
spikebgood morning06:19
kvalogood morning spikeb06:19
kamstrupmorning everyone07:46
smspillazDBO: the paint attributes ?07:48
smspillazDBO: gWindow->paintAttrib ()07:48
DBOsmspillaz, yes07:48
smspillaz(sorry about the delay(07:48
DBOoh I can just set that anytime?07:49
smspillazno you can't just set it any time07:49
smspillazthat's the *last07:49
smspillaz*last* paint attribu07:49
smspillazto set it you have to wrap either glPaint or glDraw and do it there07:49
smspillazif it's in the unity plugin I suggest wrapping glDraw, and then doiing GLFragment::Attrib fA (fragment);07:50
smspillazand then modifying it, eg fA.setSaturation (foo);07:50
DBOits a const in glPaint07:50
smspillazand then passing the chain07:50
smspillazDBO: that's the point07:50
smspillazDBO: you copy it, modify it and then call the gWindow->glPaint (myAttribute, foo);07:50
smspillazDBO: wrap chains07:50
smspillazDBO: I would wrap glDraw though07:51
smspillazsince wrapping two functions is more expensive than one07:51
DBOyes but onestone made it very clear to me that doing any modifications like that in gldraw is evil07:51
smspillazbecause other plugins don't catch it07:51
smspillazthis is correct07:51
smspillazhowever, since we are loaded last, that doesn't really matter07:52
smspillazDBO: do it in glDraw unless you want the fade plugin to automatically fade your modifications07:52
smspillazDBO: I think "dock" and "sticky" conflict and make core stack it like a normal window07:53
DBOchecked that07:53
smspillazat least it was something and dock that conflicted07:53
DBOits acting right now that I made the windows input/output07:53
smspillazDBO: might be doing weird things because it's not attrib.is_viewable07:54
smspillazDBO: be warned though, I hate touching the stacking code07:54
smspillazit's such a bloody mess07:55
smspillazso in reality I am doing a very big favor for you :)07:55
didrocksgood morning07:55
smspillazDBO: window.cpp:205107:56
RAOFsmspillaz: Do you want to debug your intel problem sometime?07:56
smspillazRAOF: yeah, but not right now07:57
smspillazRAOF: I can boot in safe mode and work from there07:57
smspillazDBO: err priv->attrib.map_state07:57
RAOFOk.  In your own time :)07:57
smspillazRAOF: thx07:57
kvalokamstrup: good morning. feeling better now?07:57
smspillazdidrocks: I got the GFile stuff done btw07:58
DBOsmspillaz, Im working on this shiz I almost got it working right07:58
kamstrupkvalo: yeah, a bit. Will start your review now07:58
smspillazDBO: I hate the stacking code with a passion07:58
didrockssmspillaz: oh nice! for both backend I guess? Did you get some testing?07:58
smspillazdidrocks: yes it works fine07:58
smspillazdidrocks: patches are in your inbox07:58
didrockssmspillaz: nice!07:59
didrockssmspillaz: btw, I finally understand the "profile" system07:59
smspillazcool :)07:59
didrockssmspillaz: and why we get this "bug" yesterday07:59
didrocksin fact, it's a bug, and we don't need my patch :)07:59
smspillazwhat was the bug?08:00
didrockslooking at the code, the "profile" as the environment variable set (the "general_<profile>") is adding a new "session tpe"08:00
didrocksso, general_unity is a session type08:00
smspillazyeah, that's the point08:00
didrocksif you change the profile there, it will affect the profile= in general_unity08:00
didrocksso, you're safe for other session08:01
DBOsmspillaz, how do I just make a window not draw then?08:01
didrocksit's just a shame that both notions are called "profile", so confusing :)08:01
smspillazDBO: this is a massive hack and half, but wrap glPaint and do mask |= PAINT_WINDOW_NO_CORE_INSTANCE_MASK08:02
DBOthere is no way to make a window just not paint?08:02
smspillazDBO: there's a variable called "mask" in glPaint, if you do that then it won't be painted period08:02
smspillazDBO: err you could be a little smarter actually08:02
smspillazDBO: do you mind if I can see your code and write something to do that?08:03
MacSlowgreetings erverybody08:03
smspillazDBO: basically we'll just pop your nux windows from the paint list08:03
MacSlowhey smspillaz08:03
smspillazMacSlow: hi08:03
DBOsmspillaz, painting with 0 opacity works too08:03
DBObut it seems to paint regardless08:03
smspillazDBO: yeah, I'll do my solution08:03
smspillazDBO: push your code to some branch and I'll do the bits to pop it from the paint stack08:04
DBOsmspillaz, https://pastebin.canonical.com/40163/08:04
smspillazDBO: push your code to some branch and I'll do the bits to pop it from the paint stack08:04
DBOah fuck I just want to know how to make its opacity 008:04
DBOwhy does that not work?08:04
DBOyou can do your thing after I learn08:04
smspillazDBO: making the opacity zero is one way to do it but you are still darwing the window with opengl = stupid08:04
DBOno no08:05
DBOit does not work08:05
DBOthe window is still drawn08:05
DBOthats what I am saying08:05
MacSlowhey DBO08:05
DBOhey MacSlow08:05
smspillazDBO: try copying attrib08:06
didrockssmspillaz: looking at your patch08:06
MacSlowsalut didrocks08:06
smspillazDBO: eg GLWindowPaintAttrib fA (attrib);08:06
didrockssmspillaz: you don't remove .config/compiz-1/compizconfig for existing users?08:06
smspillazDBO: this is how the other plugins do it, just try it08:06
smspillazdidrocks: no, we just merge the old config08:06
didrockssmspillaz: so it will end as .config/compiz-1/compizconfig/compizconfig, isn't it?08:06
didrockssmspillaz: oh ok :)08:06
didrocksnice, (just had a quick lookà08:06
didrocksGuten Morgen MacSlow08:07
* didrocks enjoys tooltips :)08:07
DBOstill paints it08:07
kamstrupkvalo: it's this one right? https://code.launchpad.net/~kvalo/indicator-network/libconnman-backend/+merge/4173408:07
didrockssmspillaz: waow, it's a very C++ way of using glib :) but looks good!08:08
smspillazDBO: weird. maybe it hates you08:08
smspillazdidrocks: hehe08:08
smspillazDBO: did you pass fA to glDraw instead of attrib ?08:08
smspillazhmm wtf08:08
didrockskamstrup: hey dude! feeling better?08:08
kvalokamstrup: yes, that's it08:08
