
pooliei don't think i did make sampledata00:00
poolielet's see what bzr says00:00
lifelesspoolie: did you merge db-devel perhaps?00:00
pooliei did, on the 19th00:01
lifelessthat will explain it.00:01
poolieperhaps i should rebase my changes onto devel00:01
lifelessyes please00:01
lifelessgary_poster: /expander00:04
lifelessgary_poster: should that perhaps be /+expander ?00:04
gary_posterlifeless: yes, almost certainly00:04
gary_posterPlease feel free to change on LEP (or not)00:04
* gary_poster needs to run00:05
thumperlifeless: gee, not even a whoop for lp:launchpad changing02:02
thumperI feel deflated :P02:03
lifelessthumper: whoop02:09
lifelessthumper: with leave on monday, I'm feeling a little flat out today02:09
thumperhttp 500 on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=needs-packaging03:25
thumpersecond time lucky03:25
* thumper afk03:46
StevenKwgrant: Do you happen to be around?07:25
wgrantStevenK: Hi.07:30
StevenKwgrant: Hai07:30
StevenKwgrant: Can you have a squiz at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/db-add-distro-parent/+merge/41430?07:30
wgrant48+Derived Distroseries07:31
wgrant51+Distroseries can be derived from other distroseries. This is completly07:31
wgrant52+different from the derivation mentioned above.07:31
StevenKYes, I need to fix that bit07:31
wgrantStevenK: What sort of review do you desire?07:32
StevenKwgrant: Basically, "Do you think it's crack?"07:32
wgrantStevenK: Has it been fully specced out?07:33
wgrantIf not, it is crack.07:33
wgrantI haven't seen an analysis of all of the cases.07:34
StevenKI think it's a good plan, because .parent is overloaded and this derivation work is making it be more so07:34
wgrantRight, I agree.07:35
wgrantBut I'd like to see it fully thought through first...07:35
wgrantWe need to do something like this.07:35
StevenKWe do have a LEP :-)07:35
StevenKwgrant: doctest twiddled, fwiw07:57
lifelessjkakar: hi?08:22
jkakarlifeless: Hi!08:24
lifelesshttps://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/PersistenceLayer may interest you08:24
jkakarlifeless: Cool, thanks, will check it out!08:26
jkakar"How will we measure how well we have done? It Will Be Obvious."  <-- Cute.08:38
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
adeuringgood morning09:02
jtvhi mrevell!09:31
mrevellHi there jtv, how are you?09:31
jtvfine, thanks—you?09:31
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
jmlI ran a bunch of tests on ec2 last night10:08
jmlthey all passed10:08
jmlbut the test run had a non-zero exit code10:08
bigjoolsjml: sorry forgot to tell you about the test run yesterday, everything seemed ok.  At least I got the usual amount of local failures I get.10:14
bigjoolsbut whether they are different failures on the same tests I don't know.  I get 60 codehosting tests failing10:15
jmlbigjools: thanks.10:36
bigjoolsI need to figure out my local failures at some point ...10:36
bigjoolsjml: loads of my codehosting tests fail because they are trying to open /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzr which does not exist, any ideas?10:39
bigjoolsthis is when it runs some bzr commands10:39
jmlyeah, I have an idea10:39
jmlbut it's only half-formed10:39
* jml pokes a bit10:39
bigjoolsit's doing a "bzr push -d first branch-address"10:40
jmlbigjools: lp.codehosting.get_bzr_path is either buggy or your environment is buggy10:40
jmlbigjools: try running it in ./bin/ipy to see what you get10:40
jmlbigjools: also, try 'ls eggs/bzr-2.2.0-py2.6*/EGG-INFO/scripts'10:42
bigjoolswhen needs running in ipy, exactly?10:43
bigjoolswhat, even10:44
jmlbigjools: lp.codehosting.get_bzr_path()10:48
bigjoolsjml: it returns the non-existent path10:50
jmlbigjools: yay, the bug is isolated10:50
jmlbigjools: I guess step through that with pdb and see what's misbehaving10:50
jmlbigjools: basically, it looks like you are getting system bzr rather than the bzr in eggs10:51
