
=== htns_ is now known as htns
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Sp0ttercan anyone recommend a portable arm-based device for ubuntu that is under $200 and has wifi/touchscreen?   I've seen a lot of stuff from different comapnies in hong kong, most of them look fairly shady :)06:39
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tmzt_g2rootis there a solution for the pixmap auxv detection through /proc under qemu?07:27
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looltmzt_g2root: There are ways to override what ld.so uses, but not auxv in general08:53
tmzt_g2rootthere's some proc support in qemu-arm though?08:54
tmzt_g2rootI can probably just add what I need, I'm trying to track down a problem with X and need to see if hardware is a factor08:55
tmzt_g2rootwell, it's not ld.so, it's pixman reading from auxv itself08:55
tmzt_g2rootpixman/pixman-cpu.c:    fd = open ("/proc/self/auxv", O_RDONLY);08:56
tmzt_g2rootpixman/pixman-cpu.c:    while (read (fd, &aux, sizeof(Elf32_auxv_t)) == sizeof(E08:56
looltmzt_g2root: Yes, qemu can't help with that09:14
looltmzt_g2root: There isn't any proc emulation in qemu09:14
looltmzt_g2root: You could not mount /proc and create a real directory there instead   ;)09:15
tmzt_g2rootso, return true? :)09:15
looltmzt_g2root: You need qemu machine emulation09:15
ograwell, qemu-system brings proc with it09:15
looltmzt_g2root: Or use some env var to override the pixman detection09:15
tmzt_g2rootogra: qemu-system brings a kernel with it09:15
tmzt_g2rootlool: it doesn't seem to have an override09:15
tmzt_g2rootwas starting to like chroot with qemu-arm, but a lot of things don't work09:16
ogranothing that requires real or fully emulated hardware, sure09:17
ograits good for rolling images from binaries or to test binaries09:17
ograif you have anything that depends on real HW its not your solution09:18
tmzt_g2roothmm, I think it implements the instructions though, depending on the -M setting, it just can't detect they're available09:19
tmzt_g2rootI'll patch it09:19
tmzt_g2rootpixman, not qemu09:19
tmzt_g2rootno sens in slowing down every read() for one corner case09:19
tmzt_g2rootsomebody should learn to use libhwcap :)09:19
ografile a bug upstream ;)09:20
tmzt_g2roothmm, what's a good kernel for basic arm stuff on qemu-system-arm?09:21
tmzt_g2rootI'm tired of versatile09:21
tmzt_g2rootas far as armv709:21
ograversatile is the only one with the qemu solutionn we have in the archive09:22
ograthere are other qemu builds we dont ship i.e. qemu-maemo7-omap09:23
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tmzt_g2rootokay, so versatilepb works with an armv7 cpu?09:34
tmzt_g2rootwhat kernel do you recommend for that, I only have the old debian one09:34
looltmzt_g2root: We patch the kernel build to build versatile with armv7, but the real board doesn't have a v7 CPU09:35
looltmzt_g2root: There's the Ubuntu versatile one09:35
tmzt_g2rootokay, I've got qemu-maemo checked out, I'll look at ubuntu09:36
tmzt_g2rootokay, thanks09:36
looltmzt_g2root: qemu-system-arm -m 128 -M versatilepb -kernel vmlinuz -cpu cortex-a809:37
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tmzt_g2rootlool: why doesn't this work?09:58
tmzt_g2rootqemu-system-arm -m 128 -M versatilepb -kernel vmlinuz \09:58
tmzt_g2root-cpu cortex-a8 -sd androix-glibc-arm.img \09:58
tmzt_g2root-append "root=/dev/mmcblk0 rootwait console=tty0 init=/bin/sh"09:58
tmzt_g2rootthe img is a raw ext309:59
tmzt_g2rootbut it panics not seeing /dev/mmcblk0 if I use rootdelay=2, or just sits there if I use rootwait09:59
tmzt_g2rootdoes that kernel/hardware not support -sd ?09:59
looltmzt_g2root: I don't know10:00
tmzt_g2rootoh, initrd10:00
loolwell, the initrd should definitely have the module10:00
tmzt_g2rootlool: this works10:14
tmzt_g2root/usr/bin/qemu-system-arm -m 128 -M versatilepb -kernel vmlinuz -cpu cortex-a8 -append "root=/dev/sda" -hda androix-glibc-arm.img10:14
tmzt_g2rootit seems that while kernel supports the mmc device, either qemu doesn't support -sd with versatile or it doesn't have mmcblk support for some reason10:14
hrwtmzt_g2root: what does pixman tries to find out that way?10:33
tmzt_g2rootif the vfp or neon instructions are there10:34
hrwtmzt_g2root: thats buildtime or runtime?10:35
tmzt_g2rootI think it uses something similar at buildtime though10:35
hrwit is crosscompilable so no check on buildtime rather10:37
tmzt_g2rootseems it was developerd when distros supported multiple isas on arm10:37
