lostson | good evening everybody | 00:35 |
h00k | Hey hey | 00:47 |
h00k | lostson: you changed your identica pic, it threw me off | 00:47 |
h00k | Also, I wonder how to get ubuntu-wisconsin/status and identi.ca to crosspost, if applicable | 00:48 |
lostson | yeah changed it everywhere today twitter/identi google buzz | 00:48 |
lostson | i would think it would just be a remote sub or push issue | 00:48 |
h00k | douglasawh-work_: you would be one to ask, actually | 00:49 |
h00k | douglasawh-work_: are you around? | 00:49 |
h00k | He has his on http://280.status.net/ posting to identi.ca, too | 00:50 |
h00k | I'm not sure how this magics is done | 00:50 |
lostson | perhaps a plugin of some sort | 00:50 |
h00k | checking | 00:51 |
lostson | forgot how long it takes for a kernel to build i dont remember it being this long though | 00:52 |
lostson | ok going to grab a 7up brb | 00:52 |
lostson | hmm pastebin chromium plugin | 00:53 |
h00k | I see their fake chromium notice.. | 00:54 |
h00k | I don't see any plugin on http://status.net/open-source/add-ons/plugins that would be applicable | 00:56 |
h00k | http://ostatus.org/ might be applicable | 01:00 |
lostson | ahh 7up | 01:08 |
h00k | delicious | 01:08 |
lostson | couldnt live without it | 01:08 |
lostson | this kernel needs to hurry up i need to play some urban terror | 01:09 |
h00k | :D What did you do differently to recompile it? | 01:09 |
lostson | added the oss stuff so the old games have sound and took a bunch of crap out i dont need | 01:10 |
h00k | aah | 01:11 |
lostson | i have always like compiling kernels probably why i used gentoo for years | 01:11 |
lostson | perhaps i will perfect my gaming kernel and add it to my ppa | 01:12 |
lostson | along with the updated installers if i ever get them done | 01:12 |
lostson | i think i have picked up 25+ followers on twitter the past couple of days not sure why im so popular lately | 01:25 |
lostson | and no its not all porn | 01:28 |
lostson | ahh kernel is done baking time to install and reboot | 01:41 |
spikeb | cool | 01:48 |
lostson | ok time to reboot lets see if i have any idea of what im doing brb | 01:49 |
lostson | and its up and running | 01:52 |
lostson | the oss modules didnt build for some reason | 02:25 |
sgtd | hay h00k: somebody over in #wilug is looking for help on statusnet. i mentioned you could help. | 02:26 |
sgtd | wilugbot: <psst> ^^ | 02:26 |
wilugbot | there are some things Learn You A Haskell has better (for me at all 3 tony hawk games, i should have no plans on IPv6 though, apparently | 02:26 |
h00k | sgtd: I still am mad at you for not heckling me during my presentation at the MadLUG release party | 02:27 |
sgtd | ! | 02:28 |
h00k | I lied. I just remembered it now. | 02:29 |
sgtd | erm, when was that? | 02:29 |
sgtd | oh | 02:29 |
h00k | errrrm, April? | 02:29 |
sgtd | HAY H00K. YOUR FLY IS OPEN!!!!! | 02:29 |
sgtd | better nate than lever | 02:29 |
h00k | I win! I'm wearing sweatpants! | 02:29 |
h00k | (laundry is in the dryer) | 02:29 |
sgtd | lol | 02:29 |
h00k | spikeb: oi! | 04:11 |
spikeb | oi oi oi | 04:12 |
lostson | my xmonad setup is kicking me arse tonight | 04:27 |
h00k | xomand...oi. I tried that once. | 04:28 |
lostson | dang xmobar hooks arent working for me | 04:38 |
lostson | aha i got it | 04:59 |
lostson | ugh it must be getting late missed a simple syntax error | 04:59 |
lostson | well night all | 05:06 |
h00k | Good mornin' | 14:08 |
sgtd | h00k: salutations | 14:23 |
h00k | oh that was fun | 18:25 |
h00k | "everyone else" except myself split. | 18:25 |
sgtd | wilugbot: you still here? | 18:32 |
wilugbot | The horse was enjoying it and run! | 18:32 |
sgtd | whew | 18:32 |
h00k | I'm happy | 18:37 |
h00k | wilugbot: Any plans for Thanksgiving? | 18:45 |
wilugbot | i've been doing Open-Source web design for small businesses. | 18:45 |
sgtd | wilugbot: all work an no play | 18:46 |
wilugbot | http://www.newegg.com/Product/ImageGallery.aspx?CurImage=17-388-021-S07&ISList=17-388-021-S07&ISList=17-388-021-S04%2c17-388-021-S04%2c17-388-021-S07&ISList=17-388-021-S05%2c17-388-021-S05%2c17-388-021-S01%2c17-388-021-S06%2c17-388-021-S03%2c17-388-021-S03%2c17-388-021-S04%2c17-388-021-S07&S7ImageFlag=1&Item=N82E16817388021&Depa=0&WaterMark=1&Description=Masscool%20DS-UES001%20USB2.0%20%2b%20eSATA%20to%202.5%22%2f3.5%22%20SATA%20HD | 18:46 |
sgtd | holy url | 18:46 |
h00k | DavidLevin: 'ello there | 19:38 |
h00k | ripps: you too | 19:38 |
ripps | hi | 19:38 |
DavidLevin | h00k, hello | 19:39 |
ripps | How come nobody ever told me about rtorrent? All I have to do is drop torrent files into a watch folder, and this ncurses program will download torrents without using virtually any processing power | 19:39 |
sgtd | ripps: ncurses based apps are the only way. | 19:42 |
sgtd | elinks mutt irssi newsbeuter | 19:43 |
ripps | I've been using irssi and twirssi w/ identica for a long time | 19:43 |
sgtd | oh and tmux to manage all | 19:52 |
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