=== slidinghorn is now known as zz_slidinghorn | ||
=== zz_slidinghorn is now known as slidinghorn | ||
Navirio | cleveland lol = horrid | 01:07 |
Navirio | i literally saw a 4 way stop with a liquor store on each corner | 01:07 |
dmcglone1 | Hi everyone. Did everyone have a good thanksgiving | 03:07 |
Cheri703 | yeppers | 03:07 |
paultag | totally dmcglone1 | 03:07 |
paultag | happy turky day all | 03:07 |
Cheri703 | hey paultag | 03:07 |
Cheri703 | anyone use synergy? | 03:07 |
dmcglone1 | I don't | 03:08 |
paultag | nopers | 03:08 |
Cheri703 | k | 03:09 |
dmcglone1 | I've been kickin it with KDE since last night.. LOL | 03:09 |
paultag | sweet :) | 03:09 |
Cheri703 | brb | 03:10 |
paultag | I'm on GNOME, but I'm switching to Xfce or Fluxbox at somepoint soonish | 03:10 |
dmcglone1 | I gotta say KDE is looking so darn good | 03:10 |
dmcglone1 | I am really surprised | 03:10 |
dmcglone1 | so far, the only problem i'm having is it's not retaining my dual monitor setting. It keeps going back to a single monitor setup if I reboot or log out | 03:11 |
dmcglone1 | so thats 1 for Gnome | 03:12 |
paultag | I need to get the art of computer programming volumes 1 2 and 3 | 03:18 |
paultag | but it is just so fucking expensive | 03:18 |
dmcglone1 | have you checked amazon? | 03:19 |
paultag | dmcglone1: yeah, 140+ bucks for the set | 03:19 |
dmcglone1 | woah | 03:19 |
paultag | and that's not *that* bad | 03:19 |
paultag | it's just I don't want to shell it out | 03:19 |
dmcglone1 | I know what you mean | 03:19 |
paultag | dmcglone1: they're the fundemental books for anything | 03:20 |
paultag | dmcglone1: and all hardcover and huge | 03:20 |
paultag | they're very in-demand | 03:20 |
paultag | Dr. Knuth | 03:20 |
paultag | I wonder if I should get some of my professor's books | 03:20 |
dmcglone1 | sometimes I'm afraid to buy books because I don't know what they'll be like | 03:20 |
paultag | +1 dmcglone1 | 03:21 |
dmcglone1 | I've bought programming books that I was pissed that I had bought | 03:21 |
paultag | +1 dmcglone1, for sure, for sure | 03:22 |
paultag | I've got some real crap-sandwiches | 03:22 |
paultag | but others have been *gold& | 03:22 |
paultag | *gold* * | 03:22 |
dmcglone1 | yeah true | 03:22 |
paultag | Oh shit, I found one of my professor's books | 03:23 |
paultag | http://www.amazon.com/Extreme-Software-Engineering-Hands--Approach/dp/0130473812/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1290741770&sr=8-1 | 03:23 |
paultag | I could pick it up for a twenty-spot | 03:24 |
dmcglone1 | that....was.....NOT..... goood! | 03:25 |
paultag | dmcglone1: what went wrong? | 03:25 |
dmcglone1 | have no clue, my window manager just blew away along with kicker | 03:26 |
paultag | shit | 03:26 |
paultag | that's no good | 03:26 |
dmcglone1 | had to log out and back in | 03:26 |
paultag | dmcglone1: damn dude | 03:26 |
paultag | *cough*fluxbox*cough* | 03:26 |
dmcglone1 | lol | 03:26 |
paultag | I should get a girlfriend again | 03:27 |
dmcglone1 | I think I found the culprit | 03:27 |
paultag | then she can buy me books as gifts now and again | 03:27 |
paultag | that would rule. | 03:27 |
paultag | dmcglone1: yeah? what? | 03:27 |
dmcglone1 | compiz | 03:27 |
paultag | ahha | 03:27 |
paultag | Damn, I should rock out an LFS build again. | 03:27 |
canthus13 | here's a book you can't miss: http://www.amazon.com/Code-Language-Computer-Hardware-Software/dp/0735611319/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1290742065&sr=8-1 | 03:28 |
dmcglone1 | I'm gonna see if I can re-produce it. I'm on the laptop, but it works flawlessly on the desktop | 03:28 |