hrwhmm.. OpenEmbedded has set of extra patches for pixman written by Nokia guys10:38
tmzt_g2rootthe HACK ones?10:38
hrwno idea - just looked10:39
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ogra_acndec, do you plan a call today (i will be the only canonical atendee, rest is on thanksgiving vacation)11:54
looltmzt_g2root: Good to know, thanks12:32
tmzt_g2rootI can not think of any possible explaination for this http://pastebin.com/Eaav97FC13:59
tmzt_g2rootthere's a weird bug that's only exhibited in the second instance, which is running in a chroot (test-2)13:59
tmzt_g2rootI've reproduced the same thing with the Xvfb binary from xvfb in maverick on armv714:00
jacquesdptdhi guys14:04
jacquesdptdi have a wits a81-e wich seems to be built with an beagle board and omap3 cpu overclocked at 800 mhz with 256 mb of ram14:05
jacquesdptdanyway i'm comming to you cause it seems it could be possible to use ubuntu on it as an sd boot14:05
jacquesdptdi'm not the type of guy to go asking directly before searching14:06
jacquesdptdit now makes one week i'm working every evenings on it14:06
jacquesdptdthats why i'm comming to you in order to maybe find the one that'll make ubuntu work on that 200 tablet wich rocks by the way with Android Froyo 2.2 and flash 10.114:08
hrwjacquesdptd: url to product?14:09
jacquesdptdthat's why and also because i read it, i'm sure ubuntu can start on it as another guy managed already to launch angstrom but in a different way than the installation instruction14:09
jacquesdptdone sec14:09
jacquesdptdin fact it's a witstech but here is the link of the reseller : http://mp4nation.net/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=68&products_id=43014:10
jacquesdptdif you wanna check the manufacturer page www.wistech.com.cn14:11
tmzt_g2roothrw: can you think of a case where two processes have mapped the same binaries but show different logical behave, and the failure mode is not random?14:11
jacquesdptdjust take a look i'll then tell you what's happening when applying every intruction14:11
ogra_acjacquesdptd, well, do you have a kernel and bootloader ? using the ubuntu rootfs shouldnt be a probelm14:11
hrwjacquesdptd: but 256MB ram will hurt14:12
hrwtmzt_g2root: I am not programmer14:12
ogra_ac256M wont be much fun, yeah14:13
hrwbut like av500 said once: show me source of larger pop modules...14:14
jacquesdptdhm have you heard about linaro ?14:17
jacquesdptdit boost any linux os for arm devices that really impressive14:18
jacquesdptdi watched it turn on youtube on a beagleboard just like mine maybe even worse and it was surprisingly running perfectly14:18
jacquesdptdok i followed the official ubuntu page intruction14:18
jacquesdptdwhere they are not talking at all about rootfs14:19
jacquesdptdassuming i know i could try the rootfs solution and make my saucage alone14:19
jacquesdptdbut as they are proposing a preinstalled and perfect image, i don't see why it shouldnt work, just finished instruction gonna try again to boot the sd card14:20
jacquesdptdi gave you all links in order to see intructions i'm following14:20
jacquesdptdmaybe there's one missing14:20
ogra_acwell, its unlikely that the default omap3 ubuntu kernel works out of the box on your device14:20
jacquesdptdthtis one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAP/14:20
ogra_acalso the bootloader setup we use is focused on beagles14:21
jacquesdptdand download link14:22
jacquesdptdi understand totally what you mean14:22
jacquesdptdi'm using ubuntu for 7 years14:22
jacquesdptdwell the thing is it sure does something as the screen doesn't light up at all on my device14:22
hrwso much longer then I do ;D14:23
jacquesdptdand without inserted sd, it does boot and light up14:23
ogra_achrw, even longer than ubuntu exists ;)14:23
jacquesdptdthats not a problem, but just to tell i'll understand fzst what you'll explain me14:23
hrwogra_ac: nice :D14:24
ogra_acjacquesdptd, well, as i said above, the kernel on our images will likely not boot on your device14:24
ogra_acnor will the bootloader config work out of the box14:24
jacquesdptdand could you help me find the right kernel ?14:25
jacquesdptdfirst i would have liked to see at least the bootloader14:25
jacquesdptdthen i wouldd have gone into searching the right kernel14:25
ogra_acno, you need to ask the manufacturer of your device for the correct patches14:25
ogra_acfor the bootloader you likely need some kind of serial access to your device14:25
