
ScottKI'm a bit suprised, but apparently kdepim-runtime is still installable with kdebase-runtime from 4.5 even after it's built against 4.6.00:14
ScottKpim-runtime rebuild against the new pimlibs/akonadi is not a no change rebuild.00:47
ScottKpim neither01:25
JontheEchidnabaw, KDE 4.6 has a KLocale function I need :(01:37
JontheEchidnaand in retrospect I should have made LibQApt return the support date as a QDateTime instead of a Qt-localized QString so that KDE apps could localize it01:39
CIA-42[libqapt] jmthomas * 1200446 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/package.h Add a note for future me when writing the QApt2 API01:41
ScottKJontheEchidna: Have you been following the multiarch changes for this cycle?  I'm wondering if maybe the different symbols we're seeing on amd64 are related to that?01:53
JontheEchidnaI've not been following multiarch.01:54
JontheEchidnaI don't even have a firm grasp at what multiarch is :P01:54
ScottKJontheEchidna: It does look like the pimlibs upload you did needs some symbols file updates.  Will you take care of it?01:58
ScottKI don't see any 32/64 bit differences though.01:59
* ScottK is going to play with getting them right for kdegrapcics01:59
CIA-42[libqapt] jmthomas * 1200458 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/ (history.cpp history.h) The location of the log dir isn't really something specifiable, apart what we will already find out from the options, so modify the History constructor accordingly02:16
CIA-42[libqapt] jmthomas * 1200459 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/history.cpp Don't leak HistoryItems in the HistoryPrivate destructor02:18
CIA-42[libqapt] jmthomas * 1200470 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/history.cpp Trim data just to be safe03:20
CIA-42[libqapt] jmthomas * 1200471 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/history.cpp Apparently this does work. Remove inaccurate comment03:21
=== markey_ is now known as markey
maco"apparently this does work"? hahaha05:24
nigelbcommit messages, always fun05:29
nigelbI have commits like "my boss wanted this"05:30
nigelb"just pleasing the guy whos pays my check" :p05:30
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apacheloggerdantti: you are the master of all awesome08:12
* apachelogger leaves to have a nerdgasm in public about gstreamer and packagekit making codec babies08:12
apacheloggerneeds improvement to the gst plugin though08:17
apacheloggerRiddell: look how awesome08:20
apacheloggerphonon-gst is going to be the hottest regression-change we ever did ^^^08:20
markeyguys, kudos for maintaining Maverick so well. it's really cool that you provide so many updates10:12
markeykeeping it nice and smooth10:12
markeynow it got stuck:10:14
markey"Unpacking replacement chromium-codecs-ffmpeg ..."10:14
markeywhat to do?10:14
markeykeeps hanging there10:14
markeyapachelogger: ^10:14
apacheloggermarkey: maybe it is unpacking a lot10:30
apacheloggerchromium is not exactly our domain10:30
markeyapachelogger: it really got stuck10:31
markeyI had to kill it with fire10:31
markeyhard reset10:31
markeyand then dpkg --configure -a10:31
markeyand then again apt-get upgrade10:31
markeythen it worked 10:31
QuintasanAnyone using QtEmu on Natty?11:21
Riddellapachelogger: what is this libphononexperimental.so ?11:53
Riddellpresumably we don't want to package it?11:53
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
QuintasanRiddell: Do you have natty installed?12:07
apacheloggerRiddell: we want12:14
apacheloggerit is experimental stuff that is not yet ready for primetime12:14
apacheloggerstill abi and api stable and worthwhile for people who want to test the stuff12:15
apacheloggerRiddell: where does one send the uds expense thingy?12:15
dantti_workapachelogger: hey, nice it worked for you too, btw what does the gst needs that you were talking about?12:25
apacheloggerdantti_work: turns out it is probably kpk that needs love ;)12:27
apacheloggerthe dialog that comes up is not exactly nice12:27
apacheloggerwith fullpath12:27
apacheloggerand no icon12:27
dantti_workapachelogger: well full path is about of trust12:28
apacheloggerultimately the gst plugin would not appear as gstreamer-codec-install to (k)pk but the actual app that requires a codec (since that name is provided to gstreamer-codec-install)12:28
dantti_workas any app can ask to install things12:28
dantti_workso it's nice to be sure which one is it12:28
apacheloggerdantti_work: so make it a drop down with additional information12:29
dantti_workbut I can hardcode the gst-plugin path12:29
apacheloggerthe actuall app binary name is next to uninteresting12:29
apacheloggerwhat I want is that it says12:29
apacheloggerAmarok, the master of all good, requires additional codecs for watching pr0n, do you want to look for that?12:29
dantti_worksure, well that dialog was copied from gpk and as I never used it .... well...12:30
apacheloggerto the user not gst-codec-install wants codecs, but amarok (and in fact, even to me it is that way, since gst-codec-install is only the gateway link to $distro's packagemanger ;))12:30
* apachelogger wonders how to get nice window decrations with compiz12:31
dantti_workshould be easy to fix though12:31
davmor2apachelogger: apparently you just need to add the right plugin :)12:33
apacheloggerit is a modern world with plugin architectures12:34
dantti_workapachelogger: btw I couldn't get amarok ask for plugins I had to test it with totem12:36
apacheloggeroh, yeah12:37
apacheloggerphonon-gst bug12:37
apacheloggerthough rdieter_ doesnt have it apparently12:37
dantti_workapachelogger: sorry it's not fixable "ID3 tag|gstreamer0.10(decoder-application/x-id3)()(64bit)"12:48
dantti_workI don't get the amarok string12:48
apacheloggerdantti_work: but how do you know what app path to show?12:51
dantti_workI get with dbus who called that methods12:52
dantti_workI just talked with Richard, and he said it was removed for security reasons 12:52
