ball | hello stooj | 06:07 |
ball | Hello ivanka | 06:13 |
ivanka | hello ball | 06:14 |
MartijnVdS | hm | 06:26 |
MartijnVdS | time to go to work again | 06:26 |
ball | I have a ten hour shift scheduled for today | 06:29 |
ball | It's likely to be hellish. | 06:29 |
AlanBell | morning all | 06:50 |
ball | Hello AlanBell | 06:51 |
nigelb | Morning AlanBell | 07:02 |
nigelb | AlanBell: How was the cake? ;) | 07:02 |
AlanBell | nom nom nom | 07:08 |
nigelb | darn it, so it wasn't a lie | 07:22 |
AlanBell | any ideas on how to get the christmas party out to more people? | 07:42 |
nigelb | AlanBell: advertise in tube stations? :p | 07:42 |
AlanBell | any ideas that won't bankrupt me? | 07:42 |
AlanBell | I think I will mail surrey and hants LUGs | 07:44 |
DJones | Morning all | 08:19 |
AlanBell | if anyone else wants to mail their local lug about the christmas event that would be great | 08:33 |
AlanBell | greater london LUG in particular | 08:33 |
DJones | AlanBell: Just a thought, could you add it to the calendar/fridge if it hasn't already been done | 08:34 |
AlanBell | will do | 08:35 |
DJones | AlanBell: How are the chickens doing in this weather? | 08:36 |
AlanBell | they are fine, they can handle really quite cold weather | 08:36 |
DJones | I'm surprised at that, I felt sorry for our dog last night, let him out about 10pm and he decided he was going to have a drink from the waterbowl outside, a couple of sips & he came back in to drink out of the bowl in the house | 08:38 |
AlanBell | they run quite hot and have a fast metabolism | 08:38 |
AlanBell | as long as you feed them enough they stay hot | 08:38 |
MartijnVdS | so they'll be fine as long as you keep feeding them | 08:38 |
DJones | :) | 08:38 |
AlanBell | they just don't like snow very much | 08:38 |
DJones | I can understand that, whenever I've seen chickens, they're always pecking at the ground, snow would make that difficult | 08:39 |
screen-x | morning :) | 08:41 |
bigcalm | Good morning peeps | 08:44 |
DJones | Oh boy, how would anybody be forgetful enough to do this | 08:45 |
bigcalm | Somebody rich enough to not think that 80k of notes is worth taking care of | 08:47 |
DJones | bigcalm: I know of people who've left a briefcase/files/phone on top of the car, but I've still to meet somebody with that kind of "loose change" (In this case, very loose change) | 08:48 |
diplo | morning all | 08:51 |
popey | morning all | 09:05 |
Daviey | I left things on a car roof... a take away pizza, drove about 20m's before it blew off... also a baby bottle, drove about 200m's then realised - still there ;) | 09:05 |
bigcalm | Morning kids | 09:05 |
Daviey | popey: it's a *good* morning? | 09:06 |
Daviey | subjective, i know | 09:06 |
bigcalm | Daviey: TFIF... | 09:09 |
bigcalm | There is goodness in that | 09:09 |
AlanBell | Daviey: | 09:15 |
AlanBell | just to make you feel a bit better | 09:15 |
* AlanBell reads back a bit further and finds that link again :) | 09:15 | |
daubers | Morning | 09:16 |
* AlanBell isn't fully awake yet | 09:16 | |
Daviey | poor AlanBell :) | 09:17 |
* AlanBell blames TheOpenSourcerer and czajkowski | 09:17 | |
gord | -5 degrees today :( | 09:18 |
gord | gords operate an an optimal temperature of around 18 degree's! completely voiding any warranty here | 09:19 |
nigelb | oh dear | 09:19 |
MartijnVdS | sounds like nice temp for a run | 09:19 |
* nigelb sends gord link to flash downloader | 09:20 | |
* TheOpenSourcerer feels rather worse for wear this morning. Not really sure why. | 09:22 | |
bigcalm | Certificate: VeriSign Secure Site Pro ( | 09:22 |
bigcalm | The term of this certificate renewal: 1 year | 09:22 |
bigcalm | The price for this certificate renewal: £599.00 | 09:22 |
* bigcalm shudders | 09:23 | |
MartijnVdS | is that an EV cert, or what? | 09:23 |
* bigcalm shrugs | 09:23 | |
bigcalm | One of our larger clients with a RackSpace server | 09:23 |
TheOpenSourcerer | OK - I need to set up a shared directory for customer. three users, all in a shared group. But I need the "umask" for that shared directory to be 775/664. Any suggestions? | 09:25 |
MartijnVdS | set the umask for those users to 002 instead of 022 ? | 09:26 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Nope. That will apply to *all* files/dirs they create anywhere. I want it to work just in the shared dir. | 09:27 |
MartijnVdS | I don't think it works like that | 09:27 |
MartijnVdS | if the users are in their own primary group, 002 vs 022 doesn't really matter | 09:27 |
MartijnVdS | as long as you make the directory owned by the correct group and g+s (I think) | 09:28 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Fair point I suppose. SGID on the dir and | 09:28 |
TheOpenSourcerer | then it should be OK. | 09:28 |
kirrus | Good Morning :) | 09:29 |
MartijnVdS | TheOpenSourcerer: according to wikipedia: | 09:29 |
MartijnVdS | The setuid permission set on a directory is ignored on UNIX and Linux systems [2]. FreeBSD can be configured to interpret it analogously to setgid, namely, to force all files and sub-directories to be owned by the top directory owner.[3] | 09:29 |
bigcalm | Boss isn't in his office so I'm tweeting him to quit at 5pm today. Isn't tech wonderful? | 09:30 |
daubers | MartijnVdS: Oddly enough, that doesn't work on a mac | 09:42 |
MartijnVdS | daubers: macs use hfs, which is poo | 09:43 |
PeteB | Where in XChat's preferences is the setting that has me join this channel automatically upon startup of XChat? | 09:45 |
AlanBell | hi PeteB | 09:45 |
daubers | MartijnVdS: hfs+ is even worse | 09:45 |
MartijnVdS | daubers: exactly! | 09:45 |
daubers | MartijnVdS: On a mac you can only have access to files you either own, or are assigned to your primary group | 09:45 |
AlanBell | PeteB: it automatically tries to join #ubuntu-countrycode on which ends up bouncing about to here | 09:46 |
BigRedS | Oooh, that is nifty | 09:46 |
PeteB | AlanBell, but that can be turned off though can't it? | 09:46 |
AlanBell | yeah, edit-preferences-networks | 09:47 |
AlanBell | find the ubuntu network and edit it | 09:47 |
AlanBell | untick automatically connect to network | 09:47 |
finelytuned | o/ | 09:48 |
PeteB | AlanBell, thanks. I've joined Freenode, so I looked at the prefs under the Freenode channel, but confusingly it's under 'Ubuntu Server' | 09:49 |
daubers | Right, I need new music | 09:54 |
daubers | suggestions? | 09:54 |
* BigRedS is having a Fear Factory day | 09:54 | |
screen-x | daubers: propeller heads | 09:54 |
daubers | hmm | 09:56 |
screen-x | zero7 | 09:56 |
daubers | screen-x: properller heads not in U1 store | 09:57 |
bigcalm | Groove Armada | 09:57 |
screen-x | bigcalm: good choice :) | 09:57 |
daubers | screen-x: Nore is zero7 | 09:57 |
* bigcalm puts on Love Box | 09:57 | |