ogra_acif they use u-boot14:25
jacquesdptdbut how can i find the bootloader, could i give you the link for typicall flash files for Android on my device that way you could tell me wich correspond to wich14:26
ogra_acif they dont that will get more tricky14:26
ogra_acbut as hrw already said, running ubuntu on a 256M device will be dog slow14:26
jacquesdptdwow cool14:27
jacquesdptdnew firmware update14:27
ogra_acwe are fully focusing on 512M devices14:27
jacquesdptdjust saw it14:27
jacquesdptdwell at the end of the page14:27
ogra_ac(or bigger)14:27
jacquesdptdbut i saw ubuntu mobile running perfectly14:27
jacquesdptdwhy are they saying 256 is sufficient, do you know linaro ?14:27
ogra_acyes, we all do14:28
ogra_aclinaro does most of its development in the ubuntu archive14:28
ogra_acwe use plenty of their work14:28
ogra_ac(half of the people in this channel are linaro guys)14:28
* ogra_ac has no flash on his arm laptop14:29
jacquesdptdthat rocks, i was really happy to see that14:29
hrwogra_ac: html5?14:30
ogra_acin any case i think its unlikely that linaro has a working kernel for your device either14:30
ogra_achrw, works fine on the test pages, doesnt work on youtube at all14:30
jacquesdptdfirst i would like to know how to fix the boot loader in order to see anything when trying to flash14:31
ogra_achrw, http://camendesign.com/code/video_for_everybody/test.html i can watch that fine14:31
jacquesdptdthen i would search for the right kernel14:31
ogra_acjacquesdptd, first get a serial connection working14:31
jacquesdptdif only i had a serial port14:31
jacquesdptdi have no14:31
ogra_acalso for linaro questions, probably ask in #linaro14:32
jacquesdptdgood idea14:32
jacquesdptdbut for the boot loader14:32
ogra_ac(though they wont have support for your device either)14:32
jacquesdptdwithout any serial port it wont be possible to do anything ?14:32
ogra_acyou wont be able to adjust anything14:32
jacquesdptdthey are mentionning to support the exact board i have in my device14:32
ogra_acso if it has a hardcoded setup to boot android its unlikely that you can easily work around that14:33
jacquesdptdthat's why i falled on them14:33
ogra_acwell, then let them help you14:33
ogra_aci dont think they support much beyond beagle igep2 and n900 for omap314:33
jacquesdptdyou are taking bad the fact i'm saying that in the video i just gave you the link of upper they are showing how to use linaro with a beagle board as example ,14:34
jacquesdptdyou know i'm searching for help, not for a winner that would have better solution and would advice me to go see those who better knows14:34
ogra_acno idea, as i said, my arm netbook doesnt have flash14:34
ogra_aci cant see your video14:35
jacquesdptdthat's why then14:35
ogra_aci know they support beagles14:35
ogra_acas we do14:35
jacquesdptdthen i do tell it to you if you neither can't read the webite14:35
ogra_ac(only the ones with 512M though(14:35
ogra_aclinaro might also support the lower specced ones14:35
ogra_acthat doesnt help you with your kernel or bootloader though14:36
ogra_actheir userspace is identical to ours14:36
ogra_acwe only differ in kernels14:36
jacquesdptdwell first, i would like to achieve this goal wih can be achieved with people helping me, then i'll see if it is too slow, the goal is to build tablets with ubuntu emmbed for ppl who wants it for less than 200 box14:36
ogra_acand in the way we build images14:36
jacquesdptdbut i'm maybe alone to be trying to help the ppl discover it14:37
jacquesdptdi understand14:37
ogra_actheir image build process is more complex, you need to build your image on your own or assemble it from different bits14:38
jacquesdptdbut as i said, with my exact board i saw ubuntu running, ppl have even managed to run 10.04, but it seems 10.10 could be even a lot better14:38
ogra_acwe provide ready made images in ubuntu but only for a certain set of boards14:38
jacquesdptdthey didn't report any lag by the way14:38
jacquesdptdonly problems of hw drivers such as bluetooth etc.........14:38
ogra_acwell, all i can say is talk to linaro in #linaro14:38
jacquesdptdok thx a lot14:39
ogra_acif they have support for your board as you say then they should be able to help you14:39
jacquesdptdwould have been cool to find at least the solution for your bootloader14:39
jacquesdptdbut as you dont have any flash14:39
jacquesdptdthe bootloader doesn't show anything14:39
jacquesdptdi think the problem is about resolution14:39