bigjoolsI am going to remove the egg and re-generate it, it worked with a similar bunch of test failures10:51
jmlbigjools: a fine plan10:51
bigjoolsI am tempted to blow all the eggs away, it'll clean up all the old crap10:52
jmlbigjools: that could also work10:56
bigjoolswe need a development story for that10:57
bigjoolsyay, it works now10:57
bigjoolsthanks jml10:57
jmlbigjools: np10:57
jmlbigjools: can I persuade you to run the lp.codehosting tests with that new version of Twisted?10:58
bigjoolsjml: am doing so as we type :)10:59
jmlbigjools: thanks :)10:59
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
bigjoolswhat's the magic command to make my download-cache get, err, downloaded again?11:32
jmlbigjools: as in, to get a fresh one?11:33
jmlbzr co --lightweight bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad/lp-source-dependencies/trunk/ download-cache11:33
bigjoolsof course, it's a checkout11:35
jmlrather than say, a Debian archive, yes :)11:36
bigjoolswell, we've got so many different ways of getting dependencies now, it's hard to remember what does what11:36
jmlI was just thinking that it would kind of make sense to distribute the eggs as a debian archive11:36
bigjoolsdownload-cache is a bit of a misnomer isn't it ...11:38
jmlbigjools: I believe the default buildout behaviour is to fetch code from pypi and run that11:38
jmlmaxb: well, storing immutable tarballs in a bzr branch isn't exactly sensible either.11:39
jelmerjml: It doesn't seem to work like that, at least not here.11:39
jmljelmer: what doesn't work like what?11:39
jelmerSorry, that was a bit vague. I meant buildout doesn't seem to fetch code from pypi for me. I have to have it in the download cache.11:40
jmlthat's because we have 'install-from-cache = true' in our buildout.cfg11:40
jelmerah, ok.11:41
jelmerMeans it's no longer effictively a cache though :-)11:41
jmlquite so.11:41
jmlit's a sensible name in the broader context of what buildout does, but not for our use.11:42
jelmerjml: I think shipping the eggs in a deb is a good idea. it's far from ideal but better then what we have at the moment.11:43
jelmerIt also means it will be easier to e.g. move some of the eggs into their own proper package.11:43
jelmerjml: where would you have the package install them though? In a Launchpad-specific directory that lp adds to its PYTHONPATH, or to the system python path?11:44
bigjoolsthat lp-source-dependencies is also carring loads of old versions, which is kinda annoying to download11:44
bigjoolscarrying, even11:44
jelmerit doesn't make sense that we create a heavyweight rather than a lightweight checkout11:45
jmljelmer: mine's lightweight :)11:45
bigjoolsso's mine11:45
jmlahh right, I'm just reminded of what actual advantage eggs have over packages: rollback11:46
bigjoolsyou can do that easy with packages11:46
bigjoolsand it's audited properly11:46
jmljelmer: hey, did you get my email about testing packages etc?11:54
jelmerjml: yep. Thanks for setting that up11:55
jmlmy pleasure11:55
jmlas mentioned, the actual working daily builds are probably packaging nightmares11:55
jmland most of the things aren't actually working11:56
jmljelmer: so I'd appreciate it if you or others who actually know what you're doing could take a look and fixinate11:56
jelmerjml: I'll see if I can contribute. Ideally we'd set these up to merge in their Debian packaging branch as well , that way we (and by we I mean lifeless, as he's the Debian maintainer) only have to do the work once.11:57
jmljelmer: that'd be great.11:57
jmlthat reminds me11:57
jmljelmer: the testr in that PPA has incremental output display, I think.11:58
jelmerjml: I should mention, I still find daily builds a bit hard to work with in practice because it's hard to easily find out what packages are working on which are broken.11:58
jelmerjml: Ah, neat.11:58
jmljelmer: can you clarify?11:58
* jml really wants daily builds to be _easy_ to work with in practice11:59
