
brycehperhaps a note in the PPA would be helpful00:00
* ilmari ponders doing the live usb stick dance to test newer intel drivers00:12
ilmaribut can't be arsed tonight00:12
ilmarimaverick has nasty flickering on my laptop monitor on the diagonal stripy background on http://bbc.co.uk/iplayer/00:13
ilmarithinkpad x201s, core i7/arrandale00:14
Sarvattilmari: ppa-purge works great for reverting anything xorg-edgers installs on your system00:18
ilmariooh, neat00:18
* ilmari gives it a go00:19
Sarvattat least on maverick and earlier, apt stores indices compressed now in natty so ppa-purge doesn't work at the moment00:20
ilmariah, maverick here00:21
ilmarihuh, why new ia32-libs?00:22
Sarvattbecause ia32-libs has mesa in it, you'd be using the distro mesa for wine or google earth otherwise00:24
Sarvattleads to a lot of problems when the distro mesa advertises opengl 1.5 and the PPA one does 2.1 and people are confused and such :D00:24
ilmaribah, my internet connection seems to be emulating a piece of wet string: 119kB/s, 7min 52s remaining00:25
ilmariI usually get ten times that00:26
ilmariif anything, the flicker is worse with xorg-edgers00:46
* ilmari tries upgrading the kernel too00:46
brycehRAOF, had a chance to look through my mesa rules file?00:56
RAOFbryceh: Have you pointed me at it yet?00:57
brycehRAOF, yes00:57
RAOFAh.  I have therefore missed it.00:57
brycehRAOF, direct link...  https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/wayland/+sourcepub/1372289/+listing-archive-extra00:57
RAOFOh, it's in wayland PPA?00:57
brycehyeah https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/wayland/00:58
bryceh$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/wayland00:58
bryceh$ sudo apt-get update00:58
bryceh$ apt-get source mesa00:58
ilmarihow the heck do you get flickering on an LVDS-connected internal laptop monitor anyway?00:58
RAOFBy driving it incorrectly?00:59
brycehhere's the wayland output from the broken case:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/535723/00:59
brycehhere it is working, using bits I built manually:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/535724/00:59
brycehmostly that's all with the same versions of everything (more or less), the difference is packaging01:00
ilmariRAOF: I guess. it didn't do it on lucid01:01
ilmarihttp://static.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/3.11.0/img/module_cf_background.png # horrible flicker01:01
brycehI see in the working case it's using lib/dri/i965_dri.so, whereas in the broken case it seems to be using lib/egl/egl_gallium.so01:01
RAOFAh, good old 8086:2a4201:02
RAOFYeah.  It shouldn't be using that at all.  Well, not unless you want your GPU to lock up :)01:02
RAOFIt occurs to could use he daily-builds infrastructure for this…01:03
RAOFAfter we get it to work once, of course :)01:03
brycehborked grammar be is?01:03
brycehbut yes indeedy01:03
brycehwell, actually what I'd like to do is get the deps into universe (libxkbcommon uploaded today, awaiting review)01:04
brycehand I'd like to see if we could merge the mesa changes into xorg-edgers01:04
brycehif that's all done, then yeah wayland git snapshots could just be one more bit in xorg-edgers ppa01:05
RAOFAnd even the archive mesa, once we flip to 7.1001:05
brycehif I can get wayland into universe for natty I think it'd be awesa mesa01:06
RAOFHm.  We probably want egl-platforms="drm x11", don't we?  For the benefit of running wayland under X?01:08
brycehexport EGL_PLATFORM=drm x11   seems to make no difference01:09
brycehhere's the configure string I'm using to build it manually:01:09
bryceh./autogen.sh --prefix=$HOME/install  --enable-egl --enable-gles2  --disable-gallium --with-egl-platforms="drm"01:09
RAOFAnd you still get a egl_gallium.so in $(HOME)/install/lib/egl?01:12
bryceh$ ls /home/bryce/install/lib/egl/01:13
brycehegl_dri2.so*  egl_gallium.so*  egl_glx.so*  pipe_nouveau.so*  pipe_r300.so*  pipe_swrast.so*  st_GL.so*01:13
bryceh$ ls /usr/lib/egl/01:13
brycehegl_dri2.so     egl_glx.so       pipe_r300.so  pipe_swrast.so  st_GLESv2.so01:13
