
rsanchezI'm using the pre-built rootfs image found in the build rootfs from scratch page06:40
rsanchezI previously used a debian chroot, and now I want to try an ubuntu chroot, but I'm having problems mounting it06:41
rsanchezwas wondering if someone here could help...06:42
rsanchezbasically, I'm trying: mount -o loop ubuntu-arm.img /opt06:43
rsanchezit's what I did with the debian image, but it's giving me an invalid parameter error06:43
rsanchezshould I really build it from scratch instead of using the prebuilt image?06:46
Orbital_sFearHey Guess, I'm reading up on Beagleboards xM.  Looks like theres a lot of material for throwing ubuntu on the board, has anyone tried it in here?  thoughts and feelings?06:46
Orbital_sFearsigh, hey guys I mean... sorry my fingers type what they want sometimes06:47
Orbital_sFearno one in here has put ubuntu on a beagle xM?06:48
rsancheznope, actually I'm trying to put it on a palm pre06:49
Orbital_sFearare those omap based?06:49
Orbital_sFearI was just reading up on the new OMAP4440, dual core 1GHz+06:50
rsanchezI could get debian working, trying ubuntu now06:50
Orbital_sFearMID or netbook remix?06:50
rsancheznetbook remix I think?06:50
rsanchezat least I want netbook remix06:51
Orbital_sFearprob is, most of teh reading I've seen is using that06:51
Orbital_sFearare you using uboot?06:51
Orbital_sFearwhich one are you using to get the linux kernel up?06:52
rsanchezthat must be what I'm missing06:52
Orbital_sFearwell not really, there are others, uboot is the only one I know of though06:52
rsanchezgetting the linux kernel up06:52
Orbital_sFearwell, for embedded anyway06:52
rsanchezI don't have uboot on my system06:53
Orbital_sFearnot sure if this'll help06:53
Orbital_sFearits for the beagle board but perhaps the logic will transfer06:53
Orbital_sFearagain for the beagle06:54
Orbital_sFearthe only thing that I can think that might kill ya is if the kernel is missing an important module06:54
Orbital_sFearthe nand flash has a loader which gets the omap online06:55
Orbital_sFearconfigures the mmu and stuff06:55
rsanchezwell I don't want to install it completely06:55
Orbital_sFearthen uboot wakes, gets memory ready, gets th mmu ready for linux06:55
rsanchezI still want to use the phone :)06:55
Orbital_sFearthen it gives it to linux and away you go06:55
Orbital_sFearlol ya =)06:55
rsanchezI just want to chroot it06:55
Orbital_sFearI don't know anything about hacking on pre's06:55
Orbital_sFearwell heck06:55
Orbital_sFearin that case06:55
Orbital_sFeardebian would prob be better06:56
rsanchezthey have a guide for debian06:56
Orbital_sFearI'd stick with that06:56
rsancheznothing on ubuntu though06:56
Orbital_sFearI did that on my G106:56
Orbital_sFearubuntu wont help you much06:56
rsanchezyeah but I just want to try it06:56
Orbital_sFearto my knowledge, you can't give the display over to the chroot06:56
rsanchezjust to see what it's like06:56
rsanchezon ubuntu?06:57
Orbital_sFearthe pre OS owns the display06:57
Orbital_sFearI don't know of any way for them to play nicely there06:57
rsanchezbut on debian you can06:57
Orbital_sFearget x running and have it take over?06:57
rsanchezyou mean running a window manager and other graphical applications?06:57
Orbital_sFearI know you can ssh in, and xforward06:58
Orbital_sFearbut I wasn't aware that you could run something like gnome or kde with that kinda setup06:58
rsanchezyeah, I could run chromium, openoffice, icewm, etc06:58
Orbital_sFeardude thats bad ass06:58
Orbital_sFeardoes the pre use X for its rendering?06:58
rsanchezwell you have to install an x server06:58
rsanchezbut the homebrew folks make that easy06:59
Orbital_sFearthats sweet06:59
Orbital_sFearso the pre must be xorg based for its render engine, which lets you export the display over to it and run some apps06:59
Orbital_sFearvery sexy06:59
rsanchezif you want to see it, search openoffice on pre on youtube07:00
