nlsthzn | well I am off for an 8 hour bus trip to a neigbouring country to sleep in a tent, go on a yacht trip for 5 hours before driving 8 hours back... hope its fun... catch you all in a few :) | 00:45 |
Kilos | morning superfly nuvolari corrie206 and all you others | 03:16 |
corrie206 | morning | 03:40 |
corrie206 | hi Kilos , are your tab completing my name? cause when you mention me, its not highlighted? | 03:41 |
Kilos | yip corrie206 | 03:41 |
Kilos | i try use all shorts cut i can | 03:42 |
Kilos | lazy fingers you know | 03:42 |
corrie206 | oh, strange that its not highlighted then. pft. :) | 03:43 |
Kilos | you on xchat | 03:43 |
corrie206 | no irssi | 03:43 |
Kilos | ah | 03:43 |
corrie206 | commandline ftw | 03:44 |
corrie206 | other mentions of my name get highlighted | 03:44 |
Kilos | lol. too much thinking. maybe i got a bug here. corrie206 | 03:44 |
Kilos | no tab complete there | 03:44 |
corrie206 | ja Kilos , its all your fault , you broke it! :P haha. naw dont worry about it. | 03:49 |
Kilos | lol | 03:49 |
Kilos | i like to be undercover | 03:49 |
corrie206 | i like to be, "under the covers" if you know what I mean... *nudgenudge* | 03:51 |
Kilos | hehe | 03:52 |
inetpro | good morning | 05:21 |
inetpro | corrie206: why is your Kilos post not highlighted? | 05:22 |
inetpro | corrie206: It should be and it does not look like it's Kilos' fault | 05:23 |
Kilos | lo inetpro | 05:23 |
Kilos | by you too? | 05:23 |
inetpro | Kilos: nee myne werk mooi | 05:23 |
Kilos | lol | 05:23 |
Kilos | ja hy het gese ek het syne gebreuk | 05:23 |
Kilos | breek | 05:24 |
Kilos | ? | 05:24 |
inetpro | gebreuk klink ook reg :-) | 05:24 |
Kilos | lol | 05:24 |
inetpro | sy irssi het 'n breuk gekry | 05:24 |
Kilos | en die vlieg ook nie hier vandag nie | 05:25 |
Kilos | superdoom het gewen | 05:25 |
inetpro | Kilos: eish | 05:25 |
Kilos | en Vhata innie hospitaal ek dink | 05:26 |
Kilos | sonder gal blaas | 05:26 |
Kilos | niks meer vetterige kos nie | 05:26 |
Kilos | als wat lekker is het vet in | 05:27 |
Kilos | eish | 05:27 |
inetpro | Kilos: you still ok at least? | 05:27 |
Kilos | yes ty i am good | 05:27 |
inetpro | Kilos: what was that about a heart attack? | 05:27 |
Kilos | eish no remind me of that | 05:28 |
Kilos | whew | 05:28 |
inetpro | was that serious? | 05:28 |
Kilos | thought i was going to the happy hunting grounds | 05:28 |
Kilos | i hope not i still got a lot of living and loving to do | 05:29 |
Kilos | inetpro, can you just look at apt-offline for me and see if that can get all the first updates as well then i can ask one of the guys that works at a varsity to make me one and post it to me | 05:32 |
corrie206 | inetpro: morning, yours is highlighted, but not when Kilos mentions me, weird? | 05:32 |
Kilos | lol | 05:33 |
Kilos | i be a secret agent man | 05:34 |
* inetpro loves this tweet from Trevor Noah A town in South Africa tweets so much that they named their town after twitter! Crazy. ;) | 05:34 | |
inetpro | at | 05:34 |
corrie206 | haha | 05:44 |
inetpro | Kilos: I've never used apt-offline so I can not tell whether that is your solution | 05:50 |
Kilos | ok ty | 05:50 |
* inetpro off to go do some work | 05:51 | |
corrie206 | Kilos: you looking for repos? | 05:55 |
Kilos | corrie206, i actually need all the first updates for maverick and the packages i use. | 05:56 |
Kilos | data very tight to do the updates | 05:56 |
Kilos | i have the live cd | 05:56 |
Kilos | i just dont know if the updates are available if you like offline | 05:57 |
Kilos | here's the lady that will know | 05:58 |
Kilos | morning maiatoday | 05:58 |
corrie206 | why the "first" updates? | 05:59 |
maiatoday | what will I know? | 05:59 |
corrie206 | Kilos: I'd suggest apt-mirror rather? | 05:59 |
Kilos | because i dont have the data to do it online corrie206 | 05:59 |
