TheMuso | bdrung: Please include debian changelog entries with merge uploads. | 00:12 |
bdrung | TheMuso: damn, i forgot it again. | 00:13 |
bdrung | TheMuso: i need to make sponsor-patch usable for my own uploads, too. :) | 00:13 |
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bdrung | TheMuso: you refer to vlc, right? | 00:14 |
TheMuso | bdrung: yes. | 00:14 |
TheMuso | As long as you are aware of it. | 00:14 |
bdrung | TheMuso: it happens way to often. | 00:14 |
TheMuso | Don't worry, you're not the only one. | 00:14 |
bdrung | TheMuso: now i have to close the bug manually. | 00:15 |
micahg | it seems to be happening quite a bit lately (I've done it a few times as well) | 00:15 |
bdrung | TheMuso: i hope that x264 is accepted soon (the we can sync vlc) | 00:15 |
TheMuso | Yeah. | 00:16 |
TheMuso | micahg: Yeah its easy to miss. | 00:16 |
TheMuso | Thats where MoM has an advantage... | 00:17 |
bdrung | TheMuso: but mom is too slow for my workflow (upload to debian, merge, upload to ubuntu) | 00:17 |
TheMuso | Yeah I understand. | 00:17 |
TheMuso | I am just saying that MoM has a merge-package script which includes the -v flag for you. | 00:18 |
micahg | TheMuso: last one I missed was when I didn't sign the file for testing, then I signed and uploaded, I intended to use -v when I regenerated and signed, but forgot | 00:18 |
TheMuso | heh | 00:18 |
bdrung | debuild should be more intelegent with Xubuntu1 versions | 00:18 |
TheMuso | That could be a solution, yes. | 00:19 |
micahg | bdrung: that's hard as the last upload might have been some random previous debian version, but now a merge is required | 00:20 |
bdrung | micahg: at least a warning would be nice | 00:20 |
micahg | bdrung: yep, that could work | 00:21 |
xnox | bdrung, micahg: from bzr bd --help | 00:21 |
xnox | --package-merge Build using the appropriate -v and -sa options for | 00:21 |
xnox | merging in the changes from another source. | 00:21 |
* xnox is not sure what that one does =) | 00:22 | |
bdrung | xnox: that's nice | 00:22 |
xnox | I have just noticed this on launchpad:"A newer version of yelp is available for packaging: Yelp 2.30.2" | 00:23 |
xnox | Wow =) this is cool =) | 00:23 |
xnox | Where is launchpad *new features* changelog btw? for stuff like that. | 00:24 |
bdrung | xnox: link? | 00:25 |
xnox | | 00:26 |
xnox | it seems that launchpad needs tarballs/milestones in launchpad to do that =) | 00:26 |
bdrung | nice | 00:26 |
bdrung | micahg: are you member of the pkg-mozext team? | 00:27 |
micahg | bdrung: nt yet | 00:27 |
micahg | *not | 00:27 |
bdrung | micahg: it's the place where we should update the extensions | 00:27 |
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micahg | bdrung: makes sense, i still need to get comfortable with git though | 00:28 |
bdrung | micahg: that will take as long as it takes to learn packaging ;) | 00:28 |
xnox | bdrung, rubish =) git is easy =) easier than autoconf =)))) | 00:34 |
bdrung | xnox: that's not hard (to be easier than autoconf) | 00:36 |
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sivang | hi all | 00:46 |
sivang | I wonder if anybody could toss a quick pointer to where this is used in kubuntu? | 00:47 |
Riddell | sivang: it's not | 00:48 |
sivang | Riddell: hey :) | 00:48 |
sivang | Riddell: so what was its purpose? | 00:48 |
Riddell | looks like harald was looking at using it with his summer of code ubuntu one kde project | 00:49 |
sivang | Riddell: I want to have a similar qt implementation to what Couchdbkit does, it might be a god start. | 00:49 |
sivang | Riddell: the code does feel as if it was left in the middle | 00:49 |
sivang | Riddell: I see, thanks for the note. | 00:49 |
Riddell | apachelogger is the guy to ask | 00:49 |
Riddell | but he'll be asleep | 00:50 |
sivang | Riddell: okay, I'll email him | 00:50 |
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Chipaca | ajmitch: thanks for the info. I'll continue to hug my notmuchmail then :) | 02:12 |
ssj6akshat | How do i translate the debian-installer? | 02:52 |
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cjwatson | I answered ssj6akshat in /msg | 05:35 |
hugoshi | this is wierd and quite specific - I've been having trouble with emacs because all the shift arrow keys work inside a terminal except for shift up | 05:37 |
hugoshi | I've fixed it | 05:37 |
hugoshi | by simply recompiling the terminfo for xterm-256color | 05:37 |
hugoshi | I'm not sure how that fixed it, but the recompiled binary is a different size than the original.. which is strange | 05:38 |
twb | On lucid in LSB sysvinit scripts, log_progress_msg is defined with the comment | 05:52 |
twb | # On Ubuntu, one would expect log_progress_msg to be a no-op. | 05:52 |
twb | ...but its definition appears to print things, and I'm no seeing anything being printed. | 05:52 |
twb | Ah, it seems that log_action_end_msg eats it | 05:53 |
twb | I'm still confused as to where the newlines between " * starting foo" and " ...done." come from. | 05:55 |
ssj6akshat | Is there any ubuntu multitouch devel channel? | 06:12 |
bilalakhtar | ssj6akshat: #ayatana | 06:14 |
bilalakhtar | uTouch is a part of the Ayatana project | 06:15 |
ssj6akshat | bilalakhtar, ah thanks | 06:16 |