dantti_worklike it saying that Firefox want's foo but it's actually a backdor.sh :P12:52
dantti_workapachelogger: ok, now you got it :D http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopqp153713:28
dantti_workapachelogger: but it does not work if the gst-codec-installer  from session installer calls it13:28
apacheloggerdantti_work: so, what do we do?13:29
dantti_workaptitude purge it ?13:29
* apachelogger notes that we could implement our own gstreamer-codec-installer13:29
apacheloggerdantti_work: well, how does it get the name?13:30
apacheloggerin your fixed version13:30
dantti_workbut only if the caller is trusted13:30
* apachelogger wonders what a trusted caller is13:30
apacheloggerdantti_work: so in your case totem is directly calling to pk?13:30
dantti_workand as session installer is a py script I can't be sure of what pycode is running?13:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: ping13:31
dantti_workapachelogger: /etc/alternatives/gstreamer-codec-install13:32
apacheloggerdantti_work: I am not following13:32
dantti_workthe alternatives linke can be linked to : PK /usr/lib/packagekit/pk-gstreamer-install  or /usr/bin/gst-install13:33
dantti_workthe later as it is a python script it's harder to know the right path13:33
apacheloggerwe only support pkg-gstreamer-install I would say13:33
dantti_worksince the cmd line is /usr/bin/python13:33
apacheloggeralso gst-install is not installed by default here13:33
dantti_workapachelogger: sure it's not, as we don't use session installer13:34
dantti_workbut in case it's used in gnome it won't work, it's just that13:34
* apachelogger does not care about gnome :P13:34
* apachelogger really thinks packagekit should support defining a user-visible name and icon for the dialog13:35
dantti_workk, then I guess we are done.. :) as you can see on the screen shot it's the window title so it's pretty noce, you will see Amarok now :P13:35
dantti_workI can get the icon from x11 too...13:36
* apachelogger loves how his system randomly goes to shit and ext4 looses data13:40
apacheloggerdantti_work: is that new magic in kpk?13:42
dantti_workapachelogger: sorry?13:55
apacheloggerdantti_work: the app-name change is that implemented in the kpackagekit side of things?13:55
apacheloggeralso is it commited alreayd? :D13:55
dantti_workapachelogger: kpk13:55
dantti_worknot yet (I'm about to commmit)13:56
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
dantti_workapachelogger: pushed14:01
dantti_workwell it's in svn (then commited :P)14:01
=== markey is now known as uQ
=== uQ is now known as markey
apacheloggerdantti_work: which reminds me that kpk should move to git ^^14:07
apacheloggerphonon is going kde git soonish14:07
apacheloggerdantti_work: doesnt work here14:13
dantti_workapachelogger: how so?14:16
apacheloggerI dunno14:16
dantti_workapachelogger: did you kill kpackagekitsmarticon?14:16
apacheloggernow it says an application needs access ^^14:16
dantti_workmake sure the right smarticon is running (ie the compiled one (unless your prefix is /usr)14:17
markeyapachelogger: got packages for 4.6 Beta 1? :)14:22
markeywanna try :D14:22
markeyis it stable, or rather buggy?14:22
markeyI need a stable KWin14:22
apacheloggerdantti_work: hm, maybe kubuntu puts the smarticon somewhere else14:22
apacheloggerbecause I actually killed it14:23
dantti_workapachelogger: so it does not popup anymore?14:24
apacheloggerno no, it pops up, but it says "an application needs an addtional module...."14:24
apacheloggerrather than the app name, though an application is an improvement over /usr/bin/gstreamer-codec-install I suppose :D14:24
apacheloggerapp being amarok btw14:25
apacheloggerdantti_work: I can drop a patched phonon somewhere, so you can test on your system14:25
dantti_workapachelogger: ah I think I know the issue14:25
dantti_workwhere is the code that call the gs-codec-install script14:25
dantti_workapachelogger: no, need I'm pretty sure I know what's wrong :P14:26
dantti_workbtw does the popup is parented to amarok? (i guess no) :P14:26
apacheloggerhow would I know?14:26
dantti_workcomposite effect?14:27
dantti_workamarok getting darker14:27
apacheloggerdantti_work: I am using the compiz :P14:27
dantti_workah, that might be the problem 14:27
dantti_worknot sure kwindowSystem supports calls to other WM14:28
apacheloggerwell, I switched to kwin also, didnt change a thing14:28
apacheloggeralso kwindowsystem does not depend on kwin AFAIK14:28
* apachelogger is wndering why his amarok goes to zombie14:29
apacheloggersomething must be fishy about phonon-gst and the installer14:29
apacheloggerdantti_work: not a parent, no14:30
dantti_workapachelogger: ok bug spotted, there is no gst_install_plugins_context_set_xid in the code14:30
dantti_workas soon as you gst_install_plugins_context_set_xid with amarok's xid it will all work14:30
Riddellapachelogger: so a new binary package for libphononexperimental ?14:30
apacheloggerRiddell: I would appreciate that14:31
Riddellapachelogger: I don't know about expenses, I do mine differently14:31
apacheloggerwell, wiki indicated that I should email them to marianna, so I did that14:31
apacheloggersurely she will poke me with a long stick if that was wrong ^^14:31
RiddellI expect so14:32
Riddellwant me to check?14:32
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
* Quintasan is having performance regressions in both maverick and natty14:33
QuintasanI wonder what causes them14:33
RiddellQuintasan: no I don't have natty installed14:36
QuintasanRiddell: Good, could you try one thing in QtEmu before I report a bug?14:38
Riddellwhat's QtEmu?14:39
dantti_workisn't it qemu?14:40
QuintasanRiddell: QT front-end for kmv/qemu14:40
Riddellso it is14:41
ulyssesRiddell: I uploaded last night a new hupnp, I hope it will pass the review14:41
apacheloggerdantti_work: progress14:41
Riddellulysses: advocated!14:42
Riddelljust needs apachelogger to review too14:42
dantti_workapachelogger: I'm out to lunch, bbl14:43