corrie206 | Kilos: apt-mirror creates a mirror of the repos, i think thats what walterl used for you earlier the year | 06:00 |
Kilos | about getting the first updates and other packages to use to an offline kinda pc maiatoday | 06:00 |
Kilos | yeah corrie206 its those first updates that will kill me | 06:00 |
corrie206 | Kilos: first updates? why not the latest? with apt-mirror someone can mirror to a external HDD if you want? | 06:01 |
Kilos | i mean when you install you gotta do the updates to get all working right | 06:01 |
corrie206 | well, "first" updates = updates, but I understand now what you mean, almost done with my mirror at work | 06:02 |
corrie206 | 8am, I;'m late! crap | 06:02 |
MPD | heh | 06:10 |
Kilos | hi MPD | 06:11 |
MPD | hi | 06:11 |
MPD | using 3G for like the first time ever, without an issue | 06:11 |
MPD | of course I am at UNISA in PTA and there is a 2000m high concrete tower right next to the building | 06:11 |
MPD | it is keeping my coffee warm (the tower) | 06:12 |
Kilos | lol | 06:12 |
MPD | I only have about 20MB of data left though and no idea what the number of the sim is | 06:13 |
Kilos | eish | 06:13 |
MPD | now I could put it in my phone and check, but that is a hassle | 06:14 |
Kilos | lol | 06:15 |
Kilos | thats life | 06:15 |
nuvolari | mornings | 06:22 |
nuvolari | off to the work's partry | 06:22 |
nuvolari | see you tomorrow :> | 06:22 |
Kilos | lo nuvolari gaan dit goed | 06:22 |
nuvolari | dit gaan goed dankie en met oom? | 06:22 |
Kilos | lol | 06:22 |
sakhi | moonin | 06:22 |
Kilos | goed dankie | 06:22 |
Kilos | geniet jou | 06:22 |
Kilos | hi sakhi | 06:23 |
nuvolari | ek sal dankie oom! | 06:23 |
nuvolari | matigheid voor oë :P | 06:23 |
nuvolari | ok tjirz | 06:23 |
Kilos | cheers | 06:23 |
corrie206 | ah ha... no meeting when I thought I had a meeting... | 06:37 |
Kilos | thinking bad for the brain | 06:37 |
Kilos | google linux multimedia studio downloads | 08:23 |
Kilos | coffee on | 08:23 |
Kilos | lol | 08:23 |
Kilos | twit | 08:23 |
Kilos | me thought maaz was lagging bad | 08:24 |
Kilos | Maaz, coffee on | 08:34 |
* Maaz starts grinding coffee | 08:34 | |
Tonberry | now we only need a real coffee machine with irc support | 08:35 |
Kilos | lol | 08:36 |
Kilos | and a waiter | 08:36 |
Kilos | Maaz, with cremora | 08:37 |
Maaz | Ah! At last someone with taste | 08:37 |
Kilos | he is slow today and yesterday | 08:37 |
Kilos | Maaz, are you sick? | 08:37 |
maiatoday | Tonberry: do you think you'll make the geeknic on Sunday? Do you need a lift? | 08:37 |
Maaz | Kilos: Excuse me? | 08:37 |
Tonberry | maiatoday im 500km from stellenbosch so no | 08:38 |
Tonberry | i cant make it | 08:38 |
Tonberry | but thanks for asking | 08:38 |
Maaz | Coffee's ready for Kilos! | 08:38 |
Kilos | Maaz, ty | 08:39 |
Maaz | You're Welcome I'm sure | 08:39 |
maiatoday | ok that's the internet for you, I last saw you closer so in my mind you haven't moved hehe | 08:39 |
* inetpro just did something very crazy this morning | 09:37 | |
inetpro | got me wife a nice shiny new Acer Aspire One Happy | 09:38 |
inetpro | and just tested with a shiny new kubuntu 10.10 | 09:39 |
inetpro | it is so cool! | 09:40 |
* corrie206 wishes he was married to inetpro .... oh wait | 10:10 | |
inetpro | hehe | 10:10 |
inetpro | corrie206: this thing is awesome | 10:11 |
inetpro | and I'm wondering what she will say about it | 10:11 |
inetpro | she has no idea at this stage | 10:11 |
inetpro | BTW I hate this RICA thing! | 10:12 |
corrie206 | black? looks great, inetpro same, I dont see the use for people on contract phones | 10:12 |
inetpro | I went to go purchase a prepaid vc card this morning and didn't have POR with me | 10:13 |
inetpro | corrie206: I bought the purple one for her at Incredible corr... | 10:13 |
inetpro | oops Incredible Connection | 10:14 |
corrie206 | hehe, ok | 10:15 |
corrie206 | happy purple?! | 10:17 |
