
doctormopleia2, paultag, leftyfb: Looks like we're go for Saturday in lowell02:19
leftyfbpleia2 just headed out for her plane02:19
doctormoah ok02:19
nigelbgreg-g: sense is just famous in his own country :p02:20
doctormonigelb: And you in yours?02:21
nigelbdoctormo: haha, nah :)03:56
duanedesign'lo all05:52
nigelbMorning duanedesign06:05
nigelbduanedesign: Did you just wake up?06:05
nigelbIf so, you need some Ambien :\06:05
duanedesignnigelb: yeah, I need to get my hours straightened out. :P06:15
paultagdoctormo, sounds good so far. Any idea on how you're making it up that way?06:23
paultagdoctormo, I need to work out my logistics, hectic trip :)06:24
vishwhy does the planet feed break so often? http://planet.ubuntu.com/rss20.xml07:02
AlanBellbecause XML does not allow many entities, certainly not as many as HTML07:25
AlanBellit trips up every time an accented character turns up in a name07:26
dholbachgood morning!07:33
duanedesignhello daniel07:43
dholbachhey duanedesign07:43
dholbachhola dpm07:52
dholbachdpm, when's your first show going to be? :)07:52
dholbachkim0: صباح الخير07:54
dpmheya dholbach :)07:55
kim0dholbach: dpm howdy folks o/07:55
kim0nigelb: hey there07:55
dpmdholbach, I'm still thinking about it. Not sure if this or next week, probably next.07:55
dpmhey kim007:56
dholbachdpm, I'll be on tomorrow already07:56
dpmdholbach, brave man07:56
kim0what's that07:56
dholbachdpm, not sure about that :)07:56
dholbach"dholbach tv"07:56
kim0haha lol07:57
* vish surrounded by famous stars, each with their own TV show :D07:59
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nigelbwoo, hey kim008:09
* nigelb waves to dholbach, the new celebrity :p08:09
kim0nigelb: hey hey :)08:09
nigelbHola dpm08:09
dholbachnigelb, not really :)08:09
nigelbdholbach: haha, we'll get you there, don't worry :p08:09
dpmhey nigelb08:10
=== irssione is now known as IdleOne
dholbachhola czajkowski, hey randa, daker!09:34
dakermorning dholbach czajkowski09:35
randamorning all09:39
nigelbMorning czajkowski, randa, daker :)09:42
duaneiphodholbach: your ustream show starts today?10:53
duaneiphoohhh, right10:53
duaneipho:) thank you10:54
dholbachanytime :)10:54
dholbachsalut huats10:54
huatshey dholbach !10:55
dholbachcomment ça va?10:55
duaneiphositting at my folks house this morning.10:55
huatsI am fine dholbach thanks !10:55
huatsyou ?10:55
dholbachgood, thanks :)10:56
duaneiphodholbach: well I will be sure tweet, dent, and face book about the ustream show. so my legions of followers will know10:58
dholbachI'm looking forward to it :)10:58
duaneiphoand kim0 his Q and A is today in #ubuntu-cloud?11:00
kim0duaneipho: indeed :)11:06
duaneiphokim0: great. i look forward to it11:10
kim0duaneipho: You're welcome :)11:10
duaneiphook headed home. see you when I get on my home box11:11
nigelbhahha! http://svn.python.org/view/python/trunk/Lib/antigravity.py?view=markup&pathrev=6690211:24
nigelbThey implemented antigravity :p11:25
duanedesignnigelb: ha!11:27
duanedesign'i just typed import antigravity'11:28
nigelbduanedesign: lol, python 3!11:31
ubot2Factoid 'cleansweep' not found11:34
nigelbduanedesign: learned a lesson over the week11:38
nigelbif your application uses twitter, build it and comment the code, or else with the amount of refreshes you do during development, twitter will probably block you for an hour :p11:39
duanedesignnigelb: oh no :\11:51
vishis it a holiday in the UK today?13:17
* vish looks at AlanBell / popey …13:17
Pendulumnot that I know of13:17
czajkowskiwhy ?13:17
duanedesigntommorrow is holiday in U.S.13:18
vishhmm, no one from Milbank seem online13:18
vish.. the design team folks..13:18
czajkowskidoesnt mean it's a holiday vish13:18
czajkowskimeans they may be working :)13:18
czajkowskithey dont have to be online13:19
vish nah, just wondering, since they usually are online..13:19
vish*when they work13:19
* vish needs to publish a blog.. and needs those folk..13:22
vishnhandler: hi, any news on the mail server?13:23
dakercheck that http://www.linux.fm/14:01