bilalakhtar | ssj6akshat: no, wait a minute, I don't think that is | 06:16 |
cjwatson | #ubuntu-touch | 06:18 |
bilalakhtar | ssj6akshat: ^ | 06:18 |
cjwatson | | 06:18 |
ssj6akshat | cjwatson, ah thanks | 06:19 |
ebroder | You know, it's still way too early to be declaring victory, but the length of the sponsorship queue appears to be gaining downwards momentum this week | 06:20 |
twb | Aha, busted. /etc/ redefines stuff | 06:34 |
twb | (To talk to usplash, which is weird, because plymouth replaced it.) | 06:34 |
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twb | WTF | 07:02 |
twb | The GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT code is handled in /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober -- which exists despite os-prober being purged | 07:02 |
twb | Oops, wrong channel. | 07:02 |
ssj6akshat | no one in #ubuntu-touch seems to be responding | 07:04 |
ebroder | ssj6akshat: It's a holiday in the States and early morning in Europe. Be patient | 07:04 |
ssj6akshat | ebroder, ok | 07:10 |
twb | ebroder: oh, THAT's where everybody is | 07:14 |
pitti | Good morning | 07:29 |
nigelb | Morning pitti | 07:30 |
ssj6akshat | morning pitti | 07:31 |
didrocks | good morning | 07:55 |
dholbach | good morning! | 07:59 |
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LetoThe2nd | g'morning! Yesterday I reported a bug via apport, which got marked as duplicate. the message said i shall lookup the original and see if i can provide additional information. i think i can (workaround), but the original bug is marked private. therefore, the mail i received is kind of pointless - i can't access and comment the original bug :-( | 08:34 |
pitti | @pilot in | 08:56 |
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | | See #ubuntu-bugs for | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: pitti | ||
pitti | welcome ladies and gentlemen, I'll be your pilot today | 08:56 |
twb | Hmph | 08:56 |
twb | The 10.04 udev security update assumes udevadm isn't dpkg-diverted by the local sysadmin. | 08:57 |
nigelb | pitti: heh, Martin Airlines ;) ? | 08:57 |
* ebroder is certain there's a good "Airplane" joke buried somewhere in this patch pilot business | 08:57 | |
pitti | yes, they are a bit patchy :) | 08:58 |
dholbach | ebroder, I know the guy who draws - I'm sure you'll find enough ideas for airplane jokes in there :) | 08:58 |
ebroder | dholbach: I was thinking of . Awesome comedy movie | 08:59 |
dholbach | oh ok - I didn't know it before | 09:00 |
goodwill | could someone with Ubuntu 10.04 tell me if inputlirc run there by default? You can do it by running this in terminal: ps auxw|grep inputlirc | 09:01 |
dholbach | goodwill, not as far as I can see | 09:03 |
goodwill | dholbach: thank you | 09:04 |
twb | goodwill: wouldn't that depend on whether it was installed? | 09:04 |
twb | It's not pulled in by any of the normal metapackages (e.g. ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-standard). | 09:05 |
LetoThe2nd | (sorry, bump) g'morning! Yesterday I reported a bug via apport, which got marked as duplicate. the message said i shall lookup the original and see if i can provide additional information. i think i can (workaround), but the original bug is marked private. therefore, the mail i received is kind of pointless - i can't access and comment the original bug :-( - so how to make the maintainer aware of the workaround, which might lead to a fix? | 09:06 |
goodwill | twb: I did not think so ... but I had lircd vs. inputlirc issues in 10.10 I am writing about in XBMC which are a bit similar | 09:07 |
goodwill | dholbach: can you do me one additional small favor and tell me if inputlirc is at all available in 10.04. You can use: apt-cache search inputlirc | 09:08 |
ebroder | goodwill: You can find this out yourself by going to or | 09:11 |
goodwill | ebroder: right ... forgot about that | 09:11 |
twb | Or the heavyweight solution: pbuilder create --distribution lucid; pbuilder login; apt-cache policy inputlirc | 09:12 |
ari-tczew | pitti: ready for sponsoring? :) | 09:44 |
pitti | yep, already working on one bug | 09:44 |
ari-tczew | pitti: could you take a look on this branch? | 09:46 |
pitti | ari-tczew: sure | 09:48 |
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ari-tczew | pitti: do you will copy this change to natty? ^^ | 09:58 |
pitti | ari-tczew: I'll upload it to natty | 09:59 |
ari-tczew | ok | 09:59 |
ari-tczew | dholbach: do you know who deals with hall-of-fame? It seems to be outdated so far | 10:00 |
dholbach | ari-tczew, it's in the process of being rewritten | 10:00 |
ari-tczew | aha ok | 10:00 |
dholbach | the old version is pretty much unmaintained | 10:00 |
dholbach | if you're interested in helping out | 10:00 |
pitti | ari-tczew: done | 10:02 |
ari-tczew | dholbach: I can't. I'm a n00b in code write. | 10:03 |
dholbach | like in all other things having interest in making it work is the most important thing :) | 10:05 |
pitti | lamont: I sponsored bug 533601 and attached a debdiff suitable for Debian; want me to create a Debian bug for this, or is this sufficient for you? | 10:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 533601 in bind9 (Ubuntu) "Apport hook for bind9" [Wishlist,Fix released] | 10:11 |
