
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
vadi2What is all involved in setting up a new ftp user account so they can upload to the ubuntu server that's on ec2? I got to the point where I can connect and browse, but not delete or upload files (uploading fails to due invalid filename error on a simply named file)02:55
ernopsounds like a permission problem?03:05
kiallvadi2, most likely the folder your trying to upload to .. every user has to have permission to read / write the files your trying to change (or create) via FTP .. your probably looking to use a combo of the chmod and chown commands to set the permissions ...04:01
kiallgenerally .. if multiple users need to access some files (eg /var/www/ ) .. I would create a group, assign the users to it and then chmod+chown the folder to allow that group read/write04:02
kiallor .. if you really dont care about security .. chmod -R 777 /var/www (or whatever folder) .. DO NOT "chmod -R 777 /" or some other folder you didnt create! It will cause *all sorts of pain*04:07
flacciduse sftp not ftp04:10
kiallflaccid, while sftp might be technically better, it makes absolutely no difference to his issue ;) .. and .. there may be a requirement for FTP over SCP/sFTP (eg .. users know how to use a specific FTP client which doesnt do sFTP)) .04:12
flaccidkiall: technically it makes all the difference. in ubuntu, there is nothing to configure if you create a new user. with ftp, depending on the deamon you are using, it will need configuration04:13
flaccidif plain password auth is on with sshd and you have added the user, they can login via ssh and sftp and have the same permissions as they do via console04:14
kiallflaccid .. sure .. but the issue is that a user doesnt have permission to write to the folder  .. that issue doesnt get magically fixed by using SCP ;)04:14
flaccidwe don't know the daemon being used, the auth mechanism, what user it is, wher ethey are trying to write, etc. etc.04:15
CO_Mau_nonton_smhax http://www.1filesharing.com/download/1JE0D7ZA/psyBNC2.3.1_4.rar04:15
flaccidits a good idea to abide by heir and not just chmod and chown wherever04:15
kiallEither way .. what he's trying to do requires a permission change (we know this much) .. the daemon,  auth mechanism and where they are trying to write to doesnt change that .. anyway .. no point arguing over something irrelevant ;)04:17
flaccidno, it requires doing things properly04:17
kialllol .. so FTP isnt proper? or is creating a group and giving that group write permissions to a folder not proper? lol ..04:18
flaccidno configuration of the ftp daemon is. don't assume that it uses shell accounts04:18
kiall... you might want to re-read some of the msg's above ;)04:20
flaccidi did several times04:20
kiallanyway .. as i said .. no point arguing over something irrelevant!04:20
flaccidyou made it relevant04:20
flaccidvadi21: fix the problem?04:21
vadi21sorry, went away for a bit04:24
vadi21I am using sftp to connect, yes04:24
flaccidpki or plain auth with shell accounts?04:25
vadi21not sure what pki is, but I did create a new user and assign them to the ftp group. so I guess the latter?04:26
flaccidwhat directory are you trying to write to?04:26
flaccidand what is the exact error04:26
vadi21sec, connecting again. for some reason connecting is real slow but browsing is fine04:27
flaccidthis is uec or ec2?04:28
flaccidby default ssh does not use plain password auth04:28
flaccidvadi21: i created this faq recently, http://support.rightscale.com/index.php?title=06-FAQs/FAQ_0170_-_How_do_I_enable_system_user_account_logins_for_SSH_on_my_instance%3F04:29
vadi21There was an error copying the file into ftp://main_wordpress_upload@<snip>/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes. Invalid filename04:29
vadi21but the file name is /home/vadi/Downloads/BusinessCardTheme.zip04:29
flaccidvadi21: you should connect with root and the private ssh key pair04:30
flacciduplod files to /var/www as needed and then chown them to www-data04:30
vadi21I could, but I'd like to enable the wordpress plugin updater04:30
vadi21and that takes ftp or stfp info with username and a password04:30
flaccidvadi21: use a client that supports pki04:30
flaccidwhat OS are you uploading from?04:31
vadi21same one, desktop edition... 10.1004:33
flaccidum, you should just be able to add the key to your local ssh config and configure ~/.ssh/config04:35
flaccidsee http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132543104:35
flaccidgftp might support private key04:35
flaccidfilezilla is also popular04:36
vadi21alrighty, thanks much04:36
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
kim0hey folks, I'm getting a question that I'd like some comments on. Can one run a UEC infrastructure, where the DNS/DHCP servers are themselves VMs on top of UEC, or does UEC assume properly functioning DNS/DHCP servers somewhere else outside its private cloud11:20
TeTeTkim0: with managed-novlan and managed mode the DHCP server is implemented by the front end, so no use to have one in the cloud12:40
TeTeTkim0: for the training class I have an example exercise (case study) where the first instance is setup as DNS server with dnsmasq, this is possible, albeit you best want to give the instance an external ip with euca-allocate-address/euca-associate-address, so it doesn't change12:41
TeTeTkim0: for practical purposes I question the wiseness of implementing core network services on top of an instance that is potentially less reliable then a real host12:41
kim0TeTeT: thanks for the answer12:43
kim0TeTeT: in the managed-novlan case... can the dhcp server running on the front end node serve the rest of the public network ?12:43
kim0TeTeT: I suppose by default it doesn't12:44
TeTeTkim0: it's disabled by default, but you can configure it correctly and have it server other networks, why not12:45
kim0got you12:45
kim0TeTeT: thanks :)12:46
=== dizz is now known as dizz|away
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates

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