
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
bazhanggot me there05:45
IdleOneok 1337 haxor05:45
IdleOnewhat is 109?05:45
bazhangheh. the mint guy is now suddenly running Ubuntu.05:46
rwwIdleOne: It's secret elite code for "thank you, great one, for your stunning display of knowledge. I bow to your superior skillset."05:47
IdleOneI see.05:48
IdleOnethanks for the splaination05:48
macorww: uh what's up with that username?05:51
Flannelmaco: Which username?05:51
IdleOnethat one isn't so bad05:51
IdleOnethe bitchslapp one I agree with Flannel was to much05:52
tonyyarussoSomeone find a really good troll to pawn off on rww.05:52
IdleOnetonyyarusso: a good op manages to find his own fans05:53
IdleOnedid not mean to imply rww isn't a good op05:53
bazhangdouble negative05:54
ubottumoetunes called the ops in #kubuntu (intelligence level dropped remarkably)07:10
topylioh dear, italy is disconnecting :(10:23
topylifirst the "your youtube video is a tv" regulation, now this: http://punto-informatico.it/3044427/PI/News/internet-italia-burocrazia-non-finisce-mai.aspx10:23
topyliif you install a router or connect anything else to the internet, you have to hire a certified technician to to it, or suffer 15k to 150k € fines10:24
ikoniasounds poor10:25
jussidoes that include making a wifi connection at the local starbucks? :P :P10:27
topylijussi: no, it only includes your own router at home10:42
jussitopyli: was a joke, but still. crazy.10:42
jussiso its too hard for someone to plug the thing in? :D10:43
topylieven crazier to expect italians to pay attention to such a law, they're laid back enough as it is10:43
Mamarokthey pretty much ignore many laws, as there are so many just to suit Berlusconi11:28
MamarokI still don't get how they could elect that guy three times11:28
popeyI don't see how the USA could elect Bush twice :)11:35
topyliyou only can be elected twice in the US, proper careers are impossible :(11:38
Mamarokwhich is sensible IMHO11:39
Mamarokthey changed the law in Italy so Berlusconi could be elected another time11:40
Mamarokactually he changed the law11:40
Mamarokwhich is unbelievable in a democracy11:40
topyliit's rather common to limit it to two terms11:40
Mamarokhere in Switzerland it is limited to one year :)11:42
Mamarokand the vice-president becomes automatically president for a year then11:42
topyliMamarok: the swiss presidency is a bit peculiar though isn't it12:17
topylilike most things swiss :)12:17
topylisomething like a simple chairman of the federal council who goes about their regular job but just talks to press and such duties12:18
Mamarokbut in a country with less then 8mn inhabitants that is not a tough job anyway12:27
Mamarokat least we don't have idiots who think we should ally with North Korea ;)12:28
Picifyi, I banforwarded _techie_ here again, seems that he did the same old away nickspam yesterday.15:57
PiciAnd lashed out at nigelb about !away15:58
IdleOnewhy was the ban lifted?15:59
PiciIt wasn't this was in -server.15:59
Pici+ a comma15:59
IdleOnehe clearly stated in this channel he had no intention of following the rule.....ahhhh15:59
IdleOneok, well he wanted to speak to a -server op.16:00
IdleOneguess he got his answer16:00
PiciNow he might actually get a chance.16:00
IdleOneHe also ban evade with the nick AuGold and AuGold216:01
IdleOnein #u16:01
Picitsk tsk16:02
PiciOh boy, a new spam message.16:09
IdleOnevery official looking :/16:10
ubottuIn #ubuntu, vikramb said: ubottu, yeah grub2 is the default however it has eaten up my vista partition or has marked it as inactive16:17
IdleOneI need to step away, watch  Muimi  in #u17:41
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (ms8j3p appears to be abusive - 6)18:49
LjLi believe poutine in #ubuntu-offtopic is ban evading (*!*@*trollbot.org)20:46
LjLh00k's ban20:46
* rww takes a look20:46
rwwLjL: fixed, thanks20:48
ikonianot this guy again21:04
rwwikonia: hmm?21:04
rwwAh, yeah. Quite a history, I noticed >.>21:04
KB1JWQUgh, yeah.21:17
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()21:25
guntbertplease have someone an eye on meowz in #ubuntu - he tried to create some sort of issue and in PM reacted very unfriendly21:43
rwwguntbert: will do, thanks21:43
guntbertrww: thx and bye :-)21:43
rww(meowz = aborticide)21:45
meowzi was just banned from #ubuntu, i don't think i did anything wrong21:46
ikoniahang on21:47
rwwmeowz: I banned you for evading a ban that I believe was set by ikonia, so I'll pass off to him.21:47
ikoniarww: perfect timing I was just going to ask about that21:48
meowzi am not aware of such a ban21:48
meowzthere was a ban that i requested maybe a month ago, that probably expire (which is how i joined the channel)21:48
ikoniabans don't expire21:49
meowzyes they do, depends on how long the admin sets it for21:49
