
hamitron4GB (2x2GB) DDR3 1333MHz is down to £45 :-o00:00
jacobwI'm sure it'll contribute to feeling of my life being one long IT headache though :p00:00
hamitronI like hammers00:00
hamitronso isn't for me00:01
jacobwHammers for the win :p00:01
jacobwRight, tis nearly midnight00:01
hamitronyeh, time for coffee00:01
jacobwLol, time for bed in my case00:01
hamitronokies, take care and good luck00:01
hamitronwith whatever you decide00:02
AzelphurMy friend has this wireless PCI card, 01:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless (rev 03)00:14
Azelphurit doesn't seem to work, doesn't show up in ifconfig at all00:14
directhexAzelphur: libertas? ought to be fine. that's the OLPC wifi chip01:38
directhexhm... new variant?01:39
Azelphuryea I found that, the link in the guide is 404 and it talks about feisty01:42
directhexwow, feisty o_o01:42
Azelphurso probably obsolete01:42
* hamitron likes a bit of feisty01:43
hamitronmoving targets are hard to hit :/01:44
directhexaha, nowadays it's called mwl8k01:44
directhexor maybe not01:46
directhexcomputers suck01:46
nigelbdirecthex: Congrats :)04:53
ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] Viewsonic and the GPL - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/130815.html06:19
* daubers needs porridge08:04
daubersnom nom bnom nom porrdge08:13
* daubers speed tests a storage box08:16
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Meetings, Videocasts, Oh My! - http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/11/24/meetings-videocasts-oh-my/08:19
DJonesMorning all08:34
screen-xmorning :)08:38
hooverhi folks08:53
hoovergood mornin all08:53
lubotu3Channel logs can be found at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/08:56
selinuxiummorning  :)09:00
AlanBellDJones: that needs updating09:03
DJonesYup, just looking at it now09:03
DJonesThis is interesting, hadn't noticed any earlier reports about it http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/11/23/darily_ubuntu_updates/ With daily updates, could make Ubuntu one of the most up to date distro's09:16
DJonesAlthough, five year plan, so not going to be an instant change09:16
lubotu3Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/09:17
screen-xDJones: ooh shiny new html logs09:25
screen-xThough I do wonder what nigelb was congratulating directhex about at 04:53am..09:27
diplohis new job I'd guess at09:28
screen-xAhh cool, belated congrats directhex ;-)09:28
DJonesscreen-x: Have a look at 17:08 yesterday, that gives a bit more of a hint09:29
DJonesCongrats directhex09:29
screen-x\o popey09:30
czajkowskiello elo folks09:32
czajkowskicold morning out there09:32
selinuxiumindeed! RSPCA were out snapping dogs off lamp posts...09:33
czajkowskiselinuxium: ahhh bless you're back09:33
gordgeez, whys it so cold today09:34
MartijnVdSJust go out for a run, you'll warm right up09:35
gordlike in a car?09:35
MartijnVdSgord: no, running shoes, etc.09:35
* MartijnVdS did that yesterday evening09:36
MartijnVdSfirst 5 minutes are cold.. after that you produce so much heat by running, even -5C won'09:36
MartijnVdSt bother you09:36
selinuxiumczajkowski, Yeah, work has been a pain and taking up all my time... I only get the occasional minute or two... :/09:36
popeyMartijnVdS: who are you and what have you done with treenaks!?09:36
MartijnVdSpopey: http://goo.gl/maps/BXk809:36
czajkowskiselinuxium: and in these short but brief moments you do come up with some odd liners09:36
* DJones suggests maybe a run to pub to sit in front of a roaring log fire might be ok09:36
* screen-x hopes MartijnVdS covers his knees running in cold weather09:36
selinuxiumczajkowski, I try my bestest... :)09:37
MartijnVdSscreen-x: I do.. coldest bits are my ears (for now)09:37
popeyMartijnVdS: your town looks pretty in google maps09:37
gordyeah, nicely laid out , not like the sprawl that is english towns09:37
screen-xIts almost like someone planned it09:39
MartijnVdSIt was built in "phases"09:39
MartijnVdSthe bit around the river is the oldest, then the bit where I ran (built from the end of WW2-1970s, population growth)09:40
MartijnVdSthen the bit south of the train track (more growth)09:40
diploflat though.. :)09:40
diploWish we had some nice flat areas around here, 1/4 mile in each direction i want to go i have a slope of some kind09:40
MartijnVdSdiplo: farm land, polders :)09:40
screen-xMartijnVdS: Any sailing happen on the lake? I can't see any dinghy parks round the edge..09:41
nigelbscreen-x: yeah, his new job09:41
