=== gp[8]_ is now known as gp[8] | ||
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway | ||
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok | ||
CookieMonster | hey | 01:19 |
CookieMonster | any free cooike ? | 01:19 |
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* CookieMonster slaps Phoebus with a cookie | 01:26 | |
moetunes | !cookie | CookieMonster | 01:27 |
ubottu | CookieMonster: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 01:27 |
CookieMonster | thankj you so much | 01:27 |
bernardo | hi | 01:55 |
bernardo | is I start with Ubuntu server and install kde, it would be less packages then kunbuntu? | 01:56 |
bernardo | kunbuntu gives more, right? | 01:56 |
moetunes | probably | 01:56 |
Kevin147 | I am using Kubuntu and my sound is messing up. When I start it up, I hear bits of the starting sound. When I try to play youtube video's, its like its on fast forward..I am using 10.10, how do I fix this? | 02:05 |
bernardo | I don't find a linux-lowlatency kernel for ubuntu 10.10 | 02:15 |
bernardo | anyone? | 02:15 |
gher1941 | bernardo: go here---> http://jackschnippes.freeunix.net/index.php/2010/11/04/lowlatency-kernel-and-realtime-kernel-for-ubuntu-10-10-maverick | 02:24 |
gher1941 | there is a ppa you can get the kernel from | 02:24 |
gher1941 | why do you need a low latency kernel? | 02:25 |
gher1941 | just wondering.... | 02:25 |
claydoh | Kevin147: just added a reply to your Q in kubuntuforums, and hello from Maine :) | 02:25 |
claydoh | Kevin147: tho it does not help too much, just that it may be a kn own and as of yet unsolved bug | 02:26 |
Kevin147 | claydoh: k hold on | 02:31 |
Kevin147 | claydoh: I replied | 02:38 |
chuckf | I'm having trouble finding information on mounting an esata drive under Kubuntu while the system is running. If I boot with the drive attached it is seen, if I power on my external drive after boot time it is not recognized via dmesg, messages log file nor sudo fdisk -l | 02:41 |
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BlackTenshi | Hello | 04:55 |
phoenix_firebrd | is it safe to uninstall pulseaudio? | 05:48 |
Yashartha | how to add sound to my custumised ubuntu | 05:54 |
Yashartha | as when it get installed, sound come automatically | 05:54 |
Yashartha | anyone here for help ? | 05:54 |
=== Yashartha is now known as NIS | ||
=== NIS is now known as Yashartha | ||
noaXess | good morning | 06:03 |
noaXess | how can i see/show which process is active on the hd? | 06:04 |
OmnipotentEntity | noaXess, do you mean which processes are using disk IO the most? | 06:04 |
noaXess | OmnipotentEntity: yes.. | 06:04 |
OmnipotentEntity | iostat | 06:04 |
noaXess | is that an extra tool? | 06:05 |
noaXess | is it in sysstat? | 06:05 |
noaXess | jep :).. found it.. thanks OmnipotentEntity | 06:06 |
OmnipotentEntity | noaXess, yes, you should also look into pidstat | 06:07 |
noaXess | fine.. | 06:07 |
harolddong | is the kde 4.6 beta going to be available soon for Kubuntu? | 06:36 |
moetunes | probably :) | 06:36 |
ucenik24 | uunin | 07:04 |
ucenik26 | kur | 07:04 |
ucenik24 | h | 07:04 |
ucenik24 | j | 07:04 |
ucenik24 | h | 07:04 |
ucenik26 | da mi jadish | 07:04 |
ucenik24 | m | 07:04 |
FloodBotK1 | ucenik24: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:04 |
ucenik26 | :D | 07:04 |
ucenik24 | :D | 07:04 |
ucenik24 | :D | 07:04 |
FloodBotK1 | ucenik24: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:04 |
ucenik24 | i ti mene\ | 07:04 |
ucenik26 | siptar | 07:04 |
ucenik24 | turcin | 07:04 |
a_a_g | is there a way to see the url text in kopete chat? right now it is being replaced by a link with the text 'link' | 07:05 |
ucenik24 | aloooooooooo | 07:05 |
ucenik26 | ee bee | 07:06 |
ucenik24 | sooooooooooooo | 07:07 |
ucenik24 | | 07:07 |
ucenik24 | | 07:08 |
ucenik24 | | 07:08 |
ucenik24 | | 07:08 |
ucenik24 | | 07:08 |
ucenik24 | | 07:08 |
FloodBotK1 | ucenik24: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:08 |
ucenik26 | do not flood | 07:08 |
ucenik24 | | 07:08 |
ucenik24 | | 07:08 |
ucenik24 | | 07:08 |
moetunes | ucenik24: what are you tryong to do? | 07:08 |
FloodBotK1 | ucenik24: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:08 |
ucenik26 | he is crazy | 07:08 |
ucenik26 | :D | 07:08 |
ucenik24 | lol | 07:08 |
moetunes | might be time for some ops in here then | 07:09 |
ucenik24 | did ju ebam mather | 07:09 |
ucenik24 | ?????????????? | 07:09 |
ucenik26 | fuck y ucenik24 | 07:10 |
ucenik24 | l fuck ju | 07:10 |
ucenik26 | i kill y | 07:10 |
ucenik24 | hahahahaa | 07:10 |
ucenik24 | comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 07:10 |
ucenik24 | stupid | 07:10 |
moetunes | !ops | intelligence level dropped remarkably | 07:10 |
ubottu | intelligence level dropped remarkably: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger | 07:10 |
ucenik24 | ?? | 07:10 |
moetunes | thnx | 07:10 |
=== eric is now known as Guest3606 | ||
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crissi_ | hello | 08:09 |
crissi_ | does somebody know when 4.6beta1 will be available via ppa? | 08:09 |
moetunes | crissi_: best answer you'll get is soon I think... | 08:12 |
ultrav1olet | can anyone please run this script http://pastebin.ca/2002705 for me under sudo and show its output | 08:15 |
crissi_ | ok | 08:15 |
moetunes | it would be best to explain the script first | 08:15 |
crissi_ | why not use the id command? | 08:15 |
moetunes | some things aren't safe | 08:15 |
ultrav1olet | it allows me to know how *buntu handles $UID variable under sudo | 08:16 |
ultrav1olet | anyone, what's its output? | 08:16 |
crissi_ | sudo /bin/bash a.sh | 08:16 |
crissi_ | UID:0 | 08:16 |
ultrav1olet | crissi_: and? ;) | 08:17 |
crissi_ | thats effective uid | 08:17 |
ultrav1olet | sounds strange | 08:17 |
ultrav1olet | crissi_: can you run it directly, via sudo ./script.sh ? | 08:17 |
crissi_ | sorry typo | 08:17 |
crissi_ | sudo /bin/bash a.sh | 08:17 |
crissi_ | 0:0 | 08:17 |
moetunes | I ran sudo $UID and it returned bash:1000 command not found | 08:18 |
ultrav1olet | 0:0??? R u sure? | 08:18 |
crissi_ | i opened a new file called a.sh and put the content into it | 08:19 |
crissi_ | then ran sudo /bin/bash a.sh | 08:19 |
crissi_ | now i'll tr ydirectly | 08:19 |
