
TheMusoquadrispro: Congrats, and I am sorry I didn't get around to commenting on your applicatino, it slipped my mind, as I am busy with very non-audio related tasks atm.00:34
quadrisproTheMuso, no worries, and thanks! :)00:35
quadrisprobye TheMuso, see you soon00:43
quadrisprobye all00:43
scott-workholstein: are you up?13:10
scott-worki believe the time you set for the website meeting may not be the time you thought  http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=12&day=1&year=2010&hour=13&min=0&sec=0&p1=013:11
scott-workeither way, i would really like to accomodate eric so that he can attend13:11
holsteinscott-work: ping15:26
scott-workhi holstein :)15:27
holsteinmaybe i borked the time15:27
holsteini checked like 5 times though15:27
scott-worklol, but maybe *I* borked the time too15:27
holsteini dont mind to move it to wednesday at 8 for me15:27
holstein7 for you15:27
scott-work7 in the morning ?15:27
scott-workholstein:  i can do early morning meetings on most days, but is that what you intended?15:29
scott-workwhen you asked about 5 before i thought you meant 5pm :P15:29
holsteinscott-work: i did15:30
holsteinbut i changed it15:30
holsteinto later 15:30
holsteinbefore i sent the mail15:30
holsteini'll probably move it to wednesday15:31
holstein(for us)15:31
holsteinso eric can make it15:31
holsteini wanted to give it a little time15:33
holsteini dont want to move it again15:33
scott-worki'm good with that time, do you think this will work for eric?15:35
holsteini think thats what he said in the email15:35
holsteinassuming i got the time right15:35
holsteinhe said 24 hours later would do it15:36
holsteini'll do that fixed time link :)15:37
holsteinalright... BBL15:40
scott-workholstein: would you like to email eric directly to ask him?15:40
scott-worki have his email address if you do15:40
rexbronTheMuso: The way we package ardour makes it far too difficult to debug crashes...17:30
rexbronwell not really17:32
scott-workit's possible that ardour might even get more difficult to package18:38
scott-worki read about them possibly going to a binary release18:38
scott-workIn the future, we may offer binary releases of Ardour directly from ardour.org. These will be distribution neutral, in the same way that Firefox and Thunderbird are. At the present time, we are relying on the excellent work done by the package maintainers for various distributions. 18:40
TheMusoscott-work: That is HELL for security.21:50
TheMusoI don't like the way they are moving with ardour distributino.21:50
scott-workTheMuso: lol, i thought i had done something wrong at first ;)22:06
ScottLcjwatson has updated the task list for the updates to the seeds :)23:32

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