apacheloggerdantti_work: sure, hide from me :P14:45
apacheloggerthat is probably limited to amarok too14:45
apacheloggeralso I personally would argue that amarok should not change the window title unless it is certainly playing something14:46
Quintasanapachelogger: http://imagebin.ca/view/sMc8vZR.html14:47
Quintasanfixxor this14:48
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggerdantti_work: xid bug fixed14:51
apacheloggerQuintasan: I get blank page14:52
* apachelogger greps the rekonq source if they actually have such a function that gets called randomly14:59
Quintasanapachelogger: http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/amarok.jpeg14:59
apacheloggerwhat is that?15:03
Quintasanapachelogger: natty -> additional packages for amarok15:03
apacheloggeroh well15:03
apacheloggerwe are fixing this right now15:03
apacheloggerat supreme overlord level15:03
apacheloggerQuintasan: you better check where that package is coming from...15:03
apacheloggereither kubuntu-notification-helper is referencing unavailable packages or kubuntu-restircted-media is15:04
apacheloggeror whatever that meta package is called15:04
Quintasanapachelogger: how should I know that? You are probably maintaining this :P15:04
apacheloggermore likely JontheEchidna is :P15:04
JontheEchidnayeah, k-n-h15:06
CIA-42[libqapt] jmthomas * 1200745 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/ (history.cpp history.h) Add the ability to check for invalid HistoryItems15:50
CIA-42[libqapt] jmthomas * 1200747 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/history.cpp Don't get bit by uninitialized values15:56
RiddellZhengpengHou: new nick?16:13
dantti_workapachelogger: cool :D, but why did you said it's limited to amarok?16:16
Riddellno Americans today, they must be skiving off for the day16:43
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Riddellalthough, that JontheEchidna was committing, JontheEchidna why aren't you spending the day with your family like the rest of your country? :)16:46
Riddellapachelogger: does hupnp meet your approval?16:46
Riddellapachelogger: phonon uploaded with libphononexperimental16:59
Riddell4.6 beta seems to run decently, at least in Xephyr17:00
Riddellqtwebkit fix uploaded so hopefully they'll be compiling in ninjas soon17:00
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
JontheEchidnagood question:P17:16
CIA-42[libqapt] jmthomas * 1200766 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/history.cpp Fix children of the HistoryItem::packageList having a space character at the front17:18
JontheEchidnaDon't worry, I won't commit through dinner or anything17:18
rbelemhey guys, do you know if there is a wiki page in techbase about writing docstrings for kdelibs api?17:18
Riddellrbelem: not that I know of but ask on #kde-devel17:19
JontheEchidnarbelem: http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Library_Documentation_Policy17:19
JontheEchidnaand http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/API_Documentation17:19
CIA-42[libqapt] jmthomas * 1200769 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/history.cpp Use QLatin1String so we can compile with NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII17:22
Riddellrbelem: kdeedu has gained a kalgabramobile application17:23
rbelemJontheEchidna, tkx :-)17:23
rbelemRiddell, cool! :-)17:23
rbelemRiddell, where can i get the srcs?17:23
Riddellrbelem: it's in kdeedu in 4.6 beta 1 which is currently being packaged by ninjas17:24
rbelemsweet :-)17:24
yofelor use project-neon-kdeedu :P17:25
rbelemmobile area is starting to get more visibility in the community17:27
rbelemi would be really nice to have, around 2012, kubuntu-mobile fully running in a mobile phone :-)17:28
RiddellI also noticed notmart had blogged about a Plasma Tablet user interface, time for a Kubuntu Tablet? :)17:30
dantti_workRiddell: btw will kdm show different entries for netbook and desktop editions? last time I tried there wasn't17:34
Riddelldantti_work: no we run the appropriate workspace based on what sort of computer you have at login17:36
_Groo_hi/2 all :)17:36
dantti_workcool police doing their job :P http://globonews.globo.com/videos/v/globo-news-ao-vivo/6191017:36
Riddelldantti_work: which I haven't heard any complaints about after 10.10 release so I guess it's working for people17:36
dantti_workRiddell: right, anyway I think it would be nice to be able to choose17:37
yofelthere are people asking how to switch between netbook and desktop since it's a bit hard to find, but no real complains17:37
Riddelldantti_work: you can select it manually in system settings, which is the only way to use it upstream17:37
_Groo_are you guys doing the 4.6 beta 1 packages? maybe in ninja?17:37
_Groo_if so, can i test them? :)17:38
Riddell_Groo_: we are indeed, they're not yet ready for testing17:39
Riddellneeds qtwebkit to compile first17:39
Riddellthen everything else17:39
_Groo_Riddell: nice to know :) ill wait patiently then :)17:39
Riddell_Groo_: are you able to test natty or maverick?17:39
_Groo_Riddell: maverick for now17:40
_Groo_Riddell: and by testing i also mean the npomuk part, since i have a long experience with pet peeve bugs with it17:40
_Groo_Riddell: like the filewatcher that i always disable cause in 4.5 it kills disk I/O17:40
Riddellok no maverick packages yet, that'll be a few days yet I think17:40
_Groo_Riddell: cant they be built in paralel?17:41
Riddellthey could be but nobody is doing it17:41
_Groo_Riddell: i could get the natty sources and backport them to maverick17:41
Riddellall the Americans are busy eating turkey17:41
_Groo_Riddell: lol true :D well im portuguese and im in south america, so i dont have that problem :D17:42
Riddellyou could indeed if you want to earn your ninja black belt17:42
_Groo_Riddell: if you can add me to the natty packages built, i would wait for the base to be complete and then remake them for maverick17:42
_Groo_Riddell: and start from there17:43
