hiexpo | glad you know more than us > no such thing as man commnd | 00:00 |
hiexpo | nit-wit, I tried to help you and lead you in the right direction but you say what i tell you that has been in unix forever makes no sense > than kick rocks go ask somewhere else or use google > it has become your best friend now | 00:04 |
nit-wit | hiexpo, yes I am familiar with this method but the link to this url is the same as the url, it is blocked with a trying to actually connect | 00:05 |
magyar12 | hi | 00:05 |
nit-wit | hiexpo, I did not say forever i said familiar with | 00:06 |
hiexpo | nit-wit, well than it has a password ? | 00:06 |
hihihi100 | i need help with ext3-ext4 | 00:07 |
quietone | Hi, where can I read up on fixing this - The PostgreSQL server failed to start. could not access private key file "server.key": Permission denied | 00:07 |
hihihi100 | external hard drive | 00:07 |
nit-wit | hiexpo, I have used that foratv just has it set not to cpture, it doesn't even show in temp, no biggie I apprepiattte your help, with wget | 00:07 |
hiexpo | nit-wit, we don't support theft here and if you don't have the password than you are stealing | 00:07 |
nit-wit | appreciateP | 00:08 |
Lancelot | I need help burning an image in ubuntu | 00:08 |
hiexpo | Lancelot, what up | 00:08 |
=== root is now known as Guest35911 | ||
Lancelot | hiexpo: I'm trying to burn an image to a CD in ubuntu using brasero | 00:09 |
hiexpo | Lancelot, how can i help you ? | 00:09 |
nit-wit | hiexpo, I am down with that, sorry it is stealing I guess, I can always watch it for free, it is a interesting look at the rap industry with Dr, Cornel West involved | 00:09 |
Lancelot | hiexpo: however it doesn't work | 00:09 |
Lancelot | hiexpo: it just burns a blank disk | 00:09 |
krabador | how can i update only a package, by line command? | 00:09 |
rww | krabador: sudo apt-get install packagenamehere updates the specified package instead of installing if it's already installed. | 00:10 |
krabador | rww, thanx :) | 00:10 |
jeeves_moss | is there a way to do fuzzy logic comparisions with imagmagick (or any other CLI program) of ~65Gb of pics to come up with dupes? | 00:11 |
quietone | forgot to add that the error is when I install Postgresql with synaptic | 00:11 |
hiexpo | Lancelot, you know i have That prob also so no iuse usb sorry i can't help ya onthat but don't give up just keep asking k | 00:11 |
Lancelot | hiexpo: k | 00:11 |
jeeves_moss | is there a way to do fuzzy logic comparisions with imagmagick (or any other CLI program) of ~65Gb of pics to come up with dupes? | 00:12 |
share | hello | 00:14 |
hiexpo | !ask | share | 00:15 |
ubottu | share: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 00:15 |
KruyKaze | VCoolio, i'm back after installing the ati driver i still got a freeze | 00:15 |
KruyKaze | VCoolio, i was playing music this time | 00:15 |
KruyKaze | VCoolio, i hear the last second of music 3 times and i get a black screen and everything stops | 00:16 |
VCoolio | KruyKaze: hi, well then video driver isn't the issue I guess; see if you can ctrl+alt+f1 into console; if yes, system hasn't crashed and also saves you a reboot; read some log files in /var/log and see if something useful comes up | 00:18 |
Parcus | test | 00:18 |
share | Why gnome keeps showing this http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/1479/mnt.png if they are already unmounted? | 00:18 |
VCoolio | KruyKaze: I can 't really help without error message or something; feeling too insecure to guess around on 'black screen error' | 00:19 |
KruyKaze | VCoolio, i understand what file should i look for? | 00:19 |
share | Why gnome keeps showing these mount points http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/1479/mnt.png if they are already unmounted? (only if I restart the computer it goes away) | 00:21 |
VCoolio | KruyKaze: http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-view-log-files-in-ubuntu-linux/ | 00:21 |
KruyKaze | thanks | 00:21 |
VCoolio | KruyKaze: method 2 if you can get to console after crash | 00:21 |
KruyKaze | will do | 00:22 |
=== Koopa516 is now known as Koopa516[thanks- | ||
KruyKaze | VCoolio, i guess i'll just wait for next crash :) shouldn't be too long (fortunately/unfortunately) | 00:24 |
share | everybody sleeping? :p | 00:24 |
KruyKaze | VCoolio, why wouldn't it only happen with 10.10 is the q | 00:24 |
wrd | share: did you unmount or eject them? what are these mountpoints anyway? | 00:25 |
realeyes | Can someone tell me how to extract a file/folder -AS- sudo/root? | 00:25 |
share | wrd: /dev/loop0 | 00:25 |
realeyes | I need to put a folder in my usr/local/ and it wont let me. | 00:25 |
=== slidinghorn is now known as zz_slidinghorn | ||
share | wrd: oh i used /media/bluray for the first mount and /mnt/bluray for the second one | 00:26 |
wrd | share: what does mount say? | 00:26 |
share | wrd: Unable to mount x264 Demo Blu-ray | 00:27 |
wrd | share: i meant the command mount -> no arguments | 00:27 |
wrd | share: should give you a hint what is actually mounted on your system | 00:28 |
share | wrd: sudo mount -t udf -o loop image mountpoint | 00:28 |
wrd | share: just enter mount ..... | 00:28 |
share | wrd: what do you mean..= | 00:28 |
share | ? | 00:28 |
share | wrd: i just cannot enter mount | 00:28 |
wrd | share: this gives you the mounted partitions ... | 00:28 |
share | hm | 00:28 |
share | !paste | 00:29 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 00:29 |
share | wrd: tks for pvt flood lol | 00:29 |
aprendiz | español | 00:32 |
codemonkeymty | hola aprendiz! | 00:32 |
* v_v | 00:33 | |
share | !es | aprendiz | 00:33 |
ubottu | aprendiz: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 00:33 |
aprendiz | hola codemonkeymt | 00:33 |
candymenfs | hoi allemaal | 00:33 |
aprendiz | me podrias ayuda? | 00:33 |
share | aprendiz: /join #ubuntu-es | 00:33 |
=== miguel is now known as Guest76773 | ||
codemonkeymty | de donde eres aprendiz? de mexico? | 00:33 |
xangua | !es | 00:34 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 00:34 |
share | !offtopic | codemonkeymty | 00:34 |
ubottu | codemonkeymty: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 00:34 |
JoshDreamland | I can't put up with this any longer. | 00:34 |
aprendiz | sou de colombia | 00:34 |
JoshDreamland | My package database is completely screwed. | 00:34 |
atxq | so I have a server running ubuntu, and I want to connect to the server and commit all the changes I have done to a folder? | 00:34 |
brattypita | has anyone had a hard time with medibuntu mplayer update for lucid 64 bit....error installation | 00:34 |
=== miguel_ is now known as Guest24289 | ||
JoshDreamland | dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: failed to read on buffer copy for files list for package `librsvg2-2': Input/output error \n E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) | 00:34 |
atxq | I connect using ssh. how can I syncrinize the two folder/files on the command line? | 00:35 |
brattypita | mplayer gui | 00:35 |
HazardX | how would I configure gdm for autologin, if I *wasn't* running a window manager? | 00:35 |
velko | atxq, use scp | 00:37 |
wrd | HazardX: where do you want to log in to? bare X ? | 00:38 |
HazardX | wrd: at the moment, I'd be happy with a spew of errors, instead of the stupid loginscreen (but later, I'd want it to start xbmc) | 00:38 |
velko | HazardX, edit /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf | 00:39 |
HazardX | I don't have gdm3/daemon.conf | 00:39 |
HazardX | the only gdm.conf I can find is in /etc/init/gdm.conf, but its format isn't what I'm familiar with from debian (so I don't think its what I want) | 00:40 |
Hellz_Bellz | would you be able to dynamically change your ubuntu installation if you reinstall EVERY package on the system only from another versions repos? | 00:40 |
Hellz_Bellz | that would be dandy | 00:41 |
Hellz_Bellz | roll back to 10.04 | 00:41 |
HazardX | Hellz_Bellz, yes, except it can leasy to pain and suffering later (sepcially when backdating) | 00:41 |
HazardX | *downgrading | 00:41 |
Hellz_Bellz | what about going from 64bit to 32 bit? | 00:42 |
Tropolis | Can someone please help me construct regex for stripping url's from a text file? | 00:42 |
Tropolis | I've got this so far: http://bpaste.net/show/11591/ | 00:42 |
HazardX | wrd/velko: I'm running 10.4, X starts, but I can't get gdm to login as the target user on its own (once I get that to work, launching what i want is somewhat trivial) | 00:43 |
xangua | Hellz_Bellz: full reinstall | 00:43 |
riddick | hey guys... what's the deal with the GUI on this new ubuntu package? the launcher bar and non-nautilus file managment, and such. | 00:44 |
velko | HazardX, sorry. i do run debian proper, not ubuntu. i have no cure for your problem | 00:44 |
riddick | any tips on where i can find out about changing those aspects of my system? | 00:44 |
wrd | HazardX: can you autologin into gnome? | 00:45 |
riddick | oh, gals, too, i suppose... lol | 00:45 |
HazardX | velko, *SIGH* that's the exact same problem I've got right now, I know how to do it in debian, but not ubuntu, and every search I try tells me how to do it from gnome, which I don't *HAVE* | 00:45 |
=== zz_slidinghorn is now known as slidinghorn | ||
LjL | riddick: uhm, the *current* version of Ubuntu, Maverick, still uses Nautilus and GNOME Panel and everything | 00:45 |
aeon-ltd | riddick: you mean unity? | 00:45 |
HazardX | wrd: probably, if it were installed. | 00:45 |
riddick | maybe... i'm not sure | 00:45 |
wrd | HazardX: I suppose the thing you actually want to do is create a new gdm profile that starts nothing (except perhaps an xterm) | 00:45 |
riddick | is unity the thing that uses the "launcher bar" | 00:46 |
HazardX | gdm/X has always confused/caused problems for me, but that does sound right | 00:46 |
bfri | Need help with networking and file sharing | 00:46 |
HazardX | wrd: looking at the file list of what the gdm .deb installs, I don't see anything that seems familiar about where to do that though | 00:46 |
VCoolio | except in fstab, where does ubuntu store that it was installed with a separate /home partition? I copied stuff over to folder /home but boot wants to find partition | 00:47 |
riddick | Yes, that IS what i mean... Huzzah! | 00:47 |
HazardX | and to make things a little more painful, right now xterm dosen't have keyboard support (so I can't run gdmsetup, because it needs X) | 00:48 |
aeon-ltd | riddick: well nautilus and gnomepanel is stil there, you can just remove unity or not use it | 00:48 |
=== xangua1 is now known as xangua | ||
riddick | Yeah, I'm looking into it now, actually. it helps a good bit, however, to know what i'm looking for. | 00:52 |
augur | hey peeps. | 00:57 |
aeon-ltd | augur: what up | 00:58 |
augur | i have a wee problem with my install; the update manager is spazzing out somehow, and refuses to update anything, and in doing so, prevents other apps (like firefox) from running | 00:58 |
hujhk | i am trying to dualboot win7 & ubuntu, win7 is already installed but gparted & the ubuntu installer doesn't recognize any partitions and just shows the hd as unallocated | 01:00 |
Whosdaman | I need help please | 01:01 |
Whosdaman | checking for C++ compiler default output file name... | 01:02 |
Whosdaman | configure: error: in `/home/whosdaman/Desktop/Heimdall-Source': | 01:02 |
Whosdaman | configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables | 01:02 |
Whosdaman | how can i fix this? | 01:02 |
JoshDreamland | Whosdaman: What program is throwing that? | 01:02 |
Whosdaman | Heimdall | 01:03 |
thunkee | Whosdaman: looks like missing bin utils | 01:03 |
Whosdaman | how do i get those? | 01:03 |
Whosdaman | apt-get install build-essential? | 01:05 |
funyun | c/wc | 01:05 |
pete1 | hello, where can I look up on my lucid's supposed recent updates? | 01:06 |
=== james is now known as Guest26917 | ||
Guest26917 | Hi all. I cant move a .fw file to /lib/firmware. Can anyone help. | 01:07 |
dell | Anyways, when I start my computer and choose to start Ubuntu, about half of the time it will load with some weird new login screen | 01:07 |
spades | fs | 01:08 |
spades | what's the torrent for nfs | 01:08 |
pete1 | ie, something like release notes on updates; not much details, only, which updates when went online | 01:08 |
hiexpo | Guest26917, what you wannna do | 01:08 |
tim_ | need some help, my new wireless network shows up and I can get it to indicate "activating" but it never connects. I can connect to any other wireless network and via ethernet cable. | 01:09 |
dell | when I start my computer and choose to start Ubuntu, about half of the time it will load with some weird new login screen | 01:09 |
Guest26917 | Im trying to get a dvb to work. Im following a guide on forum but cant move a file to the directory i want | 01:09 |
hiexpo | easy guest260 why move it ? | 01:10 |
augur | anyone know abut this problem updating?? | 01:11 |
Infoverload | Hi | 01:11 |
dell | ubuntu update problem | 01:11 |
Infoverload | I am using ubuntu 10.4 and for some reason, I can only navigate with the keyboard instead of the mouse | 01:11 |
Guest26917 | hiexpo, The tutorial says to move the file to /lib/firmware | 01:11 |
Infoverload | does anyone know how to solve this problem and get back to mouse navigation? | 01:11 |
hiexpo | !hi | Infoverload | 01:11 |
hiexpo | to watch a dvd? | 01:12 |
Infoverload | Nooo | 01:12 |
Infoverload | just to use the computer | 01:12 |
Infoverload | I am on my other computer | 01:12 |
Infoverload | right now | 01:12 |
Infoverload | I can't click on anything with the mouse | 01:12 |
Infoverload | I can only access files with the keyboard!! | 01:12 |
Infoverload | GAHH!! | 01:12 |
hiexpo | !flood | Infoverload | 01:13 |
ubottu | Infoverload: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 01:13 |
tim_ | need some help, my new wireless network shows up and I can get it to indicate "activating" but it never connects. I can connect to any other wireless network and via ethernet cable. | 01:13 |
x404x | how do i turn off transparent backgrounds in all terminal windows ? its hard to see when background bleeds trough | 01:14 |
pete1 | where on the web can I look up on which updates when rolled out? | 01:14 |
hiexpo | x404x, one sec easy | 01:15 |
Skapare | x404x: there's a configuration menu in the terminal window | 01:15 |
realeyes | Terminal>Edit>Profile Preferences. | 01:16 |
Guest26917 | cant move file from /home/download to /lib/firmware | 01:16 |
bob_458 | how do i ban people | 01:16 |
share | bob_458: ffrom where | 01:17 |
Skapare | bob_458: ban then from where? | 01:17 |
thunkee | Guest26917: sudo cp file /lib/firmware | 01:17 |
hiexpo | x404x, ok open terminal than > edit > profile pref > yhan transperant > change it or un click it | 01:17 |
bob_458 | my channel | 01:17 |
Skapare | bob_458: irc channel? ask ops | 01:17 |
hiexpo | ^ open | 01:17 |
=== xero is now known as Guest73642 | ||
bob_458 | i am op | 01:18 |
x404x | mine says it gets settings from desktop theme i suspected that was the culprit, turning that off helps | 01:18 |
quietone | x404x, edit->profile preferences->background | 01:18 |
x404x | i didnt find any theme settings for it | 01:18 |
x404x | will that affect all windows or just one ? | 01:19 |
sparky44 | help with pidgen can any one help | 01:19 |
Guest26917 | thunkee, excuse my ignorence. Do i do that from the dir the file is in? | 01:19 |
quietone | x404x, all term windows with that profile | 01:19 |
thunkee | Guest26917: right | 01:20 |
x404x | hm nice i got a more readable font too hehe | 01:20 |
x404x | ill be remote admin it from slow lines in thailand next week | 01:20 |
sparky44 | when does/ did the new ubuntu linuz come out | 01:20 |
hiexpo | ok than right click desktop > themes > customize > | 01:20 |
x404x | always fun when queing 3 mins worth of commands and watching the mayhem half an hour later if made a mistake hehe | 01:21 |
xangua | !maverick > spark44 | 01:21 |
xangua | !maverick > sparky44 | 01:21 |
ubottu | sparky44, please see my private message | 01:21 |
x404x | prolly gonna run pretty high compression and low color bitrates etc | 01:21 |
tim_ | need some help, my new wireless network shows up and I can get it to indicate "activating" but it never connects. I can connect to any other wireless network and via ethernet cable. | 01:21 |
=== WillPittenger is now known as WLP|Away | ||
sparky44 | any one know about pidgen messenger | 01:23 |
skalragg | nyone any good with dual booting? | 01:23 |
x404x | how do make mc repair par2 files when click on them ? those regex things in extension file looks pretty scary | 01:23 |
francisco | hello everyone | 01:24 |
francisco | quick question on wubi: | 01:24 |
sparky44 | hello | 01:24 |
sparky44 | im not good with terminal stuff any help please | 01:25 |
francisco | can i recover a previous wubi disk, by installing wubi all over again, as long as the chosen root.disk size is exactly the same? | 01:25 |
slacker- | Hi, my maverick install gets a segfault every night when it runs the /etc/cron.daily/apt script. any suggestions? | 01:25 |
tim_ | no one has any suggestions? | 01:26 |
skalragg | hello, anyone able to help with recovering windows 7 , its still on HDD but doesnt appear on menu, ive tried windows recovery to no avail | 01:26 |
xangua | !ask | sparky44 | 01:26 |
ubottu | sparky44: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 01:26 |
francisco | skalraag: even from the DVD? | 01:27 |
ubuntu-user | how to install Marvell (88E PCI Fast Ethernet) LAN in Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.35-22 generic ? thanks | 01:27 |
skalragg | well i dont have windows DVD but downloaded window recovery disk that was recommended on ubuntu forums | 01:27 |
francisco | hmmm | 01:28 |
francisco | there are a few boot CDs that replace it well | 01:28 |
pete1 | where on the web can I look up on which updates when rolled out? | 01:28 |
francisco | http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd | 01:28 |
francisco | a popular one, many use it | 01:29 |
francisco | it lets you repair mbr as well | 01:29 |
skalragg | not to be an idiot, but where is the link to download the files? | 01:30 |
skalragg | since non of links work, other than in banner | 01:30 |
james__ | has anyone come accross problems with the DVB USb | 01:30 |
DasEi | skalragg: you installed win , then ubu,now win is gone ? | 01:32 |
ubuntu-user | here is my error log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/536505/ | 01:32 |
shq | hello? | 01:32 |
skalragg | DasEi : Win still exists in Hdd but ive no way to actually boot into it | 01:33 |
shq | person? | 01:33 |
DasEi | skalragg: answer my question ? or just win ? | 01:33 |
DasEi | !hi | shq: | 01:33 |
shq | what's this? | 01:33 |
skalragg | yeah i installed it in that order, windows 7 64bit, then ubuntu 10.10 | 01:33 |
ginitto90 | ciao | 01:34 |
DasEi | !support | shq | 01:34 |
ubottu | shq: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org | 01:34 |
ginitto90 | ce qualcuno | 01:34 |
DasEi | !it | 01:34 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 01:34 |
shq | who are you ? | 01:34 |
DasEi | shq : pm me | 01:34 |
rallias | help. One of the fonts that ubuntu uses for nearly everything corrupted on me and all the text is just a bunch of squares. How do I fix this? | 01:35 |
=== square is now known as squarebracket | ||
DasEi | skalragg: ? | 01:36 |
rallias | help? | 01:36 |
xangua | use another font | 01:37 |
Vocin | Hello | 01:37 |
guest349025 | my installation seems to have the monitor display settings set up properly for the login screen, but loses them and becomes unusable once I log in - is there an easy way to fix this, or a troubleshooting page someone can point me too? | 01:37 |
DasEi | skalragg: np,but stay here with technical support, so .. | 01:37 |
DasEi | skalragg: you installed win , then ubu,now win is gone ? | 01:37 |
skalragg | yes correct | 01:37 |
DasEi | skalragg: open a terminal.. | 01:38 |
smok | hi all | 01:38 |
skalragg | yeah | 01:38 |
slacker- | Hi, my maverick install gets a segfault every night when it runs the /etc/cron.daily/apt script. any suggestions? It runs OK if I execute it from the command line | 01:38 |
DasEi | skalragg: sudo apt-get install os-prober | 01:38 |
DasEi | skalragg: sudo os-prober | 01:38 |
smok | anyone knows how to make clamav to scan mails through thunderbird | 01:39 |
DasEi | skalragg: a win installation found ? | 01:39 |
skalragg | yeah those 2 comandes are done, result i got was /dev/sda1:Windows 7 (loader):Windows:chain | 01:39 |
skalragg | /dev/sdb1:Windows 7 (loader):Windows1:chain | 01:39 |
rallias | umm... I installed a new package on my laptop, and now everything is messed up. The titlebars of all the windows are wierd looking, all the text is a bunch of "character not found" squares, et cetera. how do I fix this? | 01:39 |
DasEi | skalragg: fine, prober finished ? | 01:39 |
skalragg | yes | 01:39 |
DasEi | skalragg: sudo update-grub <<check if it lists an entry for win | 01:40 |
DasEi | skalragg: should say foun.. blahblah win.. | 01:40 |
DasEi | found* | 01:41 |
skalragg | yeah it says Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda1 | 01:41 |
x404x | my ddclient is not updating , do i need to use -force -refresh in a chron job ? | 01:41 |
liox_ | hello | 01:41 |
DasEi | skalragg: sudo nano /etc/default/grub | 01:41 |
x404x | or do i need other dns than my gateway ? | 01:41 |
pete1 | I've just had an update on my kernel image and such, but there's no sign of it on http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/latest_logs?dist=lucid&commit=Go&noppa=1 | 01:42 |
skalragg | done that, its opened up gnu nano 2.2.4 | 01:42 |
DasEi | skalragg: change true to false : GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true | 01:42 |
derek_ | hello, is there a way to disable the administrator prompts? | 01:42 |
DasEi | skalragg: set timeout to 5 | 01:42 |
x404x | hm does ddclient need an open ssl port ? | 01:43 |
DasEi | skalragg: ctrl+o to save (enter), ctrl+w to leave nano | 01:43 |
liox_ | installed version 10.10 on my notebook and so disconnect the power cord it goes with the black screen and blinking cursor on the left side. Does anyone know what might be? | 01:43 |
Sunny360 | Hello | 01:43 |
DasEi | skalragg: sudo update-grub | 01:44 |
awc | I just installed win7 on my box, and having know that I was going to have problems with the MBR was prepared for it, with various live CD's and instructions on how to repair it. Unfortunatley as soon as I try and run grub on the live CD it states that grub is not installed. what do I do next? | 01:44 |
DasEi | skalragg: then (logs you off, so second..) sudo reboot , and.. | 01:44 |
awc | sudo update-grub doesn't work etc | 01:44 |
DasEi | skalragg: when grubs loads, press left ctrl to choose from grub's menu | 01:45 |
pete1 | why can't I find these kernel updates? | 01:45 |
DasEi | awc: dualboot win/ubu, win in the later installed ? | 01:45 |
awc | I've even tried installing ubuntu 10.10 and 10.04 on smal partitions to see if that would fix it, but it hasn't instead its wiped the windows mbr as well, so after I post, and pass the bios, i get a blank screen | 01:46 |
ferris_ | searched google for connecting to external monitor through s-video | 01:46 |
awc | DasEi thats correct | 01:46 |
skalragg | sorry im a little lost, give me 2 secs to read over steps again | 01:46 |
DasEi | !grub2 | 01:46 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 01:46 |
ferris_ | i am on a laptop | 01:46 |
DasEi | awc : give me 5 minutes, boot live cd in beetween, can be fixed | 01:46 |
lsalb | #ubuntu-es | 01:46 |
tim_ | having trouble using wpa2 security with kubuntu. Any suggestions? | 01:46 |
awc | I'm on the live CD already | 01:47 |
ferris_ | compaq presario c500 | 01:47 |
DasEi | skalragg: where do you got stuck ? | 01:47 |
lsalb | how connect to ubuntu in spanish | 01:47 |
DasEi | !es | 01:47 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 01:47 |
skalragg | when i type sudo update-grub | 01:47 |
DasEi | skalragg: after the nano thingy ? | 01:48 |
skalragg | yeah | 01:48 |
DasEi | skalragg: when grubs loads, press left ctrl to choose from grub's menu | 01:48 |
guest349025 | the login screen looks fine on my computer, but when I log in I get a lower resolution screen with an empty panel on the top and bottom and my desktop background in the middle, but I can't do anything but move my mouse - any ideas? | 01:48 |
DasEi | skalragg: then (logs you off) sudo reboot | 01:48 |
skalragg | it generates grub.cfg but pressing ctly left does notihng, unless ive done something incorrectly ? | 01:48 |
derek_ | is there a way to disable administrator password prompts? | 01:48 |
DasEi | skalragg: WHEN grubs loads, press left ctrl to choose from grub's menu (after reboot) | 01:49 |
quant | derek_, no | 01:49 |
JoshDreamland | I'm about to just give up. | 01:49 |
skalragg | which command loads grub ? sudo update-grub? | 01:49 |
SmileyChris | the latest kernel upgrade (on 10.10) causes xorg to segfault, leaving me with command line only -- i can boot into previous kernel fine still. How do I go about reporting this? | 01:49 |
derek_ | oh, wow...thanks. | 01:49 |
ferris_ | how can i connect to an external monitor through s-video? | 01:49 |
JoshDreamland | Is there a way I can have my package databases reconstructed? | 01:49 |
DasEi | skalragg: the first thing when ubuntu starts | 01:50 |
skalragg | ok sorry, | 01:50 |
rallias | SmileyChris: google ubuntu bug report | 01:50 |
skalragg | ill restart then yes ? | 01:50 |
DasEi | skalragg: np, see you soon ? | 01:50 |
KipMacy | how do i get rid of this error , while using vlc: Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library. | 01:50 |
DasEi | yes | 01:50 |
SmileyChris | rallias: i'm more after the specifics, like what I should categorise the bug as | 01:50 |
skalragg | kk, thanks for your help | 01:50 |
DasEi | awc : open a terminal | 01:50 |
awc | done | 01:50 |
DasEi | awc : sudo fdisk -l | 01:51 |
ferris_ | please tell me I do not have to boot to Windows! | 01:51 |
cipher_ | don't do it | 01:51 |
cipher_ | buy a fresh hdd if you have to :p | 01:51 |
awc | sudo fsdisk: command not found | 01:51 |
DasEi | ferris_: which g-card ? | 01:51 |
histo | My DNS is broken at this location; however, I can ssh to my home box using putty and the ip. Is there a way to tunnel port 80 through putty to my home server? | 01:51 |
Serebro | hey there, I've got Xorg running in low-graphics mode after restarting X... | 01:51 |
DasEi | awc : sudo fdisk -l , your typo | 01:51 |
riddick | hey, uh... is there a keyboard command that i can use to open a terminal? | 01:51 |
cipher_ | Has anyone here ever used netbeans with c++? This is sort of ubuntu specific question i suppose? | 01:51 |
awc | ty | 01:52 |
histo | riddick: system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts | 01:52 |
ferris_ | not sure.. it s on board | 01:52 |
DasEi | riddick: alt+f2,gnome terminal | 01:52 |
awc | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sdb1 * 1 218437 1754590083 7 HPFS/NTFS /dev/sdb2 218437 243202 198923265 5 Extended /dev/sdb5 224600 242441 143310848 83 Linux /dev/sdb6 242442 243202 6107136 82 Linux swap / Solaris /dev/sdb7 218437 224342 47432704 83 Linux /dev/sdb8 224342 224599 20664 | 01:52 |
quant | riddick, ctrl + alt + t | 01:52 |
histo | riddick: or you can switch to one of the tty's with ctrl+alt+F1-F6 | 01:52 |
DasEi | !paste | awc | 01:52 |
ubottu | awc: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 01:52 |
DasEi | !who | ferris_ | 01:52 |
ubottu | ferris_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 01:52 |
DasEi | awc: which is your /root ? | 01:53 |
ferris_ | DasEi, I am not sure which card i have... it is the card that came onboard | 01:53 |
awc | sda1 | 01:53 |
riddick | Thanks, Quant. that perhaps just saved my system. | 01:53 |
DasEi | ferris_: so how come s-video out ? | 01:53 |
awc | DasEi: sda1 | 01:53 |
quant | riddick, np ;-) | 01:53 |
ferris_ | DasEi... it is going to TV | 01:54 |
Serebro | Okay, newbie here--I updated 10.04 server (was workign fine with the ubuntu-studio-desktop package) and now X won't start, giving me a black screen/blinking cursor | 01:54 |
DasEi | ferris_: so a vga-s adapter cable ? | 01:54 |
New1 | hi everyone | 01:54 |
awc | DasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/536509/ <-- I forgot some of it | 01:54 |
New1 | i just install 10.10 | 01:54 |
DasEi | awc : ah | 01:55 |
ferris_ | DasEi, it is s-video to rca | 01:55 |
New1 | and my screen not work good at all | 01:55 |
awc | New1 are you using the propreitary videocard drivers? | 01:55 |
New1 | i have VPCF12KFX sony with GT330 | 01:56 |
Serebro | Onboard Intel graphics, but I don't know what else to look for to fix it... | 01:56 |
ferris_ | I have tried the Function+F4 key combination but they are doing nothing.... | 01:56 |
New1 | awc i just install it | 01:56 |
pete1 | http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/show/253835 ← I've had four updates since the 17th, but this only updated on the last run. How so? | 01:56 |
DasEi | ferris_: I got to draw back there, other tv-standards here | 01:56 |
ferris_ | all other FN Combination keys work correctly | 01:56 |
New1 | awc but this is my second installation becouse | 01:56 |
ferris_ | Ok. thanks for trying. | 01:57 |
DasEi | awc: possibly a linux install GPT on sda1, and two linux installs amongst win on sdb.. | 01:57 |
awc | DasEi: sounds about right | 01:57 |
New1 | in my first install i activate my nvida driver and after restart my screen went blank | 01:57 |
DasEi | awc: and booting sda linux works ? | 01:57 |
New1 | after grub menu | 01:57 |
awc | none of them work | 01:58 |
New1 | so i'm now did't install driver yet | 01:58 |
DasEi | awc: which hd is set in bio to boot from ? | 01:58 |
awc | DasEi: sda i no longer had acess after I installed win7 | 01:58 |
DasEi | bios * | 01:58 |
New1 | awc any help ? | 01:58 |
awc | DasEi: It should be sda1 | 01:58 |
dno | Can some one help me with a simple question? | 01:58 |
awc | sorry New1 I'm afraid I can't | 01:58 |
New1 | awc ok tnx for trying | 01:59 |
awc | yw | 01:59 |
New1 | anyone else can help ? plz? | 01:59 |
soreau | ! help | New1 | 01:59 |
ubottu | New1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 01:59 |
cipher_ | New1, I imagine google will be more helpful then here. | 02:00 |
New1 | ok | 02:00 |
Serebro | anyone run into a (EE) intel(0): AGPGART support is either not available or cannot be used." | 02:00 |
New1 | Cipher tnx | 02:00 |
DasEi | awc: anything wrong with booting from sdb ? | 02:00 |
awc | DasEi: I get nothing | 02:00 |
skalragg | @DasEi Windows appeared on grub list and booted properly, thanks for all your help | 02:00 |
soreau | Serebro: Possible kernel issue. Is it causing a particular problem? | 02:00 |
Serebro | no graphics, Soreau. | 02:01 |
dno | where can you deselect the check box that is the dialog box that asks to save or view the file? Remember this. TIA | 02:01 |
DasEi | skalragg: duality.. gimme a win 7 ;-) | 02:01 |
awc | DasEi: I've only got the one disk that shows up in the bios | 02:01 |
Serebro | black screen | 02:01 |
skalragg | :) | 02:01 |
pete1 | can't anybody say something about this? it's heckuva irritating | 02:01 |
soreau | Serebro: At what point in the boot process? | 02:01 |
DasEi | awc : k, we try then | 02:01 |
tim_ | Is there a confilct with WPA/WPA2 wireless security in Kubuntu or Ubuntu? | 02:02 |
Serebro | Soreau: goes up through ureadahead, then just gives a blinking cursor after that. | 02:02 |
DasEi | awc : sudo mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt | 02:02 |
sparrW | With my right monitor taller than my left, while running metacity, KDE apps maximized on the right display render their menus south of where they should, aligned with the bottom of the top menu bar on the shorter left monitor. This doesn't happen with gnome or kde apps in kwin. How can I fix this? http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/2243/kdemenuproblem.png | 02:02 |
soreau | Serebro: Can you pastebin syslog? | 02:02 |
awc | DasEi: done | 02:02 |
Serebro | Soreau: I can try. I'm running off a LiveCD atm, so it'll take a bit. | 02:03 |
DasEi | awc : sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev | 02:03 |
awc | DasEi: done | 02:03 |
DasEi | awc : sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc | 02:03 |
soreau | Serebro: Try mounting the file system and find /var/log/messages | 02:03 |
awc | DasEi: done | 02:03 |
DasEi | awc : sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys | 02:03 |
Kevin147 | I am using Kubuntu and my sound is messing up. When I start it up, I hear bits of the starting sound. When I try to play youtube video's, its like its on fast forward..I am using 10.10, how do I fix this? | 02:03 |
Serebro | Soreau: will do | 02:04 |
awc | DasEi: done | 02:04 |
DasEi | awc : sudo mount --bind /usr /mnt/usr | 02:04 |
soreau | Serebro: btw, is this an upgrade or clean install? | 02:04 |
awc | DasEi: done | 02:04 |
DasEi | awc : sudo chroot /mnt | 02:04 |
awc | chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error | 02:04 |
aroman | is it possible to run a 64bit OS in virtualbox under 32bit maverick? | 02:04 |
awc | DasEi: chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error | 02:04 |
Serebro | soreau: was an upgrade, but I did a clean install on a different physical drive/partition and got same issue. | 02:04 |
soreau | aroman: I don't think so. | 02:04 |
soreau | Serebro: But the live cd works of the same version of ubuntu? | 02:05 |
DasEi | awc : hmm, no ubuntu ? according to paste there are two installs, with sdb5 being / | 02:05 |
awc | yeah | 02:05 |
awc | DasEi: what if I try the same for sda? there is one on that too ( the original) | 02:06 |
Serebro | soreau: LiveCD is the only one I could find--it's a 10.10 RC | 02:06 |
DasEi | awc:ctrl+d to be sure , then | 02:06 |
soreau | Serebro: So it works on a live cd until you install it, then it boots to black screen? | 02:07 |
DasEi | awc : sudo umount --bind /usr /mnt/usr | 02:07 |
Serebro | soreau: yes. | 02:07 |
soreau | Serebro: Have you tried burning the officially released version of 10.10 and installing from that? | 02:07 |
awc | DasEi: umount: unrecognized option '--bind' | 02:07 |
DasEi | awc : same backwarts, use arrow key to get latest commands, umount all 5 | 02:07 |
otniel | does anyone know of a comprehensive guide for complete newbs about how to install kde on arch leaving it up to the point where i just have to add the apps i want? | 02:07 |
DasEi | awc : ah, sure | 02:07 |
riddick | So... my uninstallation of unity did not go as planned... :p | 02:07 |
DasEi | awc : sudo umount /usr | 02:08 |
Serebro | soreau: Brasero doesn't want to work to do so--one optical drive. :p | 02:08 |
DasEi | awc : sudo umount /sys | 02:08 |
DasEi | awc : sudo umount /proc | 02:08 |
DasEi | awc : sudo umount /dev | 02:08 |
DasEi | awc : sudo umount /dev/sdb5 | 02:08 |
awc | DasEi: umount: /sys: device is busy. (In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1)) | 02:08 |
soreau | Serebro: Have you run apt-get update/upgrade from the recovery mode? | 02:08 |
xangua | ask on #archlinux otniel | 02:09 |
DasEi | awc: just leave it then, I wonder what we find in sda5 | 02:09 |
otniel | ok thanks | 02:09 |
Serebro | soreau: gotta figure out how to get into recovery mode first... :p | 02:09 |
awc | DasEi: ok | 02:09 |
DasEi | awc : sudo umount /dev/sdb5 | 02:09 |
DasEi | if not already | 02:09 |
awc | DasEi: to be honest I could care less what is on sdb I can reformat it all | 02:09 |
awc | its sda that I want to keep 100% | 02:09 |
DasEi | awc : sudo mount /dev/sdba /mnt | 02:09 |
soreau | Serebro: When you boot your machine, you should be able to get to the grub menu and it should list ubuntu, one with recovery mode and an entry for memory test | 02:09 |
DasEi | awc : sudo mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt | 02:10 |
DasEi | typo^ | 02:10 |
Serebro | soreau: ah, right, I can get there. | 02:10 |
obsidieth | my apt-gets are becoming stuck on 'getting headers' | 02:10 |
DasEi | awc : sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev | 02:10 |
awc | DasEi: its already mounted | 02:10 |
DasEi | awc : sda5 ? | 02:10 |
soreau | Serebro: Then when you boot into recovery mode, select the option to boot to a root prompt and run apt-get update/upgrade etc | 02:10 |
awc | DasEi: there is not sda5 | 02:11 |
DasEi | awc: ,,, | 02:11 |
awc | no* | 02:11 |
Serebro | soreau: gonna be here for a while so I can run/do that? (One computer available atm.) | 02:11 |
soreau | Serebro: You could do it from the live cd by chrooting into the root partition but it's a bit more involving.. | 02:11 |
soreau | Serebro: I suspect the problem is your kernel is out of date | 02:12 |
awc | DasEi: on sda I've got sda1 sda2 and sda3 | 02:12 |
DasEi | awc: is what I thought, no idea what win7 did to a gpt table then, both systems I don't use | 02:12 |
soreau | Serebro: But without logs to review, it's hard to say | 02:12 |
awc | hmm ok | 02:12 |
Serebro | soreau: log location is?? | 02:12 |
soreau | Serebro: /var/log/messages | 02:12 |
soreau | Serebro: But make sure you get it from the mounted file system on the hard drive and not your live session log | 02:13 |
Serebro | soreau: will see about pastebin asap | 02:13 |
Serebro | soreau: yeah, mount drive and cd into it | 02:13 |
Ed_Money | how do I change my settings so that "CTRL+L" won't automatically lock my computer? | 02:14 |
DasEi | awc: might ask again concerning gpt-table and win7,else if you re-install do win7 first, then grub, that works | 02:14 |
awc | yeah, I might | 02:15 |
awc | thanks for the help DasEi | 02:15 |
DasEi | awc: no gpt here, could have been more | 02:15 |
obsidieth | Hit http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main Translation-en_AU | 02:15 |
obsidieth | 99% [Waiting for headers] | 02:15 |
obsidieth | takes minutes to finish, how can i fix this? | 02:15 |
DasEi | obsidieth: try another mirror, use synaptics fastest mirror search | 02:16 |
ubuntu-user | how to install Marvell (88E PCI Fast Ethernet) LAN in Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.35-22 generic ? thanks | 02:17 |
ubuntu-user | here is my error log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/536505/ | 02:17 |
Serebro | soreau: pastebin... http://pastebin.com/Yz8XuPXR | 02:17 |
obsidieth | DasEi: i dont know what that is | 02:17 |
obsidieth | where is it located within synaptic. | 02:17 |
obsidieth | ah there it is. | 02:19 |
b234 | I just upgraded to 10.10 and discovered that I can no longer run exe files in wine from an external drive?!? Does anyone know an easy way to turn this security "feature" off? | 02:19 |
soreau | Serebro: Also pastebin the X log and the output of lspci -v | 02:19 |
Serebro | soreau: location of x log? | 02:19 |
DasEi | obsidieth: settings>repos>server (po up) > other (there in the popup) | 02:20 |
soreau | Serebro: /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 02:20 |
obsidieth | wow | 02:20 |
obsidieth | new caledonia is fastest | 02:20 |
=== VSD20C_ is now known as VSD20C | ||
obsidieth | yet i am in australia, with nbumerous australian mirrors | 02:20 |
soreau | ubuntu-user: Are you sure you have to build the driver yourself? It may already be included with the kernel.. | 02:20 |
DasEi | obsidieth: nice, eh ? | 02:20 |
obsidieth | that are geographically 40 minutes fro me. | 02:20 |
obsidieth | seems counter intuitive. | 02:20 |
soreau | obsidieth: Australian internet sucks ;) | 02:20 |
ubuntu-user | soreau, but that one, not working | 02:21 |
DasEi | obsidieth: takes some time to run, but can save hours in a month :) | 02:21 |
soreau | ! work | ubuntu-user | 02:21 |
ubottu | ubuntu-user: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 02:21 |
obsidieth | soreau: correct. | 02:21 |
obsidieth | but as far as latency goes, new caledonia shouldnt be less :p | 02:21 |
Serebro | Soreau: Xorg: http://pastebin.com/X36DDMrh | 02:22 |
ubuntu-user | soreau, i cant connect to another Computer using default driver | 02:22 |
soreau | obsidieth: That is probably why there is the auto-server-select implementation | 02:22 |
DasEi | obsidieth: dominican rebupblick, but let's stay topic | 02:22 |
obsidieth | ping archive.ubuntu.nautile.nc | 02:22 |
obsidieth | PING depot.nautile.nc ( 56 data bytes | 02:22 |
obsidieth | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=57 time=1818.635 ms | 02:22 |