bigcalm | Hot Chip | 09:58 |
screen-x | daubers: air? | 09:58 |
bigcalm | Good choice | 09:58 |
daubers | screen-x: nope... | 09:58 |
daubers | Might end up being bellowhead at this rate | 09:59 |
ali1234 | wow U1 really sucks | 10:00 |
screen-x | daubers: hayseed dixie? | 10:00 |
ali1234 | otoh they have "Brownout - Aguilas & Cobras - Remixed and Regrooved" which spotify doesn't have... looks interesting | 10:01 |
ali1234 | wait, pre order? | 10:01 |
ali1234 | how can you pre order on a download store? more to the point, why would you want to? | 10:01 |
daubers | screen-x: I have _all_ of hayseed dixie | 10:03 |
screen-x | daubers: that's why I suggested it :) | 10:03 |
daubers | Just a shame the tron soundtrack isn't outyet | 10:04 |
gord | ali1234, they run out of downloads sometimes so if you pre-order then you are guarunteed a copy of course | 10:04 |
ali1234 | lolz | 10:04 |
screen-x | "run out of downloads"? | 10:04 |
daubers | screen-x: Bandwidth is expensive :) | 10:04 |
* BigRedS decides to have a hayseed dixie day instead | 10:05 | |
daubers | Hmm.. apparently I've bought 121 tracks from U1 | 10:05 |
gord | i have 250 from U1, they make it too easy to get lots of tracks, you'll see an album for like £5 and then it turns out its got another cd's worth of remixes and then another cd's worth of instrumentals or something, so you end up with lots of content for pretty cheep | 10:07 |
gord | just wish i could get foreign music more on u1 | 10:07 |
* daubers wonders how much space his U1 is using at the moment | 10:07 | |
BigRedS | Is there a U1 client for non-ubuntus? | 10:07 |
DJones | BigRedS: There's a windows beta | 10:07 |
DJones | but a closed beta | 10:08 |
daubers | Hmmm... 40% | 10:08 |
gord | but you can ask to be in it i think | 10:08 |
BigRedS | I want a debian one, I'd imagine the ubuntu one should almost-just-work thinking about it | 10:08 |
DJones | BigRedS: | 10:08 |
gord | .. right yeah you can just download ubuntu one from the launchpad page and run it | 10:08 |
BigRedS | It's just a bunch of python and couchdb or something isn't it? | 10:08 |
ali1234 | why doesn't it have a label search? | 10:09 |
DJones | gord: I sent an email asking about the windows beta, but haven't had anything back yet, if its like the ubuntu font, it might go to ubuntu members first | 10:09 |
DJones | Saying that, looking at that link, it does say it'll be a few weeks before they send info out | 10:10 |
gord | the u1 beta's have tended to be pretty all inclusive, even for features that are paying members only | 10:10 |
daubers | .... scary | 10:11 |
gord | pretty sure we need to start a "get popey to wear one of those for charity" campaign daubers | 10:12 |
bigcalm | Oh my | 10:12 |
* DJones pokes eyes out | 10:12 | |
daubers | gord: While he's on his brompton? | 10:12 |
BigRedS | I wasn't aware there was such an overlap of cyclist/ubuntu-users | 10:13 |
bigcalm | "popular deman"? | 10:13 |
bigcalm | d | 10:13 |
DJones | daubers: I thought the brompton got stolen | 10:13 |
daubers | DJones: Thought he'd got a new one? | 10:13 |
BigRedS | And they're hincapie, it's not like they're just rebranded cheap stuff | 10:13 |
* TheOpenSourcerer would look "interesting" in that attire. | 10:13 | |
DJones | s/interesting/******* | 10:14 |
TheOpenSourcerer | lol | 10:14 |
popey | zoiks! | 10:14 |
bigcalm | Hehe | 10:14 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Wonder if it has a padded cod-piece? | 10:14 |
directhex | TheOpenSourcerer: nope. I believe the phrase is "onlookers can tell if you're Jewish" | 10:15 |
bigcalm | !ohmy | 10:16 |
lubotu3 | Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others. | 10:16 |
bigcalm | ;) | 10:16 |
BigRedS | Nah, the padding'll be too high for that sort of thing. They do make you look rather well-endowed, though | 10:16 |
DJones | I think I'd rather have than the cycling suit | 10:18 |
daubers | DJones: I tend to prefer | 10:19 |
DJones | daubers: I prefer the other type, I've had a rucksack type for 10 years since I got my last laptop & hardly ever used it | 10:20 |
daubers | DJones: I use mine every day :) The side strap ones tend to hurt my shoulders after a while | 10:21 |
DJones | Aww, Bernard Matthews has died | 10:23 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Oh No. The end of the Turkey Twizzler | 10:23 |
daubers | DJones: Bit of unfortunate timing too. | 10:24 |
DJones | daubers: Turkeys everywhere are breathing a sigh of relief | 10:24 |
daubers | DJones: They'll have to vacuum pack and freeze him to make sure he's still fresh at christmas | 10:24 |
daubers | Someone in the office asked if he'd be cremated, or just lightly basted | 10:24 |
DJones | heh | 10:25 |
selinuxium | DJones, daubers: I have the messenger bag for day to day, which is fine. I do wish I had the rucksac though for gym days as the Messenger bag does no have that much room for much else whence my laptop is in. | 10:30 |
MangledBody | Hi everybody, can I ask you for help? | 10:40 |
BigRedS | MangledBody: yup. That's what the channel's for :) | 10:41 |
* popey tickles kazade | 10:41 | |
MangledBody | BigRedS: Thank's :) On German channel they told me to f*ck off :D // I have a problem with jahshaka | 10:41 |
MangledBody | BigRedS: I can't install it on my Ubuntu, but the .exe in Windows runs well :( | 10:42 |
kazade | hi popey :) | 10:43 |
kazade | incoming tweet for you | 10:43 |
popey | :) | 10:43 |
AlanBell | what is jahshaka? | 10:43 |
BigRedS | MangledBody: what is jashaka? How are you installing it? Does it produce any errors? | 10:43 |
kazade | btw peeps, game updates: | 10:43 |
kazade | it's almost looking like an actual game.. | 10:43 |
kazade | I've never finished an actual game before :p | 10:43 |
AlanBell | TheOpenSourcerer: we are having turkey tomorrow, might make some twizzlers with the leftovers | 10:44 |
jussi | AlanBell: | 10:44 |
MangledBody | AlanBell, BigRedS: Jahshaka is free alternative to Adobe after effects, I don't know any other alternative :( It's difficult, some jackass wrote that readme and I don't even know what to install, it's written in Python | 10:44 |
AlanBell | wow, just seen the link to the Ubuntu mankini! gulp! | 10:46 |
popey | i think people on and twitter are lying to me | 10:46 |
jussi | popey: wow thats new :P :P | 10:47 |
popey | I absolutely do not believe that on Ubuntu you can plug a display into a running laptop and with _zero_ interaction get working dual screen output | 10:47 |
jussi | popey: you can. | 10:47 |
AlanBell | you can, sometimes | 10:47 |
popey | video or it didnt happen | 10:47 |
AlanBell | and sometimes it randomly does other things | 10:47 |
MangledBody | popey: Why not? On Debian it's common | 10:47 |
jussi | popey: dualscreen == clone in this case | 10:47 |