jmlalthough tbh, probably the best thing we can do is reduce the end-to-end latency12:00
jelmerjml: I have a lot of daily builds, in particular related to bzr. It's very hard to get an idea of which ones are currently broken.12:00
jmlyeah, I can see why that would be a thing12:01
jmljelmer: have you filed a bug about it?12:01
jelmerjml: The list of recipes doesn't show which ones have last produced a source packge successfully and it also doesn't show for which resulting source packages binary packages could be built.12:01
jmlnor indeed which have failing binary build steps12:02
jelmerjml: I filed bug 669260 about this earlier.12:03
_mup_Bug #669260: last build result in recipe overview page <recipe> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/669260>12:03
jmljelmer: ta12:04
jmlbugs folk, is there a tag for https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/BetterBugSubscriptionsAndNotifications ?12:15
bigjoolsjml: so I see some test errors with the new Twisted12:17
bigjoolsI'll re-run with the old one just to make sure12:18
jmlbigjools: thanks. could you also paste the errors?12:18
bigjoolsyep, once I confirm12:19
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
bigjoolsjml: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/536278/12:44
bigjoolsw/o new Twisted they are passing12:44
* bigjools -> lunch12:44
jmlbigjools: thanks12:44
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jmljelmer: and 'testr failing --list' too14:09
jmlflacoste: http://people.canonical.com/~jml/Tests-finished-each-minute.png ; http://people.canonical.com/~jml/Tests-finished-each-ten-minutes.png ; http://people.canonical.com/~jml/Tests-finished-each-hour.png14:47
jmlmrevell: ^14:47
* mrevell l;ooks14:47
jmlflacoste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/536318/14:48
bigjoolsjml: so do you remember that what seemed to a pointless xmlrpc "echo" command that the buildd-manager issued at the start of every build?15:54
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
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jmlbigjools: vaguely16:20
jmlbigjools: does it have something to do with our mystery connect() timeout?16:20
bigjoolsjml: I think I found why it was there16:20
jmlallenap: hi16:20
bigjoolsyou guessed.....wisely16:20
jmlbigjools: I need to know more.16:20
bigjoolsthe first packet to the Xen slaves is sometimes discarded16:21
bigjoolsI have a test script that demonstrates this16:21
jmlbigjools: may I see the script?16:22
jmlallenap: the build just broke with that error we saw a while ago, eh?16:22
allenapjml: Yep :)16:22
bigjoolsjml: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/536317/ which calls out to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/536317/16:22
bigjoolserr that';s the same16:23
allenapjml: Shall we try kicking it off again, and I'll have a go at the fix you suggested in the "ec2 land submission problems" thread?16:23
jmlallenap: just pulling up the thread... I seem to remember saying something about it16:23
bigjoolsjml: well anyway there's a top-level script that resets the slave and then immediately calls that one16:23
jmlbigjools: is the xmlrpc server running inside an instance?16:24
jmlbigjools: a xen instance, that is16:24
bigjoolsjml: the reset script does not exit until it's running16:24
jmlallenap: I would suggest applying the fix before retrying16:24
allenapjml: Okay, I'll have a bash at that now.16:25
jmlallenap: I mean, it's not that hard, and it might make our branches land ~3.5 hrs earlier :)16:25
allenapjml: Oh yes :) I'll email the list too.16:26
jmlbigjools: sorry, I don't really know what the reset script does or why exiting matters16:26
jmlbigjools: also, in what way is that paste different from the script I put on the bug? (is it just that it actually works & reports a little better?)16:27
jmlallenap: thanks!16:27