vic20gmr | i installed yamagi quake2, and it runs great, except movement is jerky, i move in "spurts" ive asked in #linux-gamers and in #linuxgames, no one seems to be home though [ive been waitinng around an hour or so] does anyone here have any idea why its doing this? | 02:23 |
soreau | Serebro: That log looks suspiciously like the live session log and not the one from the hard drive file system.. | 02:23 |
soreau | ubuntu-user: You need to elaborate | 02:23 |
soreau | ! details | ubuntu-user | 02:23 |
ubottu | ubuntu-user: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 02:23 |
Serebro | Soreau: that's the one from the hard drive. lspci -v http://pastebin.com/GpCwchcy | 02:24 |
DasEi | vic20gmr: graphic drivers properly installed ? no compiz ? what does glxgears reveal ? | 02:24 |
obsidieth | now there is some stupid gpg key error | 02:24 |
soreau | Serebro: ok | 02:24 |
obsidieth | this is an absolutely clean install, why is apt so boned. | 02:24 |
obsidieth | GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY DB141E2302FDF932 | 02:24 |
vic20gmr | i get the gears, im using direct rendering, lemme confirm | 02:24 |
DasEi | obsidieth: changeed mirror, missing a key ? yup, second | 02:24 |
obsidieth | DasEi: i dont understand what you just said. | 02:24 |
vic20gmr | smooth gears | 02:24 |
soreau | Serebro: Alright, I will look at these logs. In the meantime, go ahead and see what happens when you boot into recovery mode and run 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'. | 02:25 |
obsidieth | the problem was there before i changed mirrors. guess a key was missing on the default install | 02:25 |
coz_ | obsidieth, which PPA is this? | 02:25 |
obsidieth | works now, just a strange thing to have missing. | 02:25 |
Serebro | soreau: okay, will do. | 02:25 |
obsidieth | coz_: the souces.list has not been changed. | 02:25 |
Serebro | quit | 02:25 |
soreau | vic20gmr: Smooth gears means nothing. See the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer' | 02:25 |
obsidieth | it is the main maverick release mirror. | 02:25 |
vic20gmr | DasEi, i see smoothly turning gears | 02:25 |
coz_ | obsidieth, mmm hold on | 02:25 |
klenwell | Hi. Anybody experienced with setting up cron files using /etc/cron.d? | 02:26 |
DasEi | obsidieth: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys DB141E2302FDF932 | 02:26 |
vic20gmr | soreau, ok, but if gears reveals nothing why do it in the first place? | 02:26 |
obsidieth | yeah its done, im more curious about why it occured. | 02:26 |
obsidieth | works fine btw. | 02:26 |
vic20gmr | Mesa DRI R300 (RV350 4150) 20090101 x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL DRI2 | 02:26 |
soreau | vic20gmr: You're the one running gears. I never told you to run it | 02:26 |
DasEi | obsidieth: you need to reload synaptic or do an update after changing mirror | 02:27 |
soreau | vic20gmr: But that output indicates you have the open radeon driver working correctly. Are you having some problem? | 02:27 |
vic20gmr | no but several peoplehave in the course of my using ubuntu, i just wondered why | 02:27 |
obsidieth | DasEi: i am aware. | 02:27 |
vic20gmr | i installed yamagi quake2, and it runs great, except movement is jerky, i move in "spurts" ive asked in #linux-gamers and in #linuxgames, no one seems to be home though [ive been waitinng around an hour or so] does anyone here have any idea why its doing this? | 02:27 |
ubuntu-user | i cant connect to LAN using default driver Marvell (88E8042 PCI-fast Ethernet), on Ubuntu 10.10, here is my lspci and kernel version http://paste.ubuntu.com/536510/ | 02:28 |
vic20gmr | soreau, i forgot to include your name, see above? | 02:28 |
DasEi | obsidieth: and if you add ppa's they are often smaller in bandwith than the main-repos, they are slower | 02:28 |
yaisel_ | buenas noche | 02:28 |
vic20gmr | btw im on ubuntu 10.04 | 02:28 |
yaisel_ | saludos para todos | 02:29 |
vic20gmr | y tu | 02:29 |
soreau | vic20gmr: I recommend you use the r300 gallium driver | 02:29 |
klenwell | Does anybody know how to force cron to reload files in /etc/cron.d? | 02:29 |
soreau | vic20gmr: The easiest way to do this is to install xorg-edgers repo and subsequently, the mesa-dri-experimental package | 02:29 |
XuMuK | yaisel_: aqui hablan ingles, el canal español esta en #ubuntu-es | 02:29 |
vic20gmr | ok, by the by, what does the gallium mean? | 02:30 |
=== Koopa516[thanks- is now known as Koopa516 | ||
vic20gmr | soreau, ok, by the by, what does the gallium mean? | 02:30 |
awc | DasEi: what was the grub2 site again? | 02:30 |
soreau | vic20gmr: Oh 10.04? You also might consider upgrading since there are important kernel bits you need too | 02:30 |
DasEi | !grub2 | awc | 02:31 |
ubottu | awc: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 02:31 |
redshiba | okokok, i need some help with installing Ubuntu 10. seems that my other computer doesn't recognize the USB in the boot menu, but it does after windows has installed. | 02:31 |
awc | ty | 02:31 |
soreau | vic20gmr: Gallium is a new way of writing drivers. It will give you OpenGL 2.1, instead of what you have currently, 1.5 (see glxinfo output) | 02:31 |
soreau | vic20gmr: It exploits your hardware and offers better all around 3D capabilities | 02:31 |
ubuntu-user | soreau, i cant connect to LAN using default driver Marvell (88E8042 PCI-fast Ethernet), on Ubuntu 10.10, here is my lspci and kernel version http://paste.ubuntu.com/536510/ ifconfig : http://paste.ubuntu.com/536514/, sorry for repeating my question | 02:32 |
vic20gmr | id rather not upgrade, it took me hours to get where im at, and im not inclined to start over, also ive heard some people having problems with it, they didnt have in 10.04 | 02:32 |
phil__ | hey> | 02:32 |
phil__ | Hey? | 02:32 |
phil__ | Anyone here or? | 02:32 |
redshiba | ya | 02:32 |
phil__ | cool. | 02:32 |
coz_ | phil__, many here... what is the issue? | 02:32 |
vic20gmr | soreau, id rather not upgrade, it took me hours to get where im at, and im not inclined to start over, also ive heard some people having problems with it, they didnt have in 10.04, i have a really crappy wifi net connection [ i dont have a choice but to use the wifi] | 02:33 |
soreau | ubuntu-user: You said first you can't connect to another computer, now you say you can't connect to LAN. Which is it? What are you trying to do? Just connect to the internet or network in some other way? | 02:33 |
soreau | vic20gmr: What wifi hardware? | 02:33 |
vic20gmr | rt2500 | 02:33 |
phil__ | Coz. i'm having performance problems on a game | 02:33 |
coz_ | phil__, I see... which video card are you using | 02:34 |
ubuntu-user | soreau, sorry, connect to another computer, | 02:34 |
phil__ | i think its a gforce..8600? | 02:34 |
BaTTy0 | GoBBle GoBBle | 02:34 |
phil__ | maybe? something like that | 02:34 |
soreau | ubuntu-user: What OS is the other computer running? Chances are it's just a configuration issue and you don't need a new driver | 02:34 |
coz_ | phil__, open a terminal lspci | grep -i vga | 02:34 |
vic20gmr | soreau, is there a way to get ogl 2.1 in 10.04 | 02:34 |
phil__ | hmm...whats that do? | 02:34 |
phil__ | im totally new to ubuntu =/ | 02:35 |
soreau | vic20gmr: Grab a live image of 10.10 and boot it to test it. AFAICT, everything should work OOTB | 02:35 |
coz_ | phil__, that command will tell you the exact video card on your system | 02:35 |
phil__ | ok thanks | 02:35 |
vic20gmr | soreau, im not going to upgrade, if you have another suggestion, im willing to try it | 02:35 |
ubuntu-user | soreau, ubuntu 10.10 , kernel 2.6.35-22-generic have the same problem, | 02:35 |
coz_ | phil__, it might be better to highlight that command here and then "middle" click inside the terminal window to paste | 02:36 |
soreau | vic20gmr: You can still try installing xorg-edgers for 10.04 and mesa-dri-experimental but there have been lots of improvements in the driver for your card since then (in the kernel and user space stuiff) | 02:36 |
kk | hello | 02:36 |
coz_ | phil__, lspci | grep -i vga | 02:36 |
CaneToad | Using the open source video driver for nvidia cooks my computer that it goes off because it gets too HOT | 02:36 |
kk | Can anyone see this ? | 02:36 |
soreau | ! hi | kk | 02:36 |
ubuntu-user | im on amd 64 bit | 02:36 |
=== kk is now known as Guest66843 | ||
soreau | kk: nope | 02:36 |
SingAlong | hi all | 02:36 |
awc | I'm trying to repair my grub loader when I do this: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt I get this: mount: you must specify the filesystem type .... suggestions? | 02:37 |
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse | ||
SingAlong | How do I change my resolution to 800x600 (without a graphical interface)? | 02:37 |
redshiba | speaking of installing 10.10, the computer i'm installing it to doesn't recognize the boot disk. it does't even show up in the boot menu. | 02:37 |
soreau | awc: Chances are, /dev/sda1 isn't what you think it is | 02:37 |
redshiba | USB boot disk. | 02:37 |
phil__ | errrm, Coz, it says command not found | 02:38 |
vic20gmr | well downloading and insalling it farless time and gigabytes for me than redownloading all of the stuff ive downloaded/installed already - if i had faster internet connection, id prob go for the upgrade, but i dont, so id rather see what i can doo with what ive already got | 02:38 |
soreau | SingAlong: If you use open drivers that support randr1.2, use xrandr | 02:38 |
rusivi | CaneToad: I have the same problem w/ overheating (though I'm AMD) I would use CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor and governor your CPU and then it won't overheat | 02:38 |
coz_ | phil__, did you copy and paste the command as I suggested? | 02:38 |
SingAlong | soreau: I have xrandr. | 02:38 |
vic20gmr | soreau, well downloading and insalling it farless time and gigabytes for me than redownloading all of the stuff ive downloaded/installed already - if i had faster internet connection, id prob go for the upgrade, but i dont, so id rather see what i can doo with what ive already got | 02:38 |
soreau | SingAlong: Just because you have xrandr doesn't mean your drivers support it | 02:38 |
phil__ | i typed it out, i dont think copy + paste works... 1 seconds | 02:38 |
CaneToad | rusivi: I find it doesn't overheat if I use the proprietary nvida closed source driver | 02:39 |
awc | ty soreau i needed sda2 | 02:39 |
coz_ | phil__, you need this mark | which is called pipe and is generally located on the same key as the back slash \ but you need to hit shift key to use it | 02:39 |
spaz | hey guys, anyone willing to help me with an issue that has a "released fix" for in launchpad? | 02:39 |
vic20gmr | soreau, i assume i can get the how to from x.org? if you have a more direct link to where i need to start reading, id appreciate it | 02:39 |
soreau | SingAlong: Generally speaking, the only graphics driver that does not yet support randr 1.2 is the proprietary nvidia driver | 02:39 |
coz_ | phil__, lspci | grep -i vga | 02:39 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as bobob | ||
soreau | vic20gmr: google for xorg-edgers | 02:39 |
vic20gmr | ok thanks | 02:39 |
SingAlong | soreau: i'm running ubuntu on virtualbox. | 02:39 |
phil__ | im highlighting the command, CTRL + C, then CTRL + V on the terminal, and its not doing anything | 02:40 |
JoshDreamland | maybe I'll just install Mint | 02:40 |
soreau | SingAlong: Then all bets are off. You are running a simulated vbox graphics driver | 02:40 |
bobob | if i do this command:dd if=/dev/zero of=volume bs=1k count=5583450000 | 02:40 |
awc | !pastebin | 02:40 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 02:40 |
bobob | how come i can only get a filysystem size | 02:40 |
SingAlong | soreau: oh. so i cant set my resolution to a lesser one? (right now its huge) | 02:40 |
soreau | phil__: In terminal, it's Ctrl+Shift+V | 02:40 |
coz_ | phil__, ok I am going to type the command aagin lspci | grep -i vga highlight that command here and then simply middle click inside the terminal window to paste it | 02:40 |
bobob | of 2TB | 02:40 |
bobob | and not 5.2 TB | 02:41 |
soreau | phil__: Or just highlight and middle click like coz_ said | 02:41 |
coz_ | phil__, to paste into the terminal window you have to hit shift+ctrl+v | 02:41 |
=== Koopa516 is now known as BSOD_BRB | ||
vic20gmr | soreau, according to this [if im interpreting it correctly] my card isnt even supported by these drivers https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonHD | 02:41 |
soreau | SingAlong: Pastebin the output of 'xrandr' from your terminal to pastebin.com | 02:41 |
SingAlong | soreau: k. | 02:42 |
awc | soreau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/536523/ GPT partition suggestions? | 02:42 |
rusivi | spaz: Whatcha got? | 02:42 |
soreau | vic20gmr: You don't want radeonhd. You are already using the correct driver which is simply radeon | 02:42 |
bobob | !pastebinit http://paste.ubuntu.com/536524/ | 02:42 |
coz_ | phil__, did you get that? | 02:42 |
=== BSOD_BRB is now known as Koopa516 | ||
spaz | this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/572970/+activity | 02:42 |
phil__ | VGA compatible controller ; Nvidia corporation G84 [Gforce8600] GT | 02:43 |
soreau | vic20gmr: When you install xorg-edgers, you just run apt-get update/upgrade then install mesa-dri-experimental or whatever it's called and restart X | 02:43 |
coz_ | phil__, there we go | 02:43 |
soreau | vic20gmr: Or if it upgrades your kernel, reboot too | 02:43 |
spaz | I am experiencing it exactly as described, UNE 10.04. | 02:43 |
coz_ | phil__, and did you install the nvidia driver for ubuntu ? | 02:43 |
bobob | !pastebinit | 02:43 |
ubottu | pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com | 02:43 |
phil__ | I'm not 100% what has been installed, it was a second hand gift kind of thing | 02:43 |
bobob | !pastebin | 02:44 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 02:44 |
coz_ | phil__, ok which version of ubuntu is this? | 02:44 |
coz_ | phil__, in a terminal type lsb_release -a | 02:44 |
soreau | awc: What are you trying to do? | 02:44 |
bobob | when running this command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/536524/ | 02:44 |
bobob | how come i can only get a filysystem size | 02:44 |
awc | soreau: i'm trying to fix my mbr | 02:44 |
bobob | of 2TB | 02:44 |
bobob | and not 5.2 TB | 02:44 |
phil__ | Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS | 02:44 |
FloodBot1 | bobob: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:44 |
soreau | awc: What's wrong with it? | 02:44 |
awc | soreau: it got wiped when I installed win7 | 02:45 |
coz_ | phil__, ok at the top of the screen you have Applications Places System ...yes? | 02:45 |
vic20gmr | sorry about the caps | 02:45 |
phil__ | correct | 02:45 |
vic20gmr | didnt notice in time | 02:45 |
soreau | vic20gmr: For your sake, it's the same. We can read lower case too btw | 02:45 |
brendan1 | Hello? It won't let me install... stops at 34%. | 02:45 |
coz_ | phil__, ok click system/asministration/hardware drivers | 02:45 |
spaz | rusivi, it seems the bug was fixed in september, but I can't seem to find what version of gnome-power-manager it is fixed for. | 02:45 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: are you installing with cd or usb? | 02:45 |
phil__ | Searching | 02:45 |
brendan1 | CD. | 02:45 |
soreau | vic20gmr: Eventually, gallium will be the default driver and will no longer be labeled experimental | 02:45 |
coz_ | phil__, rather system/administration/additional drivers | 02:45 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: do you mean booting or installing? | 02:46 |
phil__ | oh, ok | 02:46 |
SingAlong | soreau: http://pastie.org/1326899 | 02:46 |
brendan1 | I can boot fine, but the install stops at 34% and says the disk is corrupt, but that's not really the problem | 02:46 |
ubuntu4shane | !who | brendan1 | 02:46 |
ubottu | brendan1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 02:46 |
coz_ | phil__, now when that opens...in the first "field" space... there should be probably 2 drivers mentions the NVIDIA accelerated grahpics driver version 173 and one version current | 02:47 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: did you check the md5sum of the iso you downloaded? | 02:47 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: or did you check the CD? corrupt burns do happen. | 02:47 |
coz_ | phil__, is this a yes? | 02:47 |
soreau | SingAlong: Strange it doesn't show any mode selected.. try this command: xrandr --output default --mode 800x600 | 02:47 |
phil__ | additional drivers | 02:47 |
phil__ | i cant find it | 02:47 |
brendan1 | The problem is that I can't burn a new image because I only have 2G RAM. | 02:47 |
phil__ | only hardware drivers | 02:47 |
coz_ | phil__, mmm | 02:47 |
subichan | is it possible to share some files between ubuntu and windows xp ? | 02:47 |
ubuXubu | yes | 02:48 |
soreau | subichan: yes | 02:48 |
coz_ | phil__, ok click System to pull down the menu and look for Administration | 02:48 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: ohh, and that is the system you burned on? | 02:48 |
soreau | ! samba | subichan | 02:48 |
ubottu | subichan: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 02:48 |
coz_ | phil__, and in the Administration secondary menu you should see Additional Drivers | 02:48 |
rusivi | spaz: Based on how the reporter was in Lucid 64-bit, if you check Maverick/Natty both of them have updated versions of gpm so it may be the "Fix Released" is for Maverick/Natty, not Lucid. | 02:48 |
phil__ | if its anything to you, on the hardware drivers i found this 173 you were looking for | 02:48 |
an | ?? | 02:48 |
brendan1 | !tab ubuntu4shame Yeah... it is. | 02:48 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:48 |
coz_ | phil__, and is there another one listed there? | 02:49 |
=== an is now known as Guest49821 | ||
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: if it says that the disk is corrupt, it probably is. | 02:49 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: if you type ubuntu then hit tab it will finish my nick for you. | 02:49 |
brendan1 | ubuntu4shame: I'm sure it is; that's not really the problem. | 02:49 |
phil__ | a greyed out one which is my currently installed i think | 02:49 |
Guest49821 | Anybody? | 02:49 |
phil__ | and another one yes | 02:49 |
spaz | rusivi, that's what I suspected. So it seems the only way I'd be able to figure this out is to upgrade to 10.10? | 02:49 |
coz_ | phil__, ok | 02:49 |
phil__ | thats reccomended, should i take it? | 02:49 |
phil__ | or.. do anything with it? | 02:49 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: ok, waht is the problem. | 02:49 |
SingAlong | soreau: "caught signal 11: server aborting". Xorg crashed | 02:50 |
coz_ | phil__, click it to see if it says installed | 02:50 |
awc | soreau: as I carry on through the reparation of the mbr , i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/536525/ | 02:50 |
brendan1 | ubuntu4shame: The problem is that I've no way of burning a new one. | 02:50 |
phil__ | activated and in use | 02:50 |
coz_ | phil__, the button on the bottom right of the window will change to "Remove" if it is already installed | 02:50 |
soreau | SingAlong: That's why I said, all bets are off in vbox. You're not even running a real machine | 02:50 |
coz_ | phil__, ok good | 02:50 |
phil__ | ye | 02:50 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: it is ubuntu4shane not ubuntu4shaMe | 02:50 |
coz_ | phil__, ok now which games are giving you issues again? | 02:50 |
ubuXubu | brendan1, do u have usb | 02:50 |
SingAlong | soreau: oh. i'm running ubuntu on ubuntu :D ok i think i'll do these experiments on a real machine | 02:51 |
phil__ | World of warcraft, i used to run it at very high detail + settings at a high framerate | 02:51 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: your only other option is to create a usb boot stick booting off the cd | 02:51 |
phil__ | and now it has dropped dramatically, so i have to keep my settings down | 02:51 |
coz_ | phil__, mm and the people for ubuntu games gave no insight to the issue? | 02:51 |
soreau | awc: I haven't had issues with my GPT setup and grub2.. have you tried asking in #grub? | 02:51 |
phil__ | How do you mean? | 02:51 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: however if you can't still access the data on the disk then probably your iso download is gone, and you are going to have to download it again. | 02:51 |
phil__ | it isnt a ubuntu game | 02:51 |
brendan1 | ubuntu4shane, ubuXubu: I've tried that, but the problem is I still have to download the image. | 02:52 |
phil__ | i played it on windows xp? | 02:52 |
awc | soreau: I'll give it a shot | 02:52 |
brendan1 | There's no space. | 02:52 |
awc | thanks | 02:52 |
rusivi | spaz: I'm inferring that conclusion. based on how the bug was not commented well on how the "Fix Released" status came to be, feel free to spark a conversation up about it in #ubuntu-bugs. | 02:52 |
phil__ | if you see what i mean | 02:52 |
coz_ | phil__, i see and is it with windows that you had the high frame rate | 02:52 |
phil__ | Yeah, well a lot higher than now | 02:52 |
soreau | phil__: It's possible that your drivers are broken. What is the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'? | 02:52 |
brendan1 | 2GB RAM, a CD mounted, a CD image, and the hard drive locked away... yeah. | 02:52 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: I would burn you a CD but I don't live in the USA | 02:52 |
coz_ | phil__, ok then I would suggest moving over the the #nvidia channel and explain that to them.... frankly the driver you have installed should be more than adequate to handle that game | 02:53 |
phil__ | glxinfo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: | 02:53 |
phil__ | sudo apt-get install mesa-utils | 02:53 |
phil__ | should i install it? | 02:53 |
coz_ | phil__, yes | 02:53 |
spaz | rusivi: yeah it's really quite ambiguously commented. thanks for the help, I might inquire about it there too | 02:53 |
phil__ | great, will get to it | 02:53 |
phil__ | but, i have no clue what i'm doing :P | 02:53 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: you are going to have to 1. Use a friend's computer download and burn the image again, or order a CD | 02:53 |
coz_ | phil__, just open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install mesa-utils | 02:53 |
soreau | phil__: It's telling you exactly what to do, just read what it says | 02:54 |
phil__ | ah ye, another thing | 02:54 |
phil__ | when i try type in my password it asks for | 02:54 |
phil__ | it doesnt do anything.. | 02:54 |
soreau | phil__: You can't see your password when you type it | 02:54 |
coz_ | phil__, it will not show the password | 02:54 |
coz_ | :) | 02:54 |
soreau | phil__: It is a security feature | 02:54 |
coz_ | ^^ | 02:54 |
phil__ | it works! | 02:54 |
coz_ | cool | 02:54 |
phil__ | ^_^ installing i think | 02:54 |
soreau | phil__: Another tip is to press the up arrow key in your terminal to get to commands you've already ran | 02:55 |
spaz | does anyone know why I would be experiencing noticeable tearing on flash/HTML5 video, but not with videos played in totem? This machine has a intel x3150 for graphics. | 02:55 |
phil__ | nice :) | 02:55 |
phil__ | last thing it says it | 02:55 |
phil__ | Setting up mesa-utils (7.7.1-1ubuntu3) ... | 02:55 |
brendan1 | ubuntu4shane: Neither of those are options. Is there any way I can get a smaller image, or get the CD to use part of the hard drive? | 02:55 |
rusivi | spaz: The buck stops w/ ubuntu-bugs, they are the ones who mark "Fix Released" they are the ones to talk about it with. | 02:55 |
phil__ | and then where i can type the command, should i lleave i to setup? | 02:56 |
phil__ | or has it stopped? | 02:56 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Serebro | ||
coz_ | phil__, ok now type that command into the terminal | 02:56 |
coz_ | glxinfo | grep renderer | 02:56 |
ubuXubu | brendan1, can u do wubi | 02:56 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: maybe the alternate CD or puppy linux? | 02:56 |
ubuntu4shane | ubuXubu: it seems as the 34% install wiped the hdd | 02:57 |
phil__ | OpenGL renderer string: GeForce 8600 GT/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! | 02:57 |
coz_ | mmm | 02:57 |
subichan | soreau: I read the ubuntu page of samba, and it says "From a Windows client you should now be able to browse to the Ubuntu file server and see the shared directory. To check that everything is working try creating a directory from Windows. ", actually i was looking for the opposite. is it possible too? | 02:57 |
coz_ | phil__, this is a PCI card? | 02:57 |
subichan | soreau: meaning I was tryign to access windows files from ubuntu | 02:57 |
phil__ | PCI card? | 02:57 |
soreau | subichan: Yes, though I don't use samba or windows really | 02:57 |
phil__ | Errrrm...whats that again? | 02:57 |
Serebro | Soreau: no luck on my end, though it installed a bunch of updates...find anything in the logs? | 02:57 |
coz_ | phil__, hold on | 02:57 |
brendan1 | ubuXubu: I can't use wubi because I've already gotten rid of Windows and I lost the recovery disks long ago (this machine is from a time when 2G was a lot). | 02:57 |
subichan | soreau: ok thanks | 02:57 |
soreau | Serebro: After it installed all the updates you rebooted again and reran update/upgrade until it had nothing left to update? | 02:58 |
coz_ | phil__, ok in a terminal type lspci -list | 02:58 |
coz_ | phil__, DO NOT paste the readout here | 02:58 |
phil__ | wow | 02:58 |
soreau | Serebro: Also this is the log from the live session because it says the kernel is from /casper (when it should be from /boot) | 02:58 |
phil__ | where do i paste it? | 02:58 |
coz_ | phil__, http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 02:59 |
soreau | ! paste | phil__ | 02:59 |
ubuXubu | brendan1, what version olf windows was it | 02:59 |
ubottu | phil__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 02:59 |
coz_ | phil__, then hit the "Paste" button and then paste the link it gives you here | 02:59 |
Serebro | Soreau: sigh, no... back to the CLI I go. back in a bit. hmm, should have given you the right ones... I'll double-check | 02:59 |
phil__ | wont take me to that website | 02:59 |
phil__ | should i just type it? | 02:59 |
coz_ | phil__, you have to open firefox | 02:59 |
phil__ | ok | 02:59 |
coz_ | phil__, then go to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 02:59 |
soreau | Serebro: At the top of the file it says the BOOT_IMAGE= and it should be from /boot, not /casper | 03:00 |
phil__ | poster name? | 03:00 |
coz_ | phil__, yours | 03:00 |
coz_ | phil__, phil__ will do | 03:00 |
phil__ | oke | 03:00 |
Doyle | Here's a Q. Is there an easy way to get my keyboards media buttons to function in ubuntu 10.04? | 03:00 |
coz_ | Doyle, did you go to system/preferences/keyboard shortcuts | 03:00 |
brendan1 | @ubuntu4shane: the alternate CD is actually the same size (just because it's text-based doesn't mean it's smaller, apparently), but Puppy Linux looks BARELY small enough to clear. | 03:00 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: as a 'quick fix' or alternative, google puppy linux, it is a small download, then booted with the CD install unetbootin, and prepare the usb with that for puppy linux, run off that download the Ubuntu ISO again, and burn it slowly | 03:00 |
phil__ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/536526/ | 03:01 |
brendan1 | ubuntu4shane: Thanks! I'll see if that works. | 03:01 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: I wasn't sure but I was thinking the alt-cd was smaller, guess I was wrong | 03:01 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: puppy is just a nice small download that may speed the process | 03:01 |
Doyle | coz_: yea, first place I looked. No good. | 03:02 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: are you sure the disk was erased | 03:02 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: I assume you are booted via cd now? | 03:02 |
coz_ | Doyle, ooo ok I have media keys here as well but I have not tried enabling any of them ... | 03:02 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: if you have the time, we can see if the file is still on the hdd. | 03:02 |
brendan1 | ubuntu4shane: Yeah, there's a linux filesystem already installed, yeah, I am, puppy is downloaded but I've only got 6 MB left so I'd better get it burned before it crashes. | 03:02 |
coz_ | phil__, hold on | 03:02 |
dumpers | join ##mac | 03:03 |
phil__ | coz_; it says also incase you missed the link | 03:03 |
phil__ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/536526/ | 03:03 |
phil__ | oh | 03:03 |
phil__ | not that | 03:03 |
Serebro | soreau: will check and make sure I get the right ones this time. which files besides the Xorg.0.log? | 03:03 |
FloodBot1 | phil__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:03 |
coz_ | phil__, I got it thanks | 03:03 |
ubuntu4shane | brendan1: ok, go with that plan | 03:03 |
soreau | Serebro: /var/log/messages | 03:03 |
Doyle | coz_: ok... I could swear the worked in 9... | 03:03 |
Serebro | soreau: thanks, will get them | 03:03 |
phil__ | coz, is that the correct information? | 03:03 |
soreau | Serebro: It will end up being /mount/point/var/log/blah/blah | 03:03 |
Doyle | Media keys don't work. Tried the keboard shortcuts utility, as well as several different applications. | 03:04 |
coz_ | phil__, yes but hold on please | 03:04 |
Doyle | Any suggestions for a fix would be appreciated. Thanks | 03:04 |
soreau | Serebro: Simply type 'mount' to see what's mounted and to where | 03:04 |
phil__ | ok no problem, take you're time | 03:04 |
soreau | Doyle: Do the keys show any effect in a program such as xev? | 03:05 |
ubuntu4shane | Doyle: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts | 03:05 |
Serebro | soreau: I'm at /media/4f3b0f89-561e-41d7-85f9-90ada3b1e387/var/log, should get the right file by just getting messages now. ;) | 03:05 |
Doyle | ubuntu4shane: tried that, any other ideas? | 03:05 |
ubuntu4shane | Doyle: have you already been there? when you press the media keys do they register? | 03:05 |
soreau | Serebro: right. | 03:05 |
ubuntu4shane | Doyle: try what soreau suggested, xev. | 03:06 |
Doyle | soreau: yea, xev shows keyboard activity | 03:06 |
mattalexx | How can I check the current battery power level from the cli? | 03:06 |
mattalexx | I'm using 10.10 | 03:06 |
soreau | ubuntu4shane: Is your nick for the late Shane Lee aka Shame? | 03:07 |
Serebro | soreau: messages: http://pastebin.com/AGnwabBm | 03:07 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: no, just Ubuntu for Shane. :) | 03:07 |
soreau | ubuntu-user: nm then :P | 03:07 |
coz_ | phil__, ok in terminal lspci -v and go to pastebin again and paste the output | 03:07 |
coz_ | phil__, http://paste.ubuntu.com/ in case you forgot it | 03:08 |
Serebro | Soreau: Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.com/n5ntNACn | 03:08 |
ubuntu4shane | mattalexx: try this: cat /etc/acpi/events/battery | 03:09 |
phil__ | wow, thats a LOT of words | 03:09 |
phil__ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/536530/ | 03:09 |
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Serebro | soreau: shouldn't need a new lspci -v, right? | 03:10 |
coz_ | phil__, ok it is a pcie card apparenlty | 03:10 |
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phil__ | ok | 03:10 |
soreau | Serebro: Right, lspci output will be the same regardless | 03:10 |
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soreau | Serebro: These files show you have X.org server from 10.04 but kernel from 10.10 AFAICT | 03:10 |
coz_ | phil__, ok where you type here now type /join #nvidia | 03:10 |
soreau | Serebro: And it never loads the intel_agp module | 03:11 |
coz_ | phil__, that should take you to the nvidia channel ...there explain that you have the driver working and which card you have | 03:11 |
Serebro | soreau: So how do I get it straightened out? | 03:11 |
phil__ | /join #nvidia | 03:11 |
coz_ | phil__, tell the the problems you are having with this | 03:11 |
coz_ | phil__, welll no spcake | 03:11 |
coz_ | space | 03:11 |
coz_ | phil__, make sure there is no spacke at the beginning | 03:12 |
phil__ | yeah im on it, so what's this telling me? | 03:12 |
coz_ | guys I have to break here...be back in a bit | 03:12 |
soreau | Serebro: The fact that it's working on a live cd and not on the hard drive installation simply indicates a broken installation | 03:12 |
coz_ | phil__, nevermid if you are in the channel | 03:12 |
soreau | Serebro: However it's strange if it does not work after you've reinstalled it. | 03:12 |
soreau | Serebro: I think it's possible that you installed fresh but never actually booted into that fresh installation | 03:13 |
soreau | Serebro: Since you left the faulty installation around, you probably just booted into that one again </suspecting> | 03:13 |
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CrimsonIdol | Logged in as a non-sudoer, why do some administrative tasks ask for admin password and others do not accept any password for access? | 03:14 |
soreau | Serebro: I would suggest checking /etc/apt/sources/list and making sure all of the uncommented entries are all for maverick and none for lucid, or any other spurious repo | 03:14 |
warcloud | Hi | 03:15 |
Serebro | soreau: This started as an automatic upgrade... and then an install to /dev/sdb5 instead of the original on /dev/sde5. I'll check that now. | 03:15 |
warcloud | I have some trouble with my sound could someone help me | 03:15 |
ubuntu4shane | hi warcloud, welcome to the ubuntu irc support channel | 03:15 |
soreau | ! hello | warcloud | 03:15 |
warcloud | HDA Inter ALC888 | 03:15 |
tensorpudding | CrimsonIdol: if your user is not in the admin group, you can't use sudo. | 03:15 |
Doyle | CrimsonIdol: tasks that affect other users, or the system in general will require a password, tasks that affect only you and your environment dont. | 03:15 |
warcloud | Ubuntu 64 | 03:15 |
soreau | ! intelhda | warcloud | 03:15 |
ubottu | warcloud: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 03:15 |
warcloud | 10.10 | 03:15 |
tensorpudding | unless you've configured it otherwise | 03:15 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: for some reason they got rid of the !hello and !hi. :) | 03:15 |
soreau | ubuntu4shane: So I noticed. | 03:16 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: I do miss that. :) | 03:16 |
soreau | Mostly useless 'factoids' really, they only encourage OT | 03:16 |
warcloud | thanks I take a look | 03:16 |
CrimsonIdol | Login Screen (for example) will ask for and accept admin password from non-sudoer user. Synaptics will not. | 03:16 |
puhemo | 怎么全是英语 | 03:16 |
soreau | ! ch | puhemo | 03:17 |
ubottu | puhemo: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis. | 03:17 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: OT? | 03:17 |
soreau | ugh | 03:17 |
rww | ubuntu4shane: offtopic | 03:17 |
OY1R | i have video playback working pretty good on Ubuntu 10.10 but i have noticed a drop in framerate when ever the video is of moving water or other video's that have lots and lots of motion all over the screen (I never seen the same in Windows os), be it mpeg avi or dvd | 03:17 |
tensorpudding | !cn | puhemo | 03:17 |
ubottu | puhemo: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 03:17 |
ubuntu4shane | rww: thanks | 03:17 |
Serebro | soreau: all uncommented sources are Lucid, not Maverick. | 03:17 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: lol, sorry, sometimes this irc lingo trips me up. | 03:17 |
sis | ÓиöººÓ | 03:17 |
CrimsonIdol | Login Screen (for example) will even reveal the username of the (an) admin... | 03:17 |
soreau | Serebro: Well somewhere along the line you got a maverick kernel installed | 03:18 |
ubuntu4shane | OY1R: what video card do you have? | 03:18 |
turtle143 | hey, i installed ubuntu on a compaq laptop designed for vista, and it has a button used for locking the touchpad. the button doesnt work on ubuntu, and i'd like to use it as a middle button, because my touchpad doesnt have one and a few apps i want to use require it. is there any way to set that up? | 03:18 |
OY1R | it's an ati x1400 | 03:18 |
Serebro | soreau: I was told by a friend NOT to upgrade to Maverick due to the problems with Intel chips. Would a complete wipe and reinstall of the partition hopefully fix that? | 03:19 |
OY1R | ubuntu4shane: i never noticed the effect running Windows, and i have observed it in older versions of ubuntu aswell, | 03:19 |
ubuntu4shane | OY1R: hmmm, if it is that much of a bother to you you can try proprietary drivers, but probably not the most recommended thing | 03:19 |
pietro10 | Hi. I want to share files between Ubuntu and Mac OS X 10.5, however the only guides I can find are from 2006. Does 10.10 have a preferred way of doing this? Thanks. | 03:19 |
ubuntu4shane | !ATI | OY1R | 03:19 |
ubottu | OY1R: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:19 |
OY1R | it's like Ubuntu does not have enough power/time to decode/display the very dynamic video | 03:19 |
pietro10 | (I won't b eupgrading to 10.6 until I can get some tools to open up my computer and swap out the hard drive) | 03:20 |
ubuntu4shane | OY1R: being you have ATI it is probably driver related, | 03:20 |
OY1R | Ok | 03:20 |
OY1R | it's not that big an issue but i just wanted to ask. | 03:20 |
soreau | Serebro: Upgrades are generally problematic from my experience with ubuntu. I suspect if you change all instances of 'lucid' to 'maverick' (preferably using a auto-replace feature in a text editor) and re-run 'apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade', it's possible you will get a working system | 03:20 |
ubuntu4shane | OY1R: personally I don't like ATI or their drivers for Linux, although they have greatly improved of late, I too have ATI | 03:21 |
phil__ | errrm | 03:21 |
ubuntu4shane | OY1R: I also have a Nvidia, and seems to be easier all around. | 03:21 |
Serebro | Soreau: worth a shot--definitely less of a pain than a complete reinstall. | 03:21 |
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soreau | Serebro: It will take awhile to download and install everything but the sure fire way would be to just do a clean install of maverick (preferably with the officially released installer image) since it's working fine with the live session already | 03:21 |
phil__ | coz asked me to ask one of you if you could help me with game performance problems that i didnt have on windows xp, anyone that can help? | 03:22 |
OY1R | ubuntu4shane: Ok, i have had some issues with this card but always managed to find a fix | 03:22 |
turtle143 | hey, i installed ubuntu on a compaq laptop designed for vista, and it has a button used for locking the touchpad. the button doesnt work on ubuntu, and i'd like to use it as a middle button, because my touchpad doesnt have one and a few apps i want to use require it. is there any way to set that up? | 03:22 |
OY1R | 8.10 was terrible | 03:22 |
ubuntu4shane | OY1R: some ATI work well over all in Linux, just depends, and I probably don't tend to notice things like that. | 03:22 |
pietro10 | phil__: just say your problem | 03:22 |
soreau | Serebro: Either way, I think you will figure it out ;) | 03:22 |
phil__ | Having a lot lower frame rate for some unknown reason | 03:23 |
soreau | phil__: Did you ever have a higher framerate in ubuntu before? | 03:23 |
OY1R | i had some minor issues with 10.10 the second monitor was messed up but i found a work around | 03:23 |
Serebro | soreau: Okay, will try the repo switch, then a reinstall. If neither works, I'll see you guys in an hour or two. | 03:23 |
phil__ | My problem is, its not as high as xp, was wondering if there was any reason for it | 03:23 |
phil__ | i was running max settings but | 03:23 |
pietro10 | what graphics chipset do you have? | 03:24 |
=== Koopa516 is now known as BSOD_AFK | ||
phil__ | VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G84 [GeForce 8600 GT] (rev a1) | 03:24 |
Johnny420 | Enter text here...so I installed ubuntu for the first time now what!!! | 03:24 |
pietro10 | phil__: did you install the nVidia drivers from System > Administration > Additional Drivers ? | 03:24 |
soreau | ubuntu4shane: The ATI brand name is no more. It is now simply 'Radeon'. Also the drivers are better than nvidia drivers despite the past situation. AMD bought ATI and opened hw specs officially, also hiring developers to work full time on the radeon graphics drivers for linux | 03:24 |