selinuxium | AlanBell, Mankini, surely you jest??? | 10:47 |
AlanBell | | 10:48 |
popey | no, not clone, side by side | 10:48 |
jussi | hrm, Ive not done that | 10:48 |
AlanBell | popey: for me sometimes it works, but it is a bit clone-happy | 10:48 |
selinuxium | AlanBell, GTFO! | 10:48 |
jussi | clone is easy, and fairly normal | 10:48 |
popey | i still dont believe it until i see it | 10:48 |
diplo | intel works better than any other card | 10:48 |
AlanBell | clone is a pain | 10:49 |
* popey tickles moreati | 10:50 | |
AlanBell | selinuxium: and they come with a side order of "how much!!!" | 10:50 |
moreati | howdy, thanks for the answers. Now I know to keep trying with my heap-chinese adaptor a bit longer | 10:51 |
MangledBody | popey: What about this? | 10:51 |
popey | MangledBody: that (without watching) looks like he's using some special config | 10:52 |
popey | I am very specifically talking out of the box experience of plugging a screen into a running laptop | 10:52 |
popey | no additional software, no config, no button presses, no gui screens, zero interaction _whatsoever_ | 10:52 |
MangledBody | popey: Yes he does, but he explains everything:) And of course, there must be other way:) | 10:53 |
AlanBell | I think that just does clone the first time | 10:53 |
popey | I dont care what he explains | 10:53 |
popey | my point is not that it's "possible" | 10:53 |
AlanBell | however if you have told it what you want sometimes it does what you want and sometimes goes back to clone | 10:53 |
popey | but the out of the box experience | 10:53 |
MangledBody | popey: I don't understand you I'm afraid :( | 10:53 |
ali1234 | yes, the laptop should just magically know where the external monitor is physically positioned, and set up the displays accordingly :) | 10:53 |
popey | ali1234: left and right is of course a separate issue | 10:54 |
popey | and indeed I appreciate it cant guess that | 10:54 |
popey | getting something _on_ the display is my point | 10:54 |
ali1234 | by default you get a clone | 10:54 |
popey | MangledBody: install ubuntu, boot to ubuntu, plug in second screen, what happens | 10:54 |
popey | ali1234: not on nvidia you dont | 10:54 |
ali1234 | nvidia sucks | 10:54 |
DJones | popey: I don't think I've had that work using a projector as a 2nd screen unless it was plugged in before boot | 10:54 |
MangledBody | popey: I think the main signal will go to the plugged monitor | 10:55 |
AlanBell | clone by default on intel | 10:55 |
ali1234 | because intel drivers are half decent | 10:55 |
AlanBell | 1/4 decent | 10:55 |
popey | the use case is using an external projector | 10:55 |
moreati | AlanBell: do rate any driver higher? | 10:56 |
popey | so the left/right thing is a non-issue for me | 10:56 |
ali1234 | miles better than anything for nvidia, which in turn are much better than anything available for ati... | 10:56 |
AlanBell | moreati: nope | 10:56 |
kazade | popey, just remove the binary driver and try it! | 10:56 |
popey | i will play tonight | 10:56 |
AlanBell | popey: there was a session at UDS about this use case and the general dual screen functionality | 10:57 |
popey | the dual-dialog method that osx uses is very neat | 10:57 |
davmor2 | morning all | 10:58 |
moreati | davmor2: see disclaimer in #wolveslug | 10:58 |
davmor2 | moreati: what disclaimer | 10:59 |
screen-x | selinuxium: its far too close.. | 11:03 |
brobostigon | morning all. | 11:03 |
screen-x | oops, was scrolled up | 11:03 |
screen-x | lo brobo<tab> | 11:06 |
brobostigon | o/ screen-x | 11:07 |
* popey notes brobostigon is now kim | 11:08 | |
brobostigon | urgh, | 11:08 |
brobostigon | brb | 11:08 |
DJones | Must be his weekend name | 11:09 |
kwork | he turns chinese on weekends? | 11:09 |
popey | o_O | 11:09 |
gord | okay, scaring my cat in my kitchen where there is hardwood floors is my new favourite thing. she power slides round that corner | 11:10 |
popey | :) | 11:10 |
bigcalm | :) | 11:10 |
popey | cats powersliding is ace | 11:10 |
popey | my son powerslides too | 11:10 |
brobostigon | better, :) | 11:11 |
popey | makes the squealing tyres noise when he goes round corners | 11:11 |
bigcalm | Any Brummies know of a good carpark when going to the Alexandra Theatre? | 11:11 |
* popey pokes Mez for bigcalm | 11:11 | |
popey | and andylockran | 11:11 |
davmor2 | bigcalm: what's your definition of good? | 11:12 |
davmor2 | bigcalm: where you coming from? | 11:13 |
bigcalm | davmor2: not too far away and not a tiny multi-story that will scrape and dent my 407 estate | 11:13 |
bigcalm | davmor2: near Telford | 11:13 |
brobostigon | i had to bring back an irssi conig from years ago, as my backup didnt bck it up right, | 11:13 |
bigcalm | So will be joining the M6 from J 10a | 11:13 |
brobostigon | config* | 11:14 |
bigcalm | We usually exit the M6 on J6 | 11:14 |
davmor2 | bigcalm: could be crap outta luck I think there all pretty much multis, personally I grab the train or tram when I need to go to Brum it's just easier | 11:15 |
* daubers notes that it is cold outside | 11:15 | |
bigcalm | davmor2: We use the Sealife Centre multi-story. That's big enough for me | 11:15 |
bigcalm | google maps says 18 min walk from there though | 11:16 |
bigcalm | | 11:17 |
DJones | bigcalm: If you're going to walking for 18 minutes in current temperatures, you need some of the Ubuntu cycling clothing :) | 11:18 |
bigcalm | Heh | 11:18 |
bigcalm | We'll keep warm | 11:18 |
bigcalm | If we had more time, we'd got to Woktastic for sushi before hand | 11:19 |
bigcalm | I wonder if it'll be open after the gig | 11:19 |
gord | time to upgrade to natty i think. wish me luck | 11:20 |
screen-x | There is an eeepc here that his windows on it (for propriety data logger), which has Microsoft SQL Server 2005 compact edition installed, is that a MS equivalent of sqlite? | 11:25 |
daubers | and that works? | 11:26 |
screen-x | daubers: No idea if it works, was looking through apps list to find something to delete.. | 11:27 |
daubers | Heh.. was just surprised it ran at all | 11:27 |
diplo | screen-x, i believe compact edition is 2k5 but limited to 1million rows | 11:31 |
screen-x | diplo: interesting.. I wonder why its on an eeepc | 11:31 |
diplo | Use it for loads of things now, ms just trying to join on other dbs | 11:32 |
diplo | lots of small windows apps use it | 11:32 |
diplo | there is a db manager so you can look at the data if you want | 11:32 |
MartijnVdS | sqlite \o/ | 11:33 |
DJones | screen-x: Just looking on my XP laptop, thats got it installed as well, although its only 1.74Mb | 11:34 |
screen-x | DJones: yeah, is a similar size here. | 11:34 |
hoover_ | hi folks | 11:36 |
diplo | in my old job it was on 90% of 100 laptops i'd say | 11:36 |
switchgirl | #justordedpizza | 11:40 |
czajkowski | aloha | 11:53 |