bigjoolsjml: it restarts the Xen guest and then waits until the slave manager responds with a BuilderStatus.IDLE.  At that point we know for sure it's up and working.  Afterwards we poke it with that script which sometimes fails with the first connection.16:27
bigjoolsjml: it logs the first packet failures16:28
jmlbigjools: were we only seeing the error against Xen guest slaves?16:28
jmlbigjools: so I guess putting the echo (or even a TCP connect & disconnect) back in, with a nice big fat comment of course, would fix the issue16:29
bigjoolsjml: lp:~julian-edwards/launchpad/timeouts-feature-bug-68142616:29
jmlbigjools: oh, is there a bug for the issue with xen discarding packets?16:29
jmlsurely someone else must have noticed this...16:30
_mup_Bug #586359: Virtual builders are sometimes very slow to accept connections <Launchpad Auto Build System:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/586359>16:30
bigjoolsjml: I saw some PDF describing packets dropped from the DMA ring when system load is too high16:30
jmlbigjools: I meant a bug against xen -- it's not actually a canonical.buildd issue is it?16:31
bigjoolswe're not sure exactly where the bug is16:31
bigjoolswe need to prove that first16:31
bigjoolsbut it looks very suspicious16:31
jmlso 586359 stays open even when the builder has the workaround?16:31
bigjoolsyeah, I need to add a soyuz task16:32
jmlbigjools: well, you have my sincerest preliminary congratulations :)16:32
bigjoolsjml: team effort, I can't take all the kudos16:33
bigjoolsbut thanks :)16:33
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=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
allenapjml: Could you sanity check my branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/zope-test-in-subprocess-unicode-issue/+merge/4188616:59
jmlallenap: I have to look up what codecs.getreader does now :)17:02
jmlallenap: have you tried running a subclass of ZopeTestInSubprocess?17:04
bigjoolsmorning lifeless17:06
allenapjml: I've run all the tests that rely on it and they ran fine.17:06
jmlallenap: cool.17:06
jmllifeless: good morning.17:06
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
allenapjml: Thanks for that. Shall I just lp-land --testfix it now?17:07
jmlallenap: deffo17:07
bigjoolsjml: care to look at https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/launchpad/timeouts-feature-bug-681426/+merge/41881 please?17:07
bigjoolsit's short :)17:07
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
jmlbigjools: you should probably link to the bug report in the comment.17:12
jmlother than that, good to go17:13
bigjoolsIf I finally put this one to bed I am going to be a very happy man17:16
lifelessjml: could you eyeball LEP?PersistenceLayer? Thanks.17:16
jmllifeless: fo shizzle17:17
jmlallenap: btw, do you know of anyone tackling the other failure? the list was silent.17:24
jmlI've got a bunch of specs to read.  Heading afk to do so & eat. Back later to catch the antipods.17:27
allenapjml: Oh, the db-devel one? No, no idea. I didn't even look at it myself :-/17:32
bigjoolslifeless: FYI I think I figured out the timeouts17:40
bigjoolsso I'm going to skip that feature-controlled builder fail bug17:40
lifelessbigjools: It might be a good idea to have a realtime knob for number of failures regardless.17:41
lifelessbigjools: but its up to you :)17:41
bigjoolslifeless: I don't think that's at all necessary17:41
bigjoolsIMNSHO :)17:41
allenapjml: If you mean danilo's, then I also don't know.17:41
lifelessbigjools: the next time you land a branch changing or disabling that figure.... think of me :)17:42
bigjoolswell if this branch doesn't work then I'll do it17:42
lifeless6 months, 9, I'm sure you'll remember ;)17:42
bigjoolslifeless: how could I not always think of you17:42
lifelessawww :)17:42
bigjoolsso, time to go.  heavy eyes from staying up late to watch the cricket17:43
bigjoolsnight al17:43
lifelessallenap: ping17:45
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
lifelessflacoste: hi18:24
