde [16:37] Riddell: k, thanks, i'll install then and see what happens :P [16:37] stupid thing [16:37] shadeslayer: packages in kubuntu-ppa/backports get deleted when we delete them, in lucid-backports or whatever they stay there indefinately [16:37] releaselogger: KDE 4.6 ? [16:37] ScottK: ping [16:37] shadeslayer: no 4.5.3 [16:37] Quintasan: Pong (yes, I haven't forgotten) [16:37] releaselogger: for lucid? [16:37] Great. [16:37] for maverick [16:37] ah [16:38] i think i might have found 2 minions @ college today [16:38] Riddell: hm, I renamed libqtsolutions-soap-2.7-0 to -2.7-1 [16:38] Riddell: could we not remove the 4.5.3 packages from backports till next LTS? [16:40] uh [16:40] eh [16:40] Riddell: can't install deps problems [16:40] why do i have a 700 MB upgrade [16:40] does it requires natty too? [16:40] and that too for 4.5.3 KDE [16:40] dantti_work: neon is for lucid and maverick currently [16:41] dantti_work: which ppa do you use? [16:41] dantti_work: plus we do not have kdebindings since trunk is broken ATM [16:41] yofel: oh, the techbase package had jaunty on the sources.list [16:42] yofel: which packages exactly does my sip upload breaks? [16:42] dantti_work: thebase page is outdated, we'll need to update that sometime [16:42] dantti_work: our ppa is https://launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/ppa/ [16:42] Quintasan: well as kickoff does not use bindings I think I'm ok right? [16:42] I think yes [16:42] dantti_work: which component is kickoff in? [16:43] Quintasan: not sure, I at least got a ABI mismatch error when I tried apport-kde [16:43] kdebase-workspace I believe [16:43] so apport is broken, hmmm [16:43] yofel: plasma [16:43] something broke in KPK [16:43] i cant edit origins [16:43] * shadeslayer looks at dantti_work [16:43] yofel: 8.0 is not backwards compatible then? [16:43] shadeslayer: hmm :P [16:44] shadeslayer: does the software properties open? [16:44] dantti_work: i disabled a PPA -> Clicked on edit origins -> kaboom [16:44] Quintasan: doesn't seem so, I'll try it later on my other pc again, I'm on natty currently [16:44] i get the bouncy icon [16:44] shadeslayer: does it crash? [16:44] no [16:44] here it works fine [16:44] it just sits there [16:44] it worked before [16:45] just isnt working now [16:45] is software-properties installed? [16:46] software-properties-kde is installed [16:46] dantti_work: http://pastebin.ca/2001075 [16:46] * Quintasan needs to upgrade his maverick kvm [16:46] konsole output [16:47] Quintasan: tell me about it... i have 700 MB's of updates [16:48] shadeslayer: kdesudo software-properties-kde [16:48] does that work? [16:48] oh boi [16:48] http://pastebin.ca/2001078 [16:48] something broke [16:49] who broke SIP [16:49] yofel: yes, the techbase page is really old :P even the package names are different :P [16:49] dantti_work: right, that was the old neon ppa which someone should get rid of, we're starting fresh with new packages === ikonia_ is now known as ikonia [16:53] shadeslayer: I did :P [16:53] Quintasan: Stop breaking stuff! [16:53] and go fix it [16:54] It is broken since like, well, three weeks ago? [16:54] shadeslayer: remove the PPA version and it should work [16:55] oh.. i just found out :P [16:56] i dont usually use kpk... but just thought i should have a poke around to make sure nothing was broken :P [16:56] >implying we were not talking about the breakage at least three times [16:56] :P [16:57] ok, kdebase-neon installed how do I run it? can I use the same account in Xephyr? [16:58] dantti_work: you'd rather not, the options somehow are still saved to your ~/.kde folder [16:58] I think we are working on it [16:58] ok [16:59] we are, most are stored in ~/.project-neon-kde, but *something* doesn't seem to respect that [17:01] ok, working wonderfully :D [17:01] it works? [17:01] omfg [17:01] * Quintasan hugs shadeslayer and yofel [17:01] wheee [17:01] * shadeslayer hugs his Desire [17:01] :P [17:01] well, if you install project-neon-common you can even login from KDM, which works, with errors though last time I tried it [17:02] beer for us at UDS [17:02] Quintasan: :P next time I go .. === hrw is now known as hrw|gone [17:03] now I need to add apacheloggers request to aptcc and then add my precious feature to kickoff [17:03] * dantti_work just hopes it's not too late for 4.6 [17:04] dantti_work: we are already packaging the beta for 4.6 [17:05] bulldog98: yes, I know, time is hard... but.. maybe :P [17:15] Quintasan: till LP guys fix bug 676657, we cant build qtwebkit :( [17:15] Launchpad bug 676657 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "recipe builds can use too much memory" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/676657 [17:15] s/fix/release [17:16] hmm [17:16] Riddell: seems kdegraphics wants XFixes [17:17] !find Xfixes.h [17:17] File Xfixes.h found in libxfixes-dev [17:18] !find Xfixes.h natty [17:18] shadeslayer: yes we can keep packages in kubuntu-ppa/backports as long as we want [17:18] kewl :) [17:19] shadeslayer: which kdegraphics are you looking at? [17:19] Riddell: the 4.6 one for natty [17:19] i just got mailed that it failed to build [17:19] needs libxfixes-dev from the look of it [17:19] Quintasan: how many releases did we want to support again? Currently natty is out of question unless we drop lucid or get more space (ok, the recipes don't work for natty yet, but we should think about it..) [17:20] shadeslayer: ok, blame ScottK he did the last upload :) [17:20] yofel: imo we go with Maverick and Lucid .... natty already gets 4.6 [17:20] ppa3 already fixes that [17:20] so thats out of question till ... id say last natty alpha [17:21] k, postponed then [17:21] * ScottK made the changelog entry, got distracted, and then came back to ppa2 and uploaded without making the actual change in debian/control. [17:23] okies [17:24] i was just going through humoungus amount of mail [17:24] saw that... [17:30] shadeslayer: going to add the 4.5.3 on lucid announce to kubuntu.org ? [17:30] Riddell: yeah ill do that ... once i finish deciding whether or not im going to osscamp.in [17:32] yofel, shadeslayer: move out to #project-neon [17:32] kk [17:38] would someone add my new ssh key to ktown, I lost my old one [17:38] https://launchpad.net/~neversfelde/+sshkeys [17:48] JontheEchidna: Looks like we are consistently seeing differnent symbols on amd64 (see the kdegraphics amd64 FTBFS) [17:51] neversfelde: hang on [17:51] neversfelde: done [17:51] Riddell: thank you [17:53] neversfelde: going to do some ninja'ing? [17:54] Riddell: I guess I'll start with kdenetwork [17:55] neversfelde: careful there's an issue there that's been discussed on kde-packagers, it needs something fixed around libktorrent [17:55] Riddell: yes, I know [17:55] an will have a look [17:56] hi jasoncwarner1 [17:56] Riddell: Hi! [17:56] everyone say hi to jasoncwarner1, he's the new manager of Canonical's desktop team [17:56] hi jasoncwarner1 [17:56] hi jasoncwarner1 [17:57] Good morning everyone! [17:57] 3 minutes till noon here :) [17:57] 19 pm here [17:57] 4:30am here ;) [17:57] a bit different timezone:P [17:58] hi jasoncwarner1 [17:58] hi shadeslayer [17:58] hi sheytan rather [17:58] :P [17:59] DarkwingDuck: in the next couple of weeks, prior to x-mas, i want to get together for docs. i need to fix some things and change some things...now i can run out and do what i need to do for the day, and of course it has to do with...wait for it...wait for it....cycling & microsoft [18:01] Riddell: should i put in the fact that these packages were paid for by a company? [18:01] Hi Riddell [18:01] and how do i word that :P [18:01] Riddell did you see the page we made? :) [18:02] shadeslayer: yes we normally put a thanks at the end so a thanks to foo for funding them should be fine [18:02] sheytan: nope [18:02] shadeslayer do you have that link i gave you to show Riddell? [18:02] mine is lost ;/ [18:03] uh.. hold on :P [18:03] ok [18:03] http://ryrych.pl/null/kubuntu/index.html [18:04] there ya go [18:04] Riddell ^^ [18:04] thanks shadeslayer :) [18:04] * sheytan is gone for dinner. brb [18:05] ooh pretty [18:06] Riddell: so for proof reading, i publish the page, but dont push it to Main site? [18:08] shadeslayer: for proofreading just save it [18:08] hmm [18:08] without ticking the publish box [18:08] * bulldog98 is learning vim [18:09] bulldog98: bah, nasty habit, emacs rules [18:09] Riddell: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-release-day-453-lucid ... hehe :P [18:09] Access Denied :P [18:09] same link on admin site works :) [18:09] Riddell: I need to learn that to, so I can use every editor in the world ^^ (Muhaha) [18:10] shadeslayer: I'd replace lucid with 10.10 in the headline [18:10] otherwise looks good [18:10] ojk [18:10] ok [18:10] do you mean 10.04?:P [18:10] 10.04 you mean [18:11] Riddell: news/kde-release-day-453-1004 [18:13] shadeslayer: lovely [18:13] tick that publish box [18:14] done :) [18:14] Riddell: any idea to fix the shlib error? [18:15] ulysses: which is that? [18:15] E: libhupnp0: ldconfig-symlink-missing-for-shlib usr/lib/libHUpnp.so.0 usr/lib/libHUpnp.so.0.7.1 libHUpnp.so.0 [18:15] ulysses: put usr/lib/libHUpnp.so.0 into libhupnp0.install [18:22] Riddell: doesn't help [18:23] shadeslayer: Are you going to be keeping these packages up to date for security fixes? [18:23] ulysses: you have /usr/lib/libHUpnp.so.0 in libhupnp0 ? [18:23] ScottK: ill keep a eye out for such stuff... i am subscribed to kde-packager [18:24] Riddell: just usr/lib/libHUpnp.so.0 and usr/lib/libHUpnp.so.0.* [18:24] shadeslayer: oh it should probably have the warning about being unable to upgrade to maverick [18:24] shadeslayer: How about ubuntu-security-notifications? [18:24] ulysses: both [18:24] oh yes [18:24] ScottK: didnt know about that one [18:24] ill subscribe to it [18:24] shadeslayer: Good plan. [18:24] is it the ubuntu-security-announce ML ? [18:26] Riddell: Warning: Adding this PPA will cause problems while upgrading to Maverick, since Maverick has KDE 4.5.1 in the official repositories [18:26] look ok? [18:27] or should i just lose the last part [18:29] Riddell do you want the files? [18:32] shadeslayer: "Warning: Adding this PPA will make the computer unable to upgrade to 10.10 which has an older version of KDE Platform" [18:32] sheytan: what files? [18:32] Riddell the daily builds page [18:33] sheytan: what files are there? [18:33] Riddell the code? html+css [18:34] well I can get that from the link above [18:34] Riddell as you wish :) [18:35] the fiddly part is working out how it needs to be split up and integrated with the cd build scripts [18:40] Well, i have no idea about that :D [18:40] Riddell: no progress [18:44] ulysses: put what you have onto revu [18:45] Riddell: aptcc has now gstreamer search codec support :) as apachelogger asked :P [18:45] dantti_work: cor, what uses that? [18:46] Riddell: well afaik toten and phonon-gstreamer will [18:47] nice [18:48] funny python apt backend has code for it too but it says it's not supported :( I can measure time now :P [18:49] Why aren't there any updates in natty nowadays? [18:49] Riddell: uploaded [18:50] hunger: from our side 4.6 beta hasn't been released yet so it's all secret for now [18:50] also launchpad may be clogged up I heard [18:51] Riddell: I have not seen a single package update in natty since last sunday or so... Am I doing something wrong? [18:51] It has never been so quiet before... [18:51] could have been the extras issue, try again [18:52] yofel: Still nothing:-/ [18:52] hm, any error when you run apt-get update in konsole? [18:52] yofel: Just did a update in aptitude... still nothing:-/ No new packages, no updates. [18:53] Maybe my mirror is out of sync or something. [18:53] could be, there was bug 678196, but mvo says it's fixed [18:53] Hmm... mirror is archive.ubuntu.com... that should not be out of sync:-) [18:53] Launchpad bug 678196 in apt (Ubuntu Natty) "Ubuntu extras repository prevents other updates" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/678196 === releaselogger is now known as apachelogger [18:55] I don't have the extra repo enabled, so it must be something different. [18:55] you don't have any packages installed that were updated maybe? There weren't *that* many updates in the last few days [18:56] I have a ton of updates today though [18:56] and let's move to #ubuntu+1 [18:56] yofel: Possible... but I never had that long a silence before:-) [18:58] brrrr [18:59] has anyone bridged a wireless and wired connection before? [18:59] and set up wifi and ethernet sharing ? [18:59] http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/en/man8/iptables.8.html [18:59] only in windows... [19:00] apachelogger: i can do everything i just said via iptables? [19:00] yes [19:00] though from my POV what you said where two equal sentences [19:00] yep === apachelogger is now known as bloglogger [19:01] i need to first figure out how to start a adhoc wifi network first :P [19:01] gnome-network-manager :P [19:02] ew [19:02] bloglogger: i installed that, but cant start nm-applet .. says a instance is already running [19:02] :P [19:03] you would need to kill the plasma applet to run nm-applet, no idea how to do that though [19:04] (without removing it) [19:04] thats what i was thinking... but how do you kill the plasmoid :P [19:04] hmm [19:04] shadeslayer: remove it [19:04] uh ok [19:06] heh http://pastebin.ca/2001222 [19:07] you did not install all recommends [19:08] sheytan: ping [19:08] hm, the nick kind of gives away whatI want ^^ [19:08] bloglogger yo [19:09] sheytan: do you have time to ditch together something phonon real quick? [19:09] something like http://phonon.kde.org/ ... just with readable font and proper size [19:12] bloglogger: heh : http://pastebin.ca/2001235 [19:13] possibly gnome-icon-theme is missing? [19:13] looks like your dbus is busted? [19:13] ** (nm-applet:32012): WARNING **: bus_init(): Could not get the session bus. Make sure the message bus daemon is running! Message: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-QLFJHyev6l: Connection refused [19:13] [19:13] or maybe something polkit [19:13] bloglogger what is it? [19:13] possibly requires a reboot? [19:14] sheytan: KDE's abstractin for multimedia stuff things [19:14] (i.e. the thing that makes sure your amarok is able to play music on linux, mac and windows ;)) [19:14] bloglogger i know what's phonon. But what's you want to do with it? :D [19:15] sheytan: I want a blog header ;) [19:15] now srsly, you could have guessed that from the nick :P [19:15] bloglogger let me take a look what i can do for you :) [19:15] * bloglogger needs to send a truck of cookies to sheytan at some point [19:16] would be cool :D [19:16] bloglogger: pay him a bunch of cookies at the UDS [19:16] yeah, when i ever come :) [19:17] there is more useful things to be bought at UDS [19:17] UDS will be very close to us [19:17] clearly ulysses will attend ^^ [19:17] ^^ [19:21] bloglogger: I think apacheblogger would have been clearer. [19:22] bloglogger: http://pastebin.ca/2001262 :P [19:25] ScottK: is that so? :P [19:25] It is. [19:27] who is up for blog proofreading? [19:29] o/ [19:29] teh grammar nazi iz here! [19:30] not so much about grammer, more about continuity and stuff ^^ [19:30] ooh, kalgebramobile, mobile is getting everywhere [19:30] * bloglogger has problems holding thoughts for longer than a minute [19:32] bloglogger: your gstreamer support is done :) [19:33] Riddell: We need to chat with cjwatson about what to do with the mobile seed. I'm pretty sure stuff everything in Main isn't the right answer for this cycle. [19:35] bloglogger: btw can you provide some search strings you use so that I can make a few more tests before I forgot this code :P [19:35] ScottK: it doesn't feel right for sure [19:35] making a new kubuntu-mobile seed would make sense [19:36] It'd be nice if germinate supported mulitple seed that used different pockets. [19:36] (so we could keep a common seed for the actual common stuff) [19:36] Could you perhaps chat with him about it while us Americans are off stuffing ourselves with turkey? [19:37] could do [19:37] dantti_work: document it :P [19:37] Cool. [19:37] * bloglogger looks for evil codecs [19:37] turturkeykey [19:37] BTW, libs built on arm. [19:37] yay [19:37] bloglogger: I'm writting a techbase page about packagekit session installer (not finish yet [19:37] Pretty fast with 4 boxes icecreaming. [19:37] sadly with qtwebkit it now won't build anywhere [19:38] * ScottK won't update the chroot. [19:38] dantti_work: ok [19:38] ulysses: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/hupnp.debdiff [19:38] (this chroot is generally stale enough to have the old gcc where one could build Qt stuff on arm) [19:39] Riddell: ping about akonadi in binary New when you have a moment. [19:40] Riddell: date of libqtsolutions-soap-2.7-1.install is a bit strange [19:40] accepting akonadi means kdepim needs either a rebuild or an upgrade to 4.6 beta [19:40] ulysses: means it's a new file [19:41] Riddell: It does? [19:41] pim or pimlibs? [19:41] ulysses: the file moved [19:41] bloglogger: apparently bug 416341 [19:41] No rush in any case [19:41] Launchpad bug 416341 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "network-manager-gnome does not depend on gnome-icon-theme" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/416341 [19:41] ScottK: kdepim-runtme (which depends on libakonadiprivate1) [19:42] shadeslayer: I think I know what happened to software properties ! :P [19:42] Ah. [19:42] shadeslayer: are you using neon? [19:42] dantti_work: yus.. but its a bit outdated [19:42] I guess we should see if kdepim builds against this. [19:42] shadeslayer: after I enabled neon I updated some python-qt... and now it does not open anymore :P [19:42] I'll check it. [19:43] dantti_work: that would be SIP breaking PyKDE, downgrade the PPA python packages [19:43] bloglogger: even if i setup a new connection, it doesnt show up on the device [19:43] yofel: hehe thanks... shadeslayer you too ^^ [19:43] dantti_work: known issue [19:43] :) [19:45] shadeslayer: worked here, last I tried [19:46] :( [19:48] maybe it is hidden? [19:50] now how do i check that :P [19:52] bloglobber http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/5364/headermmedia.png [19:52] bloglogger :D [19:56] ulysses: can you apply that debdiff, verify it does what you want, fix W: libhupnp-dev: wrong-section-according-to-package-name libhupnp-dev => libdevel, upload to revu and get someone else to review? [19:57] than we're done [19:58] Riddell: rename libhupnp-dev to libhupnp-devel? [19:58] ulysses: no just add a Section: to debian/ctonrol for libhupnp-dev [20:01] Riddell: done [20:02] bloglogger like it? :) [20:03] review needed! http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/hupnp [20:04] shadeslayer: can you make that use the phonon logo and say phonon develope rather than kubuntu developer? :D [20:04] sheytan: ^ [20:04] shadeslayer: sry [20:04] sure [20:15] bloglogger: so wicd can do the trick [20:15] but android doesnt see adhoc networks [20:16] well [20:16] I told you [20:16] you were not listen [20:16] android is crap [20:16] :P [20:16] * bloglogger had a lengthy discussion about the horriblyness of android compared to iOS just yesterday [20:16] i just need to get a router now [20:17] ulysses: did you talk to upstream about getting libqtsolutions-soap out of the source? [20:17] * bloglogger has a very bad feeling about it [20:17] bloglogger: nope [20:17] im going to sleep [20:17] cya [20:18] nini shadeslayer [20:18] good night shadeslayer [20:18] ulysses: I am not exactly comfortable advocating the package before there is at least a plan for soap :S [20:18] bloglogger http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/5364/headermmedia.png [20:18] gn shadeslayer [20:19] shadeslayer: most terrific, thank you :) [20:19] sheytan: ^ [20:19] * bloglogger has autocomplete fail today [20:19] * bloglogger hugs sheytan and declares him his favorite kubuntu artist [20:19] :) [20:20] TBH JontheEchidna never was good at drawing, but I wouldnt say it to his face, to not hurt his feelings [20:20] bloglogger? [20:20] btw, the technical side of kubuntu's new shiny web page has made big progress :D [20:20] wouldn't apacheblogger be better? [20:20] http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/aubertruck-png.png [20:21] hmmm [20:21] abstract art is not for me [20:21] upgrade was quite painless [20:21] :P [20:21] DarkwingDuck: how is that? [20:21] bloglogger: sounds better [20:21] :P [20:22] I do not compute [20:22] ! [20:22] hehehe [20:25] bloglogger: what kind of plan? [20:27] ulysses: on how to get rid of it [20:27] because we should grab the source from nokia and package it individually [20:28] it really should not be distributed as part of hupnp [20:28] I write to Tuomo, I'm sure he will help [20:30] revu'd [20:37] bloglogger: I sent an e-mail to Tuomo about getting libqtsolutions-soap out from the source [20:37] kthx [20:42] sheytan: Could we have a shiny new wiki theme to match the web site? [20:43] ScottK i could, but no time these days. That have to wait at least a month [20:43] sheytan: I doubt anyone else will get to it before then. [20:43] You don't want me to get out my crayons. [20:44] bloglogger: I made a get-orig-source based on Ubuntu wiki: http://paste.ubuntu.com/536045/ [20:44] ScottK yep, i'm really busy with work and some design for others + the kubuntu page, but i hope to have some more free time after new year :) [20:45] sheytan: Thanks. You're doing good work and we could use more of it. [20:45] SctooK you already have pdf/prefentations templates, web