brycehegl_gallium.so  pipe_nouveau.so  pipe_r600.so  pipe_vmwgfx.so  st_GL.so01:13
RAOFThat seems moderately odd, given --disable-gallium01:14
brycehroot@lynmouth:/usr/lib# mv egl egl-orig01:14
brycehroot@lynmouth:/usr/lib# cp -r /home/bryce/install/lib/egl .01:14
brycehafter that, it worked01:14
RAOFDoes running “EGL_DRIVER=egl_dri2 wstart” work?01:20
brycehnope, same output01:20
RAOFAnd if you just plain delete /usr/lib/egl_gallium.so?01:21
brycehditto, tried it several times in various ways01:21
brycehI deleted all the files not present in the hand-built egl too01:22
brycehif I only copy the egl_gallium.so and egl_dri2.so from the handbuilt stuff, it works01:23
brycehok it's definitely egl_dri2.so01:23
bryceheither of the egl_gallium.so's will work01:24
bryceh-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 79022 2010-11-23 17:14 egl-new/egl_dri2.so*01:24
bryceh-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 22444 2010-11-22 19:22 egl-orig/egl_dri2.so01:24
brycehthe broken one is much smaller01:24
RAOFWhat if you disable tls?01:24
brycehcan that be done via env var?01:25
RAOFNo, it's a build-time option.01:25
brycehok let me try01:26
RAOFIt seems to be the only interesting #ifdef in egl_dri201:26
bryceh--disable-glx-tls ?01:26
RAOFOr --enable-glx-tls on your home build.01:27
brycehwhat is tls?01:27
brycehoh that might be easier01:28
brycehhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/535736/ - local build configuration01:30
RAOFI guess the other possibly interesting #ifdef is libudev; do you have the udev devel libs locally?01:31
RAOFYes is the answer; I can read that from configure :)01:32
brycehhmm, local build still worked with --enable-glx-tl01:32
brycehwas that a scream of frustration or a sign of discovery?01:35
RAOFA suggestion of discovery.01:36
RAOFlibudev isn't available on the buildds, and that's the other interesting #ifdef in egl_dri201:36
RAOFMoving /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libudev.pc somewhere pkg-config can't find it should make your local build not use libudev, which'd be an easier test.01:37
RAOF(after you ./configure, of course)01:37
brycehweird, my local debuild of mesa with --disable-glx-tls failed01:38
brycehnope, still works with libudev.pc moved aside and mesa rebuilt/reinstalled01:40
brycehRAOF, I didn't do a make clean first though... think it matters?01:40
brycehI'll try that just in case01:41
RAOFIt might.  mesa's build system is moderately stupid, that awy.01:41
brycehoh whoops also found another flaw01:41
RAOFYour working local copy is definitely following a codepath that's #ifdef HAVE_LIBUDEV01:41
brycehok so wasn't a flaw after all01:42
RAOFActually, it looks like egl_dri2 with egl-platform=drm should be dependent on libudev, as it doesn't look like there's any chance of it working otherwise.01:42
brycehRAOF, libxkbcommon pulls libudev-dev as a build dependency01:44
brycehbut libxkbcommon-dev doesn't list it as a depends01:44
bryceh"udev" isn't in mesa's debian/control01:45
bryceh<god I hate mesa>01:45
RAOFAnd the build logs in the PPA show LIBUDEV=/... no01:45
RAOFIt's probably correct for libxkbcommon-dev to not pull in libudev-dev.  There should just be a bit of a configure patch for mesa to mention that libudev is a requirement for egl_dri2 to work properly :)01:46
brycehso should I pop that into control ?01:50
brycehafter make clean and make of local mesa, it fails the same way01:51
brycehbtw, strace logs:01:51
RAOFYeah.  I'll do the same for the archive mesa.  After lunch!01:57
brycehindeed, dinner time here01:57
* bryceh kicks off mesa build in wayland ppa01:57
brycehcrossing fingers, and now fingering croissants...01:58
micahghi, is there anyway we can get the apport-gpu-error-intel script not to fire over 100 times when there's an issue?07:12
brycehmicahg, dunno but I'd love it if we could07:13
brycehmicahg, maybe talk with pitti about it07:13
micahgbryceh: ok, it's an apport issue then?07:14
brycehit's a combination apport and kernel thing07:15
brycehkernel fires, apport reacts07:15
micahgand that's triggering the script in the driver package?07:15