DJones | Hi czajkowski Are you pain free now (after seeing your recent tweets) | 11:53 |
brobostigon | morning czajkowski | 11:53 |
UndiFineD | radiant czajkowski | 11:54 |
czajkowski | DJones: bit better | 11:58 |
czajkowski | looking at my laptop and being confused as to why it wont work at home but does work in the office. So I can connect to the internet at home and at work, but at home I get 19% packet loss and am the only one in hte house getting effected by it | 12:03 |
DJones | czajkowski: Any connection at all at home, or just very flaky | 12:08 |
ali1234 | czajkowski: typical wireless driver bugs, it's no different on windows | 12:11 |
czajkowski | ali1234: no not at all typical | 12:11 |
czajkowski | it's worked for the last 2 weeks but has stopped now on both machines. | 12:12 |
ali1234 | if you have a broadcom card, try changing the channel on your AP | 12:12 |
ali1234 | if you have an atheros card you are probably out of luck | 12:12 |
czajkowski | DJones: tried wireless and plugging directly into the wall | 12:12 |
bigcalm | Any recomendations for 15" ThinkPad in the 400 to 600 price range? | 12:13 |
gord | packet loss just internally on the network or externally as well czajkowski? | 12:13 |
czajkowski | gord: externally when I ping say I get a 12% loss I can see the router and I got some of my mail down last night but today nada, cant get either of my machines to see any site or ssh anywhere | 12:14 |
czajkowski | wondering is it to do with my U1 synching ? | 12:14 |
popey | czajkowski: mtr | 12:14 |
popey | i see lots of packet loss there | 12:14 |
popey | 9. 93.8% 17 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 0.0 | 12:14 |
popey | that host | 12:14 |
czajkowski | aue | 12:15 |
czajkowski | aye | 12:15 |
ali1234 | same | 12:15 |
popey | so not your local network | 12:15 |
czajkowski | hmm thanks popey | 12:15 |
czajkowski | but still doesn't explain why I cant get get t a site like google | 12:15 |
popey | mtr | 12:16 |
popey | :) | 12:16 |
czajkowski | also need to buy a power supply again for toshiba | 12:16 |
popey | do you see a pattern? :) | 12:16 |
gord | u1 syncing shouldn't affect things too much, i never notice it running on my terrible broadband | 12:16 |
czajkowski | popey: at work now, so no issue. | 12:16 |
popey | oh, the issue was at home? | 12:16 |
czajkowski | aye | 12:16 |
popey | I blame your fellow housemates | 12:16 |
czajkowski | and only me in the house is getting it | 12:16 |
czajkowski | aye I do too, but they say they're not downloading anything... | 12:16 |
popey | they have computers they left on at home whilst out | 12:17 |
popey | they lie :) | 12:17 |
czajkowski | they may get strangled | 12:17 |
popey | watch the network traffic with tcpdump :) | 12:17 |
bigcalm | Any thoughts? | 12:17 |
czajkowski | hmmm | 12:17 |
popey | bigcalm: you know my thoughts on this matter :) | 12:17 |
directhex | bigcalm: what use case? | 12:17 |
czajkowski | popey: still got your tosh ? | 12:18 |
popey | I do | 12:18 |
popey | wanna borrow the psu? | 12:18 |
bigcalm | directhex: my father to replace his now dead 15" toshiba laptop | 12:18 |
bigcalm | popey: I seem to have forgotten | 12:18 |
gord | not fond of laptops anymore, never found one i actually like | 12:18 |
czajkowski | popey: aye if it;s the same as till I order one | 12:18 |
popey | bigcalm: name a fruit | 12:18 |
bigcalm | popey: iSheep :P | 12:18 |
popey | pass czajkowski | 12:19 |
czajkowski | ok thanks | 12:19 |
popey | you're welcome to come over tonight | 12:19 |
popey | czajkowski: of course I need to check to see if my laptop has the same psu :S | 12:20 |
popey | dunno if it does | 12:20 |
czajkowski | popey: ok if you check and it does yes please shall pop over | 12:20 |
popey | i am off to lunch, if you want to google to check, my tosh is a Portege M400 | 12:20 |
gord | decided to run iograph today, only been running for an hour but its surprising how little i use the entire bottom of my screen, maybe thats why i never liked docks | 12:20 |
bigcalm | directhex: I was wondering if that was a suitable price for the spec | 12:21 |
directhex | bigcalm: no idea, i don't care about that sector of the market | 12:21 |
bigcalm | Fury muff | 12:21 |
czajkowski | popey: tis :D | 12:22 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Blimey - PostgreSQL does 1billion queries a day: | 12:36 |
bigcalm | Flipped back to this channel and my mind added an extra t to czajkowski's line | 12:36 |
bigcalm | It must be Friday | 12:36 |
czajkowski | TheOpenSourcerer: feeling better | 12:40 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Getting there... Slowly. | 12:40 |
czajkowski | clearly it was a dodgey 1 | 12:42 |
Mez | bigcalm:,+Birmingham,+West+Midlands+B5+4DS,+United+Kingdom+(Alexandra+Theatre)&hl=en&geocode=Fe6_IAMd5fXi_w%3BFWS4IAMdIv3i_yFEt4FUmoBhRw&mra=prev&dirflg=w&sll=52.476945,-1.902325&sspn=0.002415,0.004823&ie=UTF8&z=18 | 13:00 |
Mez | grr | 13:00 |
Mez | bigcalm:,+Birmingham,+West+Midlands+B5+4DS,+United+Kingdom+(Alexandra+Theatre)&hl=en&geocode=Fe6_IAMd5fXi_w%3BFWS4IAMdIv3i_yFEt4FUmoBhRw&mra=prev&dirflg=w&sll=52.476945,-1.902325&sspn=0.002415,0.004823&ie=UTF8&z=18 | 13:00 |
Mez | ffd | 13:00 |
Mez | bigcalm: <-- there we go | 13:01 |
Mez | It's the same thing, but a nicer address | 13:01 |
bigcalm | Mez, aha. Ta | 13:02 |
bigcalm | Hopefully not full on a Friday night | 13:02 |
Mez | bigcalm: there's also a little one under the bridge by the entrance to that - but that's usually full. | 13:04 |
Mez | bigcalm: if all else fails... | 13:04 |
* czajkowski gets her thinkpad next week | 13:05 | |
Mez | bigcalm: if all else fails - <-- the Bull ring car park | 13:06 |
Mez | there used to be a lovely car park at new street station, but it's closed | 13:06 |
bigcalm | I thought there was one there. Never used it as I was always passing through New Street | 13:10 |
Mez | was being the key word, unfortunately. | 13:10 |
* daubers beats his head against the keyboard | 13:13 | |
daubers | ahhhh..... bug fixed | 13:13 |
Mez | wow, | 13:14 |
Mez | you must have a pointy head to fix a bug doing that | 13:14 |
=== paul__ is now known as lnx1010 | ||
daubers | The bug was "Programmer frustated at stupid code on STUPID BLASTED SERVER DOING STUPID BLASTED THINGS" | 13:14 |
bigcalm | I believe that there is a subway visit in my near future | 13:16 |
lnx1010 | the httpd channel states 'Due to recent spam attacks etc etc you need to register...' | 13:21 |
lnx1010 | does anyone know how? | 13:21 |
MartijnVdS | !register | 13:22 |
lubotu3 | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 13:22 |
lnx1010 | it gives someones name but no way of saying how to register | 13:22 |
lnx1010 | Thank you!!! | 13:24 |
=== paul__ is now known as lnx1010 | ||