* canthus13 has a first printing, with dust jacket intact. :) Readin' through it again. | 03:28 | |
paultag | is it good canthus13? | 03:28 |
canthus13 | paultag: It's a must-read. | 03:28 |
paultag | canthus13: Well, shit. I need to start building up a library | 03:29 |
canthus13 | paultag: It's also not in danger of being obsolete any time soon. It's a great primer on programming... from the transistor on up. | 03:29 |
dmcglone1 | Ah I found the culprit. it was the "blur" in compiz couldn't be found | 03:30 |
paultag | canthus13: hummm | 03:30 |
Navirio | paul | 03:30 |
paultag | hey Navirio | 03:30 |
Navirio | girl may = books but she also = hassles and the cost of sustaining her would out weigh the books | 03:31 |
Navirio | so investment denied | 03:31 |
canthus13 | girls don't give papercuts, do give other nice things... ;P | 03:31 |
paultag | canthus13: +1 there my man | 03:31 |
paultag | canthus13: I was trying to phrase it in a nice way | 03:31 |
Navirio | +s do not out weigh negatives | 03:32 |
paultag | Navirio: I disagree | 03:32 |
Navirio | no one said you could? | 03:32 |
paultag | Navirio: ... | 03:32 |
Navirio | i know | 03:33 |
Navirio | im messing with you | 03:33 |
paultag | :) | 03:33 |
Navirio | also http://www.tomshardware.com/news/delorean-hard-drive-HDD-Back-to-the-Future-bttf,11707.html best thing i ever saw | 03:33 |
Navirio | 21 in like 7 days XD | 03:33 |
canthus13 | Fuckin' power supply for my lappy blew out. Luckily, I have a spare. | 03:33 |
Navirio | did u see that paul? | 03:34 |
paultag | Navirio: good man, good man | 03:34 |
paultag | Navirio: grats | 03:34 |
Navirio | i ment the delorian hdd | 03:34 |
Navirio | and on the whole to women or not to women this is my view | 03:35 |
Navirio | I have to assume that there's an evolutionary advantage to having a brain which keenly remembers the bourbon-soaked magic carpet ride, but not its puke-on-the-shoes, please-God-help-me-find-my-car aftermath. The same holds true for romantic relationships. The dreamy, eye-gazing moment of transcendent intimacy is recalled with perfect clarity, while the sleepless nights on a bed with enough room between th | 03:35 |
Navirio | so not matter what we all will end up back in the situations | 03:35 |
paultag | Navirio: haha that hdd rocks | 03:35 |
Navirio | i want it badly | 03:35 |
Navirio | the doors and hood work i did not see if the wheels did | 03:36 |
Navirio | but if they do it is like 100% happening | 03:36 |
canthus13 | paultag: But yeah. If you get a chance to check out that book, it's a good read. | 03:36 |
paultag | canthus13: I need to put together a list somewhere of books I need | 03:37 |
Navirio | which one? the one by mr knuth? | 03:37 |
Navirio | i have a list 2 paul | 03:37 |
paultag | Navirio: Dr. Knuth to you, fuckdamnit | 03:37 |
Cheri703 | did my ssh question show up? apparently my connection to xchat timed out for some reason | 03:37 |
paultag | Navirio: yeah? Anything good on it? | 03:37 |
Navirio | shhhhhhh i will call him what i want | 03:37 |
paultag | Cheri703: nopers :) | 03:37 |
canthus13 | Navirio: http://www.amazon.com/Code-Language-Computer-Hardware-Software/dp/0735611319/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1290742065&sr=8-1 | 03:37 |
Cheri703 | :( trying again | 03:37 |
Navirio | probably alot of the same as u paul | 03:37 |
Cheri703 | what is the procedure for "ssh into computer a from computer b, start program and have it output onto computer a" basically the counterpart of ssh -x, where the x is happening on the initial computer...not sure how to do that | 03:37 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: X forwarding. | 03:38 |