smspillazDBO: stick an fprintf on line 11 and make sure it is actually changing the opacity08:09
smspillazDBO: also make sure the screen is damaged08:09
DBOi did08:09
smspillazor window rather08:09
DBOits hitting08:09
kamstrupdidrocks: yeah, I manage, not fully back to normal, but I think I can code :-)08:09
smspillazargh wtf08:09
didrockskamstrup: unstoppable!08:09
smspillazDBO: use fire to trigger full screen repaints and see if it is actually damaging08:09
DBOdoing it glPaint worked08:09
smspillazDBO: yeah, weird08:10
DBOit works now08:10
smspillazDBO: oh right, I think you need to set PAINT_WINDOW_BLEND_MASK or something for it to work08:10
smspillazand glPaint will do that08:10
* smspillaz has a look at the code08:10
DBOokay whatever08:11
DBOthe point is it works08:11
DBOand much nicer08:11
smspillazDBO: cool08:11
smspillazDBO: however, I know of a better way to do this08:11
DBOyou can fix it after I push08:11
smspillazDBO: push your code somewhere08:11
MacSlowhey kvalo, kamstrup08:11
MacSlowkamstrup, so feeling a bit better now?08:11
MacSlowdidrocks, everything should even look nicer by monday08:12
kvaloMacSlow: hi08:12
smspillazDBO: actually, I think the way core was stacking the windows the way it was is because there is no usecase for invisible dock windows08:12
smspillazwell inputonly ones08:12
DBOsmspillaz, I dont want to mess with core stacking08:12
DBOwe can use inputoutput windows08:12
DBOits safer08:12
smspillazyeah fair enough08:12
smspillazstill seems like  hack to me though08:13
DBOit is08:13
* smspillaz hears kittens dying08:13
DBObut there are two options here08:13
smspillazDBO: hey are you using the glibmm branch?08:13
didrocksMacSlow: you mean, working QL with pin/unpin? :)08:13
DBOA) Fix compiz handling of invisible dock windows08:13
DBOB) Use visible dock windows and get sane stacking08:13
DBOA) is correct but wont be ready for Natty08:14
DBOB) is a hack but works right now08:14
smspillazDBO: actually, inputOutput sort of makes sense in terms of a broader future08:14
DBOI choose b08:14
MacSlowdidrocks, not working on the logic right now... but this will come too of course08:14
DBOsmspillaz, the changes are in trunk08:14
DBOyou must update nux and compiz08:14
DBOnux and unity rather08:15
DBOsmspillaz, I am not using glibmm08:15
DBOdid you merge that into the master DBO branch?08:15
smspillazDBO: no I have not yet08:16
smspillazDBO: there is some stupid bug08:16
DBOfix that, then do so :)08:16
smspillazcalls to null timers08:16
smspillazthe problem is08:16
smspillazI can't figure out how to reproduce it reliably08:16
smspillazi was wondering if you had08:17
DBOI have sent an email to the dx-team list explaining the change to InputOutput windows08:21
DBOcan we enforce window resizing on map?08:22
DBOso that if a window is too big for the screen, it resizes down08:22
smspillazDBO: in core?08:23
DBOin place I would assume08:23
smspillazDBO: I think place does it already08:23
DBOit fails08:23
DBOor more accurately, it doesn't take panels into account08:23
smspillazonly for certain window types though08:23
smspillazyeah well resizing panels makes no sense08:23
smspillazpanels should be smarter than that ;-)08:23
DBOdo we sitll have the panel shadow hack?08:24
smspillazyou can task me to port that patch though08:24
smspillazDBO: still no mail re the inputoutput windows08:25
DBOI just got it08:26
DBOso it worked08:26
DBOalright I think thats it for me08:31
didrocksreboot, brb08:35
smspillazDBO: night08:43
smspillazDBO: BTW one thing you'll come to love about compiz is that you can change the paint list to anything you like08:44
smspillazlike, anything08:44
smspillazthe order in which windows are painted is completely pluggable08:44
smspillazalso you can change the stacking order08:44
didrockssmspillaz: I hate this profile thing! With the latest backend, I couldn't get the gconf key picked up (and yes, I have /options at the end this time :p)08:48
didrocks(under compizconfig-1 of course)08:48
didrocksand it says it starts the "unity" profile08:49
didrockssmspillaz: if I try to add it to ccsm, it added it to the "Default" profile, even if I have the unity profile selelcted in ccsm…08:55
spikebdoes anyone actually like any aspect of this? ;)08:55
didrockssmspillaz: also, it's dumping the it under compiz-1/general*/options/active_plugins … sounds like a mess :)08:56
smspillazdidrocks: with the transition thing?09:02
smspillazdidrocks: soudns like a bug09:02
didrockssmspillaz: I think it's not impacted by the transition thing09:02
didrocksyeah, sounds like a bug :)09:02
didrocksone sec, run after some plug09:02
smspillazdidrocks: sure09:02
didrocksok so09:04
didrocksI've resetted all my gconf tree for /apps/compiz*09:04
didrocksfirst, I have a leftover to /apps/compiz, even after the reset09:04
didrockssounds like there is a schema installing something there09:04
* didrocks greps09:05
didrocksok, they come from compiz-gnome09:06
didrockswhich is part of compiz-core09:06
didrocksand they all install in /apps/compiz09:06
didrocksok, ./xslt/compiz_gconf_schemas.xslt needs to be updated09:07
didrockssmspillaz: fixing and pushing09:07
smspillazdidrocks: ahhhh right09:08
smspillazyes good find09:08
didrockswell, not the source of the issue but at least, will help to get a cleaner gconf view of it :)09:10
kamstrupkvalo: !09:12
kamstrupkvalo: phew, I'm done :-)09:12
kamstrupkvalo: very nice, although there where a few leaks so I marked it needsfixing09:12
kvalokamstrup: yeah, it was a long one :(09:14
kamstrupkvalo: it's ok. The code is quite nicely structured that helps a lot09:14
kvalokamstrup: cool09:14
njpatelkamstrup, feeling better?09:15
didrockssmspillaz: I think that's why as well compizconfig-plugin-main and unity didn't install their gconf schemas recently09:15
njpateldidrocks, morning dude09:15
didrockshey njpatel!09:15
kamstrupnjpatel: it's ok, not fully steaming yet, but good enough to hack :-)09:15
kvalokamstrup: I need help with gvariant and "a(oa{sv})". do you know any examples how to properly parse that beast?09:16
