
micahgabuDawud: WRT firefox bugs, 1.  We have flash in the archive, both in multiverse and partner, please don't redirect to Adobe's site, 2.  Flash is an extension, not an addon, so it's listed in the profile_default_pluginreg.dat.txt file00:52
abuDawudmicahg, thanks for pointing that out, i'll try to avoid those mistakes in the future02:45
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mlhello. im looking for an ubuntu dev to help resolve a package issue regarding main inclusion14:50
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yofelml: you should rather ask in #ubuntu-devel then14:52
mlyofel, thanks. im there now :)14:55
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vishcharlie-tca: hi, i think you might not have cc'd Weston on the reply to BC application.. [i *think* , but maybe i'm blind ] just mentioning it, in case you missed it :)16:59
charlie-tcawell, crap16:59
charlie-tcaokiedokie, I'll send it to him too16:59
vishcharlie-tca: phew, i'm not blind.. thanks. :)17:00
charlie-tcaI thought I would try one, at least. time to become active, I guess.17:00
charlie-tcaThank you. I am not responsible enough yet. I gotta keep trying :-)17:00
vishnah, that BC application reply is always confusing.. i think BC is the /only/ team which requests to send a mail to a team mailing list when the person cannot subscribe to the list ;p17:02
charlie-tcaum, no they aren't. I have run across a few like that now17:03
charlie-tcaOkay, I forwarded it to him17:03
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