jdeslip | Ubuntu to become a rolling release distro: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/ubuntu-to-become-a-rolling-release-distro/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+d0od+(Omg!+Ubuntu!) | 01:40 |
jdeslip | I would personally love that | 01:40 |
jdeslip | I am always annoyed when a new Firefox comes out and I have to wait 6 months until the next ubuntu release... | 01:41 |
jdeslip | (or install it by hand or through someone's ppa) | 01:41 |
kdub_ | ping davidw? sorry, i forgot your irc name | 02:03 |
seidos | kdub_, Darkwingduck? it looks like he isn't on | 02:26 |
kdub_ | seidos: thanks, i'll keep a lookout | 02:30 |
seidos | kdub_, you could also try the mailing list. i <3 the mailing list | 02:31 |
kdub_ | eh, i was just gonna see if he had pix from SDUH | 02:34 |
MarkDude | Has everyone signed up for Community Leadership Summit West 2011 http://clswest2011.eventbrite.com/ | 04:56 |
pleia2 | si | 04:56 |
MarkDude | 49 of the FREE tickets left. Its an unconference inspired by Mr Bacon | 04:57 |
MarkDude | Yay, pleia2 | 04:57 |
MarkDude | We will have a few more FOSS folks for this one | 04:57 |
crashsystems | I seem to recall someone mentioning a regular meetup in mountain view. Am I crazy? | 04:59 |
biosshadow | hello | 04:59 |
MarkDude | A few of them crashsystems | 05:01 |
pleia2 | crashsystems: yeah, an ubuntu hour, 3rd thursday of the month I believe | 05:01 |
pleia2 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UbuntuHours | 05:01 |
pleia2 | not updated for december | 05:01 |
crashsystems | ooh, one in san jose too | 05:02 |
biosshadow | there was one | 05:02 |
biosshadow | it has past crash | 05:03 |
pleia2 | ok, airplane is here, later all :) | 05:03 |
MarkDude | ttyl pleia2 | 05:05 |
jtatum | fare thee well pleia2 | 05:05 |
MarkDude | crashsystems, aaditya has a LAMP meetup at Yahoo also | 05:09 |
biosshadow | MarkDude which Yahoo? b/c i work down the street from a yahoo building | 05:11 |
MarkDude | Which reminds me - jtatum how can I talk you into giving that talk you gave on LAMP with Ubuntu again? I wish all of it was recorded | 05:11 |
jtatum | biosshadow: it's the main campus in sunnyvale near lockheed | 05:12 |
MarkDude | http://picasaweb.google.com/aadityabhatia/LAMPMeetup#5453038879078304770 | 05:12 |
biosshadow | jtatum :-( i am near the one on Great America Parkway | 05:13 |
jtatum | MarkDude: i had talked to aaditya about possibly doing a related topic in december. if you have a venue for it i'd give it again. maybe at one of the east bay lugs? | 05:13 |
jtatum | biosshadow: so much yahoo :) that's a neat area though. santa clara/san joseish? | 05:15 |
biosshadow | indeed | 05:15 |
biosshadow | i am new to the area, so I am happy to find loco/lugs in the area | 05:16 |
biosshadow | that i can get too | 05:16 |
crashsystems | public transportation ftw | 05:16 |
biosshadow | i moved from middle of no where Alabama | 05:16 |
jtatum | oh! welcome :) all of the south bay meetups so far have been in spots convenient to light rail so hopefully we'll see you soon :) | 05:16 |
jtatum | moved recently from orlando myself | 05:17 |
biosshadow | you will see both me and crashsystems alot by my guess | 05:17 |
biosshadow | (he is my roommate) | 05:17 |
jtatum | ah cool | 05:17 |
crashsystems | jtatum: there are a number of us floridians here, aren't there? | 05:17 |
jtatum | crashsystems: yeah jamalta is in san francisco. maybe others i'm forgetting? | 05:18 |
MarkDude | jtatum, sounds like a good deal. I have the link to your slides to shop it around, so to speak | 05:18 |
jtatum | ok, thanks MarkDude :) | 05:18 |
jtatum | afk | 05:19 |