diploI just go to the gym at lunch time, tis a lot warmer and lot's of lovely ladies in skimpy outfits!09:41
MartijnVdSscreen-x: wind surfing mostly, and there's a "cable ski" track09:41
nigelbscreen-x: BUt it was morning for me!09:41
screen-xnigelb: shifts or non-uk?09:42
czajkowskigod damnit I hate printers09:42
screen-xMartijnVdS: \o/ Windsurfing09:42
nigelbscreen-x: Non UK09:42
nigelbscreen-x: Despite my very Britsh name, I'm not British ;)09:43
czajkowskiwhat package do I log bugs agasint for printers?09:43
gordi have absolutely no idea o_O09:43
screen-xczajkowski: is it a driver prob? you could use apt-file to find out which package the ppd you are using is in.09:43
nigelbThat's strange, bug squad doesn't give any documentation about printers o_O09:44
czajkowskinigelb: :o09:44
MartijnVdSczajkowski: does the "manage printers" dialog have a menu with "Report a problem..." entry?09:44
gordslowternets are being slow today09:53
czajkowskiMartijnVdS: one of the guys in here worked some voodoo09:55
nigelbczajkowski: Got it working?09:57
nigelbTHanks for saying that, now we have to fix that in the docs :)09:57
czajkowskinigelb: aye10:01
czajkowskinot sure how, but it's working10:02
czajkowskiand I've debian installing in machine beside me10:02
nigelbczajkowski: lenny?10:03
nigelbI ran it for a few months.  Made me appreciate the work we put into Ubuntu.  It was a um  a bit of pain to get wireless working :/10:04
czajkowskinigelb: aye10:09
czajkowskiwiping g5 and installing lenny on it10:09
nigelbczajkowski: Win \o/10:10
czajkowskiwell if it would behave and stop giving us apple needs this messages10:13
popeymorning kazade10:16
popeyand chewit10:16
chewitoh, popey, question, I really like your ucast videos, but why create an entirely new website, when there is already screencasts.ubuntu.com10:18
popeybecause they may not all be ubuntu :)10:18
chewitah ok10:19
kazademorning popey10:22
NgI hear the guy who started screencasts.ubuntu.com isn't very nice ;)10:38
kazadeI hear the guy that started ucasts.tv isn't nice either :p10:42
* kazade runs10:42
* daubers notes popey has hit a bug and is twittering about changing apps10:43
popeydaubers: changing to something with more features10:44
kazadelol: http://i.imgur.com/Nh6Xj.jpg10:44
kazadehas to be fake10:44
MartijnVdSGermans... :)10:46
gordi see the weather today is three wavy lines again, i'll figure out what on earth you mean some day lines!!!10:50
dauberspopey: Just found it amusing after the las tpodcast10:50
czajkowskigord: wind |10:52
czajkowskior levels of pressure ?10:52
popeydaubers: you know I talk to upstream a lot?10:52
MartijnVdS♫ Under pressure10:52
popeydaubers: I run the tomboy ppa too, so it's not like they don't know about the issue10:53
czajkowskinone of my notes are working today :( rather peeved about this10:55
czajkowskiwell thats wrong they are snyching from here to U1 , and U1 is working but not giving me my notes from other machines :(10:57
kazadegrr getting a little tired of U1 using all my CPU now..10:57
* kazade notices that U1 is topic of the day10:57
directhexu1 hungry! om nom nom10:57
popeycan you see them at http://one.ubuntu.com/notes/ czajkowski ?10:57
czajkowskipopey: even worse I can see old notes but not new ones, but it's been telling me it's updated on machine here :(10:58
kazadeon the forth attempt, I finally managed to get U1 to quit \o/10:59
gordczajkowski, neither of those, no one can figure it out10:59
gordits never windy or hazy when it shows up11:00
screen-xgord: sea state?11:00
davmor2morning all11:02
czajkowskigord: image ?11:02
* davmor2 randomly picks on czajkowski to see if her can open her gob yet11:03
gordoooh i know what it is11:03
czajkowskino :(11:03
czajkowskino improvement yes11:03
gordif you hover over the applet you get a tooltip that explains it, its just wrong \o/11:03
screen-xgord: whatisit?11:03
gordsupposed to be fog, its just always been wrong11:04
czajkowskihmm dont seem to haev the aplet installed11:04
gordsure you do, its the normal gnome clock. you right click it to turn weather stuff on11:04
czajkowskigord: ahh I had it set to turn on for weather, but no location was added11:05
czajkowskibah my memenu is being bold again and only spelling half my name, it does this from time to time11:07
czajkowskiI think it wants me to shorten myname11:07
screen-xit knows your actual name is cztab11:07
czajkowskiscreen-x: you've been listening to davmor2 too mucb11:09
* screen-x goes back to the light side11:09