didrockssmspillaz: really, the first day I have some time for hacking, I'll split the 2 "profiles" notion to get "session_type" and "profile"… the code will look so much cleaner09:17
didrockshaving one word for two things makes the debugging sooooo confusing09:17
kamstrupdidrocks: you could also try to profile the profile code ;-)09:18
didrockskamstrup: sure, but which part of the "profile code", the profile one or the other profile one? :)09:18
* kamstrup blows up09:18
njpateldidrocks, NNNOOO you killed kamstrup !09:19
njpatelHe still has places work to do!09:19
njpatelAs I told jason yesterday, "you can't be unwell, it's not convenient for me"09:19
didrocksexcellent! that's team work :)09:20
kvalokamstrup: and actually I don't know how to even create such a variant. I'm trying to implement a simple test case for this.09:21
didrockshum? why sladen uploaded unity?09:21
didrocksit was not the problem…09:21
didrocksand of course, it blows a non working unity because of it09:22
didrockssladen: please, I discussed that publicly in #ubuntu-desktop yesterday to tell to anyone to fix the FTBFS, it was intentional…09:23
kamstrupkvalo:  sure. that's easy09:24
smspillazsomeone review and merge this https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-dx-team/unity/unity.remove-io-from-pl/+merge/4193609:24
smspillazdidrocks: I'll update the glibmm branch to account for your changes09:25
didrockssmspillaz: ok, but I take that as a distro-patch for now, just rebuilding everything there first09:25
smspillazdidrocks: did you commit the gconf xml builder upstream ?09:26
smspillazerr xslt09:26
smspillaznjpatel: can you review ^^^09:26
didrockssmspillaz: not yet, I'm finishing to rebuild every schema to ensure it's building right things09:26
smspillazdidrocks: sure09:26
didrocksso unity is broken in natty now… thanks sladen09:26
njpatelsmspillaz, taking a look now09:27
MacSlowdidrocks, what's wrong?09:28
didrocksMacSlow: sladen fixed a ftbfs due to a wrong compiz gconf schema compiler09:28
didrocksMacSlow: I let it FTBFS yesterday when leaving and told on public chan to not fix it and wait for the new compiz09:29
didrocksbut well… apparently some people just thought "let's remove the gconf schema"…09:29
MacSlowdidrocks, *sigh*09:29
didrocksof course, there is no update in the bzr vcs packaging, let's discare people working on it09:29
didrocksI won't add that renaming closed bug is worthless… but well09:33
kvalokamstrup: sorry, but it's not easy for me :)09:44
kvalokamstrup: I would imagine creating a variant is like this, but no luck: http://paste.ubuntu.com/536612/09:46
kamstrupkvalo: ok, so it's about parsing it right?09:46
kvalokamstrup: parsing is what I need, but I got also interested about creating09:46
kamstrupkvalo: just cooking up an example09:55
kvalokamstrup: thank you very much09:56
njpatelsmspillaz, approved09:58
smspillaznjpatel: thanks10:00
smspillaznjpatel: also I know what is causing that timers bug in glibmm10:00
smspillaznjpatel: timer gets destroyed and glib tries to call the timeout callback func10:00
smspillazat which point it fails miserably when we start reading free'd memory10:01
smspillazthis is not good10:01
njpatelit's no good :)10:01
smspillazthe thing is, I have no idea really how to fix it other than change the timer model10:01
smspillazsince it doesn't look like there's a way to force remove a timer from a source10:02
njpatelremove a timeout from glib?10:02
smspillazin glibmm10:02
njpatelGLib::Source::Remove ;)10:03
smspillazand that will work 100% ?10:03
njpatelg_timeout_add returns a guint10:03
njpatelg_source_remove (uint) will remove it10:03
smspillazI'm talkking about glibmm though10:03
smspillazall I can find is destroy ()10:04
smspillazwhich could very well work10:04
kamstrupkvalo: something ala http://paste.ubuntu.com/536622/ it's probably not the most optmized way of doing this, but it should work (although it's completely untested)10:07
kamstrupkvalo: I use that technique in libzeitgeist at least10:07
kamstrupkvalo: There are some fairly complex marshalling in libzeitgeist you can look at10:08
kvalokamstrup: thanks a lot! don't worry about testing, I can do that10:08
kamstrupkvalo: especially in zeitgeist-event.c10:08
kvalokamstrup: thanks, I'll write that down :)10:08
njpatelsmspillaz, sorry, network issues10:09
njpatelsmspillaz, I'm not sure about glibmm sorry10:09
njpatelquick look at the source cpp would figure that out10:09
kamstrupsmspillaz, njpatel: We need g_source_remove() because we don't have pointers to the GSource which are required by g_source_destroy() I take it?10:11
kamstrupsmspillaz: wow, gsource handling in glibmm does not look very nice...10:17
murrayc_This is why I mentioned this bug yesterday:10:18
ubot5Gnome bug 561885 in general "Glib::Source - mistunderstanding of the 'destroy' from C GSource -> bad impl + memory problems?" [Major,New]10:18
kamstrupbut I guess you must consult the documentation of sigc::connection on how to disconnect a handler. Given that you connect the timeout with Glib::signal_timeout().connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&timeout_handler), 1000);?10:18
murrayc_Timeout handlers can be disconnected just by returning the right true/false, surely?10:18
murrayc_gobj() can get your the GSource*, if that helps.10:19
smspillazmurrayc_: yeah that might work10:20
smspillazas a last minute hack10:20
smspillazI was thinking of changing CompTimer to PIMPL though and removing the priv bits when needed10:20
murrayc_(I have not looked at that bug in detail. I have not particular thoughts about it because I don't use that API myself and I don't have much time.)10:20
smspillazI'll do that when I get back10:20
smspillazmurrayc_: BTW that's not the bug10:22
smspillazthje bug is my fault10:22
murrayc_smspillaz: Well, I'd generally like it to be much clearer what all this remove/destroy stuff is about. It's not clear to me in the C docs either.10:24
