
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ping00:00
veovis1_Techie_:  So if I look up ssh motd, I can replicate it telling me ram usage and such?00:02
veovis1_Techie_: Thanks00:03
_Techie_veovis1, you could search, how to disable ssh motd on ubuntu, that should provide the information on how to disable it, and therefore if you reverse the process, it should be enabled00:04
veovis1_Techie_: Thanks, I'll try that too...00:04
veovis1_Techie_: Yeah, /etc/update-motd.d is a collection of scripts that you can edit.  Thanks!00:10
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_Techie_veovis1, no problem00:11
WALoeIIIhello world00:35
WALoeIIII am getting the nosegneg TLS warning (https://gist.github.com/714703) in dmesg, though I do not see 4gb seg fixup in my logs and do not see a performance hit00:36
WALoeIIIhow can I find out where this is coming from, I have in the past had to recompile ruby enterprise with the appropriate flags but I thought  the libc6-xen package handled this for me00:36
osmosiscan someone help me get the priority upped on this? the patch fix is listed in the comments, and just needs to be added by the maintainer.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/66804200:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 668042 in libvirt "target device info is not in dumpxml" [Low,New]00:46
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draven_soli'm testing my encrypted raid1002:09
draven_solthe system boots with all disks. when i unplug i'm dumped to the standard busybox02:09
draven_soli tried to set mdadm boot degraded to true but that doesn't work02:09
draven_solhow may i boot the system02:10
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draven_solanyone here?03:15
Error404NotFounddraven_sol, ya?03:53
twb!anyone > draven_sol04:02
ubottudraven_sol, please see my private message04:02
BuenGeniohow come spamassassin is giving mail, including spam very low scores04:04
BuenGenioI'm running Mandriva on a different server, and it's doing a lot more tests that the stock SA ubuntu installation04:05
draven_soltwb do you know how to install an encrypted raid so if it degrades the system will still boot, the raid is raid1004:05
twbSure.  It's asked of you at install time in expert mode04:05
twbdraven_sol: I *think* it's BOOT_DEGRADED=true in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm04:06
twb(Then "update-initramfs -u -k all", of course.)04:06
draven_soltwb, i've set that and ran the update-initramfs -u all04:07
draven_solit continues to fail and drop me to busy box04:07
draven_soltwb, i've kept /boot on a separate unencrypted non-raided drive and have / on the encrypted raid04:08
twbdraven_sol: this is lucid?04:08
draven_sol10.04 lts server04:08
twbWorks for me on 10.04, but I only have RAID1 and do not encrypt the root filesystem04:08
draven_soltwb, do you have any part of the raid encrypted? essentially i could just make a /data encrypted mount point on the raid and leave / unencrypted04:09
twbIncidentally, what is the point of encrypting the root filesystem of a SERVER?  That would mean either 1) you keep the secret on-disk, defeating the point of using it; or 2) you need to be physically present every time you reboot.04:09
twbdraven_sol: I do not do block encryption at all04:10
draven_soltwb, it's a home media server and i prefer to keep all things encrypted, so it is physically present04:10
draven_soltwb, i've managed to have the system "install" and boot where it looks to be encrypted and raided but unlike a standard raid10 if i pull a drive out to test if it can boot degraded after it's synced i can't recover thus rendering the system dead04:12
twbIt drops you to a busybox shell, right?04:13
twbDoes it say something like "add bootdegraded=yes to boot paramters"?04:13
twbIf you have been testing things, one possibility is that you're boot the array which was already out-of-sync04:15
twbi.e. it tries to boot degraded, but only the disk you removed has an up-to-date copy04:15
draven_soltwb, i booted the system and allowed it to be fully synced prior to powering off and removing the drive using mdadm --device /dev/md004:16
etceteraI'm trying to setup postgresql 9.x using ubuntu-server 10.1004:16
etceteradoes 10.10 only use ipv6?04:16
etceterathe clients can't seem to access it using the ipv4 schema.04:16
twbetcetera: define "only"04:16
etceteratwb: will it only negotiate inbound requests from valid ipv6 addresses04:17
twbetcetera: AFAIK everything SHOULD default to dual-stack04:17
etceteracan't get postgres clients to connect to it even though I have a valid pg_hba.conf04:18
draven_soltwb, since i've encrypted /etc and anything other than boot can i assume that the bootdegraded option for the initramfs-tools will not be read and will not auto attemp to boot a degraded system?04:18
twbdraven_sol: IIRC the ramdisk's behaviour is to mdadm --assemble --scan04:19
twbdraven_sol: i.e. it won't care about /etc/mdadm.conf being inaccessible04:19
draven_solok, when i've issued that command in busybox it complains about not finding /dev/md0 and the user root04:21
twbdraven_sol: you issued what command?04:22
draven_solthe mdadm --assemble --scan04:22
twbmdadm --misc --scan --detail, then check dmesg and /proc/mdstat04:24
twbwith bootdegraded=yes, it should then go on to mdadm --assemble --scan --run (the --run forces it).04:24
twb..those last two commands are straight from /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-premount/mdadm04:24
twbWhich at your busybox prompt is /scripts/init-premount/mdadm04:25
draven_soltwb, thank you04:26
etceterawhat's the correct way to specify an ipv6 range for an internal network?04:29
twbetcetera: isn't the netmask fixed at halfway in?04:30
etceteratwb: ?04:30
twbMaybe that's only for RIR-level allocations04:31
etceterayea I'm hosting a virtualbox instance of ubuntu-server.04:31
etceterabut the vbox instance is getting a proper address from the router.04:31
etceteratrying to assign a range for the intranet the postgres server can respond to.04:32