screen-xtalking of which, I haven't tried radiance in a while11:10
czajkowskianyone here running gwibber for twitter and identica11:28
* gord puts hand up11:29
czajkowskigord: are your tweets coming in ?11:29
gordnope! its awesome, i'm getting work done11:29
czajkowskimine is only showing the dents, so removed twitter and re added it11:29
gordi'm running the dailys though, they break sometimes11:29
czajkowskiaye my machine at home is running dailys but this one isn't11:31
czajkowskibigcalm: !11:31
gordoh czajkowski the old ones don't tell you if you have an invalid signature, ken told me that you have to re-authenticate or something11:32
czajkowskiaye I did that11:32
czajkowskioh I ask ken a lotta gwibber stuff11:32
gordhe seemed happy when i told him i was running the dailys, relieved almost so i'm guessing there is a bug with the old one that means its gone crazy and its hard to fix11:32
czajkowskiso I now know to kill all gwibber services when I've an issue11:32
MartijnVdSI don't have that problem11:33
MartijnVdSgwibber usually kills itself11:33
czajkowskigord: seems to randomly start to work again11:52
screen-xIf you want to strip the first and last lines from a stream, you need "|tail -n +2 |head -n -1" odd, I would have thought they would both be 1, or both 2.11:56
MartijnVdShead != tail :)12:02
bigcalm2 sides of the same coin though12:02
davmor2czajkowski: mine are but I'm running proposed I'm also running Maverick12:07
czajkowskidavmor2: they seem to have re started12:07
davmor2Damn I was gonna spend the next half hour insulting you on twitter :D12:08
* popey wonders if czajkowski has seen the front page of the Irish Daily Star today.12:18
diplodont they have a way with words :P12:20
dauberspopey: Wasn't meant as criticism earlier, just amused me was all12:20
czajkowskipopey: I don't even have to look at that to know what it is, it's in my twitter stream all morning long12:22
czajkowskithey really have screwed up our country12:23
bigcalmczajkowski: you've moved to a country that isn't doing much better12:23
czajkowskibigcalm: I got a job over here though12:23
czajkowskieither that or I was going to move to CAnada12:23
bigcalmI guess you are now part mass exidous of young people12:23
bigcalmCanadia's loss is our gain :)12:24
czajkowskibigcalm: also cheaper for me to fly from here to canada :)12:24
czajkowskivisit tc12:24
nucc1has anyone noticed that the planet.ubuntu.com rss feed is broken?12:24
bigcalmSo you were thinking about your carbon footprint as well!12:25
davmor2nucc1: Yeap12:25
nucc1davmor2, you got an updated url? or do i have to make do with the web browser?12:25
davmor2nucc1: not yet but the guy responsible is on our team so as soon as he gets online he's havin' it12:26
czajkowskibigcalm: more direct flights from here12:27
czajkowskiand the less time spend in O'HAre airport the better12:27
czajkowskibigcalm: it;s an evil airport12:33
czajkowskino just security is a bit evil, and I was delayed 4 hrs the last time due to security line12:35
bigcalmGod damn local government. I'm glad that many have moved on from IE6, but they are still behind. I need to test something in IE7 but have 8 on this machine12:51
bigcalmWhat's an easy way of getting 7? Uninstall 8 and find 7?12:51
nigelbbigcalm: I think there is web developer tool which makes IE8 render IE712:52
bigcalmnigelb: I'm unable to replicate the client's display issues12:52
bigcalmI'm wondering if using default ie7 would do so12:52
nigelbAh.  VM then.12:52
bigcalmSpend the rest of the day setting up a windows VM, yay :(12:53
nigelbOr you could do the world good and say, sorry IE7 does not support your website :p12:54
nigelbHelp in the killing of IE712:54
bigcalmI have no idea what the issue is yet12:54
bigcalmWell, I mean that I'm unable to replicate it12:54
BigRedSThere's talk of dropping support for IE7 alread?12:54
bigcalmhttp://articles.sitepoint.com/article/ie6-ie7-ie8-win7-xp-mode # hummmz12:58
czajkowskinigelb: cant really say that to clients12:59
czajkowskithen tend to say by I'll get another developer12:59
nigelbczajkowski: I know, just kidding. :)12:59
nigelbI spend a really nice weekend trying to figure out IE7 issues too :(12:59
olyinstall ie7 in wine :p thats how i test sites for ie7 it more accurate than compatibility mode in ie813:04
BigRedSHm. Customer's using imagemagick to create some pdfs, but they're coming out corrupt and unopenable. Evince opens them fine, is there something in pdf that evince deals with particularly more elegantly than acrobat reader?13:15