micahgbryceh: great, thanks07:16
RAOF“It'd be easy to make that fire once per boot” :)07:38
micahgI get it on resume from suspend a lot07:38
micahgthen pidgin goes bonkers, I thought that was a kernel bug that was fixed in 2.6.35, but apparently it wasn't /end OT rant07:39
RAOFOh, boo.  I forgot my Cedar isn't supported for accel in the natty packages yet.07:42
RAOFTime to fire up the r700 and upgrade to natty...07:44
brycehok... new mesa built... installing...07:45
RAOFWhy does konsole have a “ZModem upload” button in the “Edit” menu‽07:47
RAOFbryceh: Yay!07:47
RAOFI know!07:47
RAOFI used that, like 15 years ago!07:48
brycehboy I loved that... 15 years ago07:48
brycehRAOF, thanks again for your help07:49
RAOFI've made that change in the 7.9 merge, too.07:49
RAOFAnd just as soon as this r700 is updated to natty & I can test it, I'll trawl for sponsorship :)07:49
brycehlast thing I need to do is fix up the client apps.  by default they have a hardcoded lib path which doesn't work when they're copied to /usr/bin07:49
brycehRAOF, thought you were core dev now?07:50
RAOFWhy did you think that?07:50
brycehRAOF, because I saw you on the patch pilots schedule07:50
brycehcoming up soon, too iirc07:50
* RAOF needs to check that schedule again. He wasn't on there last time he checked!07:50
RAOFYou don't have to be core-dev to be on the schedule.07:51
brycehis the requirement motu or better?07:51
RAOFI think the requirement is actually “Canonical employee”07:52
RAOF...on the platform team.07:52
brycehI noticed Jono Bacon wasn't on it07:52
brycehand I pointed this out to him.  ;-)  http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/11/20/new-ubuntu-patch-pilot-scheme/07:53
brycehanyway, yeah I understood it was also 'all platform team employees', but it seems like we're missing people from it07:55
brycehRAOF, oh wow, you're on day after tomorrow for US Thanksgiving07:56
brycehprobably will have a nice quiet time07:56
brycehif you get bored you could sneak a few X patches into the sponsor queue - http://www2.bryceharrington.org:8080/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/patches.html  ;-)07:56
RAOFI actually count that as tomorrow.07:57
RAOFI might just do that :)07:57
brycehI've been trying to clear a patch or two a day since I got back.  The list is a lot shorter than it used to be07:58
brycehthe remaining xorg-server ones may be a bit tricky07:59
brycehanyway, I'm beat.  night, tty tomorrow07:59
RAOFSleep well!07:59
RAOFHm.  Anyone here have an r300-r500 system?08:05
RAOFAnd are running Natty, and would like to guiniepig a new mesa switching to gallium?08:05
RAOFOk.  10:30 is too late.  Sponsor hunting begins tomorrow.11:33
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tseliotSarvatt: in order to use r600g from edgers, all I have to do is move r600_dri.so to /usr/lib/dri, right? (just to double-check)16:51
Sarvattyep thats one way to do it16:52
Sarvattlaunching your app with LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH="/usr/lib/dri/gallium" is another way16:52
ricotzSarvatt, hi16:53
tseliotSarvatt: ok. I think I've found my 1st bug in gallium then16:53
tseliotr600g, that is16:54
ricotzSarvatt, do you know about this edid bug with 2.6.37?16:54
Sarvattheyo ricotz, still having problems with i915? was meaning to say I think it might have just been the 2.6.37-6 kernel that was busted at the time16:54
Sarvattricotz: hmm I know of a edid problem with displayport monitors on radeon in -rc3 but not intel16:54
Sarvatterr -rc216:54
ricotzyeah, my old nvidia card is broken, i needed to get it to work on this onboard intel, but i had no luck16:55
ricotznow i am on a gf104 with nvidia blob16:56
ricotzwhich has some weird edid problems16:56
ricotzusing dvi connection16:57
tseliotwhat kind of edid problems?16:58
ricotzit doesnt get any display information16:58
tseliotis this on a sony vaio?16:59
ricotzgetting kind of the same with nvidia blob and nouveau16:59
ricotztseliot, no it isnt a laptop17:00
tseliotok, it must be a new issue17:00
tseliotnew to me, at least17:00