AlanBellvish: apparently there are students protesting at Millbank again14:01
dakera TTS of the kernel files14:01
vishAlanBell: oh!14:02
popeyStudents are revolting!14:09
jussipopey: revolting? thats not a very nice thing to say about people... do they smell that bad?14:09
popeytis a common gag :)14:10
akgranerThanksgiving is tomorrow and while I know it's a US holiday and not everyone here celebrates it, I still wanted to tell you all - I am grateful for all the opportunities to laugh and learn with and from each of you.14:18
jussiakgraner: huggles. and you rock!14:19
akgranerjussi, thanks as do you my friend!14:20
* Pendulum hugs akgraner 14:23
akgranerthanks Pendulum hugs to you as well :-)14:24
* Pici hugs everyone too14:26
=== dinda is now known as dinda-away-erran
=== dinda-away-erran is now known as dinda-afk-errand
* popey glares at dinda-afk-errand 14:28
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== dinda-afk-errand is now known as dinda
jonodholbach, dpm, jcastro, kim0 give me a min for the meeting finishing making a coffee16:00
kim0mumble or skype16:05
jonodholbach, dpm, jcastro, kim0 skype16:05
dholbachthat always makes me feel dirty...16:05
dholbachbooting skype :)16:06
kim0yeah :)16:06
jonodholbach, jcastro come on guys log onto skype :-)16:07
jonooh jcastro ignore that16:07
jonoyou are off work16:08
dholbachI'm there16:08
jonodholbach, huh, bloody skype16:08
dholbachdpm too16:08
sensegood afternoon16:10
duanedesignhello sense16:10
sensehi duanedesign16:11
* dholbach calls it a day16:50
dholbachsee you all tomorrow!16:50
* dholbach hugs you all16:50
* kim0 calls it a day17:07
dpmand me too17:10
dpmsee you all tomorrow!17:10
senseI hate MoinMoin.19:27
senseLuckily I save edits in text file when I'm making large changes.19:27
sense500 errors when pressing preview are not fun!19:27
AlanBellsense: don't worry fixing that is on the todo list \o/ - with no priority or expected date /o\19:30
senseI don't like MoinMoin. It's not that it lacks features. It lacks performance and reliability.19:30
nigelbAlanBell: That xapian search thing?19:30
AlanBellit is totally fine19:30
nigelbsense: Read AlanBell's mail.19:30
nigelbyeah, that one :D19:31
nigelbNo, not that one19:31
nigelbthe tl;dr one :p19:31
nigelbah, the ssecond one seems about right :p19:32
AlanBellI think the fundamental issue is that the people who could fix it very easily don't actually use it19:32
AlanBellif the wiki is up, then their job is done19:32
AlanBellI have been jumping up and down for a year begging to be allowed to fix the damn thing19:33
nigelbok, bed time; later folks:)19:34
AlanBellI am guessing that "it has not been given a priority" means, "we are not going to do anything about it"19:35
senseAlanBell: You have my support. This needs attention. Maybe more people need to be bugged?19:36
AlanBellI don't know who can prioritise tasks for Canonical IS19:37
AlanBellso far I have managed to get the wiki theme put on launchpad and I have been allowed to fix some bugs on it19:38
AlanBellalthough actually merging my code seems problematic19:39
sensejono: I think the plan was to integrate Update Manager in the Software Centre in the future.19:49
popeyAlanBell: I do19:59
popeyCharlie Schluting @ canonical. Email him.20:00
AlanBellwant to be on the cc?20:25
AlanBellpopey: ^^20:35
doctormoWhat a boring day in the Ubuntu community20:37
popeyAlanBell: feel free :)20:39
popeyor cc the cc/tb?20:39
AlanBellsure, both of them?20:42
popey i meant / as or20:43
popeyactually, nah, they dont need to know20:43
AlanBelljust you then?20:44
AlanBellwhy boring doctormo?20:45
JanC<sense> I hate MoinMoin.20:57
JanC<sense> Luckily I save edits in text file when I'm making large changes.20:57
JanC<sense> 500 errors when pressing preview are not fun!20:57
JanCactually, MoinMoin works quite well in that case20:58
JanCjust Refresh & re-submit, and you don't lose anything20:58
JanCLP is more of a PITA in that case  ;)21:00
doctormoAlanBell: Nothing going on.21:11

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