daubersnom nom nom nom lunch13:16
davmor2BigRedS: They won't do that it's the browser on windows phone 713:31
screen-xpopey: how big is your iMac?13:31
screen-xI have to choose a replacement apple product on insurance, and was looking at the 27s, some people say they are too big to sit at comfortably..13:32
diploWe use a 27" in the office, as long as your desk is fairly large I'd say they are fine13:33
daubersscreen-x: You need to have a deep desk for a 2713:33
daubersscreen-x: We have a couple here and on a shallow desk (or a workbench) they are a bit... too big13:33
screen-xThe other problem is that the top of the screen is supposed to be at eye level, and it may be a bit high, do you find that diplo or daubers?13:34
LNX1010Hello! Does anyone have any experience with phpScheduleIt ?13:34
screen-xWen't to have a look in the apple store, but they are arranged so that you are standing up, not sitting down..13:35
daubersscreen-x: On the desk, yes.13:35
daubersscreen-x: Saying that, if your doing video editing the 27" is much nicer to use than the 2013:35
popeywhat res is the 27?13:36
screen-x2560*1440 iirc13:36
daubersscreen-x: Yup13:36
daubersscreen-x: There is a quad core 27" now too13:37
screen-xyep... talking of which, do you know if it's a "real" i7, or a laptop i7?13:37
daubersThought it was an i513:37
screen-xThere is an i7 option..13:38
daubersscreen-x: http://www.slashgear.com/imac-core-i7-review-mid-2010-1898045/13:39
daubersapparently one of these http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=4131513:39
screen-xShame you can't adjust the height...13:41
screen-xthanks daubers, I completely missed those links!13:45
daubersscreen-x: That is somewhat true. You could, however, get a minidisplay port to dvi adapter and use a second screen :)13:46
screen-xdaubers: I have considered that, would need the dual link one though, and that's £70..13:47
daubersWhy would you need a dual link one?13:50
daubersYou have a screen that big?13:51
daubersFair enough13:51
daubersBiggest mine are is 1440x900 so I don't need to worry about that :)13:52
screen-xthis is the odd thing about macs, you can't get a reasonably priced desktop without a large screen attached to it..13:52
daubersThough the new mac minis come with a nice little HDMI to DVI adapter13:52
screen-xThey've stopped supplying adapters with the laptops.13:52
screen-xAnd if you do decide to pay extra for a mac pro, they have the cheek to give you 3GB of RAM, when the imacs come with 4!13:53
MartijnVdSyou should buy Macs with the least amount of RAM possible13:54
MartijnVdSthen upgrade13:54
screen-xMartijnVdS: yeah, wasn't going to pay apple for extra ram..13:54
MartijnVdS(official Kingston upgrade sets cost less than half compared to what Apple asks for RAM)13:54
daubersscreen-x: The new Mac Pros come that way because they have the new xeon chips in which balance across three sticks of RAM13:54
screen-xdaubers: yep, so they should supply 6GB in the base model13:55
daubersscreen-x: Hah! Don't be silly. This _is_ Apple we're talking about :p13:55
Ngscreen-x: why is it odd? nobody buys desktops anymore ;)13:56
Ngand their desktop monitors have cables that are perfect for docking the laptops to - magsage, miniDP and USB13:57
nucc1i'm actually thinking of getting a desktop13:58
daubersNg: And the cinema display is a steal at £90013:58
Ngdaubers: hehe13:58
nucc1currently running 3 virtual machines on my laptop and the device is not liking it.13:58
Ngdaubers: if you want cheap, Michael Dell would love to sell you lots of unattractive black boxes for low low prices ;)13:58
daubersNg: Heh13:58
daubersNg: There's a lovely company down the road from me called Added Dimention who can get me Dell stuff even cheaper :)13:59
Ngdaubers: win :)13:59
daubersI have 3 ThinkCenters in throwing range that came from them, with matching monitors13:59
Ngdaubers: apple stuff isn't aimed at cost-sensitive customers, which is why they have a small share of the computer market, but most of the profit14:00
daubersNg: Sadly true14:01
dutchiewhat's sad about it?14:01
BigRedSit means I can't afford a macbook pro :(14:02
daubersNg: Admittedly, the interior design of the Mac Pro is quite nice (with disk trays and all)14:02
* daubers mortgages dutchie to buy a MBP14:03
screen-xWikipedia: "the Mac Pro is very quiet in normal operation, quieter than the already-quiet Power Mac G5,[20][21] and proved difficult to measure using common decibel meters."   In my experience the power mac G5s sounded like a jet taking off.14:10
