
ibbomicahg: ok, thanks for your help00:01
ibbohow long does it usually take for a package to show up in your ppa after uploading it?00:05
micahgibbo: a few minutes00:06
ibbook, it's not shown up yet, I'll leave it until the morning00:07
aromanHey, I'm using Quickly to upload to a PPA (for the first time). I get an email saying that it was rejected because my PPA is disabled. I deleted the PPA a while ago. Why isn't Quickly/Launchpad using a working PPA? What's special about the first one I made?03:15
wgrantaroman: You'll need to ask the Quickly developers.03:16
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
sorenErr... Any idea why I'm getting *hundreds* of e-mail about updates to https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/glusterfs/trunk ?11:56
sorenI just unsubscribed now, but they're still pouring in.11:57
sorenhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/59656210/vcs-imports-glusterfs-trunk.log <- Most recent import log... Should I expect 775 e-mails?11:58
jelmersoren: you shouldn't get those emails on an initial import, but if somebody just pushed 775 revisions onto that branch it might happen.12:03
sorenjelmer: I guess they might have. It just seems a bit extreme.12:03
sorenI mean.. They seem to push these things in bulk, but never this volume.12:04
sorenThey've done perhaps 40-50 before.12:04
sorenjelmer: You're probably right. Sorry about the noise.12:05
bigjoolssounds like they should be aggregated12:05
sorenIt's a bit of an odd case. In general, I do actually prefer individual e-mails per commit. I'm used to scanning through the headers looking for interesting things.12:06
sorenThis was a bit overwhelming :)12:06
sorenWhen they've done the 40-50 commits at a time, it's been fine.12:07
jelmerYeah, perhaps Launchpad should notice when it's about to send more than say 50 emails to a single person with this sort of notification.12:07
jelmerI received more than a thousand for a single branch one time, my mail server was not happy :-)12:08
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
kostja_osipovHello. I have a special email address that I use in a git trigger to send patches whenever there is a push to a tree. The trigger executes successfully and I see that a mail has been sent successfully to tarantool-developers@lists.launchpad.net in the trigger log.14:02
kostja_osipovHowever, the mail never arrives to the list.14:02
kostja_osipovDoes a sender need to be subscribed to a list to be able to send emails?14:03
kostja_osipovThere were no talk back either, seems that the mail is simply lost.14:04
jmlkostja_osipov: yes, it needs to be subscribed14:05
kostja_osipovokay. thanks!14:05
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
kostja_osipovjml: i started looking at tarantool-developers archive more closely, and discovered that launchpad doesn't deliver some emails that are in the archive to all of the team members. Some of my team members have never received a few emails that are present in the archive. They did, however, receive other email. What can be an explanation of that? These problematic emails came from a email address that is registered on launchpad, but is not the primary14:36
kostja_osipovit seems that auto-subscription to the team mailing lists that is used when a member joins the team doesn't work14:46
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
Mezo_O Mr Revell is not here?14:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 681813 in Launchpad itself "Team mailing list feature simply doesn't work (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:11
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
sorenkostja_osipov: Just curious.. Your e-mail address wouldn't happen to be a gmail one, would it?15:37
kostja_osipovi send from osipov at corp.mail.ru. my recipients are also at corp.mail.ru15:37
kostja_osipovthe funny thing is that I do get email. my list subscribers don't15:38
kostja_osipovalso, email from launchpad itself does go through. and email does show up in the archive15:38
kostja_osipovmost of the time it's delivery that's broken.15:38
sorenI've just seen GMail silently discard e-mail with a @gmail.com sender address, not originating from one of their mail servers.15:39
sorenkostja_osipov: Do you control the mail server in question?15:39
kostja_osipovin what way?15:39
sorenkostja_osipov: Can you look at its logs?15:39
sorenI mean... Do you actually know for sure that Launchpad doesn't attempt delivery?15:39
sorenI'm not saying it does. It's just good to know for whoever's going to work on it.15:40
kostja_osipovsoren: no, I am  not 100% sure. But it would be a very weird behavior on behalf of the receiving server: to accept some mails, but not others15:40
kostja_osipovi.e. the issue is that say, email from 681813@bugs.launchpad.net sent to the list got delivered to all15:41
kostja_osipovbut this mail:15:41
sorenkostja_osipov: It would also be very weird if Launchpad only sent some of the e-mails on the mailing list :)15:41
sorenkostja_osipov: It's just not completely clear where the weirdness is.15:41