ari-tczew | pitti: could you check status of branch? | 10:11 |
pitti | ari-tczew: will put as second into my queue | 10:12 |
pitti | rodrigo asked earlier :) | 10:12 |
ari-tczew | pitti: for my question? | 10:12 |
pitti | for above branch review | 10:13 |
pitti | ari-tczew: seems it's already applied in natty | 10:21 |
pitti | but this is not ever something that I'd put into an SRU | 10:22 |
pitti | plymouth integration for apache on a server? | 10:22 |
pitti | this looks seriously broken | 10:22 |
pitti | wouldn't that stop your boot? | 10:22 |
ogra_ac | would it show your websites on plymouth ? :P | 10:25 |
ari-tczew | pitti: dunno, I'm only reviewing sponsors queue | 10:25 |
pitti | ari-tczew: I commented on the branch and bug | 10:25 |
ari-tczew | pitti: could you take a look on bug 677129 ? | 10:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 677129 in xterm (Ubuntu) "Please merge xterm 266-1 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] | 10:33 |
pitti | ari-tczew: yep, will do | 10:35 |
ari-tczew | pitti: thanks for your time and patience due to quantity of my highlights :) | 10:41 |
pitti | ari-tczew: that's my job today :) but I need to balance it with other requests, and also the old stuff which is in the queue, so I can't get to everything immediately | 10:43 |
ari-tczew | pitti: so, do you will review a couple of old bugs also? | 10:43 |
pitti | ari-tczew: I'm starting from oldest first | 10:44 |
ari-tczew | pitti: I'm pleased! | 10:44 |
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ari-tczew | pitti: do you mind if me or someone else will take your merges? | 10:49 |
pitti | ari-tczew: how you mean "take my merges"? | 10:49 |
pitti | oh, my merges! | 10:49 |
pitti | ari-tczew: no, not at all | 10:50 |
pitti | ari-tczew: (sorry, I'm looking at merge proposals all the time, got confused :) ) | 10:50 |
pitti | ari-tczew: I'd appreciate a quick ping if you do, since I've looked at some which don't make much sense to do | 10:50 |
ari-tczew | pitti: understand ;) | 10:50 |
xnox | how often does: update? My merge proposal is not visible yet =) | 10:53 |
xnox | or do I have to have a bug as well? | 10:53 |
pitti | at least every 30 minutes, possibly more often | 10:53 |
xnox | It's up there already =) never mind missed it in the sorting view =) | 10:54 |
xnox | ari-tczew, heya =) it's me with xiphos update branch | 10:54 |
xnox | I'll check the comments now ;-) | 10:54 |
ari-tczew | xnox: HELLO | 10:55 |
* ari-tczew sorry for caps | 10:55 | |
xnox | ari-tczew, I'm the maintainer of Xiphos in Debian as well. We would like to push sword-1.6.2 to debian experimental first. and then update xiphos and bibletime against sword 1.6.2 in experimental. | 10:56 |
xnox | It is not a priority to get it into debian experimental since squeeze is frozen =) | 10:56 |
xnox | But bdrung has asked me about xiphos 3.1.4 to make it compatible with xul20 and gtkthml 3.32 so easy the migrations / dist-upgrades in natty asap | 10:57 |
ari-tczew | xnox: ok, would be nice. my proposition is: get these changes to Debian experimental first, then sync into ubuntu natty | 10:57 |
xnox | ok | 10:57 |
xnox | Will seek sponsorship now then. | 10:57 |
pitti | ari-tczew: xterm bug already seems to be in progress, and mvo had some concerns about it | 11:02 |
ari-tczew | ok | 11:03 |
xnox | micahg, with xulrunner-2.0 package there will be no incompatible changes between released 2.0.0 an 2.0.99 to the UPPER/LOWER_RANGES? | 11:09 |
xnox | or they have some new policy for those? | 11:10 |
chrisccoulson | xnox - the policy hasn't changed AFAIK, so there's no guarantee that there will be no breakage | 11:14 |
chrisccoulson | in fact, there's more likely to be breakage now (see | 11:15 |
chrisccoulson | "No more frozen interfaces" | 11:15 |
xnox | chrisccoulson, now that is just wonderful =) how do I keep up with future xulrunner updates and test xiphos before each new xulrunner revision in e.g. released natty? | 11:44 |
chrisccoulson | xnox, i'm not sure. watching the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA for updates might be one way | 11:45 |
chrisccoulson | we generally don't test these updates on everything before we publish them (else I'd spend my entire time testing security updates) | 11:46 |
xnox | hm. 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2 transition failed for xiphos. Xiphos build against 1.9.2, users had 1.9.1 and 1.9.2 installed resulting in xiphos crashing. | 11:47 |
xnox | And then later -> updated cause UI bugs in Xiphos....... | 11:47 |
chrisccoulson | xnox, we need to tighten GREVersion to stop that from happening (for the 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2 case) | 11:47 |
xnox | well this is just me rumbuling =) | 11:47 |
xnox | chrisccoulson, I will tigthen GREVersion. But how tight? | 11:48 |
xnox | 2.0.0 - 2.0.99? | 11:48 |
chrisccoulson | for the -> case, i'm not sure what to do about that. in general, interfaces shouldn't break in minor versions, but there is no guarantee there | 11:48 |
xnox | or less than that? | 11:48 |
chrisccoulson | xnox, yeah, basically, i want everything in the archive in natty to only work with 2.0.0 | 11:48 |
chrisccoulson | the reason for this is: | 11:48 |