screen-xpaul: it works!14:12
=== paul is now known as 20QACOAUD
dutchiedaubers: :(14:13
screen-xdutchie: at least interest rates are low, he'll pay you off in no time.14:13
daubersscreen-x: More like concord, silly part liquid cooled things where worse14:14
daubersscreen-x: Or! I could miss the payments and have dutchie taken instead14:15
dutchiemean daubers is mean14:15
wintellectcan someone point me at the right man page which details where to add routing commands so they take effect on reboots14:18
BigRedS/etc/network/interfaces ?14:19
BigRedSEr, man page14:19
BigRedSman interfaces14:19
nucc1does one put routing commands in interfaces?14:19
BigRedSI've put them in there, I thought that was normal?14:19
wintellectBigRedS: tried that, but unless I'm going mad I can't see it in there14:19
nucc1what do u meanby routing commands?14:20
BigRedSwintellect: I just looked, it's not...14:20
wintellectnucc1: route add ...14:20
screen-xwintellect: could use post-up in interfaces, to run your routing commands14:20
wintellectnothing in man ifconfig14:20
BigRedSnucc1: you can add (presumably arbitrary) commands to /e/n/i using ifup and ifdown14:20
BigRedSor similar keywords14:21
BigRedSnot ifup and ifdown, just up and down14:21
wintellectscreen-x: no man page for post-up  :(14:22
screen-xwintellect: post-up is a section of interfaces14:22
screen-xthat specifies commands to be run after an interface is brought up14:22
wintellectscreen-x: ahhhh, awesome!14:23
wintellectBigRedS: nice link, thanks too14:23
wintellectscreen-x: the man page shows:14:23
wintellectpost-up command14:23
BigRedSwintellect: I find with these sorts of things, 'debian' is often a better keyword than 'ubuntu'14:23
wintellecttherefore, do I:14:24
wintellectpost-up route add ...14:24
wintellectpost-up route add ...14:24
wintellectpost-up route add ...; route add14:24
screen-xwintellect: ip route add14:24
wintellectBigRedS: sweet! I'll try to remember that, thanks14:24
wintellectscreen-x: "ip"?14:25
screen-xwintellect: read it's man page, it replaces route.14:25
wintellectoh, ok14:25
* BigRedS also reads its man page14:25
BigRedSwow. that's the definition of terse14:25
screen-xBigRedS: ip r a14:26
BigRedSAh, that *is* an improvement, then :)14:26
screen-xheh the improvement is the ability to do the advanced routing stuff - policy routing, multiple routing tables etc, the terseness is an added bonus14:29
daubersdutchie: Next tim I see you, you can have some cake14:29
* screen-x pretends to be dutchie and goes to visit daubers14:30
wintellectscreen-x: one final thing14:31
wintellecthow are multiple routes added?14:31
wintellectpost-up ip route add...14:31
wintellectpost-up ip route add...14:31
wintellectpost-up ip route add...14:31
wintellectlike that?14:31
screen-xwintellect: yep14:32
daubersscreen-x: Hopefully comeing your way over the christmas period14:33
screen-xdaubers: though I won't be there...14:35
* screen-x hopes this information is not used to attack his house. 14:35
* BigRedS plots14:36
daubersscreen-x: Ah, off somewhere nice?14:37
screen-xdaubers: in laws, but they are very nice, so yeah :)14:38
daubersheh :)14:39
screen-xdaubers: what are you up to in wales?14:39
=== paul is now known as baddassmuthabitc
screen-xinteresting nick..14:41
daubersscreen-x: Possibly off to Swansea to see a few people14:41
screen-xdaubers: cool14:42
daubersNice little walk through the gower maybe14:42
kazadeMy latest creation: http://i.imgur.com/uZCSW.png :)15:14
BigRedSkazade: the aliens aren't supposed to look lovable15:16
DJonesBigRedS: Tell that to Alf15:17
bigcalmKinda cool :)15:18
BigRedSOK, the evil aliens you're destroying aren't supposed to be lovable15:18
MartijnVdSwhy not?15:19
screen-xkazade: cool :)15:19
MartijnVdSit's more fun to destroy lovable things15:19
MartijnVdSthat's why carmageddon was such a hit15:19
MartijnVdSand the "killer bunny" works so ewll15:20
* MartijnVdS is becoming a tvtropes quote cannon, sorry about that15:20
screen-xMartijnVdS: tvtropes anonymous are always there to help15:21
MartijnVdSscreen-x: there's a tvtropes anonymous?!15:21
screen-xnope, but I think it would be beneficial for some people ;-)15:21
kazadethe aliens did turn out looking slightly less sinister than I intended15:23
kazadeI was going for dangerous killing machines, I think I missed it by the narrowest of margins15:23
MooDoohello all15:25
urakenhello all15:26