craigbass1976 | Is there something like the old xwing game for ubuntu? | 03:24 |
soreau | ubuntu4shane: Now is the time to invest in radeon hardware if you're using linux. | 03:25 |
pietro10 | craigbass1976: try looking in the ubuntu software center | 03:25 |
pietro10 | search for xwing and you could probably find something | 03:25 |
pietro10 | hell, maybe Synaptic Package Manager has a "xwing" package too | 03:25 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: wow, that is all news to me, I learned to hate ATI with this laptop. Spent nearly 2 years that it was not usable on Linux. And I'm no noob. | 03:25 |
soreau | Serebro: Best of wishes | 03:25 |
phil__ | pietro18 i went into hardware drivers and it said the latest one i have is installed i think | 03:25 |
phil__ | i just did was Coz told me too, didnt have a clue what it was :P | 03:26 |
pietro10 | go back into that menu then | 03:26 |
phil__ | which one? | 03:26 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: I did hear that things had improved, but it will take a long time to get over that very bad taste that was left in my mouth. | 03:26 |
phil__ | i cant find additional drivers | 03:26 |
Serebro | soreau: seriously on the Radeon? I've been thinking about a graphics card, but couldn't find an Nvidia that wasn't showing up with lots of problems. | 03:26 |
soreau | ubuntu4shane: Yea, I've had my lowly 9600 for about 7 years now and in the 4 years using linux I've witnessed the radeon driver changes first hand and the people working on the radeon driver are nothing short of amazing | 03:27 |
pietro10 | phil__: System > Administration > Additional Drivers | 03:27 |
phil__ | not there... | 03:27 |
Serebro | soreau: awesome, I'll check some out soon. :) | 03:27 |
phil__ | be right back. | 03:27 |
Serebro | later all, gonna go try this. | 03:27 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: this laptop has Radeon HD3100, it was too new, and no drivers worked on it, everything caused overheating, serious issues. | 03:27 |
soreau | Serebro: Yes, seriously. They already have support upstream for HD5xxx and HD6xxx cards | 03:27 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: 10.10, was the first default install that worked, besides Sabayon, and I installed about a dozen distros. | 03:28 |
soreau | The gallium drivers will be showing up in ubuntu by default soon and before you know it, we'll all be using wayland display server | 03:28 |
obsidieth | my uh, xorg is restarting soon as i type in my name to login | 03:28 |
obsidieth | i suppose one of my login scripts is breaking. but am unsure how to get in and access it | 03:28 |
obsidieth | changing the session to recovery console yields a similar result. | 03:28 |
soreau | ubuntu4shane: Yea, it's all very new and a work in progress but downstream can't keep up with all the progress happening upstream | 03:28 |
ubuntu4shane | obsidieth: you can probably log in via tty | 03:28 |
obsidieth | its a vm, i cant ctrl+shift f1 or anything | 03:29 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: that is very good news | 03:29 |
obsidieth | as it executes that command on the host os not the guest. | 03:29 |
soreau | If you want to test new radeon drivers, use the latest version of ubuntu with xorg-edgers repo installed and mesa-dri-experimental (or use Fedora, since that's what the radeon devs use) | 03:29 |
ubuntu4shane | obsidieth: eww, not sure about that, I don't mess with vm's much | 03:29 |
obsidieth | mmm | 03:29 |
CrimsonIdol | obsidieth, SHIFT during boot for the grub menu | 03:29 |
obsidieth | i need to boot straight to recovery console i suppose | 03:29 |
obsidieth | ok | 03:30 |
Flynsarmy | Are they ever planning on fixing the lucid nautilus bug where the entire file highlights when renaming instead of all minus extension when in list view? | 03:30 |
obsidieth | straight into recovery mode CrimsonIdol ? | 03:30 |
soreau | obsidieth: You have a radeon card? | 03:30 |
obsidieth | nah. | 03:30 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: really! Fedora! that is one of the few I didn't install before, never really felt the love for fedora. :) | 03:30 |
obsidieth | 8500gt. | 03:30 |
obsidieth | its not the drivers, its something my user profile is executing on boot | 03:30 |
soreau | ubuntu4shane: Me neither but that's what the radeon top men use mostly ;) | 03:30 |
CrimsonIdol | obsidieth, you'll get the grub menu... choose recovery mode | 03:30 |
obsidieth | yeah i got a root shell | 03:30 |
obsidieth | didnt know about the shift shjortcut | 03:30 |
obsidieth | just gotta find whats breaking it now | 03:31 |
obsidieth | .profile perhaps? | 03:31 |
FloodBot1 | obsidieth: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:31 |
soreau | obsidieth: So it's nvidia? | 03:31 |
obsidieth | that is correct. but thats not the issue. | 03:31 |
CrimsonIdol | obsidieth, dmesg | 03:31 |
ubuntu4shane | obsidieth: if you can at the grub line there used to be a way to only boot to init 3 which will dump you to command line, but if it is in your .profile, it is going to load even logging in via cli | 03:31 |
obsidieth | .xsession-errors | 03:31 |
obsidieth | its a damn broken .profile | 03:31 |
obsidieth | :/ | 03:31 |
pietro10 | phil__: ? | 03:31 |
obsidieth | easy fix at least. | 03:32 |
mike | how do I change my boot order? | 03:32 |
ubuntu4shane | obsidieth: yes, if you put the script in .profile then that is where the prob is. | 03:32 |
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CrimsonIdol | mike, #grub | 03:32 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: I may have to check out Fedora then, but I'm pretty content with the way Ubuntu is running on this now, no overheats anymore. | 03:33 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: I'm too lazy to learn rpm stuff, I'm 100% Ubuntu user, and sold on deb packaging. | 03:33 |
obsidieth | ubuntu4shane: i erroneously mirrored .bashrc to .profile | 03:33 |
ubuntu4shane | obsidieth: yep, that will kill an install. | 03:33 |
soreau | ubuntu4shane: The radeon developers have determined that there is more power management code in the proprietary windoze drivers than the entire radeon linux driver stack | 03:33 |
obsidieth | do you guys use empahty? | 03:34 |
obsidieth | empathy. | 03:34 |
Zorlin | the IM client, yeah? | 03:34 |
obsidieth | had any problems connecting to msn with it? | 03:34 |
pietro10 | I know people had problems connecting to the latest pidgin update with it a few days ago | 03:35 |
phil__ | im back | 03:35 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: yes, I witnessed that first hand, I only get about 45-50 min battery life with this beast, powertop reports 29w or something like that, it did drop a lot with 10.10, it was always 35w before. | 03:35 |
pietro10 | so now it's on Empathy too? huh. | 03:35 |
soreau | ubuntu4shane: So they have a long way to go but with AMD providing specs and other intimate hardware information and hiring folks to work full time on the radeon driver, the sky is the limit now ;) | 03:35 |
obsidieth | pidgins ssl cert is broken, or microsofts is. | 03:35 |
netwrkspider | i m ack | 03:35 |
netwrkspider | back | 03:35 |
phil__ | <pietro10>, i couldnt find the additional drivers | 03:35 |
obsidieth | i think im almost set now. | 03:35 |
netwrkspider | Phil: for wht | 03:35 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: that is really good news, because I really grow to hate ATI, and almost swore I would never buy another, I learned a very valuable lesson, try before you buy. :) | 03:36 |
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netwrkspider | i need guide for setup own cloud | 03:36 |
phil__ | played world of warcraft on XP, was fine + good graphic settings and performance | 03:37 |
phil__ | but now im on ubuntu its bad | 03:37 |
soreau | ubuntu4shane: Well you can't always try everything, you can't always rely on user reviews and you can't always know everything and who's working on what. With linux, you take the good with the bad I guess. The best part is, you have the power to make a difference ;) | 03:37 |
phil__ | lower framerate | 03:37 |
turtle143 | hey, i installed ubuntu on a compaq laptop designed for vista, and it has a button used for locking the touchpad. the button doesnt work on ubuntu, and i'd like to use it as a middle button, because my touchpad doesnt have one and a few apps i want to use require it. is there any way to set that up? | 03:37 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: yes, and google is your friend. ;) I guess research before you buy is the other lesson. | 03:38 |
Diamondcite | phil__: I don't know if the -opengl option used for warcraft3.exe applies to worldofwarcraft, care to try? | 03:38 |
soreau | phil__: You can't compare a game that runs natively in one OS to the same game that runs in a simulated environment on another OS with different drivers | 03:38 |
phil__ | i know, but i was wondering if there was any way to improve performance at all | 03:38 |
netwrkspider | any one guide me to setup up own private cloud | 03:38 |
Sonja | does 10.10 come with Java installed in it? | 03:39 |
ubuntu4shane | turtle143: this isn't a fix, but on a laptop if you press both buttons together, it acts like a middle button | 03:39 |
netwrkspider | i have 3 4u server | 03:39 |
soreau | phil__: The good news is that the open driver developers are implementing DirectX10/11 to run these games natively instead of having to use wine | 03:39 |
glitchd | can someone help me to get cheese working?...ubuntu 10 | 03:39 |
ubuntu4shane | turtle143: it would take editing xorg and stuff, I'm not good at that stuff. | 03:39 |
turtle143 | ubuntu4shane: never knew that, thanks | 03:39 |
glitchd | *ubuntu 10.04 | 03:39 |
phil__ | soreau, just so you know, when it comes to OS and programs, im completely new + useless | 03:39 |
soreau | glitchd: Not if you don't tell us what's wrong with it | 03:39 |
Serebro | soreau: got logged into a graphical session that's not a LiveCD. Will only allow a partial upgrade. | 03:39 |
phil__ | so i dont know much about what that means :( | 03:40 |
glitchd | soreau, it opens then before it even shows the webcam pic, it closes | 03:40 |
turtle143 | ubuntu4shane: me neither, and someone told me that on linuxhelp | 03:40 |
ubuntu4shane | turtle143: another Linux tip, highlighting text and then clicking the middle button, will paste that text wherever you click. :) | 03:40 |
soreau | phil__: Basically you're trying to compare apples to oranges. WoW and other DirectX games can only run in wine on linux as of now | 03:40 |
goobar | netwrkspider, I think I just read an article in Linux Journal about making yer own Cloud | 03:40 |
phil__ | but im running wow from openGL right? | 03:40 |
phil__ | and on xp, i was running it with directx?, so thats my problem why im having worse performance? | 03:41 |
soreau | phil__: Yes, ultimately linux only uses opengl as of now but the game is written using directX (and for windows). So wine has to take every single call and transform it into something the opengl / glx nvidia driver can understand | 03:42 |
bobby_ | happy thanksgiving can anybody help me get my video drivers back i put an older version how do i install the newer version back? | 03:42 |
soreau | phil__: So you're just not going to get the same performance | 03:42 |
soreau | bobby_: Sounds like you're using nvidia? | 03:42 |
phil__ | its barely playable i'd say | 03:43 |
Diamondcite | phil__: Did you explicitly specify run with opengl? If not wine is still interpretting each directx call into opengl.. | 03:43 |
goobar | ubuntu4shane, Yes, good tip. I ran across it by accident in Terminal, you can right click in Term to select Copy then middle button paste it elsewhere | 03:43 |
bobby_ | nope its a sis card on laptop | 03:43 |
soreau | ouch | 03:43 |
bobby_ | yea | 03:43 |
glitchd | soreau, any ideas? | 03:43 |
soreau | phil__: Perhaps you should try asking in #winehq | 03:43 |
phil__ | Im struggling to understand some of these definitions unfrotunatly... i duno | 03:43 |
ubuntu4shane | goobar: all you need to do is highlight the text really, the last highlighted text is then pasted on middle click, but somehow it avoids the clipboard! :) | 03:44 |
will12337 | Hello all | 03:44 |
soreau | glitchd: Did you run it in a terminal and look for interesting messages when it crashes? | 03:44 |
phil__ | coz tryed finding out weather my graphics card was out of date or needed upgrading but, had to go | 03:44 |
phil__ | or something just to improve performance, weather it be just a program to temporarily stop procceses that i dont need or | 03:45 |
phil__ | something along them lines | 03:45 |
Diamondcite | phil__: I'm wondering regarding WoW.. how are you launching it? (Supposedly when running in openGL mode it's supposed to give very good performance...) | 03:45 |
glitchd | soreau, http://pastie.org/1326985 | 03:45 |
soreau | phil__: The fact is, if it runs as expected in windoze, in theory, it's possible to get the same performance. But since you're running a game specifically designed for one environment in an entirely different environment, it's just not going to be the same | 03:45 |
will12337 | I need to demo FOSS to elementary kids in 8 1 hour blocks, any ideas on where to start? | 03:45 |
soreau | phil__: You can try installing windoze in a virtual machine then installing the game in that but no idea if that would make a difference. Better to ask the wine folks (in #winehq) | 03:46 |
phil__ | I just opened wow.exe with wine launcher and it does every time now so, i assume this OpenGL thing yes? | 03:46 |
ubuntu4shane | soreau: thanks again for that info, I'm off for the night. | 03:46 |
phil__ | installing windows? =/ i wouldnt have a clue how to do it | 03:46 |
Diamondcite | phil__: I'm doubting it, unless it has an explicit rule for wow.exe | 03:47 |
netwrkspider | y windows guys coming here | 03:47 |
netwrkspider | Windows sucks | 03:47 |
Diamondcite | phil__: Please try this.. Open a terminal, 'cd' into your wow directory and run wow with "wine wow.exe -opengl" | 03:47 |
goobar | they want to escape the horror of Mr. Bill | 03:47 |
soreau | glitchd: Hmm.. it's obviously segfaulting. The only thing I can really suggest is filing a bug for cheese. Have you tried a different webcam program to make sure the camera driver is working at all? | 03:48 |
phil__ | and see if it makes any diffrence? oki doki, will do, | 03:48 |
netwrkspider | lol | 03:48 |
phil__ | oh wait what | 03:48 |
glitchd | soreau, the webcam works in windows and in skype on linux | 03:48 |
phil__ | how the hell do i open wow.exe with open gl :S | 03:48 |
Diamondcite | phil__: ... too confusing? | 03:48 |
glitchd | soreau, so im thinking, yes, a bug | 03:48 |
phil__ | i little, step by step please? =/ | 03:48 |
ub20 | wow is not windows heh, lot of gamers want wow working well with linux and whine is the way to got it work | 03:48 |
phil__ | i dont do commands or terminals, like i said, completely new to ubuntu | 03:49 |
soreau | phil__: He's saying run 'cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/WoW (or wherever it is), and then running "wine wow.exe -opengl" | 03:49 |
glitchd | soreau, what other webcam progs are there? | 03:49 |
Serebro | goobar: of course...why give Bill money when you can spend it on computer parts. :) | 03:49 |
soreau | phil__: Hint: Tab is your friend to auto complete | 03:49 |
astroguy | Where to get info on how to use IRC for fist time users? | 03:49 |
soreau | ! tab | phil__ | 03:49 |
ubottu | phil__: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 03:49 |
Diamondcite | phil__: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=20549 Please read the HOWTO below under Configuring | 03:49 |
phil__ | ;S. | 03:49 |
phil__ | lol...wow.. | 03:49 |
unitedpotsmokers | hello guys, i accidently delete "nautilus.rc" in ~/.theme directory. so how to find a backup of this file..? | 03:49 |
soreau | ! irc | astroguy | 03:49 |
ubottu | astroguy: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines | 03:49 |
soreau | astroguy: #freenode is a good place | 03:49 |
goobar | Bill... cackles with every dollar/pound/euro... he he... *cackle cackle* | 03:50 |
ejm | Can anyone help me getting my laptop's video card running correctly? | 03:50 |
soreau | unitedpotsmokers: A live cd? | 03:50 |
phil__ | i havnt got a clue how to open wow.exe any other way than, double clicking it | 03:50 |
astroguy | Thank you for all the responses! | 03:50 |
ejm | It's a Gateway MD78 with an Intel GM45 chipset. | 03:51 |
phil__ | or any directory or command...nevermind... | 03:51 |
unitedpotsmokers | oh.. ok.. i will find there.. thanks soreau | 03:51 |
phil__ | thanks for...well..ye cya | 03:51 |
ejm | I'm using an HDMI cable to connect to my Sony TV, which the picture works, but there's tearing when I play anything. | 03:51 |
soreau | phil__: You have to try. 'cd' means change directory. It's a command you run in your terminal. For example to get to your pictures folder, open a terminal and run 'cd ~/Pictures' | 03:51 |
Diamondcite | phil__: ... use the menu editor with a right click on the application button.. | 03:51 |
ejm | Xubuntu 10.04 64bit, 4gb of ram. | 03:51 |
techbreak | how to set up ftp server in ubuntu 10.10? | 03:51 |
soreau | phil__: To use auto-tab-completion, do 'cd ~/Pictu<tab>' | 03:52 |
Serebro | ejm: odd...did you do an upgrade? My Intel GM45 got messed up by an upgrade today... :p | 03:52 |
Diamondcite | soreau: I get the feeling phil still has a phobia of terminals. | 03:52 |
Serebro | *nod diamondcite | 03:52 |
ejm | I did one last night from 9.04. But the tearing was there before the upgrade. | 03:52 |
bobby_ | why does ubuntu says i'm not the owner when i installed it | 03:52 |
soreau | Diamondcite: Not surprising coming from a WoW head | 03:52 |
goobar | techbreak, that should be an option when you install yer Ubuntu server | 03:52 |
ejm | There's a way to fix it, but it needs xorg.conf, which Ubuntu doesn't use anymore Serebro | 03:53 |
Flynsarmy | Are they ever planning on fixing the lucid nautilus bug where the entire file highlights when renaming instead of all minus extension when in list view? | 03:53 |
phil__ | LOL.....i dont see what you want me to do =/ | 03:53 |
phil__ | honestly, im trying but | 03:53 |
soreau | ejm: Ubuntu and X.org respects settings in xorg.conf | 03:53 |
Serebro | ejm: talk to soreau--he just helped me out on mine | 03:53 |
phil__ | you may as well of wrote, "go into dhaslhdkajbn djkan" | 03:53 |
soreau | ejm: It's just that X is now smart enough to guess correct settings for open drivers so it doesn't need one | 03:54 |
Diamondcite | phil__: Okay.. can you open an "Explorer" window atleast and goto the folder WOW is installed at? | 03:54 |
Diamondcite | (Please don't shoot me.. yet) | 03:54 |
phil__ | explorer window....rofl...wtf is that??? | 03:54 |
soreau | Serebro: Did you get anywhere with your installation yet? | 03:54 |
phil__ | i can go to wow folder yes | 03:54 |
phil__ | its on my external hard drive | 03:55 |
Diamondcite | phil__: Linux terms gets you lost.. windows terms don't make sense either.. which one are you from x.x | 03:55 |
phil__ | Im an average british person | 03:55 |
phil__ | but you're using terms in which your making out to be more complex than they are | 03:55 |
coolmadmax | quit | 03:55 |
spivwak | Could anyone recommend a distro to install on a 166mhz, 32mg ram system? | 03:55 |
phil__ | you needed to say "go to your wow folder" | 03:55 |
phil__ | :( | 03:56 |
Serebro | soreau: got booted into a graphical desktop, which at least helps me get the new release version DL'd and burned...but it's going to take an hour to finish DL'ing, then the install time. | 03:56 |
soreau | phil__: He did say that: <Diamondcite> phil__: Please try this.. Open a terminal, 'cd' into your wow directory and run wow with "wine wow.exe -opengl" | 03:56 |
Diamondcite | phil__: (This.. is going to be a challenge), Please browse to the folder where wow is and look for the folder known as "WTF" and the file known as "Config.wtf" | 03:56 |
soreau | Serebro: Ah ok | 03:56 |
Serebro | soreau: so...I'm hanging out to try and pick up a little more knowledge. ;) | 03:56 |
phil__ | ahhhh IM WITH YOU | 03:56 |
stellarnight | Can anyone explain to me how I managed to get my iPhone to tether internet in 10.10 so I can replicate it? Lol. | 03:56 |
phil__ | yes!, i think i did that before, 1 second | 03:56 |
goobar | spivwak, Yes, try busybox, its small footprint distro for dinosaurs | 03:57 |
ejm | hmm, there wasn't an xorg.conf file anywhere. It also doesn't help that some of the keys don't work on it, like the P - " and / | 03:57 |
phil__ | Ok, it contains some basic detail config, as standard | 03:57 |
soreau | ejm: What problem are you having? | 03:57 |
ejm | luckily I was smart enough to try xvkbd | 03:57 |
glitchd | soreau, is it possible to use a previous version of cheese and have it work? | 03:58 |
phil__ | this is what you're looking for diamond | 03:58 |
phil__ | SET gxApi "opengl | 03:58 |
phil__ | ? | 03:58 |
Diamondcite | phil__: Please see if there is a line that looks like (SET gxApi "opengl") without the brackets. | 03:58 |
soreau | glitchd: Sure | 03:58 |
glitchd | soreau, how would i go about getting an older version? | 03:58 |
Diamondcite | phil__: Ah yes.. so it's already set to opengl x.x, how about max fps? | 03:58 |
soreau | ejm: Ok so tearing on your sony via hdmi.. which driver are you using? | 03:58 |
=== Abhinav11 is now known as Abhinav1 | ||
soreau | glitchd: Very carefully? | 03:59 |
ejm | let me go get it and see. | 03:59 |
glitchd | soreau, very carefully, how? | 03:59 |
phil__ | i think i saw that ingame, it said 100 was max i think | 03:59 |
soreau | glitchd: Try looking at packages.ubuntu.com | 03:59 |
glitchd | soreau, ok, thx | 03:59 |
spivwak | thanks | 03:59 |
glitchd | soreau, much appreciation | 03:59 |
phil__ | cant find max FPS here anywhere mate | 03:59 |
Diamondcite | phil__: Please drop that to 20 to 30 fps (25 should be very good for most already) | 03:59 |
phil__ | hmm...25-30 is my problem :O | 04:00 |
soreau | glitchd: But the best way IMO would be to upgrade by building yourself, provided you are absolutely sure the problem is with cheese and not with your webcam drivers | 04:00 |
Diamondcite | phil__: Too many details for me to go through.. really.. please read the detailed HOWTO at appDB. | 04:00 |
soreau | *shrug* | 04:00 |
Diamondcite | phil__: Why is 30 fps bad? | 04:00 |
Diamondcite | phil__: Can you see more than that with your own eyes? | 04:00 |
phil__ | well, it isnt but | 04:00 |
ejm | how do I find out which driver I'm using now? | 04:00 |
phil__ | it goes down to 2-3 FPS in highly detailed places, with lots of people in | 04:01 |
Diamondcite | phil__: *moves to PM* | 04:01 |
gyyrog | why don't I have a file /boot/grub/menu.lst ? | 04:01 |
soreau | ejm: lspci -vv|grep module | 04:01 |
ejm | oh yeah, I'm dumb! I forgot. | 04:01 |
=== Abhinav1 is now known as Abhinav11 | ||
soreau | gyyrog: Because you're likely using grub2 which uses a series of files in /etc for the configuration | 04:02 |
soreau | ! grub | gyyrog | 04:02 |
ubottu | gyyrog: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 04:02 |
=== Abhinav11 is now known as Abhinav1|away | ||
soreau | ! grub2 | gyyrog | 04:02 |
ejm | intel-agp i915 snd-hda-intel shpchp | 04:02 |
gyyrog | thanks | 04:02 |
opensanta_ | is it possible to install ubuntu to an sd card within ubuntu? I have a netbook with windows and ubuntu installed to the hard drive, and I would like to have ubuntu on the sd card. | 04:02 |
=== opensanta_ is now known as opensanta | ||
=== Abhinav1|away is now known as Abhinav1 | ||
ejm | iTCO_wdt ahci i2c-i801 | 04:03 |
Serebro | soreau: what does lspci list? all pci interfaces? (told you, pretty newb to this) | 04:03 |
ejm | iwlagn sky2 sdhci-pci | 04:03 |
calamity | heya, I have just freshly install samba on two ubuntu comps | 04:03 |
calamity | neither is able to see the other | 04:03 |
calamity | I've used the samba gui as well | 04:03 |
calamity | still not change | 04:03 |
soreau | Serebro: Yes. ls means list and pci refers to the PCI bus | 04:03 |
airtonix | !enter | 04:03 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:03 |
Sean93 | how would i move multiple folders at to one folder using the mv command? | 04:04 |
thechitowncubs | Linux or Gnome or whoever should implement a night color palette so its easier on the eyes | 04:04 |
calamity | Sorry about that, I haven't been on IRC in a while... | 04:04 |
thechitowncubs | Someone should help me code that | 04:04 |
thechitowncubs | haha | 04:04 |
soreau | Serebro: Of course 'ls' is for listing file and directory information while lsusb lists devices on the USB bus | 04:04 |
soreau | thechitowncubs: Compiz has a 'Negative' plugin that can invert all colors | 04:04 |
Serebro | soreau: I was pretty sure ls was list. :) just trying to get a couple more pieces of the puzzle that is command-line stuff figured out. | 04:04 |
coz_ | Sean93, try sudo mv nameoffolder nameoffolder....how many do you want to move? | 04:04 |
thechitowncubs | soreau: end of discussion | 04:04 |
coz_ | ?? | 04:05 |
Serebro | thechitowncubs: Check out the ubuntustudio default setup--dark grays. | 04:05 |
soreau | Serebro: lspci and lsusb are invaluable for identifying hardware connected to your system | 04:06 |
Sean93 | coz_, 4. i want to do it in one command. folder1 and folder2 to folder3 | 04:06 |
goobar | Serebro, You can use manpages too to try to figure out any commands you use and any of their respective flags | 04:06 |
Serebro | soreau: I've used lsusb before, getting my gamepad to work and troubleshooting a usb headset. | 04:06 |
soreau | Sean93: mv folder1 folder3 && mv folder2 folder3 | 04:07 |
astroguy | "/join #freenode " | 04:07 |
[thor] | Serebro: you can also try "[command] --help" for quick help | 04:07 |
calamity | Basically, I have shared my music folder and nothing appears on either Network folder. | 04:07 |
ejm | ok, now I'm getting random screen flickering | 04:07 |
soreau | Serebro: Ah, fun times. I built an interface circuit for my controllers and fixed the linux driver (and later added rumble support for it ;) | 04:07 |
ejm | I wonder if XP would work on this. | 04:08 |
soreau | ejm: What does 'lspci|grep VGA' say? | 04:08 |
Serebro | soreau: nice--I don't think the rumble support's available yet, is it? | 04:08 |
soreau | Serebro: There is no 'the rumble support'. Force feedback is specific to each and every device that has such a fefature | 04:09 |
soreau | feature* | 04:09 |
coz_ | Sean93, generally what I do is not from command line other thatn gksudo nautilus and simply highlight and move the files I am probably get flack for saying that :) | 04:09 |
* soreau flacks coz_ across the knuckles | 04:09 | |
coz_ | lol | 04:10 |
Sean93 | lol | 04:10 |
coz_ | Sean93, see I told you :) | 04:10 |
ejm | hold on...It's coming. | 04:10 |
soreau | Serebro: So far as the linux kernel is concerned, it definitely has force feedback support for all kinds of input devices | 04:10 |
calamity | hm, ssh isn't connecting either | 04:10 |
coz_ | Sean93, but I dot it all the time | 04:11 |
coz_ | Sean93, it is faster ,, easier... and I have never had any issues with it | 04:11 |
soreau | coz_: You also reinstall ubuntu all the time too | 04:11 |
ejm | soreau 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) | 04:11 |
goobar | learning the command line may seem tedious work but well worth knowing, and there are many things you can do with it that a GUI can't | 04:11 |
coz_ | soreau, :) only when necessary | 04:11 |
Serebro | soreau: sometime, I'll ask you how to enable it for a Logitech RumblePad 2 (USB, wired) | 04:11 |
soreau | ejm: Which version of ubuntu are you using? | 04:11 |
dutchmens | hai | 04:11 |
ejm | 10.04 64-bit | 04:12 |
soreau | Serebro: I might not be here sometime :P | 04:12 |
gyyrog | !grub2 | 04:12 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 04:12 |
Serebro | soreau: fair enough. :) | 04:12 |
StrangeCharm | how can i recompile the gnu utilities with large file support? i need to cp a Large file. | 04:12 |
soreau | ejm: Naturally, I'd recommend upgrading to 10.10 first (or at least testing with a 10.10 live image) | 04:12 |
ejm | I did do an upgrade from 9.04 due to there not being support for 9.04. | 04:12 |
dutchmens | wanna triple boot ubuntu xp and backtrack | 04:13 |
coz_ | StrangeCharm, how large is this file? | 04:13 |
stellarnight | !ubuntu | 04:13 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 04:13 |
dutchmens | swap for triple boot | 04:13 |
soreau | Isn't there a sync utility for copying large files? | 04:13 |
stellarnight | !! | 04:13 |
soreau | dutchmens: And? | 04:13 |
ejm | ok...will try that. so I must not be alone with this stupid little problem? | 04:14 |
coz_ | dutchmens, windows first backtrack then ubuntu for ease if installation | 04:14 |
najwa | good morning ... | 04:14 |
dutchmens | when i loaded ubuntu and back track the grub just crashed | 04:14 |
StrangeCharm | the files i'm trying to move are actually only a couple of megabytes, i don't think that any of them are more than 2gb, but they all have their size written as large (as in, more than a signed 32-bit int) | 04:14 |
soreau | ejm: intel graphics driver support is hit and miss but the general goal of the developers is to improve things constantly, so upgrading should ultimately make things better, ideally | 04:14 |
goobar | soreau, rsync I think it is, tho I've never used it | 04:14 |
StrangeCharm | soreau, is there? what is it? | 04:15 |
coz_ | dutchmens, that's odd...did you check with the #grub peopel...yes? | 04:15 |
dutchmens | k thanks cozz | 04:15 |
ejm | yeah, I've despised Intel graphics forever, but the laptop was free, so I can't complain. | 04:15 |
soreau | StrangeCharm: You might want to escalate this question to ##linux since it seems that it isn't ubuntu-specific | 04:15 |
FyreFoX | hi I seem to be having issues updating the firmware on my iphone via virtualbox. I believe the problem is with usbmuxd where do I go for support for this problem please? | 04:15 |
dutchmens | now i 'll check with that way | 04:15 |
meowz | how can i disable the verbose that shopt -s autocd enables? | 04:16 |
Sean93 | soreau, i need some help understanding this "mv folder1 folder3 && mv folder2 folder3" what is there were 4 folders? folder1 folder2 folder3 folder4 to folder5. how would it be written? | 04:16 |
soreau | FyreFoX: That's a loaded question. Try ##hardware or ##linux | 04:16 |
meowz | how can i play live video in linux without a web browser? | 04:16 |
FyreFoX | it did work in ubuntu 10.04 and 9.10 but now in 10.10 I am having problems | 04:16 |
coz_ | Sean93, sudo mv folder 1 folder 2 folder3 /usr/share folder 4 | 04:16 |
twoten | my new htpc is feeding my old tv set, how can I enable the xorg virtual desktop so I can scroll around a larger screen? | 04:16 |
coz_ | Sean93, sorry that would be sudo move folde1 folder 2 folder 3 /usr/share/folder4 | 04:17 |
sparrW | is there a channel for netbook remix? | 04:17 |
airtonix | msn is super annoying at the moment. | 04:17 |
coz_ | Sean93, of co urse it may not be in /usr/share | 04:17 |
soreau | Sean93: Essentially you're just running a series of commands. 'mv folder1 folder3' takes folder1 and moves it into folder3. You could get fancier depending on your situation with advanced bash, but I'm not sure about your particular situation. The && just says run the next command if the first returns without error | 04:17 |
coz_ | sparkie, I am not sure let me check | 04:17 |
Serebro | airtonix: I had to disable mine a week or so ago--kept logging me out immediately. | 04:18 |
will12337 | join#linux | 04:18 |
will12337 | oops | 04:18 |
soreau | Was there ever a time when msn wasn't super annoying? | 04:18 |
coz_ | sparkie, I dont see one specifically for that | 04:18 |
daddy | hey | 04:19 |
daddy | just installed 10.10 | 04:19 |
coz_ | will12337, that may be ##linux | 04:19 |
Sean93 | soreau, ah i see, i was wondering if there was a way to tell mv that the first 4 folders were the source and that folder 5 was the destination, without tying folder5 4 times | 04:19 |
daddy | and dvd moview will not play | 04:19 |
daddy | any solutions. | 04:19 |
Serebro | soreau: it at least used to work more regularly. :p | 04:19 |
goobar | m$n | 04:19 |
* soreau wouldn't know since he's never been plagued to use it | 04:19 | |
coz_ | daddy, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 04:19 |
soreau | ! dvd | daddy | 04:19 |
ubottu | daddy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:19 |
StrangeCharm | soreau, except it seems that the autoconf on ubuntu has chosen to compile the gnu utils without large file support | 04:20 |
coz_ | daddy, then run this command * | 04:20 |
coz_ | sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh | 04:20 |
soreau | Sean93: Like I said, depending on your situation, you could use bash syntax to get more advanced and automate the process a bit better | 04:20 |
soreau | StrangeCharm: File a bug? | 04:20 |
coz_ | StrangeCharm, did you say how large this file was? | 04:22 |
soreau | StrangeCharm: Are you working with samba by chance? | 04:22 |
StrangeCharm | soreau, that would be swell, but not resolve the issue. if i filed a bug every time something squiffy happened, i wouldn't have great uptime | 04:23 |
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StrangeCharm | soreau, nope, i'm trying to copy files from a ntfs disk to a ext4 one | 04:23 |
meowz | soreau: help me? | 04:23 |
goobar | doesn't lauchpad have a bugzilla thing? | 04:24 |
soreau | ! ask | meowz | 04:24 |
ubottu | meowz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 04:24 |
StrangeCharm | coz_, a few megs, not actually 2gb, but with sizes listed by the filesystem in large format | 04:24 |
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ | ||
coz_ | StrangeCharm, I have move over 5 gig files from one drive including ntfs to ext4 with no isses | 04:24 |
coz_ | issues | 04:24 |
ferris_ | hey, which fs should I use when installing ubuntu 10.10? ext4 or reseirs4? | 04:24 |
rww | ferris_: ext4 | 04:24 |
idstealth | I stick to ext4 | 04:24 |
coz_ | StrangeCharm, are you sure the drive you want to move it to has the room? | 04:25 |
soreau | StrangeCharm: The bug report would be filed against ubuntu so they could address the problem. If you don't care about filing a bug but just want it to work, I suggest asking in ##linux. Perhaps get some information about the file(s) with 'stat' | 04:25 |
meowz | soreau: i asked it already, scroll up pls is long | 04:25 |
CrimsonIdol | Logged in as a non-sudoer, why do some administrative tasks ask for admin password and others do not accept any password for access? | 04:25 |
soreau | <meowz> how can i play live video in linux without a web browser? | 04:25 |
CrimsonIdol | Login Screen (for example) will ask for and accept admin password from non-sudoer user. Synaptics will not. | 04:25 |
airtonix | StrangeCharm, make sure you're not trying to move a ready only file. | 04:26 |
soreau | meowz: What 'live video' are you referring to? | 04:26 |
StrangeCharm | airflow, i'm using cp | 04:26 |
Serebro | CrimsonIdol: doesn't it authenticate you for 5 min or something? | 04:26 |
StrangeCharm | * airtonix i'm using cp | 04:26 |
ferris_ | ok, cool. thanks. I am going to do some reading on it.... I am reading an old Linux + Certification book but is mostly focused on RH and I really wanted to know what is CURRENTLY being installed. I too installed ext4 but I am not completely knowledgeable on the benefits or risks of using ext4. thanks for the input. | 04:27 |
soreau | CrimsonIdol: First, you shouldn't log in as root in the first place. You could damage your users permissions | 04:27 |
goobar | AppArmor protects certain areas in the system that non-sudoers aren't allowed | 04:27 |
CrimsonIdol | Serebro, no, no, that's not what I mean. | 04:27 |
airtonix | StrangeCharm, so you've confirmed that problem is not because of source or destination permissions & ownership | 04:27 |
idstealth | StrangeCharm, I am running dual-boot, my linux system is ext4, windows is ntfs. There's no trouble at ALL in transferring files back and forth between partitions. Are you transferring between partitions or 2 seperate hard drives? | 04:27 |
CrimsonIdol | soreau, not the problem. | 04:27 |
CrimsonIdol | not logged in as root | 04:27 |
CrimsonIdol | Login Screen (for example) will ask for and accept admin password from non-sudoer user. Synaptics will not. | 04:28 |
meowz | soreau: any live stream from ustream.tv | 04:28 |
StrangeCharm | airtonix, i believe so: i'm using cp as root | 04:28 |
soreau | CrimsonIdol: Yes but logging in as root can damage things, even after you relog-in as user | 04:28 |
CrimsonIdol | soreau, not logging in as root | 04:28 |
majnoon | here a thought to lighten the mood :: if had faster connection could prob watch my tv card through RDP (but no have remote that would change the channel from 30 miles away) | 04:29 |
syn-ack | soreau, Using sudo can do damage too. your point is moot. | 04:29 |
vic20gmr | soreau, what was the video driver name you mentioned to me called? mesa-experimental or something like that? im not sure i remeber corrctly, andim talking to someone in #radeon | 04:29 |
coz_ | StrangeCharm, sorry to make you repeat if you have explained this...from which drive <, where is it located ie another system ,, a partition ..and external driver? | 04:29 |
StrangeCharm | idstealth, i'm moving files between two physical disks. i was trying to copy all the files from the ntfs disk to the ext4 one, but some of them give me this error, | 04:29 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, whenever you change system files you must put in your admin password, but if you are only changing user preferences you do not | 04:29 |
drewbert | I have headphones in the cases front audio connector and speakers in the rear connector, I can only seem to get sound to come out of both or neither in the audio preferences dialog, is there any way to fix this? | 04:29 |
soreau | syn-ack: Logging in as root can be far more detrimental | 04:29 |
glitchd | all of a sudden my webcam is only showing in black and white.. | 04:29 |
idstealth | StrangeCharm: try using nautilus. Graphical is easier. are your drives networked? | 04:29 |
glitchd | i need a fix for that | 04:30 |
glitchd | please | 04:30 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, why would non-sudoer be allowed to make changes to Login Screen and such? | 04:30 |
coz_ | glitchd, which applicaton are you using | 04:30 |
syn-ack | Don't give me that. It's all a bunch of bull. anything that requires credentials can be detrimental. | 04:30 |
twoten | Is it possible to set xorg to output a resolution of 705x480 to my tv set? | 04:30 |
StrangeCharm | coz_, i'm trying to copy files from an ntfs partition mounted with truecrypt on a usb disk to an ext4 filesystem on an encrypted volume on another usb disk | 04:30 |
glitchd | i noticed it in skype | 04:30 |
glitchd | coz_, i noticed it in skype | 04:30 |
StrangeCharm | idstealth, i only stopped using nautilus when i started getting this error. both drives are phyically attached via usb | 04:30 |
glitchd | coz_, i dont have any other webcam prog either | 04:31 |
coz_ | StrangeCharm, oh it encrypted !!! mmm I may not have the understanding to deal with that situation | 04:31 |
glitchd | coz_, i also noticed that cheese wasnt working so i removed, then it started doin this | 04:31 |
twoten | can anyone hear me? | 04:31 |
soreau | vic20gmr: Run 'apt-cache search gallium' | 04:31 |
goobar | drewbert, have you tried typing 'alsamixer' in your Terminal? | 04:31 |
coz_ | glitchd, ok does skype have plugins or options to change how the video is rendered? like "invert colors" "negative" etc etc | 04:31 |
idstealth | StrangeCharm: Yep the encryption is messing things up for sure, I'm not too knowledgeable about encryption so I'm sorry I can't help. Good luck though! | 04:31 |
coz_ | glitchd, you may have accidentally ticked the black and white option | 04:32 |
soreau | vic20gmr: It's libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental | 04:32 |
glitchd | coz_, idk, but i didnt change anything, it just started to randomly do this | 04:32 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, "non-sudoer" does not make sense to me... but what I will say is that my kids do not have abilities to change system settings/files but they are still asked for a password if they attempt to change something... | 04:32 |