meowzthe word 'ban' has multiple meanings in practure21:49
ikoniaI set it21:49
ikoniaI don't let bans expire21:49
ikoniathey have to be resolved21:49
meowzi'm not evading it, your ban system is flawed.21:49
ikoniayour attitude and behaviour constantly asking for a ban21:49
ikoniameowz: ok, well, we've now resolved that flaw21:49
meowzyou've got some investigating to do, because the only way you can explain the situation is by blaming it on my 'ban evasion'21:50
ikoniameowz: I'll explain it clearly21:50
meowzplease, that's what i'm here for!21:50
ikoniameowz: you (using the nick aborticide) persistantly requested to be banned from #ubuntu21:50
ikoniaI banned you21:50
meowzi'm not using the nick aborticide21:50
ikoniayou have circumvented the ban due to a flaw in our system21:51
ikoniameowz: you have used the nick aborticide21:51
meowznot today21:51
meowzthe name is approved by freenode21:51
meowzas an account name21:51
ikoniaat the time of you requesting the ban, you where using the nick aborticide,21:51
ikoniaso we put a ban on while you where using the nick aborticide21:51
ikoniayou have changed nicknames and got around the ban21:51
meowzi have personally spoken with operators about this, it seems there is a communication problem between you and freenode admins21:51
ikoniarww has rectified the issue and re-banned you21:51
ikoniameowz: freenode does not control #ubuntu21:51
meowzi was not banned for using the nickname21:52
ikoniaI've just told you why you where banned21:52
ikoniayou persistantly asked to be banned21:52
meowzi was not banned for using the nickname ...21:52
Flannelmeowz: you were banned *while* using that nick, not for the nick.21:52
ikoniaso you got banned21:52
ikoniano, you where banned because you kept joining this channel and asking to be banned21:52
ikoniaso you are banned21:52
meowzplease set my ban on my account name21:52
meowzalso IP if possible21:52
ikoniathe ban has been updated21:52
meowzi'd like to make sure it is done correctly this time, or i will go to any measure to harass the channel until it is done21:53
ikoniayou behave how you see fit, if you persist with trying to be a proble, it will be escalated to freenode staff,21:53
ikoniabut I think we are done here, so please leave the channel21:53
meowzi am quite familiar with the freenode staff, we have discussions almost daily21:53
ikoniaok, so I think we are done here21:53
ikoniameowz: please leave the channel,21:54
meowzsigh ... if you wish21:54
ikoniathank you21:54
meowzremember though, if you don't do it correctly i will not be passive, i will be actively vigilant21:54
ikoniahow about just stay out of the channels ?21:54
meowzhow about you fix your decrepit busted system?21:55
ikoniaactually, I'm done discussing it, please leave the channel21:55
meowzyou talk robotic i expect you to act robotic too21:55
ikoniaok, bye21:55
meowzban me21:55
ikoniaplease leave the channel21:55
meowzthe matter is not resolved in my opinion21:55
ikoniawhat else do you need ?21:55
meowza working ban system21:55
Flannelmeowz: You cannot join #ubuntu right now, how is that unresolved?21:55
ikoniaspeak to freenode staff21:55
meowzFlannel: the ban request was for this channel as well21:56
ikoniathe ban system is a network issue, talk to freenode staff about it21:56
ikoniameowz: tell you what - I'll let freenode deal with this21:56
popeywhat a _massive_ waste of time21:56
ikoniapopey: agreed21:56
ikonia!staff | meowz persistant ban evading21:56
ubottumeowz persistant ban evading: hey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, Pricey, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, stew or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :)21:56
meowzthe ban is not a soccer issue, should i talk to an astronaught about it?21:56
meowzi am not ban evading, as i'm not banned from this channel21:57
KB1JWQmeowz: I'd be a lot happier if you weren't perpetually in various -ops channels arguing about whether or not you're ban evading.21:57
meowzi'm requesting a ban21:58
meowzis this against the rules?21:58
meowzit is distracting for me to end up in this channel21:58
meowzi think a ban from this channel would help us all21:58
ikoniaKB1JWQ: I'm not prepared to entertain this behaviour,21:58
meowzthen you're taking your job personally21:59
meowzfollow the protocols, instead of messing with bans just because you don't like someone's style21:59
KB1JWQikonia: Your channel, your rules. :-)21:59
ikoniathank you22:00
ikoniaI'm not engaging in convesation of that level of time wasting or stupidity22:00
FlannelIdleOne: do +b $a:aborticide22:00
KB1JWQikonia: I booted him from ##linux-ops for similar reasons a week ago.22:00
ikoniaKB1JWQ: he's hit a few channels22:00
KB1JWQikonia: I hadn't noticed. :-p22:00
IdleOneremove the other ban Flannel ?22:01