chrisccoulson | sometime in the future, natty will get a new xulrunner version (when 2.0 goes EOL) | 11:49 |
chrisccoulson | we will port some applications to the new version | 11:49 |
chrisccoulson | but others need to carry on working with the current 2.0 | 11:49 |
chrisccoulson | one of the difficulties we had when backporting 1.9.2 to our old releases, is that a lot of applications set crazy wide limits for the GREVersion, which meant i had to fix/patch a lot more applications than i wanted to | 11:50 |
xnox | chrisccoulson, ok. so currently I get build-dep on xulrunner-2.0 via shlibdeps so appropriate GREVersion limits are 2.0.0 and 2.0.99? And then hope for the best for no minor breakages in between. | 11:54 |
chrisccoulson | xnox, you'll need to set the lower version to 2.0b to work with the current version | 11:54 |
chrisccoulson | and i set the upper version to 2.0.0.* (gecko usually has a 4 part version number) | 11:55 |
xnox | Currently xiphos is fine from xulrunner 1.9.0 -> 2.0.0 so we should detect which xulrunner we are building against at configure time, and preserve the limits in the binary to ${xul-mayor}.${xul-minor}.0 - 99? | 11:55 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, that would be ok | 11:55 |
xnox | chrisccoulson, 2.0.0 loads fine on my natty for lower bound? | 11:55 |
xnox | with xul-2.0..... | 11:56 |
quadrispro | pitti, ping | 11:58 |
chrisccoulson | xnox, oh, that's good then. that probably means i can change that in gnome-python-extras too | 11:58 |
xnox | Yelp is no-go with xulrunner 2.0 yet? | 11:58 |
quadrispro | pitti, would you mind to review my commit?;a=commitdiff;h=75a69d | 11:58 |
lamont | pitti: looking at the bug | 11:58 |
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xnox | chrisccoulson, also for Universe we get stuff from debian which has 1.9.2 in experimental so far..... | 12:01 |
* quadrispro having launch | 12:05 | |
chrisccoulson | xnox, yeah, that is a side effect of our different maintenance policy in ubuntu. i don't think there is anything we can do about that | 12:08 |
chrisccoulson | i'm generally taking care of the packages which come from debian to make sure they work with our newer firefox version | 12:09 |
chrisccoulson | xnox, if you feel like helping out at all, i have a list here - :) | 12:09 |
xnox | chrisccoulson, ok thanks =) | 12:10 |
quadrispro | pitti, it needs some work | 12:12 |
chrisccoulson | xnox - you might want to add your name to xiphos if you're working on that :) | 12:12 |
chrisccoulson | so i don't end up duplicating work | 12:12 |
xnox | chrisccoulson, yeap =) sure | 12:13 |
chrisccoulson | thanks | 12:13 |
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xnox | chrisccoulson, about the four-part version number. Why the package is called xulrunner-2.0 and not xulrunner-2.0.0? or does it not matter? | 12:25 |
xnox | is the next one going to be xulrunner-2.0.1 or will land inside xulrunner-2.0? | 12:26 |
chrisccoulson | xnox - unless it's changed, the current 2.0 series will all have 2.0.0.* version numbers, and 2.0.1 will be the next "major"-ish version | 12:27 |
chrisccoulson | just like with 1.9 | 12:27 |
xnox | ok cool =) | 12:27 |
pitti | quadrispro, lamont: re (back from lunch) | 12:49 |
lamont | wb | 12:49 |
pitti | quadrispro: oh argh, there's a comma missing -- is that upstream as well? | 12:54 |
pitti | ++ char default_udev_action[] = "SYMLINK+=\"libmtp-%k\", MODE=\"666\" ENV{ID_MEDIA_PLAYER}=\"1\""; | 12:54 |
pitti | quadrispro: there needs to be a , between MODE and ENV | 12:55 |
pitti | quadrispro: otherwise it looks fine to me | 12:56 |
quadrispro | pitti, yes, it's upstream | 13:02 |
quadrispro | pitti, pushed. Now I should update udev's rule, but I'm wondering if it's needed to fill ENV{ID_MEDIA_PLAYER}=\"1\"" with the proper media-info device's ID | 13:05 |
pitti | quadrispro: shouldn't; MTP devices can tell by themselves which capabilities they have | 13:05 |
pitti | quadrispro: but I haven't actually tested banshee other music players what they do | 13:06 |
pitti | quadrispro: seems that at least in the current version, rhythmbox doesn't really need the ID_MEDIA_PLAYER flag on MTP devices, it just enumerates /dev/libmtp* | 13:06 |
pitti | so the patch isn't really necessary for rhythmbox | 13:06 |
quadrispro | yes, I see | 13:06 |
quadrispro | would it be sane to upload it now? | 13:06 |
pitti | quadrispro: so, I think you should just test banshee and perhaps amarok whether they care about it, and whether it makes a difference | 13:07 |
quadrispro | (sure, after doing a bunch of tests) | 13:07 |
pitti | quadrispro: I just saw that libmtp's rules come after 40-usb-media-players.rules | 13:07 |
pitti | so these need to make sure not to tag any device which is already an USB storage device | 13:08 |
quadrispro | mmm, so building now, testing later and then let you know | 13:09 |
xnox | chrisccoulson, you are right the min version must be 2.0b or something like that. | 13:12 |
xnox | chrisccoulson, can you add two variables to xulrunner pkg-config? GREVerMin and GREVerMax? | 13:18 |
chrisccoulson | xnox - yeah, i could do. that's a good idea actually | 13:19 |