crissi_ | sudo ./a.sh | 08:20 |
crissi_ | 0:0 | 08:20 |
ultrav1olet | moetunes: you have to paste that into a new file, chmod +x file.sh, then run it sudo ./file.sh | 08:20 |
ultrav1olet | crissi_: no output? ;) | 08:20 |
crissi_ | 0:0 | 08:20 |
ultrav1olet | crissi_: that's impossible, my head exploded ;) | 08:21 |
crissi_ | why? | 08:21 |
crissi_ | btw: | 08:22 |
ultrav1olet | you should have gotten UID:0 or UID:1000 or something, not number:number | 08:22 |
crissi_ | try: | 08:22 |
crissi_ | id | 08:22 |
crissi_ | tehn: | 08:22 |
crissi_ | sudo id | 08:22 |
FloodBotK1 | crissi_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:22 |
crissi_ | FloodBotK1: go away | 08:22 |
moetunes | ultrav1olet: it returns 1000 | 08:24 |
moetunes | that's the whole point of sudo - do admin stuff as your user | 08:25 |
moetunes | sudo -i makes the ID 0 | 08:25 |
rascranasingha | That Script Just Returns The User ID Of The User That Executed It | 08:26 |
rascranasingha | Just As moetunes Said sudo -i makes the UID 0 | 08:28 |
ultrav1olet | moetunes: excellent, thank you | 08:29 |
moetunes | np :) | 08:29 |
ultrav1olet | the last question, what does `sudo id -u` show? | 08:29 |
rascranasingha | 0 | 08:30 |
moetunes | it returns 0 | 08:30 |
ultrav1olet | what a relief :) | 08:30 |
ultrav1olet | the fact is the very first script under RedHat based products returns 0. | 08:32 |
ultrav1olet | I find it funny that Linux distros differ even on this basis | 08:32 |
rascranasingha | Maybe That's Why I Dislike Red Hat :) | 08:33 |
ultrav1olet | rascranasingha: well, it's what I've been running since 1999. I cannot say I'm dissatisfied. | 08:34 |
rascranasingha | :) | 08:34 |
rascranasingha | Sorry | 08:35 |
ultrav1olet | anyway, thanks for your help | 08:36 |
welsh_dwarf | Sorry if this is OT/Not The Right Place, but are there any plans to have KDE SC 4.6 beta 1 in the Kubuntu Beta Backports ppa? | 08:53 |
moetunes | I'm sure it will be in there soon welsh_dwarf | 08:55 |
welsh_dwarf | moetunes : thanks for the reply, just have to be (a bit more) patient then :) Bye | 08:55 |
caldera | hi! | 09:29 |
caldera | will be no way to install amsn on Kubuntu 8.04? | 09:31 |
moetunes | !info amsn hardy | 09:32 |
ubottu | amsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97+final-0ubuntu5.1 (hardy), package size 3426 kB, installed size 11308 kB | 09:32 |
amichair | Hi, when I put in a DVD with images the device notifier only shows the option to copy it with k3b, not to open it and view the files, and it doesn't appear in dolphin either. What to do? | 10:08 |
amichair | rascranasingha: it just says "Copy with k3b" in the device popup, that's the only option (except for the eject button) | 10:21 |
=== axel is now known as Guest94711 | ||
joker_ | Всем првет | 10:57 |
joker_ | Есть кто из России? | 10:57 |
moetunes | !ru | 10:57 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 10:57 |
rascranasingha | Too Late... He Left | 10:57 |
n8w | hey | 11:01 |
n8w | how can i prevent having to do the followin every time i switch to different user: export DISPLAY=:0.0 , export $(dbus-launch)?? | 11:02 |
t1804 | hI 2 ALL | 11:12 |
Mamarok | !hi | t1804 | 11:12 |
t1804 | I'm from Ukraine. Where are you from guys? | 11:13 |
Mamarok | hm, factoid gone? | 11:13 |
rascranasingha | Hello t1804 | 11:14 |
t1804 | Емак народ! | 11:15 |
t1802 | Ты лох! | 11:16 |
t1804 | Сосать! | 11:16 |
t1802 | Пшел нах! | 11:16 |
t1804 | Су ска! | 11:16 |
t1804 | Нах съебал | 11:16 |
t1804 | ! | 11:16 |
FloodBotK1 | t1804: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:16 |
t1804 | Ололо! | 11:16 |
t1802 | Еби свой мозг ЛОХ! | 11:16 |
t1802 | всем привет | 11:16 |
t1802 | ) | 11:16 |
t1804 | =Р | 11:17 |
t1804 | Продаю НокИИИу | 11:17 |
t1804 | СоСАКТь | 11:17 |
t1802 | ыыы | 11:17 |
t1802 | дебилы! Вы все бебилы! | 11:17 |
t1802 | дебилы*! | 11:17 |
t1804 | Енот грызет солшот! | 11:17 |
Tm_T | !ru | t1804 | 11:19 |
ubottu | t1804: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 11:19 |
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ct529 | hi guys .... kde 453 does not store the tags anymore, what is going on? | 11:59 |
ubottu | Error: KDE bug 453 could not be found | 11:59 |
wedo | hello | 12:33 |
wedo | I have a problem with internet browsing | 12:33 |
wedo | I can't open facebook.com or live.com and can't log with emesene, but this all work fine when I use my windows 7 OS | 12:34 |
wedo | can anyone help plz | 12:35 |
n8w | how can i prevent having to do the followin every time i switch to different user: export DISPLAY=:0.0 , export $(dbus-launch)?? | 12:39 |
amichair | wedo: can you try to ping www.yahoo.com? | 12:41 |
wedo | yes amichair | 12:43 |
amichair | wedo: do you get a proper response? | 12:43 |
wedo | I can ping on any site and I receive response | 12:43 |
wedo | yes | 12:43 |
amichair | and going to the same site in browser, what happens? | 12:43 |
wedo | the problem only happens with facebook.com and live.com | 12:43 |
amichair | oh... so it's a problem with specific sites only | 12:44 |
wedo | also I can't use any MSN messenger, it does not login | 12:44 |
amichair | what happens when you browse to one of these sites? | 12:44 |
amichair | which browser are you using? | 12:45 |
wedo | firefox, konquere and chrom | 12:45 |
wedo | I think its a cookies thing or dns | 12:46 |
wedo | but I cleared the cache and cookies and also changed the dns but still can't | 12:46 |
n8w | how do i add the export display and xhost+ to my .bashrc? | 12:47 |
amichair | wedo: cookies would not prevent you from ever reaching the sites, though they may not function properly - those are two different problems | 12:48 |
amichair | what happens when you browse to one of these sites? | 12:48 |
wedo | amichair: when i go to hotmail.com the site loads ok and when I put the login information it does not go any further | 12:50 |
amichair | wedo: what happens? | 12:51 |
wedo | amichair: also when I go to facebook.com the site loads for few minutes then it hangs give this error Error 101 | 12:52 |
amichair | just a guess, maybe the problem is with https? can you go to https://www.google.com? | 12:52 |
Roey | hey are the PPA bins safe? | 12:52 |
Roey | I hear desktop effects stopped working for one person | 12:53 |