kostja_osipovdid not get delivered to the send and a few others15:41
kostja_osipovyes, it's unclear, i agree.15:42
kostja_osipovs/to the send/to the sender/15:43
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
kostja_osipovsoren: hm..15:47
kostja_osipovthere is a chance you were right.15:48
kostja_osipovi came to our corporate antispam department, and it turns out their DKIM configuration had issues15:48
kostja_osipovI'm waiting for results.15:48
kostja_osipovsoren: there was a bug in our anti-spam system. it's resolved now. thank you so much for the insight!16:32
kostja_osipov(and I closed the bug as invalid)16:33
sorenkostja_osipov: No problem :)16:34
hazmatis ther any way via the launchpad api to resolve the projects a person has contributed to.. or at least is a member of the driving team?16:37
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=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
aromanHow come staging.launchpad.net is out of sync with launchpad.net?17:43
beunoaroman, define out of sync?17:44
jmlaroman: we deploy new code to staging so people can test it. however, it runs against an old copy of the data.17:44
aromanjml, Well, does it _ever_ resync?17:45
jmlaroman: yes, about once a week, I think17:45
aromanjml, Oh boy.17:45
jmlaroman: why does it matter?17:45
aromanjml, I'll explain my situation.17:45
aromanjml, So I'm using Quickly, and I tried to publish my project to my PPA on launchpad. Because of some issues, I had to create a second launchpad account, and delete/deactivate the first one. This all went basically fine. In order to get quickly to work with my launchpad account, I need to tell Launchpad to allow quickly to access it. This is done via the launchpad staging system. However, my account was deleted just yesterday, and17:47
aromanstaging doesn't know about it.17:47
jmlaroman: why are you using staging at all?17:48
aromanaroman, That's what quickly uses. I assumed it was because the functionality to allow desktop applications to work with launchpad on my behalf wasn't availible in launchpad proper.17:49
jmlI'm fairly certain that's not the case17:49
beunoquickly probably defaults to staging for development purposes17:50
jmlaroman: were I you, I'd ask about this on #quickly, see if they can help you point it at the real Launchpad17:50
aromannow that I think about it, you're right.17:50
aromanI did this via the --staging argument, which I found by digging into the code of quickly itself.17:51
jmlah :)17:51
aromanthe reason i did this was because it seemed to be the only way to get quickly to switch from my old account to my new account17:51
aromanand sadly --purge remove'ing it didn't reset its prefs.17:51
jmloh, you might have to do something irritatingly tedious like look in ~/.launchpadlib and delete some credentials17:52
aromanthat's the sort of thing I was hoping to hear about :)17:52
jmlit varies based on the client app17:52
aromanby the way, quickly share --staging even says: WARNING: you are using staging and not launchpad real production server17:52
aromanI need to read better17:52
jmlif humans paid attention to warnings, the world would be a strange place indeed17:53
aromanDo you know where I can find the prefs to nuke to reset my connection with launchpad?17:54
aroman$ locate is _the_ most useful command. Found the actual module that manages launchpad integration, and found where it's reading settings from17:58
aromangot the launchpad thing straightened out. I quickly share'd my app, got the accepted email, and trying to apt-add-repository, but it gives me Error: can't find signing_key_fingerprint at https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~aroman/+archive/purple18:41
aromannevermind, it fixed itself.18:55
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
ibboI tried to upload a package I made to my ppa yesterday, but it failed due to it being mixed binary and source. It is a game, so there are media files as well as source. I guess I'll have to split my package in to parts, but I'm struggling to find info on how to do that, can someone point me in the right direction?19:05
lifelessibbo: I htink the message has confused you19:06
lifelessibbo: when you prepare it for upload you need the -S switch to debuild19:06
ibbothat doesn't surprise me19:06
lifelesspackages have (at the highest level) two components - a Source package and a Binary package.19:08
lifelesswe only accept Source packages19:08
lifelessbut the content of a Source package can be binary files19:09
lifelessthe -S option to debuild/dpkg-buildpackage tells it that you want a source package only.19:09
ibboright, ok19:09
ibboI think because my project is pure python it makes less sense for there to be a binary/source distinction19:11
ibbowhich I guess is what was confusing me19:11
ibbowell source package has uploaded, just have to wait for it to appear, thanks for the help19:14
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
maxbWhen does PPA support for Jaunty get turned off?23:31

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