murrayc_And I really have no idea what it's even used for.10:26
murrayc_I guess GSource is just a way to use a timeout or idle callback with a non-default GMainLoop?10:29
kvalokamstrup: thanks, I have the beast in control now :)10:46
dbarthdidrocks: hey Didier; i've just had a compiz crash, but it was not automatically restarted by the session10:49
dbarthdidrocks: is that in the new packages?10:49
kvalokamstrup: do you prefer I describe the class structure in a separate doc (eg readme) or in each source file?10:49
didrocksdbarth: hum, it should, not sure, I've on other fish right now but will check later…10:49
didrocksdbarth: what do you have as required_components on gconf?10:50
dbarthwindow_manager is there, and is set to compiz elsewhere10:51
dbarthso maybe a but in gnoime-session then10:52
dbarthahj sorry, metacity was first in the list10:52
didrocksdbarth: well, the respawn should work, if you want, let's discuss that later, the gconf backend of compiz is totally broken and I have to fix it today…10:52
=== Cimi__ is now known as Cimi
mhr3Cimi, hey, i got a question - do you have docky installed?10:52
Cimioh no, I have10:53
Ciminot running though10:53
mhr3cool, could you run it and open the settings window10:53
didrockshum, it seems libcompizconfig is asking for the profile before setting the new default… nice10:54
Cimimhr3: what's the problem?10:54
mhr3Cimi, there when you do to docklets, i see that the component that is being used has very bad contrast in maverick with the default theme10:54
Cimiyeah known bug10:54
CimiI guess it's a bug in dicky10:54
mhr3Cimi, yea, we use the same component elsewhere, could you give me a few hints how to fix it?10:55
mhr3Cimi, basically it's painting the bg using paint_flat_box() with detail cell_odd10:55
mhr3and the labels have StateType.SELECTED10:55
CimiI fixed that in software center10:56
mhr3got a link to revision with the diff that fixes it? :)10:57
Cimihere we go mhr3 : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cimi/software-center/fix-lp-bug-635208/revision/124311:01
mhr3Cimi, thanks11:05
didrocks current_profile = Schema (type: `string' list_type: '*invalid*' car_type: '*invalid*' cdr_type: '*invalid*' locale: `C')11:13
didrockshum, I think I found something :)11:13
* didrocks likes monolog in detective mode :)11:14
kamstrupI have a compiz that no longer segfaults!11:16
kamstrupadding tooltips to the launcher even :-)11:16
njpatelkamstrup, you know what the issue with the tooltips was?11:17
kamstrupnjpatel: nope?11:17
njpatelkamstrup, "%s %.2f" is "Ubuntu 12,00" on some locales11:17
njpatelwhich breaks pango11:17
kamstrupnjpatel: let me politely ask how on earth that could break Pango?11:18
kamstrupnjpatel: oh, it's for configuring the font11:18
didrockskamstrup: I was the guinee pig for that, they have made me compile horrible stuff, if you knew!11:18
njpatelso pango doesn't get the font string proper so it decides to ignore it completely11:18
didrocksand will still see that njpatel hates French :) (and so, not only French it seems :))11:19
njpatelit's not really pangos fault, but something I've never come across11:19
njpateldidrocks, MacSlow coded that :)11:19
njpatelHe hates the french too11:19
didrocksnjpatel: well, I don't doubt it as well :)11:19
kamstrupreally - Unity should not support i18n or l10n. No a11y or Unicode. Strict ASCII and monospace fonts everywhere11:19
kamstrupAnd only one resolution as well of course11:20
nigelb800 x 600 one11:20
njpatelyep, whatever is perfect for my screen11:20
* njpatel will change it before release weekly11:21
kamstrupnjpatel: yeah, you should be tech lead on Unity11:21
kamstrupnjpatel: oh, wait... you are ;-)11:21
njpatelheh, coding style and screen resolution: the two perks of tech lead11:21
* didrocks will distro-patch njpatel's change :)11:21
kamstrupnjpatel, didrocks: So Unity is basically a Hello World in Gtk+. The rest is just a huge distropatch11:22
didrockskamstrup: what else it can be? :-)11:22
njpateldidrocks, that's fine, I'll just use the "pure" packaging from debian :p11:22
njpatelkamstrup, lol11:22
didrocksnjpatel: ahah, raphael proposed me to maintain unity in debian! :-)11:23
didrocksyou're stuck, dude!11:23
didrocksyou won't espace from Monkey Isl… oh wait!11:24
kamstruplol, I love the attention call from the launcher :-D11:30
kamstrupthe icon just peeks in from the left, only half way in... Looks like "Uh, I'm most sorry to bother you, but there's thing... I think you need to check it out"11:30
MacSlowkamstrup, didrocks, njpatel: it's an issue with proper locale-aware parsing of float-values11:31
kamstrupMacSlow: oh I thought it was intentional that it only came halfway in11:31
MacSlowkamstrup, didrocks, njpatel: this nasty-ness chooses to show up at the oddes of moments11:32
njpatelkamstrup, it's really cute right?11:37
njpatelkamstrup, have you seen when you minimise? it comes out to collect the window if you have zoom animation on11:37
kamstrupnjpatel: uh... i can haz blong!?11:37
kamstrup(blong is the new bling)11:37
njpatelkamstrup, ccsm ->animations (enable if needed)-> minimise (make sure it's "zoom")->Effect Settings tab-> Zoom -> Spinginess = 0.811:38
kamstrupnjpatel: stop tricking my into crashing compiz!11:40
njpatelwoops! sorry :/11:40
kamstrupnjpatel: wow, that's crazy bling!11:43
kamstrupit works now, although it seems that the new compiz is not so fond of the Magic Lamp animation11:44
njpatelheh :D11:44
njpatelkamstrup, what happens?11:44
kamstrupnjpatel: crash11:44
kamstrupnjpatel: but kudos to whoever did the zoom thingi11:44
kamstrupnjpatel: I was just trying if Magic Lamp would swirl into the launcher as well11:44
njpatelyeah, it should do11:45
didrocksnjpatel: 0.8, not 0.08?11:46
njpateli thought 0.811:47
njpatelmight be wrong11:47
didrocksnjpatel: it was 0.08, but it's as you wish :)11:49
MacSlowhey seiflotfy, hyperair11:52
hyperairhey MacSlow11:52
kvalokamstrup: pushed fixes: https://code.launchpad.net/~kvalo/indicator-network/libconnman-backend/+merge/4173412:18