Orbital_sFearI will07:00
rsanchezit runs slow as hell, but still runs07:00
Orbital_sFearfor getting ubuntu going07:00
rsanchezchromium is much nicer07:00
Orbital_sFearcheck out those links I sent you07:00
Orbital_sFearif you can dump ubuntu to a single img file and chroot to it like debian07:00
rsanchezI'll do that, thanks07:00
Orbital_sFearit should work the same07:00
Orbital_sFearensure your env variables are setup correctly so X knows where to go07:01
Orbital_sFearin the chroot07:01
rsanchezI was basically just using the prebuilt image file found towards the bottom of the build a rootfs from scratch page07:01
Orbital_sFearah, well that should work07:02
Orbital_sFearthat part is pretty straight forward07:02
rsanchezwhat I'm doing is trying to use the same commands I used to chroot debian07:02
Orbital_sFearand its failing on you?07:02
rsanchezthere's a short guide here: www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Debian07:03
rsanchezat the first step in activating debian rootfs, you do mount -o loop img /media/cf07:03
rsanchezreplace img with path to ubuntu arm image07:04
rsanchezbut mount is failing telling me it has incorrect parameters07:04
Orbital_sFearwhat fs is the img?07:05
Orbital_sFearperhaps the per doesn't have the fs module built in07:05
Orbital_sFearif the img is ext4 and the pre only supports ext2/307:05
rsanchezhmm, I actually don't know07:05
Orbital_sFearI forget the command off the top of my head07:06
Orbital_sFearbut google around for getting mount to tell you what fs it supports07:06
Orbital_sFearthen on your machine07:06
Orbital_sFearfile xxx.img07:06
Orbital_sFearand it shoudl tell you what its built in07:06
Orbital_sFearalso, try running the mount command your machine directly, make sure it works there first07:09
rsanchezok,  hold on...07:10
rsanchezthe ubuntu image is ext407:11
rsanchezthe pre supports 2/3, don't know about 407:11
Orbital_sFearthe easiest thing would be to get a ext3 build of ubuntu07:12
Orbital_sFearyou can install a ext4 kernel module without building a new kernel07:13
Orbital_sFearbut that would take more time to get working07:13
rsanchezI would do that in the build a rootfs page right?07:13
Orbital_sFearcheck you can simple convert the ext4 img to ext307:13
Orbital_sFearI think so yes07:13
rsanchezhow can I convert the img?07:14
Orbital_sFeardon't even know if its possible07:14
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rsanchezin the page it where it says create a filesystem on the image, it uses mkfs.ext4, could I just do mkfs.ext3?07:15
rsanchezalright, everything else looks pretty straigtforward07:16
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rsanchezI'll be  back in a bit let you know if I make progress07:16
Orbital_sFearcool man07:17
rsanchezI really just want to try ubuntu to see how the unity desktop would work07:17
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Orbital_sFeargf just called, =) gl man, later07:19
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ndecogra_ac_: hi. did you see my question yesterday (about cpuburn not being for armel in ubuntu/universe, even though it's built fine in debian/sid)? well, even if you replied I lost my IRC, so I didn't see your answer...08:38
hrwndec: I did not saw answer08:51
ndechrw: thx... do you have any idea what the problem can be? i installed the package from debian, and it worked fine on panda. it's just not build on LP08:52
hrwno idea, sorry08:56
hrwrebuilding package on panda08:57
hrwbuilt fine08:58
hrw-rwxr-xr-x root/root       648 2010-11-25 09:57 ./usr/bin/burnCortexA808:58
hrw-rwxr-xr-x root/root       632 2010-11-25 09:57 ./usr/bin/burnCortexA908:58
hrwsmall stuff08:58
hrwndec: open a bug09:00
ndechrw: sure09:00
ndechrw: ogra: I entered LP#68126709:03
hrwbug 68126709:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 681267 in cpuburn (Ubuntu) "Packages for armel are missing (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68126709:04