urakendoes anyone know how i would go about intergrating my edubuntu box with a windows 2008 server?15:27
urakenfor authenticating logons etc15:27
kazadeuraken, perhaps this? https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/likewise-open.html15:28
kazadeerm, that might be old though15:28
kazadehere's the 10.04 one, probably the same: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/likewise-open.html15:29
urakenthanks guys this looks like a perfect starting point15:30
=== _Dave2_ is now known as Dave2
Azelphurgot a friend who's trying Ubuntu out and he's got a couple Windows features he misses and wonders if it's possible to get them in Ubuntu15:50
Azelphurthe first one is http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/windows-7-taskbar-multi-window-stack.png15:50
AzelphurI know window previous, but I'm not sure about the window highlighting thing when you mouse over the preview15:50
kazadeAzelphur, Dockbarx can do that I think15:51
Azelphurinteresting :p15:52
kazadeAzelphur, dockbarx does the former definitely, but not the latter15:56
kazadee.g. it has the previews, but not the fade15:56
Azelphurah :(15:56
Phineasguys i have returned16:04
Phineas"deep levels of joy" as my teatcher would say16:07
Phineasanyone there?16:11
Azelphurkazade: it does do the fade16:17
Phineas"'ve got a platypus controlling me. Now let me sum it up16:17
PhineasIt was a strange set of circumstances."16:17
Phineasquote from I've got a platypus controlling me (phineas and ferb)16:19
kazadeAzelphur, I can't get it to do it :(16:23
daubersBah, had enough now, definatley time for </wednesday>16:23
kazadeAzelphur, ah, had to enable opacify!16:23
screen-xColleague's ubuntu box is black screening occasionally. ctrl+alt+f1, alt+f7 seems to fix it, but not sure why its happening.16:26
gord.... screensaver?16:28
screen-xgord: normal mouse / keystrokes don't bring it back.16:28
gordoh geez16:31
gordabandon all hope ye who enter here?16:31
MooDoogord did that years ago :D16:31
screen-xgord: possibly :(16:32
gordi'm always surprised how early it gets dark at this time of year, i'll never learn16:33
MooDooit seems strange coming to work in the dark :)16:33
screen-xxorg log: http://bpaste.net/show/11526/16:34
AlanBellindeed, time to put the chickens in16:34
screen-xAlanBell: oven or chicken house?16:34
screen-xIt may be hardware, TV output is appearing, then disappearing, seems like dodgy hardware behaviour16:35
screen-xPhineas: as in is the hardware old?16:36
screen-x\o neptune16:36
AlanBellscreen-x: chicken house16:39
screen-xAlanBell: I'm sure they're pretty chuffed about that :)16:40
Phineaswebcam not detected by cheese please help?16:41
AlanBellPhineas: you need to provide more information16:43
Phineaswell i plug my webcam in and cheese says no device found16:44
Phineasthats all i can say really16:45
Phineasany ideas?16:45
Phineasthis is the first time i've run cheese since i fresh installed16:46
Phineasis this an issue?16:46
Phineasthats all i can say for now16:49
Phineasany ideas how to fix this?16:49
czajkowskianyone going to http://ossg.bcs.org/2010/09/30/open-source-as-open-innovation-creating-and-capturing-value-in-value-networks-london-021210/ next week ?16:50
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
Phineascan anyone help me fix my webcam16:50
MooDoohave youdone a google search for anyone having the same issue?16:52
MooDooif people don't reply they are busy, or just  don't know :D16:53
BigRedSPhineas: I probably can't help, but knowing the model of the camera will help anyone who can16:54
BigRedSIt'd also make google searches more fruitful; do you know the model number?16:54
BigRedSit might be possible to find out through the command line, if not16:54
Phineaswell its a Tevion clip-on webcam (don't know the modal)16:55
davmor2Phineas: Don't keep asking,  if some one can help they will.  First of all you've given no details in order for us to help,  Linux only covers certain webcams  so the obvious thing to do is look up Ubuntu (version) and (name of webcam) on google16:55
MooDooif it's a udb webcam, then you could tail -f /var/log/messages to see what happens when you plug it in :D16:55
davmor2MooDoo: I'm guessing at usb maybe ;)16:55
MooDoodavmor2, :p16:56
Phineasyeah its USD16:56
MooDooPhineas, well get to a terminal, unplug the webcam, type sudo tail -f /var/log/messages  then plug it back in, see if anything there will help you16:57
popeyalso the command "lsusb" will help16:57
Phineasno devices other than my in bult card reader16:58