StrangeCharm | coz_, idstealth is it likely to be a problem on the source or the destination drive? also: since the driver is lower-level, why would cp be giving this error? | 04:32 |
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coz_ | glitchd, ah so it is not consistent ...it changes back to full color at some point? | 04:32 |
glitchd | not so far, this just started happening in the last 10 mins, and i have restarted x2 already | 04:33 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, Login Screen for example will show the name of the admin and ask for his/her password... i'm thinking that's not right. | 04:33 |
coz_ | StrangeCharm, not exactly sure with encrypted disks... I assume you needed to use a password for this ...yes? | 04:33 |
idstealth | StrangeCharm: I have no clue, sorry! | 04:33 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, they are allowed to install games and such but are still required to have the admin password | 04:33 |
drewbert | goobar: I'm a little confused as to what to do with it. When I modify front, both my headphones and my speakers change. They work separately in windows, so I know it's possible with my hardware configuration. | 04:34 |
StrangeCharm | coz_, my keyring remembers the password. i connect the disk, and it mounts it for me | 04:34 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, are you saying they have the ability to edit the login screen? | 04:34 |
drewbert | goobar: do you think there's maybe some sort of motherboard driver missing? | 04:34 |
coz_ | StrangeCharm, however,,, if no one can help here at this particular moment...scoot over to ##linux channel...since this issue is a more generalized problem and they may have a few good hints with solutions | 04:34 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, if they know the password. | 04:34 |
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drewbert | please be lenient on my ignorance. | 04:34 |
twoten210 | can I set xorg to output 705x480 to my tv set? | 04:34 |
drewbert | twoten210: yes | 04:35 |
goobar | drewbert, not necessarily. How drivers work in Window$ is different from Linux | 04:35 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, I am not sure why but have you checked their ability to "administer the system" in their permissions? | 04:35 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, I will check to see if they too can make those changes. | 04:35 |
partha__ | ok | 04:36 |
CrimsonIdol | ferret_, Synaptics will ask for a password - but not accept any password if user is not 'admin' capable. | 04:36 |
drewbert | goobar: what you recommend as the next step from alsamixer, as I've exhausted the options within that | 04:36 |
twoten210 | how do I hack my xorg.conf in ubuntu 10.10? it seems some program builds it - is there a gui? | 04:36 |
CrimsonIdol | ferret_, no, I didn't | 04:36 |
CrimsonIdol | ferret_, Try to start Login Screen and Synaptics from a regular desktop user without admin rights | 04:37 |
goobar | drewbert, sorry, not that smart, just tryin' to help | 04:37 |
glitchd | coz_, any ideas? | 04:37 |
CrimsonIdol | ferret_, you should see what I mean. | 04:37 |
coz_ | glitchd, not off hand unless the webcam itself is going bad | 04:37 |
Serebro | soreau: where was that apt-sources list again? curious to see if the other drive had the same issue. | 04:37 |
coz_ | glitchd, ` let me check online ..hold on | 04:38 |
glitchd | coz_, this has to be a setting somewhere | 04:38 |
glitchd | coz_, ok thx | 04:38 |
soreau | Serebro: /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:38 |
Ashtray777 | Anyone want to talk on the phone? | 04:39 |
Serebro | soreau: thanks, gonna explore that one. | 04:39 |
soreau | ! ot | Ashtray777 | 04:39 |
ubottu | Ashtray777: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 04:39 |
rootffggg | hi | 04:39 |
ggc | any help to install the lastest mono into ubuntu 10.10? | 04:39 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, Yes. I see what you are talking about. | 04:39 |
NewOne | how can i kill a procces? | 04:39 |
coz_ | glitchd, which web cam is this? manufacturer and model | 04:40 |
CrimsonIdol | ferret_, Is that right? | 04:40 |
glebihan | NewOne: either with "killall progname" of "kill -9 pid" | 04:40 |
NewOne | and how do i know what procces is on? | 04:41 |
NewOne | glebihan tnx | 04:41 |
goobar | NewOne, use 'top' to find the ps#, then 'sudo kill -9 pid#' like glebihan sez | 04:41 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, when you enter the "admin user's" password you are making changes as the "admin user" and are not making those changes through logged in "non sudoer" | 04:41 |
soreau | ggc: Why do you think you need latest mono? | 04:41 |
glitchd | coz_, im not sure | 04:41 |
glitchd | coz_, lemme check | 04:41 |
rootffggg | how can i create one connection dial-up to cell-phone? 3G | 04:41 |
soreau | NewOne: ps ax|grep <program name> | 04:41 |
ggc | i need the stack 4.0 in C# | 04:41 |
NewOne | goobar tnx | 04:41 |
NewOne | tnx all :) | 04:42 |
coz_ | NewOne, in terminal try ps ux | 04:42 |
NewOne | soreau | 04:42 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, but a non-sudoer should not be asked for an admin password... | 04:42 |
NewOne | tnx | 04:42 |
ggc | to migrate some win app to linux app | 04:42 |
Serebro | soreau: same issue on that one...maverick kernel, lucid sources. Wonder if I can boot right in and get my system working again now... | 04:42 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, it is right and it also shows why it is important use a strong password such as 6gU-xL | 04:42 |
coz_ | NewOne, that should list all that is running | 04:42 |
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soreau | Serebro: It's very possible | 04:42 |
NewOne | coz_ tnx | 04:42 |
glitchd | coz_, how do i check?? | 04:42 |
glitchd | coz_, i cant figure it out | 04:42 |
soreau | glitchd: lsusb | 04:42 |
coz_ | ^^ | 04:43 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, they are asking for the credentials of the root or administrator | 04:43 |
Serebro | soreau: gonna wait till this Maverick CD finishes DLing anyway, and get it burned to disk so I have one. ;) | 04:43 |
CrimsonIdol | ferret_, but shouldn't be. | 04:43 |
soreau | Serebro: Never a bad idea. I still do that once every 6 months ;) | 04:43 |
Serebro | soreau: should be interesting to see if it doesn't, though. | 04:43 |
ggc | in this case all app must work on ubuntu | 04:43 |
glitchd | coz_, this is the output, http://pastie.org/1327066 | 04:43 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, why? | 04:44 |
CrimsonIdol | ferret_, Synaptics asks, but doesn't accept - Login Screen accepts. | 04:44 |
soreau | ! who | ggc | 04:44 |
ubottu | ggc: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 04:44 |
coz_ | glitchd, ok looks like a logitech cam but that doesnt identify the model hold on | 04:44 |
daddy | hi i am back | 04:44 |
glitchd | coz_, ok | 04:44 |
daddy | the dvd stil does not read | 04:45 |
daddy | sorry it says could not read from source | 04:45 |
CrimsonIdol | ferret_, what good is security if non-admins can admin? | 04:45 |
daddy | yet i can open the dvd as it mounted on desktop | 04:45 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris --- | 04:45 |
coz_ | glitchd, also is this a laptop you are using or a desktop? | 04:45 |
Serebro | CrimsonIdol:they CAN'T admin, since they don't have the password. | 04:45 |
soreau | ! dvd | daddy | 04:46 |
ubottu | daddy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:46 |
glitchd | its a dell inspiron N5010 laptop | 04:46 |
glitchd | coz_, its a dell inspiron N5010 laptop | 04:46 |
Serebro | CrimsonIdol: once we get fingerprint and retinal scanners, that'll be less of an issue, but for now...strong passwords are where it's at. | 04:46 |
CrimsonIdol | Serebro, if they do they can, but shouldn't be allowed anyway. | 04:46 |
soreau | ! pm | ggc | 04:46 |
ubottu | ggc: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 04:46 |
coz_ | glitchd, ok and is this web cam built into the laptop or plugged into usb? | 04:46 |
rootffggg | how can i create one connection dial-up to cell-phone? 3G | 04:46 |
glitchd | coz_, and actually i think that the color setting are just off, almost like its just super bright | 04:46 |
glitchd | coz_, its built in | 04:47 |
soreau | ggc: maybe try #mono | 04:47 |
coz_ | glitchd, ok again I would check in skype to see if the settings are there to adjust this first | 04:47 |
aussa | hi, any of you has jdownloader? | 04:47 |
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dsnyders | Is there a program or command for "PEEKing" and "POKEing" a parallel port? | 04:48 |
glitchd | coz_, no theres not | 04:48 |
CrimsonIdol | Serebro, if you are a non-sudoer (non-admin), no password you type should allow admin access to whatever program is asking. Synaptics gets it right, some others do not. | 04:48 |
glitchd | this has to be something in ubuntu | 04:48 |
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coz_ | glitchd, mm hold on let me install skype to check | 04:48 |
glitchd | coz_, this has to be something in ubuntu | 04:48 |
glitchd | coz_, ok | 04:48 |
rootffggg | nickname asktome | 04:48 |
glitchd | coz_, btw im in ubuntu 10.04 | 04:48 |
zanus | Why is it that instead of a graphical boot up splash screen... I only see a courier text based loading screen? | 04:49 |
coz_ | glitchd, same here but I have always had issues with webcams on 10.04 | 04:49 |
coz_ | glitchd, so hold on while this installs | 04:50 |
glitchd | coz_, ok | 04:50 |
glitchd | coz_, thx again for the efforts | 04:50 |
glitchd | coz_, or thx period i mean..lol | 04:50 |
Serebro | CrimsonIdol: In a university or corporate world, sometimes the tech just sits down at your desk and tweaks things on your computer from your account instead of having to switch users or run back to his office. | 04:50 |
tecnico | dsnyders: http://yyao.ca/projects/ParallelPortLinux/ , or you may have better luck at #electronics , better chances somebody there knows other options for lpt | 04:50 |
aussa | i installed jdownloader, and now i don't know how to start it | 04:50 |
glitchd | coz_, something else i should probably mention, i was trying to find another cheese type program, i install one, dont remember the name of it, but uninstalled it almost immediately cuz i didnt like it. | 04:51 |
CrimsonIdol | Serebro, that makes absolutely zero sense. | 04:51 |
dsnyders | tecnico, Thanks for the website. I'll check it out. I wasn't aware of #electronics. Ill ask there as well. | 04:51 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, I see what you are saying now. Basically, a user that does not have the right to "administer the system" is able to make changes to the login screen but not install packages through synaptec. Granted any changes that are made are used by inputing root/admin password... still it seems as though Ubuntu should not allow for any system changes. | 04:52 |
goobar | aussa, and you typed 'jdownloader' in the Terminal? | 04:53 |
Serebro | *nod ferris* | 04:53 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, yes | 04:53 |
coz_ | glitchd, hold on while it signs in | 04:53 |
glitchd | coz_, ok | 04:53 |
soreau | ! webcam | glitchd | 04:53 |
ubottu | glitchd: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 04:53 |
aussa | goobar: command not found | 04:53 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, I'm not sure what other Administrative programs follow Login Screens behaviour... | 04:54 |
jags | hey I'm trying to get the burg manager but www.sourceslists.eu seems to be down, anyone know another place to find it? | 04:54 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, I will have to look into this further but I believe this is not a system change but a preferential change. | 04:54 |
goobar | aussa, , then it might launch with something else. you must find what it is | 04:55 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, Login Screen even offers up the admins username... knowing the user someone could guess a password. | 04:55 |
aussa | i found the folder | 04:55 |
aussa | its hidden | 04:55 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, It may be that login should not be in Administration but Preferences... | 04:55 |
Macstheyjustsuck | How would I log every single thing someone does on Ubuntu? (Like opening programs, going to pages, typing) | 04:56 |
Zack | i installed ubuntu 10.10 yesterday on three different partitions (one each for swap, / and /home). I have since run into problems (regarding wireless) and have done a number of things I don't quite remember. I was instructed to install Ubuntu as such in order to facilitate an easy reinstall or upgrade. at this point would it be possible to 'repair' or reinstall ubuntu to its default config, | 04:56 |
Zack | settings, etc, without doing a full reinstall by way of making use of the fact it that / and /home are on seperate partitions? | 04:56 |
aussa | .jd | 04:56 |
aussa | in home | 04:56 |
aussa | but don't know what to do with it | 04:56 |
Serebro | soreau: burning disc, bbiaf and let you know what happened when booting other install with tweaked sources.list | 04:57 |
goobar | aussa, try 'apt-cache show jdownloader' to get info, or 'locate jdownloader |less' to see where files sit | 04:57 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, Users and Groups does the same thing... offers up admins username and asks for his/her password. | 04:57 |
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soreau | Serebro: You have to run apt-get update/upgrade to get the effects of a changed sources.list file | 04:58 |
glitchd | coz_, anything yet? | 04:58 |
soreau | Serebro: And probably want to use apt-get dist-upgrade since you are upgrading the distro | 04:59 |
coz_ | glitchd, not yet I am signed in but trying to get webcam set up with it | 04:59 |
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glitchd | coz_, ok | 04:59 |
Serebro | soreau: thanks, will do. Cd's about done, gonna reboot into rescue mode/root term and then apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade. *crosses fingers* | 05:00 |
glebihan | aussa: are you sure you installed the application properly, I just installed it, and it starts with the "jdownloader" command | 05:00 |
Krishnandu | Hey guys I'm trying to view a remote desktop of windows pc, but it says connection to host is closed | 05:00 |
soreau | Krishnandu: On a LAN or across the web? | 05:00 |
aussa | the second one shows the folder I've already found | 05:01 |
goobar | aussa, Glebihan sez it works! | 05:01 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, seems that some administrative programs get it right and some offer up access if you know the admins password. Allowing admin access by non-admin user. | 05:02 |
coz_ | glitchd, yeah I dont see any video settings at all in skype | 05:02 |
Krishnandu | soreau, On LAN | 05:03 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: this should not be an issue, as you should not have an admin password | 05:03 |
coz_ | glitchd, I think this has puzzled me...and I am not real up to date with webcam issues apparenlty | 05:03 |
aussa | goobar: I used sh to installed it, did you do the same? | 05:03 |
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ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, it is not allowing access by non-admin, because it requires the credentials of a root/admin account | 05:03 |
zanus | anyone know how to get my bootsplash back to hi-res... all I did was update the system and it changed to low-res\ | 05:03 |
ferris_ | still... probably a security bug | 05:04 |
ferris_ | "bug" | 05:04 |
glitchd | coz_, i think i may have figured a way to fix it actually | 05:04 |
coz_ | glitchd, I would stick around an ask again or go to ##linux channel since this is not exactly specific to ubuntu but may be hardware related | 05:04 |
CrimsonIdol | Glebelg, exactly. | 05:04 |
glebihan | aussa: what do you mean by "used sh to install", did you install it from source or did you use a deb package ? | 05:04 |
coz_ | glitchd, very cool ...what is your possible solution? | 05:04 |
soreau | Krishnandu: I've used vncviewer in windoze to view a linux desktop and it worked but not the other way around.. | 05:04 |
aussa | I downloaded a .sh file, and followed instructions | 05:04 |
Macstheyjustsuck | How can I make Ubuntu log everything a user does (like go to websites and what s/he types and stuff)? | 05:04 |
soreau | Krishnandu: It's probably just a settings issue, maybe try asking in #windows | 05:05 |
ferris_ | has anyone installed the new stable kernel and had issues with it? | 05:05 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, part of credentials is that other users should not know the admins password. | 05:05 |
glebihan | aussa: well you'd better use a deb package, there's a ppa on launchpad for jdownloader : https://launchpad.net/~jd-team/+archive/jdownloader | 05:05 |
Zack | i installed ubuntu 10.10 yesterday on three different partitions (one each for swap, / and /home). I have since run into problems (regarding wireless) and have done a number of things I don't quite remember. I was instructed to install Ubuntu as such in order to facilitate an easy reinstall or upgrade. at this point would it be possible to 'repair' or reinstall ubuntu to its default config, | 05:05 |
Zack | settings, etc, without doing a full reinstall by way of making use of the fact it that / and /home are on seperate partitions? | 05:05 |
coz_ | ok guys have fun...share what you know...brush your teeth... I am off for the night | 05:05 |
glitchd | coz_, i was reading and found out that i may have somehow inadvertently erased all the settings for the "color combination stuff", and if i install "luvcview"(which i did) i can readjust the settings. and that is what i am doing, and i am getting the color and contrast back as we speak.=) | 05:06 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, I agree and creating strong passwords is incredibly important | 05:06 |
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FishFace | Whoop. Just missed him. I see webcam settings in Skype | 05:06 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, if a regular desktop user can guess a password they can set themselves up with whatever privileges they want through Users And Groups! | 05:06 |
soreau | glitchd: He has left | 05:06 |
glitchd | soreau, ok thx for the info | 05:06 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, sure.... but it is no different than logging in with the admins password. | 05:07 |
faustisch | apt-get does not update the "extras" repository, what's wrong?!! | 05:07 |
glitchd | well anyway, thank you for you efforts again, ubuntu servers on xchat!! | 05:07 |
glebihan | aussa: you can run "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader" to add it to your sources, then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install jdownloader" | 05:07 |
aussa | should I delete the .jd folder the previous one create? | 05:07 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, which is why we create strong passwords. | 05:07 |
Krishnandu | soreau, No issue with windows, I can access it from other win pc's | 05:07 |
glebihan | aussa: would probably be better to do so | 05:07 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, they should be denied access because they don't have (aren't supposed to have) the ability to do that. | 05:07 |
Agu10 | /msg nickserv identify 498765231 | 05:08 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, I thought you understood - I think you miss the point now. | 05:08 |
soreau | Agu10: You might want to change that password now ;) | 05:08 |
Agu10 | /msg nickserv identify 498765231 | 05:08 |
Agu10 | soreau, hi | 05:08 |
goobar | zanus, I used 'startupmanager' to fix my rez probs | 05:08 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, I appreciate your time though. ;) | 05:09 |
intrader | Zack, I don't know whether you still need an answer. You may reinstall, and during the partitioning step keep the /home (don't format). | 05:09 |
chovynz | how do I create a ?..script..? so that a program will run from my desktop with the command line settings that I tell it to? | 05:09 |
Agu10 | oops | 05:09 |
Agu10 | I think I wrote my password here... :S | 05:09 |
soreau | chovynz: Put the commands in a text file and make it executable | 05:10 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, I am not missing the point. I completely understand. I agree. But I also want you to understand that strong passwords are just as important (and some could argue more important) than the error in the policy. | 05:10 |
Agu10 | please don't steal it... idk how to change it | 05:10 |
Agu10 | thanks | 05:10 |
sbeck_nw | Agu10, yes, you did. | 05:10 |
chovynz | thanks soreau | 05:10 |
ub20 | Agent001, just type passwd in the terminal | 05:11 |
ub20 | Agu10, | 05:11 |
Agent001 | huh | 05:11 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, I understand the need for a strong password... my point is the situation goes against the security model as a whole. | 05:11 |
Agu10 | who's Agent001 ? | 05:11 |
glebihan | ub20: no he meant hi freenode password | 05:11 |
Agent001 | I'm agent001 | 05:11 |
ub20 | ahaa ok | 05:12 |
Agu10 | /msg nickserv identify 498765231 | 05:12 |
Agu10 | it doesn't work! | 05:12 |
intrader | chovynz, you may create a .sh file that you can invoke from your .profile script. You write the script in bash with the first line containing '#!/bin/bash' (no quotes). | 05:12 |
soreau | Agu10: Type /msg, not //msg | 05:12 |
r1ck3y | Hi Guy I got some question about DNS server? | 05:12 |
r1ck3y | I got assignment to set up a DNS redirect server | 05:13 |
Agu10 | but if I write only 1 "/", then it doesn't show up here... | 05:13 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, I agree with you. It seems as though the system would force you to login with proper credentials in order to make changes to the system. | 05:13 |
Agu10 | "/hey" won't show up | 05:13 |
intrader | chovynz, in your profile simply add the line `/bin/bash yourfile.sh' (no quotes) | 05:13 |
Jordan_U | Agu10: It's not supposed to show up in this channel :) | 05:13 |
glebihan | Agu10: that's the point | 05:13 |
ub20 | Agu10, /msg nickserv set password newpassword | 05:13 |
soreau | Agu10: You don't want it to show up here... | 05:13 |
Macstheyjustsuck | How can I make Ubuntu log everything a user does (like go to websites and what s/he types and stuff)? | 05:13 |
r1ck3y | but i dont know what should i start with. | 05:13 |
Agu10 | /msg nickserv set password newpassword | 05:14 |
soreau | Agu10: When it doesn't show here, that means nickserv received the information | 05:14 |
Agu10 | ok, there I set it like you said | 05:14 |
Agu10 | now is my password newpassword? | 05:14 |
soreau | Agu10: You might want to do this in #freenode where you can get specialized help | 05:14 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, and it is weird that it allows for the non-privileged users to make changes by entering a password | 05:14 |
Agu10 | soreau, ok | 05:14 |
aussa | ok thank you LD | 05:15 |
aussa | :D | 05:15 |
Jordan_U | Agu10: There should be another tab/window (depending on your client) that is just for things like identifying with nickserv. | 05:15 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, because it shouldn't. | 05:15 |
soreau | r1ck3y: Try #networking | 05:15 |
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glebihan | CrimsonIdol, ferris_ : once again, it doesn't allow non-privileged user to do any admin stuff, because unless you specifically set one, there is no admin password | 05:16 |
hush | Hellow | 05:16 |
hush | Could someone help me with some port forwarding? | 05:16 |
hush | Is there someone here? | 05:16 |
=== Agu10 is now known as BitchSlapping | ||
=== Guest110 is now known as jhardin | ||
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soreau | hush: What are you trying to do ultimately? | 05:17 |
Muimi | Damn. #linux is down. :) | 05:17 |
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Muimi | It's recommended that I dl 32-bit. | 05:17 |
soreau | Muimi: It's ##linux | 05:17 |
Muimi | It's down, too. | 05:17 |
Muimi | Should I install 64-bit, anyway? | 05:17 |
ferris_ | glebihan, ?? you don't set a password? | 05:18 |
Muimi | I feel like nobody can just give me a solid yes/no. | 05:18 |
CrimsonIdol | glebihan, you're not following. | 05:18 |
soreau | I feel like you're trolling | 05:18 |
Muimi | I've consulted CIS majors with 5-6 years experience, asked lots of chans... | 05:18 |
Zack | i installed ubuntu 10.10 yesterday on three different partitions (one each for swap, / and /home). I have since run into problems (regarding wireless) and have done a number of things I don't quite remember. I was instructed to install Ubuntu as such in order to facilitate an easy reinstall or upgrade. at this point would it be possible to 'repair' or reinstall ubuntu to its default config, | 05:18 |
Zack | settings, etc, without doing a full reinstall by way of making use of the fact it that / and /home are on seperate partitions? | 05:18 |
hush | Hello, could someone help me with some port forwarding? | 05:18 |
Muimi | Well, if that's how you feel, I don't care how you feel. Now do you feel invalidated? | 05:18 |
glebihan | ferris_: that's the whole point of the sudo system, there is no password for the root account | 05:18 |
breadcrumb | if you have the hardware that supports it, then yes, go 64-bit | 05:18 |
CrimsonIdol | glebihan, this is not 'root's password (which is not set, btw. | 05:19 |
Muimi | B/c I'm just going to ignore you if you start calling me a troll, even if it is turkey day. | 05:19 |
Muimi | Alright. Thanks, bc. | 05:19 |
Muimi | :) | 05:19 |
ferris_ | glebihan, in order to do sudo you have to enter an admin password | 05:19 |
soreau | hush: What are you trying to do exactly? | 05:19 |
BitchSlapping | hi | 05:19 |
ferris_ | glebihan, if you do not set a password... it makes it that much easier to hack your system | 05:20 |
glebihan | ferris_: no, you enter the password of the currently logged in user, and it then checks if that user has correct privilegies to perform the command | 05:20 |
zenwryly | I use some apt sources/repos whose Release file has an Origin with spaces in it but the unattended-upgrade script doesn't support origins with spaces in it. Which is wrong? Is there a specification that defines the Release file formate somewhere? My googling isn't leading me to it. I just want to know whether to tell the repo maintainers to fix their origins or contribute a patch to unattended-upgrade. | 05:20 |
hush | I'm trying to open a port so I can access transmission while on another computer, but I have a dynamic IP and I don't know how to port forward it.. | 05:20 |
CrimsonIdol | glebihan, this is exactly what we're discussing. | 05:21 |
hush | I have access to the router that transmits the wireless Internet I use, but not physical access. It's the hotel's I live on wifi. | 05:21 |
soreau | hush: What does your setup look like? Are you using a router? | 05:21 |
glebihan | ferris_: by no password, I mean a random, long and unguessable password which is set by default | 05:22 |
hush | Yes, I have a router, I can enter to it's configuration pages and sorts. | 05:22 |
CrimsonIdol | glebihan, a normal desktop user should not be given sudo access just because they know an admin password. | 05:22 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: then I don't see where the problem lies | 05:22 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: they don't | 05:22 |
hush | I an not entirely sure if there's anything behind that router. | 05:22 |
faustisch | where do I download the "extra" repository's public key? | 05:22 |
soreau | hush: Do you have access to the router interface? ie. can you access the router internal ip from your browser? | 05:22 |
CrimsonIdol | glebihan, i'm finding they are. | 05:22 |
hush | soreau: yes I can access the control panel | 05:23 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: there is *no admin password*, they type their own password, and the system then check permissions | 05:23 |
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CrimsonIdol | glebihan, and so did ferris | 05:23 |
soreau | hush: Do you know the ip of the system you're trying to forward the port to? | 05:23 |
CrimsonIdol | glebihan, I know this... | 05:23 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: then what admin password are you talking about ? | 05:23 |
ntn2002dz | hi!, anyone live in europe? | 05:23 |
hush | soreau: not really. | 05:24 |
soreau | ntn2002dz: Nope, no one lives there. | 05:24 |
=== Agu10 is now known as BitchSlapping | ||
hush | I just know the external IP | 05:24 |
Zack | i installed ubuntu 10.10 yesterday on three different partitions (one each for swap, / and /home). I have since run into problems (regarding wireless) and have done a number of things I don't quite remember. I was instructed to install Ubuntu as such in order to facilitate an easy reinstall or upgrade. at this point would it be possible to 'repair' or reinstall ubuntu to its default config, | 05:24 |
Zack | settings, etc, without doing a full reinstall by way of making use of the fact it that / and /home are on seperate partitions? | 05:24 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: and what changes were you able to do with a non-admin user ? | 05:24 |
soreau | hush: Well you need to find out. | 05:24 |
hush | soreau: How do I do that? | 05:24 |
ntn2002dz | i nedd to baybass the zattoo filter i can't! | 05:24 |
faustisch | wget -O - http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg | sudo apt-key add - : no valid OpenPGP data found. | 05:24 |
CrimsonIdol | glebihan, When you install, first user is given admin (sudo) privileges... that password. | 05:24 |
faustisch | SOMEBODY FIX THE FREAKING REPO | 05:24 |
ntn2002dz | even with a private vpn in france! | 05:24 |
soreau | hush: If you're running ubuntu, just use 'ifconfig|grep 192' | 05:25 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: that's right | 05:25 |
CrimsonIdol | glebihan, Login Screen and Users and Groups allow access if given the sudoers password. | 05:25 |
soreau | hush: You should be able to figure out which is the ip, then use the control panel to forward the port | 05:25 |
hush | inet addr? | 05:25 |
hush | that's my internal IP right? | 05:26 |
Muimi | Wow! It's downloading at 1.1 MB/sec! :D | 05:26 |
soreau | hush: yes | 05:26 |
hush | Thank you! | 05:26 |
hush | I'll try | 05:26 |
soreau | hush: You're welcome. | 05:26 |
ntn2002dz | thank's anyway | 05:26 |
hush | So this IP won't change right? | 05:26 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: once again, what do you mean by sudoers password ? | 05:26 |
rww | faustisch: http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg is not a public key, it's a signature. | 05:26 |
soreau | hush: It can change unless you make it static | 05:27 |
ntn2002dz | hush: talking to me? | 05:27 |
hush | So whenever the router is reset my IP will change? | 05:27 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: if a user is not in the sudoers, there is no password he will be able to type to give him access access to admin tools | 05:27 |
faustisch | rww, please will you tell me where the public key is? | 05:27 |
CrimsonIdol | glebihan, On my system, it would be my password as I am the only (besides root) sudoer (admin) | 05:27 |
soreau | hush: It's possible. Some systems attempt to get the same ip but it's not guaranteed. | 05:28 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: well, then I don't see the issue, you are the admin of the system, so you get access to everything | 05:28 |
CrimsonIdol | glebihan, Do you have any regular (non-admin type) users on your system? | 05:28 |
hush | How do I make it static, and will it affect my ability to connect to the internet? | 05:28 |
rww | faustisch: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys DB141E2302FDF932 | 05:28 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: yes I do | 05:28 |
soreau | hush: sys>prefs>networking and no | 05:28 |
Zack | how long should i expect a ubuntu disk check to take? (selecting check disk from the livecd install menu) | 05:29 |
faustisch | rww, gpg: "DB141E2302FDF93" not a key ID: skipping | 05:29 |
rww | faustisch: try 02FDF932 instead | 05:29 |
hush | I only found Network Connections and Network Proxy | 05:29 |
soreau | Zack: It probably depends on your drive speed | 05:29 |
faustisch | rww, thank you | 05:29 |
CrimsonIdol | glebihan, If I log in as 'Sally' (a regular desktop user - no admin privileges), Users and Groups will ask for 'CrimsonIdol's password and allow access. | 05:29 |
soreau | hush: Yes, network connections | 05:29 |
Zack | 5400? | 05:29 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: lemme check something, brb | 05:30 |
CrimsonIdol | glebihan, If 'Sally' knows or can guess the password. | 05:30 |
faustisch | rww, I've been up all night, thank you master, thank you sensei | 05:30 |
hush | From there I see 5 tabs, Wired, Wireless, Mobile Broadband, VPN and DSL | 05:30 |
BitchSlapping | heh | 05:30 |
faustisch | rww, it worked | 05:30 |
c0nd0m_ | My mp3's don't work how do I fix this | 05:30 |
soreau | hush: Then go to your connection (wired or wireless) then select it and click edit, then go to ipv4 settings, select manual and fill out the information | 05:31 |
rww | faustisch: no problem, glad I could help | 05:31 |
soreau | The Address is your static ip you choose, Netmask is almost always and gateway is the ip of the router | 05:32 |
soreau | hush: DNS server should probably be the router ip too | 05:32 |
hush | The one I use to access it's control panel right? | 05:32 |
c0nd0m_ | My mp3's don't work how do I fix this | 05:32 |
soreau | hush: Doesn't matter which machine accesses the control panel | 05:32 |
hush | I mean the gateway is the IP I use to access the router's control panel, right? | 05:33 |
Ben64 | hush: most likely, yes | 05:33 |
soreau | hush: You want to setup the static information manually on the machine you're forwarding the port to, then after you make sure it works (reboot), setup the port forwarding in the router config panel | 05:33 |
BitchSlapping | hush, sure | 05:33 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: ok sorry, was my mistake, and I would consider that as a bug | 05:34 |
soreau | hush: Yes, the gateway is the router ip | 05:34 |
hush | Thank you | 05:34 |
soreau | hush: the router ip is how you access it's control panel | 05:34 |
hush | yes | 05:34 |
c0nd0m_ | --DAU-MODE !!!!??????!!!!??????????????!1111 | 05:34 |
BitchSlapping | hush, home routers are like that | 05:34 |
BitchSlapping | others don't | 05:34 |
soreau | hush: I have to run, hope you figure it out | 05:34 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, I wonder if upgrading to the new kernel would fix that? | 05:34 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: had never noticed it before | 05:34 |
hush | I got a lot sorted | 05:34 |
hush | Thanks! | 05:34 |
c0nd0m_ | --DAU-MODE -R-ANDON ?¿? | 05:34 |
Rotham | how would I list all .idl files in a directory and subdirectory that contain a string? | 05:35 |
soreau | np | 05:35 |
c0nd0m_ | My mp3's don't work how do I fix this | 05:35 |
BitchSlapping | should ubuntu be easier to use than windows7 ? | 05:35 |
bazhang | c0nd0m_, what? | 05:35 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, it's actually Mint 10 | 05:35 |
soreau | c0nd0m_: try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras | 05:35 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, which kernel? | 05:35 |
bazhang | c0nd0m_, install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 05:35 |
BitchSlapping | how can ubuntu be supposed to be for anybody if you always need to use the terminals and write some commands? | 05:35 |
bazhang | BitchSlapping, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here | 05:36 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: now I know why I do not trust the sudo system... | 05:36 |
BitchSlapping | okey | 05:36 |
ub20 | BitchSlapping, how hard is it to type a command :D | 05:36 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, 2.6.35-22 | 05:36 |
bazhang | !mintsupport > CrimsonIdol | 05:36 |
ubottu | CrimsonIdol, please see my private message | 05:36 |
tiox | glebihan: It'd not about trusting it more than trusting yourself. | 05:36 |
BitchSlapping | ub20, for people who don't know what an OS is, very! | 05:37 |
CrimsonIdol | bazhang, not a mint problem... | 05:37 |
c0nd0m_ | --==(( HOw do I GeT DvD WoRKing? ))==-- | 05:37 |
tiox | Uh, typing like that does not help you. | 05:37 |
bazhang | CrimsonIdol, you are running Mint? its not supported here. | 05:37 |
c0nd0m_ | plz bro how do I get DVD working? | 05:37 |
ferris_ | yeah... that is the unstable kernel... 2.6.36 is stable | 05:37 |
bazhang | c0nd0m_, medibuntu.org get libdvdcss2 | 05:37 |
hush | um... Now I'm having trouble accessing the internet. | 05:38 |
glebihan | tiox: will I trust myself, that's why I got rid of the sudo system... | 05:38 |
CrimsonIdol | bazhang, running many... I beleive this to be a general Linux issue. | 05:38 |
methylenedioxy | hush: Hey, me too. TCP/IP or whatever the relevant protocol is seems to failing constantly | 05:38 |
c0nd0m_ | M3D|8un7u |5 n07 |n 0ff|(|41 R3p0, wh47 |f | 637 v|RU5? | 05:38 |
bazhang | CrimsonIdol, then try ##linux this is Ubuntu only not Mint or others | 05:39 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, I am going to upgrade my kernel. If you are still around I will let you know if it changes anything. | 05:39 |
bazhang | c0nd0m_, stop with that. | 05:39 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, glebihan what OS you on? | 05:39 |
hush | I think it's this weird problem again... | 05:39 |
kepp1o | I have a service that's not starting on reboot but starts fine manually via /etc/init.d any ideas? | 05:39 |
ferris_ | Ubuntu 10.10 | 05:39 |
hush | I am unable to open any new webpage but those open work fine, and I can chat here o.O | 05:39 |
glebihan | CrimsonIdol: ubuntu maverick | 05:39 |
ferris_ | with kernel 2.6.35 | 05:39 |
CrimsonIdol | bazhang, found in ubuntu as well. | 05:40 |
bazhang | CrimsonIdol, not the point. you are running Mint. take it to their support channel. | 05:40 |
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ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, basic standard install as of a week ago with all updates | 05:40 |
c0nd0m_ | OKII ... BAXHANG BUT ....... RLY MEDIBUNTU ....... IS ONT IN OFFICIAL REüO,HWAT IF I GET VIRUS ?¿? | 05:41 |
rww | c0nd0m_: You're perfectly capable of typing normally. Start, please :( | 05:41 |
BitchSlapping | c0nd0m_, wtf? | 05:42 |
glebihan | bazhang: ferris_ and I are having the same issue and are running Ubuntu | 05:42 |
IdleOne | Please drop the caps | 05:42 |
bazhang | c0nd0m_, lose caps | 05:42 |
rww | c0nd0m_: But yes, Medibuntu is not an official repository. If you're unhappy with this, don't use it. There is no Ubuntu package to add libdvdcss, because we can't distribute it for legal reasons. | 05:42 |
c0nd0m_ | rww: okii ty | 05:43 |
hush | c0nd0m_: stop trol'ng kthxbai. | 05:43 |
c0nd0m_ | hush;; what is trol'ng? i asked how to fix dvd | 05:43 |
bazhang | c0nd0m_, and we told you. | 05:44 |
c0nd0m_ | 842H4N6; 0k 109 | 05:44 |
hush | heh... | 05:45 |
hush | I'll try to see if rebooting works. | 05:45 |
methylenedioxy | hush, can you ping, or ping to IP's | 05:46 |
methylenedioxy | ? | 05:46 |
c0nd0m_ | u m m o k g u y z i h a v a n u t h a p r o b l e m , h o w 2 t u r n d o w n v o l u m e ? ? | 05:46 |
methylenedioxy | Damn | 05:46 |
BitchSlapping | c0nd0m_, how do you do that? | 05:46 |
CrimsonIdol | bazhang, found in ubuntu 10.10 as well.... now i'm running that. | 05:46 |
Yashartha | how to add sound to my custumised ubuntu | 05:46 |
c0nd0m_ | how 2 turn dwon vlomue pls?? | 05:46 |
BitchSlapping | c0nd0m_, by not using caps! | 05:47 |
Flannel | c0nd0m_: Please try and behave like a normal person here. It's distracting and confusing if you don't speak normal english. | 05:47 |
BitchSlapping | c0nd0m_, caps mean loud volume for some. that's what they meant | 05:47 |
atxq | anyone used gnome-sheel on 10.10 already? | 05:47 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, still evident with you too? | 05:47 |
atxq | gnome-shell* | 05:48 |
Yashartha | anyone here for help ? how to add sound to my custumised ubuntu | 05:48 |