lnx1010 | if someone could help that would be great!!! | 13:33 |
lnx1010 | Hello all, If i have several sites under my /var/www/ directory such as /var/www/site1 and /var/www/site2 etc how can i create website addresses for those sites so they can be browsed externally such as and at the moment i can only get to them by internal ip such as and | 13:33 |
screen-x | lnx1010: virtual hosts | 13:35 |
screen-x | lnx1010: | 13:36 |
daubers | He'll also need to make sure he has DNS entries | 13:36 |
=== paul__ is now known as lnx1010 | ||
lnx1010 | thank you both! | 13:37 |
lnx1010 | which file do i need to amend for the dns entries? (sorry!!! noob on site!) | 13:38 |
screen-x | lnx1010: depends if you run your own dns server | 13:38 |
lnx1010 | (i will read the link sent to me) basically in a windows server domain environment but im running my own ubuntu 10.04 server which ive started to install lots of apps on such as phpshceduleit, openfire etc, also some websites, but not setup anything dns wise | 13:40 |
lnx1010 | the it manager said he could link to the ip address i have but id need to do something with the hosts file? | 13:40 |
X3N | dns is usually provided by your domain registrar | 13:41 |
lnx1010 | or linux equivalent. | 13:41 |
lnx1010 | he doesnt know linux | 13:41 |
screen-x | lnx1010: so do and already resolve to your machine's ip? | 13:41 |
lnx1010 | no, the way i browse to them (internally) is http://ubuntuserveripaddress/site1 and http://ubuntuserveripaddress/site2 etc | 13:42 |
X3N | who have you bought the domains from? | 13:43 |
screen-x | lnx1010: ok, well, it sounds like you can put in a request to your it manager to sort out dns, you just have to sort out the virtual hosts. | 13:43 |
daubers | lnx1010: If it's internal than you need to speak to the manager chap to sort out the dns | 13:43 |
lnx1010 | thank you all! the it manager said he can create the and addresses, but i would need to sort the 'hosts' file out on the linux server, so im guessing this is what you all mean by virtual hosts? (hes not here to ask exactly what he said, sorry!) | 13:45 |
diplo | from a quick read up yeah lnx1010 | 13:46 |
diplo | im guessing just internal | 13:46 |
diplo | So he will create a a record and point at the ip of your server | 13:47 |
screen-x | lnx1010: If you have internal dns working, I'm not sure why you would need to add entries to the hosts file on your server. | 13:47 |
diplo | the virtual host file once set up will work out where to send the request to | 13:47 |
screen-x | if you are using apache, virtual hosts are usually defined in /etc/apache2/sites-available | 13:48 |
lnx1010 | looking at the link sent to me from screenx, the first section 'server configuration' makes sense, so i will give that a try! | 13:48 |
diplo | Also might be worth looking at the ubuntu wiki on apache set up, slightly different than default apache i belive ( not built from source for a long time! ) | 13:49 |
lnx1010 | ok, great! thank you all for your help, i will look at the link properly as well as the /etc/apache2 files to see if i can unserstand and get to work. | 13:51 |
lnx1010 | help much appriciated!!! | 13:51 |
screen-x | :) | 13:51 |
lnx1010 | appreciated! | 13:51 |
daubers | lnx1010: | 13:51 |
daubers | From the official docs | 13:51 |
lnx1010 | ok, thanks daubers! | 13:51 |
DJones | How can an organisation think to patent opensource code? I thought the idea was that the open source licencing would get a way from patents | 13:53 |
MartijnVdS | no | 13:53 |
daubers | Whats the ls flag to show you the destination of symlinks? | 14:04 |
kazade | -l ? | 14:04 |
kazade | that's a lower case L btw | 14:05 |
daubers | Hmmm, not a symlink then | 14:05 |
daubers | I'm trying to suss out why, when I have luks crypted partition, in /dev/mapper I have sda5_crypt and sda5_crypt_unformatted | 14:05 |
daubers | doesn't seem to make much sense | 14:06 |
daubers | especially when they both hold the same filesystem | 14:07 |
MartijnVdS | "unformatted" doesn't mean "no mkfs" but something about dm_crypt's storage layout | 14:08 |
MartijnVdS | I think | 14:08 |
daubers | Interestingly it's also showing it as sdb5_crypt (it's original name before another disk was removed) | 14:10 |
hoover_ | cheers all, have a nice weekend! | 14:12 |
screen-x | daubers: could grep for it in rules.d | 14:17 |
daubers | screen-x: Doesn't appear to be any FS related things in rules.d | 14:20 |
daubers | (assuming we're talking /etc/udev/rules.d) | 14:20 |
screen-x | daubers: /lib/udev/rules.d | 14:20 |
daubers | nope | 14:21 |
daubers | Any idea how device mapper pulls out it's names? | 14:24 |
daubers | as it does appear twice in /dev/disk/by-id/ | 14:24 |
screen-x | bug 502665 | 14:29 |
lubotu3 | Launchpad bug 502665 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu) "cryptsetup: "c_swap_unformatted" still exists after system boot" [Undecided,New] | 14:29 |
* screen-x rearranges the furniture while no one is watching | 14:51 | |
BigRedS | Hmmm, something looks different in here | 14:56 |
* DJones trips over a coffee table that wasn't there before | 14:59 | |
=== cking is now known as cking-afk | ||
daubers | Anyone know how often portable gas heaters are supposed to be serviced? | 15:18 |
DJones | I would have thought it was annually | 15:19 |
DJones | If its in rented accommodation/workplace | 15:19 |
DJones | Ah. Calor recommend portable heaters are serviced every 2 years - unless the manufacturer recommends servicing more frequently. | 15:20 |
DJones | daubers: ^^ | 15:20 |
MooDoo | hi all | 15:21 |
finelytuned | hi | 15:21 |
DJones | Hi MooDoo | 15:21 |
=== cking-afk is now known as cking | ||
daubers | DJones: The man at calor didn't seem impressed when I said it'd been sat in a garage for 20years.... | 15:28 |
DJones | :) | 15:28 |
* popey wonders if kazade is about | 15:37 | |
* kazade wonders why popey wants him | 15:42 | |
kazade | :) | 15:42 |
davmor2 | kazade: the correct answer is always NO! | 15:45 |
bigcalm | Run for cover, while you still can | 15:49 |
kazade | :) | 15:50 |
daubers | davmor2: Unless somebody asks if you're a god. | 15:55 |
daubers | The Ghostbusters proved that | 15:55 |
davmor2 | daubers: but you're not I am :P | 15:55 |
daubers | :p | 15:56 |
daubers | davmor2: Do us a favour... makes us a cuppa... | 15:58 |
davmor2 | done | 15:58 |
davmor2 | you need to come over here to drink it though :P | 15:58 |
daubers | curses | 15:59 |
diplo | starting to snow :( | 16:10 |
bigcalm | Lucky bugger | 16:11 |
bigcalm | What's your location? | 16:12 |
diplo | Nope, off for beers soon, gotta walk | 16:12 |
diplo | ba14, near bath | 16:12 |
Phineas | anyone know whats wrong with my mp3 player error: 'can't read from hard disk' | 16:12 |