salgadolifeless, do we have only the 'devel' and '1.0' versions of the webservice or are there others?  do you know where's that configured?18:27
lifelesssalgado: we have beta, 1.0, devel18:27
lifelessin the18:27
lifelessexported() clal18:27
salgadolifeless, I was asking about the config which has the list of versions18:28
lifelessbeta was the first devel, then when we did 1.0 we deleted stuff we didn't like in beta, and devel is like the next beta.18:28
lifelesssalgado: oh, the master list?18:28
salgadoI think18:28
lifelesslooks like18:28
salgadoyeah, that's itactive_versions = ["beta", "1.0", "devel"]18:29
salgadolifeless, so, what is beta?  should the blueprints API be available there?18:29
lifelesssee version_descriptions18:30
lifelessin that file18:30
salgadooh, I see18:30
lifelessnew stuff should generally just go into devel.18:30
lifelessif we're -totally- confident in its stability, putting it into 1.0 is fine, putting it into beta is pretty pointless given its substantial skew vs 1.018:31
flacostehi lifeless18:32
lifelessflacoste: shall we catchup/handoff ?18:32
flacostelifeless: sure18:33
flacostelifeless: i can do it later also18:33
flacostelifeless: really up to you18:33
lifelessnow is good18:35
flacostelifeless: skype?18:36
jmlallenap: no worries19:06
lifelessflacoste: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/65176619:17
_mup_Bug #651766: please record concurrent query count on servers <oops-infrastructure> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/651766>19:17
jmllooks like db_lp is still broken19:21
jmland that something similar is now also affecting lp19:21
jmllifeless: ping19:22
lifelesswon't be long19:23
thumperjml: I have a quick question for you20:12
jmlthumper: sure. I'm otp atm.20:12
thumperjml: I remember in the years past you had looked at extracting the codehosting server into a separate project, did that happen?20:13
jmlthumper: not really. I made txsshserver, but it's kind of dead. lp.services.sshserver is much closer to the spirit of that.20:14
jmlthumper: my goal was always to extract the generic ssh stuff we did, rather than a separate codehosting service20:14
thumperah, ok20:14
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
jmlthumper: did you want to have a catch up call?20:28
allenaplifeless: pong20:28
thumperjml: sure, I'm just going through emails20:28
jmlthumper: mumble's great. one sec.20:28
jmlthumper: join me in the strategerie20:29
lifelessallenap: I humbly suggest that the bug you qa-ok'd which timed out on staging and has additional repeated queries, isn't qa-ok :)20:29
allenaplifeless: Okay, fair enough :) There's nothing built on it so I'll revert it.20:34
lifelessallenap: if the additional queries *do not* happen on users outside the saved-search user group20:34
lifelessallenap: then I think it is qa-ok20:34
lifelessallenap: but I couldn't tell if that was the case, thus pinging you20:34
flacostewow, one of the top landing page on launchpad is https://launchpad.net/~jd-team/+archive/jdownloader20:35
flacosteeven above /ubuntu !20:35
allenaplifeless: There are no saved searches yet, and it's not possible to create them, so this will happen to everyone. I'll revert it.20:36
lifelessallenap: thanks.20:36
lifelessallenap: you need to mark the bug qa-bad and add a tag bad-commit-12345 (the revno in stable thats bad)20:36
lifelessallenap: when you revert, you need [rollback=12345] in your commit message (or use the --rollback option to lp-land)20:36
allenaplifeless: Do I need to run the revert via ec2, or just land it?20:37
lifelessI generally just land20:37
lifelessif its a straight revert20:38
lifelessif its days old or something ec2 can be a good sanity check ;)20:38
allenaplifeless: In this case I think it'll be safe. I'll run some sanity checks locally.20:38
ccxCZI got weird behavior on api <project>?ws.op=getBranches; There is branch that's fully merged and it sometimes appear on the list and sometimes not which results in useless messages sent by my irc bot.20:39