biosshadow | yea my LoCo mustn't uch of anything https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlabamaTeam | 05:19 |
biosshadow | wasn't much* | 05:19 |
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond | ||
dragon | biosshadow: Where do you work? | 09:31 |
dragon | I work in the building next to Yahoo! at Great America. ;) | 09:32 |
dragon | Maybe we're in the same building. | 09:32 |
jdeslip | pleia2: I'm guessing it is no colder in New England than what you left here! Record lows today all over Bay Area | 16:53 |
akk | brrrrr | 16:54 |
akk | So pleia2's leaving sucked all the warmth out of the state? pleia2, come back soon! | 16:55 |
jledbetter | jtatum is out of the state too. And it's nice and warm in Virginia (where he went) ;) Muhahahhaahhaa! | 16:57 |
jussi | its -12 here today :( | 17:00 |
MarkDude | jussi, isnt that normal for you tho? | 17:13 |
jussi | MarkDude: yes, but doesnt change its coldness :( | 17:13 |
MarkDude | I looked in the birdbath- there was ice | 17:13 |
jussi | and it got colder, I went and looked and its -14 now :/ | 17:14 |
MarkDude | Reminds me of living in the Pacific Northwest | 17:16 |
MarkDude | 1st time I was walking around and the grass made a crucnhing noise- it took me a bit to figure out what it was | 17:16 |
MarkDude | It has snowed where I live in California 3 times only | 17:17 |
akk | 2-3 times for me too, but somehow it's always when I'm away, and I hear it snowed at home. Hmph. | 17:20 |
MarkDude | It snowed in Lafayette for a whole 5 minutes once, stayed on the ground for a whole 15 minutes | 17:20 |
jussi | well you are all welcome to come visit me :D | 17:29 |
* akk grabs 4-5 layers of sweater/jacket before hopping on the plane, and maybe an electric vest :) | 17:30 | |
jussi | hehe | 17:32 |
akk | What I really wish I could get are electric gloves. I always wanted something like that for motorcycling and astronomy. | 17:33 |
akk | My hands get so cold. | 17:33 |
jussi | heh | 17:37 |
MarkDude | Those handwarmer things are great for times like this | 17:39 |
MarkDude | jussi, you must love when Californians freak out when it hits 30 degrees- or 0 Celsius | 17:40 |
jussi | heeh | 17:40 |
outofjungle | dragon: ping | 17:41 |
dragon | outofjungle: pong | 17:42 |
outofjungle | dragon, are you interested in ski/boarding this friday? | 17:43 |
dragon | outofjungle: sounds exciting, yes | 17:43 |
MarkDude | dragon, did you ever find that door handle? | 17:43 |
dragon | MarkDude: yes, and they attached a new one there that doesn't come off that easily. | 17:44 |
dragon | jussi: I'm assuming you mean -12 Celsius :) | 17:44 |
MarkDude | So I will have to throw another door handle form another room off the balcony next time ? | 17:44 |
jussi | yes, of course | 17:45 |
* MarkDude is an American dammit. | 17:45 | |
outofjungle | awsome dragon, I will txt or email you the details.. MarkDude, are you intersted in ski/boarding this friday too? | 17:45 |
akk | Jon Carroll had a funny article last week about temps when he lived in Chicago for a while (he's a California boy) | 17:45 |
* MarkDude has a date this weekend | 17:45 | |
akk | seeing a thermometer that read "1", saying "1 is not a temperature" and another California nearby says "Maybe it'll hit 2 tomorrow" | 17:45 |
MarkDude | outofjungle, she is shinier than either you or dragon :D | 17:46 |
MarkDude | No offense | 17:46 |
outofjungle | hahaha | 17:46 |
MarkDude | akk lol | 17:47 |
outofjungle | MarkDude: a bottle of Jameson is shiny :P | 17:47 |
* dragon is now offended. | 17:48 | |
dragon | Shinier than a dragon? Really? | 17:48 |
MarkDude | Yes tis true | 17:48 |
MarkDude | I might see it diffently if I liked dudes | 17:49 |