LetoThe2ndhm, I already was here yesterday evening - looking for a way/occasion to get deeper into ubuntu/arm. i can offer good c knowledge and basic kernel code understanding, so what would be a point to start? or even, what would be a task that needs to be done and can be used for a learner?09:06
hrwLetoThe2nd: grab supported arm board, run ubuntu on it. then check does everything works. if something does not then check on x86(-64) and submit proper bugs09:07
hrwthen fix them09:07
LetoThe2ndhrw: should that be translated to: go get a pandaboard and try to find bugs on it?09:09
hrwbeagleboard xm is easier to get09:11
hrwLetoThe2nd: using systems allows to find thigns which needs work. I fixed byobu on smp arm recently to show proper cpu frequency.09:12
hrwfix was very simple but without it byobu shown "2x2.0GHz" insted of "2x1.0GHz"09:12
hrwif I would not use byobu on pandaboard bug maybe will be ignored or not even found09:13
LetoThe2ndi see. :-) but why is the bb xm easier to get than the pb?09:14
hrwbbxm is available right now09:16
hrwpb has order queue09:16
LetoThe2ndi see. ubuntu ist armv7-only, right? I already have an openrd lying around somewhere nearby...09:19
LetoThe2ndarm what arch is the userland based on?09:23
zumbi_LetoThe2nd: for openrd, kirkwood based cannot run ubuntu-arm09:51
LetoThe2ndzumbi_: why?09:51
zumbi_LetoThe2nd: because ubuntu-arm defaults to armv7 and kirkwood is armv509:51
zumbi_LetoThe2nd: you could use debian-arm instead or something else09:52
LetoThe2ndzumbi_: its running debian at the moment :/09:52
zumbi_LetoThe2nd: no ptxdist?09:53
LetoThe2ndzumbi_: no - i never felt like doing a bsp for it.09:53
LetoThe2ndthough i wonder, because the openrd came with 9.04 preinstalled. so how did they do that? rebuild from scratch, or is it that only the ubuntu provided kernels want armv7 and the userland might run on v5?09:55
hrwLetoThe2nd: 9.04 was armv509:56
hrw9.10 was armv6, 10.04+ are armv709:56
LetoThe2ndhm... guess i need some new hardware then. the only armv7 i've git has 64k RAM 192k Flash ;-)10:21
hrwLetoThe2nd: Cortex-M0 based?10:26
apwogra, lool, there was some talk at UDS about whether we would continue to use versatile for QEMU ... did we bottom out on that11:00
ogra_ac_apw, depends on rsalveti-afk's research for a new qemu solution11:03
ogra_ac_we can only drop versatile if we have another solution11:03
apwany idea when that is planned to report?  i have a work item about it marked for natty-alpha-1 and suspect we won't know by then11:04
ogra_ac_definitiely not A111:04
apwogra_ac_, ta11:06
ogra_ac_apw, just add a dependency11:06
ogra_ac_(you can make specs depend on other specs)11:06
ogra_ac_(at the very bottom of your spec there is a "add dependency" button, just link to the other spec with that)11:08
ogra_ac_dont expect much implementation work pre-A1 from our team, most of us have to burn vacation days before end of the year11:09
hrwapw: also check for linaro qemu specs11:12
loolapw: I don't remember us reaching a particular decision  :-/  maybe pm215 remembers better11:12
apwhrw, are we expecting anything from linaro in that space?  i don't remember us having dep there11:12
hrwapw: I do not remember neither what is planned for qemu in linaro11:13
loolapw: I've pinged pm215 who's leading the qemu work within Linaro; he probably recalls better whether we decided for OMAP3 in Ubuntu or keeping versatile11:14
loolHmm unfortunately he is on leave starting today until Monday11:15
loolI'll shoot him an email11:15
ogra_ac_lool, apw, conclusion was to check the suitability of the existing qemu-omap from linaro and if that fits and is packageable for the archive, switch over to it11:29
ogra_ac_(see the workitems on the spec)11:29
apwogra_ac_, lool, ack, have made my spec dep on that one and moved my items out to natty-alpha-2 to match when we might have a decision from you guys11:33