twbUnless you actually care about IPv6, I suggest you just work out how to make postgres talk IPv404:34
etceteratwb: that's the issue, I don't think it's talking over ipv404:34
etceteraifconfig eth0 doesn't show a valid ipv4 address.04:34
twbso fix that04:35
twbetcetera: do what you gotta do so that it DOES get an IPv4 address04:36
etceterawell..shouldnt ubuntu-server do ipv4 / v6 at the same time?04:36
etceteraI mean the router says it's gotta a valid ipv4 address, ifconfig just is not showing it.04:36
etceteraif it does both, why wouldnt it show the valid ipv4 address....04:38
twbI don't know.04:40
twbPastebin the output of "ip l; ip a; ip r"04:40
etceteratwb: none of them shows a valid ipv4 address.04:41
etceterayou would think they would shout something like this from the rooftops.04:41
etcetera*WE ARE CHANGING THIS< YO*04:42
twbI don't know who you mean by "they", but I haven't heard of anybody else having problems with IPv4 in postgres or ubuntu.04:44
etceterai'm sure it's just my incompetence.04:44
twbWhich sounds to me like you've fucked up somehow, although I can't tell how from what you've told me.04:44
etceteraI havent messed with linux in forever.04:44
twbMaybe you haven't got proxy ARP (or even basic networking) working correctly04:45
twbThat would prevent you getting an IPv4 address, but you ALWAYS get an IPv6 address.04:45
etceteraI've got a valid ipv6 address that I can ping from the host.04:45
twbetcetera: is ARP working?04:46
etceterano idea what that is :-(04:46
twbARP is a protocol for associating ethernet MACs with TCP/IP addresses.04:46
twbDHCP relies on it04:46
twbDCHPv4 does, I mean04:46
etceteraso, how would I check that it's working?04:48
twbarping?  ip neighbour show?04:48
twbNote that it has to work between your VM and your DHCP server.04:49
twbi.e. working between your domU and your dom0 is necessary but not sufficient04:49
etceterahmm, interesting...04:50
etceterathat coud be one reason why it's not working, ive bridge the two devices, the host can ping the guest, but the guest can't ping anything.04:50
twbICMPv4 over ethernet also inherently relies on ARP04:52
looseparts upgrade from 8.10 to 10.4 but keep GRUB and exclude GRUB2 - can I do this from the05:33
looseparts                    command line using apt-get upgrade ?05:33
rootlinuxusrdo-release-upgrade states 'No New Release Found' status set to normal, not 'never' or 'lts' only, the system is 9.04 trying to upgrade to 10.04. Any ideas?05:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #436630 in spamassassin (main) "spamassassin caches DNS servers forever" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43663006:26
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nigelb!away | _Techie_06:58
ubottu_Techie_: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»06:58
_Techie_nigelb, seriously, you lote are starting to really piss me off06:58
_Techie_i left #xubuntu because of that, i got banned from #ubuntu earlier today due to it06:59
_Techie_so i mean this in the nicest way, leave me the F alone07:00
_Techie_ask me anything else, just dont use !away07:00
twb_Techie_: plonk07:01
nigelbmeh, its just IRC manners and part of the ubuntu guidelines07:03
_Techie_well until a mod decides if my 2 lines are worse than 2 lines of parts and joins, i dont give  a rats arse about the guidelines07:03
j0d0upgraded from lucid to 10.10 with a raid 5. can not boot "ALERT! /dev/mapper/(username)-root does not exsist. dropping to a shell!"  Any help on this one?07:17
etceteraanyone know if it's possible to filter 'top' output by process name?07:26
UndiFineDyes, tried the ? key07:48
UndiFineDby > > it move from default cpu % to sorting by name07:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #681245 in php5 (main) "package libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68124508:01
HackeMatemy sudoers file is like this www-data localhost=(ALL) NOPASSWD: sudoedit /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf08:24
HackeMateitthe plan is let www-data modify tthe dhcpd.conf file08:24
HackeMatebut it doesn't work08:24
HackeMatewhat's wrong?08:24
sorenwww-data and NOPASSWD.08:24
HackeMatesoren: i have a cgi that must modify that file08:25
HackeMatevia webpage08:25
HackeMatetruth that the cgi doesn't execute the sudo command in anywhere, but doesn't grant the permission anyway?08:26
_Techie_why not move the file into a writeable area and symlink it back08:26
soren/etc/sudoers only defines what sort of privs people get if they calll things through sudo.08:26
HackeMate_Techie_: to do that i prefer give chmod 777 then08:27
HackeMatesoren: no chance then?08:27
sorenYou can't just put something in sudo's configuration file and expect it affect people not using sudo.08:28
_Techie_why not change the owner or the group08:28
_Techie_rather than the whole lot08:28
sorenHackeMate: IOW, your cgi has to call sudoedit.08:29
soren...but I'm still not sure what you expect to happen. Can you CGI drive a visual, interactive editor?08:30
SpamapSHackeMate: Techie is right. chgrp www-data /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf && chmod g+w /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf ...  simple and fairly safe.08:35
SpamapSHackeMate: more likely is that you'll need sudo to restart/reload the service08:35
HackeMateSpamapS: I solved that part08:40
HackeMatethe cgi does an exec sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server that works08:40
HackeMateSpamapS: no problem about changing the group and the user of that file?08:40
HackeMatei mean if the file is deleted and restored a backup from ssh08:41
HackeMateor some strange situation08:41
sorenHackeMate: If your backup/restore procedure alters file ownership, you're screwed anyway.08:42
HackeMatewell, true that08:43
HackeMateso the only problem could be if an user via ssh modifies or changes the attributes08:44
HackeMatei'll create a solution that verifies itss perrmissions and i guess it should be ok08:45
HackeMatethanks yguys, you helped me08:47
HackeMatebut now! (heh, sorry for abuse) the dhcpd log is stored in /var/log/dhcpd.log08:47