wedo | amichair: yes I can go to https://www.google.com | 12:53 |
amichair | cool, I just discovered there's a google https search beta service :-) | 12:54 |
amichair | wedo: ok, so it's not https that's causing the problem | 12:54 |
wedo | amichair: actually I have two laptops and I face the same problem when using Kubuntu, but when I go to windows it works fine | 12:55 |
wedo | :) that is strange | 12:55 |
amichair | wedo: strange indeed | 12:56 |
amichair | wedo: I can't think of a reason why that would happen... sorry | 12:56 |
wedo | I changed my router and I still have the same thing | 12:57 |
amichair | wedo: my thoughts - if it was router/firewall/etc it would interfere with windows as well. if it was a browser issue it wouldn't happen in all three of them. a local configuration error would likely not happen on two different machines.... a network problem would not be selective of which sites work and which don't.... very strange. | 12:59 |
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower | ||
amichair | maybe you can use http headers plugin in FF or something like that to try to see which particular http request fails and possibly why | 13:00 |
wedo | amichair: yes I have been lost with this error I can't find any logic reason for it, but... IT STILL HAPPPPPPPPEN | 13:00 |
amichair | wedo: as for MSN, I think an update from yesterday fixed something about that in pidgin, if that's what you use, but I don't know the details. are you all up to date? | 13:02 |
wedo | amichair: yes up to date,. now I find a post talking about the mtu and I try now | 13:08 |
dansflor | hellp | 13:12 |
dansflor | hello* | 13:12 |
dansflor | xd | 13:12 |
dansflor | i need an advice | 13:12 |
dansflor | i'm a newbie | 13:13 |
=== caldera is now known as ceron | ||
dansflor | and i would like to check if my second hard drive is clean | 13:13 |
dansflor | before formatting | 13:13 |
dansflor | how shall i do it? | 13:13 |
dansflor | mount hdb1 or smth? | 13:13 |
=== sean is now known as Guest54682 | ||
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
dansflor | is anyone here? | 13:28 |
amichair | dansflor: is your drive internal or external? | 13:30 |
dansflor | internal | 13:31 |
amichair | dansflor: is it already connected to the computer in question? | 13:31 |
dansflor | ive tried mount hdb1 | 13:31 |
amichair | my drives are auto-mounted, never had to do anything manually | 13:31 |
=== carmelo is now known as Guest10382 | ||
amichair | look in /media if you see it (by its label) | 13:32 |
dansflor | my point is | 13:32 |
dansflor | that i would like to check if the hdb is free of data | 13:33 |
dansflor | so i can format it | 13:33 |
dansflor | and floppy | 13:33 |
amichair | dansflor: if it is already mounted, you can look at the contents in Dolphin (under /media/TheDiskLabel) | 13:34 |
amichair | you can type 'mount' in konsole to see if it's mounted | 13:35 |
dansflor | /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro,commit=0) | 13:36 |
dansflor | proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) | 13:36 |
dansflor | none on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) | 13:36 |
dansflor | fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw) | 13:36 |
dansflor | none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw) | 13:36 |
FloodBotK1 | dansflor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:36 |
dansflor | none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw) | 13:36 |
amichair | dansflor: try 'fdisk -l' (that's a small L) to see the device is really there | 13:37 |
amichair | dansflor: sorry, 'sudo fdisk -l' | 13:37 |
amichair | (either pase here only the relevant line, or use pastebin for longer output) | 13:38 |
amichair | pase -> paste | 13:38 |
dansflor | yeah, ive understood :D | 13:39 |
dansflor | ok, thanks i got it | 13:39 |
dansflor | it's sda and sdb | 13:39 |
dansflor | not hda and hdb, as I thought | 13:39 |
=== barraponto_ is now known as barraponto | ||
=== dhuerlimann is now known as thekleine | ||
FloodBotK1 | !netsplit | 13:51 |
=== r00t_ is now known as `DT` | ||
`DT` | how might i go about installing a webcam? | 14:04 |
sysop1 | if a did a dpkg reconfigure on drkonqi would that erase any preferences I have chosen? if not how can I reset drkonqi back to default? | 14:18 |
sysop1 | dt just plug it in and do a dmesg | 14:19 |
sysop1 | then look at what type of webcam linux says it is then look to see if linux has support for that webcam. | 14:20 |
sysop1 | get to that point and come back. | 14:21 |
sysop1 | kernel updgrade rebooting brb' | 14:21 |
Walzmyn | are there any known problems with kubuntu and SD cards? | 14:22 |
`DT` | not that i've seen | 14:22 |
`DT` | i ran kubuntu off an 8gb card for a while | 14:22 |
Walzmyn | Everytime I try to copy a large number of files to a disk it messes the card up | 14:23 |
`DT` | how are accessing the card? usb adapter or card reader? | 14:24 |
Walzmyn | it will only copy part of them, then tell me the card is unwriteable - but dolphin shows the card as 1/3 full | 14:24 |
Walzmyn | then, the formating is messed up, my camera will not read the card and I can only fix it by booting into winders to re-format | 14:24 |
Walzmyn | built it card reader, but its on the USB format | 14:25 |
`DT` | what type of card is it? | 14:25 |
Walzmyn | I've had this happen to 3 differnt SD cards of differnt brands | 14:26 |
Walzmyn | the last one was a good expensive card for my camera | 14:26 |
`DT` | odd. try using the camera to format the card | 14:27 |
`DT` | i had this happen with a pny sd card under crunchbang once | 14:27 |
=== Guest85340 is now known as RaNdY | ||
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest78998 | ||
=== Guest78998 is now known as Guest85340 | ||
xxx | hi | 14:29 |
xxx | im i newbie.. can i anyone help mi how do uninstall code::blocks? | 14:29 |
xxx | it seems to channel is full of bots... | 14:31 |
`DT` | not bots. idlers | 14:31 |
`DT` | !java | 14:31 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases. | 14:31 |
=== slow-motion_ is now known as slow-motion | ||
Walzmyn | `DT`: sorry, had to change a diaper. When the card gets messed up, the camera won't even recogonise it. Neither will Kpartitionmanager | 14:33 |