_Groo_Riddell: maybe ill have to backport some libs too, dont know what was added in 4.6 yet, but it should be relatively easy to do so...17:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol... i cant open more than 4 tabs in the browser :P17:44
Riddell_Groo_: what's your launchpad id?17:44
_Groo_Riddell: sec17:45
_Groo_Riddell: https://edge.launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias17:46
Riddellhi bulldog98, did the beta announce page get fixed?  you said there was an error about dolphin and kdepim17:46
Riddell_Groo_: ok I added you to ~kubuntu-ninjas17:47
Riddell_Groo_: you should be able to see PPA access details at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa17:48
Riddellyou'll need to start with backporting akonadi hupnp polkit-kde-1 polkit-qt-1 soprano17:48
_Groo_Riddell: opening it now17:48
_Groo_Riddell: should i backport using my own ppa?17:49
Riddellno you can put them into the ninjas PPA17:49
neversfeldeRiddell: afaik it is fixed17:49
Riddell_Groo_: so use -0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 version numbers17:50
_Groo_Riddell: can i create a private ppa (in my account), test there and then just copy it to ninjas, so i dont polute it17:50
_Groo_Riddell: ok i will17:50
_Groo_Riddell: i dont know if normal users can create private ppas anyway17:50
Riddell_Groo_: well what are you testing?17:51
bulldog98Riddell: yes17:51
bulldog98Riddell: yes it got fixed17:51
_Groo_Riddell: ill start with the backporting of akonadi hupnp polkit-kde-1 polkit-qt-1 soprano like you said, but i think its easier pbuilding them in my machine (i have a i7 quad) and then upload to my ppa to sanitize (see if all dependencies checkl, etc), so i can finally just copy them to ninja ppa, instead of doing all work directly in ninja... for purity sake... dont know if this is the right approach17:52
Riddell_Groo_: I don't see a point in having them in your PPA, ninjas is a secret PPA it's not like anyone has access to it who doen't know what they're doing17:54
Riddellso it's ok to have stuff in there which isn't yet tested as long as we know if needs testing before being made public17:54
_Groo_Riddell: ok17:54
_Groo_Riddell: ninja it will then :)17:54
Riddell_Groo_: please keep track of what you're doing on the maverick table here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging17:55
_Groo_Riddell: ok i will17:56
Riddellawesome, thanks _Groo_ 17:57
bulldog98could someone help me, I need to extract the numbers out of the following line (sed or awk): <td>&nbsp;<a href="/trunk/?view=log" title="View directory revision log"><strong>1200764</strong></a></td>17:58
_Groo_Riddell: ill get right on to it, im at work so i cant upload any packages (proxy), but i can copy hupnp to maverick via ppa and see if it builds correctly, if it does when i get home i sanitize the package name and reupload a clean one17:58
Riddell_Groo_: I can give you access to machines if that helps18:00
_Groo_Riddell: unless its http it wont give me much help, like an http upload or something, but when i get home if i an have access to machines wiuth pbuilder or something like that via ssh, it might help, although i normally use my machine18:01
Riddellbulldog98: sed 's,.*<strong>,,' foo | sed 's,</strong>.*,,'18:01
Riddellwhere foo is the file containing that string18:02
Riddell_Groo_: I can set up a machine with ssh access and you can do everything there18:02
Riddell(if it would help)18:02
bulldog98Riddell: the file is sdtin and thanks18:02
_Groo_Riddell: it will, can you send me an email with the info?18:02
Riddell_Groo_: I'd need your public ssh key18:04
_Groo_Riddell: its in my launchpad 18:04
_Groo_Riddell: with my email, im, etc18:05
Riddellhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias nothing there (also "No public address provided.")18:05
_Groo_Riddell: aarrgh forgot the ssh, just did the openpgp18:05
_Groo_Riddell: im getting on to it, give me a min18:05
* bulldog98 hugs Riddell18:06
Riddellooh hugs!18:06
_Groo_Riddell: ok its there18:08
_Groo_bulldog98: Riddell preferes cookies :D18:08
bulldog98Riddell: If you attend akedemy, i’ll sponsor you cookies18:09
Riddell_Groo_: ssh ubuntu@ec2-204-236-220-166.compute-1.amazonaws.com18:11
Riddellbulldog98: for a simple sed command?  your cookies are easy :)18:11
Riddellbulldog98: you could do some ninjas packaging in return :)18:11
bulldog98Riddell: hm I need some time to start an dev enviroment18:12
Riddell_Groo_: you've got two CPUs on that thing to use and sudo access to install what you like, do make sure to tell me when you don't need it any more, it costs a few cents per hour18:12
_Groo_Riddell: yeah i know :)18:12
bulldog98Riddell: the sed was to figure out what svn revision KDE Svn is18:12
_Groo_Riddell: but i only be able to ssh to it in 4 hours or so18:12
_Groo_Riddell: im behind a )(@*)#@*#*(()@*# proxy18:12
Riddellbulldog98: sudo debootstrap natty natty   is all it takes :)18:12
_Groo_Riddell: im downloading the sources and backporting some stuff already18:13
_Groo_Riddell: to gain some time18:13
* bulldog98 writes a script to make translators able to contribute via git, so they get familar to git18:14
Riddellneversfelde: there should be a fix for the ktorrent issue on kde-packagers18:15
Riddellneversfelde: http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/gitweb/?p=kdenetwork.git;a=blob;f=kdenetwork-4.5.80-libktorrent-stable.patch;h=b8edfad0a226a1bd690c85856381da653e3b5f89;hb=HEAD18:15
Riddellbulldog98: poor translators, having to use git!18:17
* bulldog98 likes git18:17
RiddellI'm out for a few hours18:17
Riddell_Groo_ or bulldog98 or anyone, if you notice that libqtwebkit-dev 2.1~git20101116-0ubuntu3 has made it into natty please start retrying the build failures in kubuntu-ninjas18:18
Riddellshould happen in about an hour18:18
rbelemRiddell, i think that kubuntu-mobile can be just a default settings package :-)18:19
Riddellwould need some cleverness to work out when to apply that and run plasma-tablet at login18:20