HackeMatei wannt to rotate it so i put rotate daily and size=4096k in logrotate.conf08:47
HackeMatebut the file is being big08:48
HackeMatenot rotate08:48
HackeMatewhat i miss08:48
_Techie_sorry wrong channel08:49
SpamapSHackeMate: install logrotate :)09:07
HackeMate+spamI did09:51
HackeMateSpamapS: I did09:51
HackeMatethis is my logrotate.conf http://pastebin.com/cbb5ZP0i- at those10:07
HackeMateif i want rotate dhcpd10:08
HackeMatewhat block do i need add10:08
HackeMateor //var/log/dhcpd/dhcpd.log10:08
HackeMateim freaking lagged10:09
WhoopAnyone know if Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud supports booting from an LVM logical volume?10:22
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progre55Hi guys. I really do need some advice setting up a mail-server. I have my main site, mycompany.com on amazon, and mail.mycompany.com and smtp.mycompany.com are pointed to another IP address, that's a mail hosting service (loopia.se). I've set up exim4 on my server (mycompany.com) and  want to send out emails from me@mycompany.com, but they are getting marked as spam and I'm getting them back saying "550-Unrouteable address\n550 Sender11:16
progre55verify failed". rdns for mycompany.com is okay, but MX is directed to the mail-service. Any suggestions, please?11:16
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ehcah'morning.  How does ubuntu Firewall options compare to other's?  Say embedded router with dd-wrt or even server specific distro's like a smoothwall or something?13:00
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RoyKehcah: same thing13:35
RoyKehcah: they're all based on iptables13:35
ehcahRoyK:  I'm trying to figure out how to bypass my Telco's gateway as no matter how I try to disable their embeded firewall, I can not.13:40
ehcahRoyK:   Their Fiber is connected to some sort of gateway, which then is connected via ethernet to a their router.13:41
ehcahRoyK:  I got a head of myself there a bit...  Assuming that I can figure out how to make a direct connection without the second telco provided device, I want to host my own router on either Ubuntu, dd-wrt, pfsense, clearOS, Untangle, you  get the picture...13:46
DoonzHey guys. Currently i have a 30gb drive for my ubuntu server installation. Is it possible for me just to take an image of that drive and apply that image to a 120gb drive?14:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #681399 in pptpd (main) "Please merge pptpd 1.3.4-3 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68139914:26
rotem925Hello, Is there an option to list all apt packages with their NAME?14:43
zulrotem925: sudo dpkg -l14:45
rotem925hi zul, but it doesnt list the name14:45
jpdsrotem925: 'name' ?14:45
rotem925yea, the name of the package like when i get the package info14:45
rotem925jpds: I mean the full package name14:48
pmatulisrotem925: you mean you want 'wireshark_1.2.11-2_i386.deb' instead of 'wireshark'?14:54
rotem925I mean, When im apt for openssh, it should show openSSH (Im on the iPhone)14:54
rotem925all the com.package. should be shown as the package name on the iphon14:55
rotem925what is --showformat?14:55
pmatulisrotem925: sorry, i don't understand you ["When im apt for openssh, it should show openSSH (Im on the iPhone)"]14:56
rotem925pmatulis: heh sorry, when im using dpkg -s the package name is different from what i see when im using the -l14:57
rotem925pmatulis: the question is: can I list all the packages information? like running dpkg -s for all packages14:57
rotem925with one command14:58
rotem925pmatulis:  something like this: dpkg --show *14:59
pmatulisrotem925: i don't think so.  you'll need to pipe some commands together15:06
pmatulisrotem925: for all installed packages you mean?15:06
rotem925pmatulis: yea it looks like you are right, can you give me a hand here? I need to pipe the dpkg -l with apt-cache show *15:07
pmatulisrotem925: for all installed packages you mean?15:07
rotem925for all packages, not only installed15:07
pmatulisrotem925: that info is in file /var/lib/dpkg/available i think15:12
rotem925pmatulis: hmmm, ill have a look, thanks!!15:12
rotem925pmatulis: yep, you are right this file looks like it have all the packages info15:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #681427 in ipsec-tools (main) "Please merge ipsec-tools 1:0.7.3-12 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68142715:42
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rotem925Hey, Is there a file in ubuntu that has all the packages in apt?16:57
rotem925not only the installed packages, all of them16:57
air^rotem925: huh?17:03
rotem925hello air^ :17:04
rotem925ill explain what i need17:04
rotem925I need to get all the packages for the apt, I mean all the packages information17:04
rotem925Is there a file for that?17:04
air^why would you need that?17:05
air^if you want to find something, just use apt-cache search <keyword>17:06
rotem925I'm working on an application that need a list of all packages available17:06
rotem925air^: any clue?17:07
andylockranhey guys17:17
andylockranhow goes things?17:17
ehcahIt would appear that all/most of repositories are coming back failed when I "apt-get update" .  Is there a command I run to fix the default repo's for 10.04 Server?  I have not modified the sources.list file by hand, so I am not sure what happened.18:09
andylockrancan anyone give me any advice about a project dealing with ubuntu-server user management?18:17
qman__ehcah, that usually happens when your DNS is broken, or your connection is otherwise disrupted18:20
qman__also, check for proxy settings in apt18:20
highvoltageandylockran: just ask!18:20
andylockranhighvoltage: I'd consider myself a beginner programmer, with a bit of experience at administering OpenLDAP servers18:21
andylockranwhat would be the best project for me to look at in terms of being able to potentially contribute to user management on ubuntu-server.18:21
Aisoni'm using 7 ubuntu servers, and i'm thinking about to use landscape18:22
ehcahqman_: This box is providing DNS for the rest of my LAN?18:22