ricotzseems to be kernel problem17:01
ricotzcould be a problem of the nvc0 stuff17:01
tseliotricotz: did you file a bug report about it?17:05
tseliotif not, please do so and I'll ask Nvidia about it17:05
Sarvattricotz: gf104 support is even in the kernel now? I didn't know17:06
* Sarvatt is on a gf106 atm17:06
ricotztseliot, no havent reported anything yet17:07
Sarvattlast time I booted without the blob in early .37 nouveau didnt work still17:07
ricotzjust wanted it working since i need this pc ;-)17:08
tseliotI can understand ;)17:08
ricotzSarvatt, nouveau seems to work with nomodeset17:08
Sarvattmeaning nouveau doesnt work :)17:08
Sarvatt(nouveau doesn't work without KMS)17:09
ricotzSarvatt, on a normal boot nouveau get stuck in some loop with some edid error17:10
SarvattI dont need nomodeset on this thing though, it just spits out an unsupported chipset warning and stops loading nouveau17:10
bjsnider tseliot, i think i found the nvidia installer hook. see if this sounds familiar: if the file /usr/lib/nvidia/pre-install exists, the nvidia-installer executes it, which is just an exit command?17:10
Sarvattdigging now, i've seen quite a few bugs about edid problems on -37 maybe something will pop up17:11
tseliotbjsnider: yes, that's how it works17:11
bjsniderso then let's put that file in jockey-common instead of nvidia-common17:11
Sarvatthttps://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23482 was one of them but just radeon displayport17:12
ubot4`Sarvatt: Error: Could not parse XML returned by bugzilla.kernel.org: The read operation timed out (https://bugzilla.kernel.org/xml.cgi?id=23482)17:13
tseliotbjsnider: yes, I should talk to pitti about that17:22
tseliotSarvatt: I'd like to add a udev rule and a configuration file (in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d) so as to enable scrolling with the middle button + the trackpoint on thinkpad x201 models. This is the default behaviour in Windows and it helps a lot since the laptop doesn't have a touchpad17:25
tseliotSarvatt: I think I should add this to evdev. I'll file a bug report about it so that we can discuss it17:26
Sarvattyeah sounds good to me, I've seen that bug17:26
tseliotSarvatt: ah, is there one open already?17:26
Sarvattyeah let me dig it p17:26
ubot4`Launchpad bug 554984 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "[lucid] enable trackpoint scroll emulation by default (affects: 8) (dups: 2) (heat: 42)" [Wishlist,In progress]17:27
tseliotSarvatt: right. I guess we should apply this only to some models, i.e. when a touchpad is not available17:28
* tseliot doesn't want too many angry thinkpad users to complain in the bug report17:29
Sarvattx201 wouldn't make sense then would it? x201 has a touchpad, x200 doesn't17:29
tseliotjust a few would be acceptable ;)17:29
tseliotmy x201 doesn't have a touchpad17:29
Sarvattoh must be able to configure it out, weird17:30
tseliotI can make sure that wheel emulation is applied only to the model that I have17:30
Sarvattx200, x200s, x61, x61s would be good to add to that since you couldn't even get a touchpad on those17:32
Sarvatthmm Touchpad Assembly for IBM ThinkPad X61s17:33
Sarvattmaybe I have bad info :)17:33
tseliotmy x201 is pretty new, so maybe things changed a bit17:35
tseliotaah, it seems that the touchpad is available only in certain configurations17:37
SarvattI remember one of the big things in all the reviews when x201 came out a year ago was that it brought back the touchpad, looking at lenovo.com it looks like just trackpoint is the default and trackpoint+touchpad is $20 extra17:38
tseliotwhen I bought it, it didn't allow my to select a touchpad17:39
Sarvattdang $899 now, thats tempting17:39
tseliotif you get the model with the touchpad you don't get access to the icore 7 cpu17:39
tseliotah, you can choose now17:40
brycehheya tseliot!17:40
Sarvattwish they would sell x201s again17:40
tseliothey bryceh17:40
tseliotwhat's the difference?17:41
Sarvatt1440x900 screen, lighter17:41
tseliotmine is quite light but the 9 cell battery is heavier than the rest of the laptop17:42