paultag | Cheri703: ssh user@host "command and args" > foo | 03:38 |
Cheri703 | command and args? | 03:38 |
paultag | Cheri703: ssh user@host "ls /" > hosts-directory-list | 03:38 |
Navirio | but mostly things i cannot find at x location and do not want to read in pdf form such as knuths book series which im 2 lazy to type out | 03:38 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: Basically, you ssh -x. then execute the program | 03:38 |
Cheri703 | I can do ssh -x, which brings info from desktop to netbook, but I want to type "command blah" and have it show up on the desktop | 03:38 |
Cheri703 | what is hosts-directory-list? | 03:39 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: http://www.vanemery.com/Linux/XoverSSH/X-over-SSH2.html | 03:39 |
* Cheri703 is kind of learning this stuff piecemeal | 03:39 | |
paultag | Cheri703: the output of ls on computer b ( on computer a ) | 03:39 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: That tutorial is a bit old, but relevant. | 03:39 |
paultag | Cheri703: Ohhh, X output | 03:39 |
Cheri703 | yeah, sorry | 03:39 |
paultag | Cheri703: I thought you ment stdout | 03:39 |
paultag | Cheri703: in that case, canthus13 is super right | 03:40 |
Cheri703 | well, if I ssh -X, it shows up on the netbook | 03:40 |
Cheri703 | I want the visual side to output on the desktop | 03:40 |
* Cheri703 uses ssh -X often | 03:40 | |
canthus13 | Oh. You want the program you execute over ssh to appear on the computer you're ssh'd into. you'd need to forward it to the local display (:0) | 03:40 |
Cheri703 | soooort of a remote desktop thing | 03:41 |
Cheri703 | yes | 03:41 |
Cheri703 | ok | 03:41 |
paultag | +1 Cheri703 | 03:41 |
Cheri703 | that's what I'm trying to figure out how to do | 03:41 |
paultag | erm canthus13 | 03:41 |
paultag | export DISPLAY | 03:41 |
paultag | but that opens up the X11 session over TCP | 03:41 |
canthus13 | Like when I send a popup to my kid's computer telling him to go to bed. | 03:41 |
paultag | you can do a port forward hack via ssh then export there | 03:41 |
canthus13 | Right? | 03:41 |
Cheri703 | I think? | 03:41 |
paultag | no no canthus13 | 03:41 |
canthus13 | Basically, I ssh into his machine, then use zenity to throw a popup. | 03:42 |
paultag | Nevermind | 03:42 |
paultag | Cheri703: try export DISPLAY=:0.0 | 03:42 |
paultag | Cheri703: and then start it | 03:42 |
Cheri703 | some context: I'm trying to use Synergy. I have it set up and working. I'd like to be able to start the client side (on my desktop) from my netbook | 03:42 |
Cheri703 | ok | 03:42 |
Cheri703 | paultag: once ssh'd? | 03:42 |
paultag | Cheri703: yeah, no -x needed | 03:42 |
Cheri703 | ok | 03:42 |
Cheri703 | awesome! | 03:44 |
Cheri703 | I can now move my mouse over and control desktop without having to remote desktop into it :D :D | 03:45 |
paultag | swweet | 03:45 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: Zenity is fun... Can be a bit hairy when you throw windows in the mix.. I used to do it at work when they still let us bring our laptops... Every once in a while, the mouse pointer would just disappear in the limbo between screens... | 03:45 |
paultag | canthus13: you were totally right, I was totally wrong :) | 03:45 |
canthus13 | paultag: You communicated it better than me, tho. :) | 03:46 |
Cheri703 | now to write a script to do this automatically! | 03:46 |
* canthus13 used to use zenity to prank people, too. move his mouse onto the screen of the guy next to him, start typing stuff. :) | 03:46 | |