loologra: Which spec is that with the qemu-omap decision?11:58
zygalool, how can I rename a python script foo.py to foo when building a debian package? There is a policy that scripts should not use the language suffix in debian but for other OSes and source in general I'd like to keep that around. Could you help me with this?12:10
zygalool, feel free to respond in #linaro12:13
rsanchezI'm trying to setup the network on my arm rootfs, but can't get it to setup15:13
rsanchezfollowing instructions here under Configuring ARM Image for Project Builds: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/ARM/BuildArmPackages15:14
rsanchezdhclient ends telling me "No working leases in persistent database"15:14
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rsanchezhow can I get networking set up?15:19
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surferdudeHi all, trying to get ubuntu 10.10 running on my Beagleboard xM and I'm running into a problem with starting a gui16:36
ogra_acit shoud start by default16:37
surferdudeThe only image I could find is a base image without the gui preinstalled16:37
topfs2hehe, then it sounds like expected behaviour is no gui :)16:38
surferdudeah, thanks16:38
topfs2should be apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:38
topfs2or something lighter than that perhaps16:38
surferdudeI was using the guide at http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu#Beagle_xM16:38
topfs2those guides are so complicated :)16:39
ogra_acthats a community maintained image16:39
ogra_acthe one linked on the ubuntu wiki is the official maverick release16:39
apwlool, sounds like peter is saying nothing happening this cycle on the QEMU model change16:43
loolapw: Well, unless we find it acceptable to have qemu-omap in Ubuntu16:45
loolapw: up to ogra and team I guess16:46
loolapw: we have it in a PPA for Linaro16:46
ogra_acright, and our decision is up to rsalveti-afk's research16:47
ogra_acwhich also needs to include research about the omap3 kernel we'll be using16:47
ogra_acso another linaro omap3 check is needed here16:48
ogra_ac(but since i assume linaro uses their own kernel for it i dont expect issues)16:48
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ogra_acGrueMaster, fix released for Bug 663642 ? has the package been moved from -proposed to -updates ?17:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 663642 in linux-linaro (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "DVI doesn't work at BeagleBoard xM rev A3 (affects: 1) (heat: 107)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66364217:18
ogra_ac(the bug doesnt indicate any action from the SRU team)17:18
GrueMasterAccording to the package info, it was pushed to maverick updates.17:18
GrueMaster(and the sub-projects also indicate that)17:19
ogra_aclinux (2.6.35-23.40) maverick-proposed; urgency=low17:19
ogra_acis what i see for the package, usually a member of the SRU team comments that it was copied over17:20
* ogra_ac is just scared that we have to redo it again if there is a bit of the process missing17:20
GrueMasterI also had av500 on #beagle check.17:21
ogra_acbut not comment :/17:22
ogra_acmoved to -updates yesterday17:23
ogra_acerr, two days ago17:23
GrueMasteryea.  And the maverick sub-project was already marked fix-released.  I was just making the bug report complete so it doesn't come up in queries again.17:25
ogra_acsorry, i was just overcautious17:26
ogra_acsince that bug already fired back once17:26
GrueMasterBelieve me, so was I before I made the change.17:26
GrueMasterI was told on our pdx chat channel yesterday that they were preparing to fire out a security update.  My hackles went up into overdrive.17:27
ogra_acnext UDS please make up a spec to solve these issues (and subscribe the whole kernel team :P )17:28
GrueMasterRemember how many times I tested the network fix for babbage in Lucid?17:28
