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Zdrahello, any chance that bug gets fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/66294608:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 662946 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "linux kernel 2.6.35 slows down the whole system because of kslowdxxx processes (affects: 34) (dups: 2) (heat: 194)" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:16
Zdraif I didn't have lucid's kernel installed, maverick would be unusable...ยต08:16
Zdrais there someone in ubuntu working to find a solution?08:17
apwZdra, i am unaware of anyone being aware of that bug08:41
apwstill existing ... the original bug that that bug refers (I believe)08:41
apwis one I had in early Maverick only which was fixed08:41
Zdraapw, well, looking at the list of subscribers and notified, I'm not the only one suffering that bug :)08:47
Zdraso please, if someone in the team could look at it, I would really appreciate :D08:48
apwZdra, that is claimed to be fixed by a commit which is included in the Natty kernels, if you could test one of those and confirm that that would help08:56
Zdraapw, is it possible to push that into a ppa so I can install it?08:56
apwyou should be able to just install the one from the archive08:56
apwhas links to the architectures, and from there to the .debs08:57
Zdraapw, well, patch needs to be backported to .3509:01
Zdrathere I see .3709:01
apwZdra, indeed but without confirmation that the bug is even fixed with the patch there is no point in spending effort on the backport09:02
Zdraapw, ok, I'll try that asap. will get back at you when I had time to test :)09:03
apwyep confirmed it is no simple backport09:03
Kanohi, whats the diff between v2.6.32.26-lucid and v2.
Kanoin the mainline dir09:47
Kanoapw: can you tell me that?09:49
apwKano, they are releases from different stable trees09:50
Kanoi only know one09:50
Kanowhats the 2nd?09:50
apwthe first is the one from gregs tree, and the second is from smb's .32drm.33 tree09:50
Kanoso the first is the only pure mainline09:51
apwthe latter being the stable upstream for lucid09:51
smbWhich is 2.6.32.y with drm from 2.6.33 (plus stablepatches)09:51
apwdepends how you define pure09:51
apwthe 26.11 is all upstream patches09:51
apwits not ubuntu in any way09:52
Kanowell when you would add aufs it would be happy ;)09:52
Kanoto a mainline kernel tree *g*09:52
apwwhich we never will as they are both upstream trees09:52
smbNo. No addditional drivers compared to mainline09:52
smbJust a different drm driver base from a more recent mainline09:53
apwthe 26.11 tree is maintained using the same rules and incoming patches as the normal stable trees09:53
apwjust matches the frankenstein nature of the lucid kernel tree09:53
smbapw, And the debian kernel too09:53
Kanothe debian kernel has .33 drm?09:54
apwthat is my understanding yes09:54
smbThey were in the same mess with 2.6.32 as we. As far as I know they went the same hybrid way09:55
apwsmb, they help maintain the hybrid tree don't they?  as in submitting patches to you09:55
smbYes, they have been09:55
Kanoapw: will you add http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/all/firmware-realtek/filelist to your firmware package10:36
Kanohmm its in maverick now...10:36
apwlag, hey ... you have some 5 patches in our delta which should be reviewed for upstreaming11:44
lagapw: Okay11:45
apwlag, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Specs/KernelNattyUbuntuDeltaReview11:45
apw(and search for your name)11:45
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* apw notes that Natty Alpha-1 is right round the corner and I will be closing the tree probabally at the end of the week13:57
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apwcnd, i note you have a new blueprint, which has no work items at all ... that needs fixing: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-dx-n-touchpad-support15:36
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SuperTeece299Hi all, I'm having issues blacklisting the radeon module19:57

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