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
sladendidrocks: my apologies if your FTBFS upload was intentional12:30
didrockssladen: the FTBFS wasn't, but then, I realized that my local compiz version which was more up-to-date than the one on natty infered on that12:31
didrockssladen: so, I went to #ubuntu-desktop, as people concerns by those components are there and warned about it12:31
didrockstelling that I have some fixes to do on compiz first12:31
sladendidrocks: yup, compiz is broken (the one in the PPA sort of works).  what do you want to do about libnux which has a cast alignment warning for ARM (it's not actually an error per se)12:32
didrocksso currently, all people upgrading won't have unity by default in my next upload12:32
didrockssladen: no compiz isn't broken in natty, the migration is12:33
didrockssladen: because upstream didn't migrate12:33
didrockssladen: for nux, the ARM issue is already signaled upstream12:33
didrocksI think asking to people responsible on components first is what should be done… especially when others as little knowledge in it.12:37
didrocksfor instance, I won't upload gtk or glib without asking seb12812:37
sladendidrocks: I wouldn't do an upload of a package, but I'd generally be quite happy to do a trival FTBFS fix.   Again my apologies if the upload was intentionall broken12:40
didrockssladen: yeah, but your "trivial fix" is breaking people12:40
sladendidrocks: and had the trival fix been there anyway, it would have broken anyway12:40
didrockssladen: well, it wasn't published12:41
didrockssladen: so people won't get it12:41
sladendidrocks: that it happened not to build seemed to have been a retrospective stroke of luck12:41
didrockssladen: no, because I tested on the new compiz there12:41
didrockswith fixed one12:41
didrockswhich doesn't break the gconf schema generation12:41
didrocksI won't comment…12:42
sladendidrocks: if you want another answer, tell me, and I'll give it12:43
didrockssladen: I hope that the answer is just "stop uploading things when you aren't on the channel of people there"12:44
didrocksespecially when there is no gate12:44
didrocksand you knew I would wake up the day after12:44
sladendidrocks: I _didn't_ do the initial broken upload12:44
didrockssladen: the "broken upload" as you told, was because I had a newer compiz, and so, the fact that the old one is still on natty made it FTBFS12:45
didrocksbut a FTBFS == don't reach the user12:45
didrocksso, it can wait for 10 hours12:45
didrocksmaking a broken package == reach the users12:45
didrocksand there, you are breaking them12:45
sladendidrocks: excellent, I've reprogrammed my internal state machine that trivally broken package uploads by didrocks are intentional.  Done.  I'll file a bug and patch next time if you were the uploader12:46
sladendidrocks: remember that we operate on a source code level in Debian/Ubuntu.  What's published is the source code and used for version differiation is the source code12:47
didrockssladen: stop with that tone… of course the upload wasn't intentional, but it seems you know CMake internals and to check that includes files are still compiling gconf schema12:47
didrockssladen: remember that we work as a team12:48
didrockssladen: seems you are not…12:48
sladendidrocks: and not the binaries, which are merely an installation optimisation... apt-get source  returns the broken version12:48
didrockssladen: sure, but did you needed to apt-get source that one?12:48
didrockswhy rushing fixing a broken thing in a buildd when the user isn't impacted?12:49
didrocksand we are not close to any gate, this could have wait 10 hours12:49
sladendidrocks: yes, because yesterday you told me that I should be testing unity-compiz rather than unity-mutter12:49
sladendidrocks: so I went off to ensure I had a (semi-working) environment.12:49
didrockssladen: and? is the current situation any better?12:49
sladendidrocks: I have a semi-working environment, and the archive binaries are aligned to the source code revision12:50
didrocksif it please you fine, it won't enjoy people not having automatically unity by default then…12:50
didrockslook at [20:15]12:52
didrocksI reconnected on purpose to warn people…12:52
boulabiarfagan, hi !13:17
faganboulabiar: hi13:17
boulabiarI need to root android before installing ubuntu there ?13:17
faganthats what I saw when I did a 5 minute google search for it13:17
boulabiarif you have any links that would be great !13:18
boulabiarthe device support 4 fingers mt, but I need to put ubuntu to deeply test the hw13:18
fagangive me a sec and ill find a good one13:18
faganboulabiar: I have a step by step how to do it on an ac100 and thats the same hardware except the screen so I presume it works13:20
boulabiarok, maybe I need to test that first13:21
faganwell you run it from the sd card or usb first to test it13:21
faganboulabiar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GJsy7FEPak this should work the same on the touchbook thingy13:24
faganits the one for the ac100 but they are the same device other than the screen13:24
didrocksok, default profiles fixed \o/13:24
faganso it should work but I dont know about the touch functionality13:25
didrocksnow, let's see what's changed in the cmake for not building gconf schemas…13:25
boulabiarfagan, thanks !13:25
faganboulabiar: I was playing about with that device for a few minutes a while back and android is just bad on it13:27
faganand toshiba have a bit of bloatware on it too13:27
faganI really hate the way the launcher slides up and down whats that actually meant to do?13:37
kamstrupkvalo: approved!13:40
didrockssladen: the bug on gconf backend migration you mentionned on bug #675307 (some plugins got renamed and upstream hasn't done a migration tool) should be fixed once I upload
ubot5Launchpad bug 675307 in virtualbox-ose (Ubuntu) "compiz can't load plugins and won't run in VirtualBox (affected: 3, heat: 14)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67530713:40