Cheri703 | I do want to find out about that, it'd be handy if it can pop up over my husband's games! /me hates it when he doesn't answer his phone because his gunshots are too loud -_- | 03:47 |
canthus13 | Only worked if I could get in to work before him and start before he had a chance to do anything. | 03:47 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: Can't really use it when they're already working, I don't think... If I remember right,y ou only get one pointer/keyboard between the machines. | 03:48 |
dmcglone1 | Cheri703: why are you calling him from the other room? LOL | 03:48 |
Cheri703 | ah, ok | 03:48 |
Cheri703 | because he's annoying | 03:48 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: root his box, use something like back orfice to screw with him. | 03:48 |
dmcglone1 | so instead of communicating with him face to face you call him instead? LOL | 03:48 |
* canthus13 ssh's into his wife's machine and ejects the drive once in a while. | 03:49 | |
Cheri703 | because sometimes the door is shut and he has headphones on and he keeps them turned WAAAAAY up, and I don't feel like getting up | 03:49 |
dmcglone1 | lol | 03:49 |
* Cheri703 used to im her roommate when both were in adjacent bedrooms and both doors were open | 03:49 | |
* canthus13 gets rather annoyed when his wife IMs him from across the room. | 03:49 | |
dmcglone1 | I do too canthus | 03:50 |
Cheri703 | can I just say that synergy is AWESOME | 03:50 |
Cheri703 | I haven't had a keyboard/mouse connected to desktop for a while, and I've been having to vnc into it EVERYTIME I needed to do anything. this will make my life SO MUCH EASIER | 03:50 |
canthus13 | dmcglone1: At least your wife has a bit of an excuse... You're deaf. :P | 03:50 |
* canthus13 doesn't mind so much if he has earbuds in. | 03:51 | |
Cheri703 | ok, so I am trying to write a script to automate this synergy stuff | 03:55 |
dmcglone1 | I'll be back | 03:56 |
* Cheri703 is EXTREMELY NEW to scripting stuff | 03:56 | |
Cheri703 | I don't think I've got the syntax right | 03:56 |
* dmcglone1 is wondering why compiz works fine in gnome, but crappy in kde | 04:00 | |
canthus13 | because kde is crap. | 04:00 |
Cheri703 | canthus13: are you good with writing bash scripts? | 04:01 |
canthus13 | Nope. :( | 04:01 |
Cheri703 | paultag: any good at bash scripts? | 04:02 |
paultag | Cheri703: yes ma'am | 04:03 |
paultag | Cheri703: what's up | 04:03 |
Cheri703 | trying to write a script to make the synergy junk start on its own (or as close to it as possible) | 04:04 |
Cheri703 | steps needed: run a command locally, ssh, do the export display, run a command on remote computer | 04:04 |
paultag | Cheri703: just write down every command as you would put it in a terminal | 04:04 |
Cheri703 | not sure of the syntax | 04:04 |
Cheri703 | I did that :/ | 04:04 |
paultag | Cheri703: ssh will block | 04:04 |
Cheri703 | block? | 04:04 |
paultag | Cheri703: put the script on computer B, then run it from A | 04:04 |
paultag | Cheri703: so on B put all the commands you will run inside ssh there | 04:05 |
Cheri703 | well, I've run a script that contained "ssh blah blah program" and it runs it on its own | 04:05 |
paultag | Cheri703: then start it by running ssh user@host "~/script.sh" | 04:05 |
paultag | Cheri703: yeah | 04:05 |
Cheri703 | ahh, ok | 04:05 |
Cheri703 | that makes sense then | 04:05 |
paultag | Cheri703: but you can't give it tons of stuff to run easy. I'd just put that script on the remote box and run it over ssh | 04:05 |
Cheri703 | k | 04:05 |
Cheri703 | AWESOME! | 04:07 |
paultag | Cheri703: rock on :) | 04:07 |