`DT` | Walzmyn: ok, try this. format in windows. put in camera, format again | 14:34 |
`DT` | then try to copy the files from linux | 14:34 |
Walzmyn | actually, I did that too :( | 14:34 |
jcgs | hi :) can anyone help me try and get my microphone working? | 14:35 |
`DT` | well crap, i'm outta ideas. maybe try a different card reader? | 14:35 |
jcgs | does anyone know what i'd have to do to get a microphone working? | 14:38 |
Walzmyn | `DT`: i really don't think this is hardware, but I'll break out my USB reader and see what i can do, thank for the help | 14:38 |
Walzmyn | jcgs: hvae you turned the volumn up in kmix? | 14:38 |
jcgs | internal audo analog stereo is the only option, it;'s at max, but it has a speaker with a red cross next to it | 14:38 |
jcgs | Walzmyn: should it have its own volume control? | 14:39 |
`DT` | click on the speaker witht he red cross | 14:40 |
jcgs | ok something came out of it, but it was just really distorted, so i turned the "mic boost" down in alsamixer, but now i can't hear anything | 14:44 |
jcgs | pacmd thinks my only sink is now suspended :( | 14:46 |
jcgs | `DT`:erm, I can't seem to make any sounds now, do you know what might have happened? | 14:49 |
`DT` | not sure | 14:49 |
`DT` | i'm not reall good with figures out the drivers and such | 14:49 |
jcgs | `DT`:ok sound is back now :) | 14:50 |
`DT` | cool | 14:50 |
auscoder | list | 15:09 |
BluesKaj | !list | auscoder | 15:09 |
ubottu | auscoder: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 15:09 |
sysop1 | that took longer than I thought. | 15:10 |
sysop1 | had to upgrade to a newer nvidia driver and the damn us repos were not working for me. so I had to sed us. for eu. in my sources.list then download surfraw and get the driver I need. | 15:13 |
=== amir_ is now known as Guest34394 | ||
captainchaos14 | hallo alles zusammen | 15:32 |
captainchaos14 | kann jemand einem neuling hir mal was helfen ? | 15:32 |
captainchaos14 | hallo alle zusammen | 15:33 |
captainchaos14 | kann jemand einem neuling hir helfen ? | 15:33 |
Pici | !de | 15:33 |
ubottu | In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 15:33 |
JuJuBee | How do I turn off the system beep alert notification? example, typing in a search box on web and backspace over all input and keep trying I get beeps... anoying | 15:38 |
BluesKaj | JuJuBee, system settings/notifications/manage notifications/ click the "no audio output" option | 15:42 |
BluesKaj | JuJuBee, let me correct that : system settings/notifications/manage notifications/ player settings , click the "no audio output" option | 15:44 |
JuJuBee | BluesKaj: dont have manage notifications only "System Notifications" and I see player settings and no audio output, but that doesn' | 15:46 |
JuJuBee | doesn't seem to work. | 15:47 |
=== MuzerAway is now known as Muzer | ||
jcgs | btw thanks so much for earlier :) mic totally working now :) | 16:03 |
rjizzle | I am in need of help... | 16:17 |
rjizzle | I am installing 10.10 on a dell inspiron 1501 and when ubuntu loads I get a messed up screen of multi colors and lines... | 16:18 |
rjizzle | hello? | 16:18 |
rjizzle | hello? | 16:22 |
Riddell | rjizzle: the plymouth splash is broken? | 16:22 |
ubuntu | hi guys | 16:24 |
Riddell | rjizzle: best to stay on channel | 16:24 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Aniki- | ||
Aniki- | hi guys | 16:24 |
rjizzle | okay | 16:24 |
Aniki- | i needed some help | 16:24 |
Aniki- | can anyone advise? | 16:24 |
rjizzle | so is there a way to change my boot parameters before ubuntu loads? | 16:25 |
Aniki- | riddel? | 16:25 |
Aniki- | how do i install flash player on kubuntu ? | 16:25 |
Riddell | Aniki-: I can't advise you since you havn't said what your problem is | 16:25 |
Riddell | ah | 16:25 |
Aniki- | i have been trying the kpackagekit | 16:25 |
Riddell | sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer | 16:26 |
Riddell | rjizzle: did the install go ok? | 16:26 |
Aniki- | riddell thanks | 16:26 |
Aniki- | let me get the terminal open | 16:26 |
Aniki- | riddekk | 16:27 |
Aniki- | riddel: buntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer | 16:27 |
Aniki- | Reading package lists... Done | 16:27 |
Aniki- | Building dependency tree | 16:27 |
Aniki- | Reading state information... Done | 16:27 |
Aniki- | E: Unable to locate package flashplugin-installer | 16:27 |
FloodBotK1 | Aniki-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:27 |
Aniki- | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ | 16:27 |
Aniki- | riddell? | 16:28 |
Riddell | Aniki-: run sudo software-properties-kde and check you have multiverse ticked | 16:32 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Zzz | ||
=== Zzz is now known as Aniki- | ||
Aniki- | hi guys | 16:37 |
Aniki- | kubuntu crash on me | 16:37 |
Aniki- | anyway | 16:37 |
Aniki- | can anyone help? flash plugin installer cannot be found | 16:38 |
Aniki- | any other way of installing flash? | 16:38 |
Aniki- | ? | 16:40 |
Aniki- | ???? | 16:40 |
racho | search kubuntu restricted from software centre | 16:41 |
=== robotech is now known as Peace- | ||
Aniki- | ? | 16:41 |
racho | install the pack and you got flash/java/TT fonts | 16:41 |
Aniki- | how do i do it?? | 16:43 |
racho | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras | 16:44 |
racho | type this into a konsole window | 16:44 |
Riddell | 16:32 < Riddell> Aniki-: run sudo software-properties-kde and check you have multiverse ticked | 16:45 |
sysop1 | is anyone else having issues running the akonadi google data resource for contacts? | 16:46 |
sysop1 | it works fine for calendar data, but get seg fault everytime the google data contact resource runs. | 16:46 |
ghede | Hi everybody. This is my first time in an IRC channel looking for help. I have troubles with my wireless, anybody willing to help me? :) | 17:18 |
Peace- | ghede: hi :) | 17:18 |
ghede | so, long story short: I drop by my parents place and I wanted to use my lenovo t60p on their wireless. I set up the wpa and i create the pppoe. Update of new packages (kubuntu 10.10), restart and... no wireless anymore. The card seems working, but "scanning" doesn't show any network! | 17:24 |
=== joerg is now known as Guest34821 | ||
Peace- | ghede: lspci | grep -i Network | 17:25 |