atxq | wondering if gnome-shell workks properly in 10.10 | 05:48 |
rww | c0nd0m_: Click the volume indicator in the top-right, then drag the volume knob down. | 05:49 |
c0nd0m_ | PLS GUYS MI NOT JOKING EHLP ME ?¿? | 05:49 |
rww | or left, I forget which way it is this week. | 05:49 |
=== BitchSlapping is now known as BitchSlapp___ | ||
Yashartha | as when it get installed, sound come automatically | 05:49 |
c0nd0m_ | RWW: TY | 05:49 |
IdleOne | c0nd0m_: last time, drop the caps or be banned. | 05:50 |
c0nd0m_ | but u jus set +b on mii, i alredy am ban?? | 05:50 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, yep still evident.... still an issue | 05:50 |
rww | c0nd0m_: actually, that was someone else. | 05:50 |
c0nd0m_ | g u d e y e s u h a v , r w w . | 05:51 |
ferris_ | CrimsonIdol, bazhang, I haven't fixed it or updated my kernel | 05:51 |
CrimsonIdol | ferris_, ok, just tried it on another VM and same thing. | 05:51 |
linux_probe | this must be troll night >_> | 05:51 |
john38 | I was able to install and recognize printer as Network but it wont print??? | 05:52 |
john38 | running 64 bit 10.10 with 32 bit drivers | 05:52 |
john38 | Help?? | 05:52 |
Yashartha | #kubuntu | 05:53 |
=== CrimsonIdol is now known as UnHolyTerror | ||
=== UnHolyTerror is now known as CrimsonIdol | ||
john38 | I was able to install and recognize printer as Network but it wont print??? | 05:54 |
john38 | running 64 bit 10.10 with 32 bit drivers | 05:54 |
john38 | Help?? | 05:54 |
hush | Does someone want to help me test if I port forwarded correctly? | 05:54 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, what printer? | 05:55 |
FyreFoX | is there a guide to getting a newer version of a package for ubuntu? | 05:55 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, Canon MP560 | 05:55 |
bazhang | FyreFoX, PPA | 05:55 |
godmode117 | hush, http://www.canyouseeme.org/ | 05:55 |
bazhang | !ppa | FyreFoX | 05:55 |
ubottu | FyreFoX: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk. | 05:55 |
bazhang | FyreFoX, there are also backports | 05:55 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, well, that's not necessarily good. | 05:55 |
FyreFoX | thanks bazhang | 05:55 |
bazhang | !backports > FyreFoX | 05:56 |
ubottu | FyreFoX, please see my private message | 05:56 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, it was working fine before | 05:56 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, is it because i am using 32 bit drivers | 05:56 |
hush | I was thinking more of a test, to see if everything works fine, not just the ports. | 05:56 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, do these darn ubuntu updates mess it up | 05:56 |
spine | hi: how do i start the SSH daemon? i get "sshd re-exec requires execution with absolute path" if i just type sshd | 05:56 |
rww | spine: sudo service ssh start | 05:57 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, ??? | 05:58 |
spine | i get "could not load host key" rww | 05:58 |
methylenedioxy | hush, are you still having the same problems? | 05:59 |
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=== NIS is now known as Yashartha | ||
spine | nevermind, fixed i think | 05:59 |
hush | No, I changed the connection back to normal.. \= | 05:59 |
ub20 | how can I create xorg.conf to my ati radeon x300 card, the properitary drivers dont work and Im forced to to the opensource ones and dont have the commands to create xorg | 06:00 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010756.asp | 06:02 |
methylenedioxy | Are there any useful logs I could check to see why IRC is working but browser connections keep failing, or should I just install Wireshark when I get access again? | 06:04 |
methylenedioxy | I would search but... :) | 06:04 |
alecbenzer | slightly off-topic: does anyone know of a foss mail merge program? | 06:05 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, thats where i usually get it but its only 32 bit drivers | 06:05 |
alecbenzer | i'm thinking something that uses some kind of html templating language to sepcify fields? | 06:05 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, you said it was working before? | 06:06 |
CooKieMonster | i went to adobe site and download deb for ubuntu 8.04 | 06:06 |
stanley_ | hey guys really need help, I just upgraded and now every sound that comes out op my netbook is chopped and messed up using 10.10 meerkat netbook edition | 06:06 |
CooKieMonster | after installation | 06:06 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, yeah but im not sure if its because i'm using 64 bit ubuntu | 06:06 |
CooKieMonster | still wont run | 06:06 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, you said it was working before under 64bit? | 06:07 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, i just reinstalled drivers using sudo force--- it wont even print test page | 06:07 |
CooKieMonster | i went to adobe site and download deb for ubuntu 8.04 , after installation , still wont work | 06:07 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, what the heck could it be | 06:07 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, crazy thought... is it out of ink possibly... not a stupid question. :) | 06:07 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, no | 06:08 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, had an HP that wouldn't print because of that... | 06:08 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, this damn thing decides to print when it want to | 06:08 |
stanley_ | having chopped sound problem after upgrade...meerket netbook edition...can anyone help? | 06:09 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, what driver is being used? saw this is a newer version of M620 or something... | 06:09 |
bilalakhtar | .query vish | 06:09 |
bilalakhtar | sorry, ^^ should have been /query | 06:10 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, do you have a connection to it? | 06:10 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, cnijfilter-common_3.20-1_i386.deb | 06:10 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, wired, wireless? | 06:10 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, both | 06:10 |
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john38 | CrimsonIdol, running as network printer | 06:10 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, right, which method wired or wireless? | 06:11 |
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CrimsonIdol | john38, are you using CUPS? | 06:12 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, the printer is able to printer on my computer but not from other computer | 06:12 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, CUPS??? | 06:12 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, Oh so the printer works... | 06:13 |
CooKieMonster | why youtube flash it's ok but facebook flash requrired me update ? | 06:13 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, but not wirelessly | 06:13 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, is your computer wired? | 06:13 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, yeah | 06:13 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, the one it does print from... | 06:13 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, gonna guess it's wireless security | 06:14 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, im using 2 computers the second one which is obviously wireless "does not" | 06:14 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, yes it is | 06:14 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, needs to be in 'sync' with your router. SSID, encryption key... | 06:15 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, did you set that all up? | 06:15 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, or has it changed? | 06:16 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, well if it was able to pick up MP560 series in Network Printer im assuming security is filled in | 06:16 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, I have security settings in Network Connections | 06:16 |
RenatoSilva | how to create global aliases? tried /etc/profile but works only for root | 06:17 |
RenatoSilva | what's the purpose of the 'linux' package and why should I use it | 06:17 |
glitchd | how can i change the s/n colors in pidgin 2.7.4? | 06:17 |
RenatoSilva | glitchd: s/n? | 06:18 |
krunal | can someone please tell me what are the "essential apps" i need to get for the iPhone (sync....etc) | 06:18 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, can you access the printers internal web page? | 06:18 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, how do you mean? | 06:18 |
glitchd | RenatoSilva, screen name | 06:18 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, it will have be given an ip address by your router | 06:19 |
RenatoSilva | glitchd: screen name? | 06:19 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, like 192.168.1.??? | 06:19 |
RenatoSilva | glitchd: show image of what you want to change | 06:19 |
glitchd | when u double click someone to chat with them and the next window comes up displaying both your names | 06:19 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, you may need to login to the router to find it. | 06:20 |
RenatoSilva | glitchd: see the gtk theme plugin | 06:20 |
Zack | i get an error when i try to reload the synaptic package manager. none of the fixes i've found on the web are working. error is that "the following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available..." anynone know how to fix? | 06:20 |
Curator | hello: i'm trying to generate an SSH key. when i do ssh-keygen and service ssh restart, i get could not load host key | 06:20 |
Curator | can anyone help? | 06:20 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, i have! printed wirelessly before through the normal method | 06:21 |
stanley_ | Guys desperate for help...my audio is all screwed up after updating using meerkat netbook edition | 06:21 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, i never had to mess with ip | 06:21 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, from the 64bit wireless computer? | 06:21 |
hasek79 | where can i get the file sharing packages that will allow me to set up file sharing? | 06:21 |
magicjoe | JordanU: are you here tonight? | 06:21 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, it was working, then just stopped? | 06:21 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, i think! maybe | 06:21 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, i think it stopped working | 06:22 |
glitchd | RenatoSilva, i dont know how to do that | 06:22 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, im able to see printer wirelessly from network wizard | 06:22 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, seeing that it's there is different than talking to it. | 06:23 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, oh | 06:23 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, you need to go into Administration->Printers or http://localhost:631 | 06:23 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, im reinstalling it now when i go to Find Network Printer it detects it | 06:24 |
tiox | Hi, looking for a little compiz support. | 06:24 |
tiox | If I want to do something specific to a single window, what would be the thing I need to add to a textbox regarding that option? | 06:24 |
stanley_ | Guys really really desperate for help...my audio is all chopped up after updating using meerkat netbook edition, no sounds come out of my netbook properly | 06:24 |
Macstheyjustsuck | How can I make Ubuntu log everything a user does (like go to websites and what s/he types and stuff)? | 06:25 |
tiox | Keylogger? | 06:25 |
Curator | hello: i'm trying to generate an SSH key. when i do ssh-keygen and service ssh restart, i get could not load host key | 06:25 |
tiox | But keylogeers for Linux are a little sketchy. | 06:25 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, http://localhost:631 | 06:25 |
Macstheyjustsuck | tiox: If you find a keylogger for Ubuntu, that'd be awesome | 06:25 |
tiox | Hell, keyloggers for WINDOWS is sketchy! | 06:26 |
CrimsonIdol | WINDOWS is sketchy! | 06:26 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, im using wired 64 bit on mine and its able to print | 06:26 |
RenatoSilva | glitchd: tools > plugins > gtk theme settings or so | 06:26 |
RenatoSilva | glitchd: enable it and click configure | 06:26 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, on the wireless go to http://localhost:631 | 06:26 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, when i install printer?? | 06:27 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, in the browser | 06:27 |
glitchd | RenatoSilva, ok ill try that out | 06:27 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, im there | 06:27 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, in the browser (firefox, chrome) | 06:27 |
awanti | In one of my pc i am using MS outlook so know i am installing Ubuntu 10.10. I took back of my MS outlook. So just i want to know to can i use outlook .pst files in Ubuntu on thender bird or evoluation | 06:28 |
glitchd | RenatoSilva, thank you, that fixed it. | 06:28 |
tiox | Who needed the keylogger? | 06:28 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, i went to Printers then Canon MP560 link | 06:28 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, Administration tab -> find new printers | 06:28 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, now what | 06:28 |
glitchd | RenatoSilva, awesome friend, awesome. thank you much. | 06:29 |
tiox | Because if it';s not a USB keyboard, you can install lkl | 06:29 |
glitchd | now im outta here | 06:29 |
glitchd | peace room | 06:29 |
glitchd | *peace, room. | 06:29 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, Ok, so from the problem system (wireless), CUPS can see the Printer? | 06:29 |
tiox | Macstheyjustsuck: Install lkl if you use a PS/2 keyboard. | 06:30 |
tiox | Otherwise you may need to use a USB to PS/2 converter. | 06:30 |
tecnico | awanti: thunderbird has a plugin for importing .pst but I don't know for sure if that's only available on windows. | 06:30 |
Macstheyjustsuck | tiox: Wish I had a PS/2 port :[ | 06:30 |
tiox | Nien? | 06:30 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, try printing a test page (from CUPS) - see if you get any errors. | 06:31 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, Administration>Modify Printer?? | 06:31 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, Manage Printer | 06:31 |
tiox | Macstheyjustsuck: Can I ask a silly question? | 06:31 |
Macstheyjustsuck | tiox: If silly != retarded | 06:32 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, Does it list your printer? | 06:32 |
tecnico | awanti: a way to get around it is by opening the .pst file on some Outlook and copying everything over to some IMAP account. Then configure the IMAP account on your other client (evolution or TB) and you can then access the same folders/emails. You could copy them locally or keep using that imap acct. | 06:32 |
tiox | PS/2 ports are mini-DIN variants. If the connection is purple, green, orange or any other color that has a round metal connector with pins, it's PS/2. | 06:32 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, it printed test page it says.."cannot get hostname" | 06:32 |
awanti | ok is there any solution for that! plz | 06:32 |
Macstheyjustsuck | tiox: I know what a PS/2 port is XD | 06:33 |
tiox | Oi. | 06:33 |
Macstheyjustsuck | tiox: What's your question? | 06:33 |
Macstheyjustsuck | PS/2 slot, whatever* | 06:33 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, ok, so go into Manage Printer or Edit printer and see what it says for hostname. | 06:33 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, ok sorry I went to "Printers" first not adminisration | 06:34 |
retrolxi | I can't get Ubuntu to install with a USB. Anyone know any fixes? I get to the screen where it makes me put in a username and a password and stuff for login and it just hangs. I let it run all night and still nothing | 06:35 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, after going to Administration then Find New Printer nothing comes up | 06:35 |
krunal | how do i sync my iphone contacts on ubuntu - without using Ubuntu One | 06:36 |
tiox | Well, here's the quick way out, Macstheyjustsuck. | 06:36 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, so it's just not talking to the network/printer... you could try to delete that entry then go back to Find... | 06:36 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, under Administration if i go to Manage Printers then click on Canon MP560 link i can not see hostname | 06:36 |
tiox | Buy yourself a rather pricey USB keylogger and a USB extension cord you | 06:36 |
tiox | ... | 06:36 |
tiox | So you can hide it under a desk real easily. | 06:37 |
Macstheyjustsuck | tiox: Well I don't care if people know it's there XD As long as it's there | 06:37 |
Macstheyjustsuck | tiox: But I don't want to spend money :[ | 06:37 |
thotheolh | Hi. I noticed that some recent updates my system received may have messed up my prefered applications to start off certain file ext. | 06:37 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, ok, so you need a hostname (ip address)... you may need to login to you router to see what has been assigned to the printer. | 06:37 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, when i try to cancel job ,....Authentication Box comes up.. | 06:37 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, is that router | 06:38 |
thotheolh | e.g. I ran avi video and some other programs i did not intend to use started it.. | 06:38 |
tiox | Cheap pastard -- There's no other option really, and lkl is 32-bit, so installing it might require some coaxing through Terminal. | 06:38 |
tiox | See if it works. | 06:38 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, dammit i forgot username and password for router | 06:38 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, no router should be at 192,168.1.1 or somesuch | 06:38 |
tiox | Might find a 64-bit lkl that might be unofficial. | 06:38 |
Macstheyjustsuck | tiox: Poor != Cheap, also my OS is x86 | 06:38 |
White-Horse | how do I remove a menu item that I did not make ? It seems like for one reason or the other ubuntu made it. I found a link on the net http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/06/how-to-remove-programsitems-from-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-menu-bar/ but I need to remove the menu on the left (Other) and not just what is listed under it | 06:38 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, look on the back label in realllly small print. | 06:39 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, no i set new password for router i just forgot it | 06:39 |
tiox | Okay then. Look for lkl under the Universe repository (if it exists) or grab a deb online for it. | 06:39 |
tiox | Install and see how that works out. | 06:39 |
tiox | ANOTHER thing you can do... | 06:40 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, ok, what's the ip address of the wireless computer? | 06:40 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, dont i need to go into router | 06:40 |
tiox | You can VNC into the host computer and record that to watch the activity as it happens, and keep an archive of it. But then you need hard drives to keep all the video data in. | 06:40 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, right-click on internet icon -> connection info | 06:40 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, you mean ifconfig | 06:41 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, wlan0 ?? | 06:41 |
tiox | Wait a sec... | 06:41 |
tiox | VNC... VNC does video right? | 06:41 |
CrimsonIdol | sure ifconfig | 06:41 |
moon350 | Hello | 06:42 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, inet addr: | 06:42 |
tiox | Yeah, if you can find a VNC client for Linux, you can record video of the host PC to be watched. | 06:42 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, now what | 06:43 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, ok, the printer will be something like that.... but the last number will be different. | 06:43 |
tiox | And BTW, Macstheyjustsuck, OS X is FreeBSD with extra code. You're dissin' Linux with your nick. :P | 06:43 |
atxq | to find the printer, I would use nmap | 06:44 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, IP address is | 06:44 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, ok hold on | 06:44 |
White-Horse | how do I remove a menu item that I did not make ? It seems like for one reason or the other ubuntu made it. I found a link on the net http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/06/how-to-remove-programsitems-from-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-menu-bar/ but I need to remove the menu on the left (Other) and not just what is listed under it | 06:45 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, you have to find that info... or try deleting that printer from CUPS and then Finding it with CUPS. | 06:45 |
Macstheyjustsuck | tiox: No, I'm dissing Macs. | 06:45 |
grendal_prime | jesus fkn christ im in hell | 06:46 |
grendal_prime | save me tom cruze | 06:46 |
White-Horse | o | 06:46 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, printer ip is | 06:46 |
Macstheyjustsuck | tiox: Macs are free software with a pretty look that have very little customization for a huge price | 06:46 |
grendal_prime | ok parrents ran off to some god forsaken s*^t hole in tn (we are native californians..) | 06:47 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, ok, try to put that in as hostname | 06:47 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, where | 06:47 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, CUPS->Administration->Edit Printer | 06:47 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, Search in Canon-MP560: ??? | 06:47 |
sgo11 | hi, new to ubuntu. what is virtual package? | 06:48 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, or Find new Printers | 06:48 |
bog | 你们好 | 06:48 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, No printers found. | 06:48 |
grendal_prime | they are aparently unable to find a hotel with a wired lan line in there room and they are running ubuntu 8.04 on there laptop. I need...let me put somE emphases on this NEED GOD %^$# IT A RECOMMENDATION FOR A USB WIRELESS DONGLE THAT WORKS WITHOUT CONFIGURATION. | 06:49 |
White-Horse | Macstheyjustsuck; What is it you would like to custom ? | 06:49 |
frustro | so i just rebooted to apply updates, and now 1280x768 is no longer available with my nvidia driver... | 06:49 |
frustro | any ideas? | 06:49 |
frustro | Xorg.conf scares me | 06:49 |
Flannel | grendal_prime: Please mind your language and your tone. This channel consists of volunteers. | 06:50 |
CaneToad | I have a Dell Vostro 1710 notebook and I'd like to be able to use the keypad, but / * - . and all the numbers do nothing at all, and pressing num lock makes the num lock light toggle but otherwise does nothing. Pressing the keypad + brings up a pull down menu | 06:51 |
john38 | frustro, thinking these updates mess up my configurations......? | 06:51 |
valbaca | grendal_prime, have you taken a look here: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1282361 | 06:51 |
frustro | john38, i have an Hp a6130n | 06:51 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, ?? | 06:51 |
frustro | currently im at 1024x768 on a 32" 16:9 monitor that runs native at 1280x768 | 06:52 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, im able to see printer when i go to Manage printers | 06:52 |
valbaca | grendal_prime, here's another forum thread that might be of use http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62383 | 06:53 |
frustro | john38, correct....after "reboot to apply updates" vid is trashed | 06:53 |
sgo11 | can anyone tell me what a virtual package is? thanks. | 06:53 |
john38 | frustro, i guess if it ain't broke dont fix it | 06:54 |
frustro | john38, funny......too late | 06:54 |
sgo11 | another question, when I use aptitude search, how can I make it show the version in the output? thanks. | 06:54 |
frustro | anyone with any good ideas? | 06:54 |
kurin | Is there any way to pass audio (all, or a single stream) in pulse through a lowpass (to cut high frequencies which hurt my ears)? | 06:54 |
grendal_prime | valbaca, ive looked at all of them proble is everywhere they go none of the devices on those lists are in stock..thats why im here I want to hear from someone that has purchased something reciently that works out of the box. | 06:54 |
rww | sgo11: There's a line in package control files named Provides:, that allows packages to say that they provide a function like an email client, terminal, window manager, etc. Those functions all have names, (x-terminal-emulator, for example), and are called virtual packages. The benefit is that if a package needs a program with a particular to be installed but doesn't care which, it can depend on the virtual package instead. | 06:55 |
White-Horse | frustro, you may want to remove the new driver and reboot and re-install the driver again | 06:56 |
grendal_prime | other thing...i understand everyone here is vol. i didnt use a single printed swear word this is a desperate situation i need to get information to these people. | 06:56 |
sgo11 | rww, got it. thanks a lot for the explanation. | 06:56 |
Muimi | Do I have to 'overburn'... hmm.... | 06:56 |
grendal_prime | why are you giveing me grief about this?> | 06:56 |
frustro | White-Horse, there was no changes to the driver, just an xorg update.....removing the NVidia and reinstalling now. | 06:56 |
rww | sgo11: you can filter them out of aptitude's package list by limiting to !~v (! is not and ~v is virtual package; if you're in the aptitude interface, l brings up the limit box) | 06:57 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, you there | 06:57 |
valbaca | grendal_prime, here's one that I bought and have had good success with: GSKY Realtek RL8187L. I can't say if it's plug and play with 8.04, I've only used it with 10.04 | 06:57 |
rootsecurity | ร | 06:58 |
grendal_prime | thank you | 06:58 |
rootsecurity | hi | 06:58 |
White-Horse | how do I remove a menu item that I did not make ? It seems like for one reason or the other ubuntu made it. I found a link on the net http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/06/how-to-remove-programsitems-from-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-menu-bar/ but I need to remove the menu on the left (Other) and not just what is listed under it | 06:58 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, in printer settings should i put IP address in Location: ?? | 06:58 |
grendal_prime | i would have thought belkin would be a good bet..but they aparently bought the only one on the list that doesnt "work out of the box" | 06:58 |
grendal_prime | grrrr | 06:58 |
pshr | grr grr grr | 06:59 |
pshr | ] | 06:59 |
pshr | :P | 06:59 |
pshr | Hi, any one here know about ssh tunneling ? | 06:59 |
grendal_prime | pshr, ..umm i have a patened pending on "grrr" so ...just be carefull | 06:59 |
sgo11 | rww, thanks a lot. | 06:59 |
grendal_prime | I also wish i had more wine...and pumpkin pie.. | 07:00 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, yes... think so. | 07:00 |
pshr | Lots of open source algorithms are being tried to be patented :P http://x264dev.multimedia.cx/archives/589 | 07:00 |
White-Horse | pshr, what would you like to know ? | 07:00 |
john38 | grendal_prime, i had that problem old ubuntu dont support newer usb adapter..you need 10.10 ubuntu | 07:00 |
pshr | Theory of it most probably | 07:00 |
valbaca | I would try to upgrade to 10.04 asap. Wireless has been a dream with lucid, I cannot say the same for any other version | 07:00 |
anon2 | im trying to build a driver and it gives me this error "make: *** [module] Error 1" whats error 1?? | 07:00 |
Datz | grendal_prime: there should be a supported devices site somewhere | 07:00 |
ectospasm | anon2: need more info | 07:00 |
valbaca | lol good point john38 | 07:00 |
albech | i have some rDNS problems. When pinging a host on my network. (www.domain.com) it randomly get replies from otherCNAME.domain.com. I believe that is related to the rDNS | 07:00 |
rootsecurity | I want the mannul for ubuntu 10.01 | 07:00 |
grendal_prime | pshr, by the way i use ssh tunneling ever day what do you need to know | 07:00 |
White-Horse | pshr, Well I use vpn over pptp | 07:00 |
rww | !manual | rootsecurity | 07:01 |
ubottu | rootsecurity: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 07:01 |
frustro | ah, better now. removing and reinstalling the nvidia driver after the xorg update resolved it. | 07:01 |
albech | is it possible to have rDNS to several A-Records/CNAMES? | 07:01 |
bug2000 | I get error adding certificates everytime I install with apt. Any ideas? | 07:01 |
bug2000 | And errors about java. | 07:01 |
grendal_prime | if you get the question to me before the wife gets the wine and pumpkin pie...ill probably have an answer fo ya. | 07:01 |
rootsecurity | thank much! | 07:01 |
pshr | grendal_prime, just the theory :) thats all | 07:01 |
frustro | albech, yes | 07:01 |
capcbd | Hi I'm having trouble getting ubuntu 10.10 to install | 07:01 |
anon2 | http://pastebin.com/eHcheY1A | 07:01 |
frustro | albech, but you would need a separate SPF record for each | 07:01 |
bug2000 | Also get this; W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 976B5901365C5CA1 | 07:01 |
grendal_prime | pshr..ok..so when you establish the ssh connection you can specify a forwarded port...(im assuming that is what your looking for) | 07:02 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, should i put it in as Location: | 07:02 |
albech | frustro: will read up on SPF | 07:02 |
albech | frustro: thanks | 07:02 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, yes... think so. | 07:02 |
=== jenkinbr is now known as rbniknej | ||
anon2 | ectospasm: http://pastebin.com/eHcheY1A | 07:02 |
rootsecurity | is The mannul Ubuntu Server 10.04 Pls | 07:02 |
grendal_prime | at that point anything you point to that local port of the same number...gets forwarded to the machine you are connected to via ssh | 07:02 |
frustro | albech, you can find a SPF generator or create the .txt yourself | 07:02 |
grendal_prime | so practical application...(and where you see this allot...) are you listening? | 07:03 |
rootsecurity | i want The mannul Ubuntu Server 10.04 Pls | 07:03 |
pshr | ssh -D <Port> <ssh host> | 07:03 |
pshr | right ?? | 07:03 |
Datz | grendal_prime: looked here for wireless devices? http://linux-wless.passys.nl/ | 07:03 |
sgo11 | if a version of a package is 2:7.2.330-1ubuntu4, what does it mean? what is "2:" and "-1ubuntu4" ? new to ubuntu. thanks. | 07:03 |
rootsecurity | right | 07:03 |
Datz | I don't remember if that was the good site... | 07:03 |
grendal_prime | ill give you exact syntax in a sec... also thanks datz will look in a sec | 07:03 |
Datz | there are obviously a few | 07:03 |
albech | frustro: but this is only related to the MX, right? | 07:03 |
sgo11 | aptitude search <package>, how can I make the output show the version number? thanks. | 07:03 |
rootsecurity | Hey I want the mannul Ubuntu Server 10.04 | 07:04 |
bug2000 | http://pastebin.com/zEUWCbLv | 07:04 |
albech | frustro: not sure if it was clear when explaining my problem | 07:04 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, damn still dont work | 07:04 |
valbaca | rootsecurity, https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/index.html | 07:04 |
anon2 | could the problem be that the driver doesnt support my kernel? | 07:04 |
CrimsonIdol | I don't know then... seems like it's not getting through the router... like a network issue. | 07:05 |
grendal_prime | pshr, you listening? | 07:05 |
capcbd | Hi I'm having trouble getting past the Name and username screen I get as far as that, when I fill everything out the FORWARD button is still grayed out,, the Coping files progress bar gets about 3/4 of the way done and it says "Ready when you are...." I've tried this a few different times.... | 07:05 |
CrimsonIdol | wireless issue | 07:05 |
frustro | albech, sorry, i was working on my problem as well, please PM your issues and i will let you know if i can help | 07:05 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, damn hm | 07:05 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, gotta go | 07:05 |
rww | capcbd: Change the uppercase letters in the username to lower case | 07:05 |
iamslash1 | :-* | 07:05 |
pshr | yeah | 07:05 |
CrimsonIdol | john38, me too.... got a security bug to report! | 07:05 |
pshr | grendal_prime, yes | 07:05 |
grendal_prime | so basically say you got a web server with something that really should not be exposed to the outside(like running webmin on port 10000) | 07:05 |
john38 | CrimsonIdol, for time being i'll use wired pc | 07:05 |
rootsecurity | Oh Im Thank you verymuch for valbaca | 07:06 |
grendal_prime | but...you do have an ssh connection throught your firewall to the box that you are running webmin on...make sence so far? | 07:06 |
pshr | grendal_prime, yes | 07:07 |
grendal_prime | like this...ummm firewall router is forwarding port 22 to your linux box on the inside of the netework | 07:07 |
capcbd | @rww Thats it? | 07:07 |
pshr | grendal_prime, I get the idea ;) | 07:07 |
pshr | :) | 07:07 |
rww | grendal_prime: ssh -L someport:localhost:10000 username@server, then point web browser to localhost:someport | 07:07 |
capcbd | something as simple as that | 07:07 |
grendal_prime | so now you are a client on the outside and you want to look at the box's 1000 port..via the ssh port...so syntax would look like this. | 07:07 |
grendal_prime | rww..there ya go | 07:08 |
grendal_prime | in a nut shell.. | 07:08 |
laborintus | so Hello everyone | 07:08 |
grendal_prime | ill check to make sure what i have that i know works matches wit hthat but ya rww has it.. | 07:08 |
rww | capcbd: Should be. Known bug. | 07:09 |
user_ | sol | 07:09 |
grendal_prime | -L 10000:localhost:10000 root@yourdomainnameoripgoeshere.com | 07:09 |
ectospasm | anon2: That error isn't descriptive at all. Why are you building a kernel? | 07:09 |
pshr | Thanks grendal_prime | 07:11 |
pshr | :D | 07:11 |
White-Horse | does anyone here at all know how to remove a menu dir. ? | 07:11 |
rootsecurity | how to config the Ip Address on Linux 10.04 | 07:11 |
grendal_prime | ya so pshr total rundown would be "ssh -L 10000:localhost:10000 root@yourdomainnameoripgoeshere.com" | 07:11 |
grendal_prime | ? | 07:11 |
arvind_khadri | rootsecurity, using ifconfig | 07:11 |
pshr | yes | 07:12 |
rootsecurity | Yes Im Config | 07:12 |
grendal_prime | then on your local machine open firefox and in the browser type http://localhost:10000 | 07:12 |
grendal_prime | and whammo you are on via the tunnel that ssh established for you....oh for that particular port it would be https though | 07:12 |
rootsecurity | How To the config Ip For linux | 07:12 |
grendal_prime | pshr...you can make desktop shortcuts for this as well... | 07:13 |
littlekosh | using the gui or the command line, root? | 07:13 |
White-Horse | gredal_prime you seem to know abit bout ubuntu how to I remove a menu dir. ? | 07:13 |
vishwa | what package needs to be install for using apache rewrite module on maverick ? | 07:13 |
rww | vishwa: sudo a2enmod rewrite | 07:14 |
grendal_prime | White-Horse, what is that? | 07:14 |
stanley_ | can someone please help me...my sound keeps skipping i can't hear anything clearly on my netbook, meerkat netbook edition | 07:14 |
grendal_prime | just...i mean well for the most part sudo -s then pasword... then as root you should be able to execute "rm whaterverthehellyouwant" and then enter | 07:15 |
White-Horse | grendal_prime you know under Applictions>Accessories>Games>etc.... | 07:15 |
vishwa | rww: thanks | 07:15 |
arvind_khadri | rootsecurity, sudo ifconfig <device> <ip> | 07:15 |
White-Horse | I have a menu that says (Other) that i did not make | 07:15 |
sgo11 | if a version of a package is 2:7.2.330-1ubuntu4, what does it mean? what is "2:" and "-1ubuntu4" ? new to ubuntu. thanks. | 07:15 |
grendal_prime | oh you want to edit the menu under ubuntu/gnome applications task bar thang? | 07:15 |
valbaca | White-Horse, right click on the "Applications Places System" and click "Edit Menus" | 07:16 |
White-Horse | well i want to remove that whole menu dir. | 07:16 |
grendal_prime | wow..purist? | 07:16 |
rootsecurity | Is Config Cannot view | 07:16 |
grendal_prime | you could just uninstall the desktop packes. | 07:16 |
rootsecurity | Is Config Cannot view | 07:17 |
White-Horse | valbaca thank you so much :) | 07:17 |
bazhang | rootsecurity, its ifconfig | 07:17 |
grendal_prime | also you could right click on the applications text ant select edit menues | 07:17 |
White-Horse | i just hope it does not come back LoL | 07:17 |
rww | sgo11: http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-policy/policy.html/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Version | 07:17 |
rootsecurity | arvind_khadri> Is the config connot viwe | 07:17 |
valbaca | White-Horse, they usually don't. It's harder to get things in there in the first place | 07:18 |
arvind_khadri | rootsecurity, do "ifconfig" on a terminal | 07:18 |
rootsecurity | config bazhang> | 07:18 |
grendal_prime | White-Horse, ya...some stuff is almost two damn easy. | 07:18 |
arvind_khadri | !terminal | rootsecurity | 07:18 |
ubottu | rootsecurity: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 07:18 |
rootsecurity | bazhang> Configuration | 07:18 |
bazhang | rootsecurity, its ifconfig in a terminal | 07:18 |
White-Horse | thanks again guys have a good night/day | 07:18 |
valbaca | also helpful: I think since 10.04 the terminal has been hot-keyed to Ctr+Alt+t (I use this ALLL the time) | 07:19 |
sgo11 | rww, thans a lot for the link. I can understand -debian_revision now. but I still don't really understand what epoch is. | 07:19 |
ectospasm | valbaca: that is configurable | 07:19 |
arvind_khadri | valbaca, thanks :) i dint know that... i used to set my own shortcut :) awesome | 07:20 |
ectospasm | sgo11: epoch, in what context? | 07:20 |
maco | sgo11: epochs usually happen if someone screwed up | 07:20 |
valbaca | ectospasm, I know, it's just cool that they made it one of the defaults, so I don't have to put it in myself every upgrade :) | 07:20 |
littlekosh | valbaca wins for that tip | 07:20 |
sgo11 | ectospasm, the package version. | 07:20 |
maco | sgo11: or if upstreram version 1.2 comes out and it breaks things horribly and we rever to 1.1... need a way to make 1.1 come out as "newer" than the broken 1.2 | 07:20 |
ectospasm | sgo11: oh. I don't pay close attention to those. | 07:20 |
rootsecurity | Im do not | 07:20 |
valbaca | thanks littlekosh :) | 07:21 |
rww | sgo11: or, if the version numbering changes in a way that would make the package manager think that newer versions are actually older versions (or someone screws up and puts the wrong version number), epoch's incremented to force it to consider the newer version numbering as newer | 07:21 |
maco | sgo11: in those cases you either see an epoch or 1.2really1.1-0ubuntu1 or something like that | 07:21 |
sgo11 | maco, rww got it. thanks a lot. never heard this before. I used to use opensuse. new to ubuntu. | 07:22 |
rww | sgo11: it's not something one usually needs to deal with, thankfully :) | 07:22 |
maco | rww: unless youre a dev | 07:22 |
sgo11 | rww, ^_^ | 07:22 |
gogeta | hey im trying to block frostwire from my network but my rougher sucks doesent have spesfic port blocking | 07:23 |
stanley_ | guys please can anyone help me with my skipping sound? | 07:24 |
gogeta | i can block all other protcalls from the menu but then it blocks more then i whant it to | 07:25 |
rootsecurity | I want to the link Dowload For Ubuntu server 10.04 | 07:25 |
dcyber09 | anyone who can help me to active www.web/~username in shell | 07:25 |
littlekosh | gogeta: what exactly are you asking? | 07:25 |
suigeneris | hey | 07:25 |
rootsecurity | I want to the link Dowload For Ubuntu server 10.04 | 07:26 |
gogeta | littlekosh: trying to block some kids from using that network heh | 07:26 |
major | where can i find what it used to be in /etc/inittab? | 07:26 |
