
spazI was told to come here with a question regarding a "fixed" bug03:03
rusiviQuick comment on bug 572970 complaint was made in #ubuntu regarding why toggled Fix Released status when Lucid had no GPM updates. It was inferred that based on how Maverick/Natty have updated versions of GPM, that is why, but due to lack of comments looking for clarity.03:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 572970 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Battery indicator stuck on fully charged (affects: 2) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57297003:05
spazThat's the question!03:07
charlie-tcarusivi, I think it was another change by someone not knowing what they were doing. There should be a changelog when bugs are marked fixed, or at least a comment about what fixed it.03:29
charlie-tcaThe reporter changed it, and should have left it in "new" status03:30
charlie-tcaIt is now back to "new". We need someone to confirm it now.03:31
rusivicharlie-tca: Thanks for addressing the bug!03:32
charlie-tcaYou are welcome03:34
micahgcharlie-tca: rusivi, wait, the reporter was the one who marked it fix released, what's the issue?03:50
rusivimicahg: spaz had noted that it was an issue for him/her03:51
micahgrusivi: so, that user should file a new bug03:51
rusiviI would have told spaz that if the package had changed in Lucid but it had not been changed.03:52
rusivispaz mentioned he encountered the same problem in UNE 10.0403:53
micahgrusivi: g-p-m has been updated each release03:53
rusivimicahg: I figured that the "Fix Released" was due to either reporter mistake or reporter updated to Maverick/Natty, either way not Fixed Released.03:54
micahgrusivi: fix released is if it's fixed in teh devel release, not all releases03:55
rusiviAh, I thought Fix Released meant fixed in the release it was bugged against, my mistake.03:55
micahgrusivi: if it's SRU worthy, then it can be nominated for a previous release03:56
rusiviBased on the low people affected, not a security issue, and low heat, seems not SRU worthy atm...03:57
rusiviIt does not affect me btw, just was trying to bring spaz to the right people in order for him to discuss it.03:58
=== Sazhen86 is now known as sazhen86
charlie-tcamicahg, that reporter on the bug did not give any comments. He added attachments to the bug and marked it fixed the same time he filed it12:43
oiercould someone please set status and importance for bug #643895 ?13:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 643895 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nvidia propietary driver fails to load X with geforce 310M (affects: 5) (heat: 28)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64389513:10
oiermany thanks13:10
yofel_that bugs a bit of a mess, the real issue is that nvidia 260 doesn't support the 310M chipset http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-260.19.04-driver.html which someone later reported in bug 65865713:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 658657 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nvidia 310M GPUs no longer supported. (affects: 2) (heat: 83)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65865713:20
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
oierwell the 260 does support the 310m card in theory13:27
oierif you search for the driver you get this link13:28
oierand there it is listed as supported13:28
oierby the way the bug you mention (658657) is marked as duplicated of the one I am asking to check (643895)13:29
yofelhm, right, be we don't have .21 in the official repository, only .0613:29
yofeloier: yes, I just duplicated that13:29
oierbut can't you set status and importance of that bug?13:30
oierBTW  .21 is avaliable in the X SWAT PPA https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates13:32
oieryofel are you still there?13:33
yofelI'll mark it high since it makes X fail to start, but I'll only set it to conrimed since I don't know what the exact triaging guidelines of the X team are.13:34
yofeloier: I know 21 is there, I'll put a note on the bug about that13:34
oierall right, many thanks13:36
vishoier: hi, just noticed your mail..13:42
vishoier: #ubuntu-x is a good place to ask about that bug13:43
oierok, many thanks everybody! I hope we can fix it soon13:44
oieris #657634 a duplicate of #643895?14:05
seb128bdmurray, pedro_: hi14:07
seb128if I gave you a list of bug numbers do you have some scripts to untag those with a comment easily?14:07
seb128does anybody know how to use launchpadlib to delete tags?14:36
paultagseb128: yeah, you can get the tag list as a whitespace delimted string14:37
paultagseb128: remove the tag you don't want, and set the tag again14:37
seb128I've tried     bug.tags.remove('need-amd64-retrace')14:37
seb128with     bug.lp_save() next to it to be sure14:37
seb128but the bug is not editing14:37
pedro_seb128, i've something for you, one sec14:38
pedro_seb128, do you want to remove a tag and then add a comment to that bug, right?14:38
seb128pedro_, yes14:38
pedro_seb128, ok , give me a minute to add the comment part14:39
pedro_i was testing the delete tag part14:39
seb128pedro_, see #ubuntu-desktop14:39
cprofittbdmurray: ping15:31