Peace- | in the konsole | 17:25 |
ghede | blank | 17:25 |
Peace- | ghede: wifi interface intenal ? | 17:26 |
Peace- | internal or usb ? | 17:26 |
ghede | internal | 17:27 |
Peace- | ghede: lspci | 17:27 |
Peace- | !paste | 17:27 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 17:27 |
ghede | !paste | 17:28 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 17:28 |
ghede | http://paste.ubuntu.com/536766/ | 17:29 |
Peace- | ghede: reading | 17:29 |
ghede | OK | 17:29 |
Peace- | ghede: ok you should have Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01) | 17:30 |
Peace- | should becaise is tagged like ethernet | 17:30 |
Peace- | because | 17:30 |
Peace- | anyway... | 17:30 |
Peace- | ghede: lsmod | grep ath | 17:30 |
ghede | http://paste.ubuntu.com/536767/ | 17:31 |
Peace- | ghede: ok you have ath5k :) this is my evil driver too | 17:32 |
Peace- | hahahaha | 17:32 |
Peace- | well :) | 17:32 |
Peace- | one moment please | 17:33 |
ghede | sure | 17:33 |
Peace- | ghede: rfkill list | 17:33 |
ghede | http://paste.ubuntu.com/536768/ | 17:34 |
ghede | i opened them all in previous solo attempts :) | 17:35 |
Peace- | ghede: iwconfig | 17:35 |
Peace- | ? | 17:35 |
ghede | http://paste.ubuntu.com/536770/ | 17:35 |
Peace- | ghede: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | 17:36 |
ghede | wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down | 17:37 |
Peace- | ghede: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up | 17:37 |
Peace- | ghede: i suspect :D one thing | 17:37 |
Peace- | you should get error now :D | 17:38 |
ghede | no error, blank :) | 17:38 |
Peace- | ghede: mm now again sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | 17:38 |
ghede | now i see it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/536772/ | 17:39 |
Peace- | ghede: xD the network interface was down xD | 17:39 |
Peace- | ghede: you should be able to see the network on the kde network manager now | 17:40 |
Peace- | :) | 17:40 |
ghede | one sec | 17:40 |
ghede | i'm sorry but I have to disappoint you | 17:41 |
Peace- | ghede: 1 the wifi card is recognized | 17:41 |
Peace- | ghede: the driver is ath5k | 17:42 |
Peace- | ghede: sometime that driver has problems | 17:42 |
Peace- | anyway there is solutions | 17:42 |
Peace- | firs is try to set up the device with | 17:42 |
Peace- | sudo ifconfig wlan0 up | 17:42 |
Peace- | then... try to get sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | 17:43 |
Peace- | if it works it should work ... | 17:43 |
Peace- | if doesn't work you should try to reboot | 17:43 |
Peace- | but... | 17:43 |
Peace- | read this | 17:43 |
ghede | ok | 17:43 |
Peace- | well turn off the computer … and disconnect the plug now press the computer’s button which should turn on your computer … that should consume the residual voltage. and now start the pc. | 17:44 |
Peace- | this is an crazy stuff :D | 17:44 |
Peace- | but could work | 17:44 |
Peace- | i have to do this for my atheros... | 17:44 |
Peace- | :S | 17:44 |
Peace- | another possible solutions could be this one | 17:44 |
Peace- | sudo apt-get install wicd | 17:44 |
Peace- | !wicd | 17:45 |
ghede | yeah I read about wicd somewhere.. among all the solutions I've tried | 17:45 |
Peace- | ghede: well i have an atheros 5006 i use the kde network manager | 17:46 |
Peace- | it's this silly driver that for some reasons doens't want work xD | 17:46 |
ghede | mine used to work perfectly fine until like 5 days ago... | 17:46 |
Peace- | anyway.. keep it it will work in some ways :D | 17:46 |
ghede | do you mean within some update? | 17:47 |
Peace- | ghede: nope with the reboot and the voltage reset | 17:47 |
Peace- | or with wicd | 17:47 |
Peace- | ghede: anyway have you tried now to log out and log in ? | 17:48 |
ghede | ok, i'll give it a try with the reboot first! | 17:48 |
Peace- | or just to kill the netkwork manager and | 17:48 |
Peace- | restart? | 17:48 |
ghede | i rebooted like twice a day for the last week and no improvements | 17:48 |
Peace- | ghede: reboting AND voltage reset | 17:48 |
Peace- | ghede: and disconnect the plug now press the computer’s button which should turn on your computer … that should consume the residual voltage | 17:48 |
ghede | i will try soon, i'm finishing to download the 10.10 iso, maybe i'll reinstall everything | 17:50 |
Peace- | ghede: why? | 17:50 |
Peace- | reinstalling ? | 17:50 |
ghede | i don't know... it fells like it messed up during an update... | 17:51 |
Peace- | ghede: you could reinstall kde :) | 17:52 |
Peace- | anyway... | 17:52 |
ghede | but reinstalling kde would not reinstall the driver (i think) and it's likely i messed up something trying to fix it :) | 17:53 |
Peace- | ghede: you could read my blog ... thre is the command to paste in the konsole even for 10.10 | 17:53 |
Peace- | ghede: you could reinstall the kernel :) | 17:53 |
ghede | give me the link then, i'll give it a try! | 17:54 |
Peace- | ghede: i am on natty right now ...... so you should see which version you have but i have to do this to reinstall my latest kernel sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.37-5-generic | 17:55 |
Peace- | ghede: this is my article about kde reinstallation http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/11/08/reinstall-kde/ | 17:55 |
sresu | I found that during hibernate process that it looks for a splash screen before saving image to swap like <Looking for splash screnn ............ none> What is it? | 17:56 |
ghede | ok, i'll try to read and copy-paste! but first i'll do the reboot and voltage thing | 17:58 |
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest79318 | ||
=== Guest79318 is now known as Guest85340 | ||
ghede | Peace- I tried to restart, and do the voltage reset (although it's a laptop)... but still nothing, do you suggest reinstalling kde or kernel as first attempt? | 18:17 |
Peace- | ghede: but sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | 18:20 |
Peace- | doesn't get something ? | 18:20 |
ghede | yes, but i can't see it from the knetwork manager | 18:21 |
ghede | and every time i reboot the wireless is down and i have to turn it on | 18:21 |
Peace- | mm | 18:22 |
Peace- | this is a pain in the ass xD | 18:22 |
Peace- | the kernel does its work | 18:23 |