ogra_acwe really need to spec it17:28
ogra_acto sort the process17:28
ogra_acsomehow that fell off the shelf this UDS17:29
GrueMasterI found out part of the problem.  When bugs are filed for some kernel updates that affect armel, no armel tag gets added, and our team is not subscribed.17:29
GrueMasterThey just tag it verification-needed and assume we know.17:29
ogra_acthat would surely be a good first move17:30
ogra_acbuut it will change if we switch to the other kernel17:30
ogra_acsince both of our kernels will live in separate packages then17:30
ogra_acwe can define apport hooks for us17:30
GrueMasterThe bugs I'm referring to are ABI updates from marvell and freescale.17:32
ogra_acright, we didnt do apport hooks at all in the past17:32
GrueMasterThey don't get filed with apport.17:32
ogra_acwell, lets just make up a policy for non apport bugs so the kernel team has something to work along17:33
GrueMasterWe already have one.  Couldn't find the wiki yesterday, but we had this discussion with certain linaro people last cycle.17:34
GrueMasterI'll search again using google.17:35
ogra_acyeah, we had one in the past17:35
ogra_aci think it lives in the arm namespace17:35
surferdudeput the official ubuntu image on my sdcard, not getting any video at all17:41
ogra_acwhat revision is your XM ?17:42
surferdudei think that's an A217:42
ogra_achmm, A2 should work17:42
ogra_acA3 has an extra section on the wiki17:42
ogra_acfor a video issue17:43
surferdudenow all of a sudden the activity lights on the sdcard are blinking17:43
ogra_acbut you dont see a splash screen on the monitor ?17:44
surferdudenope, nothing17:44
surferdudeusing the image at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/releases/10.10/release/ubuntu-netbook-10.10-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.img.gz17:45
ogra_acthat should work, first boot gets you into text mode and resizes the image to the full size of the SD, then it reboots into the graphical setup17:46
surferdudeI hope my board isn't dead17:47
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GrueMasterogra_ac: I amnot finding anything other than a meeting log from way back reference that plars updated it.17:57
GrueMasterI wonder if it was deleted?17:57
ogra_acprobably plars remembers17:57
ogra_acthough thanksgiving is probably not the day to ask17:57
ogra_acwhy are you working btw ?17:57
fredimThe ubuntu-arm starts only in the initramfs, what should be?18:11
fredimin beagleboard18:12
ogra_accan you rephrase that ?18:13
* ogra_ac cant make any sense out of that sentence18:15
fredimI'm following: https: / / wiki.ubuntu.com / ARM / BeagleNetbookInstall18:19
fredimDo not start the setup screen,18:20
frediminitramfs starts to enter commands18:20
GrueMasterYou need to follow the section for beagleboards that have nand.  Use a serial console to tell the beagleboard to boot from SD.18:20
fredimConnecting BeagleBoard on the computer?18:23
fredimUsing usb-serial, or usb?18:23
GrueMasterYou need to connect to the serial port on the beagle.18:24
ogra_aci dont thinnk we had serial enabled on the lucid images18:35
ogra_acoh, for typing in the fatload, yeah18:35
* ogra_ac would recommend using the maverick images instead of lucid though18:36
ogra_acthey dont take ages to run the installer18:36
GrueMasterogra_ac: I think I found the wiki.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/BugWorkflow  Need to move it to Arm/ and tweek it for latest info.  I'll try to work on that next week.19:06
GrueMasterI was surprised I couldn't find it even with google.19:07
GrueMasterFortunately, it ws in my bookmarks on my home system (just wish firefox still used html files instead of XML files for bookmarks).19:08
GrueMasterWell, I'm off for family fun (i.e. watching the family play some boring card game while I cozy up with the PS3).19:09
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