suigeneris | how can I add http://www.sky.fm/the80s/ to rhythmbox onlíne radio list? | 07:26 |
rootsecurity | I want to the link Dowload For Ubuntu server 10.04 | 07:26 |
hush | is there a way to run a windows installation on VM? | 07:27 |
major | rootsecurity, what are you asking for? a link to download ubuntu server? | 07:27 |
rww | rootsecurity: http://www.ubuntu.com/server/get-ubuntu/download | 07:27 |
dcyber09 | hush : yes you can | 07:27 |
major | hush, sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose | 07:28 |
dcyber09 | can u guys help me how to create webshell/~username i forgott it | 07:28 |
hush | So like, I have windows installed into my HDD, I can boot it in VM? | 07:28 |
major | nop, you have to install it in a virtual machine | 07:28 |
hush | can that be done? | 07:29 |
hush | like with an existing install? | 07:29 |
littlekosh | hush: is it a different physical hard drive? | 07:29 |
karma_police | just bought a 2tb usb flash drive.. what is best format to use? ntfs? i want to use it on windoze systems too.. also.. what best way to format to ntfs if that is best option? | 07:30 |
hush | I run Ubuntu from a flashdrive, and windows is on the laptop's HDD | 07:30 |
hush | Ubuntu is installed in the flash drive btw, it's not a liveUSB drive | 07:30 |
ectospasm | karma_police: if you want both Windows and Ubuntu to read/write to the drive, best to format it NTFS or VFAT, from Windows | 07:31 |
dcyber09 | anyone how to create directory for user ie. webshell/~username | 07:31 |
capcbd | @rww Thanks for the tip m8 it's way to late here but I'll have to try it tomorrow | 07:31 |
karma_police | can you format to ntfs using ubuntu? or have to boot into windows for that? | 07:31 |
hush | you can | 07:31 |
lea123 | Hi Just a simple query - If I use Gnumeric on ver10.10 would I be able to use it if I were to change to Unity or KDE | 07:31 |
littlekosh | hush: you could try vmware using raw physical disk access but if it goes to crap on you... | 07:31 |
rww | lea123: yes | 07:32 |
acipron | hi! my ubuntu desktop froze while booting. apparently it happend while checking the filesystem. at least that's what i see (foo has been mounted 20 times without being checked, check forced). we all know this message. my question is: Is there a way to get a command line at this point? I already went through ALT+F(1-12). | 07:32 |
karma_police | what is the default format out of the box on a usb flash drive? | 07:32 |
suigeneris | how can I add http://www.sky.fm/the80s/ to rhythmbox onlíne radio list? | 07:32 |
karma_police | i mean usb hdd | 07:32 |
hush | karma_police: Unformated | 07:32 |
rww | karma_police: depends on the flash drive. often it's fat32. | 07:32 |
karma_police | what about usb hdd? | 07:32 |
hush | NTFS I think | 07:33 |
suigeneris | karma_police use ntfs | 07:33 |
rww | NTFS | 07:33 |
lea123 | rww: Are you saying it will work without any issues at all. I was a little concerned cuz the website for Gnumeric says its a part of the Gnome project and its specially designed for GNOME desktops.... | 07:33 |
rootsecurity | Hi | 07:33 |
ectospasm | karma_police: watch out for formatting a drive NTFS in Ubuntu. Windows has a nasty habit of refusing to see those drives/partitions | 07:33 |
mkanyicy | karma_police, usually ntfs, but it can be fat32 | 07:33 |
mkanyicy | karma_police, usb flash disks is usually fat32, by the way | 07:33 |
karma_police | can i format it to ntfs using ubuntu? | 07:33 |
hush | yes | 07:33 |
ectospasm | karma_police: yes, but it may be unreadable in Windows. | 07:33 |
rww | lea123: shouldn't have any issues, no. It might not look as good as KDE applications would under KDE, but it'll work fine. | 07:33 |
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri | ||
karma_police | i have ntfsprogs installed | 07:33 |
rww | lea123: Unity uses a GTK toolkit and is mostly GNOME stuff, so that's definitely not going to be a problem. | 07:34 |
maco | rww, lea123: actually, kde is very good at forcing gnome apps to blend in pretty well | 07:34 |
maco | (at least nowadays) | 07:34 |
mkanyicy | karma_police, i support what ectospasm is saying, format NTFS under Windows | 07:34 |
mkanyicy | karma_police, you can format NTFS on ubuntu, and then reformat it on Windows | 07:34 |
slacker- | Hi, my maverick install gets a segfault every night when it runs the /etc/cron.daily/apt script. any suggestions? It runs OK if I execute it from the command line | 07:34 |
=== WLP|Away is now known as WillPittenger | ||
=== Sazhen86 is now known as sazhen86 | ||
acipron | no ideas? is rebooting the only option? | 07:35 |
lea123 | maco: Would there be an impact on speed and performance if its made to work on the environment that was not initially designed for .. | 07:35 |
rww | lea123: no | 07:35 |
lea123 | rww: Thank you.. | 07:36 |
mkanyicy | slacker-, paste your cron line | 07:36 |
maco | lea123: if it was the only gtk app you were using, there'd be those libraries loaded into memory which shouldnt be an issue if you have more than like 128mb of ram | 07:36 |
dcyber09 | anyone how to create directory for user ie. webshell/~username :\ | 07:36 |
maco | lea123: if there's more than one gtk app you're using on a kde desktop...well youve already got them loaded anyway | 07:36 |
slacker- | mkanyicy: I'm getting an email saying /etc/cron.daily/apt: | 07:37 |
slacker- | Segmentation fault | 07:37 |
slacker- | mkanyicy: this is in cron.log: Nov 26 06:45:01 traalet CRON[19655]: (root) CMD (if [ -x /etc/munin/plugins/apt_all ]; then /etc/munin/plugins/apt_all update 7200 12 >/dev/null; elif [ -x /etc/munin/plugins/apt ]; then /etc/munin/plugins/apt update 7200 12 >/dev/null; fi) | 07:37 |
slacker- | ehh. ignore that ;) | 07:38 |
=== rootsecurity is now known as Zero_Burn | ||
slacker- | mkanyicy: this is in cron.log: Nov 26 06:25:01 traalet CRON[18914]: (root) CMD (test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )) | 07:38 |
mkanyicy | slacker-, no idea | 07:40 |
lea123 | Maco: Sorry I am a newbie I didn't quite understand GTK app.. | 07:40 |
maco | lea123: any other application for gnome. or pidgin or gimp, which arent for gnome necessarily but use the same programming stuff | 07:41 |
suigeneris | how can I add http://www.sky.fm/the80s/ to rhythmbox onlíne radio list? | 07:42 |
acipron | well, apparently the new look changed also the slogan "asking is human" to "google is your friend" ;-) see ya guys | 07:43 |
lea123 | maco : Yes it makes sense I have pidgin works like a charm... | 07:43 |
* rww checks scrollback, has no idea what acipron is on about, shrugs | 07:44 | |
Zero_Burn | ascacacacacac | 07:45 |
slacker- | mkanyicy: hmm.. I'll set APT::Periodic::Verbose "2" and see what happens | 07:45 |
Zero_Burn | Im Sorry | 07:45 |
octavio | hey | 07:46 |
octavio | how you all doin? | 07:46 |
octavio | wow people are quite today | 07:46 |
Zero_Burn | hey | 07:46 |
octavio | sup zero | 07:46 |
octavio | how u doin man | 07:46 |
octavio | sup dvaske | 07:46 |
octavio | so what do people talk about in here? | 07:47 |
rww | Ubuntu technical support. the offtopic channel is #ubuntu-offtopic ;) | 07:47 |
iceroot | octavio: ubuntu-support | 07:47 |
atxq | the best os in the world | 07:47 |
octavio | oh yeah | 07:47 |
octavio | ubuntu is off the hook | 07:47 |
octavio | i'm luvin it | 07:47 |
atxq | what version you running? | 07:48 |
octavio | me | 07:48 |
=== major is now known as aafuentes | ||
octavio | 10.4 | 07:48 |
octavio | my computer was havin problems with windows | 07:48 |
octavio | i bought this emachine off a swapmeet for 75dollars lol | 07:48 |
octavio | so i just install ubuntu and is runnin great | 07:48 |
octavio | no more problems | 07:48 |
octavio | inface it dosen't freeze nemore | 07:49 |
octavio | isn't that cool | 07:49 |
bazhang | !ot | octavio | 07:49 |
ubottu | octavio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 07:49 |
atxq | sounds awesome | 07:49 |
octavio | so any other chatrooms here? | 07:49 |
bazhang | octavio, yes #ubuntu-offtopic for chat | 07:50 |
atxq | plenty | 07:50 |
atxq | too many sometimes | 07:50 |
capcbd | one more thing before I go I have a 160gig HDD and what I would like to do is give about 20 gigs to windows and it's programs, about 20 gigs to linux and it's partitions and the rest to be storage... I tried this and it wouldn't let me asign a primary to the swap partition | 07:50 |
pooltable | help update firefox and flash to play cbs full shows ?? | 07:52 |
atxq | so anyone else have issues with flash when you make it fullscreen? | 07:54 |
atxq | it becomes fullscreen, but just freezes, so no video can play in fullscreen mode. I only hear the audio | 07:54 |
slide | Is there any way to mount a ramdisk as a normal user? I've been using tmpfs | 07:55 |
atxq | anyone else having the same issue? sounds like a bug to me | 07:55 |
littlekosh | atxq: it does indeed sound like a bug. | 07:56 |
atxq | you having the same issue? | 07:56 |
littlekosh | Youtube works for me. i've never tried cbs.com | 07:57 |
atxq | its been like that for a few weeks now; it is a bit annoying. cannot seen youtube videos in full screen mode | 07:57 |
littlekosh | did it work before? | 07:58 |
atxq | never worked properly in 10.10 | 07:58 |
sbeck_nw | atxq, which flash player are you using? gnash? | 07:59 |
atxq | the regular flash player | 07:59 |
sbeck_nw | atxq, okay. I've had the the same behaviour with gnash. | 07:59 |
atxq | I never really liked gnash; seems slower | 08:00 |
sbeck_nw | atxq, absolutely. And it doesn't play all videos the original flash player does. | 08:00 |
JohnPhang | hello can anyone teach me how to remove xfce dexktop enviroment on lubuntu pleas? | 08:02 |
JohnPhang | hello can anyone teach me how to remove xfce dexktop enviroment on lubuntu please? | 08:02 |
JohnPhang | hello can anyone teach me how to remove xfce desktop enviroment on lubuntu please? | 08:03 |
atxq | si I guess that the issue I am having with the flash player might be a bug | 08:03 |
littlekosh | flash or video config/drivers. | 08:04 |
atxq | the issue with full screen not working properly | 08:05 |
=== Matthew is now known as Guest98305 | ||
Muimi | I can just install Ubuntu Mini and then from Mini have the OS install 'desktop edition', right? | 08:07 |
Muimi | b/c this CD isn't large enough to fit the entire OS ... | 08:07 |
Muimi | Well, it says I can burn it in RAW mode | 08:08 |
JohnPhang | how to unistall/remove xfce desktop enviroment on lubuntu? | 08:08 |
=== Abhinav1__ is now known as Abhinav1_ | ||
dancek | JohnPhang, 1) please be a little more patient, we're all volunteers here 2) should be as simple as `aptitude remove xfce4` | 08:09 |
or4n_ | Hello, is it possible to make MIDI-controller act as joystick? | 08:09 |
JohnPhang | i'm sorry.... T.T | 08:09 |
Muimi | JohnPhang, can you access your cli? | 08:09 |
JohnPhang | sorry but what is cli? | 08:10 |
or4n_ | Command Line Interface | 08:10 |
vashman | 10.10 is working out of the the box! i love you all; I think i go install it for my gradpa. WHOo hoo! lol | 08:10 |
JohnPhang | but how to access it? | 08:10 |
or4n_ | JohnPhang: ctrl + alt + f1 | 08:11 |
or4n_ | ctrl + alt + f7 or f8 gets you back to gui | 08:11 |
Muimi | Nice. A hotkey. | 08:11 |
littlekosh | way to know the shortcut for xfce, or4n | 08:11 |
JohnPhang | yes i can access it, then what should i do next? | 08:11 |
=== Abhinav1_ is now known as Abhinav1 | ||
littlekosh | or, nm I'm retarded :) | 08:11 |
Muimi | that command they said... | 08:12 |
Muimi | sudo aptitude remove programname | 08:12 |
atxq | F7 gets you back | 08:12 |
JohnPhang | oh ok i'll try now | 08:12 |
Muimi | well hang around b/c i'm not very confident. I can't even install right now. don't know wtf to do. | 08:12 |
JohnPhang | is xfce desktop envirement called xfce | 08:12 |
JohnPhang | ? | 08:12 |
littlekosh | xfce4 | 08:12 |
littlekosh | probably | 08:13 |
JohnPhang | ok i'll try... | 08:13 |
Muimi | type xfc and press tab and see what comes up | 08:13 |
littlekosh | you people and your bash shells with it's fancy tab completion :) | 08:13 |
kindlebit | how to install komodo ? | 08:14 |
vashman | kindlebit: id kombo in the repo's? then should be sudo apt-get install programname | 08:14 |
kindlebit | vashman:id kombo in the repo's? ? | 08:15 |
atxq | he might have to compile it | 08:15 |
retfar | is there a chanel for ubuntu on netbooks? | 08:16 |
vashman | kindlebit: is it in thre deafult respratory, I found it it's the picture tool for web cam right? | 08:17 |
retfar | did a quick search for net books none found | 08:18 |
JohnPhang | Muimi i've try but the xfce enviroment is still there... | 08:18 |
JohnPhang | what should i do next? | 08:18 |
kindlebit | vashman:sudo apt-get install komodo, wheni use this is show package not there .. | 08:18 |
littlekosh | retfar: a lot of the system is still the same. | 08:19 |
atxq | I think you have to download komodo; inside the compressed package there should be a install.sh file | 08:20 |
retfar | littlekosh: yeah just thought there was a channel for it thx for the reply | 08:20 |
vashman | kindlebit: try sudo apt-get update, then apt-cache show komodo. and what version os are you using 10.10? etc. | 08:21 |
kindlebit | vashman:let me try , i am new to this | 08:22 |
kindlebit | vashman:no package found | 08:23 |
=== aafuentes is now known as afuentes | ||
vashman | kindlebit: hmm, well i see it ok, what version are you using? try 'cat /etc/issue' that should give you a os number. | 08:24 |
kindlebit | vashman:ok | 08:25 |
filsuf | is it now like TIME to say goodbye to firefox? | 08:25 |
filsuf | and hallo chrome? | 08:25 |
filsuf | how many browsers do you need anyway? | 08:25 |
kindlebit | vashman:9.10 | 08:25 |
atxq | firefox has more addons I think, which is still an advantage | 08:26 |
hush | I'm running VirtualBox OSE, will I be able to use the wireless adapter if I install the drivers? (vista) | 08:26 |
joru | Hi, trying to learn. How do i enable debug-info to ease bug repoarts to be included when i compile a source? | 08:27 |
lea123 | Hi Is Ubuntu Tweak a reliable program ? | 08:28 |
ferris_ | lea123, reliable? It works well. | 08:28 |
kindlebit | vashman: now what next step ? | 08:28 |
vashman | kindlebit: alright well i got 10.10 so it might not be in the old repo. let's try looking at your repos. start up synaptic and look at your software sources. | 08:29 |
ferris_ | lea123, it makes some configurations very easy. I think it is worth the resources. | 08:29 |
kindlebit | vashman: if i download from komodo site the can i able to install ? | 08:29 |
Muimi | dannnng man | 08:30 |
ferris_ | has anyone had a problem with linux kernel 2.6.36 in ubuntu? | 08:30 |
vashman | kindlebit: yes it is possible. | 08:30 |
hush | irc://irc.rizon.net/#chatulous | 08:30 |
hush | errr | 08:30 |
hush | sorry | 08:30 |
lea123 | Ferris : I am downloading from http://ubuntu-tweak.com/ I though Ubuntu Software resource would have it, but it doesn't . | 08:30 |
atxq | if you download komodo, then umcompress it, and see if there is an install.sh file | 08:31 |
ferris_ | lea123, it does a lot like automatically installing bin files. | 08:31 |
atxq | there should be one, and if there is, on the command line, browser into the directory and run the command "sh install.sh" | 08:32 |
RenatoSilva | how to rename my desktop directory from ~/Área de Trabalho to ~/Desktop? Just renaming breaks things | 08:32 |
vashman | kindlebit: there is a install.sh | 08:33 |
kindlebit | vashman: yes i am looking on net | 08:33 |
lea123 | ferris_: Does Ubuntu Tweak take the role of Ubuntu Software Centre as well ?? | 08:38 |
ferris_ | lea123, no it is very different | 08:39 |
ferris_ | lea123, it does not install software but configures it... though it will activate some things that it needs | 08:40 |
ferris_ | have you installed it? | 08:40 |
lea123 | ferris_: I can see its given me a catergory of softwares - OH OK | 08:40 |
lea123 | Yes | 08:40 |
lea123 | ferris_: I am afraid I think the newer version might be different. I have a feeling it checks whether the current installs have any updates.. Am I right ? | 08:42 |
mike | hello | 08:44 |
mike | i am a new user | 08:44 |
=== mike is now known as Guest16230 | ||
Guest16230 | anybody here? | 08:44 |
ferris_ | lea123, check out this page: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/10/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat/ this is where I got mine. | 08:44 |
KB1JWQ | !welcome | 08:45 |
Guest16230 | 3Q | 08:45 |
ferris_ | lea123, there are some good things to consider to do. | 08:45 |
=== paulius is now known as pauliuspa | ||
Howard | Hi All, does anyone know anything about M100 - M199 code execution ? | 08:47 |
lea123 | ferris_: What do I need to do in order to get the preview of the images/docs on when I try to open/save files .. | 08:48 |
=== Termana_ is now known as Termana | ||
dreamtraveler | aporia pws kanw map linux partition sta xp ? | 08:50 |
ferris_ | lea123, I am not sure what you mean | 08:50 |
DJones | !gr | dreamtraveler | 08:50 |
ubottu | dreamtraveler: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 08:50 |
dreamtraveler | oops | 08:50 |
dreamtraveler | sorry | 08:50 |
dreamtraveler | :S | 08:50 |
DJones | dreamtraveler: No worries | 08:50 |
dreamtraveler | though i was at gr | 08:50 |
dreamtraveler | thought | 08:50 |
FloodBot4 | dreamtraveler: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:50 |
Howard | Try to get a M100 piece of code to execute does anyone one have any ideas please ? | 08:51 |
velko | Howard, ideas about what? | 08:52 |
wqapol | Hi, I installed Netbeans + mobility pacl to develop mobile app, what is the emulator required? Is it WTK or ME SDK? | 08:56 |
lea123 | ferris_: See when you if you right click and choose save image, it would bring up a dialog box named "save image". However this dialog box seems very primitive it does'nt have any preview options | 08:56 |
dara | hello | 08:56 |
BangingLife | hey dara | 08:57 |
goodwill | could someone with Ubuntu 10.04 tell me if inputlirc run there by default? You can do it by running this in terminal: ps auxw|grep inputlirc | 08:59 |
redspike | Where is empathy storing all passwords? is there anyway to see them in clear text? | 09:05 |
=== karthik is now known as Guest45544 | ||
Zero_Burn | ;; | 09:07 |
retfar | i wound like to know where opera stores it pass words | 09:07 |
s3r3n1t7 | redspike, a quick google tells me it probably is using the keyring. | 09:07 |
redspike | s3r3n1t7: can i display my passwords in clear text then? | 09:07 |
RenatoSilva | how to rename my desktop directory from ~/Área de Trabalho to ~/Desktop? Just renaming breaks things | 09:08 |
RenatoSilva | is nautilus the one resposible for the recently used list? how to disable it or how to delete it programmatically with a shell script? | 09:08 |
s3r3n1t7 | redspike, i wouldn't know. Have you googled? | 09:09 |
redspike | s3r3n1t7: mm yes | 09:09 |
s3r3n1t7 | RenatoSilva, google usually wins pretty well at that sort of stuff. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=341607 Create a file named .hidden, add that odd folder which is your Desktop now, create a symlink to ~/Desktop and voila. | 09:14 |
papa | hello, i have a problem with ubuntu 10.10 and ati mobility radeon x600 on a sony vaio | 09:15 |
s3r3n1t7 | papa, "a problem" is pretty generic. Can you trim it down? | 09:16 |
RenatoSilva | s3r3n1t7: that's a horrible solution, but thanks | 09:16 |
s3r3n1t7 | RenatoSilva, did you read the link i gave you? The next post has 2 more solutions. | 09:16 |
papa | i can't choose the resolution i need (1024x600) because it doesn't appear among the possible resolutions | 09:17 |
RenatoSilva | s3r3n1t7: next post? | 09:17 |
s3r3n1t7 | RenatoSilva, every response on a forum is called a post. The solution I gave you was written down in one of the posts on the site I gave you. The next post on that forum has a different solution. | 09:18 |
RenatoSilva | s3r3n1t7: next is relative to A GIVEN post | 09:20 |
smegzor | Hi. I am about to install XP (dual boot for gaming). I already have Ubuntu 10.04 installed as my main OS. How easy is it to restore Grub2? I have already backed up a lot of stuff, but not grub or anything in root. Any advice? | 09:20 |
RenatoSilva | s3r3n1t7: that's what I mean, idiot | 09:20 |
nit-wit | smegzor, real easy hold on | 09:20 |
s3r3n1t7 | I can see this is going quite well again today. | 09:21 |
nit-wit | smegzor, grub2 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%202 | 09:21 |
smegzor | thanks. | 09:22 |
nit-wit | smegzor, any problems post on he UF forums | 09:22 |
ceaze | Hello | 09:23 |
phirosjr | hello | 09:23 |
nit-wit | ceaze, no soup for you | 09:23 |
smegzor | another thing. I am running 64bit Ubuntu and have the 32bit install cd (10.04) Can I use that to recover grub? | 09:23 |
ceaze | nit-wit, i am here to give soup | 09:24 |
ceaze | nit-wit, doen't want it | 09:24 |
papa | please, could anybody help me? | 09:24 |
BangingLife | With? | 09:25 |
nit-wit | smegzor, I think so that never even comes up and I do this every day, but it doesn't hurt to check , I think its gru2 no 32 or 64 bit version | 09:25 |
due | Odd issue: for some reason, Ubuntu suddenly stops responding to input. Alt-tab allows me to move between windows, but I can't use the mouse to adjust window focus. Keyboard input is totally ignored, though I can move to vterms; I have to restart GDM for the issue to resolve itself. Anyone have suggestions on where I can start looking? | 09:25 |
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nit-wit | smegzor, there is a #grub channel you migh task there | 09:27 |
nit-wit | ask | 09:27 |
ceaze | due, i think that any file has been changed or formated. You may find an answer at http://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ or you can report it there | 09:28 |
due | ceaze: any file? Sorry, I don't follow which one you're referring to. These nothing that I can see in the various /var/log logs (Xorg and system most significantly). | 09:28 |
ceaze | due, there must have been a change in any file in bin that is affecting ubuntu. | 09:29 |
b0nn | hrm, how do I change the default font for gnome? | 09:30 |
moon350 | Do I have to register? | 09:30 |
nit-wit | ceaze, send the soup | 09:30 |
s3r3n1t7 | nit-wit, please try to avoid the offtopic chatter in here. #ubuntu-offtopic for that. | 09:31 |
ceaze | nit-wit, which flavour? | 09:31 |
nit-wit | s3r3n1t7, no problem my bad | 09:32 |
due | "any file in bin"? /bin, /usr/bin? Regardless, that doesn't even make any sense, as it's a sudden cesation of accepting certain inputs, not a permanent thing (if I wasn't clear on it earlier). | 09:32 |
=== Junaos is now known as Junaos|sleep | ||
hush | I am running Vista on VirtualBox OSE would giving more ram to it break the installation? | 09:32 |
due | hush: Pretty sure it wouldn't. That's part of the point of virtual machines. | 09:33 |
lancel | hi, anyone knows if it is possible to execute GUI program (like gedit) from terminal so that terminal doesn't get "occupied" by this program? | 09:33 |
mintux | I have problem with file system in ext4 partition I have 14 gig free but only 4 gig available but in fat I have 32 gig free I have 32gig available why ? http://up.iranblog.com/Files0/f703f3d304234eae9445.png | 09:33 |
hush | Thank you | 09:33 |
due | lancel: "gedit &" | 09:33 |
s3r3n1t7 | due, Have you checked top and dmesg? | 09:33 |
lancel | due, nice, thanks! | 09:34 |
erUSUL | mintux: on ext* filesystems 5% of space is reserved for root | 09:34 |
due | s3r3n1t7: There's nothing in dmesg recently, though top would be a good idea. Unfortunately, I can't make it do it--it sometimes happens after a few hours of uptime every other day, and then never at all. | 09:34 |
due | lancel: You can also hit Ctrl-Z in the terminal window to background a running program. Run 'fg' to bring it back to the foreground. | 09:35 |
mintux | erUSUL: what does it use ? | 09:35 |
erUSUL | mintux: 5% of 200 GiB -> 10 GiB | 09:35 |
lancel | due, yes something that I was looking for but googling didn't help | 09:35 |
due | s3r3n1t7: Thank you though, I hadn't thought about it being a suuddenly-started program eating input... I'll be looking into that. | 09:36 |
s3r3n1t7 | due, no problem. Hope you find it | 09:36 |
due | s3r3n1t7: Me too. Easily fixed at the time, but it's rather annoying and interrupts my workflow. :) | 09:36 |
frustro | added a new HDD, I can move all my data, but want to link /home/me/Data to /media/storage is that ls -l /home/me/data /media/storage ? | 09:39 |
frustro | and will the be permanent? | 09:40 |
frustro | *that | 09:40 |
ceaze | How can I change configurations of mame in ubuntu 10.10? | 09:40 |
frustro | er, ln -s /home/me/data /media/storage | 09:41 |
frustro | or the other way around? | 09:41 |
matthiaskrgr | No command 'audicity' found, did you mean: Command 'audacity' from package 'audacity' (universe) | 09:41 |
matthiaskrgr | audicity: command not found | 09:41 |
matthiaskrgr | what programm gives this output? | 09:41 |
matthiaskrgr | the prog that detects the package that is needed for executing that command | 09:42 |
frustro | audacity? | 09:42 |
ceaze | How can I change MAME configs in ubuntu? | 09:42 |
bazhang | matthiaskrgr, command-not-found | 09:42 |
matthiaskrgr | bazhang: ah, thanks :) | 09:43 |
ceaze | How can I change MAME configs in ubuntu? | 09:43 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=545066 ceaze | 09:45 |
bazhang | ceaze, be sure to use gksudo gedit instead of sudo gedit as they suggest | 09:45 |
frustro | ceaze, what do you need to change? | 09:45 |
jita | I want to install ubuntu without the GUI in virtual environment under windows OS. Is it possible and what is the best possible way ? | 09:45 |
ceaze | frustro, roms directory | 09:45 |
Dr_Willis | jita: install the server version in virtualbox. | 09:46 |
erUSUL | jita: server edition has no gui; you can also use the minimal cd install | 09:46 |
sadegh | hi | 09:46 |
Aeronius | So, anyone doing anything? | 09:46 |
jita | Dr_Willis: Is there any disadvantage of doing it over separate install of ubuntu as a dual boot OS? | 09:46 |
Dr_Willis | jita: or install whatever version you want. and just disable GDM so X doswent start | 09:46 |
frustro | jita, or you can install full version and stop at run level 3 | 09:46 |
Dr_Willis | jita: virtualization will be slower.. but its trivial to do. | 09:47 |
ceriy | есть русский народ?? | 09:47 |
Dr_Willis | frustro: runlevels dont work that way in ubuntu any more. :) | 09:47 |
bazhang | ceriy, #ubuntu-ru | 09:47 |
Dr_Willis | jita: what work do you plan on doing in ubuntu exactly? | 09:47 |
frustro | Dr_Willis, what? you can tstop at rl3 anymore? | 09:47 |
ceriy | спс | 09:47 |
Dr_Willis | frustro: ubuntu uses upstart.. runlevels dont really exist.. | 09:47 |
jita | Dr_Willis: programming in python. i don't like linux GUI :( | 09:47 |
Dr_Willis | !runlevels | 09:47 |
ubottu | In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab. | 09:47 |
frustro | ouch,,, | 09:48 |
frustro | i'll shaddupp them | 09:48 |
Dr_Willis | jita: like the gui really matters? If you wanted to get fancy theres the (Not supported here) ubuntu variants like 'anlinux' that install inside windoww in a qemu (i think) virtual machine. that you dont see at all. You can just ssh to them, or run apps and they appear on the windows desktop via xming. | 09:49 |
Rickardo1 | I am using keys to connect to my server, in ~/.ssh/ i got id_rsa.pub that contain the key.. but if I want more keys to different servers? | 09:49 |
ikonia | Rickardo1: ssh -i key | 09:49 |
Rickardo1 | ikonia: Yes, I know... but if I want it to load it automaticly? | 09:50 |
jita | Dr_Willis: there's another option cygwin, what do you suggest ? | 09:50 |
ikonia | Rickardo1: you can't, it takes id_dsa and id_rsa and identity by default, other than that you need to do ssh -i | 09:50 |
Rickardo1 | ikonia: :( | 09:50 |
Dr_Willis | jita: cygwin isent ubuntu either.. its also a bit old last time i used it.. why are you not just using python under windows? | 09:50 |
erUSUL | jita: python runs on windows. why bother with linux if you do not want to ? | 09:51 |
jita | Dr_Willis: i am used to linux environment, bash and all | 09:51 |
jita | Dr_Willis: i like coding that way | 09:51 |
Dr_Willis | jita: may as well just install ubuntu in virtualbox then - not like its going to take very long to setup.. | 09:51 |
jita | and besides many python modules are not ported to windows well | 09:51 |
jita | Dr_Willis: right, i think thats the best possible solution, will give it a go, thanks for suggestion | 09:52 |
Dr_Willis | You could of had it done in the time its taken for us to chat. :) | 09:53 |
serard | Hello everybody | 09:53 |
serard | Is there a way to sudo over ssh ? | 09:53 |
Dr_Willis | serard: ssh in, run 'sudo whatever' is the normal way | 09:53 |
ikonia | serard: yes, ssh in then use sudo, | 09:53 |
luckymurali | Hi all | 09:53 |
BangingLife | hello | 09:54 |
Dr_Willis | ssh can support 'commands directly' but not sure if thats any more or less secure. by doing sudo with it. | 09:54 |
todor_ | hello | 09:54 |
serard | Yes sorry, I'm coding a little bash script to stop my virtual machines by ssh'ing to them (password less) | 09:54 |
serard | So the stop) case for $1 is like "ssh $1 sudo halt" | 09:54 |
jita | Dr_Willis: I am going to download ubuntu, you think server edition will be a better go? | 09:54 |
luckymurali | I am using ubuntu 10 64 bit server, I need to find whether any firewall is running on my server. Waht is the command for that | 09:54 |
ikonia | jita: why would a server version be a better version | 09:54 |
Dr_Willis | ssh username@remotehost.net ls -l / | 09:54 |
serard | But then I get sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified | 09:54 |
hinog1 | I have a problem in Ubuntu 10.10 x64, I have no sound in flash not in firefox nor in chromium and the sound pref doesn't show any application when I play a flash video | 09:55 |
jita | ikonia: because it doesn't have GUI which i do not need | 09:55 |
Dr_Willis | jita: depends on your exact needs. I dont have any need for the server edition really vs desktop. Theres to many tools i use on the desktop edieion. | 09:55 |
Dr_Willis | jita: you can always disable gdm. then ya got console only. | 09:55 |
Dr_Willis | and you got the gui if you ever need it . | 09:55 |
jita | Dr_Willis: right, ty | 09:55 |
ikonia | jita: the desktop can have the gui disabled | 09:56 |
serard | ah ok got it : ssh -t $1 sudo halt << -t option forces ssh to allocate a tty | 09:56 |
jita | ikonia: right, will look into it, ty | 09:56 |
airtonix | jita, installation of server version is different from the desktop, for example it helps you setup LVM (whereas the desktop version does not) | 09:57 |
Diverdude | Does anybody know a good tuner card which supports at least following specifications. Dual Tuner (More of couse is better), Supports DVB-C/DVB-T, MPEG 2 and 4, and runs under linux? | 09:58 |
jita | airtonix: k, thanks for clarification | 09:58 |
airtonix | serard, you should be using the dbus method of shutting down/suspending/rebooting | 09:58 |
anil | hai | 09:58 |
dar__ | hi | 09:59 |
fresonee | 你好! | 09:59 |
dar__ | i have a little problem in shell script i wont to do something like this but i don't know how ==> while [ "$val1" != "$val2" AND NOT NULL ] | 09:59 |
erUSUL | !jp | 09:59 |
ubottu | 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい | 09:59 |
Dr_Willis | serard you could also make a user called (for example) 'shutdown' and make their default shell be whatever command is needed to shutdown the box. :) (then when you login as that user, it shuts down the ssytem) I did that trick years ago. | 10:00 |
airtonix | serard, http://pastebin.com/Xg9argsH | 10:00 |
dar__ | how could i do that ? | 10:00 |
Dr_Willis | !abs | 10:00 |
ubottu | Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ | 10:00 |
airtonix | serard, using dbus does not require root privileges | 10:01 |
Dr_Willis | dar__: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-bash-test.html | 10:01 |
dar__ | Dr_Willis: i know how to do a test i just don't knwo how to implement it in one line in my while :) | 10:02 |
serard | airtonix, thank you for this, Dr_Willis too | 10:02 |
phirosjr | ubuntu indonesia channel where is it? | 10:03 |
erUSUL | !id | 10:04 |
ubottu | join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 10:04 |
hinog1 | I have a problem in Ubuntu 10.10 x64, I have no sound in flash not in firefox nor in chromium and the sound pref doesn't show any application when I play a flash video | 10:06 |
Dr_Willis | hinog1: but sound works normally otjerwise? | 10:07 |
hinog1 | well I'd say yes tried a video and currently listening to a radio stream in rhythembox | 10:08 |
hinog1 | I guess even my 7.1 setup works | 10:08 |
ltlkosh | hinog1: have you tried removing flash and then reinstalling? | 10:10 |
argentovivo | #italia | 10:10 |
hinog1 | I did | 10:10 |
ltlkosh | if you go into Synaptic and search for flash, how many versions are installed? | 10:11 |
mads- | Any way I can get empathy to stop trying to use key manager? | 10:12 |
hinog1 | do you mean flashplugin ltlkosh ? | 10:12 |
ltlkosh | hinog1: yeah | 10:12 |
hinog1 | 1 | 10:13 |
hinog1 | :OP | 10:13 |
ltlkosh | May sound like a stupid question, but apparently people are having issues with multiple versions | 10:13 |
hinog1 | so any other suggestions on how to fix it or diagnose were the problem is with flash? | 10:17 |
ltlkosh | do you have gnash installed? | 10:18 |
hinog1 | no | 10:18 |
ltlkosh | hrmm | 10:18 |
Chiliblue | having a brain freeze, whats the bash command to copy files keeping premissions | 10:18 |
ltlkosh | cp --preserve | 10:19 |
hinog1 | cp -a maybe | 10:19 |
Chiliblue | I think that is it | 10:20 |
Chiliblue | and ignore errors? just trying to save data on a failing drive | 10:20 |
Dr_Willis | ignore errors.. Hmm.. thats proberly a differnt option. | 10:22 |
hinog1 | hmm maybe dd_rescue? | 10:22 |
ikonia | if the drive is failing, just get what you can off it | 10:22 |
ltlkosh | hinog1: I've been googling like mad and about the only thing I can see is that everyone has problems with sound and flash | 10:22 |
Chiliblue | dd thats it | 10:22 |
ltlkosh | on multiple distros | 10:23 |
hinog1 | well there is ddrescue for failing harddrives I guess | 10:23 |
hinog1 | yes its nasty because nobody seems to have a solution ltlkosh | 10:23 |
ikonia | ltlkosh: flash is a closed source product that cannot be modified or changed in anyway, | 10:24 |
Sn4k3 | When i run cod4 in wine with terminal the keyboard dosent work | 10:24 |
Sn4k3 | can anyone help? | 10:24 |
Chiliblue | right I will dd the e entire drive into a .img file | 10:24 |
hinog1 | guess thats something for the wine channel maybe Sn4k3 | 10:24 |
Sn4k3 | i tried | 10:24 |
Sn4k3 | but i think its cuz the terminal takes all the letters as commands | 10:25 |
Sn4k3 | so when i try to move forward | 10:25 |
ltlkosh | Sn4k3 does it work if launched from the GUI? | 10:25 |
Sn4k3 | it comes wwwwww | 10:25 |
Sn4k3 | yea | 10:25 |
ltlkosh | is there a terribly pressing reason it needs to be run from the terminal? | 10:27 |
Sn4k3 | haha yea | 10:27 |
Sn4k3 | cuz i want to record | 10:27 |
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Sn4k3 | so i tried wine iw3sp & (record code) | 10:28 |
Sn4k3 | but it dosent work | 10:28 |
ltlkosh | hinog1: have you tried what's posted at http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1608452 ? | 10:29 |
sgo11 | hi, how to check which repo an installed package is from? I tried dpkg -l <pacakge> and aptitude show <pacakge>. but I can not find the repo info. thanks for help, new to ubuntu. | 10:30 |
iceroot | sgo11: apt-cache policy packagename | 10:30 |
sgo11 | iceroot, got it. thanks a lot. | 10:31 |
kedy | I can't access wireless internet now. I did $ ifconfig wlan1 up, and it said "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill". So I installed rfkill. Then I did $ rfkill unblock 0, yet to no avail. Does anyone have a fix? | 10:33 |
ceaze | I have installed Mame on Ubuntu, but whenever I run a game on it, i cannot start it. It says Insert Coin, how to start a game????? | 10:33 |
hinog1 | well I can give it a try ltlkosh | 10:33 |
kedy | This has happend to me earlier today, I fixed it by rebooting TWICE (yes, rebooting the first time didn't work). Haven't had this many problems in Ubuntu since ...never. | 10:34 |
miaohuaone | 只有 | 10:34 |
ltlkosh | hinog1: it worked for that guy, and editing sound.conf seems like it could be easily reversable, so I'd give it a try | 10:34 |
onbekend | join #hgl | 10:34 |
miaohuaone | 有没有中文 | 10:34 |
MangledBody | Hi everybody, can anybody help me install Jahshaka?(CineFX) it works on Windows, so it must work on Ubuntu | 10:34 |
ltlkosh | cease: hit 5 | 10:34 |
kedy | 这里要说英文 | 10:34 |
Dr_Willis | MangledBody: im missing the logic in that statement.. | 10:34 |
miaohuaone | 不会啊 | 10:34 |
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miaohuaone | 怎么说 | 10:34 |
Family | I am running ver. 10.04 when i just tried to boot it i got to the log in screen, but the user selection part was missing | 10:35 |
FloodBot4 | miaohuaone: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:35 |
MangledBody | Dr_Willis: Dear Watson, what seems to be missing? | 10:35 |
miaohuaone | 都看不懂 | 10:35 |
ceaze | miaohuaone, no Chinese allowed | 10:35 |
bridean | Hey guys, my ubuntu machine is frozen up and I don't want to reboot. What are my options? | 10:35 |
miaohuaone | 没QQ好懂 | 10:35 |
ceaze | I have installed Mame on Ubuntu, but whenever I run a game on it, i cannot start it. It says Insert Coin, how to start a game????? | 10:35 |
ltlkosh | cease: hit 5 | 10:35 |
miaohuaone | 这是不是群聊啊 | 10:35 |
Zorlin | ceaze: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=342543 | 10:35 |
sgo11 | miaohuaone, yes. | 10:35 |
kedy | miaohuaone: 是。请说英文。 | 10:35 |
miaohuaone | 说中文会有影响吗 | 10:36 |
jussi | !cn | miaohuaone | 10:36 |
ubottu | miaohuaone: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 10:36 |
Zorlin | ceaze: (section 6) | 10:36 |
kedy | miaohuaone: 除了少数人,其他人会看不懂 | 10:36 |
miaohuaone | 怎么弄 | 10:36 |
bridean | Is there a command to enter the command prompt if the Ubuntu window has frozen? | 10:36 |
Dr_Willis | ceaze: never hit the 'coin' keys - check the mame docs.. , 1,2,3,4,5,6 keys... | 10:37 |
sgo11 | miaohuaone, /join #ubuntu-cn | 10:37 |
ceaze | Zorlin thanks | 10:37 |
Dr_Willis | ceaze: i mean.. Hit the coin keys. :) heh | 10:37 |
kedy | miaohuaone: /join #ubuntu-cn | 10:37 |
ceaze | Dr_Willis, thanks | 10:37 |
Dr_Willis | ceaze: i think you can hit TAB to show the key bindings | 10:37 |
ceaze | Dr_Willis, I will try | 10:37 |
bridean | Anyone here? | 10:38 |
kedy | Does anyone know why my wireless stops working after suspending my laptop? | 10:38 |
hinog1 | it didn't work out, it just removed my actual soundcard from the hardware tab as it seems ltlkosh :P | 10:39 |
bridean | I guess nobody wants to answer my question | 10:39 |
serard | re | 10:39 |
ltlkosh | hinog1: sadness | 10:39 |
Gnea | kedy: because it hasn't switched back on | 10:39 |
kedy | Gnea: How do you switch it back on. I tried $ ifconfig wlan1 up | 10:40 |
kedy | Gnea: it returns SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill | 10:40 |
Gnea | kedy: how does it normally get turned on/off? | 10:40 |
serard | Someone have recompiled ubuntu with the patch which boost the kernel for desktop ? | 10:40 |
Family | I am running ver. 10.04 when i just tried to boot it i got to the log in screen, but the user selection part would pop up then disappear. Ive rebooted several times with no changes. so i booted into recovery mode and set it to low graphics mode. | 10:41 |
Family | and now my networking isn;t working | 10:41 |
bridean | Again, my Ubuntu machine is frozen. I want to fix it without rebooting. What are my options? | 10:42 |
serard | I'm talking about this patch : http://www.go2linux.org/mt/linux-ht/2010/11/linux-kernel-patch-makes-desktop-faster.html | 10:42 |
kedy | Gnea: I've never had this problem till i switched to 10.10. I tried pressing the button on my laptop to turn wireless on, but it doesn't work. I tried $rfkill unblock 0, but it too doesn't work. | 10:42 |
ltlkosh | bridean: what process is frozen? | 10:43 |
airtonix | bridean, basic google search reveals that you can use ctrl alt f1-f6 to use any of those terminals | 10:43 |
Gnea | kedy: I'd file a bug, or just go back to 10.04 | 10:43 |
bollullera | good morning ^^ | 10:43 |
ilovefairuz | bridean: alt + PrintScrn/SysRq + k | 10:43 |