davmor2 | Phineas: at a guess, it can't read from the hard disk | 16:13 |
KrisWillis | Oo, you're ~30 miles away from me diplo, I might start to see some soon then | 16:13 |
Phineas | i know that but is there a way to make it work again | 16:13 |
diplo | WSM supposedly getting it heavy and bath is getting thicker flakes now | 16:14 |
Phineas | davmor2, i know that but is there a way to make it work again | 16:15 |
KrisWillis | Phineas: Do your mp3s have the correct permissions set on them? | 16:15 |
diplo | look at the pathand see if you can actually browse to it | 16:16 |
Phineas | KrisWillis, what? | 16:16 |
* diplo cant get used to new laptop space bar | 16:16 | |
popey | is that like the cantina? | 16:16 |
Phineas | computer fails to reconise mp3 | 16:16 |
DJones | diplo: That sentence should have been "diplocantgetusedtonewlaptopspacebar" | 16:17 |
diplo | heh, I had already fixed some mistakes, missed one :D | 16:17 |
diplo | Space bar is to short! | 16:17 |
KrisWillis | Phineas: If you right-click on an mp3 and select properties, then look in the "Permissions" tab - Do they all have at least "Read" permissions? | 16:17 |
Phineas | KrisWillis, computer wont pick up mp3 player at all | 16:18 |
DJones | Phineas: It might help if you gave some details? mp3 player software or hardware (like ipod etc), if hardware, what make & model etc, how does it connect to the computer etc | 16:18 |
KrisWillis | Oh, sorry, I thought you were talking about an application, not a piece of hardware | 16:18 |
screen-x | Phineas: whack it | 16:18 |
Phineas | its a Archos gmini xs 200 | 16:19 |
bigcalm | Phineas: such compact devices are harder to fix. I would sugget buying a replacement | 16:19 |
Phineas | bigcalm, i'd ether get this one working or get a new one which ever is easyer | 16:20 |
bigcalm | Buying is always easier if you have money | 16:20 |
screen-x | It appears to have snowed. The window in my office is so high, that I can only see the ground if I stand on my chair :( | 16:21 |
davmor2 | Phineas: You'll need to learn to be more specific when you ask a question. Is it that you have a device that isn't working, or you plug the device into you computer and Ubuntu doesn't see it, or Ubuntu sees it and can't access it? | 16:21 |
Phineas | it keeps making bip bip bip noises from the hard drive | 16:22 |
* bigcalm wants snow | 16:22 | |
bigcalm | Damn it | 16:22 |
KrisWillis | Not a good sign, Phineas | 16:22 |
davmor2 | bigcalm: I don't so when you get it keep it okay ;) | 16:23 |
Phineas | and says usb connected hard drive | 16:23 |
KrisWillis | My MacBook HDD when tits-up the other day, and that's the only sounds I can get out of it :P | 16:23 |
screen-x | KrisWillis: expensive metronome.. | 16:23 |
bigcalm | Heh | 16:23 |
Phineas | this is on every time i press a button | 16:24 |
KrisWillis | Indeed, (un)lucky really, as I kept meaning to put it on eBay | 16:24 |
Phineas | it just made a tiny clunk (like its trying to tick) | 16:26 |
Phineas | i waner hoe i can fix it | 16:27 |
MooDoo | Phineas, have you used google? | 16:28 |
screen-x | Phineas: new player, or new hdd. | 16:28 |
Phineas | MooDoo, suggests installing the frirmwere again | 16:28 |
Phineas | well it is on its 2nd hdd | 16:29 |
screen-x | Phineas: or option 3.. use a phone instead of a dedicated mp3 player | 16:29 |
bigcalm | Phineas: do you repair things for other people or are you just really really really unlucky with hardware? | 16:30 |
Phineas | phone dont do usb connect | 16:30 |
screen-x | ?? | 16:30 |
Phineas | bigcalm, i try to fix things people give me usally works | 16:30 |
moreati | Phineas: Yes they do, eg. HTC Desire or nearly any Android phone | 16:30 |
davmor2 | Phineas: what is it you do to HDD's? | 16:31 |
Phineas | ahh but mine is ment to do usb connect but it didn't come with a cable (motorola v 545 | 16:31 |
Phineas | davmor2, use them | 16:31 |
davmor2 | Phineas: Yeah try not using them as Ice Hockey pucks they might last longer ;) | 16:32 |
* daubers goes home before wanting to murder more servers | 16:33 | |
screen-x | Using, and not using HDDs are both good techniques for killing them. | 16:33 |
Phineas | well luckly i do have a few good HDDs | 16:36 |
Phineas | 'bip bip cluck-tick' ERROR | 16:37 |
Phineas | thats what the hard drive in my mp3 does | 16:37 |
screen-x | Phineas: unfortunately I only know how to fix 'bip bip, cluck-buzz' | 16:38 |
bigcalm | Bin | 16:38 |
Phineas | when i move the player arround it makes bip noises | 16:39 |
bigcalm | Don't move it then | 16:39 |
davmor2 | screen-x: I think you'll find you know how to fix clunk-buzz not cluck-buzz :D | 16:39 |
Phineas | i know | 16:40 |
Phineas | and it failed again | 16:40 |
MooDoo | Phineas, ah well new hdd it is then | 16:41 |
davmor2 | Phineas: power it down before you damage the player as well as the HDD and don't power it up again until it has a new HDD or a new mp3 player | 16:41 |
Phineas | what is the cheapest i can get it fixed or get a new one | 16:42 |
MooDoo | Phineas, we're not phychic :) use google :p | 16:42 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: I just realise isn't there an S missing from psychic | 16:43 |
davmor2 | Phineas: for you a new one | 16:43 |
MooDoo | yes | 16:43 |
Phineas | damn it, i thought it would work if i did something to it but no it just didn't do anything (just like Perry) | 16:45 |
Phineas | power down worked | 16:46 |
Phineas | well what do i do now? | 16:48 |
screen-x | Phineas: plan an exciting weekend? | 16:49 |
Phineas | screen-x, yup | 16:49 |
screen-x | so bin the mp3 player, and go somewhere exciting.. | 16:51 |
Phineas | screen-x, yeah why not | 16:51 |
screen-x | :) | 16:52 |
MooDoo | Phineas, people don't know everthing, if we don't know stop asking and go to the pub :) | 16:52 |
Phineas | MooDoo, why not | 16:53 |
MooDoo | Phineas, why not what? | 16:53 |
Phineas | MooDoo, nm | 16:53 |
MooDoo | sorry if i sound rude but people and i mean me get annoyed with "what do i do now what do i do now what do i do now what do i do now what do i do now what do i do now what do i do now what do i do now what do i do now what do i do now what do i do now :)" | 16:54 |
MooDoo | yes i'm in a bad mood | 16:54 |
MooDoo | :D | 16:54 |
screen-x | MooDoo: 5 hours to go? | 16:55 |
Phineas | 5 hours untill what | 16:55 |
bigcalm | 5 mins to go :D | 16:55 |
MooDoo | screen-x, yes, but that's not why i'm in a bad mood this time | 16:55 |
MooDoo | Phineas, i finish work | 16:55 |
MooDoo | my grandfather dies this morning at 5:00am :( | 16:55 |
MooDoo | that's why i'm snappy :D | 16:55 |
Phineas | MooDoo, lucky for me I only work when i get called out | 16:56 |
screen-x | MooDoo: :( | 16:56 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: You're always snappy, sorry to hear about your Grandad though | 16:57 |
