
* tonyyarusso hates LVM today00:36
sir_tyrionAnyone travelling tonight?22:51
Obsidian1723Only from work to home.23:05
sir_tyrionI'm going up north so I was looking for advice. I will be going tomorrow morning instead23:13
sir_tyrionI also submitted my idea:23:13
Obsidian1723check the MN DOT site.23:15
sir_tyrionYea everything turned purple on their map23:16
tonyyarussoMy siblings are, but not me.23:16
sir_tyrionIt is going to be freeeezing tomorrow and I don't know if that will be worse23:17
tonyyarussosir_tyrion: Our brainstorm category is more for things the LoCo will actually do, so unless you're planning to use a LoCo event to implement that idea (which is certainly a reasonable approach) one of the other categories would probably be better.23:17
sir_tyrionOh ok i'll take it down23:18
sir_tyrionHm I guess I can't, a mod will have to make it invalid23:19
tonyyarussoha, I wonder if that's me...23:19
sir_tyrionI do have a kludge solution, but it is specific for me, I use my auth.log as a timecard23:20
ColinHarringtonhaha, you aren't the only one..23:20
ColinHarringtonsystem logs, commit messages, email, calendar entries, chat messages, - constructs a good picture of what you accomplished in a day :-)23:21
sir_tyrionExactly. I was surprised to find that locking the workstation isn't logged.23:22
sir_tyrion(to my knowledge :p )23:23
tonyyarussoha, we have a brainstorm with no moderators23:24
* tonyyarusso attempts to remedy23:25

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