* MarkDude likes chicks tho | 17:49 | |
MarkDude | :D | 17:49 |
dragon | MarkDude: I hope she's a Homo Sapien, not a Pygoscelis Papua or something. | 17:49 |
MarkDude | Theres a whole backstory with this woman- (human) I will tell you the story sometime - when it is not logged :) | 17:50 |
outofjungle | dragon: who cares, MarkDude has his penguin suit | 17:50 |
MarkDude | And damn I look good in it | 17:51 |
dragon | Penguin suit saves the date! | 17:51 |
* MarkDude cant walk by a mirror with stopping to admire - when I wear it | 17:51 | |
akk | Maybe not best if it's a first date. | 17:51 |
MarkDude | akk, we have known each other for a few years, she knows what she is getting into | 17:52 |
MarkDude | And still she proceeds... | 17:52 |
MarkDude | :) | 17:52 |
akk | Brave girl. :) | 17:52 |
outofjungle | someone give MarkDude a case of rockstar for the weekend :) | 17:52 |
MarkDude | lol | 17:53 |
MarkDude | She would be cool with the suit, she is real mellow tho, so sh would not dig the rockstar thing | 17:53 |
dragon | MarkDude: do you have a spare suit for her? | 17:55 |
akk | And a volleyball you can pass back and forth from your feet to hers, like an egg? | 17:56 |
outofjungle | lol | 17:59 |
dragon | Is the date on land or underwater? | 17:59 |
outofjungle | hope the suit helps to "breaks the ice" | 18:00 |
MarkDude | lol | 18:03 |
MarkDude | The egg pass would be a good way to pass some time- if needed | 18:03 |
MarkDude | I spent some time talking with Nixie about making some his and hers penguin suits | 18:05 |
dragon | Sexy Penguins? | 18:37 |
MarkDude | Yes. | 19:06 |
MarkDude | Have not figured out the details yet, but a Penguin Mob would be fully epic | 19:06 |
dragon | I'm in. | 19:06 |
MarkDude | Well let me clarify | 19:13 |
MarkDude | ALL penguins are sexy, at least to me | 19:13 |
MarkDude | and a few others | 19:14 |
MarkDude | Some kind of extra sexy tho. somewhere between PG-13 and R, but, still classy :) | 19:14 |
MarkDude | We need to restart the GK wiki for planning some events | 19:17 |
* MarkDude is not putting it back up until the spam thing wont happen | 19:17 | |
dragon | MarkDude: Why not require login for editing the wiki and restrict registration to admins? | 19:37 |
MarkDude | Well yes | 19:37 |
dragon | MarkDude: I can help out with that. I've done MediaWiki in past. | 19:37 |
MarkDude | Are you volunteering if I give you ftp to set it up? | 19:38 |
dragon | SSH, please. | 19:38 |
MarkDude | cool. | 19:38 |
MarkDude | PMing you login info | 19:38 |
dragon | Email preferred, PM ok. | 19:38 |
MarkDude | k | 19:40 |
MarkDude | http://saraford.net/ | 19:40 |
MarkDude | Sara no longer works at MS | 19:42 |
dragon | Interesting. | 19:42 |
MarkDude | She works at Ohloh now | 19:42 |
MarkDude | as Community Manager | 19:43 |
MarkDude | Yay for Sara, she said she would come to some FOSS events here, we need to invite her, she lives in the Valley I think | 19:45 |
MarkDude | dragon, you know Abbas Zaidi | 19:51 |
MarkDude | ? | 19:51 |
dragon | MarkDude: the name is quite familiar. Something to do with Google? | 19:51 |
dragon | oh, VMWare. | 19:52 |
MarkDude | He may have the hookup for a meeting spot in the City for Jan - Feb | 19:58 |
* MarkDude is helping him with the CLS dinner at the Bohemian Loft | 19:59 | |
MarkDude | Nixie may be the hostess | 19:59 |
MarkDude | Master Wang may lead the group in a Tea Ceremony | 19:59 |
MarkDude | ^^^ by far one of the coolest sentences I have ever typed on IRC | 20:00 |
MarkDude | lol | 20:00 |
outofjungle | for dragon: http://blog.flickr.net/en/2010/11/24/let-there-be-dragons/ | 20:00 |