cprofittcurious if you can guide me on what to do when an issue is solved in the most recent release, but not in the LTS?15:32
charlie-tcacprofitt, probably needs a SRU - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Fixed%20in%20Development%20release%20while%20still%20existing%20in%20a%20previous%20release15:36
cprofittthanks charlie-tca15:36
charlie-tcaYou are welcome15:36
cprofittthis is the bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/65367815:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 653678 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "geometry preferences not applied (affects: 2) (heat: 67)" [Low,Fix released]15:37
charlie-tcaBugs are handled pretty the same way, regardless of LTS/non-LTS15:37
cprofittso in the case of this bug -- its minor15:38
cprofittjust leave as fix released or make it an SRU?15:39
cprofittfrom my reading I would say fix released15:39
charlie-tcaIf it is minor, then, yes, fix-released. If it is needed to make terminal work, SRU.15:40
charlie-tcaminor anoyances won't get approved15:40
cprofittcool... it is good where it is15:42
cprofittcharlie-tca: for the win again.15:43
cprofittthanks for helping me grow my knowledge15:43
charlie-tcaYou are welcome15:43
cprofittI remembered reading about it, but could not find the doc while lookings15:43
charlie-tcaIt is great that people care enough to ask15:44
* cprofitt smiles15:44
cprofittyou know me15:44
yofelcprofitt: add this to your bookmarks too since we're already talking about it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:49
yofelhm, the response has that link too..15:50
yofelhappens if you're doing something else an don't read the whole discussion :P15:52
cprofitthey jcastro15:58
cprofitthope your T-day was a good one15:58
cprofittyofel: lol15:58
cprofittits ok -- always willing to accept help...15:58
jcastrohi cprofitt15:58
cprofittits far better to try to help than to remain quiet15:58
cprofitthow is the fam jcastro15:59
jcastrogood, other than my internet getting hopeless today15:59
jcastroso if I disconnect ...15:59
cprofittah... I strongly dislike when that happens15:59
cprofittluckily its been a while16:00
* cprofitt runs to knock on wood16:00
* cprofitt comes back16:00
jibelmvo, Hi, about bug 681454 I think that's the same than bug 677442.16:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 681454 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager segfaults after upgrading a package (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68145416:56
ubot2jibel: Bug 677442 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/677442 is private16:56
jibelmvo, and also same trace than 677510 and 68126416:59
mvothanks jibel17:09
jcastropedro_: how's it going so far?17:18
xelisterwhy we are left with no usable vector editor in ubuntu18:26
xelisterinkscape works horrible, crashes each few minutes, and has GUI drawing glitches18:26
micahgxelister: why do you ask questions like this?18:27
micahgxelister: if there are bugs, please file them, if there's a newer version that works better, request an update or backport18:27
* micahg doesn't think there's an Ubuntu conspiracy to provide poor vector editing18:28
xelistermicahg: ok I ment: look, what the f- even simple vector editing is not working on ubuntu.. something needs to be done18:30
micahgxelister: ok, the way we do something is to file bugs and/or patches18:32
micahgxelister: it's in Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Edubuntu, so it's high profile, but idk who actually if anyone works on it18:35
evfoolhi all19:35
yofelhi evfool19:37
evfooli need some help19:38
evfooldoes anybody know what library is responsible for setting file associations?19:38
cedricthat's a freedesktop standard19:42
cedricso it depend what is your issue19:43
=== Richie is now known as WelshDragon
jfiHi, I wanted to do some test on 11.04 with virtualbox but the performance is .... terrible (slow), did somebody experiment such issue? I did not find a related-bugs20:36
micahgjfi: you might want to try in #ubuntu-testing or #ubuntu+120:38
jfiooops, right, sorry for the noise20:39
charlie-tcajfi, 11.04 requires compiz, to work best. VBox does not allow 3d, so will not be very good with it.20:40
micahgcharlie-tca: the non-OSE version has experimental 3D support20:41
charlie-tcaIt does? I think I reports that it is still going to be less than good20:41
jfiI am using the ose version, I have read that natty is planned to use by default compiz/unity but I thought that metacity will still work correctly20:42
jfiactually, that's terrible, I have the time to count each line drawing when moving window:)20:42
cedricis it possible to report a bug without using ubuntu-bug ?21:32
yofelcedric: it is, but first, why do you want to do so?21:34
cedriclibx11 is misconfigured21:34
cedricand it impact window setup time21:35
cedrici just need to point the maintainer of libx11 issue so that he can take care of it21:36
yofelwell, see the link I posted, and please don't forget to add the libx11 version and ubuntu release you're using21:36
cedricthanks will do21:38
cedricand it does impact all version of ubuntu since at least 200921:38
cedrici just updated to see if it was fixed21:38
cedricyofel: done, thanks for your help21:45
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