didrockssladen: I don't close the bug as virtualbox issue is different13:41
didrockssladen: smspillaz made the patch and test on some hw, I've done the same, but as it's a complex operation, to not hesitate to give any feedback13:41
kamstrupsomeone have an i7 with some spare cycles?13:56
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
sladendidrocks: renaming closed bugs is not worthlesss... I yesterday filed a dup (after searching for dups) and was told it was a dup... by increasing the search domain on the bug title it increases the chance that it's easier for the next person to find14:05
* lamalex will go out and buy one if he can expense it14:05
sladendidrocks: and I'd spent 30 minutes specifcally looking for that one bug, so I was /going/ to do something about it :)14:06
didrockssladen: I don't think a lot of people is looking in advanced mode the "fix released" bugs (which are ignored by default). But if you do and other do, that's fine :)14:07
didrockssladen: hehe, yeah, agree that some bugs title aren't the best they can14:07
didrockssladen: sometimes, I only know it's a dup because I'm subscribe to all unity bugs… I try to rename them little by little but getting all mental pattern is hard ;)14:07
sladendidrocks: yup, I've subbed now... if I see the flow going past I'll have a better idea of what has already gone14:08
seb128sladen, hi14:08
sladendidrocks: sorry, I'm only just getting up to speed on Unity---I had ignored it during the previous cycles because it wasn't battery efficient14:09
didrockssladen: you should subbed to bamf and nux as well I think (package and upstream task) as most of the bugs will flow on the three14:09
seb128sladen, btw what didrocks was saying early was "don't upload packages actively maintained without pinging the maintainer before"14:09
didrockssladen: no worry about the bug, it's just that it was frustrating from my point of view but now it will be good :)14:09
lamalexah man ted has off today..14:11
kamstrupkvalo: if you still have time, bzr branch lp:unity-jhbuild and follow the instructions in the README14:12
kamstrupkvalo: wait14:12
lamalexdoes anyone know how the sound/session indicators set their color? Is it just swapping a different colored icon, or is it actually setting a color and painting it14:12
kamstrupkvalo: bzr branch lp:unity-jhbuild ~/unity14:12
kamstrupkvalo: and then follow ~/unity/README14:13
kvalokamstrup: on it14:13
kamstrupkvalo: you can edit ~/unity/unity.hjbuildrc to set the -jN paramter for make if you want14:13
sladenseb128: right, and I have never generally regardless trival FTBFS to be in that category---the upload was the source code, and for a trival FTBFS has already been done.  The trival patch would not pushed back to the VCS because none was/is listed in the package (implying that it is maintained in the tarball, not a VCS)14:13
kamstrupkvalo: so find makeargs=... and set it to -j4 or what you want14:14
kvalokamstrup: ah, but i7 is still on lucid. is that a problem?14:14
kamstrupkvalo: that should be ok. But it's quite heavy since it builds some big projects like glib, vala, and Nux14:14
kvalokamstrup: and will it break something? :)14:14
kamstrupkvalo: no14:14
kamstrupkvalo: everything goes under ~/unity14:14
* kvalo continues14:14
dbarthlamalex: hmm, it's in the code i think14:15
kamstrupkvalo: no matter how awesome your i7 is I think you can safely grab a cup of tea while it builds :-)14:15
dbarthlamalex: i mean, the color is meant to be symbolic, ie the indicator should infer whether it's red or green depending on the meaning14:16
seb128sladen, ok, I was just pointing it, seems in the case the trivial ftbfs was rather due compiz but I can see how you though it was easier than that14:16
jcastronjpatel: ok cool, you appear to have imported all my panel icons into the launcher with this update. That is quite neat.14:16
kvaloomg, jhbuild suggests tla :)14:16
kvaloI'm sure I will see nightmares next night...14:17
dbarthlamalex: where exactly do you need to read/change that color?14:17
lamalexdbarth, not for that- for something else completely unrelated to unity14:17
kvalokamstrup: run 'jhbuild -f ~/unity/unity.jhbuildrc' now14:18
kamstrupkvalo: right14:18
kamstrupkvalo: you may need to sudo apt-get install jhbuild14:18
kvalodid that already14:19
kvalobuilding glibc now, I think14:19
lamalexdbarth, I want to use symbolic icons in banshee but google won't tell me if there's a programatic way to set the color, or if you just use different colored icons14:20
kamstrupkvalo: hopefully not glibc :-) glib rather...14:20
kvalokamstrup: haha. let's hope so :)14:20
kvalodamn, my cairo is too old14:21
kvaloand libpng14:21
kvaloRequested 'cairo >= 1.9.14' but version of cairo is 1.8.1014:21
kvaloRequested 'libpng >= 1.2.44' but version of libpng is 1.2.4214:21
kamstrupkvalo: bugger... I don't think it's a good idea to add cairo and libpng. We'd probably end up building the entire Natty stack14:23
kamstrupkvalo: so one probably needs at least Maverick to build14:23
kvalokamstrup: I'll try to compile it inside maverick kvm14:23
kamstrupkvalo: oh cool14:23
kvalokamstrup: jhbuild should "just quit, damnit" option14:33
kvalo*should have14:33
kamstrupkvalo: Ctrl-C? :-)14:33
kvaloyeah, that's what I alwayd do. but I have this fear that it breaks something14:34
dbarthlamalex: so you want to set the color for the banshee icon inside the sound menu? or to set the icon color on the panel directly?14:36
kvalokamstrup: I have to admit that i7 is handy for this type of testing :p14:38
kamstrupkvalo: indeed!14:38
kamstrupkvalo: still compiling cleanly?14:38
kvalokamstrup: I had to install gnome-core-devel first14:38
kvaloah, now nux complains about glew14:39
kvaloI don't usually compile with this vm14:39
kvalokamstrup: apt-get build-depends or similar command would be really nice for newbies like me14:40
kvalofinally nux started compiling14:41
kamstrupkvalo: ah, right14:47
kvalonow cmake is missing14:47
jcastrodbarth: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/unity-stats/14:49