ilmarimore robust as well, I think ("enhanced roll cage")17:42
ilmarino 3g though :(17:43
ilmariI love my x201s, especially with an intel SSD :)17:43
Sarvattoh it use low voltage cpu's too instead of the normal laptop ones17:43
Sarvattso half speed GPU in linux most of the time :)17:43
tseliotyes, intel SSDs are great17:44
tseliotI love my 160gb SSD17:45
Sarvattx201s was like twice the price the x201's are now when they sold them though17:45
tseliotilmari, Sarvatt: do you happen to have a thinkpad x201 around?17:45
tseliotI'd like to see the output of "dmidecode"17:46
ilmaritseliot: I have an x201s17:46
tseliotilmari: that would be fine too17:46
tseliotI'd like to see what it says17:46
Sarvatttseliot: nope, I bought a desktop replacement instead at plumbers, was going to get an x201 or a sony Z but decided on this asus G73JW instead since the Z was so flimsy17:46
tseliotso that I don't enable wheel emulation by mistake on that model17:47
Sarvattwould wheel emulation be bad to enable globally for trackpoints?17:47
tseliotgood question. I guess not17:48
tseliottjaalton: ^^17:48
* tseliot knows that tjaalton used to have a thinkpad17:48
Sarvatttseliot: you know you can install gpointing-device-settings to enable it in the gui right?17:50
tseliotSarvatt: is it the tool that used to work with shared memory instead of xinput?17:51
ilmaritseliot: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/5708217:51
ilmariserial numbers and uuids redacted17:51
tseliotilmari: thanks17:51
Sarvatttseliot: nope it's the newer relacement for gsynaptics17:52
ilmarishould I be worried that it says Type: <OUT OF SPEC> for the memory modules?17:52
tseliotSarvatt: aah, gsynaptics is the one that's deprecated. I'll have a look at the new tool then17:52
Sarvattgsnaptics was that old SHMConfig one17:52
tseliotI'm wondering how the new tool saves settings17:53
Sarvattxinput properties and gnome-settings-daemon plugin17:56
tseliotnice. Finally someone developed what I never had the time to complete :)17:59
tseliotone less item on my endless todo list18:00
tseliotilmari: do you know if wheel emulation is enabled by default in Windows on your laptop18:01
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tseliotwell, I guess Lenovo enables that18:01
ilmariwhat is this windows of which you speak?18:01
Sarvatti'd be a fan of installing that trackpoint xorg.conf.d snippet with evdev personally but I'm partial to things that makes the experience not suck out of the box :)18:02
* ilmari never booted the pre-loaded windows18:02
Sarvatt(for all trackpoints)18:02
ilmarithe first thing I did when I got it was to replace the drive with an intel ssd and boot the lucid installer from usb18:02
ilmarithe original drive is still sitting on my desk at work18:03
Sarvattilmari: oh that's the machine you had flickering problems with on lucid?18:03
ilmariSarvatt: no, I have flickering problems on maverick (and edgers), but not on lucid18:03
Sarvattuse the maverick kernel, I would have recommended that from the start if I knew :)18:03
tseliotSarvatt: +1000 :)18:04
ilmarilet med find a usb stick to build a lucid live thingy to re-test with18:04
Sarvattilmari: so thats one of the ones bitten by 2.6.35-rc7..18:04
Sarvattilmari: thats ok we probably backported just enough eDP stuff so it doesn't suck and not the breakage, it'll probably break again in lucid-updates at some point :(18:05
Sarvattilmari: 10 bucks says this doesnt flicker on maverick http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.35-rc6-maverick/18:06
Sarvatt(fictional internet money of course)18:07
* ilmari installs18:07
tjaaltontseliot: yeah i have an x6118:14
tjaaltonwheel emulation is great18:14
Sarvatttseliot: btw, JumpyCursorThreshold rocks! and looks like it's not needed with synaptics 2.3.0 anymore from my testing, but 2.3.0 has this really nasty acceleration stuff added that is completely screwed up here on every touchpad I've got18:14
tseliottjaalton: do you remember if it's on in Windows by default on most thinkpads?18:15
tjaaltonbut it wasn't enabled on my friends' win7 t401 when I used it briefly yesterday18:15