neversfeldeRiddell: will have a look18:37
neversfeldealso googletalk seems to need more work, because they improved it upstream18:38
_Groo_Riddell: will do18:38
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1200784 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Move more state strings to MuonStrings, so that they can also be used in other classes18:40
apacheloggerulysses, Riddell: get-orig-source is not working properly18:40
bulldog98JontheEchidna: I thought you were in string freeze18:43
JontheEchidnabulldog98: trunk isn't18:43
bulldog98JontheEchidna: ok so in stable there is the beta ?18:44
JontheEchidnastable is the 1.0.x branch18:44
JontheEchidnatrunk is what will become 1.118:44
bulldog98JontheEchidna: would’n it be more easy for translators to have a string freeze, so they can translate everything to get released? Maybe after an beta?18:45
JontheEchidnabulldog98: yes, I will freeze trunk at least 1 month before 1.1.018:46
bulldog98JontheEchidna: ok mail me when you freeze 18:46
bulldog98JontheEchidna: better mail kde-i18n-doc@kde.org18:46
apacheloggercan someone look at that?18:47
JontheEchidnabulldog98: yes, of course :)18:47
neversfeldeapachelogger: I'm packaging kdenetwork 4.5.80 and will have a look18:48
neversfeldeapachelogger: do you know, if your googletalk patches went upstream?18:50
apacheloggersupposedly they are kubuntu specific?18:51
neversfeldeapachelogger: k18:52
* apachelogger floats on again18:56
apacheloggerNightrose: wanna join me floating?18:56
Nightroseapachelogger: always18:58
* apachelogger floats with Nightrose18:58
apacheloggerNightrose: are you still busy?18:58
Nightroseapachelogger: yea :(18:59
Nightroseboss is being a bit of a pita18:59
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1200785 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (9 files in 3 dirs) Initial work on the HistoryView. It basically works, but isn't sorted and doesn't have search/filter capabilities19:00
apacheloggerNightrose: we should open up our own company19:02
apacheloggerFluffy Spaceship Inc.19:02
Nightroseapachelogger: haha i _love_ it19:03
Nightrosewe should totally do it19:03
Nightrosewhat will we be doing?19:03
dantti_workRiddell: I downloaded workspace so if I cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt will I be able to run a patched plasma?19:04
_Groo_Nightrose: hire me19:04
dantti_workoh it's searching for 4.5.3 kdelibs19:04
_Groo_Nightrose: i work for cookies19:04
ulyssesapachelogger: :(19:05
Nightrose_Groo_: what can you do?19:06
apacheloggerNightrose: now that is the question I do not have an answer to19:06
apacheloggerwe could go into showbiz19:06
dantti_workNightrose: surely not cookies19:06
apacheloggeror produce fluffy spaceships19:06
_Groo_Nightrose: i can dance and make coffee19:07
_Groo_Nightrose: im good at making coffee but a terrible dancer, so things then to even out :D19:07
apacheloggerwhoever wrote that is rather silly19:07
_Groo_apachelogger: lol WIN!19:08
_Groo_apachelogger: i was always for more humain error messages19:08
dantti_workAny tips or webpages on how can I hack workspace using neon builds?19:08
_Groo_apachelogger: or klingon error messages19:08
apacheloggerklingon is totaly impractical19:08
_Groo_apachelogger: or even chuck norris error messages19:09
_Groo_apachelogger: its not... like this one.. you punny human, how dare you to try to fetch the friggin source!19:09
yofeldantti_work: you mean trunk workspace?19:09
dantti_workyofel: yup19:09
apacheloggerNightrose: if you wanna employ _Groo_ we probably cannot go into showbiz19:09
apachelogger_Groo_: how is your singing?19:09
dantti_workyofel: as I want to play with plasma's kickoff19:09
Nightroseapachelogger: hmmm i'm ok with not going into showbiz19:10
apacheloggershocking news everyone!19:10
apacheloggersomeone did not testbuild kdeartwork and now I get spam19:10
_Groo_apachelogger: even worse then my dancing.. did tou see the dancing penguim movie? i sing even worse then he does19:10
yofeldantti_work: that would be 'project-neon-kdebase' (we don't split it)  and see the packaging makefile for the build setup (let me fetch the link...)19:10
_Groo_apachelogger: we could go into pr0n business... i ear it makes good money19:11
dantti_workyofel: I installed it, but when I checkout the workspace when cmake runs it still searches for the 4.5.3 kdelibs19:11
apacheloggerI will contribute to the might of lord google by producing more pr0n for it to distribute19:11
yofeldantti_work: that's because you use /opt I think, but that should be /opt/project-neon19:12
dantti_worklet me try again then19:12
yofeldantti_work: you'll need the exports and CMAKE stuff from here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~neon/project-neon/kdebase-ubuntu/annotate/head%3A/rules19:12
dantti_workI guess it should be using another cmake file /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake:136019:13
_Groo_apachelogger: after i upload the orig to upload only the diff.gz/dsc i use the debuild -b right?19:13
apacheloggerqtcreator cmake is also on my todo19:13
apacheloggerbleh meh and blah19:13
dantti_workyofel: what do I do whith that file?19:14
dantti_workjust run that?19:14
apachelogger_Groo_: man dpkg-buildpackage is your friend :P19:14
yofeldantti_work: no, mom19:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: ping19:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: ping ping ping ping ping ping ping19:15
_Groo_apachelogger: a simple binary answer would sufice :D19:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: where are me minions?19:15
* apachelogger has billions of minion tasks19:15
yofeldantti_work: run line 9 - 12 in your terminal, that's environment stuff and line 20 and 21 are the cmake options you'll want to use (line 22 too probably)19:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: idk... the guy from college was supposed to be here.. lemme message him19:15
apachelogger_Groo_: no peopel will come along and say we are not social19:15
