
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory
tonyyarussoSomeone should fix their connection.05:55
TakyojiGah, I have yet to see Linux "in the wild", or more especially, in a school: http://mainelinux.com/video/linux-maine-schools21:07
TakyojiOnly times I believe I've seen a Linux installation was at a Mill's Fleet Farm (I believe) in Mankato, and a LiveCD Firefox (like Firefox v1 or so though) on some old systems at a coffee shop for public to use.21:08
Obsidian1723Home Depot uses Linux too.21:18
tonyyarussoand the University of Minnesota's Computer Science department21:23
Obsidian1723right on21:25
Obsidian1723anyone looking for work, this networking list may help out. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/914191/Master%20Networking%20list%209-19-10.pdf23:29

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