tjaaltonthough maybe he turned it off. I'll ask18:15
tseliotSarvatt: it's a hack that I had to write when I was hired. I'm glad to read that 2.3.0 gets things right. I'd like to try it with a with a Dell mini 10v18:16
tseliottjaalton: it would be nice to know. Thanks18:16
Sarvattpretty sure http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-input-synaptics/commit/?id=a6ca4d2523904b7ce49edc29ba408979bdf0d45e is what fixed it in 2.3.0 on my asus18:17
* tseliot felt a bit lost after learning wheel emulation in Win 7 (my 1st time with both the pointer and Win 7) and not finding any in Ubuntu18:17
tseliotSarvatt: aah, maybe your touchpad supports multiple fingers18:18
tseliotthe one on the mini 10v doesn't :(18:18
Sarvattwith MatchProduct"TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint|DualPoint Stick|Synaptics Inc. Composite TouchPad / TrackPoint|ThinkPad USB Keyboard with TrackPoint|USB Trackpoint pointing device|Composite TouchPad / TrackPoint" it works great on my dell e64x0 trackpoint too :)18:19
ilmariSarvatt: no luck :(18:19
ilmariSarvatt: with stock maverick xorg18:20
tseliotoh, so some dell laptops have trackpoints too18:20
Sarvattilmari: darn, that one didn't have flickering problems on the HP and sony LM eDP machines18:20
ilmariSarvatt: does that have anything the xorg-edgers kernel doesn't?18:22
ilmariI tried taking the full xorg-edgers hit yesterday, didn't help at all18:23
Sarvattilmari: nope, more specifically it doesn't have what the newer kernels have that regressed it on some machines and fixed it on others :)18:23
ilmariah, it's an _older_ kernel than the maverick one?18:25
Sarvattwill let ya know if i find anything, digging around for the x201s flickering bugs now18:25
ilmariit and the disappearance of ctrl-pgdn in aptitude are my only annoyances with maverick so far18:26
Sarvattilmari: booting with i915.powersave=0 might be worth a try, thats a longshot though18:29
Sarvatti think self refresh is enabled unconditionally now regardless of that setting anyway, pretty sure its a problem there18:31
Sarvattilmari: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27589 ahh I thought I forwarded a similar bug about that at some point18:32
ubot4`Freedesktop bug 27589 in DRM/Intel "[GM45] Occasional flickering unless powersave=0 is used on lenovo laptops." [Normal,Reopened]18:32
Sarvattit got a lot of me-toos including people with arrandale, the gm45 people had it fixed by powersave=0, it was FBC related and it was limited to part of the screen18:33
Sarvattx201s flickering probably isn't related18:34
Sarvattilmari: hmm, do you have an enable/disable rc6 option in your bios?18:36
ilmarithis only happens where and when a stripy pattern is displayed18:36
ubot4`Launchpad bug 680748 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[arrandale] flicker on LVDS laptop display with stripy patterns (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]18:37
ilmariLVDS1 connected 1440x900+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 261mm x 163mm18:39
ilmari   1440x900       50.0*+18:39
Sarvattsorry for wasting your time with the 2.6.35-rc6 kernel then :(18:42
ilmari00:58 < ilmari> how the heck do you get flickering on an LVDS-connected internal laptop monitor anyway?18:42
ilmari00:59 < RAOF> By driving it incorrectly?18:42
ilmari(times in GMT)18:42
ilmariSarvatt: no problem. any ideas how I can go about troubleshooting it?18:45
ilmaribisect time?18:45
Sarvattilmari: save the intel_reg_dumper output, find a kernel where it doesn't flicker (can just use the mainline kernels or a lucid livecd) then save that intel_reg_dumper output and attach it to the bug, i'll forward it upstream for ya18:48
Sarvattforwarding it now18:51
SarvattI'm stumped, hopefully they have ideas. all the intel guys have x201s machines I believe :)18:51
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ilmarihm, I wonder if it can boot from the sd card?19:07
Sarvattilmari: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3190119:11