* _Groo_ <-- unpaid minion!19:15
_Groo_apachelogger: i work with you guys for ages, i KNOW for a fact you are not social ppl :D19:16
apachelogger_Groo_: 01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110011 01100001 01111001 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101110 01101111 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100001 00100001 0010000119:16
dantti_workyofel: that's not bash lines :P19:16
dantti_work:= does not assign values19:16
dantti_work-> #!/usr/bin/make -f  :P19:16
apacheloggershadeslayer: maybe it was the person I was mocking earlier?19:17
* apachelogger needs to stop doing that19:17
_Groo_apachelogger: RTFM in binary? :D oO19:17
shadeslayerwho would that be?19:17
dantti_workyofel: should I adapt that?19:17
_Groo_hmmm good idea for a t-shirt19:17
apachelogger_Groo_: 01010010 01010100 01000110 0100110119:17
yofeldantti_work: oops, sorry, convert that to bash first and then run it..19:17
apacheloggerulysses: when you are done with upnp, do you have other things to do?19:18
shadeslayerdhcp3-server fails on start... wth19:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: what are the tasks19:18
apacheloggerulysses: I have a package update at hand, should not be terribly difficult19:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^19:18
apacheloggerakunambol to be precise19:18
shadeslayerif someone wants to do it fine with me, but if no ones available i can do it19:19
yofeldantti_work: if it still doesn't work pastebin your cmake output (and I just remembered an easier way for the env vars: install project-neon-command and source /opt/project-neon/share/project-neon/environment)19:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: depends on whether ulysses wants to do it or not ;)19:20
yofelerrr... 'project-neon-common' not command19:21
dantti_workyofel: k, I'll install that since it didn't work :P19:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: sure why not.. :)19:21
ulyssesapachelogger: I'll go out, don't have time to do19:21
dantti_workyofel: nah.. :P19:22
shadeslayerok.. so i get to work  on it19:22
yofeldantti_work: ok, then pastebin where it fails please19:22
shadeslayersweet :P19:22
dantti_workyofel: http://pastebin.com/jrmFsFpT19:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: you needz to help me with this Wireless Access point foo then19:23
shadeslayeri need make my laptop a wireless access point and share the ethernet connection19:23
dantti_workyofel: hmm I rm -rf * in build and seems to be going now..19:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: deal? :P19:24
dantti_workyup, now I have new errors :P19:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: no19:24
apacheloggerI refuse19:24
shadeslayerheh :P19:24
apacheloggerI will not go for blackmail19:24
apacheloggerforget about it19:24
apacheloggerwe also need qtcreator for 10.1019:24
apacheloggerwe also need qt 4.7.1 for 10.1019:24
shadeslayernot blackmailing.... i dont know this server foo19:24
apacheloggerask lord google19:25
shadeslayeralready doing that19:25
shadeslayerhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessAccessPoint <<< is pretty much what i want i think19:25
dantti_workyofel: it's complaining about boost now but there are like 1000 packages :P19:26
yofeldantti_work: run 'sudo apt-get build-dep project-neon-kdebase'19:27
dantti_workyofel: thanks sounds easier :D19:27
shadeslayerbahaha.. seems my card doesnt support it19:27
dantti_workshadeslayer: adhoc not supported?19:29
shadeslayerdantti_work: not that... adhoc is supported, but for some reason my Desire cant pick up adhoc wifi network, ..... wireless Access point mode isnt supported by my Intel 4965 ABGN card19:29
apacheloggerNightrose: we could form a ska band19:30
dantti_workshadeslayer: hmm right you can't emulate an AP, I thought you were willing to use adhoc for sharing connections19:30
apachelogger_Groo_: do you play an instrument?19:30
shadeslayerdantti_work: sadly android doesnt want to detect those :'(19:31
_Groo_apachelogger: i used to play classic guitar but as been ages, i mostly play mp3 players now19:31
_Groo_apachelogger: we could form a disco band19:31
_Groo_apachelogger: the new abba19:31
_Groo_apachelogger: or the new bee gees19:32
apacheloggerNightrose: I demand that we do not employ _Groo_ at Fluffy Spaceship Inc!!!!!19:32
dantti_workshadeslayer: doesn't android has a term?19:32
_Groo_Nightrose: ahhh nightrose... why? i like fluffy19:32
shadeslayerdantti_work: what? :P19:32
_Groo_Nightrose: i can dress myself as a fluffy spaceball and distribute panflets at the company door19:33
apacheloggerI also like microsoft19:33
apacheloggeryet they have rejected my application 3 times19:33
_Groo_apachelogger: oO19:33
dantti_workso you can iwconfig wificard mode adhoc?19:33
* apachelogger stopped applying for a job meanwhile19:33
_Groo_apachelogger: did you attached the obligatory "i love balmer" autographed photo?19:33
_Groo_apachelogger: at the resumee?19:34
apacheloggerI do not posses such a thing19:34
apacheloggeralso I do not love him19:34
* apachelogger loves himself and Nightrose19:34
_Groo_apachelogger: yeah but you need to LIE in order to be hired at ms19:34
* Nightrose huggles apachelogger19:34
* Nightrose goes to watch a movie19:35
_Groo_apachelogger: like:  do you know how to code clean code? huuuu... i sure do..19:35
* apachelogger really does -.-19:35
_Groo_apachelogger: or: do you like NET.ASP? arrrghh... i mean, sure i love it19:35
* apachelogger really does -.-19:35
apacheloggeralso it is asp.net19:35
_Groo_apachelogger: i know ;)19:36
apacheloggerNightrose: you cannot go watch the movie, we dont have a business plan yet? :(19:36
_Groo_apachelogger: its a internal joke... .NET = NotYet and net.asp = NOT ASK19:36
apacheloggermust have been created when you were reaching for ballmer peak because it does not make sense :P19:37
_Groo_apachelogger: oh it does... it does :)19:37