kvalokamstrup: let's take this offline, no need to spam everyone14:49
kamstrupkvalo: sure14:49
didrocksgrrr, it's been years I didn't play with xslt and dtd… not fun for a Friday :)14:49
dbarthjcastro: uh, flat?!15:00
dbarthjcastro: thanks for the pointer15:00
dbarthjcastro: and hi, btw ;)15:00
jcastrodbarth: it started like, just now. :)15:00
dbarthah, ok, it's just because they've been started15:00
jcastrodbarth: that brings me to my actual question, as you see them if you could tag a few unity bugs "bitesize" I can start working on the workflow15:00
dbarthright, i see15:01
jcastroI only need like 1 or 2 to start off with15:01
dbarthwell, i've just triaged one i think15:02
dbarthjcastro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/68039715:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 680397 in unity (Ubuntu) "Make launcher bar border opaque (affected: 1, heat: 4)" [Low,Confirmed]15:05
dbarthjcastro: do you have a page on the process; or we should do one real quick15:06
jcastrotoday is my "we should do one really quick"15:06
dbarthso you mean, let's do one?15:06
jcastrocheck this out15:06
jcastroit's 90% there15:06
jcastrowe just need Unity/Bitesize15:06
jcastroand then link to the tag in lp, this page15:07
jcastroand then we can add stuff to it15:07
dbarthwe should reuse the papercuts way15:08
dbarthjcastro: also i've emailed jono for getting access to the server, and fix some paragraphs15:08
jcastroI filed a ticket with IS15:08
jcastroopenid is broken on it15:08
dbarthtypically, once people have uploaded a branch with a fix15:08
dbarthah ok, thanks15:08
dbarththey should do a merge proposal15:09
jcastroas soon as they fix it I can resolve the ~3 bugs people have filed on the web page15:09
dbarthand sign the contributor agreement15:09
dbarthyeah, i know15:09
dbarthjcastro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaperCut15:10
jcastrook I will start a page15:10
jcastroand get back to you15:10
dbarthsuper, thanks jcastro15:12
didrocksok, so unity by default upload on natty in few minutes :)15:13
didrocksjcastro: still gnnome-panel for now as the question is tricky, and we need the nm-applet indicator15:13
jcastrodidrocks: I just tested nm-indicator this morning15:13
didrocks(so unity + gnome-panel in the default session)15:13
didrocksand gnome-panel in the second session15:13
jcastrodidrocks: it's looking quite good, however I haven't ventured out to roam with it yet, etc.15:13
didrocksjcastro: nice! that doesn't solve the tricky issue with gnome-panel and fallback and such, but it's a nice step forward :)15:14
jcastrodidrocks: probably fire off a mail to -desktop when you upload to explain that? People might be confused that they have a mixed session15:14
didrocksjcastro: well, i've already fired a mail about the gnome-panel issue later this week :)15:15
jcastroeralier you mean?15:15
didrocksoupss, earlier, yeah15:15
didrocksbut I'll fix it for A1 in any case, even if it's a temporary bad workaround15:16
jcastrodbarth: ok, so this page will be temporary, I think it will be better to just add the bitesize and the merge proposal/CA thing to the existing page.15:17
dbarththe one on u.u.c you mean, yeah makes sense15:20
lamalexlast update..15:28
lamalexf'd my computer up real bad15:28
dbarthlamalex: what in particular? x? network?15:33
lamalexdbarth, unity (mutter) causes my screen to just flash15:34
dbarthlamalex: ah on maverick?15:34
lamalexdbarth, yeah15:34
lamalexlike, system update15:34
dbarthi've switched to natty and that reminds me that i need to warn people about starting to switch as well15:35
lamalexwell, I might switch pretty soon since my maverick is horribly broken15:36
dbarthrestarting my unity session15:52
jcastroagateau: hey what's the 10 second summary of appmenu support in upstream Qt?16:01
didrocksnjpatel: the value you wanted to change is the zoom_springiness, right?16:32
didrocks(the animation plugin wasn't activated, adding it)16:33
didrockshum, the sidekick_springiness I guess, rather16:34
didrocksDBO: ^^16:47
DBOdidrocks, zoom springiness16:48
didrocksDBO: the zoomspringiness is off by default16:49
didrocks(on ubuntu)16:49
DBOyes I know16:49
didrocksDBO: what should it be?16:49
DBOI want animation enabled16:49
DBOzoom as the minimize animation16:49
didrocksthat can be done :)16:49
DBOand the zoom springiness to be 0.0816:49
didrocksDBO: oh, so animation showing the window reducing to the panel?16:50
didrocksI found it cool it knew about the panel, but oh well :)16:50
didrocksDBO: changed, just for you dude :)16:52
didrocks(even if I don't like it :))16:52
DBOthere are design videos that show a springiness to their minimize16:53
DBO0.08 is about as close as I could get it visually16:53
didrocksDBO: but not to the launcher? we got some bug report about people thinking it should minimize to the launcher16:53
DBOit does minimize to the launcher16:53
DBOif you enable the zoom animation as your minimize animation in the animation plugin16:54
DBOit goes right to the launcher16:54
DBOif the launcher is hidden the icon jumps out to catch the minimized window16:54
didrocksDBO: hum, something shouldn't be right with our default settings then16:54
didrocksDBO: let me make a video, ok?16:54
DBOare you running gnome panel?16:55
didrocksDBO: yes16:55
didrocksDBO: but it doesn't go from gnome panel as well16:55
DBOdidrocks, if you have another pager16:55
DBOit may be conflicting16:55
agateaujcastro: 10 second summary about Qt appmenu support: merge request is in progress, I need to rework it a bit16:55
didrocksit's working without the zoom effect16:55
didrocksDBO: let me show you that, one sec :)16:55
didrockslaunching ccsm in LANG=C as well16:56
jcastroagateau: excellent, thanks.16:56
DBOdidrocks, also can you make sure everyone knows that they need to update both nux and unity for best window stackign results16:56
DBOsince I am not technically working today16:56
jcastroagateau: they've been working in our KDE/Qt since 10.10 though right?16:57