Aisonbut I don't get it :( is it completly commercial, or partial commercial?18:22
highvoltageandylockran: Gosa is used quite widely but is in a horrible state in Ubuntu atm. imho that would be a good place to contribute18:22
ehcahQman_ will check to see that proxy is off in apt.18:22
highvoltageAison: the landscape client is free software, the server side isn't18:23
Aisonbut with the client alone I can't do anything, I guess ;)18:23
highvoltageAison: indeed18:23
highvoltageAison: except, if you have lots and lots of time, write your own server :)18:24
Aisonwell, maybe i'm going to buy it, that's not a problem ;)18:24
Aisonbut I don't know if it's the right solution for me18:24
highvoltagethat would be the easier solution18:24
highvoltageAison: you can sign up for a trial on the landscape site18:24
andylockranhighvoltage: thanks, I'll take a look18:24
ehcahqman_:  Shouldn't I be able to find proxy settings in apt.conf?18:25
Aisoncan't find any prices for landscape?!? maybe i'm blind18:28
Whoopits part of ubuntu advantage18:29
Whoopbase plan is £200 iirc18:29
eagles0513875hey guys do we have any wordpress users or people using wordpress on their servers for a blog or otherwise?18:30
qman__ehcah, grep -R Proxy /etc/apt/18:31
qman__also, just because you're providing DNS doesn't mean your local name resolution is working18:32
qman__check resolv.conf and nsswitch18:32
qman__ehcah, sudo grep -Ri proxy /etc/apt/18:32
highvoltageeagles0513875: yep18:33
qman__meanwhile, I've run into trouble after upgrading my proxy server to lucid18:33
qman__squid is running, but upstart has no idea that it is18:33
eagles0513875highvoltage: how are you imporving the number of page request served to a particular site18:33
ehcahqman_  I had already added sudo to the first command. Neither it, or the second fixed the problem.  I'll have a boo at the other two files you mentioned.18:33
qman__I can't figure out how it's being started and, as a result, how to stop/restart it18:33
eagles0513875i have one site and according to ab highvoltage im doing about 8,95 requests per second are you using a wordpress caching plugin or squid proxy18:34
highvoltageeagles0513875: stgraber got some good performance (>1500 requests to the server a second) by (I think) using a reverse proxy18:34
eagles0513875highvoltage: cuz i was considering setting up squid18:35
eagles0513875on the site they boast performance gains of up to 75%18:35
highvoltageeagles0513875: yeah if you hang around a little bit he might be around and be able to give you some tips there18:35
eagles0513875ill be on18:35
eagles0513875soon have to relocate my bum to the couch for my weekly favorite tv show18:36
eagles0513875ice road trucker but ill be on18:36
ehcahqman_:  Tried your suggestions. I added an externally hosted DNS entry into resolv.conf, restarted DNS and DHCP services and still not working.18:38
qman__ehcah, what does `nslookup us.archive.ubuntu.com` return (or your locality)?18:39
eagles0513875highvoltage: just tell him to poke me please18:40
qman__and before anyone asks me "why nslookup", it's because dig doesn't use the system's resolution method18:40
ehcahqman_:  Came back with Non-authoritive answer: Name: us.archive.ubuntu.com  (next line) Address:
ehcahqman_: SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server...18:42
qman__well, that looks like the problem18:42
ehcahqman_:  The 1's representing my IP for my server.  I got its answer from my routers IP address instead.18:42
qman__apt isn't trying as hard as nslookup18:42
qman__solve that problem and your apt problem should go away18:43
eagles0513875hey guys quetsion anyone in here use squid and if so how much has it improved the number of page requests to apache per second18:47
ehcahqman_:  If you have an extra second.  Can you have a look at:  http://lani78.wordpress.com/2008/08/09/setting-up-a-dns-for-the-local-network/   This is how I configured my DNS and all the testing at the bottom works?18:47
qman__I use squid, but as a regular proxy, not a reverse proxy18:47
qman__ehcah, that's all fine, but your problem is with internet resolution18:49
qman__what's in your /etc/resolv.conf?18:49
qman__if it's just, is your server forwarding requests or does it use root hints?18:49
ehcah2 name server entries.  First, my Server IP, Second, my Router IP.18:50
eagles0513875qman__: what bout a caching proxy server18:50
eagles0513875ehcah: i normally in my resolv.conf put the isps name server ips18:51
qman__eagles0513875, I use it with two purposes, an apt caching proxy, and an access control proxy for a couple machines18:51
ehcaheagles0513875:   When I was trying to fix it earlier, my 3rd line was my ISP's DNS.18:51
qman__far as apt caching, with the right tuning, it does what it's supposed to, faster upgrades18:51
eagles0513875ehcah: remove yoru local server ip and router and put the ips of isp name servers18:52
eagles0513875qman__: have you used apache with squid18:52
qman__leave in there, otherwise local resolution won't work from that server18:52
qman__and if other machines are using it, those machines wouldn't get internet DNS either18:52
ehcahas in :  nameserver  ?18:52
eagles0513875qman__: thats odd in my resolv.conf on my server i have just my isps name servers18:52
eagles0513875ahh ok18:52
eagles0513875i see what ya doing18:52
eagles0513875the local machine will be doing ns resolution for the network18:53
ehcahI have nameserver localipaddress not
qman__then, attempt some name resolution, and see what /var/log/syslog looks like18:53
qman__that's where bind logs18:53
qman__the local IP is fine too18:53
qman__I just use for aesthetic reasons18:53
qman__makes it obvious at first glance what's going on18:53
ehcahno dice.18:54
qman__yes, but see what errors it gives in /var/log/syslog18:55
ehcahis there a command in nano to get to the bottom of the log?  I'll be paging down until Sunday?18:56
qman__I don't know nano18:56
qman__but try this18:56
qman__tail -n 100 /var/log/syslog | less18:57
* RoyK points ehcah to vimtutor18:57