Peace- | but bad | 18:23 |
Peace- | what stupid bug .. anyway.. | 18:23 |
ghede | but what if there is a bad conf file somewhere? | 18:23 |
Peace- | well you could try to reinstall the kernel but... i don't think you will solve | 18:24 |
Peace- | it's sound like a stupid bug | 18:24 |
Peace- | it sounds xD | 18:24 |
Peace- | ghede: i guess you should install a fresh kubuntu seee if the problem is there doing nothing to the system | 18:25 |
Peace- | if there is the problem | 18:25 |
ghede | i believe it's something wrong with the pppoe thing... | 18:25 |
Peace- | please fill a bug | 18:25 |
Peace- | ghede: mm what's with ppoe? | 18:26 |
Peace- | what have you done before? | 18:26 |
ghede | where i usually leave i never used a pppoe, i'm here on holiday at my parent's and here pppoe is needed. | 18:26 |
ghede | at the beginning it was working, but after the first reboot it stopped | 18:27 |
Peace- | ghede: your situation is not clear to me | 18:27 |
ghede | and probably the combination between pppoe and updates messed up everyhting | 18:27 |
Peace- | ppoe is used for modem | 18:27 |
Peace- | not for wifi | 18:27 |
Peace- | ghede: mm guess so | 18:28 |
Peace- | ghede: try with the live cd instead to reinstall all | 18:28 |
ghede | well, this wifi needs a wpa to connect to the modem, and then a ppp to log in | 18:28 |
ghede | i tried a gentoo live today, and it was working | 18:29 |
Peace- | ghede: it's a config then | 18:29 |
Peace- | mm | 18:29 |
Peace- | ghede: this is no reccomended ... | 18:29 |
Peace- | but... xD | 18:29 |
Peace- | sudo apt-get remove --purge package | 18:29 |
ghede | mmmm ok | 18:30 |
Peace- | should remove even the config files | 18:30 |
ghede | conf file of what? | 18:30 |
Peace- | sudo apt-get purge packages | 18:30 |
Peace- | ghede: i guess the conf or whatever the programs need | 18:30 |
ghede | and what packages shall i remove? | 18:31 |
Peace- | ghede: ppp stuff? | 18:31 |
Peace- | ghede: this is an idea ... | 18:31 |
Peace- | of course i have not tested... | 18:31 |
Peace- | ghede: before you should download the ppp files... | 18:32 |
Peace- | i mean | 18:32 |
Peace- | sudo apt-get install --reinstall pacckage stuff | 18:32 |
Peace- | then sudo apt-get purge stuff | 18:32 |
Peace- | then sudo apt-get install stuff | 18:32 |
ghede | ok first i check what packages i need | 18:32 |
Peace- | this because i don't know if then removing those packages you will be able to get network again | 18:33 |
Peace- | ghede: anyway... i think reinstaling .. it's faster xD | 18:33 |
Peace- | 20 minutes xD | 18:33 |
Peace- | a bit silly anyway | 18:34 |
ghede | well but then all the settings, extra software... i can give it a try! | 18:34 |
ghede | how can i download the package and reinstall it manually later on? | 18:35 |
Peace- | ghede: if you do ... | 18:37 |
Peace- | sudo apt-get clean | 18:37 |
Peace- | you delete everypakcage | 18:37 |
Peace- | you downloaded before | 18:38 |
Peace- | then | 18:38 |
Peace- | sudo apt-get install --reinstall package | 18:38 |
Peace- | download and instlal the packages | 18:38 |
Peace- | every packages are downloaded here | 18:39 |
Peace- | /var/cache/apt/archives//var/cache/apt/archives/ | 18:39 |
Peace- | /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 18:39 |
Peace- | sorry | 18:39 |
Peace- | the last | 18:39 |
FloodBotK1 | Peace-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:39 |
Peace- | so... :) | 18:39 |
Peace- | the you have only to sudo apt-get purge stuff | 18:39 |
Peace- | and you should remove the package and con file | 18:40 |
Peace- | then you can reinstall the packages with sudo apt-get install stuff | 18:40 |
Peace- | of course the packages should be on /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 18:40 |
Peace- | so if you want be extra sure save them somewhere | 18:40 |
ghede | OK then, so if it is downloaded i can install it without internet connection | 18:40 |
Peace- | after you did sudo apt-get install --reinstall | 18:41 |
ghede | ok | 18:41 |
ghede | thanks in the meantime, i hope i will be back online, sooner or later :) | 18:41 |
Peace- | ghede: good luck :) | 18:42 |
cobart | Hello everybody !! | 18:51 |
kleopatra | Hello, i execute some methods in the interactive ipython-shell. Now id like to check the use of memory . Or another goal: I want to find out how much memory some scripts i run in bash will use. How can i do this? if the scripts finish fast top wont show em ^^ | 18:52 |
kleopatra | maybe i want to log memoryuse | 18:53 |
Peace- | kleopatra: this is kubuntu not dev channel | 18:53 |
cobart | Good question !! | 18:53 |
cobart | Yes It's a little bit hard | 18:54 |
kleopatra | Peace: WHere should i do this question? #dev seems pretty empty and for i am using kubuntu i think this could be right here | 18:56 |
Peace- | #python ? | 18:57 |
Peace- | #kde ? | 18:57 |
Peace- | #kubuntu-dev | 18:57 |
Peace- | i dunno | 18:57 |
FloodBotK1 | Peace-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:57 |
roxy | hate it when ppl thinks im stupid...when im not... | 19:00 |
ghede | Peace-: are you still here? | 19:00 |
Peace- | ghede: ya | 19:00 |
ghede | well, it didn't work... i removed (purged) 4 packages but still nothing | 19:01 |
Peace- | ghede: well dunno man | 19:01 |
Peace- | i agree with you there is something of mess | 19:02 |
Peace- | on configurations files | 19:02 |
Peace- | but i dunno | 19:02 |
Peace- | :( | 19:02 |
Peace- | sorry man | 19:02 |
FloodBotK1 | Peace-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:02 |
ghede | hehe no problem, i'll make a fresh new installation! | 19:02 |
cobart | Where can I found list of irc on Quassel ? | 19:02 |
cobart | It's hard to find !!! | 19:03 |
ghede | although i don't think i deleted the proper files, singe after purging on restart it connected (wired) automatically | 19:03 |
Peace- | ghede: make / and /home separated | 19:03 |
ghede | it already is | 19:03 |
Peace- | ok | 19:03 |
Peace- | :) | 19:03 |
ghede | thanks for your time anyway! | 19:04 |
cobart | Peace looks a good moderator !! | 19:05 |
* Peace- rebooting natty | 19:06 | |
=== mig is now known as Guest29797 | ||
cobart | Anybody know how can I find new adress of irc ?? | 19:09 |
robotech | cobart: ask here #quassel | 19:09 |