didrocksDBO: yeah, the packaging has done that16:57
didrocksDBO: sorry dude :)16:57
DBOdidrocks, wait you mean minimize goes to the launcher but unminimize kinda doesn't?16:57
didrocksDBO: not really, showing you that in a minute16:58
agateaujcastro: yes16:59
smspillazDBO: I love it how we say "technically not working today, but eh, I hang out on IRC"17:03
DBOits sad really17:03
DBOdidrocks, i really need that preview soon17:04
didrocksDBO: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/zoom-spriginess.ogv17:05
didrockscome one, DBO likes that :)17:05
didrockshum, I should try a compiz --replace, maybe it can help17:06
DBOdidrocks, you dont want minimize from center17:07
DBOyou want that option as off17:07
DBOas to why its missing17:07
DBOit looks like something else set its icon geometry17:07
DBOyou could inspect xprop to see where it minimizes to17:08
DBO_NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY(CARDINAL) <--- that tells you where the window is slated to go to didrocks17:09
didrocksDBO: ok, let me see17:09
didrocksso, theorically, I just let the option "off"17:09
didrocksand change the slider value, right?17:09
DBOdidrocks, correct17:09
DBOdidrocks, the off is for minimizing to the center, which you want off17:10
DBOthe two options are not related17:10
didrocksok :)17:10
didrocksgrrr, compiz segfault at start17:11
didrocksok, unsetting everything and trying again17:11
DBOyou know about the crashhandler plugin right?17:11
didrocksit's not activated17:12
didrockswe will get apport17:12
DBOyes but for you17:12
DBOsince you *are* a member of the devteam17:12
DBOI want you to get backtraces17:12
didrocksit's even before the plugin activate there :)17:12
didrocksok, let me restart X17:13
dbarthDBO: what's the proper way to enable it? the crashandler plugin?17:17
didrocksDBO: a compiz restart away and all looks good!17:17
didrocksDBO: enabling the animation plugin by default then + 0.08 for zoom springiness17:18
didrocksthanks :)17:18
DBOdbarth, enable it in CCSM17:20
DBOdidrocks, super17:20
didrocksDBO: I just thought that the options were linked in ccsm…17:20
DBOits okay17:21
DBOokay gentlemen, I worked yesterday so I could have today off17:21
didrocksDBO: enjoy!17:21
DBOyes.... enjoy time with the in-laws to be...17:22
dbarthit's not in the packages i have installed anymore; i've switched to natty .debs17:23
dbarthplugins-extra i assume17:24
dbarthdidrocks: hey, i'm missing compiz-fusion-plugins-extra17:32
didrocksdbarth: didn't you tell that you didn't like the bling bling? :)17:33
dbarthapparently only the 0.8 version is available17:33
didrocksdbarth: yeah, it's not package with 0.9, I didn't have the time :)17:33
dbarthexcept the crashhandler is there17:33
didrocksargh :)17:33
dbarththe thing is that i was using the compiz built from source and it was there17:33
didrockswell, after alpha1 or if a motu wants to help there17:33
dbarthso i didn't understand why it was missing17:33
dbarthnow i see17:33
didrocksdbarth: other solution, no crash on unity :p17:34
dbarthright, after alpha-1 it'd be nice to get this one and a couple other to be built17:34
dbarthso that we can document the procedure for reporting bugs or perf. issues17:34
dbarthdidrocks: uh, that's a solution17:34
didrocksdbarth: well, more seriously, with sam compiz repo reorganization and a big source tarball, it will be easier17:35
dbarthah, right17:35
didrocksso, after A1 for that and you will have all the desired plugins :)17:35
seb128ideally we should need nothing from extra in unity17:36
seb128dbarth, we have a performant crash handling system in Ubuntu ;-)17:36
didrocksseb128: maybe the two can communicates? I don't know what the plugin does TBH17:37
seb128it gives you a stacktrace17:37
kvalodidrocks: hey, how does autotools and a medium size pygtk app (multiple classes in different files etc) fit together?17:37
seb128I don't see how it will be better than having a crash sent to retracers17:37
dbarthseb128: yeah, but the issue is that during development it's quite easy to be one version behind and in which case apport will not let you file a bug17:38
dbarthyet, the crasher info should be preserved17:38
seb128dbarth, well you still get the .crash locally with the stracktrace17:38
didrocksok, if there is no additional info like plugins settings and such that we can't have in a apport hook, there is no need17:38
seb128dbarth, it's just the submitting part failing17:38
seb128dbarth, the .crash also has the dump, you can use gdb on it17:38
didrockskvalo: I would say, prefer python-distutils-extra and a setup.py if possible17:38
dbarthwell, so you're right maybe there's no need to make that more complex than it should17:39
dbarthi'd just like to make sure that the plugin doesn't provide something better for compiz itself17:39
kvalodidrocks: my problem is that indicator-network already uses autotools. is there any way to combine python-distutils and autotools, or am I forced to create a new (debian) source package?17:40
didrockskvalo: no, in that case, use autotools for packaging python17:40
didrockskvalo: but it's not a nice game from my experience :)17:40
didrockskvalo: I can give you some examples on monday (like the first Quickly revisions)17:41
kvalodidrocks: I was just worried it's something like that. thanks for the help, let's talk more next week17:41
kvalokenvandine: ping?17:42
mhr3Cimi, can i ask for extra detail for gtk3 murrine's draw_flat_box? :)17:49
dbarthkvalo: he's probably out for thanksgiving (kenvandine)17:49
Cimimhr3: quickly cause I'm going out17:49
kvalodbarth: ok, thanks. I'll ping him on monday17:49
mhr3Cimi, i want it to paint the same thing as cell_even/cell_odd but without the need for the widget to have focus17:50
Cimimhr3: talk to you in 3 hours17:50
mhr3Cimi, very well, cu17:50
=== smspillaz is now known as SmSpillaz
=== SmSpillaz is now known as smspillaz
c10udcando_, :o18:51
lamalexsmspillaz, ping20:09
Cimimhr3: pong22:05

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