flacosteccxCZ: for how long has it been fully merged?20:41
ccxCZ~40 minutes now20:50
flacosteccxCZ: hmm, that's weird20:53
ccxCZmaybe it's gone now, let me check20:54
ccxCZbut it lasted for 20 minutes at least20:54
ccxCZshould the branch appear there or not?20:55
ccxCZseems it settled now, but fluctuations like this are seriously annoying20:58
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
lifelessis your script logged in ?21:08
ccxCZno, I just do plain http request on the uri21:10
lifelessthen you're getting cached responses21:11
lifelessfrom the squid cluster that anonymous requests go to.21:11
lifelessIf you want accurate data, you need to sign in and use the auth cookie21:11
wallyworldabentley: http://paste.ubuntu.com/536445/21:12
lifelessthe reason its fluctuating is that we have multiple squids and one had an older version of the answer, the other a newer version21:12
ccxCZi see21:12
ccxCZis there way to stay at one proxy without having an account?21:13
lifelessprimarily because its a load balancing cluster; it would defeat the point :)21:14
jmlpoolie: ping21:15
ccxCZand is there a way to tell apart older data from newer for example by some http header?21:18
lifelessallenap: also21:20
lifelessallenap: you might want to revert your subunit change21:20
ccxCZDate header seems usable, how often do responses stay in squid?21:21
jmllifeless: why would he want to do that?21:21
lifelessbecause subunit's parser wants bytes21:21
jmlno it doesn't21:21
jmlit *ought* to want bytes21:21
lifelessit does want bytes21:22
lifelessit embeds binary data literally in-line in its output21:22
lifelessyou'll get unicodedecode errors trying to read a subunit stream as utf821:22
lifelessif there is nonutf8 data in any of the attachments.21:22
jmlTypeError: _StringException expects unicode, got "lost connection during failure report of test 'lp.services.job.tests.test_runner.TestTwistedJobRunner.test_timeout'"21:22
lifelessyes, there is a problem there.21:23
lifelesspassing a unicode file handle in is not a solution.21:23
jmlor at least, not a very good one21:24
lifelessa solution would work.21:24
jmlyou think the failures we're seeing on the bot now are related to allenap's fix?21:25
lifelessI think that allenaps fix will break if/when any binary data attachments that are not utf8 get into the stream21:26
allenaplifeless: Okay, I'll revert that one too :) Once we're out of testfix anyway.21:27
lifelessjml: this is the current subunit code:21:27
lifeless    def _lostConnectionInTest(self, state_string):21:27
lifeless        error_string = u"lost connection during %stest '%s'" % (21:27
lifeless            state_string, self.current_test_description)21:27
lifelesserror_string *is* unicode.21:28
lifelessupgrading the subunit used is a solution.21:28
jmlahh, *that* will be why I didn't see the bug when I looked a week ago21:29
jmlbecause I was looking at a version that already had the fix21:29
allenaplifeless: Via the Launchpad PPA21:30
lifelessallenap: however we do it, we should do it.21:30
lifeless(I don't know ;P)21:30
allenapOkay. I'll file a bug for that.21:30
lifelessthanks !21:30
lifelesswe probably also want one that subunit *accepted* a unicode stream at all21:33
lifelessallenap: I'm sorry that you went to the effort to fix it and had this happen :(21:34
flacosteallenap, lifeless: if a newer subunit isn't availabe in Ubuntu, someone needs to upload it to the ppa21:37
flacosteand then upgrade the launchpad-dependencies to depends on that newer version21:38
flacosteand then file a RT to have it upgraded in the data centre (PQM +buildbot images)21:38
flacosteupgrading the ec2 images is also probably a good idea21:38
allenaplifeless: That's alright, it was a pretty small change, and it put it where you could comment on it.21:38
mwhudson"Xen guests sometimes ignore the first network packet", wow i didn't expect the builder problems to be at that level21:39
