
infoturtleanyone anygood with javascript?00:02
hugh_good morning...10:17
hugh_just was at the ubuntu hour in limerick there last night twas very good...10:25
ebelcool cool ☺10:29
tdr112Xmas tech quiz   http://christmastechiequiz2010.eventbrite.com/20:16
czajkowskihmm 220 return for flights for xmas21:27
czajkowskior 60 quid on ferry with lots of trains21:27
ShaneMI'd probably go with the flight21:28
czajkowskiaye looking that way21:29
czajkowskibut 60 is kinda fun21:30
czajkowskiI think I'll do it at some point21:30
czajkowskibut there are a few trains in the middle over this end21:30
daviscczajkowski: When are you thinking of heading?21:34
ShaneMI got the 24 hour bus to London once21:34
ShaneMRough stuff.21:34
czajkowskidavisc: around 22-23 some time21:36
daviscczajkowski: I have ferry booked for night of 22nd - don't think it'd be a problem to add another passenger if you get stuck21:36
daviscBear in mind trains here canbe *bitch* expensive21:37
daviscAnd it does land you into Dublin about 1 am :-)21:38
czajkowskithanks for the offer very nice21:38
czajkowskidavisc: what site did you use to buy your car23:31

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