_Groo_apachelogger: but i sense Nightrose as some prejudice against portuguese ppl19:39
_Groo_apachelogger: she doesnt want to employ me! im gonna sue fluffy spaceship inc!19:40
apacheloggertry your best19:40
_Groo_apachelogger:  :D19:40
apacheloggerneversfelde will be head of our legal dept19:40
_Groo_apachelogger: oO19:41
apacheloggeryou do not want to mess with the neversfelde!19:41
dantti_workshadeslayer: found the term? :P19:41
_Groo_apachelogger: ¬¬19:41
neversfeldeapachelogger: I am a specialist in tax law :D19:41
shadeslayerdantti_work: what term?19:42
dantti_workshadeslayer: dunno it should have a terminal no?19:42
apacheloggerneversfelde: _Groo_ did not know that until you mentioned it -.-19:42
apacheloggerneversfelde: company -> needs to pay tax -> needs specialist in tax law19:42
neversfeldeapachelogger: hehe19:42
apacheloggermakes sense, does it not?19:42
neversfeldeof course19:42
apacheloggerI mean, we could also be one of them companies that sues other companies for copyright infringment for a living19:43
apacheloggerin fact that sounds like a viable business opportunity19:43
apacheloggeropportunistic business19:43
* apachelogger is very sad that they stopped making everything opportunistic :(19:43
_Groo_apachelogger: ah MS just bought unix rights... youll be out of business soon BUAHAHAHAHAHAAH 19:43
apacheloggermade my life 90% less cynical :(19:44
apachelogger_Groo_: how is that?19:44
neversfeldealso I mostly work with gastronomy people, so hanging out in bars is my job. I am not very reputable^^19:44
_Groo_apachelogger: novell just went for sale19:44
_Groo_apachelogger: MS bought 880 patents from them and some rights too19:44
apacheloggerI mean how will we be out of business?19:44
_Groo_apachelogger: guess who owned the unix rights19:44
_Groo_apachelogger: unix = fluffy spaceships19:45
_Groo_apachelogger: no unix no fluffy19:45
apacheloggerhow does a ska band have to do wit unix?19:45
dantti_workshadeslayer: http://www.androlib.com/android.application.jackpal-androidterm-zxnC.aspx19:45
_Groo_apachelogger: gnu started cause they wanted mroe fluffyness out of their printers19:45
apacheloggerMS can go tickle my knee with them 88 patents19:45
_Groo_apachelogger: 880 :D19:46
_Groo_apachelogger: ska is all about unix19:46
apacheloggerthey make use it to build me a house19:46
_Groo_apachelogger: life resolves around unix19:46
_Groo_apachelogger: unix is god19:46
_Groo_apachelogger: long live unix19:46
apacheloggerunix is the crap19:46
shadeslayerdantti_work: you need to root it to work i think19:46
_Groo_apachelogger: infidel!!!19:47
dantti_workshadeslayer: well if you had root and a term I think it would be easy for you to setup an adhoc connection19:47
shadeslayerhmm... quite possible19:48
apacheloggeroh it is thursday already19:49
apacheloggertime to befriend random people on facebook19:49
_Groo_k libpolkit might need a backport for maverick19:50
_Groo_gonna check it out and see it tonight19:50
_Groo_is the any way to copy a package from main into a ppa? i want to backport libpokit from natty to maverick just by coying the package to the ppa, instead of uploading it.. is there a way or i need to get the source and do the normal dput process?19:59
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
_Groo_hupnp compiles cleanly, going for soprano, libpolkit might need a backport from main, gonna check it next20:07
dantti_workyofel: for some reason when I try to lauch the plasmoid modified it seems to be using the stable one20:18
yofeland you're in neon-kde? environment set up properly?20:19
* yofel wonders how much he would break if he just backported policykit 0.99 to lucid (has 0.96)20:22
dantti_workyofel: well I think it was installing on the wrong place20:23
dantti_workyofel: afaik polkit didn't change much on those releases were mostly bugfixes20:23
dantti_workbut I stoped developing polkit-qt/kde some time ago :P20:24
_Groo_dantti_work: hmmm im doing the kde 4.6 backport to maverick, im gonna change the package and try to compile with 0.9620:25
_Groo_dantti_work: if it doesnt work ill have to backport 0.98/0.9920:26
yofel_Groo_: current polkit-qt-1 needs 0.98 so you'll need to backport it (I'm thinking of neon, since we have the same problem)20:33
_Groo_yofel: so backport it is :P20:34
_Groo_btw ppl, ScottK  and all, im just copying some packages to my personall ppa to test the build in maverick WHILE at work.. ill delete them in a few... its just a test...21:00
_Groo_so no one needs to freek out with name mantaining and such, they are short lived :)21:00
_Groo_ScottK: btw, im using your soprano to make the backport, i change the oringinal owner to my name? whats the default behaviour?21:03
shadeslayerQuintasan: ping ping ping21:09
shadeslayerQuintasan: ive enabled debug mode over USB, but dmesg doesnt show the device being picked up, neither does adb list the device21:09
_Groo_shadeslayer: you have a defective usb port or device21:10
shadeslayer_Groo_: i could root the device ......21:10
_Groo_shadeslayer: if it doesnt even show up in lsusb (which should) since its just the id of the usb device, it means your device is broken or not attached properly (default cable for ex)21:11
_Groo_shadeslayer: lsusb shows the lower layer, it it deosnt show up its broken21:11
shadeslayerlsusb shows the device21:11
_Groo_shadeslayer: i mean defective cabling not default lol21:11
_Groo_shadeslayer: ahh ok, 21:12
_Groo_shadeslayer: what device it is anyway?21:12
shadeslayer_Groo_: the HTC Desire21:12
_Groo_shadeslayer: did you update usbids?21:12
shadeslayeruh.. what are those?21:12
_Groo_shadeslayer: is the htc in default usb hd mode?21:13
_Groo_shadeslayer: do an update-usbids as root21:13
_Groo_shadeslayer: it downloads the newer ids for usb devices21:13
shadeslayerah ok21:13
shadeslayerhold on :)21:13
_Groo_shadeslayer: its very fast, its only a few k.s21:13
shadeslayer_Groo_: one of the issues is that ive made a custom udev rule for it21:14
shadeslayerbut... i dont think its working21:14