hinog1 | this damn no sound in flash bug is really annoying | 10:43 |
bridean | ltlkosh: Finally, basically I am running freeciv and vlc. When vlc got to the end of the movie that machine froze. | 10:43 |
ltlkosh | bridean: do you have access to the box at all? ssh? | 10:44 |
Dr_Willis | hinog1: that issue pops up every so often, Its not near as common as it used to be. | 10:45 |
Mavs | what are .goutputstream files? | 10:45 |
a_bug | hey guys, a question please - How can I increase the initial tcp congestion window ? Will I have to recompile the kernel for this ? | 10:45 |
bridean | Yes, this is my laptop (running Linux Mint). Ubuntu is on my desktop which is 10 feet away | 10:45 |
hinog1 | but working solutions don't pop that often Dr_Willis | 10:45 |
Dr_Willis | hinog1: ive never had an issue.. I recall a whole page once of 'possible fix's' - but never needed them | 10:45 |
ltlkosh | bridean: ssh in, run top see if it is really hung or if some process is going nuts | 10:46 |
bridean | So I can walk over to it and try something. ctrl alt f1, f2, f3,... don't work. Let me try alt printscreen | 10:46 |
ltlkosh | sure | 10:46 |
hinog1 | I would only need a single working one Dr_Willis :P | 10:47 |
ltlkosh | or, Alt+PrintScrn+K like ilovefairuz suggested if it is X that is frozen | 10:47 |
bridean | alt printscreen isn't working | 10:47 |
bridean | I should say alt printscreen k | 10:47 |
ltlkosh | k, so Ctrl+Alt+F1 should drop you in to a terminal | 10:48 |
bridean | Unless, by that you mean all three keys at the same time | 10:48 |
ltlkosh | yes | 10:48 |
ltlkosh | at the same time | 10:48 |
ilovefairuz | a_bug: probably not, should be doable by adjusting stuff in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ | 10:48 |
a_bug | thanks ilovefairuz | 10:48 |
a_bug | and eventually through sysctl ? | 10:48 |
Mavs | does this work http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key? | 10:48 |
ilovefairuz | a_bug: yeap | 10:48 |
a_bug | thanks | 10:48 |
smw | Mavs, I think it is disabled | 10:48 |
Mavs | ctrl alt backspace is disabled too right? | 10:49 |
ilovefairuz | smw: cat /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq | 10:49 |
Family | im having a networking issue. I was connected with both wireless and ethernet to my network and wasnt able to use either. I had to boot into win 7 to get on | 10:49 |
kedy | Mavs: yes | 10:49 |
smw | Mavs, they are both definitely disabled | 10:50 |
bridean | alt + printscreen +k gave me a black screen for a second then put me back into X windows. Now when I try alt + printscreen + k it doesn't work at all | 10:50 |
Mavs | bridean, you got ssh? | 10:50 |
ltlkosh | bridean: yes, ssh and if that doesn't work you're going to have to reboot | 10:51 |
ilovefairuz | bridean: does ctrl + alt + f2 work (should give you a terminal to login) | 10:51 |
tompio | what is this for stupid shit?? | 10:51 |
ilovefairuz | bridean: if it does, sudo service gdm restart | 10:51 |
dr3mro | please how to play midi in ubuntu 10.10 totem media player | 10:51 |
bridean | Hmm, no. This laptop is connected to a router which the desktop is also connected to. But I don't know how to connect to the desktop using ssh (if it's possible) | 10:51 |
ilovefairuz | !language | tompio | 10:51 |
ubottu | tompio: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 10:51 |
tompio | lol | 10:52 |
kedy | bridean: ssh -l username ip_add | 10:52 |
ilovefairuz | dr3mro: can't play it in totem, you need to install timidity and use something like kmid | 10:53 |
bridean | tompio reminds me of a joke (off topic I know). If you made a computer programming language using cuss words, then the usual advice of "watch your language" would be very apt. | 10:53 |
onbekend | #hgl | 10:53 |
dr3mro | ilovefairuz, but it was playing in lucid | 10:53 |
ilovefairuz | dr3mro: ah perhaps there's a gstreamer plugin for it, let me check | 10:54 |
bridean | Is there a way to find out the ip address of the desktop from this laptop? | 10:54 |
kedy | bridean: fping, nmap | 10:54 |
Mavs | check your router | 10:54 |
vizzerd | Hey there, a bit of a n00b question but I'm using Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS on a PC and have it dual-boot with Windows 7 | 10:54 |
bucknasty | Is it possible to write emails to test@ (any IP) ? or must it be a domain? | 10:55 |
vizzerd | everytime I update Ubuntu, in GRUB it shows multiple installs of Ubuntu for each subsequent update | 10:55 |
bridean | vizz: You usually use grub for that | 10:55 |
vizzerd | ...I need to know how to edit GRUB | 10:55 |
Dr_Willis | vizzerd: one for each kernel.. i would suggest leaveing it alone. | 10:55 |
Dr_Willis | vizzerd: you can remove the older kernels via the package manager. and tey will go away. | 10:55 |
vizzerd | awesome, cheers Dr_Willis, will try that | 10:55 |
Dr_Willis | vizzerd: its common practice to keep at least 2 kernel versions. | 10:55 |
erUSUL | vizzerd: remove the kernels yu do not need; keeping 2 just in case you mess one up is a good idea | 10:55 |
Dr_Willis | !grub2 | vizzerd | 10:56 |
ubottu | vizzerd: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 10:56 |
Mavs | vizzerd check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 | 10:56 |
vizzerd | I shall do, I've just got about 6 kernels showing | 10:56 |
vizzerd | chanks @ ubottu | 10:56 |
vizzerd | thanks* | 10:56 |
erUSUL | vizzerd: go to synaptic and remove thwe ones you do not need | 10:56 |
Dr_Willis | vizzerd: thats odd.. ive never noticed that many on my clean installs.. was thios a upgraded system? | 10:56 |
vizzerd | well, I'm using x64 ubuntu if that helps? Oo | 10:56 |
vizzerd | I'm not sure, just whenever update manager says there's an update, I update | 10:56 |
erUSUL | vizzerd: make sure you have the linux-image and linux-image-generic packages instaled | 10:56 |
vizzerd | and every kernel change shows in grub | 10:56 |
ilovefairuz | dr3mro: try: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad | 10:56 |
vizzerd | yep, I have those installed erUSUL | 10:57 |
erUSUL | vizzerd: ok; then remove the kernels you do not need | 10:57 |
Mavs | there is a Too Many Kernels? subtitle on the link I gave | 10:57 |
ilovefairuz | bucknasty: yes it is possible, install an MTA like exim4 or postfix | 10:57 |
Mavs | that should solve your problem vizzerd | 10:57 |
kedy | visserd: I usually just remove the unused kernels | 10:57 |
Dr_Willis | does the computer-janitor tool even help in removeing old kernels any more? | 10:58 |
onbekend | hello | 10:58 |
bucknasty | thx ilovefairuz | 10:58 |
bucknasty | ilovefairuz: Is it easy to do? | 10:59 |
ilovefairuz | bucknasty: sudo apt-get install exim4 | 11:00 |
kedy | Dr_Willis: Dunno, I usually just do sth like $ sudo apt-get remove --purge 2.6.35-23-* | 11:00 |
bucknasty | ilovefairuz: I already have postfix installed | 11:00 |
ilovefairuz | bucknasty: you can then use the 'mail' command to check email, or configure a GUI client like evolution or thunderbird adding a 'local mail' account | 11:00 |
Dr_Willis | kedy: i cheat and use ubuntu-tweak.. but i dont recall getting any extra kernel entries since 10.10's came out.. | 11:00 |
kedy | Dr_Willis: I just got one this morning haha | 11:01 |
Dr_Willis | kedy: yes. there was a update. but it did not add a new entry to the grub menus for me. | 11:01 |
bucknasty | ilovefairuz: I want to install a mailserver on a new v server | 11:01 |
Dr_Willis | kedy: unless for some reason my systems are not upgradeing to the newer kernels. | 11:01 |
bucknasty | ilovefairuz: If I could use the IP of the vserver then I would do it. otherwise I would have to create a mx | 11:01 |
n8w | hey | 11:02 |
Dr_Willis | Linux Piggy 2.6.35-23-generic is what i just upgraded to it seems. | 11:02 |
n8w | how can i prevent having to do the followin every time i switch to different user: export DISPLAY=:0.0 , export $(dbus-launch)?? | 11:02 |
bridean | kedy: Do you know what the nmap command would be to find the ip address of the desktop? My situation is, I have high speed internet which is connected to a router. I then have both the desktop and the laptop pluged in to the router so that both are sharing the same internet connection | 11:02 |
ilovefairuz | bucknasty: you can use the IP, whether it is localhost or not | 11:02 |
yoan | hi, how do i upgrade to ubuntu 10.04? | 11:03 |
Dr_Willis | !upgade | yoan | 11:03 |
Dr_Willis | !upgrade | yoan | 11:03 |
ubottu | yoan: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 11:03 |
kedy | bridean: If only those two are connected then sth like $ sudo nmap -sP | 11:03 |
ilovefairuz | bridean: nmap -sP 10.0.0.* | 11:03 |
yoan | thanks, i'll check it | 11:03 |
kedy | bridean: and the one that isn't ur desktop is the laptop | 11:03 |
ilovefairuz | bridean: or whatever your subnet is ( and are popular choices) | 11:04 |
kedy | Dr_Willis: really? my kernel upgraded from 2.6.35-22 to 23 and now there is a new option in the grub menu | 11:05 |
yoan | but what happens if i'm 8.10 ubuntu | 11:05 |
crescent-front | i need to redirect all the requests to www other then subdomains using htaccess, is that possible | 11:05 |
Dr_Willis | kedy: cant say that any of my 3 machines have more then 1 kenel entry on them. (well 1 + the 1 recovery option) | 11:05 |
Dr_Willis | kedy: perhaps it upgraded them as part of the clean install.. not sure.. | 11:06 |
ltlkosh | crescent-front: sounds like more of an apache question than an ubuntu question | 11:06 |
yoan | how do i upgrade 8.10 to 10.10 | 11:06 |
crescent-front | ltlkosh : yes ofcourse. so have any idea. please | 11:06 |
phirosjr | where i can find linux mint channel? | 11:06 |
ilovefairuz | crescent-front: yes it's possible, but ask in #apache or something | 11:07 |
crescent-front | thanks, | 11:07 |
yoan | sorry, but anyone know how to upgrade from 8.10 -> 10.04 ? | 11:07 |
hinog1 | hmm I circumvented my no sound in flash problem for youtube and vimeo with the flashvideoreplacer in firefox but it only works in firefox and only for those two pages | 11:08 |
arvind_khadri | !mint | phirosjr | 11:08 |
ubottu | phirosjr: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 11:08 |
RootMan212 | ok | 11:08 |
hinog1 | very unsatisfing | 11:08 |
RootMan212 | hi everyone | 11:08 |
kedy | yoan: not sure but i think you add the 10.10 repos to your /etc/apt/source.list, then do apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgade | 11:08 |
kedy | yoan: careful to make backups before you update! | 11:09 |
arvind_khadri | yoan, you cant go directly from 8.10 to 10.10 | 11:09 |
Dr_Willis | kedy: i think thats the wrong way to do it.... | 11:09 |
yoan | oh ic | 11:09 |
kedy | yoan: ok then forget what i said | 11:09 |
Dr_Willis | yoan: you could go from 8.10 -> steps -> 9.04 ---> 10.04 i belive | 11:09 |
Dr_Willis | yoan: but its proberly better to do a clean reinstall | 11:10 |
arvind_khadri | yoan, 8.10->9.04->9.10->10.04->10.10 thats the path you should follow | 11:10 |
yoan | do i really have to backup | 11:10 |
RootMan212 | what is red hat enterprise? | 11:10 |
yoan | oh | 11:10 |
Dr_Willis | yoan: you dont HAVE to backup.. if your data is not worth keeping... | 11:10 |
arvind_khadri | yoan, or else do a clean install | 11:10 |
yoan | kk thx | 11:10 |
Dr_Willis | yoan: 'data worth keeping' is worth backing up.. | 11:10 |
chalcedony | thing is each time you do a step you develop problems | 11:11 |
arvind_khadri | RootMan212, its the enterprise edition of RedHat | 11:11 |
kedy | yoan: again i'm not sure since i always do a clean install, but if you have your /home as a different partition i think upgrading won't touch your /home. NOT SURE THOUGH | 11:12 |
bridean | sudo nmap -sP didn't work | 11:12 |
phirosjr | ty ubottu | 11:13 |
chalcedony | is there something that talks about ways to save the appropriate data? | 11:13 |
guampa | is possible to use apt-get to remove packages without removing dependencies or do i have to use dpkg? | 11:13 |
kedy | bridean: I said *similar* to. what's your subnet ip add and subnet mask? | 11:13 |
guampa | bridean: to know your network use "ip r" | 11:13 |
guampa | in a terminal | 11:13 |
guampa | then you'll know what net to scan | 11:14 |
chalcedony | is there something that talks about ways to backup the appropriate data, to upgrade ubuntu? | 11:15 |
Dr_Willis | chalcedony: it would depend on how you use your ubuntu syste, | 11:16 |
bridean | ip r gives me " dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src metric 1" | 11:16 |
Dr_Willis | i just keep /home/ on its own hd.. thats all the data i ever backup | 11:16 |
bridean | Also " dev eth0 scope link metric 1000 " | 11:16 |
guampa | bridean: then the network is | 11:17 |
guampa | the other doesn't matter | 11:17 |
chalcedony | Dr_Willis, umm nice idea, how could i set that up for next time? at this point i have it all in one, standard installation for 9.04. | 11:17 |
guampa | your address is | 11:17 |
brontosaurusrex | i noticed that debian has an option to auto generate partitions, like /, /home, /var, ect, how come this is missing in ubuntu? | 11:17 |
Dr_Willis | chalcedony: make a partition when installing. mount it to /home | 11:17 |
guampa | the other host will probably be (a guess) | 11:17 |
Dr_Willis | brontosaurusrex: it would be to 'complex' a concept i guess for beginners | 11:18 |
Dr_Willis | brontosaurusrex: i just use / /home and swap [artitions. or in my case /home/ is its own HD | 11:18 |
kedy | Dr_Willis: me too haha | 11:18 |
dr3mro | ilovefairuz, alrealdy installed sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad and not working | 11:18 |
brontosaurusrex | Dr_Willis: that would be a good preset + autocalculate the space needed | 11:18 |
brontosaurusrex | imho | 11:18 |
bridean | If I do sudo nmap -sP I get 3 hosts | 11:19 |
guampa | brontosaurusrex: i agree complex partition setups are rare in common user desktops | 11:19 |
Dr_Willis | brontosaurusrex: one issue ive seen. is that ive seen some windows machines (with win7) allready useing 4 primary partitions.. that was annoying to get linux on that machine. | 11:19 |
kedy | bridean: is your gateway, 102 is you, the other is your frozen mahine's | 11:19 |
guampa | bridean: yours you already know | 11:19 |
ilovefairuz | dr3mro: sudo apt-get install freepats | 11:20 |
bridean | Does make sense as the ip of my frozen machine? | 11:20 |
guampa | bridean: yes | 11:20 |
kedy | bridean: yes, guampa if i recall predicted it too | 11:21 |
bridean | Ok, so now if I do a ssh on that ip it says "connection refused" | 11:21 |
kedy | bridean: did u install ssh on the comp? | 11:21 |
kedy | bridean: did u block port 22 on it? | 11:21 |
chalcedony | Dr_Willis, i definitely need to upgrade. can you tell me sort-of what to do? | 11:21 |
barberan | Is it possible to use my wi-Fi adapter as an wi-fi access point ? | 11:21 |
bridean | kedy: Do you have to explicitly install ssh? | 11:22 |
dr3mro | ilovefairuz, freepats already installed | 11:22 |
kedy | bridean: yes, apt-get install ssh | 11:22 |
guampa | chalcedony: commonly backed up dirs are /etc and /home | 11:22 |
bridean | kedy: Also, as far as I know, I didn't block port 22 | 11:22 |
guampa | copy them up to a safe palce | 11:22 |
guampa | place | 11:22 |
arvind_khadri | opensshclient | 11:22 |
ilovefairuz | dr3mro: try, wildmidi path/to/file.mid .. does it play the file? | 11:23 |
Dr_Willis | chalcedony: i always back up /etc/ somewhere i can find it (like on ubuntuone) or some flash. in case i need to see what settings i may have changed. then i keep /home/ somewhere also. | 11:23 |
chandru_in | I have a custom web application running on some port. if it possible to intercept all requests to this server and log them without modifying the application itself? | 11:23 |
strange | hey guys i removed alsa and tried to compile it from source so that i could maybe mute my built in speakers but after make install it didnt work at all now when i apt-get alsa it wont find a soundcard either any suggestions? | 11:23 |
kedy | bridean: Then I'm guessing ssh isn't an option here. Did you save everything before your comp froze? | 11:23 |
chalcedony | Dr_Willis, ok | 11:24 |
bridean | kedy: Well, the only thing is, I wanted to save my freeciv game. But I guess that's not an option now. | 11:24 |
bridean | It seems like Ubuntu Studio is a less stable version of Ubuntu | 11:24 |
chandru_in | I can make the application listen for requests on a different port if needed. Not much can be changed beyond that. | 11:24 |
kedy | bridean: well at least you learned a little something about networks today =) | 11:25 |
guampa | chandru_in: you could log connections to the app port | 11:25 |
M4rkus | Test | 11:25 |
guampa | with iptables | 11:25 |
bridean | kedy: So I guess I need to install ssh on the desktop as well. If I use ssh can I trade files between the two computers? | 11:25 |
chandru_in | guampa, I also need the details like HTTP headers and the request body | 11:26 |
kedy | bridean: Of course, scp | 11:26 |
guampa | chandru_in: mm those maybe too, not sure though , letme check | 11:26 |
bridean | Thanks for your help kedy. I hope I didn't sound too newbie | 11:26 |
Dr_Willis | bridean: i thought freeciv auto saved every 10 min or so. you could boot a live cd and get an older save peraps | 11:26 |
kedy | bridean: No prob | 11:26 |
mylisto | hey folks | 11:27 |
kedy | bridean: scp is used similar to the cp command for example scp local_file username@ip_addr: ~/Desktop | 11:28 |
mylisto | I'm trying to find a kind of comprehensive personal organizer for Ubuntu - something that has some kind of alert system to let me know of upcoming events...and something that can incorporate google docs/calendar/etc | 11:28 |
guampa | chandru_in: check this out http://www.network-builders.com/using-iptables-log-http-request-file-t67353.html | 11:28 |
Dr_Willis | mylisto: google has widgits/gadgets thast work in linux that sync with google calander. | 11:29 |
brontosaurusrex | mylisto: if you find one, i'am interested as well | 11:29 |
chandru_in | guampa, Thanks. I think that'll be enough. Will try it out. | 11:30 |
guampa | ok, luck | 11:30 |
chalcedony | Dr_Willis, is it possible to scp my home and etc to another drive running a different version of ubuntu and get them back working, after? | 11:30 |
mylisto | dr_willis: do you know of any kind of personal organizer with these capabilities? | 11:31 |
Dr_Willis | chalcedony: archive them. scp them over.. is one way | 11:31 |
dr3mro | please how to play midi in ubuntu 10.10 totem media player | 11:31 |
Dr_Willis | mylisto: i dont use the things. I just saw the 'google gadgets' can do it.. | 11:31 |
erUSUL | !midi | dr3mro | 11:31 |
ubottu | dr3mro: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo | 11:31 |
chalcedony | Dr_Willis, i have extra space on several drives but no empty drives. | 11:32 |
UukGoblin | hi guys, is there a way to set ethtool options for a network card in initrd? (I have root on nfs) | 11:34 |
erUSUL | UukGoblin: dunno; take a look in /etc/initramfs-tools/ | 11:34 |
chalcedony | Dr_Willis, (or anyone) 'archive manager' does not work well for me, i don't know if that's my visual impairment or what, but i never can get stuff open. is there a command line way to do this? | 11:34 |
ahwii02 | hahah | 11:34 |
kedy | chalcedony: well how is the file compressed. there's always a command line way | 11:35 |
hinogi | Anyone successfully fixed the no sound problems in flash videos in firefox or chromium in Ubuntu 10.10 x64 ? | 11:35 |
UukGoblin | my main problem is that I have realtek 8111d or 8168d, and it boots the kernel and initrd fine (as in, bios gets it via tftp and all that), but after kernel boots, it says the link is not ready on either of the 2 cards | 11:35 |
UukGoblin | tried both stock r8169 as well as realtek's r8168 modules | 11:35 |
UukGoblin | + it seems to work on an old 100mbit switch, but doesn't on a gigaethernet one | 11:36 |
chalcedony | kedy, varies depending on the file, i guess. but if i wanted to archive home and etc, scp them and get them back working, what are good ways to do that with command line? | 11:36 |
UukGoblin | so I'm thinking of hard-setting it to 100mbps | 11:37 |
erUSUL | chalcedony: ( create the file outside of home ) tar czf /path/to/home_backup_$(date +%F).tar.gz $HOME | 11:38 |
chalcedony | erUSUL 9.04 - can you give me examples? | 11:38 |
guampa | UukGoblin: can you use the cards when the os is fully loaded? | 11:39 |
erUSUL | chalcedony: examples of what? | 11:39 |
UukGoblin | guampa, only on the old 100mbit switch | 11:39 |
UukGoblin | (I can't load the OS at all on the giga one) | 11:39 |
chalcedony | ( create the file outside of home ) - how? | 11:39 |
chalcedony | erUSUL, mkdir or? | 11:39 |
kedy | chalcedony: he just told u...tar czf /path/to/home_backup_$(date +%F).tar.gz $HOME | 11:39 |
UukGoblin | (on the old switch the stock r8169 module worked fine) | 11:40 |
Dr_Willis | chalcedony: I just tend to use the command line tools... or 'mc' as my acrhiver front end | 11:40 |
guampa | UukGoblin: used the cards with other os at 1g? | 11:40 |
erUSUL | chalcedony: you can use /tmp/ if you have anough space in that partition. it all depends on hw big the file ends up being | 11:40 |
chalcedony | hmmmm | 11:40 |
chalcedony | Dr_Willis, it's the old way | 11:41 |
UukGoblin | guampa, nope | 11:41 |
hariom | I want to see the cron log file to note if my application is performing anything wrong. I see that the application runs under the cron job mentioned but the desired outcome is note generated (i.e. updating data in a file). When I run same command (as defined for cron job), I can see the desired outcome. How to setup cron log or if exists, where to find one? I don't see cron related log in | 11:41 |
hariom | /var/logs | 11:41 |
chalcedony | erUSUL, how can i tell how big tmp is? | 11:41 |
guampa | try that, verify the cabling and everything works at 1g | 11:41 |
chalcedony | and how big are home and etc .. tarred | 11:42 |
UukGoblin | guampa, it's kinda hard as the machine has no hard drives | 11:42 |
erUSUL | chalcedony: if you do not have space you can send the tar file through ssh right away « tar czf - $HOME | ssh user@host 'cat > home_backup_$(date +%F).tar.gz' » or something like that | 11:42 |
mrexen | anyone got a binary 8 digit converter? | 11:42 |
mrexen | 100111001101111011010110110100101100001001000000110001101101111011011100111010001110010011011110110110000100000011010010110111000100000001100010010000001101000011011110111010101110010 | 11:42 |
FloodBot4 | mrexen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:43 |
UukGoblin | guampa, I tried netbooted slax the other time but it also had some issues with that network card | 11:43 |
mrexen | surely someone has a script of sorts for binary? | 11:43 |
UukGoblin | mrexen, try xxd -r -ps | 11:43 |
kedy | mrexen: used the calculator in ubuntu: 4715732664541100615573347216233666040322670401422015033672562 | 11:43 |
erUSUL | chalcedony: /tmp/ is in the root partition. "df -h2 shows partitions sizes. the size of home tarred you will have to guess. it all depends on how well it compresses etc. | 11:43 |
UukGoblin | and -b | 11:43 |
UukGoblin | or bc -l with ibase=2 | 11:43 |
brontosaurusrex | 'cat < is ' for binary? or? | 11:44 |
chalcedony | $ df -h2 | 11:44 |
chalcedony | df: invalid option -- '2' | 11:44 |
kedy | mrexen: not sure if it overflowed or not, can't u write a simple script? group digits together by 4 | 11:44 |
erUSUL | chalcedony: sorry that should have been a " | 11:44 |
mrexen | shouldn't they be grouped together by 8? | 11:44 |
mrexen | i figure the first letter is M | 11:44 |
erUSUL | chalcedony: « df -h » | 11:44 |
guampa | UukGoblin: yeah you can default to a sfe 100mb that would alleviate any possible problem with poor cabling | 11:45 |
mrexen | but i seriously cbf calculating each segment of 8 digits | 11:45 |
erUSUL | brontosaurusrex: ' cat < is ' makes little sense ... | 11:45 |
kedy | mrexen: binary -> base 8 is group by 4 | 11:45 |
nV | hey guys, dumbest question ever :) | 11:45 |
hariom | Any help?: I want to see the cron log file to note if my application is performing anything wrong. I see that the application runs under the cron job mentioned but the desired outcome is note generated (i.e. updating data in a file). When I run same command (as defined for cron job), I can see the desired outcome. How to setup cron log or if exists, where to find one? I don't see cron related | 11:45 |
hariom | log in /var/logs | 11:45 |
Kilianv | hey all, since updating today, my theme is all messed up, buttons and scrollbars lost their gradients, and semitransparant stuff in gnome-do doesnt show up. Any clue how to fix that? | 11:45 |
brontosaurusrex | erUSUL: the thing that looks like this: ' <--- and stands in front of the cat, what is it for? | 11:46 |
guampa | the nics should autodetect speed though | 11:46 |
geirha | kedy: 3 | 11:46 |
nV | how do I run a .sh file in terminal? I am trying to install zend server on a fresh desktop installation 10.10 | 11:46 |
kedy | geirha: dang my bad, it is 3 | 11:46 |
erUSUL | brontosaurusrex: is to quote the entire command line to passing it to ssh | 11:46 |
chalcedony | erUSUL, http://chalcedony.pastebin.com/shASZLML | 11:46 |
mrexen | group by 4? then the total could only be 15? | 11:47 |
brontosaurusrex | erUSUL: arh, ok thnaks | 11:47 |
kedy | mrexen: careless mistake, group by 3, thanks to geirha for noticing | 11:47 |
Hcomp | hello | 11:47 |
erUSUL | chalcedony: you have a lot of free space in root | 11:47 |
Hcomp | to install nvidia driver I use this "/etc/init.d/gdem stop" | 11:47 |
Hcomp | I install it succefully | 11:47 |
mrexen | err | 11:47 |
Hcomp | but I cant to start it again | 11:48 |
mrexen | are you guys serious | 11:48 |
Hcomp | and now I dont have graphic mode at ubuntu | 11:48 |
bespecial | send%ubutnu | 11:48 |
erUSUL | nV: bash file.sh | 11:48 |
Hcomp | Could you please help me? | 11:48 |
UukGoblin | guampa, yeah, you're right, I tried a third cable and it works now (it doesn't see the link straight away, but after another tries it becomes up) | 11:48 |
bespecial | 乌班图 | 11:48 |
erUSUL | nV: or « chmod +x file.sh && ./file.sh » | 11:48 |
erUSUL | !cn | 11:48 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 11:48 |
UukGoblin | guampa, any idea where in initrd could I hook up to execute ethtool to force it to 100? | 11:49 |
guampa | UukGoblin: 1g is picky with copper | 11:49 |
erUSUL | nV: if it is a instalation script you may have to use sudo with it. | 11:49 |
UukGoblin | imho it should still autonegotiate 100 if copper is too poor for 1g :-/ | 11:49 |
nV | erUSUL | 11:50 |
nV | thanks for the reply | 11:50 |
nV | I managed to run the file | 11:50 |
nV | but it is giving error with signature verification | 11:50 |
nV | something about the repository is not updated | 11:51 |
nV | eish | 11:51 |
guampa | UukGoblin: yup it should, anyway run ethtool at some point in an rc | 11:51 |
nV | :) | 11:51 |
guampa | (after the drivers are loaded fe) | 11:51 |
Kilianv | The buttons and scrollbars of my ubuntu don't show gradients anymore since todays update: http://i.imgur.com/dSnM4.png does anyone have an idea why? | 11:52 |
UukGoblin | guampa, i need it before the rc, as soon as initrd :/ | 11:53 |
kedy | \quit | 11:54 |
UukGoblin | i can't figure out the scripts for initrd | 11:54 |
Wizzup | http://paste.villavu.com/show/124/ I get this when trying to upgrade to 10.10, any hints? | 11:56 |
guampa | UukGoblin: http://serverfault.com/questions/95037/custom-initrd-init-script-how-to-create-dev-initctl | 11:57 |
mrexen | wow the ubuntu crowd seems to have turned into what seems to be what windows used to be | 11:59 |
UukGoblin | guampa, hrm, I guess I could fiddle with /usr/share/initramfs-tools/init | 11:59 |
* mrexen shrugs <ascii 4tw> | 12:00 | |
guampa | UukGoblin: great | 12:00 |
bespecial | quit | 12:01 |
chalcedony | erUSUL, tar czf - $WHAT GOES HERE? 'cat > home_backup_$(date +%F).tar.gz' - would this zip the home director to another place on my drive? then i could also scp it to another computer/ip? (for safety)? | 12:02 |
chalcedony | kedy ^^ | 12:03 |
Owner__ | Does anybody know whether the Linksys by Cisco WMP54G works in karmic and maverick out of the box? the wiki seems quite outdated there.. | 12:04 |
mattish | hello, where do i find the configuration details when i right click and share something? ive looked at /etc/samba/smb.conf but couldnt see it ? | 12:05 |
Treyno | Guys, whatever IDE i download for ubuntu it never seems to show identations... | 12:06 |
Treyno | oops, id be better off in #python | 12:07 |
nutz | hi all | 12:08 |
=== WillPittenger is now known as WLP|Away | ||
aaaaha | hi | 12:08 |
mattish | anyone know where the config file is for ubuntu smb shares ? | 12:09 |
nutz | i'm having trouble with a medion-laptop and ubuntu 10.04 (i don't want to use 10.10): the wireless is not working and i remember the fix was adding something to the grub.cfg, something like pci=no_... can anybody help out? | 12:09 |
hinogi | is there a ways to open pdf files multiple times with evince? | 12:09 |
Hcomp | my ubuntu dosent have graphic view I cant see anything | 12:09 |
Hcomp | can anybod help me | 12:09 |
Hcomp | ? | 12:09 |
aaaaha | Hcomp: get graphics drivers for your card | 12:09 |
hinogi | nutz: maybe acipi? | 12:10 |
aaaaha | hinogi: i think you mean 'acpi' | 12:10 |
hinogi | eh acpi I mean nut | 12:10 |
nutz | hinogi: no it was something similar to "no_cdc" or so | 12:10 |
nV | anyone here running zend server CE on ubuntu desktop 10.10? | 12:13 |
Hcomp | aaaaha: It works but I use /etc/init.d/dem stop | 12:13 |
ispirto | how can i see last 10 lines of a text document in ubuntu | 12:13 |
nV | ispirto: scroll? | 12:13 |
ispirto | nV, it's too big | 12:14 |
thunkee | ispirto: my vote ist last :) | 12:14 |
nV | :P | 12:14 |
nV | i was just kidding anyways | 12:14 |
nV | I do not have the intellectual capacity to assist you with your problem | 12:14 |
thunkee | ispirto: sry for that use tail | 12:16 |
nutz | ha! i meant: pci=use_crs :) | 12:16 |
ispirto | tail shows only the first lines | 12:16 |
thunkee | ispirto: strange that should be head | 12:16 |
Hcomp | and then it dosent work | 12:17 |
Owner__ | Does anybody know whether the Linksys by Cisco WMP54G works in karmic and maverick out of the box? the wiki seems quite outdated there.. | 12:17 |
BajK_ | Where do I get the policykit packages? | 12:19 |
BajK_ | apt-get install policykit says it cannot find them | 12:19 |
sonorus | hi, i delete a folder (size 40 GB), but free space is still 10 GB, why ?? | 12:19 |
BajK_ | okay it is policykit-1 .. | 12:20 |
BajK_ | sonorus: did you refresh properly? | 12:20 |
BajK_ | try navigating to another folder, this might refresh the fres space bar | 12:20 |
hariom | How to setup cron log file? I am on Lucid | 12:20 |
sonorus | <BajK_> yes | 12:21 |
brontosaurusrex | Owner__: router? | 12:25 |
Owner__ | brontosaurusrex: pci wlan adapter | 12:25 |
=== sean is now known as Guest27521 | ||
Owner__ | brontosaurusrex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsLinksys#WMP54G | 12:26 |
Owner__ | brontosaurusrex: why did that wiki, an many similar ones, stop at gutsy? | 12:27 |
skp | привет всем | 12:28 |
brontosaurusrex | Owner__: why many wikis and similar think that 'today' is the date to cover the future? no idea... | 12:28 |
Owner__ | brontosaurusrex: :) any idea about my wlan? | 12:29 |
brontosaurusrex | Owner__: nope, sorry | 12:29 |
hystreni | does anyone have a suggestion for a smal and minimal GTK2 theme? | 12:33 |
sougata | what are the latex packages in ubuntu ? | 12:34 |
zwox_ | hi there | 12:34 |
brontosaurusrex | hystreni: bisigi themes seems to be snappier than default maverick ones, i'am using airlines one | 12:34 |
iceroot | sougata: texlive | 12:34 |
hystreni | brokendatapoint, ty, will check iot out | 12:35 |
zwox_ | could someone tell me how to get hostname with dhcp in ubuntu without locally scripting it please ? | 12:35 |
sougata | iceroot, Thank you | 12:35 |
wernbrenk1 | can anyone give me some advice regarding built-in 3G on an HP and ubuntu? | 12:35 |
prong | I can feel 3pounds of thanksgiving feces snaking through my intestines | 12:36 |
prong | About to slither out in 4-5 hours | 12:37 |
ritsri | hi | 12:37 |
prong | Digested food doesn't turn to fecal brown until it reaches the large intestines | 12:38 |
prong | Specialized acids do that | 12:38 |
netwrkspider | Hi | 12:39 |
n8w | how can i prevent having to do the followin every time i switch to different user: export DISPLAY=:0.0 , export $(dbus-launch)?? | 12:40 |
prong | N8w hi | 12:41 |
prong | Have you pooped out thanksgiving dinner yet? | 12:41 |
prong | Im transferring my feces to my garden | 12:42 |
prong | For tomato plants | 12:42 |
Xeli | Hello, i'm trying to install (k)ubuntu amd64 on my system, but upon trying to boot of the cd i just get a black screen with a white cursor blinking, does anyone have an idea what might cause this? | 12:42 |
Xeli | i have verified md5sum and tried it on an usb stick | 12:42 |
prong | Is it Not working | 12:43 |
=== nand_ is now known as nand | ||
prong | Thanksgiving feces | 12:46 |
ireas | hi | 12:46 |
prong | Will be sliding out soon | 12:46 |
ireas | I just updated from 10.04 to 10.10, but obviously the package configuration wasn't successfull so I can't login | 12:46 |
ireas | (Ubuntu freezes in the login screen) | 12:46 |
Kingsy | hey ppl, I have an odd problem, I have folders shared on my ubuntu pc, which I can browse from a windows pc just fine, however I cant see any computers on the network from my ubuntu machine at all when I click on networking there is only a windows network with a workgroup inside however I get an error when I try to browse that. Also I cant see the other ubuntu pc either | 12:47 |
prong | reinstall | 12:47 |
n8w | how do i add the export display and xhost+ to my .bashrc? | 12:47 |
ireas | And it seems as I can't start Ubuntu in recovery mode (grub doesn't show its menu) | 12:47 |
ireas | any ideas? | 12:48 |
yugal | can't see any icons on my desktop ! Can you help ? | 12:48 |
noeli | ola | 12:49 |
yugal | its not showing icons on desktop ! | 12:50 |
yugal | can some one help ? | 12:50 |
mylisto | yugal: did you install something? | 12:51 |
yugal | mylisto, I have both thunar and nautilus installed | 12:51 |
mylisto | hmm | 12:52 |
mylisto | not sure | 12:52 |
mylisto | what is thunar? | 12:52 |
habibu | hello how can i design user interface that is connected to database | 12:53 |
yugal | mylisto, thunar is a file manager just like nautilus | 12:53 |
mylisto | hey folks I have some weird error going on. I recently installed google gadgets on lucid...and a screenlets program... | 12:53 |
karthick87 | What is the minimum size of the LAMP server? | 12:53 |
mylisto | I was also messing around with compiz | 12:53 |
yugal | karthick87, lamp server when compressed is of about 65 MB | 12:54 |
mylisto | anyhow, now my screens are kind of jacked up...there are no longer the minimize/maximize options on any screens..super annoying | 12:54 |
mylisto | http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/4162/screenshot1jx.png | 12:54 |
karthick87 | yugal: it's abt 1.5 GB now can i reduce the size?? | 12:55 |
yugal | hey guys I have a wired problem, I have stuff in my desktop folder but I can't see any on my actual desktop | 12:55 |
yugal | karthick87, I am talking about the lamp that the xammpp people provide | 12:55 |
yugal | karthick87, its about 200 MB when uncompressed | 12:55 |
yugal | can't see icons on my desktop !! How to fix that ? | 12:56 |
Kingsy | why is it, I don't even have samba running, I cant use a ubuntu machine to see the other ubuntu machine across a network? | 12:58 |
Kingsy | Places -> Networking is blank apart from a folder that says windows network which doesnt work cos I disabled samba | 12:58 |
mylisto | ok this is really weird | 12:59 |
mylisto | for some reason my windows are all jacked up...there are not the normal borders around them anymore | 12:59 |
mylisto | http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/4162/screenshot1jx.png and http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/6389/testyiw.jpg | 12:59 |
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower | ||
mylisto | I had installed google docs...played around with it... | 12:59 |
brontosaurusrex | Kingsy: use ssh | 12:59 |
mylisto | and also played around with compbiz... | 12:59 |
mylisto | I uninstalled compiz to see if this would fix things up but it hasn't | 13:00 |
Kingsy | brontosaurusrex - thats not the point, shouldnt I be able to see the other computer on the network? | 13:00 |
brontosaurusrex | Kingsy: i dont know why nautilus thinks that samba shares is something to look for, if that is the question? | 13:00 |
mylisto | on the second picture (the jpeg) I would normally have a border around that popup...but its not there...and since its not there I can't drag it anywhere | 13:00 |
randy_ | can you tell me how install deb from apt ingore relation ,becasue some package I know the relation is no need | 13:01 |
lukasz | hi | 13:01 |
mylisto | argh this is so annoying | 13:01 |
axel_foley | i have an sn18000g via epia board and want to use an raid 5 mdadm | 13:02 |
axel_foley | the creation of the raid works fine, but create the filesystem freezes my pc | 13:02 |
=== soosfarm is now known as oel | ||
thunkee | Kingsy: if you have no higher level protocol like samba/netbios you wont see any computers. you can use scanners to look for computers at the same cable | 13:05 |
mylisto | anyone? | 13:05 |
hihihi100 | who can help me with ext4? | 13:05 |
mao | randy_: sudo dpkg -i x.deb and sudo apt-get -f install | 13:06 |
Wizzup | I cannot upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 from 10.04. It errors out when calculating the changes | 13:06 |
Wizzup | I do have some unofficial software packages installed (it complains about this), but I really don't see how this can prevent the upgrade process from happening. Can't it just disable these software sources...? | 13:07 |
Wizzup | I guess I can and uninstall all my ``unofficial'' software (wine-ppa,mozilla-daily and virtualbox)... See if that works.... | 13:07 |
nV | hey guys, can someone please explain to me how do I set the permissions for var/www to all users? | 13:08 |
Wizzup | s/and// | 13:08 |
randy_ | and the deb will like rpm cause I install A need B,but B tell me should remove A | 13:08 |
nV | this is, if I understand correctly, the default directory for my localhost files correct? | 13:08 |
pure_hate | nV: You dont set permissions for all users, generally if its a web app you give it permisions of the web-user | 13:09 |
bash | how can u record any audio played with sox or rec ?? | 13:11 |
Kingsy | brontosaurusrex: sorry I got d/ced so yea, ssh doesnt even work :S | 13:12 |
nV | hi pure_hate: can you give me some more info on this? | 13:16 |
nV | i am really a noob when it comes to ubuntu :P | 13:16 |
nV | or linux for that matter | 13:16 |
nV | I tried to change the permissions on teh file | 13:16 |
nV | but it keeps telling me permission denied | 13:16 |
kub0l | try: chmod 755 <file_name> | 13:16 |
kub0l | as a root of coz | 13:16 |
pete1 | hello, will chkdsk or native defrag in windows "fix" hard links I set up ubuntu? | 13:19 |
augdawg | when i try bzr branch, it always asks me for my password. i hav tried telling it to unlck the keychain, but it wont work. can anyone help? | 13:20 |
Kingsy | ok what is going on here, I can ssh into my ubuntu machine, but I cant see it in Places -> Networks why not? | 13:24 |
thunkee | Kingsy: if you have no higher level protocol like samba/netbios you wont see any computers. you can use scanners to look for computers at the same cable | 13:24 |
Kingsy | I can however see both ubuntu machines on the network through windows | 13:24 |
waza-ari | Hey all, i want to delete all the media data in banshee. My first approach was to delete the banshee folders in ~/.conf and ~/.gconf. This did not help. Afterwards i removed it using the --purge option, and reinstalled it, but the media-database is still available. Any ideas? | 13:24 |
Kingsy | thunkee - ohhh ok.. well see I do have samba installed but I disabled it, cos it still didnt seem to work | 13:24 |
Kingsy | thunkee: for example, if I enabled samba on this ubuntu machine now, would I be able to see the other one? even if the other pc doesnt have samba? | 13:25 |
thunkee | Kingsy: nmbd from samba does the host name lookup | 13:25 |
Kingsy | thunkee: right so sudo service nmbd start I should be able to see the other pc? | 13:26 |
Kingsy | or do I need nmbd running on both? | 13:26 |