robotech | cobart: or #konversation | 19:10 |
cobart | Thanks for your responde robotech | 19:10 |
cobart | I test | 19:10 |
cobart | #quassel | 19:11 |
cobart | Ouppps | 19:11 |
Snowhog | cobart: Or see http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/networks/ | 19:11 |
=== robotech is now known as Peace- | ||
Peace- | well i am Peace- | 19:11 |
Peace- | xD | 19:11 |
cobart | Thanks everybody !!! | 19:12 |
simona | hello | 19:16 |
simona | i just installed kubuntu maverick and wanted to populate my folder view area with some favourite icons, but i can't get something in there. in lucid it worked with drag and drop out of the kickoff start menu but this time not any more | 19:18 |
simona | is this a bug or just the way to use it changed? | 19:18 |
SJr | How do I disable middle click paste in Kubuntu | 19:24 |
elijah | Is there a way I can get krunner to utilize my up down arrow keys for results? | 19:36 |
Peace- | elijah: press TAB and then up down arow :) | 19:37 |
elijah | Peace-: thx, that doesn't work for me though, does it for you? | 19:37 |
Peace- | elijah: yea | 19:37 |
elijah | intuitively, that is what I expect it to do, it just doesn't work | 19:37 |
Peace- | it work here with kde 4.3 | 19:37 |
Peace- | am sorry | 19:37 |
Peace- | kde 4.5.3 | 19:37 |
elijah | I have to select any result other than the first one with a mouse | 19:38 |
Peace- | elijah: byt you can still write after you have pressed TAB? | 19:38 |
Peace- | elijah: nope | 19:38 |
elijah | Peace-: Ah HAH | 19:38 |
elijah | Peace-: I have to hit tab, then up or down | 19:38 |
Peace- | elijah: yea... | 19:38 |
Peace- | xD | 19:38 |
elijah | nice! this is so much nicer, | 19:38 |
Peace- | :) | 19:39 |
Peace- | because you are typing | 19:39 |
Peace- | tab switch to the result :) | 19:39 |
elijah | Peace-: I like it! | 19:39 |
Peace- | switchs | 19:39 |
Peace- | or swithches | 19:39 |
Peace- | mm | 19:39 |
* Peace- google translate | 19:39 | |
Snowhog | simona: Works here in Maverick running KDE 4.5.3 and using the Lancelot launcher. | 19:40 |
skafti_ | hello | 20:01 |
cobart | Hello | 20:01 |
skafti_ | i have serious update problems can sombody advice { | 20:02 |
cobart | If I can ! | 20:02 |
=== jamrock is now known as ty | ||
=== ty is now known as Guest32343 | ||
skafti_ | hehe basic problem is it wont update :)! | 20:03 |
skafti_ | dont know whats causing it | 20:03 |
cobart | I don't still have this problem | 20:04 |
Snowhog | skafti_: Won't update as in you are getting an error, or won't update as in there are no updates identified? How are you attempting the update? What version of Kubuntu and KDE are you using? | 20:05 |
cobart | I have the last version of Ubuntu | 20:06 |
skafti_ | have been running kubuntu for 4 months aprox | 20:06 |
cobart | Yes I have kubuntu in preloader but after I work on ubuntu | 20:07 |
cobart | It's strange for updates | 20:08 |
cobart | Perhaps a program | 20:08 |
Khaotic | any clue how to stream videos off a remote server | 20:08 |
skafti_ | there was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem doloading some packages or the commit would break packages | 20:09 |
cobart | And after down your computer | 20:09 |
cobart | and restart | 20:10 |
cobart | Hello Khaotic, what do you want to make exactly? | 20:10 |
moetunes | Khaotic: vlc was made for that | 20:10 |
Khaotic | vlc? | 20:11 |
cobart | ok you want watch video on streaming with vlc | 20:11 |
cobart | yes we can ! | 20:11 |
Khaotic | i want to be able to be on my laptop and connect to my server to watch a movie | 20:12 |
cobart | ok | 20:12 |
cobart | with vlc? | 20:12 |
cobart | I know that we can do | 20:13 |
moetunes | I use nfs mounts to do that - it's easier then streaming | 20:13 |
moetunes | !nfs | 20:13 |
ubottu | nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 20:13 |
Khaotic | thanks | 20:13 |
cobart | Yes, thanks | 20:13 |
cobart | I don't know that | 20:14 |
Snowhog | skafti_: Again, what version of Kubuntu are you using, and what version of KDE? And, how are you attempting to update - are you using KPackagekit? | 20:15 |
Demosthenes | my dbus-daemon process is consuming 100% of a cpu, looks runaway. any ideas how i can restart it without logging out, or query what's got it stuck? | 20:15 |
Khaotic | is it possible to just ssh to the server and stream it like that? | 20:16 |
Snowhog | skafti__: Again, what version of Kubuntu are you using, and what version of KDE? And, how are you attempting to update - are you using KPackagekit? | 20:18 |
=== root is now known as darkma773r | ||
e01 | is there some ppa for new beta of kde 4.6 | 20:45 |
adude | e01: I wanted to ask the same thing, but didn't want to rush them :) | 20:47 |
adude | I've Google'ed, but have not seen anything yet | 20:48 |
e01 | i was searching too but without any result | 20:48 |
e01 | adude, https://edge.launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/ppa | 20:57 |
starboy | I want to upgrade my Unix server, in synch with my video matrix card, to target young women with large breasts | 20:57 |
rats_ | adude: would this help http://kde.org/announcements/announce-4.6-beta1.php | 20:57 |
starboy | any ideas? | 20:57 |
e01 | adude, according the info, this have be the new beta | 20:58 |
=== Fred_ is now known as Guest97991 | ||
=== robotech is now known as Peace- | ||
Khaotic | how do i open a blank cd rom? | 21:09 |
moetunes | Khaotic: you don't open it you write to it with k3b or similar | 21:11 |
Khaotic | ok | 21:12 |
Khaotic | says no medium present | 21:12 |
Khaotic | and im positive there is | 21:12 |
Khaotic | the cd i inserted into the drive is black | 21:12 |
Khaotic | blank* | 21:12 |
Khaotic | when i insert one that has an image on it, it works fine | 21:13 |
moetunes | Khaotic: close k3b - open the cd tray - start k3b - close the cd tray see if it finds it then | 21:14 |
adude | e01: rats: Thanks for the info :) | 21:15 |
Khaotic | ok | 21:15 |
moetunes | and check it is a cd writer you have :) | 21:15 |
Khaotic | moe, ibm says it has a writer | 21:17 |
moetunes | k | 21:18 |
moetunes | !tab | Khaotic | 21:18 |
ubottu | Khaotic: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 21:18 |
Khaotic | still not recognizing it | 21:18 |