ehcahNov 25 14:45:06 myserver named[1985]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'mail/A/IN' : 2001:dc3::35#3518:58
ehcahThat is the last error on the apge18:58
ehcahHey Roy18:59
qman__try this, filter out the noise19:00
qman__grep named /var/log/syslog | tail -n 100 | less19:00
PatrickDKheh, mail? people don't use fqdn anymore?19:00
eagles0513875i need to setup my fqdn at some point PatrickDK19:01
eagles0513875i have apache2 complaining bout that every restart of it19:01
PatrickDKoh, apache complains on mine too19:01
eagles0513875about the hostname or something19:01
eagles0513875PatrickDK: how on earth do you fix that19:01
PatrickDKya, can't reliably determine the hostname19:02
qman__that's easily fixed with /etc/hosts19:02
PatrickDKI ignore it cause I only use vhosts, and it's all set in the vhost configs19:02
qman__you need to put your FQDN in there, with your local bind address19:02
PatrickDKso the default doesn't much matter19:02
qman__like so19:02
qman__192.168.1.6    web.yournet.com    web19:02
PatrickDKand if the local bind address =
ehcahqman_  same error.19:02
eagles0513875qman__: internal ip or external public ip19:03
qman__your interface's address19:03
eagles0513875ahh ok19:03
qman__it gets more complicated if you have more than one listening interface19:03
eagles0513875qman__: i woudl need to change       eagle19:04
qman__ehcah, look for actual attempts at resolution there, e.g. us.archive.ubuntu.com19:04
qman__eagles0513875, no19:04
eagles0513875where the loop back ip becomes the interface ip and eagle becomes my fqdn19:04
qman__leave that one alone, and add another line19:04
eagles0513875i have a 2nd line thats like the one i pasted but localhost19:04
qman__my mouse's battery died, slowing me down19:05
eagles0513875tyt qman__19:05
ikoniadon't map two hosts to the same IP in /etc/hosts19:06
qman__your /etc/hosts should look something like this19:06
qman__127.0.0.1    localhost19:06
qman__192.168.1.6    web.yournet.com    web19:06
qman__and then the ipv6 junk at the bottom19:06
ehcahqman_:  Way too much to type:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/536408/19:07
qman__ehcah, that clears things up19:08
qman__for some reason, bind is unable to contact those DNS servers19:08
qman__are you running a firewall of any kind?19:08
ehcahNot deliberately!  :)19:08
ehcahNothing that has changed anyway.19:08
ikoniait just means it can't resolve it19:08
ikoniatest your DNS servers19:08
qman__his local server can't connect to those server IPs19:09
ehcahThis isn't a US - Canada thing is it?  :)19:09
qman__network unreachable19:09
ehcahWe won that hockey game fair and square!19:09
ikoniawhy would his DNS server by connecting to the repos ?19:09
qman__no, you should still be able to contact those servers19:09
qman__his DNS server is not connecting to the repos19:09
qman__it is attempting to look up the repos19:10
qman__and is failing, because it can't contact the root DNS servers19:10
ikoniais the named.ca or root.hint file there19:10
ehcahin bind?19:10
ikoniais that zone even defined19:10
ikoniayes, in bind19:10
qman__he's getting network unreachable19:10
qman__I assume it is defined, otherwise it wouldn't know to contact those servers19:10
ikoniaI wonder if this is on a home dsl/cable connection19:11
qman__what happens if you ping ?19:11
ehcahI'm reaching here, but I seem to remember having to generate a key of some sort when installing Bind.  Could it have gone awry?19:12
qman__they should go through and come back19:12
ehcah"network unreachable".19:12
qman__no, bind would not start19:12
qman__well, there you have it19:12
qman__you're not on the full internet19:12
qman__either your router/firewall is blocking you, or your ISP is19:12
qman__assuming you have any network connectivity at all19:12
ehcahI definately have network connectivity.  All other devices are functioning correctly.19:13
qman__pastebin the results of `ip a s` and `ip r s`19:13
ehcahI'm going to try to "wget" something.19:13
qman__and also try to ping your router or another local computer19:13
ehcahping'ing internally works fine.19:14
qman__how about pinging
eagles0513875qman__: i bet if he were to put the ips of his isp's ns's that it woudl work19:15
eagles0513875it works just fine for me like that19:15
ehcahqman_:  Commands not found for 'ip a s' and ...19:15
qman__eagles0513875, it would work, but that would not solve the problem19:15
qman__his DNS server would remain non-working19:16
ehcahqman_ Host unreachable.19:16
qman__he'd simply stop using it19:16
qman__ehcah, that last IP is google19:16
qman__so your server is not able to reach the internet19:16
qman__it's not just a DNS blockage19:16
ehcahrouting problem thn?19:16
eagles0513875ehcah: is your server using a static internal ip?19:16
ehcahStatic Internal IP - yes.19:16
eagles0513875ok check your gateway ip19:17
eagles0513875thats probably whats not set right19:17
ehcahWhy would my server have a routing issue, but all my devices including this laptop connect through it ok?19:17
ikoniaerr what about a static external19:17
ikoniaif your external IP changes running a DNS server seems a bit pointless19:17
qman__yes, it's definitely a routing issue19:17
qman__if your DHCP server is setting correct routes, that's how19:17
ehcahAny tips on which file in Bind to check?19:18
ehcahor check'm all?19:18
qman__this is not a problem with bind19:18
qman__ /etc/network/interfaces19:18
eagles0513875ehcah: is your external ip a dynamic ip or static one19:18
ikoniabind is not routing19:18
ehcahguys:  How much information should be included after "iface eth0 static"  ?19:22
ehcahaddress my .ip19:22
ehcahnetwork my.ip.019:23
ehcahSorry, if there are any gals out there....19:23
eagles0513875ehcah: hold on ill pastebin ya mine19:24
RoyKehcah: network, netmask, broadcast and gateway19:24
ehcahIs there a way to pastebin from terminal?19:24
eagles0513875ehcah: http://pastebin.com/hUWVr7H319:25
eagles0513875RoyK: yep19:25
ehcahRoyk:  gateway isn't there.19:25
eagles0513875pasting from commandline directly to pastebin.com19:25