xnox | with those values that are preferred in Ubuntu when building against that xulrunner e.g. 2.0b and now and other pairs updated later? | 13:19 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, i'll do that | 13:19 |
chrisccoulson | thanks for the suggestion! | 13:19 |
xnox | cause I really don't want to have in my configure script "when it is alpha, when it is beta, when it is released" logic for xulrunner =))))) | 13:19 |
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pitti | slangasek: does the plymouth bzr head package work for you? I do get a splash screen, but it looks very ugly (jittery font) | 13:21 |
ari-tczew | how long process backport? | 13:35 |
* ogra_ac glares at his local shadow build | 13:35 | |
ogra_ac | yacc getdate.y | 13:35 |
ogra_ac | /bin/bash: yacc: Kommando nicht gefunden. | 13:35 |
ogra_ac | why the heck isnt yacc in the build deps if its used by the build | 13:35 |
ogra_ac | is yacc pulled in by anything in debian we dont ? | 13:36 |
pitti | ogra_ac: that doesn't matter, though; if shadow uses yacc by itself, it needs to b-dep on it, regardless of transitive build deps | 13:47 |
pitti | ogra_ac: which is to say, if it doesn't, that's a bug in Debian as well | 13:47 |
ogra_ac | well, i dont think that was added recently | 13:48 |
ogra_ac | and it built before | 13:48 |
ogra_ac | also we have the same deps as debian and it seems to have built there too | 13:48 |
soren | ogra_ac: Build logs for shadow in maverick don't mention yacc. | 13:51 |
soren | ogra_ac: Or bison, for that matter. | 13:51 |
pitti | ogra_ac: does the source already ship the preprocessed yacc output? | 13:51 |
pitti | ogra_ac: might be a race condition when the .y gets patched, and thus gets newer than the output | 13:51 |
ogra_ac | pitti, ah, that might be | 13:53 |
ogra_ac | hmm, though no patch touches getdate | 13:55 |
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geser | cjwatson: as bug 681535 is "Fix committed", should I check the patch to confirm that it fixes my grub problem? | 14:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 681535 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Auto-detection of a filesystem of /dev/md0 failed." [High,Fix committed] | 14:12 |
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cjwatson | geser: feel free, or I'll upload it later this afternoon | 14:18 |
cjwatson | I'm pretty sure it does - I mimicked the setup you described and encountered a bug which was at the very least extremely similar | 14:19 |
cjwatson | geser: do keep the md lines out of though | 14:30 |
geser | sure, as you said that the md lines got there by error, I removed them from and kept only those for my harddisks | 14:31 |
cjwatson | *nod* | 14:31 |
geser | I'll check if booting from my usb-stick still works before upgrading grub again :) | 14:32 |
cjwatson | geser: the patch in bzr may not fix it on its own, of course - there was another patch I committed upstream, plus a postinst patch committed to Debian to avoid a spurious question | 14:34 |
cjwatson | geser: I'm merging all of that together for the next upload | 14:34 |
geser | ok, I'll wait on your upload then | 14:37 |
cjwatson | geser: source uploaded now | 14:39 |
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ogra_ac | hmpf | 14:45 |
ogra_ac | debian touched the file but doesnt run yacc during build | 14:45 |
ogra_ac | we didnt touch the same file but yacc is executed | 14:45 |
* ogra_ac doesnt get that | 14:45 | |
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pitti | tseliot: can you handle bug 639976? it's a trivial change, but I can't commit to your git | 14:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 639976 in Package Descriptions for Ubuntu "Typo in package description: NVIDIA 8 should be GeForce 8" [Low,Triaged] | 14:56 |
* tseliot has a look | 14:57 | |
ogra_ac | grrr, ok. yacc is not executed on x86 | 14:57 |
tseliot | pitti: sure, I'll do it now | 14:58 |
pitti | tseliot: (no upload required for that, just to not forget it); thanks! | 14:58 |
tseliot | pitti: right, I'll just commit it in git, in case I forget | 14:58 |
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pitti | dholbach: I like the slope of the first graph at since we started this pilot thing ;) | 15:07 |
dholbach | pitti, same here :) | 15:08 |
dholbach | it's awesome | 15:08 |
dholbach | once we're done with that, there's still 2000 bugs with patches in LP :-P | 15:08 |
sladen | pitti: do you have a tag for installed-footprint opportunities and cd-size opportunities? | 15:09 |
pitti | sladen: I don't; feel free to invent one :) | 15:09 |
geser | cjwatson: thanks, the new grub version installs and boots without problems | 15:11 |
hallyn | all right is there any text-based browserthat works right with lp+openid? | 15:11 |
dholbach | w3m? | 15:12 |
geser | there was one: elinks or links if I remember correctly | 15:12 |
hallyn | lynx gives me an infinite loop, | 15:12 |
hallyn | i thought elinks had failed me, but i'll re-try hat i guess | 15:12 |
hallyn | think i tried w3m in prague, but wth i'll try again | 15:13 |
hallyn | w3m won't show me the 'submit' button at lp login | 15:15 |
hallyn | elinks just clears the form and asks me to fill it back in | 15:16 |