screen-x | hmm empathy needs an emoticon. | 16:57 |
MooDoo | davmor2, only to czajkowski who deserves it :D | 16:57 |
davmor2 | screen-x: empathy is full of them it is the chat client after all :D | 16:57 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: True | 16:58 |
screen-x | davmor2: I knew that was coming.. | 16:58 |
davmor2 | screen-x: Hate to disappoint | 16:58 |
bigcalm | "Please wait while your font cache is rebuilt. This should take less than a few minutes." - VLC, I love you | 16:59 |
* MooDoo loves VLC too | 17:00 | |
MartijnVdS | "less than a few" | 17:02 |
MartijnVdS | ... | 17:02 |
screen-x | 1? | 17:02 |
MartijnVdS | depends on what you think is a few | 17:02 |
MartijnVdS | I mean.. a pair is 2 | 17:02 |
bigcalm | 1, a couple, several, many | 17:02 |
MartijnVdS | but a few could be 100 if your regular volume is in the millions | 17:03 |
MartijnVdS | bigcalm: 0, 1, infinity | 17:03 |
MartijnVdS | bigcalm: | 17:03 |
screen-x | Earlier I had a call because staff couldn't insert records into a legacy db, it had got to the integer boundry on its id field :( | 17:05 |
Phineas | ahh a wasp | 17:07 |
andylockran | yo yo yo | 17:12 |
screen-x | sup andylockran | 17:12 |
andylockran | gd ta | 17:13 |
andylockran | you? | 17:13 |
screen-x | OK :) hoping British Rail don't get scared and cancel my train home.. | 17:14 |
screen-x | "wrong type of snow" | 17:15 |
andylockran | yeah, the weather seems good here in Manchester | 17:15 |
screen-x | There is snow on the ground here (South Wales) but not much of it. | 17:15 |
davmor2 | screen-x: Bring back steam they never used to stop for leaves or snow or ice or I just don't feel like running today | 17:16 |
MooDoo | there is nothing here in notts | 17:16 |
davmor2 | nor wolves | 17:16 |
andylockran | I have to drive to Wolverhampton soon | 17:17 |
moreati | Nor East Birmingham | 17:17 |
andylockran | can't decided weather to go to tonight or tomorrow :) | 17:17 |
MooDoo | andylockran, both....simples [squeek] :) | 17:17 |
andylockran | got paintballing | 17:18 |
andylockran | hopefully it'll be nice and cold for that | 17:18 |
screen-x | ouch! | 17:18 |
andylockran | last time I did it, it was FREEZING. | 17:18 |
andylockran | I crawled through an icey stream running around the perimeter of the scenario to attack the opposing team from behind. | 17:18 |
andylockran | It worked incredibly well | 17:18 |
screen-x | dedication.. | 17:19 |
davmor2 | erm idiocy I think is the correct word | 17:20 |
MooDoo | i love paintballing :) | 17:22 |
Phineas | outch thats what i say to paintballing | 17:23 |
MooDoo | airsoft is another good one, less painful | 17:24 |
* screen-x does some perl+xml, more painful than paintballing.. | 17:25 | |
BigRedS | I despise XML | 17:26 |
screen-x | python + lxml is ok, perl + xpathscript is not. | 17:27 |
andylockran | ah, I go along with the idea, "It is best to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt" | 17:38 |
andylockran | the only problem with that + irc, is that being silent isn't an option, therefore I succumb to idiocy :) | 17:38 |
screen-x | andylockran: lurking is an option, but it is less fun.. | 17:39 |
andylockran | kinda pointless | 17:39 |
andylockran | may as well just goto the websites and read through the logs | 17:40 |
andylockran | though, I guess you'd miss the realtime fun of irc | 17:40 |
jacobw | Argh. Why did I choose to install GT5 to HDD | 17:58 |
jacobw | Now it'll be 20 minutes before I can play it | 17:59 |
jacobw | MartijnVdS, Have you got your copy of GT5 yet? | 18:07 |
MartijnVdS | no | 18:07 |
MartijnVdS | Postal strike-- | 18:08 |
popey | evening | 18:30 |
buzz_ | 'vning. | 18:30 |
MooDoo | hiya popey | 18:31 |
MartijnVdS | \o | 18:38 |
danfish | grr - stuck in a byobu window via connectbot for android - doesn't support F keys | 18:47 |
MartijnVdS | it doesn't? | 18:47 |
MartijnVdS | there's "connectbot for irssi" which has some special key stuff | 18:48 |
danfish | ooh - i'll check | 18:48 |
dutchie | danfish: you could probably use old-fashioned ctrl-a n etc | 18:48 |
danfish | Thanks - I'll give both a go :) | 18:49 |
danfish | excellent, both work. | 18:54 |
dw1 | Just moving from fedora. Can anyone give me an example of correct syntax to use dpkg-query to obtain an English language overview description of an installed package? | 18:54 |
=== dw_ is now known as dw1 | ||
jacobw | MartijnVdS, :P | 19:02 |
jacobw | dw1, apt-cache show | 19:05 |
=== dw_ is now known as dw1 | ||
jacobw | dw1, apt-cache show | 19:05 |
dw1 | jacobw: thanks v much. That seems to do the trick. I had thought from the dpkg-query manpage that something with a syntax like $Description somewhere in it ought to do the same, but every sytax of that kind that I tried seemed to be rejected | 19:08 |
danfish | welcome to ubuntu dw1! I hope it works out for you :) | 19:12 |
dw1 | danfish: looking good so far (day 2) | 19:12 |
MattJ | dw1: dpkg-query -W -f='${Description}\n' somepackage | 19:18 |
Azelphur | omg...this anti piracy stuff is getting ridiculous | 19:18 |
MattJ | dw1: Just for the intellectual satisfaction, apt-cache show is easier :) | 19:18 |
Azelphur | a US site, torrent-finder just had it's domain seized without warning, because they link to sites that link to .torrent files that link to downloads | 19:18 |
MattJ | Azelphur: down with pirates, ninjas FTW | 19:19 |
Azelphur | haha | 19:19 |
Azelphur | but seriously a link to a link to a link can get your domain seized now what on earth | 19:19 |
Azelphur | I think that'd pretty much be a blanket shut down on every site on the internet | 19:19 |
ubuntuuk-planet | [Andy Loughran] Xperia X10i - | 19:20 |
jacobw | six degrees of separation from a torrent file :p | 19:20 |
Azelphur | indeed >.> | 19:20 |
UndiFineD | heh bing ubuntu .torrent | 19:28 |
jacobw | MartijnVdS, I've got GT5 running an SDTV 576i | 19:50 |
jacobw | So doesn't do it justice :( | 19:50 |
OmNomSequitur | GT5 sucks!! | 19:52 |
jacobw | I've only just started with it | 19:53 |
OmNomSequitur | | 19:53 |
OmNomSequitur | 7 years in development | 19:54 |
OmNomSequitur | 6 years | 19:54 |
OmNomSequitur | 4 years of delays. | 19:54 |
OmNomSequitur | And for what? | 19:54 |
OmNomSequitur | It's gotten disappointing reviews. | 19:54 |
OmNomSequitur | It's still a half-finished game. | 19:54 |
OmNomSequitur | "The newly-included damage-feature received criticism for barely effecting car-handling and damage-effects only being applied after multiple serious crashes. " | 19:55 |
OmNomSequitur | ^ | 19:55 |
dw1 | MattJ: OK. Thanks. | 19:59 |
MartijnVdS | jacobw: I have some cars from GT5 Prologue to transfer :) | 20:09 |
jacobw | MartijnVdS, I'm starting from scratch :( | 20:12 |
=== Richie is now known as WelshDragon | ||
daubers | o/ | 20:40 |