eagles0513875ehcah: copy what i have in the paste19:25
RoyKehcah: pastebinit /path/to/file19:25
RoyKehcah: you'd want a gateway on one of the interfaaces19:26
* RoyK repeats that he hates winter temperatures19:27
ehcahdo I still need to add auto eth0  as a seperate line entry?19:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #681536 in bind9 (main) "/usr/share/bind9/bind9-default.md5sum should be in conffiles" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68153619:27
RoyKehcah: if you want it to be enabled automatically, yes19:27
andolAnyone feel somewhat confident about their knowledge in SSL/TLS, and can take a look at bug #/595415?19:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 595415 in openssl "Curl (openssl) fails to open some https URLs with "illegal parameter" error" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:29
ehcahAfter making these changes, how can I restart eth0?  I assume that restarting DHCP or Bind will not affect the changes...19:29
ehcahis it ifconfig something or other?19:29
Callum__has printing using Ubuntu Server 10.10 mostly failed short of printing text files and CUPS test page for anyone else?19:30
eagles0513875ehcah: ya its ifconfig19:30
ehcahwow, I'm having all kinds of special today... ifdown/ifup: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces"19:33
Callum__might have been a recent CUPS update that did it, but printing from anywhere (local or over the Internet) and printing anything more complex that text files from lpr or the CUPS test page (such as PDFs and ODTs) causes the printer its sent to, to not print and crash19:33
Callum__actually, this is 10.04 LTS >_>19:33
ehcahRoyK/qman_/eagles0513875:  I made those changes, rebooted and no longer have ssh access to my server IP.19:45
ehcah"no route to host"19:45
RoyKehcah: pastebin /etc/network/interfaces, the output of ifconfig, and some details about your network infrastructure19:47
RoyKehcah: start with trying to ping default gateway19:47
RoyKif that works, check netstat -rn to see if the gateway is the default router19:48
RoyKet cetera19:48
ehcahNot sure how long this connection will stay live.  I can't surf the web anymore.  I'm gonna go downstairs to the console BRB.19:48
RoyKehcah: pastebin netstat -rn as well19:48
ehcahI need to install pastebinit in order to provide you the info you want.  I can't get to apt though...  :(19:53
ehcahI #'d out the lines I changed in interfaces and I can now SSH again.19:54
ehcahRoyK:  I have always been able to ping anywhere within my LAN from the SSH console of that server.19:55
RoyKehcah: local network access should be quite trivial to setup19:56
RoyKwhat did you do to break it?19:56
ehcahRoyK:  Destination:  Gateway:  Gemask:  Flags: U  MSS Window: 0 0  irtt: 0  Iface: eth019:56
ehcahI'm aware that ^ gateway is missing.19:57
RoyKare the other machines on 192.168.2?19:57
ehcahall machines.19:57
RoyKif so, you have a l2 problem19:57
ehcahI haven't dropped the VPN connection on my office laptop during this interuption either?19:57
RoyKif network connectivity doesn't work on layer 2, meaning (usually) on the same IP network (or ARP et al), something is usually wrong with cabling or drivers19:58
ehcahI'm going to type in Pastebin, what my interfaces file looks like. It's small.19:59
RoyKcan you reach the server over the lan?20:01
ehcahRoyK:  I am logged onto it via SSH20:03
RoyKnetmask 255.255.255. ?20:04
RoyKmissing a 0 there20:04
ehcah255.0, typo in pastebin not in file.20:04
RoyKso you can access the box over the lan?20:05
ehcahJust wanted to see if you were paying attention!  ;)20:05
RoyKthen why haven't you tried adding a gateway?20:05
ehcahMy gateway was there when I could no longer access the box via SSH and had to go to the physical console?20:06
ehcahWhen I #'d it out, I can hit it again from SSH?20:06
ehcahIs not what I had minus the "##" on 3 lines?20:08
RoyKmore or less, yes20:11
ehcahRoyK:  Connectivity failed, again.  I #'d out auto eth0  and restarted the interface20:11
ehcahIt works now.20:12
ehcahWhy is auto eth0 causing me grief?20:12
RoyKehcah: I changed the auto lines20:12
RoyKtry rebooting20:12
RoyKone interface per auto line20:12
ehcahregardless, everything seems to be working now.20:14
ehcahNow all I have to do is find a good "router/firewall" like software to play with.20:15
ehcahRoyK:  Do you have any experience with pfsense, smoothwall or untangle?20:17
ehcahalso endian  (sp.??)20:17
RoyKehcah: I've used pfsense - works well20:18
qman__untangle is a good appliance, but the firewall is nothing special20:19
qman__it's most useful part is the inline detection and removal of malware20:19
ehcahI have to find one that is capable of something called 1483 via DHCP???20:19
ehcahqman_ I read that the kapersky subscription can be great also.20:20
qman__never heard of it20:20
qman__yes, I've been fairly impressed with kaspersky myself20:20
qman__it's what I recommend to people who are not satisfied with free antivirus20:20
ehcahMy ISP provides me a fiber connection.  The fiber comes into my house and into some sort of lucent/alcatel gateway...  then via ethernet to a traditional telco gateway/router.20:21
ehcahI'm trying to get rid of the second device.20:21
ehcahqman_  I've been running MS security essentials or whatever its called on my kids laptops.20:21
qman__I run ubuntu in that position20:21
qman__put my firewall together with an iptables script20:21
ehcahWe haven't found any virus's or anthing yet!  ;)20:21
qman__microsoft security essentials is also surprisingly good20:22
ehcahI was trying to be a bit funny, but yeah, not bad.20:22
ehcahI'd still feel better having something to get rid of most problems before the kids have a chance to deal with them.20:22
ehcahHave you tried Eindian or Smoothwall?  From what I can tell, they are its competition?20:23
qman__I have not20:23
qman__I've heard good things about smoothwall, but I haven't used it myself20:23
ehcahIf I were smart enough, I'd compile the same dd-wrt files I was running on my linksys boxes into an x86 install.20:24