Cheri703 | so now I can make a launcher, and after typing in my password, I will have synergy working :D :D | 04:08 |
paultag | Cheri703: if you use a ssh key you won't need to type a password | 04:08 |
Cheri703 | see, I did that in the past, and when I had to reinstall, it broke | 04:08 |
Cheri703 | so I just type in the pw | 04:08 |
paultag | Cheri703: they keys are cheep to do :) | 04:08 |
Cheri703 | true... | 04:08 |
Cheri703 | hmm...k | 04:09 |
Cheri703 | I might do that | 04:09 |
paultag | Cheri703: then you can put it in the gnome menu | 04:09 |
Cheri703 | when it talks about setting up the key, it talks about setting it up on the client computer and the remote computer, in this context, client = desktop, remote = netbook, yes? | 04:12 |
Cheri703 | ah, nvm | 04:15 |
Cheri703 | paultag: some of the documentation suggests turning off password authentication, so hackers can't jack with it, but..what if I need to ssh from another computer? | 04:22 |
Cheri703 | and do you suggest having a passphrase or no? | 04:24 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: You could just use fail2ban. Then, as long as your password is strong, nobody's going to brute-force it. | 04:26 |
Cheri703 | I have no idea what fail2ban is | 04:26 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: It monitors logins, and locks out IPs that fail login a set number of times. | 04:27 |
Cheri703 | ah, that's kind of awesome | 04:27 |
canthus13 | it will then automagically unlock them after a specified amount of time, so you don't screw yourself. | 04:27 |
Cheri703 | awesome | 04:28 |
Cheri703 | is fail2ban gui or cli? | 04:28 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: cli | 04:28 |
Cheri703 | :| ok | 04:29 |
canthus13 | it's a daemon. It can be configured to monitor all sorts of different servers, not just ssh. | 04:29 |
Cheri703 | how do I run it? and/or set it up? | 04:29 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: You can just install it and forget it. the defaults are pretty sane. Lock out ssh for an offending IP after 5 tries for 15 minutes. | 04:29 |
* Cheri703 just installed it | 04:29 | |
Cheri703 | ok | 04:29 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: apt-get install fail2ban | 04:29 |
Cheri703 | did that | 04:29 |
Cheri703 | it | 04:29 |
canthus13 | Now, fail login a few times and see if it's working. :) | 04:29 |
Cheri703 | it'll just run on its own? do I have to start it in some way? | 04:30 |
Cheri703 | ok | 04:30 |
canthus13 | It should run on it's own. | 04:30 |
Cheri703 | k | 04:30 |
* canthus13 doesn't recall needing to do anything special on install. | 04:30 | |
canthus13 | I tweaked the config a bit, but it's not necessary. | 04:30 |
canthus13 | Ot | 04:31 |
canthus13 | bah. fingers on the wrong keys. | 04:32 |
paultag | Oh no, cherri is gone | 04:33 |
canthus13 | I'm sure she'll be back... | 04:34 |
canthus13 | :) | 04:34 |
paultag | word | 04:34 |
paultag | I was eating more | 04:34 |
paultag | God I'm such a fatass today | 04:34 |
paultag | heyya Cheri703 | 04:34 |
paultag | sorry I missed you | 04:34 |
paultag | didd you get your stuff set up? | 04:34 |
paultag | I was eating moar | 04:34 |
Cheri703 | np, I'm good :) canthus13 helped me out | 04:35 |
paultag | awesome | 04:35 |
Cheri703 | VERY awesome | 04:35 |
Cheri703 | you should check out synergy | 04:35 |
* canthus13 just discovered that he can set fail2ban to ignore certain IPs. :) | 04:35 | |
Cheri703 | it's pretty sweet | 04:35 |
paultag | hells yeah | 04:35 |
canthus13 | Even better... It'll ignore entire CIDR masks. :) | 04:36 |
