[08:49] good morning! [08:49] Good morning ara. [08:51] ara, I just reviewed the shotwell test, the issue with txtLocation is fixed, but it's still failing in natty. I've updated the review, can you look at it please ? [08:51] jibel, it fails because shotwell crashes in Natty [08:52] jibel, or at least it crashed for me [08:52] jibel, when importing a folder [08:53] jibel, does it not crash for you? [08:54] * jibel trying to make it crash [08:56] ara, okay, I can make it crash too. Great. I'm merging your test then. [08:56] ara, thanks. [08:56] jibel, btw, I put in the merge request comment that it crashed and a link to the bug number ;-) [08:57] ara, yeah, its early in the morning you know. [08:57] :) [09:05] jibel, how are you keeping the links between tests and bug numbers? [09:05] (i.e. in this case) [09:06] ara, that's a problem today. Could we use the isotracker ? [09:07] ara, I've tagged the reports, but it is a short term solution. [09:07] jibel, the problem is that the iso tracker does not have an api, so it needs to be filled manually [09:08] ara, but it's better than nothing. Do you have another idea ? [09:10] jibel, not right now [09:10] jibel, which tag are you using? [09:10] ara, mago :-) [09:10] jibel, :D [09:11] ara, have you been able to run the tests with hudson but without xvfb, directly in the main X session ? [09:12] jibel, I haven't tried it yet [09:13] ara, I spent hours yesterday to try to automate the run in Unity, but it crashes unity when I launch an X app from another user. [09:14] jibel, if it crashes right now, it is because it is unstable. I would recommend to file a bug and ping the dx team to have a look to it (i.e. "blocks testing) [09:14] but I don't think it is worth spending a lot of time on that if it is crashing [09:15] ara, I agree. [09:23] spineau, Hi, did you start working on the empathy test ? [09:24] jibel: hello, not yet. I'm focused on some other OEM stuff this week, will start Empathy class next week [09:25] spineau, okay. [09:26] ara, we need a test for gwibber too, can you help us with that one ? pedro is working on banshee. [09:27] jibel, today I am a bit busy, but I will see what I can do [09:28] ara, okay. Great. [11:08] Hello ara :-) did you have a look at the email about new fields by chance? [12:04] primes2h, sorry I didn't reply yet. Thanks for the reminder, I will try to take a look to it before the end of the week [12:52] primes2h, are you around? [13:21] ara: here I am [13:41] primes2h, I was at lunch, sorry [13:41] primes2h, it is about the email I sent you [13:43] np :-) thank for the reply, I'm going to send you info you need. [13:44] ara: btw, I put more info on DevEnv page [13:45] ara: but I am not able to complete the setup of the db [13:47] ara: I got "psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "qatracker" " when I try to populate the db [13:48] primes2h, did you create the user? [13:48] ara: sure, with sudo adduser qatracker [13:49] primes2h, but what about the database? [13:49] I will check the devenv page again [13:50] ara: shouldn't drupal reconfiguration take care of it? [13:52] ara: I give it qatracker as username and password and qatracker as db name as well [13:53] primes2h, I will try to take the time to have a look to it [13:54] ara: That's nice. Thanks a lot. A clean install on VM could help you to work it out I think === yofel_ is now known as yofel === cking is now known as cking-afk === cking-afk is now known as cking [16:18] spineau, when you have a minute can you look at http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/desktop-testing/natty/2d/latest/totem/totem_basics.html. Thanks [16:21] jibel: well, this error is typically due to stereo wav files when I expect only mono to do the fft. weird because the pipeline to generate the sine is the same as the one in my own bzr repo. will check [16:25] spineau, thank you. [16:36] jibel: is there a way to access the vm where the test is running ? [16:39] spineau, no but I can run any command you want. The failure is the same on real hardware. Did you try in natty ? [16:40] jibel: no, just 10.10 [16:40] jibel: I guess that I will setup a natty vm soon [16:41] spineau, anything I can do to investigate ? [16:42] jibel: try to issue this command [16:42] jibel: gst-launch-0.10 pulsesrc device=$(pactl list | grep -A2 '^Source #' | grep -e 'Name: .*\.monitor$' | cut -d" " -f2 | tail -n1) ! queue ! audioconvert ! audio/x-raw-int,width=16,depth=16,channels=1 ! wavenc ! filesink location=./bibi.wav [16:42] jibel: while playbing sthing and check with totem that you have a mono file playing [16:43] jibel: in the sidebar properties panel [16:43] spineau, running your blackmagic mantra [16:46] jibel: can I take this daily build for testing ? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/natty-desktop-i386.iso [16:48] spineau, yes, installing in a vm is fine, basically it works. [16:48] jibel: ok, I will keep you informed (but probably only tomorrow) [16:50] spineau, I've done your test, the resulting file is: bibi.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 44100 Hz [16:52] jibel: thanks even if I don't understand why it fails... [16:53] jibel: mono is what I expected [16:53] spineau, me neither, maybe another bug in Natty :-) Thanks for your help. [16:54] jibel: about bug #670629 [16:54] Launchpad bug 670629 in baltix (and 3 other projects) "EULA not shown for Microsoft Fonts (affects: 2) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/670629 [16:55] jibel: you expressed concern that we get a gazillion bugreports [16:55] Hey mvo, right. [16:55] jibel: I think technically the right thing to do is to fail with a error, however I understand that concern [16:56] mvo, that was a _big_ problem in karmic. [16:56] jibel: the alternative would be to not fail but show a debconf note explaining that nothing was done, but that means that some people will have the package installed (and in state I'm fine) and yet it will not work [16:56] i.e. there will be no fonts [16:56] how big is big :) ? [16:56] mvo, we had the same issue with sun-java [16:57] what do you recon, how many dupes? [16:57] hunderts? [16:58] mvo, I've found this one bug 303609 [16:58] Launchpad bug 303609 in sun-java6 (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "declining the license during installation causes an error (affects: 599) (dups: 194) (heat: 460)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/303609 [16:59] woah [16:59] mvo, the other one is around 85000, let me find it [17:00] eh, 8500 dupes?!? [17:01] mvo, no, the bug number [17:01] mvo, found it 85969 but that was a problem with a prompt to install the doc not the license. [17:05] jibel: thanks [17:05] mvo, if the package fails with an error and it doesn't break the whole upgrade I think that's fine, we can trap the report with a bugpattern, and create a master bugreport explaining why the user is there. [17:09] jibel: thanks, I don't really like the whole idea of failing, but its technically the right thing, still annoying [17:09] jibel: let me discuss it with cjwatson [17:10] mvo, I agree, on the other hand we can't install the package if the user refuses to install it. [17:10] yeah, we could install a empty placeholder file [17:10] that just explains "sorry, try dpkg-reconfigure" [17:10] but that is a poor solution [17:17] jibel: ok, settled [17:17] jibel: I will make it not fail [18:16] thanks jibel approving / meging my proposal [18:56] jibel: I uploaded a new msttcorefonts package to maverick and natty now that will not return a error, please give it a extra careful verification ;) [19:56] nags, nice work. you're welcome. [19:57] mvo, okay. I'll do the verification between 2 mago bugs ;-) [20:08] jibel: haha, ok