ruben23hi guys how do i mae file server where situation is the server is hosted on a hosting company and all users are on remote location and they are windows client.20:24
qman__this is my firewall:  http://pastebin.com/68cjsa3j20:25
qman__combined with a human-readable port forwarding list in /etc/portfile20:25
ehcahLooks great!  Is that latin?20:26
qman__bash, actually ;)20:26
ehcahI wish I was there.20:26
ehcahI'm barely, and I do mean barely competent without a GUI.20:26
ehcahMy delusions of grander and wants make choosing the right NAS or UTM solution problematic.20:27
qman__I just have a file server, raid6 array, with ssh/samba/nfs20:28
ehcahThat is exactly what I keep coming back to.  Everyone and there do tells me ZFS and Raidz2 is the way to go.20:29
ehcahAll that does is confuse me.20:29
qman__some people say raid6 is paranoid, but losing two disks inside an hour changes your mind20:29
ehcahGod bless poor Roy and his patience with me this past weekend.20:29
qman__zfs is great in theory20:29
qman__but I'm not willing to run solaris20:29
qman__I'll wait for full linux support of it, or for btrfs to mature20:30
qman__I really, really hate solaris20:30
ehcahIF and I do mean IF, I were more advanced, I wouldn't blink at OpenIndiana or Nexenta.  Unfortunately, the compaq raid controller in my DL380G4 won't allow me to test it outside of a VM on my laptop.20:30
ehcahDo you run ext3 or ext4?20:31
ehcahIs 4 immature or not necessary?20:31
* RoyK is quite fond of zfs 20:31
ehcahI know my man!20:31
qman__4 is considered stable by most, but I've been using ext3 since I started using linux20:31
qman__it's always been there and I've never lost data20:31
qman__it meets my needs, so I use it20:32
qman__zfs is great20:32
qman__very cool system20:32
qman__but like I said, I'm not willing to run solaris20:32
RoyKwe're moving away from solaris at work20:32
=== Mr_mist is now known as mrmist
RoyKthat is, using it only for storage20:32
RoyKfor storage it's gold20:32
ehcahMy best technical friend here locally just lost a bunch of data on ZFS, not sure what happened, but that scares me because I consider him extremely advanced.20:33
qman__I'll wait for ZFS to come to linux, or for btrfs to mature20:33
RoyKqman__: btrfs will probably reach the level of current zfs within 5 years or so - dream on :)20:33
highvoltagethat's not so long20:34
ehcah5 years?20:34
qman__for now, ext3 + mdadm get the job done20:34
ehcahAnd no regrets?20:34
qman__my needs aren't that great20:34
RoyKbut then, no checksumming of data20:34
highvoltageyep. it's still a fairly new filesystem. look how long it took for ext or ntfs, for example20:34
ehcahYou never look at FreeNas or OpenFIler or ....20:34
qman__I just need a big place to save files20:34
RoyKthe main thing about zfs is data checksumming20:35
ehcahRoyK:  Checksumming is verifying the data?20:35
RoyKyou'll know if you get silent errors20:35
RoyKehcah: yes20:35
PatrickDKdata checksumming is ok20:35
PatrickDKversioning is nice, I like btrfs for that20:35
RoyKPatrickDK: it's not ok, it's mandatory20:35
qman__the built in snapshot system is also very cool20:35
qman__reminds me of plan920:35
RoyKPatrickDK: with a bunch of terabytes, you'll get silent errors (errors not detected by the drives) quite frequently20:36
PatrickDKmakes me think of netapp snapshots20:36
RoyKsnapshotting is also nice20:36
qman__I really liked plan9's system, it's a shame it didn't get more traction20:36
qman__it's not very useful because it's not widely supported20:36
RoyKand real snapshotting, not like the copy-on-copy-on-copy..........-on-write stuff in lvm20:36
PatrickDKroyk, I think the fact of raid should deal with it for the most part20:37
ehcahDo either OI or Nexenta support replication like OpenFIler is supposed to/20:37
PatrickDKopenfiler support replication?20:37
RoyKehcah: zfs send/receive20:37
PatrickDKas far as I know. openfiler only does drbd20:37
RoyKPatrickDK: most raid systems don't checksum at all20:38
PatrickDKmost raid cards are cheap also20:38
RoyKPatrickDK: that is, they read a stripe and if nothing is reported from the disk, the block is delivered to user or kernel space20:38
ehcahWell, I know this cat has to wait for his "Cheap" raid card to arrive before he can test on a box other than Virtual.20:39
qman__I've had a couple files get corrupt, but my data is also not that critical20:39
qman__important files have lots of backups20:39
RoyKPatrickDK: if a silent error occurs, you get corrupt data, or if that error is in the metadata/filesystem, perhaps a panic occurs20:39
qman__not-so-important files can be recreated/redownloaded20:39
PatrickDKroyk, so turn on read checks20:40
ehcahFamily pictures, personal files and work backup's not so easy.20:40
PatrickDKor if it doesn't support that, nightly verify's20:40
qman__don't forget the old mantra20:40
qman__RAID is not backup20:40
RoyKPatrickDK: read checks are ok so far as the crc on the drive holds, which it doesn't with current storage amounts20:40
PatrickDKthe sector crc is useless20:40
PatrickDKand it's going be more so with this 4k format thing20:41
RoyKqman__: that's nonsense - if you have the possibility of checksumming your data, you do so. not doing it will result in downtime, which cost a lot20:41
PatrickDKthey are really dropping the amount of protection20:41
RoyKPatrickDK: most modern raid systems relies on harddisk's CRCs20:41
qman__oh yes, I'm not saying you shouldn't checksum, if you can it's a great feature20:42
PatrickDKI wouldn't call most modern raid systems, raid20:42
qman__I just mean, if there's something you don't want to lose, you still need backups20:42
qman__RAID is not a replacement for backups20:42
RoyKqman__: of course, but reducing downtime is quite nice20:43
RoyKqman__: you'll always need backup of sorts, but with more consistent raid systems, and snapshots, the backup may not be used that much20:44
qman__I can't afford a dedicated backup system, so my strategy is to keep copies of important files on several different computers20:45
qman__it works pretty well20:46