moetunes | Khaotic: you sure the disk is ok? | 21:18 |
Khaotic | i know, sorry | 21:18 |
andrewh192 | hey guys | 21:18 |
Khaotic | possitive | 21:18 |
Khaotic | ill try another though | 21:18 |
andrewh192 | you know of how to look at all the programs that I could "apt-get install" | 21:18 |
Peace- | Khaotic: what do you mean ? | 21:19 |
moetunes | !packages | 21:19 |
ubottu | You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 21:19 |
andrewh192 | thanx | 21:19 |
moetunes | !kpackagekit | 21:19 |
ubottu | KPackageKit is the !Kubuntu package manager that uses PackageKit | 21:19 |
Peace- | Khaotic: if you have a blank cd it a cd you have to burn | 21:19 |
Peace- | Khaotic: use k3b and use it | 21:19 |
andrewh192 | ok | 21:20 |
Peace- | to burn cd | 21:20 |
andrewh192 | another quick question | 21:20 |
andrewh192 | how do i change the login sound | 21:20 |
andrewh192 | instead of being the default one | 21:20 |
Khaotic | well i just inserted a cd and it opened it fine | 21:20 |
Peace- | andrewh192: i guess on systemsettings | 21:20 |
andrewh192 | Peace-: i have looked there | 21:20 |
andrewh192 | Peace-: and can't find anything | 21:20 |
speedvin | Hello | 21:21 |
andrewh192 | Peace-: the closest thing i have found is a notification setting thing, where it has a list of certain things, like what to do when an alert is made | 21:21 |
moetunes | Khaotic: it must have been the other disk then... :) | 21:21 |
andrewh192 | has anyone tried to change the default system login sound? | 21:22 |
andrewh192 | or even wondered how u would go about doing that/ | 21:22 |
Peace- | andrewh192: one moment i will post you a picture | 21:22 |
andrewh192 | ok | 21:22 |
Khaotic | it wont recognize black cds for some reason | 21:23 |
Peace- | andrewh192: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/png-0-loginsounds0 | 21:24 |
andrewh192 | Peace-: thanks.. :-) | 21:25 |
Peace- | :) | 21:26 |
moetunes | Khaotic: you could try a command line approach to burn the cd to see if the issue is with k3b - http://linuxreviews.org/howtos/cdrecording/ | 21:26 |
Kay_ | hello | 21:28 |
Kay_ | are there some dolphin-specialists? ;) | 21:28 |
moetunes | the only way to find out is to ask what you need to find out about | 21:29 |
Kay_ | ok, in dolphin (4.4.x-branch) there was the possibility to put an icon for open a terminal in the toolbar | 21:31 |
Kay_ | since 4.5 this icon is not available | 21:31 |
Kay_ | when i press F4, then dolphin opens a terminal in the actual directory, and there was an icon available | 21:32 |
Kay_ | will it return or is it banned anymore? ;) | 21:33 |
sresu | If I suspend my system to RAM (sleep) now, how can I automatically wake it after 2 hours? | 21:33 |
moetunes | Kay_: if noone in here knows someone in #kde might :) | 21:33 |
Snowhog | Kay_: Yes it is. Open Dolphin. Click on Settings > Configure Toolbars > Main Toolbar. Scroll down in the left pane (Available Actions) and it's there. | 21:34 |
Kay_ | oh sorry, thats not what i mean, my failure..... this will open a new konsole-window, "my" icon opened an embedded konsole at the bottom of dolphin. ok, i can just press F4 and then it will appear, but a button in the toolbar is more smooth ;) | 21:37 |
Kay_ | in the past, there were two terminal-icons | 21:38 |
Snowhog | Kay_: Ah. Okay, I understand. Yup, the icon there allows for starting a konsole session, but not attached at the bottom of Dolphin. F4 accomplishes that as you've said. | 21:40 |
Kay_ | yes | 21:40 |
Kay_ | i used this icon very often, and i miss it :) | 21:41 |
Snowhog | Kay_: F4 is actually faster than moving the mouse to an Icon and clicking. | 21:42 |
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson | ||
Kay_ | thats right, but i have the mouse in my hand already ^^ | 21:45 |
Kay_ | all i want to know, is there any reason to remove this possibility | 21:48 |
Kay_ | thanx for the answers, i will try it at #kde :) | 21:56 |
mxlle | c koiii sa , | 22:07 |
mxlle | ?? | 22:07 |
mxlle | estoy perdido!! | 22:07 |
mxlle | help | 22:07 |
Kay_ | help??? | 22:08 |
moetunes | !help | 22:08 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 22:08 |
mxlle | lôl | 22:09 |
moetunes | !lol | 22:09 |
ubottu | Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 22:09 |
mxlle | enfèt c koii un chat? | 22:09 |
mxlle | anw ya | 22:09 |
mxlle | fiiiooùùù biien compliké | 22:10 |
moetunes | what language is that? | 22:10 |
maco | mxlle: ¿español? | 22:10 |
mxlle | maco? x'D | 22:10 |
mxlle | nah de guadeloupe | 22:10 |
mxlle | francais | 22:11 |
moetunes | !fr | 22:11 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 22:11 |
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kleopatra_ | with what command can i see if a certain server runs on my system? | 22:53 |
Kay_ | ps -e | grep server | 23:02 |
Kay_ | <ctrl>+<esc> | 23:02 |
kleopatra_ | o i found netstat -tap... some server is running now i try to stop it | 23:02 |
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway | ||
wqapol | When I download a wallpaper and assign it as wallpaer, does kubuntu save the wallpaper elsewhere in its system directory? If so where? | 23:34 |
moetunes | prob in /usr/share/wallpapers or backgrounds or similar - I don't know for sure | 23:36 |
fosstux | Hi! I have today installed Kubumtu 10.10. I have one problem with Kontact: It does not (yet) save the Groupware settings for use with a kolab 2 server - please help! | 23:38 |
wqapol | yeah i too thought they exist there, but just found out its in ~/.kde/share/wallpapers/ | 23:38 |
serenity | hi | 23:48 |
serenity | is there already a ppa for kde 4.6? | 23:48 |
=== schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm | ||
moetunes | there will be soon | 23:50 |
serenity | fine | 23:52 |
=== MuzerAway is now known as Muzer | ||
seiflotfy | hey guys | 23:57 |
seiflotfy | apachelogger, u there? | 23:57 |
apachelogger | somewhere for sure | 23:57 |
seiflotfy | hehehe | 23:57 |
seiflotfy | do u have 10 minutes time | 23:58 |
apachelogger | that depends on whether those 10 minutes involve me working :P | 23:58 |
seiflotfy | no not at all | 23:58 |
seiflotfy | apachelogger, but rather guiding me around | 23:59 |
apachelogger | I suppose I have time then ^^ | 23:59 |
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