
=== Sazhen86 is now known as sazhen86
aragood morning!09:07
jibelspineau, I'm unable to reproduce the ubi-migrationassistant failure with the following iso ece9e429381250fd21e5c8d938d22868 *natty-alternate-i386.iso10:51
jibelspineau, this is a fresh installation on a VM.10:52
spineaujibel: it was natty-desktop-i386.iso for me, not sure of the difference between them10:53
spineaujibel: so I decided to create a natty vm based on an upgraded maverick10:53
spineaujibel: the only bug is that gnome-panel simply refuse to display the two usual bars even if it's running. I must perform a gnome-panel --replace10:54
spineaujibel: And I notice that my gtk windows does not have their title/canvas, weird10:56
spineaujibel: so I'm going to set up mago and start debug the totem tc10:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== cking is now known as cking-afk
jibelpedro_, thank you for the banshee test. It is a very nice one.15:21
=== cking-afk is now known as cking
pedro_jibel, you're welcome, glad you like it, it's catching bugs already15:41
pedro_jibel, got a crash while working on it, enabling/disabling all the plugins on the third try banshee crashes15:41
jibelpedro_, that's what is great.15:42
jibelpedro_, ara, I'll commit soon the ability to play with windows via  Xlib (no ATK needed)15:44
jibelwe'll be able to move, maximize, iconize, ...15:44
arajibel, great :)15:44
pedro_jibel, cool!15:44
jibelin Unity there are many issues with the WM itself, I hope we will be able to catch them with this extension.15:45
arajibel, pedro_: do you have any ideas on how could we test gwibber? most of the interface is webkit15:49
jibelara, not good. I've the same problem with software-center.15:50
jibelara, if we can't test it with the current state of mago, just leave it alone. Tomboy also needs some love and we need in-depth tests for shotwell, network-manager, games and the apps in the system menu15:56
jibelpedro_, which one will you work on next ?15:59
araalso, using gwibber usually freezes my computer...16:01
pedro_jibel, i'm working on search tool and system monitor16:05
jibelpedro_, okay. thanks.16:06
pedro_you're welcome16:09
* pedro_ -> lunch16:09

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