pleia2 | wow, in the 40s in sf, chilly :) | 20:02 |
MarkDude | pleia2, left in time | 20:03 |
pleia2 | weather.com says 49 in sf, 43 here | 20:03 |
pleia2 | so a little chillier, but not by much! | 20:03 |
MarkDude | It is expected where you are | 20:03 |
pleia2 | yeah | 20:03 |
MarkDude | People are freaking out here | 20:03 |
pleia2 | hehe | 20:03 |
MarkDude | Like chicken little style | 20:03 |
* MarkDude is glad he did not go to work today | 20:04 | |
MarkDude | idiots here cant drive with icy cold conditions | 20:04 |
MarkDude | pleia2, glad to hear that TSA did not get to 2nd base with you :D | 20:05 |
MarkDude | yay for metal detectors | 20:05 |
pleia2 | MarkDude: thanks :) | 20:05 |
seidos | hey MarkDude, since you're not going to work today, if you have some free time these videos are pretty cool: http://www.youtube.com/user/theRSAorg#p/c/39BF9545D740ECFF/0/u6XAPnuFjJc | 20:06 |
seidos | i like the "tragedy and farce" videos | 20:07 |
seidos | correction: video | 20:07 |
dragon | MarkDude: Bohemian Loft looks interesting. I'm probably available to volunteer for CLS as well. | 20:07 |
dragon | outofjungle: nice pics! | 20:08 |
MarkDude | Some people are meeting there tonight - but I cant make it | 20:15 |
dragon | MarkDude: what's the event? | 20:16 |
MarkDude | Planning for the dinner | 20:18 |
MarkDude | Abbas had hoped I could make it- but I am having vehicle issues | 20:18 |
MarkDude | http://www.ustream.tv/channel/severed-fifth-live-in-the-studio | 20:26 |
MarkDude | Jono is doing a Ustream now, talking about his loud music | 20:26 |
dragon | I was hoping to see the whole band. | 20:26 |
MarkDude | Dec 3rd in the City | 20:26 |
dragon | cool | 20:26 |
MarkDude | at club Cocomo | 20:26 |
MarkDude | dragon, Im eating the last of the chick peas, mmm mmm good | 21:08 |
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=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond | ||
dragon | MarkDude: glad you like it | 22:11 |
MarkDude | Good stuff | 22:11 |
MarkDude | My new gotchi >>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2424094/FuManchuGotchi%20sm.png | 22:11 |
akk | You look so evil. | 22:12 |
MarkDude | I do? | 22:13 |
dragon | I came to remember the day after that I forgot to add the most interesting of the spices to the chick peas. | 22:13 |
dragon | It'd have been 3x epic. | 22:13 |
MarkDude | Still worked tho | 22:14 |
dragon | yep, it was nice | 22:14 |
akk | Any android experts? Or is that too off-topic? | 22:16 |
* akk is wondering if an android 1.6 tablet would be a stupid choice at this point, too old and orphaned | 22:17 | |
dragon | akk: I'm no expert, but might be able to Chime in. | 22:17 |
dragon | akk: Has anyone installed a newer version of Android on it through unofficial means? | 22:17 |
akk | It looks like no. I haven't found any references to anyone upgrading android on any tablet beyond manufacturer-provided firmware. | 22:18 |
nhaines | akk: that would be a horrible idea and you shouldn't do it. | 22:19 |
akk | That sounds pretty clear! Thanks, nhaines. | 22:19 |
dragon | We're looking forward to Android 3.0 tablets in very near future. | 22:20 |
akk | Darn, since there don't seem to be any 2.x devices in the size range I'd like. | 22:20 |
akk | I want a 4-5" screen, and the Archos 5 was looking interesting, but it's Android 1.6. | 22:21 |
nhaines | I'm excited because it looks like I'm going to get to write another in print magazine article. | 22:22 |
akk | woo nhaines -- what magazine? | 22:23 |
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond | ||
nhaines | akk: Linux Identity Magazine again. | 23:51 |
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