ubot4`Freedesktop bug 31901 in Driver/intel "[arrandale] flicker on x201s LVDS laptop display with stripy patterns" [Normal,New]19:11
Sarvattdepends on the laptop, I dont have any that can boot off SD19:11
Sarvattif it's hooked up internally via USB you probably can, like some eee pc's and dells19:12
Sarvattilmari: can you add your email to the cc list on that bug?19:13
ilmariwill do19:15
ilmarias soon as I get my password reset email19:15
SarvattI can add ya, just wasn't sure which email address you'd prefer19:16
Sarvattilmari dot org?19:16
tjaaltontseliot: windows has wheel emulation by default, if the proper driver is installed20:21
Sarvattyay, no more mesa implementation error: bad renderbuffer format spam http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/commit/?id=78a340fd487c56468ace7347a53f95a0c751c41920:21
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tseliottjaalton: ok, thanks20:49
brycehSarvatt, a few days ago you mentioned:21:39
bryceh<Sarvatt_> bryceh: already fix up cairo locally or want me to upload it?21:39
bryceh<Sarvatt_> (optional)__gnu_lto_v1@Base 1.10.021:39
brycehwhat was that change for?  Should it go into the wayland cairo build?21:39
brycehSarvatt, oh, that was for the natty build of cairo-gl, gotcha21:40
Sarvattnew symbol picked up in natty because of -flto, i already uploaded that to the ppa and its in the archive cairo?21:40
Sarvattwouldn't hurt to have that in the maverick one since its optional21:43
brycehalright, I can add it21:44
Sarvattoh wow, no more edge on launchpad21:44
Sarvatthope that doesn't mean links with edge stop working one day :)21:44
Sarvattdont even want to think about how many wiki's i've put edge on21:45
brycehI'm sure they've got permanent redirects in place21:46
seb128bryceh, the lto thing is in natty proper21:50
seb128it's a new symbol which get defined when lto support is available in the build chain21:50
seb128nothing to do with gl or wayland21:51
ilmariSarvatt: reg dump attached (no flicker on 10.04.1)22:21
ilmari(to the fdo bug, not launchpad)22:25
Sarvattgotta love intel docs, the differing bits i've checked so far are all just marked "reserved" :)22:38
JanC"reserved" is just code language for "nobody knows anymore"  ;)22:41
RAOFAt least none of them are marked “Chicken”22:42
Sarvattdarn there really is no point to shipping vmwgfx in edgers anymore, I thought the tools would build vmwgfx since that vmware guy requested we stop building it with the kernel but nope23:13
SarvattRAOF: ya doing crap with mesa? did you reenable nouveau-vieux by any chance? :)23:21
RAOFHm, I did not.23:21
RAOFThanks for pinging me; I was about to search for sponsors.23:22
brycehheh @ http://lwn.net/Articles/416982/23:22
RAOFWe might as well load it into dri-experimental again :)23:22
Sarvattthey were debating calling it stable on the wiki but stopped when it came to the fact people might actually submit bugs :)23:22
Sarvattshoving it in dri has my vote, it's a lot better off than say, savage23:24
Sarvattpart of that is just me being curious if we actually get any bugs about it and it's early enough to disable though :)23:28
* Sarvatt digs up an old geforce mx to dog food it23:31
Sarvattwow I somehow have 3 different ones that I didnt know about23:32
Sarvattand a voodoo423:32
* Sarvatt wonders if he went to salvation army drunk or something23:33
RAOFOh, while I'm in mesa - do we want to turn on llvm?23:33
RAOFOgre model says: not without a MIR.23:34
ScottKBecause mesa isn't painful enough already?23:34
Sarvatti'd be interested in benchmarks for an r300-500 IGP with and without llvm enabled23:36
RAOFWell, I understand it provides quite a big performance boost for cards without T&L hardware23:36
Sarvattrv515/rv530's are so darn common23:36
RAOFDoes anyone here *have* a card without T&L?23:37
RAOFIntel doesn't count, does it?  They're not hooked up to the same infrastructure?23:37
Sarvattok, enough screwing with vmware because it's killing my net.. was trying to get 3D passthrough in the VM working to test the unity stuff in a VM but we dont have the kernel module23:47

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