cody-somervillemwhudson, where did you read that21:40
cody-somervillemwhudson, ?21:40
lifelessmore interesting to me is why we're seeing interrupted streams; I suspect something is printing to stdout21:41
lifeless*or* we're mixing stderr into stdout.21:41
lifelessjml: ^21:41
wgrantmwhudson: That's not it.21:41
* jml blinks21:41
wgrantmwhudson: Non-virt builders are also affected.21:41
jmllifeless: can you phrase that as a question?21:42
mwhudsoncody-somerville: some soyuz bug21:42
mwhudsonwgrant: ah21:42
cody-somervilleLP #58635921:42
_mup_Bug #586359: Virtual builders are sometimes very slow to accept connections <Launchpad Auto Build System:Triaged> <Soyuz:In Progress by julian-edwards> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/586359>21:42
jmlwgrant: bigjools said otherwise when I asked him about it21:42
wgrantjml: Grep logs for palmer, notice that palmer is non-virt, profit.21:42
wgrantIt might explain the "Connection timed out" thing, but not the big problem ("User timeout caused connection failure")21:43
lifelessjml: does the controlling process get stdout and stderr from the child on separate fds and keep them separate everywhere that they might be fed to subunit ?21:43
jmllifeless: on the buildbot? Not only do I not know, I also don't know how to find out.21:44
* jml checks ec2test.remote though21:44
jmllifeless: they aren't kept separate in devscripts.ec2test.remote21:45
lifelessthey need to be21:46
lifelessor this can happen:21:46
lifelessfailure: start_of_testWarning: something on stderr21:47
cody-somervilleI don't think that script is sufficient to say that Xen guests sometimes ignore the first network packet. OEM Services uses Xen guests for our image build system and we have not run into anything like this - and we would if the premise was correct.21:47
lifelessas input to subunit21:47
jmllifeless: sure, that makes sense.21:48
lifelessjml: when that happens, we will see 'lost connection' errors.21:49
jmlthe code is well factored and has great test coverage, so it should be easy enough for someone to fix21:49
jmllifeless: what's buildbot using, I wonder.21:49
lifelessthe buildbot subunit support I added, and is correct.21:49
lifelesswe may be doing something differnet21:49
lifeless(buildbot can watch subunit streams directly)21:50
jmlyeah, I just don't see any subunit in the output21:50
jmlhang on, this is ZTIS21:50
pooliejml, hi21:51
jmlpoolie: got time for a call?21:52
jmllifeless: nothing in ZTIS makes me think it has the same bug, but I'm not looking very closely.22:21
jmlI have to go & sleep now22:21
jml(not in the fire)22:21
cr3lifeless: regarding our conversation about eager loading result sets yesterday, is it preferable to return a result set with a limit, result_set.config(limit=limit), or a slice, result_set[:limit]?22:31
maxbWhere has the "Nominate for release" link disappeared to, in malone?!22:31
cr3lifeless: I'm leaning towards the slice because, depending on the size of the limit, I'm not sure whether storm might make more than one roundtrip when iterating over the collection22:33
lifelesscr3: those things are equivalent22:33
lifelessmaxb: its restricted to drivers22:33
lifelessmaxb: which was the original intent22:34
cr3lifeless: in that case, I might lean towards using config then so that I can support both defined and undefined limits (None) as keyword argument, assuming config(limit=None) behave the way I think it does22:36
wgrant"Target to release" is restricted to drivers (and uploaders, in Ubuntu)22:36
lifelesscr3: erm22:36
wgrant"Nominate for release" is restricted to bug supervisors.22:36
lifelesscr3: folk can change it after by slicing further22:36
lifelesscr3: e.g. resultset = ..22:36
lifelessresultset = resultset[1:2]22:36
lifelessresultset = resultset[:4]22:37
lifelesswgrant: i stand tweaked22:37
wgrantIt would be nice if Launchpad didn't impose its will over every project.22:39
