
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
=== IdleOne is now known as irssione
=== irssione is now known as IdleOne
Tm_TDJones: ok now?09:16
DJonesyes, thanks Tm_T09:17
Tm_Tgood good, np (:09:18
* m4v scratches his head at *!*@*bzshellz.* ban in #ubuntu10:35
m4vshouldn't it be bshellz or is not a typo?10:36
rwwm4v: I'll look into it; thanks.10:47
rwwikonia: See ^^^. As far as I can tell, m4v is right10:50
ikoniadepends, there was two hosts at one point, one was a real shell provider the other was just a host11:17
ikoniabut that one could be a typo11:17
rwwikonia: I don't see anything in the bantracker for bzshellz other than your ban, though11:19
rwwI suspect you accidentally added an extra z at some point and your mind ran with it ;)11:20
ikoniafeel free to change it if thats the case11:26
m4vis just that I noticed users joining #ubuntu from bshellz when I knew that bshellz used to be banned.14:28
erUSULm4v: revised policies about open proxies? i saw an email to the list about it14:40
PiciIt was a typo.14:46
* erUSUL fail14:47
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
goukiIs there a rule that "forces" official LoCo channels to be logged? #ubuntu-pt has ubuntulog and ubuntulog2, I would like for them to be removed.19:26
Picigouki: It was requested by the Loco Council.19:27
goukiPici, so the LoCo council now forces channels to be logged?19:27
Picigouki: Yes, your loco's contact should have received an email about it.19:28
goukiPici, that's just marvelous.19:28
goukiPici, thank you for your help.19:29
PiciSure thing.19:30

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