Cheri703 | I don't even know what that is canthus13 | 04:36 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: like | 04:37 |
Cheri703 | ah, ok | 04:37 |
canthus13 | that represents all IPs that match the first 24 bits of the address. | 04:37 |
Cheri703 | gotcha | 04:37 |
canthus13 | So you can tell it to ignore screwups inside your network. | 04:37 |
Cheri703 | heh | 04:38 |
Cheri703 | now I have to wait 15 min until I can mess with this anymore -_- | 04:38 |
Cheri703 | good that it works, bummer that I have to wait :) | 04:38 |
canthus13 | I gather it works. :) | 04:38 |
Cheri703 | yep | 04:39 |
Cheri703 | how do I configure it? | 04:39 |
canthus13 | Of course, you could always ssh into a different machine, and then on to the machine that locked you out. Or you could change your IP. | 04:39 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/using-fail2ban-to-prevent-brute-force-attacks/ | 04:39 |
Cheri703 | I can remote desktop in | 04:40 |
Cheri703 | awesome, thanks | 04:40 |
Cheri703 | well, I think so | 04:40 |
canthus13 | Not if you're running RDP over ssh... | 04:40 |
Cheri703 | nah, I got in | 04:41 |
Cheri703 | Woo! it's all working properly | 04:45 |
* Cheri703 is happy now | 04:45 | |
canthus13 | Good. :) | 04:46 |
=== slidinghorn is now known as zz_slidinghorn | ||
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mathay | Morning all. | 15:35 |
Cheri703 | hi | 15:38 |
mathay | Hey, Cheri703. How's it been? | 15:41 |
Cheri703 | home life: ok, work life: dumb, but doing alright overall :) | 15:41 |
Cheri703 | what have you been up to? | 15:48 |
mathay | Cheri703: not very much. Sorry about not answering. I got locked into a paper I was writing. | 15:55 |
mathay | Glad to hear you're doing well though. | 15:55 |
mathay | Are you back at work now? | 15:55 |
Cheri703 | np, writing papers is important! | 15:55 |
Cheri703 | nope | 15:55 |
Cheri703 | today I relax | 15:55 |
mathay | Cheri703: yes, yes. It's late. I'm hoping that because the professor likes me, he'll let me off. | 15:59 |
mathay | Cheri703: that's awesome though. Planning on any shoppin? | 15:59 |
mathay | *shopping | 15:59 |
Cheri703 | ah, good luck with the paper! not planning to leave the house if I can help it | 16:02 |
mathay | Cheri703: I know the feeling. This whole Black Friday thing passes me by. | 16:07 |
Cheri703 | yeah, there was like one thing I liked at walmart, and it was $10, and it wasn't worth the effort | 16:08 |
donsmouse | hi everyone | 17:25 |
Cheri703 | hi | 17:26 |
donsmouse | so did u have a good thanksgiving? | 17:29 |
Cheri703 | I did, and yourself? | 17:29 |
donsmouse | yeah it wast bad at all | 17:30 |
Cheri703 | that's good | 17:30 |
donsmouse | so what part of ohio r u from? | 17:31 |
Cheri703 | Mansfield, you? | 17:31 |
donsmouse | i was from lorain county, but now i live in morgantown west virginia | 17:31 |
Cheri703 | that's cool | 17:32 |
donsmouse | i miss ohio bigtime | 17:32 |
donsmouse | if they had jobs like they used to i might move back there | 17:32 |
Cheri703 | yeah, I'm looking for a new job, and my husband is looking for A job | 17:33 |
donsmouse | i got laid off from the coal mines here i was making 21.73/hr now i work at mon general hospital as a janitor making 8.89/hr | 17:34 |
Cheri703 | dang | 17:34 |
donsmouse | well ill c u later on,nice talking to u | 17:35 |
Cheri703 | have a good day | 17:36 |
donsmouse | u to | 17:36 |
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=== zz_slidinghorn is now known as slidinghorn | ||
=== zz_slidinghorn is now known as slidinghorn |
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