cr3lifeless: good point, the offset and limit aren't enforced until actually iterating over the result set, so I guess I'm confused about the appropriate way to expose this through the webservice22:39
cr3wgrant: all your projects are belong to us?22:39
lifelesscr3: the webservice understands slices22:39
lifelesswgrant: I support having more knobs22:39
lifelesswgrant: this change was done for Ubuntu as it happens22:39
wgrantlifeless: !!!22:39
wgrantlifeless: I know.22:39
wgrantBut Launchpad seems to have an Ubuntu-size-fits-all policy :/22:40
lifelesswgrant: I think its more nuanced than that22:40
lifelesswgrant: we get an awful lot more feedback from Ubuntu users than others though.22:40
wgrantlifeless: I'd argue that that's because you have few large projects using your service, partly because it's slow, but also partly because it's so inflexible.22:41
lifelesswgrant: we have a balance to strike between configurability and homogeneity22:41
maxblifeless: *sigh*. This means that non-bug-supervisors cannot correctly follow the documented Ubuntu SRU proposal process any more22:42
lifelesswgrant: its important to mark that skills folk learn for working on bugs in Launchpad projects be broadly applicable22:44
lifelesswgrant: I don't know that that is really achievable, because humans use tools in their own fashion, always.22:44
lifelesswgrant: but unless or until jml tackle that point, we're bound to try.22:44
lifelessmaxb: that sounds like Ubuntu got what they wanted and then didn't follow up and adapt their own docs ;)22:45
lifelessmaxb: uploaders can follow the SRU process22:45
lifelessmaxb: the reason non-uploader non-supervisors cannot do it is because of abuse by affected users making the system far too noisy.22:46
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 2 of 10.12 | PQM is open | firefighting: - | https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting
ccxCZseems your http server/squid does not handle If-Modified-Since header properly22:56
lifelessfor anonymous requests its overriden22:56
lifelessyou cannot force a backend request through it22:56
ccxCZsquid should still respond with 30422:57
lifelesswhat is it responding with ?23:00
ccxCZalways 200 w/ full body23:01
lifelessthats legitimate23:03
lifelessccxCZ: please remove 'edge.' from your url23:04
lifelessccxCZ: can you show the request as well23:04
lifelessthanks - we're getting rid of edge ;)23:06
ccxCZnow my client always get 401, but wget is fine. some Useragent magic in there?23:08
lifelessI don't think so23:09
lifelessbut I'd need to see your request to know23:09
wgrantYou need to send a User-Agent.23:09
wgrantDoesn't matter what.23:09
ccxCZactually sending some user agent helped23:10
ccxCZone more thing, number of returned branches seems to limited to some arbitrary value (75 on api.launchpad, 50 on edge), is there way to remove this limit?23:31
wgrantccxCZ: API collections are batched.23:32
wgrantSo you need to request ~75 at a time.23:33
wgrantI forget the exact syntax.23:33
lifelessthere's a new api coming23:34
lifelesswhich will help23:34
ccxCZalso what form is modified_since argument in? unix timestamp?23:35
ccxCZhonestly there are lot of omissions in the 1.0 api doc23:37
lifelessthe docs are very very lacking23:38
wgrantThe primary interface to the API is launchpadlib, which handles that sort of thing for you.23:38
lifelessthere is a bug about this23:38
wgrantBut I believe it's ISO860123:38
wgrantAnd yes, the docs are pretty bad.23:38
ccxCZlaunchpadlib won't work with twisted23:39
lifelesstxrestful does that I believe23:39
ccxCZI know, but it seemed overly complex to me and far from complete23:40
ccxCZsince I only need to request one uri, using library like this seemed like overkill23:41
lifelessI agree23:41
ccxCZthe thing I wrote is irc bot that monitor project's branches and posts updates to a channel. I was advised I should post to launchpad-dev about it.23:48

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