qman__even when I suffered total loss on my raid 5 array, I still had most of my data and all of the important stuff20:47
StrangeCharmi'm trying to copy some files from an ntfs disk to an ext4 disk, and i get the error "error splicing file value too large for defined data type". what's going wrong here?20:47
ruben23guys any hel how should i setup my hosted server and have remote client in windows to create somehow like a file server..20:48
* PatrickDK will never use a raid5 ever20:48
qman__ruben23, two options I would consider are SFTP and WebDAV20:49
qman__SFTP being more secure, WebDAV being easier for windows users20:50
qman__yeah, I'm running raid 6 with a hot spare this time around20:50
ruben23 qman__:  so i just install webdav..? straight..?20:51
qman__writes are slow but it's worth it20:51
qman__ruben23, no, webdav is fairly complicated20:51
qman__if you want easy to do, SFTP is it20:51
ruben23qman__:  but they are windows, can SFTP be accessible on web browser..?20:53
qman__no, you would need an SFTP client20:53
qman__such as winSCP or filezilla20:53
qman__the primary advantage of webDAV is that windows treats it basically like a regular windows file share20:54
qman__but it is much more complicated to set up20:54
a1fahello, i am trying to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.1021:01
a1faand it tells me no new releases are available21:02
PatrickDKcause you have lts only selected21:03
a1faalright, how do you deselect that21:04
a1faanother strange thing is.. cpuinfo is only showing 800Mhz21:04
a1fasometimes it shows the stock speed 2800Mhz21:04
qman__it's CPU frequency scaling21:05
qman__intel speedstep, AMD powernow, etc21:05
qman__when the load is low, it slows down to save power21:05
a1faqman__: interesting21:05
a1fahow do i disable this lts in ubuntu-server21:06
Datza1fa: I'm able to disable in bios, I'd think this would be the best/easiest way.21:07
a1faDatz: i mean Ubuntu LTS releases21:07
Datzalthough, there really isn't a point to, unless you want to use more power21:07
a1faI'd lkike to go to 10.1021:07
Datzoh.. well that I don't know.  I'm sticking with 10.04 for as long as I can.. 5 years if the hardware lasts :P21:08
guntbertPatrickDK: can you tell us what line to change in what file to "deselect lts only" ?21:08
a1fai guess there is no need to go higher then21:09
a1fai have issues with dev mapper and swap21:09
qman__yeah, I stick to LTS if I can21:09
a1fa#/dev/mapper/smokinggun-swap_1 none            swap    sw              0       021:09
qman__there is a way but I have never done it21:09
a1fai have to disable it because it cant mount the swap partition21:09
qman__and there's no manual for do-release-upgrade21:09
qman__ah, etc/update-manager/release-upgrades21:11
qman__as documented here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Upgrades21:11
PatrickDKqman, manuals are overrated21:11
PatrickDKno one reads them :)21:11
qman__a1fa, what happens if you try to swapon manually?21:12
a1fai have not tried yet21:12
qman__doing a release-upgrade is unlikely to fix this problem21:12
a1fathis is my zoneminder machine21:12
qman__and is quite likely to introduce more21:12
a1faworks just fine21:14
a1faif i do swapon -0a21:14
a1fa# swapon -s21:14
a1faFilename                                Type            Size    Used    Priority21:14
a1fa/dev/mapper/smokinggun-swap_1           partition       23248888        0       -121:14
a1fai guess that fixes it21:14
qman__it's possible that the mapper device is not ready when the system attempts to swapon21:15
qman__if that's the case you should file a bug21:15
a1fai am going to try rebooting one more time with it enabled21:19
a1famy root  is also mapped21:19
=== Sorcier_FXK is now known as winniethepoo
uvirtbotNew bug: #681598 in samba (main) "passwd doesn't work with pam_winbind" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68159821:46
=== winniethepoo is now known as Sorcier_FXK
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a1fadoes anybody remember the name of that linux game with spacecrafts and MMOPG?22:52
a1faxstar or something like that22:52
VolvoDo you know that if you compile samba manually from source itll actually work as opposed to what youve managed to do with Lucid and Maverik's versions ?23:06
VolvoWhats wrong... ?23:06
Volvozul... ?23:08
VolvoBecause if you cant make a pckage out of perfectly working software id call you a loosely knit team of ... Politichians ?23:09
twbVolvo: a committee23:10
VolvoSo thats why noone moves :P23:11
VolvoUmm, samba doesnt work... umm ok... lets do nothing at all.23:11
VolvoDo you get paid for this comittee stuff ?23:12
twbVolvo: if you're having a problem, it helps to describe it instead of just bitching.23:12
Volvo"nmbd" Dies directly after starting it on an fully updated Maverick. "testparm" sais the configuration is perfect.23:13
Volvotwb: Politichinas arent garbage so im not bitching.23:14
VolvoI see people not liking Ubuntu because SAMBA doesnt work and so i think it could be better if it did.23:15
VolvoWhat do you think ?23:15
VolvoFeel free to pitch in, all of you!23:16
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
JanCVolvo: it's thanksgiving in the US, so Americans are not around much, and in Europe it's night, so those are asleep23:42
VolvoJanC: Im awake23:42
VolvoThanks for telling me though.23:42
JanCwell, most are not working at least23:42
JanCVolvo: maybe you can figure out why it doesn't work, that would be helpful to get it fixed...  ;)23:43
JanCVolvo: does it work with a non-upgraded 10.10 ?23:45
VolvoJanC: Doesnt seem to, no.23:46
VolvoCheck it for yourself. If it works for you then all bugreports are wrong. But if nmbd dies after starting samba or "nmbd" then the samba network cannot work and so samba doesnt work.23:47
vadi2What is all involved in creating installing ftp on a ubuntu server and creating a new user for it? I made a new user, added them to the ftp group, and can connect and browse via ftp fine - but trying to upload any file via nautilus results in an 'invalid filename' error23:49

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