Phineasthis is fishy or is that the tuna i had for lunch16:59
BigRedScould you pastebin the output of lsusb? You should have more than just a card reader in it17:00
directhexo_o no keyboard or mouse?17:02
directhexanyway, there's no webcam in that17:02
AlanBellPhineas: try a different usb port17:02
BigRedSit's all about ps/217:02
directhexBigRedS: yes, it is, because it's 199717:02
* AlanBell parties like it's 199917:03
Phineasoop! it made my other computer go *boop*.17:03
Phineaslist doesn't change at all17:04
AlanBellplug some other random USB device in to test the port17:04
Phineasoop! that worked17:05
Phineaslist changes17:06
BigRedSdirecthex: :(17:07
BigRedSurk, that was a nice chain of errors17:07
Phineasthis is weird17:07
BigRedSI aimed to reply to directhex, decided against it but didn't delete his name, then was sad in the wrong window...17:08
BigRedSPhineas: what's weird?17:08
PhineasBigRedS,  my issue17:08
andylockranOh my days - rooted my Xperia X10 & removed a load of SE apps and now my battery lifetime is seriously longer.17:09
screen-xandylockran: yay, still on 1.6?17:09
andylockranscreen-x: 2.117:10
andylockranIt's just a massive improvement17:10
andylockrandownloaded z4root from the Market..17:10
AlanBellPhineas: you are going to have to be a lot more descriptive about what you are doing and seeing17:10
andylockranseriously easy as pressing a button to root17:10
andylockranthen yeah - was able to remove the stock apps - and now it's a little speedier (though no benchmarking tools to test that claim) but battery life today has been immense17:11
Phineaswell the list of devices (LSUSB) shows no webcam when plugged in17:11
Phineasbut its not the port of the webcam17:12
AlanBellso you have confirmed the port works by plugging another device in17:13
AlanBelland you have confirmed the webcam works by plugging into another computer17:13
Phineasyes and it was a sucsess17:13
AlanBellwas it another linux computer?17:13
PhineasAlanBell,  nope the same one (for some reson the  other computer booped at me when i plugged it into this matchine)17:14
AlanBellI am not following17:15
AlanBellhave you confirmed that the webcam works?17:15
PhineasAlanBell,  yes cos' it has been knowen to work17:15
MartijnVdSmaybe the USB port you're plugging it into doesn't work?17:16
Phineasnope the port works fine17:16
AlanBelllsusb not listing it shows that something isn't working17:16
MartijnVdSdoes anything show up in /var/log/kern.log when you plug it in?17:16
MartijnVdS(timeouts or something like that)17:16
AlanBellso if the port has been proven to work, lets prove that the camera still works too17:17
MartijnVdSIt might be that the port doesn't have enough power left to power the device17:17
Phineasthat brings up errors17:17
MartijnVdSPhineas: can you put the output of "dmesg" on the pastebin?17:18
nucc1tried using a different cable?17:18
lubotu3Pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:18
AlanBellit worked then17:21
PhineasAlanBell,  did it? cheese doesn't reconise the webcam17:21
AlanBell[ 4463.151017] sn9c102: V4L2 driver for SN9C1xx PC Camera Controllers v1:1.47pre4917:21
Phineasthen how come cheese doesn't reconise it?17:22
AlanBellthat is the video for linux driver loading, and there is a sound line above that, guess the camera has a microphone built in17:22
Phineasno itdoesn't17:22
AlanBellhow come lsusb doesn't recognise it is the interesting question17:22
Phineasi'm puzzled as well17:22
AlanBellPhineas: ls /dev/video*17:23
AlanBellwhat video devices does that reveal?17:23
Phineasls: cannot access /dev/video: No such file or directory17:24
AlanBellok, well that is cheese not working then17:24
MartijnVdSPhineas: don't forget the *17:24
MartijnVdSPhineas: you should type "ls /dev/video*"17:24
MartijnVdSwithout the ""17:24
AlanBellwell spotted17:25
Phineassame thing17:25
MartijnVdScan't be.. either the error is now "cannot access /dev/video*"17:25
MartijnVdSor you mistyped :)17:25
MartijnVdSor there's a list of devices17:25
nucc1you can use 'gstreamer-properties' to test the video device17:25
PhineasMartijnVdS,  cannot acsess17:25
MartijnVdSPhineas: can you paste it?17:26
Phineasls: cannot access /dev/video*: No such file or directory17:26
MartijnVdSno, the device files don't exist17:27
BigRedSanyone should be able to ls in /dev17:27
MartijnVdSbeing superuser won't change that :)17:27
Phineashumm fishy17:27
* popey bets its a USB 1 port and a USB 2 camera17:30
popeyalthough I wouldn't put money on that17:31