WelshDragon | \o | 20:40 |
AlanBell | o/ | 20:51 |
dutchie | \o/ | 20:51 |
* daubers is very asleep | 20:52 | |
MooDoo | hello | 20:52 |
jacobw | Moo | 20:54 |
MooDoo | moooooooooooooooooooooo | 20:54 |
zleap | moo | 20:54 |
daubers | meow? | 20:56 |
Azelphur | moo | 20:56 |
MooDoo | no not meow...mooo | 20:57 |
daubers | I see | 20:59 |
MooDoo | lol | 20:59 |
stuphi | I see it is not just me who has had a long week! :-) | 21:04 |
jacobw | the original ps3 had touch sensitive buttons, and the original xbox 360 didn't, now the new xbox 360 has touch sensitive buttons and the ps3 slim doesn't | 21:05 |
MooDoo | stuphi, i've had a long and crappy week :) | 21:06 |
stuphi | MooDoo: Me too. Mostly caused by other peoples incompetence. At least that is how I remember it :) | 21:10 |
jacobw | fukitol :p | 21:10 |
stuphi | So, when does the weekend _officially_ start? | 21:11 |
MooDoo | stuphi, midnight for me | 21:13 |
DJones | stuphi: About 5 minutes ago, Just got home after work, supermarket shopping, cooking tea, now feet up in front of tv | 21:13 |
stuphi | Anybody else seen this: | 21:14 |
DJones | MooDoo: Sorry to hear about your Grandfather, you have my every sympathy | 21:14 |
MooDoo | DJones, thanks :) | 21:15 |
DJones | MooDoo: Are you in work till midnight? | 21:16 |
MooDoo | DJones, yeah | 21:16 |
DJones | Ouch | 21:16 |
MooDoo | last one tonight for at least 6 weeks :D | 21:17 |
popey | evening chaps | 21:19 |
DJones | MooDoo: I bet that feels good | 21:20 |
DJones | Evening popey | 21:20 |
MooDoo | DJones, yes it does :) and evening popey | 21:23 |
czajkowski | aloha | 21:27 |
MattJ | Evening | 21:28 |
popey | evening | 21:30 |
Pendulum | hiya | 21:30 |
popey | hey Pendulum | 21:30 |
popey | having a good thanksgiving week? | 21:31 |
Pendulum | yep :) | 21:31 |
czajkowski | after yesterdays tweets I really want turkey or stuffing, possibly both. | 21:33 |
Pendulum | haha | 21:33 |
Pendulum | I didn't tweet about either :P | 21:33 |
czajkowski | hmm flying to brussels is damn expensive from UK | 21:35 |
Pendulum | czajkowski: so take train | 21:36 |
czajkowski | aye looking at them now | 21:36 |
popey | ooo totally | 21:37 |
popey | eurostar is ace | 21:37 |
czajkowski | not bad 69 return on train or 160 flying | 21:37 |
czajkowski | finally something is more expensive over here to do | 21:38 |
czajkowski | :) | 21:38 |
Pendulum | take train | 21:38 |
Pendulum | popey: +1 on eurostar being ace | 21:38 |
czajkowski | just sorting out fosdem | 21:39 |
czajkowski | dosnside to Thanksfgiving means I didnt get my fix of Bones or BBT! :( | 21:43 |
czajkowski | downside | 21:43 |
* MattJ always takes the train to FOSDEM | 21:44 | |
MattJ | Much prefer it to flying (not that I've ever done the former to Brussels) | 21:44 |
MattJ | latter, whatever - I was up until 6AM this morning :( | 21:45 |
popey | I used to fly to brussels pretty much every week | 21:46 |
popey | for work | 21:46 |
popey | but so does everyone else, so the flights are packed | 21:46 |
popey | train is deffo way forward | 21:46 |
czajkowski | Pendulum: be prepared for cute pics coming from tc :D | 21:47 |
Pendulum | czajkowski: hah | 21:47 |
czajkowski | did you see the ones from the PTA meeting of the twins. woman kills me! | 21:49 |
Pendulum | no. I didn't see those | 21:49 |
Pendulum | I did see her request for suggestions about shopping, but I couldn't respond because I've locked down again and she doesn't follow me | 21:50 |
czajkowski | ahh | 21:50 |
czajkowski | let me fix that | 21:50 |
Pendulum | haha | 21:51 |
Pendulum | I guess tc's about to be told to follow me? | 21:51 |
czajkowski | yup | 21:52 |
czajkowski | :) | 21:52 |
* MooDoo pokes czajkowski | 21:52 | |
* czajkowski pours a bucket of ice cold water over MattJ | 21:54 | |
* czajkowski pours a bucket of ice cold water over MooDoo | 21:54 | |
MattJ | What did I do??? | 21:54 |
MooDoo | czajkowski, hay it's -3 here, nasty girl | 21:54 |
* MattJ looks through the window | 21:54 | |
MattJ | No snow yet :( | 21:55 |
MooDoo | i don't think there will be any, well at least where i am | 21:55 |
WelshDragon | People always wish for snow and then when it comes they do nothing by complain :D | 21:55 |
WelshDragon | but* | 21:55 |
MooDoo | WelshDragon, +1 | 21:55 |
MattJ | WelshDragon: I never complain :) | 21:55 |
WelshDragon | MattJ, where you living? | 21:56 |
MattJ | Worcestershire | 21:56 |
WelshDragon | Oh, nae -too- far from me. Surprised to nae had the snow then :s | 21:57 |
dutchie | \o/ worcestershire | 21:57 |
WelshDragon | Got 2 inches on the ground here. About an hours drive from you. | 21:58 |
MattJ | \o/ Worcestershire | 21:58 |
MattJ | I need to move to Malvern or something | 21:58 |
WelshDragon | Where's Malvern? :s | 21:58 |
* dutchie will be returning to Worcester in a week or so | 21:58 | |
MattJ | WelshDragon: a place with lots of hills | 21:59 |
dutchie | anyway, time for peep show | 21:59 |
WelshDragon | MattJ, Ah, surely scotland is the choice if you want hills and snow? | 21:59 |
MattJ | Too far and too many Scottish people | 22:00 |
MattJ | \o/ Worcestershire | 22:00 |
WelshDragon | What's wrong with scottish people? :o | 22:00 |
MattJ | Nothing, just too many of them :) | 22:00 |
WelshDragon | .... lol :s | 22:00 |
MattJ | Everyone in Worcestershire is in traffic jams so you never see them | 22:01 |
WelshDragon | haha | 22:01 |
MattJ | It feels like you can travel across the whole country, but travelling through here takes 2-3 times longer than any other county | 22:02 |
MattJ | Anyway, I haven't eaten and it's getting late, and cold... kitchen --> | 22:02 |
WelshDragon | toodles \o | 22:02 |
amarcolino | can anyone tell me what is the command for me to check that a package is working, I need to find out if ddclient is actually functioning and sending information to dyndns | 22:03 |
amarcolino | the package doesn't create a log :/ | 22:05 |
WelshDragon | I don't know of any universal command to check if any package is "working". You can type "ps -A | grep ddclient" to see if it's running at least | 22:07 |
amarcolino | it seems to be working which doesn't help, it couldn't be that simple, it's the small problems that cause headaches *sigh* | 22:08 |
popey | ddclient is pretty simple | 22:09 |
popey | its worked for about 9 months for my mum :) | 22:09 |
amarcolino | yeah but I bet your mum is not using multiple hostname and redirecting it to a physical machine and the rest to vms | 22:10 |
WelshDragon | amarcolino, ddclient has a -syslog flag so it'll log to your syslog. | 22:11 |
popey | heh, no | 22:11 |
WelshDragon | As to what it logs i'm not aware. I've no experience with it. | 22:12 |
amarcolino | WelshDragon: not on my let me grep | 22:13 |
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