geser | see bug 628755 for the w3m issue which got fixed for natty | 15:18 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 628755 in Launchpad Foundations "Impossible to log in in Launchpad using apport from a tty console with w3m (dup-of: 523229)" [Low,Triaged] | 15:18 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 523229 in Canonical SSO provider "The Continue button isn't selectable in w3m for sso login" [High,Won't fix] | 15:18 |
bdrung | wow, the sponsor queue gets smaller! | 15:18 |
ari-tczew | yes, I agreed. today work is very good. thanks for pitti! | 15:19 |
ari-tczew | maybe pitti should be patch pilot more frequently? | 15:19 |
pitti | it wasn't just me :) | 15:19 |
pitti | we have had patch pilots every day now | 15:20 |
hallyn | geser: interesting, thanks. so if i update that one to natty i could do it :) | 15:20 |
ari-tczew | pitti: but your activities are strong because you have expierence and knowledge with handling SRUs | 15:20 |
geser | hallyn: perhaps; there also some other bugs about cookies, LP and text-browsers: e.g. bug 535456 | 15:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 535456 in Launchpad Foundations "Log-in loop when authenticating to Launchpad with Lynx (dup-of: 586908)" [Low,Incomplete] | 15:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 586908 in Launchpad Foundations "OpenID login fails for non-beta LP users using lynx and possibly other browsers" [High,Triaged] | 15:23 |
geser | just try every text-browser out till you find one that works | 15:23 |
hallyn | geser: well i've just tried lynx, elinks, and w3m, so think i'm resorting to install vnc+fvwm+firefox :( | 15:23 |
quadrispro | pitti, 40-usb-media-player.rules and 45-libmtp8.rules share several device IDs | 15:24 |
pitti | quadrispro: some devices offer both access modes | 15:24 |
quadrispro | so this is not a problem, isn't it? | 15:25 |
pitti | quadrispro: well, it means that the ="1" tagged ones will overwrite the ones in media-player-info | 15:26 |
pitti | quadrispro: ideally we could move libmtp rules before m-p-i rules | 15:26 |
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pitti | then the hand-maintained mpi ones could fine-tune/override the autogenerated mtp ones as needed | 15:27 |
quadrispro | yep, I've written a small script to calculate differences between the two rules and so, what should we do to re-order them without introducing regressions? | 15:29 |
pitti | quadrispro: well, either move libmtp to 40-* (which would be more adhering to the current convention), or move m-p-i rules to 50-* | 15:32 |
pitti | or rather 46-* | 15:32 |
pitti | @pilot out | 15:33 |
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | | See #ubuntu-bugs for | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: | ||
pitti | now, 19 sponsoring items less :) | 15:34 |
dholbach | yeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw | 15:34 |
* dholbach hugs pitti | 15:34 | |
* pitti hugs dholbach for his perseverance | 15:34 | |
ogra_ac | but you could at least properly land the plane before jumping off :P | 15:34 |
ogra_ac | poor passengers | 15:34 |
pitti | dholbach: I have to admit it does work better if you have a schedule and a solid block, instead of this fuzzy "one hour a week" | 15:34 |
quadrispro | pitti, yep, it was clear :) sorry, my wrong question, 2nd attempt: what should we do *before* re-arranging them? | 15:35 |
pitti | ogra_ac: this is Unix. 90% solutions are okay! | 15:35 |
pitti | *cough* | 15:35 |
dholbach | pitti, now we need just more people on the schedule :) | 15:35 |
pitti | quadrispro: if we swap their order, I think the mtp change is just fine | 15:35 |
* quadrispro hugs dholbach | 15:35 | |
ogra_ac | pitti, dholbach, though a proper gmail schedule you can subscribe to for reminders would be a lot better | 15:35 |
* dholbach hugs quadrispro back | 15:35 | |
pitti | ogra_ac: I just added my days to my calendar | 15:35 |
dholbach | pitti++ :) | 15:35 |
* ogra_ac isnt sure he will remember in two months when exactly his pilot days are | 15:36 | |
ogra_ac | pitti, well, i'd like an automatic reminder | 15:36 |
dholbach | and there's people in the community who don't use gmail | 15:36 |
ari-tczew | dholbach: can we order pitti more frequently as patch pilot? | 15:36 |
ogra_ac | without having to add it every month | 15:36 |
ogra_ac | because i will surely forget to over time | 15:36 |
hallyn | where *is* the schedule again? | 15:36 |
dholbach | | 15:37 |
pitti | ari-tczew: well, it's not like I've not done sponsoring before; I do that every other day (just not that intense) | 15:37 |
pitti | I think the point of this is to spread it to more people :) | 15:37 |
pitti | ari-tczew: also, it seems that I got signed up for Jan 3 and 10 | 15:37 |
hallyn | thanks! | 15:37 |
pitti | dholbach: ^ :) | 15:37 |
ari-tczew | with that strong I believe that we get clean sponsors queue before FeatureFreeze | 15:38 |
pitti | (but that's ok) | 15:38 |
dholbach | pitti, it wasn't me! | 15:38 |
ari-tczew | pitti: I mean not only done clean today by you. I include feedback from our today cooperation. | 15:38 |
dholbach | I suspect a copying mistake, let me fix it | 15:39 |
geser | ogra_ac: I assume those with sponsoring items in the queue will remind you when it's your time to fly :) | 15:41 |
ogra_ac | geser, well | 15:42 |