nucc1the machine seems recent enough to not have usb 1 ports17:32
nucc1but i still think its a good idea to try using a fatter usb cable :p17:32
popeyit has usb2, but I'm thinking that specific port might not be17:32
Phineaspopey,  some are some arn't17:33
popeydo you know which specific ones are and aren't?17:34
Phineaspopey,  yep17:34
bigcalmWe do usually experience excellent delivery rates so your box will most likely still arrive. By way of apology we've credited your graze account with £1.50 (half the value of a graze box).17:34
popeyand you're using a usb2 one?17:34
popey\o/ bigcalm17:34
bigcalmSee, it's worth reporting late deliveries17:35
AlanBellbit odd that dmsg shows it connecting and loads the kernel module then it silently vanishes17:35
AlanBellI would expect some actual errors to turn up somewhere17:35
Phineaspopey,  yeah17:36
AlanBelle.g. bug 283900 shows some old issues and outputs that might be expected17:36
lubotu3Launchpad bug 283900 in Ubuntu "problem with sc9c1xx usb pc camera (dup-of: 280657)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28390017:36
lubotu3Launchpad bug 280657 in linux (Ubuntu) "Intrepid kernel 2.6.27-6 no supported image sensor dected for SN9C105 (045e, 00f7)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28065717:36
nucc1did i do something, or is linux much more seamless inside virtualbox nowadays?17:36
nucc1i just installed debian squeeze in a VM, and resizing the window changes the screen resolution. no guest additions installed17:37
nucc1ah, the x11 stuff is installed by default. i see17:37
Phineashumm fishy issue17:39
Phineasanyway we'll talk about this tomorrow bye17:41
danfishsomeone mention fish18:00
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davmor2danfish: down troll18:01
danfishgrrrr! I'm a troll oh-le-oh, and I'll eat you for my supper! :D18:02
danfish^^^ son's favorite song18:03
ubuntuuk-planet[Ralph Janke] Howto Set Up Drupal Multi-site Configuration with Nginx as Reverse Proxy - http://drupal.txwikinger.me.uk/content/howto-set-drupal-multi-site-configuration-nginx-reverse-proxy18:19
KrimZon2what determines which group a file belongs to when it's created, if the creating user is in more than one group?18:37
MattJThey have a primary group18:38
KrimZon2ahh, i see18:38
MattJ4th column in /etc/passwd, numeric though18:39
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: what time tomorrow?18:41
KrimZon2i'm just wondering the most secure way to set up my file server18:44
AlanBellKrimZon2: don't plug an ethernet cable into it18:45
KrimZon2there's a big archive of files, stuff that gets backed up per machine like its configuration, and stuff that the server downloads automatically18:45
AlanBellsecond most secure way is to only allow SSH and use key based authentication and have good non-technical key policies18:47
davmor2AlanBell: You are of course only nearly correct.  don't plug in the ethernet, cover the box in 2inches of lead, 2 feet of concrete, a 2inch layer of lead, 6feet of concrete and then drop the box into the darkest depths of the ocean.18:51
danfishdavmor2: an ocean on Neptune, of course18:56
davmor2danfish: haha18:57
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
finelytunedevening all19:31
danfishlo lo lo19:36
* jacobw is investigating TomTom's19:40
danfishjacobw: why? what have they done?19:45
jacobwHehe, I'm thinking of buying one19:51
jacobwMainly for the traffic updates19:52
buzz_popey, you the podcast guy ? really nice job btw. wish id caught it sooner. working my way through the history. very professional. should be on FM!21:56
popeyhi :)21:56
buzz_im the joggler guy21:56
popeythats very kind of you to say21:56
popeyoh! Hi!21:56
Azelphura joggler guy? :D21:56
popeyyou got another mention this week21:56
buzz_yeh ?21:56
buzz_wow. ill check21:56
popeyAndy Piper (guest presenter) has got one too21:57
buzz_sorry. rude of me. phone! brb21:57
AzelphurI turned my joggler into an alarm clock, http://www.dropbox.com/gallery/3832397/1/Joggleclock?h=6f93b6 :D21:57
Azelphurcron for alarms \o/21:57
popeyi do like that21:58
* Nafallo tickles popey all over21:58
Azelphurhehe :)21:58
Azelphurpopey: it's mostly conky21:58
Azelphurthe mythtv button launches mythtv21:58
ubuntuuk-planet[Ubuntu UK Podcast] S03E21  The Pipers Price - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2010/11/24/s03e21-the-pipers-price/22:20
=== KrimZon3 is now known as KrimZon

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