jacquesdptdbut on files given officially i do not know at all how and wich to modify14:40
ogra_acwell, if the beagle bootloader is supposed to work on your device, feel free to adjust boot.scr14:40
ogra_acit carries the resolution settings14:40
jacquesdptdthat's what i wanted to know14:40
jacquesdptdhow does it work ?14:40
jacquesdptdhow to adjust boot.scr ?14:40
ogra_acyou need to adjust the kernel cmdline14:40
jacquesdptdjust by editing it ?14:41
ogra_acits linked from the wiki somewhere14:41
jacquesdptdi think i got the page14:41
jacquesdptdi collected more than 20 pages on the subject this week14:41
jacquesdptdseeing that i was not alone in my quest and that some people maybe smarter than me understood how to make it work , but would prefer to do it alone14:42
jacquesdptdas i said , achieving this little dream to be able to sell an Ubuntu Mobile version Tablet for 200 box would be really cool14:43
jacquesdptdassuming i'm gonna try those new cortex a9 dual core that seems to be very very promising14:43
jacquesdptdthen you are saying, there a way to modify a line in the boot.src file (wch is not existing in my flash files when i do flash for android and firmware) and to tell him to adujst resolution ?14:46
hrwjust read it14:47
jacquesdptdi'm sure that if the boot loader would launch i would go straight to the right kernel14:47
jacquesdptdBIG STUPID ME14:48
jacquesdptdi'm sure you all do agree14:48
jacquesdptdhow comes i didn't saw it in a week14:48
jacquesdptdsorry ://14:48
ogra_acit wont help you with the bootloader in NAND though, it will only help you if the device runs a bootloader from SD too14:50
jacquesdptdhrm ?14:52
jacquesdptdi just wanna start ubuntu from sd14:52
jacquesdptdas said14:52
ogra_acwhich means that your bootloader in NAND needs to support that14:53
ogra_acas said14:53
ogra_acbut try it yourself14:53
jacquesdptdoh i understand14:54
jacquesdptdthat's why14:54
jacquesdptdsetenv bootcmd 'mmc init;fatload mmc 0 0x82000000 boot.scr;source 0x82000000'; setenv autostart yes; saveenv; boot14:55
jacquesdptdthey are talking about modified nand on the page14:55
jacquesdptdthat's what you are talking about right ?14:55
ogra_aciÄm talking about the bootloader installed on your device14:55
jacquesdptdit does work the same, throught flashing14:56
jacquesdptdwith mlo files and all on sd14:56
ogra_acthe line above is clearly for a beagleboard with u-boot preinstalled14:56
ogra_acyou dont have a beagleboard14:56
jacquesdptdanyway as said upper ppl managed to launch angstrom and ubuntu 10.0414:56
jacquesdptdok i understand14:57
ogra_acthen just try to adjust boot.scr and check14:57
jacquesdptdbut as i'm not booting from inside nand14:57
jacquesdptdbtu from sd14:57
jacquesdptdidon't understand14:57
ogra_acjust adjust the line and try14:57
jacquesdptdok, thx a lot for your help, a friend of mine just arrived14:58
jacquesdptdi'll come back later, i do appreciate a lot the fact you tried to help me questino after question without loosing control as it can happen sometimes14:59
jacquesdptdby the way i've been the first guy to start ubuntu on iphone 3g15:00
jacquesdptdi hopefull for the bench of my tablet15:00
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KamondeliousHow long should Maverick be displaying "Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel." before it does something else?18:59
KamondeliousI'm using a BeagleBoard rev C318:59
topfs2try restarting, I've had that before with beagle. sometimes it just fails to boot19:06
topfs2(it shouldnt wait there more than a few seconds)19:06
topfs2think changing uboot helped me19:07
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Kamondeliousahh, ok, so an hour is way to long19:09
Kamondeliousthanks topfs219:10
topfs2np :)19:12
ogra_acKamondelious, depends where you look20:00
ogra_acon a serial console an ubuntu image will never show anything more by default20:00
ogra_acon HDMI/DVI it should move on20:00
=== JamieBen1ett is now known as JamieBennett
Kamondeliousogra, oh!  ok, thanks20:36
KamondeliousI didn't turn it on as I expected to see more20:37
Kamondelioushahaha, yeah it seems to be working, need to set the screen res so I can see it, but Ctrl+Alt+Del reboots it from the attached keyboard20:39
Kamondeliousso that's a good sign20:39
topfs2oh right, forgot that ubuntu doesn't have serial by default :)20:43
topfs2that one got me also :)20:43

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