rwwIdleOne: nah, leave it. I'm assuming he's planning to come back with a different combination of loggedinness, hostname, and nick.22:01
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
IdleOneI don't think Max_Payne is trolling, just a bit of a language barrier and a misunderstanding of the rules22:39
bazhangrobinetd is always quick to call others trolls imo22:39
IdleOneto quick22:40
rwwThere's a lot of a language barrier, we've talked in PM (for not bad reasons) when he was named _16bitsubsystem_22:40
bazhangFrozenFire[work]> jon__, Basically, the issue is that this channel is used by people at work and so on, so unprofessional language is not appreciated.   <--- I like that take on it22:47
IdleOneit was a good answer22:47
bazhangprevents the usual snark about "think of the children" etc22:47
rww!language =~ s/ friendly/-friendly, polite, and professional/22:48
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, rww said: !language =~ s/ friendly/-friendly, polite, and professional/22:48
* rww throws a . on the end of that.22:49
bazhang!language =~ s/ friendly/-friendly, polite, and professional./22:49
ubottuI'll remember that bazhang22:49
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional..22:49
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:49
rwwoh, I'm too smart for my own good. I guess it didn't need a period :S22:50
bazhang!language =~ s/ friendly/-friendly, polite, and professional/22:50
ubottuNothing changed there22:50
rwws/\.\././, or the long way.22:50
bazhangheh I'd leave it22:51
bazhangkind of like or else..22:51
topylii like this change22:52
robinetdljl just ragequitted in #ubuntu-offtopic with an offensive message.23:48
rwwtonyyarusso: Are you around to deal with all this? I'm multitasking with work right now.23:48
robinetdLast time I did that, I was banforwarded to here.23:48
tonyyarussorww: I saw it, but it was the line before that was against guidelines, not the quit message, and the quit was a self-removal for it, so there's not much to deal with.23:49
robinetdtonyyarusso: So if I say something offensive and part, is that okay?23:49
robinetdOr is that just for ljl?23:49
tonyyarussorobinetd: It's all in the guidelines.23:49
robinetdtonyyarusso: That isn't what I asked.23:50
tonyyarussoIt's what you should have asked.23:50
robinetdtonyyarusso: I can't deal with you. I'll wait for someone who is more socially gifted.23:50
rwwtonyyarusso: Yeah, the "all" included robinetd asking about it ;)23:51
tonyyarussorobinetd: Feel free, but if nobody pops up within a couple of minutes you'll need to /part and try again later.23:51
robinetdtonyyarusso: Excuse me?23:51
robinetdtonyyarusso: I'm not allowed to stay until my problem is addressed by someone that isn't biased?23:52
IdleOnerobinetd: I will bring it up to ljl and ask that a channel op from -ot talk to him also.23:52
tonyyarussorobinetd: You're the one declaring the bias, which would be a separate issue, so no, you would fall under the idling policy.23:52
IdleOnealthough tonyyarusso is a channel op there23:52
robinetdtonyyarusso: Except I'm not idling, I'd be waiting for my problem to be addressed.23:53
IdleOnerobinetd: fair enough?23:53
IdleOnerobinetd: I just addressed it.23:53
robinetdIdleOne: Forget it. I'm done with the double standards and blatant abrasive attitude that I've gotten.23:53
IdleOnek then23:53
FlannelWhat just happened?23:54
bazhanghe's got that issue in a number of 'social' channels, not just in -ot23:54
IdleOneljl swore and then quit23:54
bazhangwell bit more than that23:54
IdleOnerobinetd feels it unfair that there was no ban set23:54
tonyyarussothat was the only part I saw that would have been a problem23:55
bazhangit was argument about the gpl23:55
tonyyarussohe was gone before I could \n on my !ohmy23:55
bazhangrobinetd was blatantly wrong, then accused those of disagreeing with him of 'trolling'23:55
IdleOneI am not saying he was right.23:56
IdleOnecouple weeks back he got a ban for an offensive quit message23:56
bazhangie in regard to the gpl, not the ban issue23:56
IdleOneguess he wants a tit for tat thing23:56
bazhangno idea, just recapping the issue23:56
_Techie_seriously, ive been banned from #ubuntu-server aswell... is anyone able to verify if this is due to my away nick?23:56
tonyyarussoSeems more like wants punishment for people who disagree with him to me, but hey.23:57
IdleOne_Techie_: it is23:57
_Techie_oh FFS23:57
IdleOneyou were told what the rules are.23:57
_Techie_if i remove my away nick will it satisfy you lot23:57
_Techie_enough to get my bans removed23:57
IdleOneif you agree to follow all the guidelines I can remove the ban in #ubuntu23:58
IdleOneas for -server that will be up to Pici23:58
_Techie_give me a few minutes to modify my BNC23:58

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