page is almost there, bloglogger has his blog headers, etc :D [20:46] there's more where that came from :) [20:47] * bloglogger is wondering with what mail addy he is subscribed to kde-packagers === bloglogger is now known as apachelogger [20:49] Excellent [20:51] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1200371 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/ (4 files in 2 dirs) Add QApt::History, a class giving an interface to the APT history logfiles. [20:56] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1200374 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/ (history.cpp history.h) Add a HistoryItem::errorString() fuction to retreive the error encountered during a transaction in the log, if applicable [20:57] Riddell: phonon available [21:08] 1. I tried to install both packages via “KPackageKit”, the software manager for Kubuntu. I get an error message of “You have failed to provide a correct au Please check any passwords or accou…” yep, it cut off just like that. Um, it didn’t ask me for a password! [21:08] dantti_work: ^ [21:08] form random blog [21:10] So the error message is correct. The user didn't provide a password ... [21:11] well, I am more hinting towards the beign cut off part ;) [21:11] that dude had all sorts of crazy problems on a fresh install, so I figure he is one of the people who like to think that they know what they are doing [21:11] not unlike apachelogger [21:11] apachelogger: oi! [21:21] Riddell: around? [21:22] apachelogger: do you know which version? it sounds more like policykit-kde failing [21:23] 10.10 supposedly [21:23] should be easy to check .... new user without no sudo access, that should lead to an error like that [21:23] apachelogger: only the licensing issue remains, after a shower I'll fix it [21:23] dantti_work: did you push your gstreamer changes already? [21:24] ulysses: most awesome [21:24] apachelogger: pushed to pk git [21:25] dantti_work: last change I see si the release of 0610 [21:26] dantti even [21:26] * apachelogger is wondering if dantti got a clone ^^ [21:26] no [21:26] nope [21:27] apachelogger: http://gitorious.org/packagekit/packagekit/commit/16170df05a733e665896128d1f7fc520a60b2e45 [21:27] apachelogger: are you cloning gitorious? [21:27] no [21:27] fdo [21:27] :O [21:28] that should be down :P [21:28] is not [21:28] http://packagekit.org/pk-download.html [21:28] one should update that I suppose [21:29] markey: not coming to dornbirn btw [21:29] got super important exam on monday :/ [21:29] stupid maths always gets in the way of going somewhere -.- [21:30] right I'll heads up Richard [21:33] * apachelogger fires up autohell [21:40] dantti: "gstreamer|0.10|amarok|ID3 tag|decoder-application/x-id3" [21:40] still doesnt work here btw [21:40] it however fails in a different way [21:41] that's not a valid string for PK [21:41] well [21:41] no [21:41] well [21:41] yes [21:41] :P [21:41] it is for pk, pk mangles it and something else arrives in the backend ;) [21:42] apachelogger: afaik no, since all my tests today came exactly as i wrote it [21:43] gstreamer0.10(decoder-audio/x-wma)(wmaversion=3) [21:43] ./contrib/gstreamer-plugin [21:43] oh [21:43] gstreamer calls a helper and that helper calls out to packagekit [21:43] k, so you are not actually using the session installer [21:43] ok [21:43] let me see that [21:44] dantti: just install phonon-backend-gstreamer and make sure that helper thingy is installed [21:44] k [21:44] whenver you try to play an unsupported file a window should come up [21:46] apachelogger: answer from Tuomo http://paste.ubuntu.com/536062/ [21:47] apachelogger: I don't think I have any [21:47] dantti: taglib contains wma test files [21:48] also the intartubes is filled up with that stuff :D [21:49] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1200385 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/includes/CMakeLists.txt Actually install the pretty header [21:49] apachelogger: btw did you --enable-gstreamer-plugin [21:50] ulysses: every distribtion can carry patches against qtsoap, so the show stopper is only one if he sees people who compile stuff from source as his primary audience, which is probably not the case [21:51] having a statically linked qtsoap inside is not an option since it violates gpl (need to distribute source if you distribute