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bdrung | ebroder: around? i need your help for bug #681242. | 15:51 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 681242 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[sponsor-patch] Support building with sbuild" [Wishlist,Triaged] | 15:51 |
bdrung | ebroder: i need a sbuild equivalent for "sudo", "-E", "DIST=" + dist, "pbuilder", "--build", "--distribution", dist, "--buildresult", result_directory, "--architecture", self.architecture, dsc_file | 15:52 |
hyperair | result_directory is pwd, so i reckon you could chdir | 15:53 |
hyperair | otherwise there's sbuild -d $distribution-$architecture $dsc_file | 15:53 |
hyperair | bdrung: ^ | 15:54 |
dholbach | holy cow | 15:55 |
dholbach | we're at 14 sponsoring items | 15:55 |
dholbach | erm | 15:55 |
dholbach | 44 | 15:55 |
dholbach | 44° | 15:55 |
dholbach | 44! | 15:55 |
* dholbach is a happy man | 15:55 | |
soren | Wow! 44! That like 2658271574788448768043625811014615890319638528000000000! | 15:56 |
soren | That's just crazy. | 15:56 |
dholbach | we were over 100 consistantly for a long time before :) | 15:56 |
dholbach | ... in case my excitement is not understandable :) | 15:57 |
soren | 44! = 2658271574788448768043625811014615890319638528000000000 | 15:57 |
bdrung | hyperair: -d $distribution-$architecture? really? | 15:57 |
ttx | dholbach: would be better if you had 42. Let me see what I can do to fix that. | 15:57 |
* dholbach hugs ttx | 15:57 | |
dholbach | :) | 15:57 |
* dholbach hugs soren too | 15:57 | |
hyperair | bdrung: yep. | 15:57 |
* soren hugs dholbach back | 15:57 | |
ttx | dholbach: my sbuild is a bit stuck in openldap tests for an update that pitti asked for, though :) | 15:57 |
bdrung | soren: 2658271574788448768043625811014615890319638528000000000! != 44! | 15:58 |
hyperair | bdrung: if you omit -$arch, then it defaults to uname -m | 15:58 |
hyperair | er i mean whatever architecture you're using, in dpkg's arch format | 15:58 |
mvo | dholbach: \o/ | 15:58 |
geser | ttx: hopefully nobody sabotage you by adding items to queue | 15:58 |
soren | bdrung: Very much not equal, no. | 15:58 |
soren | bdrung: *My* "!" was an exclamation point, not the factorial operator. Clearly :) | 15:59 |
ttx | 46 | 15:59 |
ttx | geser: stop that ! | 15:59 |
soren | ttx: You did it wrong. | 15:59 |
geser | dholbach: :) | 16:03 |
dholbach | File Not Found | 16:03 |
dholbach | Error 404. | 16:04 |
geser | hmm, works here | 16:05 |
dholbach | no, sorry - not here :/ | 16:05 |
bdrung | hyperair: does this command work too: "sudo", "sbuild", "-A", "--dist=" + dist, "--arch=" + self.architecture, dsc_file | 16:07 |
hyperair | bdrung: i'd avoid the sudo. sbuild doesn't need it. | 16:08 |
bdrung | k | 16:08 |
hyperair | -A, --arch-all | 16:08 |
hyperair | bdrung: ^^ got that from manpage | 16:08 |
hyperair | and --dist= works, yeah | 16:08 |
bdrung | hyperair: do you have time to test sbuild with sponsor-patch? | 16:09 |
hyperair | bdrung: mm give me a quick test case | 16:10 |
bdrung | hyperair: sponsor-patch -B sbuild -b 681418 | 16:10 |
hyperair | bdrung: do i need to patch sponsor-patch first? | 16:11 |
bdrung | hyperair: you need to pull the latest u-d-t branch and apply | 16:11 |
hyperair | bdrung: what's that in bzrfu | 16:11 |
bdrung | bzr pull lp:ubuntu-dev-tools | 16:11 |
hyperair | i suppose i'll need to branch | 16:11 |
bdrung | patch -p0 < patchfile | 16:11 |
bdrung | hyperair: yes (branch) | 16:12 |
hyperair | okay | 16:12 |
bdrung | tumbleweed: you fail with wrapping. please split "paragraph["Architecture"] = " ".join( sorted(archs, key=lambda x: (1 - int("any" in x), x)))" into two commands | 16:14 |
bdrung | tumbleweed: what's that for: lambda x: (1 - int("any" in x), x)? please comment it | 16:15 |
tumbleweed | right, to put wildcards first | 16:15 |
bdrung | tumbleweed: wildcards? like what? | 16:15 |
tumbleweed | linx-any | 16:16 |
hyperair | bdrung: .. | 16:16 |
hyperair | patching file sponsor-patch | 16:16 |
hyperair | patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line | 16:16 |
bdrung | tumbleweed: ah, ok. please comment that and maybe add an example | 16:16 |
hyperair | patch: **** malformed patch at line 145: | 16:16 |
hyperair | bdrung: could you use it's much more patch friendly. | 16:17 |
hyperair | bdrung: i aliased my pastebinit away from precisely for that reason | 16:17 |
bdrung | hyperair: gimme your alias | 16:18 |
hyperair | alias pastebinit='pastebinit -b' | 16:18 |
bdrung | hyperair: there you are: | 16:18 |
bdrung | | 16:18 |
hyperair | thanks | 16:18 |
hyperair | and there we go, it works | 16:19 |
stgraber | you can also store a configuration file in your home directory ;) | 16:19 |
hyperair | now then.. where was that command.. | 16:19 |
hyperair | File "./sponsor-patch", line 812, in <module> | 16:20 |
hyperair | NameError: name 'Sbuild' is not defined | 16:20 |
bdrung | ./sponsor-patch -B sbuild -b 681418 -v | 16:20 |
hyperair | same thing | 16:20 |
stgraber | bdrung, hyperair: (~/.pastebinit.xml) | 16:20 |
hyperair | stgraber: hmm nice. | 16:21 |
hyperair | stgraber: but i don't like either, because you need to log in in order to download. makes it *extremely* annoying. | 16:21 |