inetpro | so I guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow before I can test 3g on this new device | 10:17 |
inetpro | corrie206: it's jacaranda purple | 10:18 |
inetpro | actually quite nice | 10:18 |
corrie206 | looks like it | 10:19 |
superfly | inetpro: did it come with linux or windows? | 10:52 |
inetpro | superfly: some crappy windows 7 thing or so | 10:54 |
inetpro | superfly: it asked me to tick some crappy license agreement so I decided to just take a snapshot which I will modify to say NO | 10:55 |
superfly | inetpro: gonna try get your money back for it? | 10:56 |
inetpro | and I inserted my kubuntu usb and restarted | 10:56 |
inetpro | superfly: actually I didn't even think of that | 10:56 |
inetpro | should try | 10:56 |
corrie206 | is it worth the effort? | 11:00 |
inetpro | what's the process even | 11:02 |
inetpro | superfly: what webcam software do you use on kubuntu? | 12:50 |
inetpro | should I just install cheese? | 12:50 |
drubin | inetpro: isn't there kheese? | 12:54 |
inetpro | drubin: hehe | 12:55 |
superfly | inetpro: i don't generally use my webcam | 13:39 |
inetpro | superfly: cheese is working perfectly at least | 13:40 |
inetpro | just thought there might be something else | 13:40 |
inetpro | specifically for kde | 13:41 |
corrie206 | Kamera ? | 13:41 |
inetpro | corrie206: that seems more like a set of libraries | 13:42 |
corrie206 | inetpro: no idea, it was actually a very bad joke :) | 13:57 |
inetpro | corrie206: eish | 14:02 |
inetpro | corrie206: are you guys jealous or what? :-) | 14:03 |
corrie206 | inetpro: haha, no no | 14:09 |
Kilos | home time all of you still at work | 14:42 |
|3o|3 | almost... | 14:43 |
|3o|3 | 15 more minutes :/ | 14:43 |
maiatoday | nope another 17 minutes for me | 14:43 |
|3o|3 | :P | 14:43 |
Kilos | well get ready so long | 14:43 |
drubin | maiatoday: has any one else asked for a lift? | 14:45 |
maiatoday | Yeah dewald | 14:46 |
drubin | maiatoday: I am coming but I might drive. | 14:46 |
maiatoday | ok whatever you wanna do, and you don't have to decide now either | 14:52 |
drubin | O really that is awesome | 14:52 |
Kilos | hiya walterl you well? | 14:57 |
Kilos | long time no see | 14:57 |
maiatoday | drubin, looks like 6 people on the fb group and about 3 of which all are present in the fb rsvp | 14:58 |
drubin | maiatoday: I am sure more people will come | 14:58 |
drubin | also like we said bad timming and exams and stuff | 14:58 |
maiatoday | I am actually relieved, it would be a bit intimidating if it were too many | 14:58 |
drubin | are you bring the famdamily? | 15:02 |
maiatoday | Kai and maybe one or two of his cousins &/ a friend | 15:04 |
maiatoday | woohoo, the reader accepted my proposal with only minor changes | 15:04 |
drubin | NICE | 15:04 |
drubin | congrats | 15:04 |
maiatoday | it's gonna be a good weekend at this rate | 15:05 |
maiatoday | gotta run now, see everybody later | 15:05 |
inetpro | guten abend | 20:13 |
* inetpro trying to understand how files can be larger when copied to another system | 20:16 | |
inetpro | busy copying wifes files to her new netbook | 20:16 |
inetpro | probably the differences between file systems? | 20:17 |
inetpro | thunderbird files on old system 1114896 kb | 20:18 |
inetpro | thunderbird files on new system 1307060 kb and growing | 20:18 |
inetpro | the other reason could be that it's rsync tmp files | 20:19 |
inetpro | while its still copying | 20:19 |
charlvn | inetpro: guten abend herr meyer, wie geht's? | 20:19 |
inetpro | charlvn: besonderes gut danke | 20:19 |
inetpro | charlvn: and you? | 20:19 |
* inetpro is very impressed with kubuntu netbook | 20:20 | |
charlvn | inetpro: auch sehr gut | 20:20 |
inetpro | and the wife is also very happy | 20:20 |
Kilos | night all of ya. sleep tight | 20:29 |
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