binary) [21:52] what would be an option is to statically link qtsoap into his own library, so it does not appear as shared library (i.e. the so file) [21:52] dantti: oh [21:52] no [21:52] of course latter is not as good as having soap not in the source alltogether [21:59] apachelogger: gstreamer0.10(decoder-application/x-id3)()(64bit) why that () do you have an idea? [22:00] nope [22:00] could be coming from the plugin [22:01] the gstreamer markup as seen above is very strict and always constains the exact amount of fields [22:01] even if empty [22:01] (packagekitd:5136): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_caps_can_intersect: assertion `GST_IS_CAPS (caps1)' failed [22:01] I also get that [22:01] so, you probably try to create a bogus caps ^^ [22:02] apachelogger: gstreamer gives you that string? [22:02] no, phonon-gstreamer builds it, sends it to gstreamer and gstreamer launches gstreamer-codec-install with the string as argument [22:03] so there might be something missing I guess, since afaik toten uses it and it comes the way I told you [22:03] how do I get the samples you told me? [22:03] doesnt work even with --enable-gstreamer-plugin :( [22:03] apt-get source somethi? [22:04] dantti: apt-get source phonon [22:04] apachelogger: btw be sure to be running the right packagekitd [22:05] in phonon-*/gstreamer/mediaobject.cpp [22:05] apachelogger: I can't find it [22:05] there is something like QString plugins = QString("gstreamer [22:05] but a cpp? [22:06] just stream that to a qdebug [22:06] dantti: huh? [22:06] I thought there were samples of audio files [22:06] aj [22:06] ah [22:06] lolz, I thought you meant the codec line ^^ [22:07] dantti: apt-get source taglib [22:07] PackageKit-ERROR **: config file not found [22:07] hooray [22:08] why the heck is it looking in /usr/local/etc/PackageKit/PackageKit.conf -.- [22:09] who pinged me? :) [22:09] apachelogger: ./autogen.sh --enable-gtk-doc --disable-gtk-doc --prefix=/home/daniel/code/os/pkbin/ --enable-aptcc --with-default-backend=aptcc --enable-gstreamer-plugin [22:09] apachelogger: autohell line that might help :P [22:10] those first enable disable are stupid:P [22:10] to hell with autohell! [22:10] dantti: cant you sneak in cmake? :P [22:10] * apachelogger distcleans and tries again [22:11] apachelogger: actually I have an almost compiling cmake for that [22:11] but no time to finish [22:11] you have way too many projects going on [22:11] yes that's the problem [22:11] I can't focus [22:12] shadeslayer: you could take over some of dantti's projects once you found new minions [22:12] when I think I'll have time for printing.. [22:12] or at least help him [22:12] aha! [22:12] dantti: thanks, now packagekitd at least starts :D [22:13] hehe [22:13] (packagekitd:7065): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_caps_can_intersect: assertion `GST_IS_CAPS (caps1)' failed [22:13] btw does that gstreamer code works on fedora? [22:13] yep [22:13] rdieter tested it yesterday [22:14] well it might be a different string but.. [22:14] let me start vb [22:21] apachelogger: yes fedora can't find that plugin too [22:22] so as there more tests have been make I believe it might be phonon-gs [22:22] GstStructure *str = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0); [22:22] value = QString::fromUtf8(gst_structure_get_name (str)); [22:22] QString plugins = QString("gstreamer|0.10|%0|%1|decoder-%2") [22:22] .arg( qApp->applicationName() ) [22:22] .arg( value ) [22:22] .arg( QString::fromUtf8(gst_caps_to_string (caps) ) ); [22:23] very unlikely [22:23] I can poke that tomorrow a bit [22:23] * apachelogger needs to go to be soonish as he has a meeting tomorrw at 8 [22:24] k, cya [22:35] apachelogger: I believe it's the gst-pk-plugins which is broken, I changed the string after failing with toten and it "works" not [22:35] now [22:48] apachelogger: I uploaded hupnp with the fixes [22:56] dantti: hi [22:56] apachelogger: phonon? where? [22:56] Riddell: hey [22:56] Riddell: he is gone I think [23:09] apachelogger: all fixed improved my regex and make sure GstCaps aren't null, pull when you get back :) [23:36] * ScottK wonders about licensing so bad it needs a shower? [23:40] of what? [23:48] Dunno [23:48] [16:23:48] apachelogger: only the licensing issue remains, after a shower I'll fix it [23:48] time is -0500