hyperair | stgraber: if you know who maintains, please relay my message. | 16:21 |
bdrung | hyperair: | 16:21 |
stgraber | hyperair: I'd guess #canonical-sysadmin. Obviously you can have your .pastebinit.xml file to point to | 16:22 |
hyperair | stgraber: yeah, i'll do that | 16:22 |
bdrung | pastebinit lacks an killer feature - autodetecting file type | 16:22 |
stgraber | bdrung: patches are welcome :) I remember a few people asking me for that feature though I usually only spend 30min to an hour a year working on pastebinit :) | 16:23 |
hyperair | bdrung: actually, even if you told it that you were uploading a patch, those @@'s get stripped. stupid thing. | 16:23 |
stgraber | (and that's mostly reviewing patches, merging, testing and pushing to the archive) | 16:23 |
hyperair | bdrung: with, you'd be better off base64enc'ing everything before pasting | 16:24 |
bdrung | hyperair: i prefer paste.d.o anyway | 16:25 |
hyperair | .n | 16:26 |
hyperair | bdrung: okay, sponsor-patch keeps failing at debsign. | 16:28 |
bdrung | hyperair: add a -k option | 16:28 |
hyperair | ok | 16:29 |
cjwatson | geser: excellent, thanks for confirming | 16:32 |
hyperair | bdrung: okay, it's building. should i get worried now about it accidentally uploading a package or will it prompt me again? | 16:35 |
ebroder | bdrung: ["sbuild", "-d", dist, "--arch", self.architecture, "-A", dsc_file]. But I don't see a way to change the output directory, so you might have to play with your working dir | 16:38 |
hyperair | ebroder: | 16:39 |
hyperair | ebroder: all done. | 16:39 |
hyperair | bdrung: and it works =) | 16:39 |
hyperair | bdrung: it ends at lintian. i assume that's correct? | 16:39 |
ebroder | hyperair: Yeah, noticed as I was finishing my scrolling | 16:40 |
ebroder | hyperair, bdring: You guys know that has a cwd= kwarg, right? | 16:40 |
* hyperair didn't have any part in modifying that patch | 16:41 | |
ebroder | bdrung: Looks fine. Are you sure dsc_file is going to be an absolute pth? I don't have the code in front of me, just the patch, so I don't know if I'm missing something | 16:42 |
ebroder | pitti: Congratulations. Way to kick ass on piloting | 16:43 |
pitti | thanks :) | 16:44 |
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ebroder | xnox: If you're going to fix xiphos through Debian, should I reject your merge proposal? | 16:53 |
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mpt | I wonder if the people who use Ubuntu in Occitan wish that we didn't call it "Occitan (post 1500)" | 17:16 |
ebroder | Haha. Do we call our Hellenic language "Modern Greek" as well? | 17:18 |
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bdrung | hyperair: yes, it ends with lintian. can you try the same with "-u ubuntu" (and say no if you get ask if you want to upload it)? | 17:34 |
bdrung | ebroder: yes, it uses absolute paths | 17:34 |
cjwatson | NCommander: AFAICS your last cdimage change has the net effect of not only stopping building ubuntu-netbook for armel+dove, but starting to build it again for i386 (due to the later wildcard). Was this intentional? if not, ubuntu-netbook/daily-live needs to be removed from the crontab if it isn't supposed to build for anything | 17:54 |
doko | JamesPage: could you have a look at for the java stuff (the ones wanting to promote to main)? | 17:56 |
=== RoAk is now known as andreserl | ||
hyperair | bdrung: erm it says [Y/e/n]. what's e? | 18:34 |
bdrung | hyperair: edit | 18:34 |
hyperair | ah | 18:35 |
hyperair | bdrung: you should add a ? option to expand these things. | 18:35 |
hyperair | it's not particularly verbose there | 18:35 |
hyperair | i don't believe it's documented anywhere either | 18:35 |
bdrung | hyperair: file a bug. if you type something else, it will print: "Please answer the question with yes, edit, or no." | 18:36 |
* hyperair has exams and is lazy to file bugs. >_> | 18:36 | |
bdrung | hyperair: look in the man page: "the user has an option to edit the patched source and try building it again." | 18:38 |
hyperair | ah okay, i missed that | 18:38 |
SeanInSeattle | Hey all. Can anyone tell me whether or not the following functionality is slated to be included in a future and/or current release of Ubuntu: When a laptop is disconnected from any, or is connected to one or more, external monitors is updates the nvidia/x configuration accordingly? | 19:34 |
RoAkSoAx | kirkland: ping | 20:03 |
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JamesPage | doko: ack; will pickup first thing monday | 21:51 |
psusi | pitti, you mentioned about basing off the new rev in debian ( of lvm2 ). Are you saying I should do a merge from the debian branch first, and THEN update to the new upstream? | 23:02 |
psusi | ahh, there's the debian bzr branch... hrm... now which one? squeeze or sid? | 23:03 |
ebroder | psusi: Yes, that's definitely what you should be doing | 23:05 |
psusi | hrm.... ok... | 23:06 |
psusi | aw geeze... the debian package has the wrong version number | 23:13 |
psusi | lvm2 (2.02.66-3) by Bastian Blank says: Bastian Blank | 23:13 |
psusi | bah... Import upstream version 2.02.72: | 23:13 |
psusi | he forgot to bump the package revision number | 23:14 |
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