_Groo_shadeslayer: after you made the udev rule, did you restart udev?21:15
shadeslayeri think the idVendor is different21:15
_Groo_what lsusb shows?21:15
shadeslayerBus 002 Device 037: ID 0bb4:0c87 High Tech Computer Corp. Desire (Debug)21:16
shadeslayerhmm no21:16
_Groo_the id sohouldnt be the entire string? 0bb4:0c87?21:16
shadeslayeridk... i thought it was just supposed to be 0bb421:16
shadeslayersince the last part is the product....21:17
_Groo_shadeslayer: yeah i know, but udev is ... strange... let me check something21:17
shadeslayer_Groo_: it used to show http://pastebin.ca/200229621:18
shadeslayernow it shows nothing21:18
_Groo_shadeslayer: ahhh the first one, you didtn had permissions, dont know for what21:19
_Groo_have you tried running adb as sudo or root and see what it gives?21:20
shadeslayeralso ... im updating the sdk now21:20
shadeslayer_Groo_: nope didnt try that out21:20
_Groo_shadeslayer: its a permission problem21:20
_Groo_run adb as sudo and see what happens21:20
shadeslayerthats why i wrote that udev rule21:20
_Groo_and by before you mean before you made the udev rule, right?21:20
_Groo_remove the udev rule for now21:20
_Groo_and run as root21:20
_Groo_if you can see it as root is a permission problem21:21
_Groo_and you can see the default udev log to see how udev is mounting the device, and just change the apropriate rule thats already in place21:21
shadeslayer_Groo_: still shows no permissions21:23
_Groo_shadeslayer: as root? oO21:23
_Groo_shadeslayer: what udev log shows?21:23
_Groo_shadeslayer: i gotta go, but its definitely a permission problem21:24
shadeslayerhold on21:24
shadeslayer_Groo_: http://pastebin.com/7AQGmbM721:24
shadeslayerudev log21:24
_Groo_shadeslayer: gotta go, but by seeing the log i didnt find the 0bb4 id21:26
_Groo_so udev its seeing it21:26
_Groo_something is wrong21:26
_Groo_seeya later21:26
shadeslayerhttp://d.android.com/guide/developing/device.html#setting-up says the id should be 0bb21:27
shadeslayerbah... you know what i mean :P21:27
dantti_workyofel: funny I set the cmake prefix to neon, and it installed in /usr/local, after a reboot my system was a mess :P21:52
dantti_workturns out I ended up loging in 4.6 which for some reason seems much faster than 4.5 (maybe because it's not the complete env..)21:55
dantti_workyofel: btw thanks for helping me out :D my precious and so long waited feature is done :D http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopzl356221:58
yofelcool :D21:59
dantti_workyofel: yup much :D22:00
dantti_workI've been wainting to add that feature 2 years ago22:00
dantti_workthat was the reason I wrote KPK :P22:00
dantti_workwaiting for aseigo's approval :D22:03
Riddellqu'est-ce qu'il se passe22:50
shadeslayerRiddell: apachelogger i haz new minion for you22:51
shadeslayerhold on.. he's just coming in :)22:52
* shadeslayer pokes apachelogger 22:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^22:52
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^  aakshay is from my college 22:53
* Riddell high fives aakshay 22:53
aakshayhi riddell22:54
Riddellhi aakshay, you're a kubuntu user?22:54
aakshayino i m using ubuntu22:54
aakshayi want to work with kubuntu packaging22:55
aakshayso can u plz suggest how can i start?22:55
Riddellaakshay: do you know anything about packaging?22:56
aakshayRidell: yes. i have read the ubuntu packaging guide. and tried the basic example provided22:57
Riddellaakshay: how come you want to work with kubuntu packaging if you don't use kubuntu?22:58
aakshayRiddell: i come to know about kubuntu from my friend.. he is working on it23:00
Riddellaakshay: from Rohan?  he's a funky guy23:01
aakshayRiddell: after he told me, i found it intresting and start reading the guide23:01
aakshayRiddell: ya he is....23:01
Riddellaakshay: are you on maverick or natty?23:02
aakshayRiddell: no.. i am using lucid lynx23:04
Riddellaakshay: do you know how to make a chroot?23:04
aakshayRiddell: yes.. 23:06
Riddellaakshay: do you have a public ssh key?23:06
aakshayNo i have not generated by now23:06
Riddellaakshay: do you have a launchpad.net account?23:07
aakshayRiddell: no i don't have23:08
shadeslayerafaik no SSH/GPG keys23:09
shadeslayerso i think we should get him setup with those along with a LP account :)23:09
Riddellyes first task is make an account on launchpad.net and make ssh and gpg keys and put them in it23:10
shadeslayeraakshay: https://launchpad.net/23:10
shadeslayer!gpg | aakshay23:11
ubottuaakshay: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts23:11
Riddellooh nifty23:11
aakshayRiddell:ok.. i will create account on it and get the ssh/gpg key23:11
shadeslayerRiddell: did you know the depreceated edge.lp ? .. i just saw it on their blog23:11
Riddellshadeslayer: yes, no more confusing URLs23:11
shadeslayerso people who join the beta program get access to edge stuff?23:12
shadeslayeror do they just serve edge23:12
RiddellI'm not sure23:13
aakshayRiddell: after creating the account and key, i will come back here23:13
* shadeslayer is too tired to investigate 23:14
Riddellaakshay: let us know if you have any questions23:14
Riddellshadeslayer: isn't it about 4:40 in the morning?23:15
shadeslayeryep :P23:15
shadeslayertook me 5 hours to figure out what i was doing wrong with adb23:15
aakshayRiddell: ya.. thanx...23:15
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)23:19
Riddellaakshay: ^^23:19
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)23:19
Riddellhmm, nothing about how to make a key there23:19
Riddellalthough launchpad should have links23:20
Riddellaakshay: there it is ^^23:20
aakshayRiddell: yep.. i will create key using this link.. just about to done with creating account23:23
ZhengpengHouRiddell: no23:23
ZhengpengHouRiddell: re-setup irssi23:23
shadeslayernight all23:27
Riddellnight shadeslayer 23:27
Riddelltsk qtwebkit needs more fixing23:27
* ryanakca wonders why all kubuntu-ninjas were made admins of ~kubuntu-mobile23:42

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