pure_hate | nV: To change ownership of the file: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www | 13:26 |
denisbr | Bom dia | 13:26 |
bt4 | ping | 13:27 |
thunkee | Kingsy: sry dont know this, but if you want to use samba for network info all machines must have samba installes | 13:27 |
salil | Hi.. I just downloaded ubuntu-10.10-alternate-i386.iso over bittorrent and I can't boot into it from VirtualBox.. I can't even extract the ISO. It produces a blank folder.. What's wrong? | 13:27 |
Kingsy | thunkee: hmm I am just not sure.. perhaps I should ask in #networking | 13:27 |
pete1 | will windows "fix" hard links on a ntfs partition? | 13:31 |
salil | What the hell! ubuntu-10.10-alternate-i386.iso is entirely filled with zeroes.. I got a legit torrent from www.ubuntu.com.. Can anyone look into this? | 13:31 |
nV | umm | 13:32 |
nV | anyone running zend server CE on ubuntu? | 13:32 |
jita | How do i disable gdm so that gnome is not booted anymore? | 13:32 |
salil | What the hell! ubuntu-10.10-alternate-i386.iso is entirely filled with zeroes.. I got a legit torrent from www.ubuntu.com.. Can anyone look into this? | 13:36 |
jita | Dr_Willis: there ? | 13:36 |
Skapare | salil: where did you get the one with zeros from? | 13:37 |
hihihi100 | help with ext3 and ext4 | 13:38 |
hihihi100 | pls | 13:38 |
bespecial__ | hi,i m from china | 13:38 |
elFidel | hihihi100: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | 13:39 |
thunkee | !help | hihihi100 | 13:39 |
ubottu | hihihi100: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 13:39 |
danboid | Why am I getting logged off after a while of inactivity under Maverick?? | 13:40 |
hihihi100 | ok, but its gonna be quite long, and i may be kicked by the bot | 13:40 |
hihihi100 | NYWAY... | 13:40 |
yugo | hello | 13:40 |
Skapare | danboid: screen saver? it's for your security | 13:40 |
danboid | I checked screensaver and power settings | 13:40 |
Skapare | danboid: did you change time for screensaver? | 13:41 |
danboid | LOck screen is turned off under scrensaver | 13:41 |
hihihi100 | I have 2 500GB external hard drives, same vendor, same brand, same model, that have the exactly the same data in them, given that one is a copy of the other. Both have the same number of files. One external HD is in EXT3, the other is in EXT4. The first one shows 102 MB of free space, the other shows 3.9 GB of free space. I insist that the EXT4 HD is a copy of the data stored in the EXT3 external HD, and I dont understand th | 13:41 |
hihihi100 | e grounds for that difference of free space. Im concerned, as I fear I may have lost some files, or that some files may be corrupted | 13:41 |
Kingsy | can someone in here help me get my network going ubuntu/ubuntu pcs | 13:41 |
Kingsy | I can ssh between them but I cant see them in Places->Networking on either end. I have nmbd running on both | 13:41 |
danboid | Skapare, but its more than that anyway- I'm fully getting logged off- not just locked screen ie all apps get shut | 13:41 |
hihihi100 | i can post a screenshot if u want | 13:42 |
someone__ | Can anyone recommend some great wardriver-s channel | 13:42 |
Skapare | hihihi100: ext4 has larger overhead with larger pointer values so it can handle larger disks | 13:42 |
someone__ | /mode +x | 13:43 |
hihihi100 | skapara, does that mean that my fear of having lost some data during the copy are unfounded? | 13:43 |
danboid | hihihi100, They could be partitioned differently- you checked partition sizes? | 13:43 |
prong | Lulz | 13:43 |
Skapare | danboid: does changing the timing on screen saver setting change the timing on you getting logged off? need to know this to determine if screen saver is causing it | 13:43 |
hihihi100 | both show " MB of unallocated space | 13:44 |
hihihi100 | 2 | 13:44 |
hihihi100 | 2 mb | 13:44 |
aimtrainer | Hi! After restarting compiz doesn't work anymore: compiz: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. Can anyone please help me? | 13:45 |
danboid | Skapare, I should be safe in leaving ss on IF I disable 'lock screen' which I have. However, that should NOT close open apps ie log me out of my session which is what I'm experiencing. I've changed all power settings to 'Never' too.. | 13:45 |
hihihi100 | heads, sectors and cylinders, are exactly the same | 13:46 |
hihihi100 | gparted I mean | 13:46 |
hihihi100 | total sectores and sector size exactly equal too | 13:46 |
hihihi100 | sectors | 13:46 |
Skapare | danboid: I agree ... but I have no idea where the logout action comes from for this | 13:46 |
Skapare | danboid: screen saver causing it is suspect, but not certain | 13:46 |
Skapare | danboid: could be many other things that cause it | 13:47 |
pksadiq | !find libGL.so.1 | 13:47 |
ubottu | File libGL.so.1 found in fglrx, ia32-libs, libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg, libgl1-mesa-swx11, libgl1-mesa-swx11-dbg, nvidia-173, nvidia-96, nvidia-current | 13:47 |
Kingsy | can someone in here help me get my network going with ubuntu/ubuntu pcs | 13:47 |
Kingsy | I can ssh between them but I cant see them in Places->Networking on either end. I have nmbd running on both | 13:48 |
DASPRiD | win \o/ | 13:50 |
danboid | Skapare, Yes- my only option (without switching from GNOME or changing distro) now is to disable screensaver totally but thats quite sad | 13:51 |
danboid | Skapare, being logged out is unacceptable tho | 13:51 |
Skapare | danboid: if you do disable it totally, and if that eliminates the problem, then at least we know that the screensaver is the source or pathway of the problem | 13:51 |
Skapare | danboid: mine is enabled and does not cause logouts | 13:51 |
=== netzapper-idle is now known as Netzapper | ||
Genieliu | clear | 13:53 |
Kingsy | can someone in here help me get my network going with ubuntu/ubuntu pcs | 13:53 |
Kingsy | I can ssh between them but I cant see them in Places->Networking on either end. I have nmbd running on both | 13:53 |
stix | Hi guys. How can I create a shortcut on my desktop on the netbook edition? | 13:53 |
mylisto | hey folks... | 13:53 |
mylisto | I installed google gadgets...at first I could see the sidebar panel on the lefthand side.. | 13:53 |
mylisto | now I can't see it...driving me bonkers! | 13:53 |
mylisto | its weird..I can only see a tiny sliver of the sidebar on the left hand side | 13:55 |
osmosis_paul | good evening, somebody know why when using this line of my service the service dont run in background and if i return to the console the service close?? "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/local/activeMQ/apache-activemq-5.3.0/bin/activemq | 13:55 |
dar__ | hi everybody just tell me what will happens if i reboot my system before the 100% synchro of a RAID-1 software done with mdadm | 13:56 |
osmosis_paul | i mean when i execute /etc/init.d/activemq | 13:56 |
osmosis_paul | /etc/init.d/activemq start i mean | 13:56 |
osmosis_paul | but if use /etc/init.d/activemq start & then i can press ctrl+c and come back to the console without close the service | 13:56 |
haoa | quit | 13:57 |
thunkee | Kingsy: try smbtree -b ... smbstatus | 13:58 |
plumx_ | . | 13:59 |
pksadiq | osmosis_paul: try to put & after the command | 13:59 |
randy_ | can you tell me how install deb from apt ingore relation ,becasue some package I know the relation is no need | 14:00 |
randy_ | and the deb will like rpm cause I install A need B,but B tell me should remove A | 14:00 |
pksadiq | randy_: you might have to open the file using any file archiver and paste it to corresponding paths, it's not recommended | 14:01 |
Kingsy | thunkee: http://pastebin.com/F1EaAdEd it found the pcs but with errors | 14:02 |
Kingsy | pluto is the name of the other ubuntu pc | 14:02 |
Kingsy | thunkee: ^^^ | 14:02 |
randy_ | pksadiq, this is a way,but I want ot use package,becasue some other package need relation | 14:02 |
=== NG_ is now known as ng_ | ||
frojnd | How can I install propriatery drivers for ati mobility radeon HD 5470 from terminal? | 14:04 |
pksadiq | !ati | frojnd | 14:05 |
ubottu | frojnd: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 14:05 |
simmerz | hi. is there some way to access a scanner with Ubuntu that has been shared on the network by Mac OS X? | 14:06 |
Kingsy | thunkee: any ideas? | 14:06 |
=== slidinghorn is now known as zz_slidinghorn | ||
fi3ei2 | is anyone use minefield instead of firefox here? | 14:13 |
thunkee | Kingsy: looking ... maybe this is your issue http://ubuntuswitch.wordpress.com/tag/nautlius/ ... although many threads point out dns redirections | 14:14 |
=== sebastian is now known as basti123 | ||
basti123 | hallo everyone | 14:15 |
basti123 | since the upgrade of ubuntu to 10.04, my Fn key and CTRL have swapped their functionallity | 14:16 |
osmosis_paul | pksadiq, sorry but i guess that all deamon process run in background | 14:16 |
basti123 | does someone know how to change it ? | 14:16 |
bonhoffer_ | is there a reason my admin group doesn't exist on 10.4 new install? | 14:16 |
bonhoffer_ | adduser: The group `admin' does not exist. | 14:16 |
frojnd | Can someone please tell me which .torrent I have to download in order to install Ubuntu Within Windows 7? from this page? http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ | 14:16 |
foo-nix | the netbeans package of apt-get states it is and ide also for PHP " Support for PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.", but php support is not in there. | 14:17 |
st | frojnd, livecd | 14:17 |
foo-nix | or should I install some extra package? | 14:17 |
magicjoe | can anyone help me after upgrading to 10.4 my compiz fuzion stuff is not working. i tried going to system/appearance/visual effects, but when i enable the higher visual effects, it error messages me saying it cannot load those settings!!! it worked fine in 9.10.....can i go back? | 14:17 |
foo-nix | (i.e. I couldn't find it in the repositories either) | 14:17 |
bonhoffer_ | admin is a valid group, right? | 14:17 |
bonhoffer_ | installed by default? | 14:17 |
frojnd | st: there is only 6.06 that has "live" in a name | 14:18 |
frojnd | any other suggestions? | 14:18 |
magicjoe | this sucks. is there a way to roll back to 9.10? | 14:18 |
st | frojnd, then desktop | 14:19 |
basti123 | does someone knows how to detect which keyboard i am using ? | 14:19 |
sgo11 | hi, for creating usb drive of ubuntu-netbook, how can I do it in opensuse? how to convert the iso to .img file? thanks. | 14:20 |
=== zz_slidinghorn is now known as slidinghorn | ||
frojnd | st: jeah but it's .iso | 14:20 |
Kingsy | thunkee: ok something weird is going on, I couldnt stop or start smbd so I uninstalled it and re-installed and now there isnt a folder in /etc/ called samba??? | 14:20 |
st | frojnd, download wubi and put iso in its folder | 14:21 |
st | Kingsy, copy it manually | 14:21 |
Kingsy | st - not sure how to do that | 14:21 |
st | Kingsy, there's template directory somewhere in /usr | 14:22 |
Skapare | sgo11: or you could just download a .img ... are you going to copy it to usb flash drive? | 14:22 |
Kingsy | st: do you know where it is in /usr/ ? | 14:23 |
Kingsy | st: cos I cant find it | 14:23 |
sgo11 | Skapare, yeah, I will dd it to a usb drive. is there a .img file? let me see. | 14:23 |
Skapare | this one I created ... http://slashusr.net/ubuntu/10.10/ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso.img | 14:24 |
Skapare | it is a dual-format ... works BOTH as .img (use dd to flash drive) or as .iso (burn it to CD/DVD) | 14:24 |
sgo11 | Skapare, got it. thanks. but do you know an easy way to convert the iso to .img? | 14:25 |
=== sin__tax is now known as sin_tax | ||
sgo11 | Skapare, opensuse normally provides the dual-format iso file. I don't know why ubuntu doesn't do it. | 14:25 |
thunkee | Kingsy: no /etc/samba is bad ... first try again smbtree -b and nmblookup \* | 14:25 |
Skapare | sgo11: I don't know, either ... I have by own program to make the dual-format for Ubuntu | 14:25 |
sgo11 | Skapare, ok. thanks a lot. | 14:26 |
sanguisdex | I had to login to my machine remotly today, is there there a way to close the logged in session that I left on at the office? | 14:26 |
home-alone | Suggest me light weight ubuntu derivative . for Pentium iii 256 ram | 14:26 |
Kingsy | thunkee: that gives an error --> params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf": no such file or direct | 14:26 |
Skapare | sanguisdex: find which process ID is the login shell ... and kill it | 14:27 |
Kingsy | ory**9 | 14:27 |
thunkee | Kingsy: i think samba isnt installed yet | 14:27 |
st | Kingsy, just search for 'samba' | 14:27 |
Eni | anyone can help me with backtrack? | 14:27 |
Eni | ? | 14:27 |
Kingsy | thunkee - if I do , apt-get install samba I get samba is already the newest version. | 14:27 |
Eni | anyone can help me with backtrack 4 R1? | 14:28 |
Eni | anyone can help me with backtrack 4 R1? | 14:28 |
thunkee | Kingsy: don ask me about apt things i use synaptic :) | 14:28 |
Eni | anyone can help me with backtrack 4 R1? | 14:28 |
Kingsy | ok I will remove it and use synaptic to install it | 14:28 |
Pulsewidth | How can I prevent the "searching for available drivers" every time I turn on Compiz visual effects? | 14:29 |
bonhoffer_ | i can't add the user tim to sudoers | 14:29 |
bonhoffer_ | anyone with recommendations? | 14:29 |
home-alone | anyone suggest me light weight ubuntu based distro for pIII . 256 ram | 14:29 |
Eni | anyone can help me with backtrack 4 R1? | 14:29 |
Eni | anyone can help me with backtrack 4 R1? | 14:29 |
totem | Eni, join #backtrack-linux | 14:29 |
DJones | !backtrack | Eni | 14:29 |
ubottu | Eni: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 14:29 |
Skapare | Eni: wait for someone who can ... repeating won't help | 14:29 |
wika | haloo | 14:29 |
Kingsy | thunkee: ok which boxes should I tick in synaptic? just the main samba one? | 14:30 |
Kingsy | or is there anything else I need? | 14:30 |
=== bonhoffer_ is now known as cipio | ||
Smegzor | Hi. I've installed XP (dual boot) and I'm in the live cd trying to restore grub2. I have followed some instructions, but it didn't restore a working grub2. It called for me to install grub2 on sda. sda1 is ntfs with xp on it. Does that matter? I have 1 other bootable partition (different drive) which is ext3. Should I install grub there? | 14:30 |
thunkee | Kingsy: every box need samba running ... perhaps ask how to install samba with apt | 14:31 |
Daekdroom | Smegzor, mark the other driver as bootable in the system BIOS first. | 14:31 |
Kingsy | thunkee: ok np I will have to come back to this , I need to go | 14:31 |
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lightpriest | any idea why empathy shows "connected to facebook" but I don't see any contacts online? as if I was offline... | 14:32 |
st | Smegzor, grub2 is installed outside the partitions | 14:32 |
totem | home-alone, try linuxmint go to www.linuxmint.com | 14:32 |
icedearth | I need to test a notify script in irssi can somebody just shout me to see if it works if I am mentioned in channel | 14:33 |
Smegzor | oh. so I have to fiddle with the drives in the bios? | 14:33 |
Daekdroom | Smegzor, Precisely | 14:33 |
Kingsy | thunkee: well installed samba with synaptic doesnt give me a /etc/samba folder either | 14:33 |
st | icedearth, lol | 14:33 |
icedearth | ok thanks that worked! | 14:33 |
Daekdroom | Smegzor, or you can create a /boot/ partition in the drive with XP on it.. but it can't be NTFS | 14:33 |
x404x | is there a way to undelete files deleted by sabnzbd, I see it has disobeyed my settings and deleted all files it downloaded, and why can i not save the settings so they remain on next reboot ? | 14:33 |
Smegzor | hmm.. When I booted up, the last step was supposed to be sudo update-grub but I found myself in a grub prompt and it didn't recognise sudo or update-grub or anything else I tried. | 14:34 |
Kingsy | st: I did grep for it, there was like 20 different references to samba in /usr/ | 14:34 |
=== gary_ is now known as Guest18523 | ||
g4tsu-ks | Hi | 14:35 |
thunkee | Kingsy: no /etc/samba and /etc/samba/smb.conf is beyond my scope sry | 14:35 |
g4tsu-ks | Is there an kernel version recommended for mouting an ocfs2 filesystem ? | 14:35 |
xxx | hi all;) | 14:35 |
Kingsy | thunkee: np cheers anyways | 14:35 |
Smegzor | after I tinker in the bios, do I need to boot the live cd and follow the steps again? | 14:36 |
xxx | how to unistall code::blocks ? | 14:36 |
xxx | can anyone help me? | 14:37 |
Smegzor | it was so much easier to restore grub before grub2 :/ | 14:37 |
mfaroukg | how can i fix the font encoding which showing strange symbols ? | 14:37 |
CrimsonIdol | Smegzor, #grub | 14:37 |
Smegzor | thanks. I'll go there after my 2nd attempt if I don't succeed. | 14:38 |
mfaroukg | how can i fix the font encoding which showing strange symbols ? | 14:39 |
xxx | how to unistall deb packets? | 14:39 |
xxx | ?? | 14:40 |
xxx | strange symbols? | 14:40 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: got a screenshot? | 14:40 |
xxx | perhaps don;t have proper encoding | 14:40 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, Èá äÊÈÚ ÊÚÇáíã ÏíääÇ ÈãäÊåì ÇáÏÞå æÇáÕÑÇãå | 14:40 |
Gnea | xxx: what's the name of the package? | 14:41 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, should be arabic | 14:41 |
Digistras | When I type sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng...i get the error E: Unable to locate package aircrack-ng | 14:41 |
Digistras | why is that so? | 14:41 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: uh, that doesn't even show up right on MY screen heh | 14:41 |
CrimsonIdol | xxx, man dpkg | 14:41 |
xxx | repositorium problem | 14:41 |
xxx | think u need | 14:41 |
xxx | to update it | 14:41 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: does it happen only in irc? | 14:41 |
xxx | whih version u gave digi? | 14:41 |
randy_ | I install compiz-config but can't find fire | 14:42 |
Gnea | xxx: no, you just need to know the name of the package. what is it? | 14:42 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, it happens on the on the gedit also | 14:42 |
Digistras | give what? | 14:42 |
xxx | u have | 14:42 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, this should be something like this كيف الحال | 14:42 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: anything else? or are arabic symbols appearing correctly elsewhere? | 14:42 |
xxx | whih version ubuntu u have? | 14:42 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: okay, now THAT looks like arabic | 14:42 |
hihihi100 | gpart cannot find a mount point for my external HD, but I can access it. However I cannot delete partitions | 14:42 |
Digistras | xxx: waht do u mean by that? | 14:42 |
CrimsonIdol | mfaroukg, looked good here | 14:42 |
hihihi100 | gparted I mean | 14:42 |
Digistras | When I type sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng...i get the error E: Unable to locate package aircrack-ng | 14:42 |
Gnea | !ask | xxx | 14:42 |
nicl | Hi, I have dual-booted ubuntu (with W7) and the root partition is almost out of space and I am getting warnings... | 14:42 |
ubottu | xxx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 14:42 |
Digistras | why is that so? | 14:42 |
xxx | 10.04 ? | 14:42 |
=== cipio is now known as bonhoffer | ||
=== ng_ is now known as NG_ | ||
nicl | Anyone know how to increase the root partition size by taking space from my home partition? | 14:43 |
Digistras | When I type sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng...i get the error E: Unable to locate package aircrack-ng | 14:43 |
Digistras | why is that so? | 14:43 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, do you know a way to fix the fonts in the gedit | 14:43 |
psnr | Hello there, fellow ubuntuers.. Any of you happen to know a good channel to go to and ask for some help about networking(vlan)? | 14:44 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, it annoys me in the movies subtitles | 14:44 |
Digistras | When I type sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng...i get the error E: Unable to locate package aircrack-ng | 14:44 |
Digistras | why is that so? | 14:44 |
aphichat | x | 14:44 |
Digistras | When I type sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng...i get the error E: Unable to locate package aircrack-ng | 14:44 |
Digistras | why is that so? | 14:44 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: I do not. have you asked in #ubuntu-arabic yet? | 14:45 |
CrimsonIdol | Digistras, works here... what OS? | 14:45 |
Digistras | When I type sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng...i get the error E: Unable to locate package aircrack-ng | 14:45 |
Digistras | why is that so? | 14:45 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, no one there to answer | 14:45 |
Leo_med | Digistras: type sudo aptitude search aircrack. Maybe you're typiing the wrong version | 14:45 |
Digistras | ubuntu 10.10 | 14:45 |
Digistras | sudo: aptitude: command not found | 14:45 |
Digistras | sudo: aptitude: command not found | 14:45 |
CrimsonIdol | Digistras, me on 10.04 | 14:46 |
DJones | !info aurcracl-ng | 14:46 |
ubottu | Package aurcracl-ng does not exist in maverick | 14:46 |
nave_ | 有没有人知道怎么设系统的分辨率阿? | 14:46 |
CrimsonIdol | Digistras, Try Synaptics... | 14:46 |
DJones | !info aircrack-ng | 14:46 |
ubottu | aircrack-ng (source: aircrack-ng): wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-1 (maverick), package size 1541 kB, installed size 2776 kB | 14:46 |
totem | Digistras, join #backtrack-linux | 14:46 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: and so there isn't | 14:47 |
nicl | Anyone know how to resize root partition because it is too small and I am getting warning messages about no space... | 14:47 |
LjL | !cn | nave_ | 14:47 |
ubottu | nave_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 14:47 |
DJones | Digistras: Maybe the repository you're trying to connect to is down at the minute | 14:47 |
CrimsonIdol | Digistras, is the universe repository enabled? | 14:47 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: one sec | 14:47 |
Digistras | <CrimsonIdol> Digistras, is the universe repository enabled? << how do i enbale it? | 14:47 |
Digistras | i'm really really new to linux | 14:47 |
CrimsonIdol | Digistras, System->Administration->Software Sources | 14:48 |
djszapi | Do you publish the build logs anywhere ? | 14:48 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: okay, not sure if this is what you're looking for: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291039 | 14:48 |
Eni | Anyone can help me how to register in #backtrack-linux because i am trying so hard and nothing happen i cant write to the channel???????????// | 14:48 |
st | !register | 14:48 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 14:48 |
Digistras | i don't see software sources | 14:48 |
xMark | xdotool | 14:49 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, i will check it now. thanks | 14:49 |
hihihi100 | how do i delete a second entry from fstab? | 14:49 |
Gnea | hihihi100: with a text editor | 14:49 |
Gnea | hihihi100: sudo nano /etc/fstab | 14:49 |
totem | Eni, you must be need cloak, go to #freenode | 14:49 |
Eni | Anyone can help me how to register in #backtrack-linux because i am trying so hard and nothing happen i cant write to the channel | 14:49 |
Eni | it say cannot send to channel? | 14:49 |
Gnea | !repeat | Eni | 14:50 |
ubottu | Eni: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 14:50 |
Gnea | Eni: and you were already told how to register | 14:50 |
salil | is it possible to do a direct install (without a disk image) using Wubi windows installation? | 14:50 |
totem | Eni, http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#registering | 14:50 |
spivwak | quit | 14:51 |
stix | How can I troubleshoot my new Asus EEE pc which doesnt wake up after I close and open the lid? | 14:51 |
Eni | totem thank you .....but i cant register still | 14:51 |
ace_steel | hi,i am having trouble shutting down tomcat.can anyone help? | 14:51 |
Eni | it say Eni is registered already! | 14:51 |
Eni | but i cant login | 14:52 |
CrimsonIdol | Digistras, System->Administration->Synaptics Package Manager | 14:52 |
totem | Eni, join #freenode ask to cloak | 14:52 |
Eni | ok thnx...totem | 14:53 |
ace_steel | hi,i am having trouble shutting down tomcat.can anyone help? | 14:53 |
salil | is it possible to do a direct install (without a disk image) using Wubi windows installation? | 14:53 |
thefatloverboy_ | #ubuntu-es | 14:53 |
st | salil, sure | 14:53 |
CrimsonIdol | salil, ??? | 14:53 |
xMark | open supercomputer/loadbalanzing server clouds? for open wonderland and gaming on the one pc per child, cool if we could let them play with blender and crysis stuff like :) | 14:53 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, i think the list of the encodes are short, can i add external ones and where can i find them? | 14:54 |
st | salil, just put image in wubi directory | 14:54 |
salil | st, which wubi directory? | 14:55 |
salil | st, one created on the windows drive? | 14:55 |
=== wainer is now known as wainer_lunch | ||
ace_steel | hi,i am having trouble shutting down tomcat 6.....can anyone help???? | 14:56 |
Lufti | hello ;) | 14:56 |
st | salil, the directory with wubi.exe | 14:56 |
haakonn | ace_steel: sometimes you have to kill it with fire | 14:56 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: I think... | 14:56 |
haakonn | ace_steel: kill -9 | 14:56 |
Gnea | !info language-pack-gnome-ar | 14:56 |
ubottu | language-pack-gnome-ar (source: language-pack-gnome-ar): GNOME translation updates for language Arabic. In component main, is optional. Version 1:10.10+20100930 (maverick), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB | 14:56 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: try that ^^ | 14:56 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, lol okay | 14:57 |
ace_steel | haakonn, can i pm u? | 14:57 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, installed already | 14:57 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: I don't have it installed, yet I was able to select | 14:57 |
bold | anybody there? | 14:57 |
Lufti | I try to create a NetworkManagerDispatcher script. So I placed for a simple test a script in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ which starts thunderbird. But nothing happens when I connect or disconnect my cables. Any Idea? | 14:58 |
Gnea | !anybody | bold | 14:58 |
ubottu | bold: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 14:58 |
haakonn | ace_steel: no need, just ask here | 14:58 |
salil | st, wubi.exe is only on the cdrom iso.. Not on my hard disk.. | 14:58 |
st | salil, you can download it separately | 14:58 |
ace_steel | haakonn, k whenever i try shutting it down i get these errors... | 14:59 |
salil | st, i am sorry you are confusing me.. download what separately? | 14:59 |
st | wubi | 14:59 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, the encoding for the arabic are not similar to the other OS which does work with the fonts | 14:59 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, this files should work with windows | 14:59 |
=== Tricia is now known as Guest53263 | ||
mfaroukg | Gnea, i notice that arabic in ubuntu is different and sometimes messing | 15:00 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: AFAIK, it says "Windows" for compatability reasons | 15:00 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: brb | 15:01 |
haakonn | ace_steel: probably a problem with one of the web apps it's running, perhaps find out which one it is and ask its developer | 15:01 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, sometimes i see websites messing in their fonts in the ubuntu when i use the chromium for example | 15:03 |
ace_steel | haakonn, i just found out a different command to stop it than what i was using.....but even now i whenever i open the localhost it displays the "Ii works!" page.. | 15:03 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: that isn't the same thing | 15:05 |
haakonn | ace_steel: so it didn't shut down successfully, for some unknown reason. you can kill it manually (with the kill command), but finding out the cause is better (and harder, can't help you with that, sorry) | 15:06 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: it's just text being displayed by a web browser engine, not text being displayed by the libraries of the GUI | 15:06 |
haakonn | ace_steel: begin by checking the tomcat logs | 15:06 |
ace_steel | haakonn, yeah..i am doing it... | 15:06 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, i found language-support-ar, not installed. does it make any difference? | 15:07 |
Gnea | !info language-support-ar | 15:07 |
ubottu | language-support-ar (source: language-support-ar): metapackage for Arabic language support. In component main, is optional. Version 1:9.10+20090909 (maverick), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB | 15:07 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: not sure, it might, but not for webpages | 15:07 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, i installed it but i think no matter it does, same | 15:08 |
Gnea | mfaroukg: I've also found that with chrome, it's better to use a daily build from the PPA rather than the stable release which is a bit aged | 15:08 |
mfaroukg | Gnea, and what is PPA? where is that? | 15:08 |
zeltak | hya guys. installed ubuntu 10.10 with 2 disks and it installed grub in the wrong disk (sda) while the sys is on sdb. can some one help me on how to move grub to sda? | 15:09 |
Gnea | !PPA | mfaroukg | 15:09 |
ubottu | mfaroukg: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk. | 15:09 |
zeltak | *sdb | 15:09 |
hihihi100 | i have just renamed an external HD via gparted, a message appeared, saying that i should make a backup, due to the possibility of losing data, has any of u ever lost data after relabelling-renaming an external HD via gparted? | 15:12 |
=== tic^_ is now known as tic^ | ||
pucko- | not me | 15:13 |
pucko- | zeltak, it's fairly easy to install grub on sdb. but I don't think that's what you want really. | 15:14 |
pucko- | it will still read the mbr on sda | 15:14 |
pucko- | if i'm not mistaken. | 15:14 |
denkon | denkon | 15:15 |
pucko- | in some bioses you can change the device ordering of your disks though | 15:15 |
zeltak | so i cant get rid of my sdb..i want to be left with 1 disk (currently sdb) and retire sda | 15:15 |
zeltak | cant i create the mbr on sdb and move grub there? | 15:16 |
pucko- | zeltak, yes | 15:16 |
pucko- | what I mean is that if you have sda and sdb plugged in. it will of course read the mbr of sda first. | 15:17 |
zeltak | ahh ok so if i just want to be left with sdb what should i do? | 15:17 |
Digistras | i go tthis error: This program requires root privileges | 15:18 |
Digistras | how do i enable root privileges? | 15:18 |
pucko- | like you said, install the grub in the mbr of sdb, disconnect sda, and reboot. make sure you have a rescue disk as it's easy to make mistakes | 15:18 |
LukaszTarkowski | Is there banshee team on freenode? | 15:18 |
LukaszTarkowski | brb | 15:19 |
zeltak | ok thx pucko- | 15:19 |
pucko- | zeltak, actually, it's probably better to boot up with a rescue disk (or cd) and sda disconnected. and then install grub on sdb (which would then be sda) from there. | 15:22 |
Morcegolas | Hi | 15:22 |
SpiderFred | hi is there some program for searching a displaying lyrics? | 15:23 |
lyyyteman | hi there | 15:23 |
Morcegolas | I have one question, I change my hardware setup can I use my actual Ubuntu instalation or I have to format and reinstall it? | 15:24 |
shubbar | compiz is using 98% of cpu power; more like abusing | 15:24 |
leftist | how do i get the audio icon back on the panel after accidently removinng it? | 15:25 |
juan_ | ... | 15:25 |
pksadiq | no body to *answer* any one? | 15:25 |
juan_ | ask again | 15:26 |
pksadiq | leftist: right click on panel > add to pannel > indicator applet | 15:26 |
lyyyteman | leftist >> start gnome-volume-control-applet | 15:26 |
=== Guest53263 is now known as Tricia | ||
leftist | pksadiq i looked in there but i dont see one specifically for audio | 15:26 |
pksadiq | Morcegolas: Ubuntu , mostly finds the new hardware and configure it | 15:27 |
leftist | worked thanks :D | 15:27 |
Morcegolas | pksadiq: But I change almost everything, MB, CPU, RAM... | 15:27 |
pksadiq | leftist: Welcome | 15:27 |
pucko- | Morcegolas, it's not guaranteed to work. although it's rarely anything that can't be fixed without reinstalling. | 15:28 |
pksadiq | Morcegolas: I think you put your hard disk to some other computer, is it? ;) | 15:28 |
Morcegolas | pksadiq: Yes | 15:28 |
pksadiq | Morcegolas: try once, if not working well, reinstall | 15:29 |
x404x | how long does foremost take to run ? | 15:29 |
gps23 | how can i send rhythmbox to notification-applet, i am not using indicator-applet | 15:29 |
pksadiq | Morcegolas: but if MB is changed I think it's better o reinstall | 15:30 |
pksadiq | to* | 15:30 |
Morcegolas | pksadiq: Thanks | 15:30 |
pksadiq | !notification-applet | 15:30 |
pksadiq | !info notification-applet | 15:30 |
ubottu | Package notification-applet does not exist in maverick | 15:30 |
gps23 | right now rhythmbox just hides whenever i click on close, and i have to rerun it to show it again. | 15:31 |
pksadiq | gps23: does it play when close is pressed? | 15:32 |
gps23 | pksadiq, yes it keeps on playing in background | 15:32 |
=== NG_ is now known as ng_ | ||
lyyyteman | hi | 15:33 |
lyyyteman | see me ? | 15:33 |
pksadiq | gps23: I think , you can go to rhythmbox > edit > plugins> status Icon | 15:33 |
Pici | lyyyteman: yes. | 15:33 |
gps23 | pksadiq, i tried both enabling and disabling it. doesn't help | 15:33 |
lyyyteman | ;-) thks pici | 15:33 |
pksadiq | gps23: then go there and select status icon and select configure | 15:34 |
Morcegolas | pksadiq: Can you help with another thing, I don't have monitor on my ubuntu because I use it like a server and I acess it remotely with teamviwer, but I have one problem when I try to do this because the monitor resolution auto set for 800x640, I change one file but now I don't remember with one was and what I changed, the only thing I know is that I set my grafic card to Vesa. | 15:34 |
Okitain | it was xorg.conf in /etc? | 15:35 |
pksadiq | Morcegolas: do you need to change the resolution of tty of server? | 15:35 |
KnickLighter | How do i check which drivers my webcam uses? | 15:35 |
Albania_Hackers | why i cant write in #backtrack-linux???????????????????????/ | 15:35 |
E289 | hi! is it possible to install ubuntu in a windows machine x64, current installation: win7, without losing data? | 15:35 |
Albania_Hackers | it says ccanit write to channel? | 15:36 |
E289 | i want dual boot btw :) | 15:36 |
pksadiq | E289: yes | 15:36 |
KnickLighter | I'm trying to set up motion. although on my desktop edition it works - but on server edition (latest too) cam doesnt work. | 15:36 |
E289 | pksadiq, is there any guide you would recommend? | 15:36 |
gps23 | pksadiq, in configure of status icon i have set the notifications to always show, and "status icon" to "Visible with notifications". then i restarted rhythmbox and still its not showing in notification applet | 15:36 |
pksadiq | gps23: try notification to "show when..." and status icon to "Owns the main..." | 15:37 |
pksadiq | gps23: and restart | 15:37 |
pksadiq | !windows | 15:37 |
ubottu | For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents | 15:37 |
pksadiq | !installonwindows | 15:37 |
Morcegolas | pksadiq: Without a monitor if I try to change my resolution and restart ubuntu, it keeps always the same, and I need at least 1024x768 or 1200x800 | 15:38 |
Albania_Hackers | why i cant chat in #backtrack-linux??????????? it says ccanot send to channel??? | 15:38 |
Albania_Hackers | why i cant chat in #backtrack-linux??????????? it says ccanot send to channel? | 15:38 |
E289 | thanks pks* | 15:38 |
Maahes | Albania_Hackers: you're probably not registered. | 15:38 |
pksadiq | E289: wait | 15:38 |
Maahes | and thus, not voiced | 15:38 |
gps23 | pksadiq, i think there is some bug, i changed something and rhythmbox showed up in notification applet. i got happy and clicked on the rhythmbox icon in the applet couple of times but then again the icon vanished | 15:38 |
E289 | ok | 15:38 |
pksadiq | !install | E289 | 15:38 |
ubottu | E289: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 15:38 |
Albania_Hackers | maahes i am registered | 15:38 |
fagoid | Albania_Hackers: try asking them in the channel why you can't | 15:38 |
Albania_Hackers | but i cant login | 15:38 |
zakwilson | E289: In most cases, the Ubuntu installer can reduce the size of your Windows partition without losing any data, thereby making room to install Ubuntu. | 15:38 |
Albania_Hackers | but i cant write to they!!! | 15:39 |
Maahes | Albania_Hackers: Oh, then your banned. | 15:39 |
E289 | ok, thank you zak and pks*! | 15:39 |
pksadiq | gps23: are you using lucid or maverick? | 15:39 |
E289 | !automate | 15:39 |
ubottu | Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning | 15:39 |
Maahes | Leave the channel and try again in 5 minutes, a lot of chans do 5min autobans for things like flooding, etc. | 15:39 |
gps23 | pksadiq, your suggestion of "owns the main window" worked! | 15:39 |
Albania_Hackers | but how can i be banned i was registered before 1 minute and i cant login there | 15:39 |
pksadiq | gps23: k, done | 15:39 |
gps23 | pksadiq, thanks a lot :) | 15:39 |
pksadiq | Morcegolas: go to grub settings | 15:39 |
jg47hm | is there any software to convert .exe to .deb (no wine ) | 15:40 |
dogmatic69 | hi all, running todays updates, its been stuck for 2 hours now... what should i do | 15:40 |
JuJuBee | How do I turn off the system beep alert notification? example, typing in a search box on web and backspace over all input and keep trying I get beeps... anoying using kubuntu | 15:40 |
dogmatic69 | says preparing linux-image-2.6.35-23-generic | 15:40 |
Maahes | Albania_Hackers: I don't know why or how, but there's two things that make you not be able to send to channel: Not being voiced, and being banned. Only being banned means you can't log in. | 15:40 |
pksadiq | Morcegolas: while booting press and hold shift and when the selection menu appears, press e and add vga=788 and press Ctrl+X | 15:40 |
Albania_Hackers | is there any comand to login like I | 15:40 |
Albania_Hackers | i.e /msg nickserv ........ | 15:41 |
Albania_Hackers | ???/ | 15:41 |
Albania_Hackers | |? | 15:41 |
Albania_Hackers | ? | 15:41 |
FloodBot2 | Albania_Hackers: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:41 |
pksadiq | Albania_Hackers: /msg nickserv Identify <password> | 15:41 |
Albania_Hackers | pksadiq thank you! | 15:41 |
icedearth | why dont you just change your nick and go in, do they ban on host? (havent been on IRC for years) | 15:41 |
Morcegolas | pksadiq: I'll give a try, Thanks. ;) | 15:42 |
jg47hm | is there any software to convert .exe to .deb (no wine )???? | 15:42 |
B-r00t | jg47hm: no | 15:42 |
Okitain | No! | 15:42 |
pksadiq | jg47hm: never possible until you get the source code and some knowledge on porting | 15:42 |
dogmatic69 | jg47hm: yes, its called an ide | 15:42 |
dogmatic69 | and writing the code over | 15:43 |
Albania_Hackers | pksadiq it says " invalid comand" | 15:43 |
Okitain | lolwhut dogmatic69? | 15:43 |
pksadiq | Albania_Hackers: which client are you using? | 15:43 |
skalragg | hello, few questions, anyone familiar how to get mouse button 4/5 working as shortcuts in the system, i can find where to add new shortcuts but it wont allow mouse button 4 or 5 | 15:43 |
HexLaTor | jg47hm, use crossoverlinux | 15:43 |
zakwilson | It might be possible to write a binary translator in theory, but it would be a massive amount of work, and probably step on somebody's patent. | 15:43 |
Albania_Hackers | what u mean ? | 15:43 |
Albania_Hackers | pksadiq what u mean? | 15:43 |
dogmatic69 | Okitain: ide => app to write code netbeans, eclipse etc | 15:43 |
icedearth | Albania_Hackers: he means what IRC program are you using | 15:43 |
Okitain | Oh, an IDE? | 15:44 |
Albania_Hackers | XChat | 15:44 |
pksadiq | Albania_Hackers: k, never mind, try the spelling /msg NickServ identify <password> | 15:44 |
dogmatic69 | shift is to far away today :P | 15:44 |
DASPRiD | dogmatic69, don't shift away! :) | 15:44 |
dogmatic69 | anyone know what to do about my update that is stuck? | 15:45 |
Chelsea | No kidding ritg, Vim's multi windowing rocks badass! | 15:45 |
LukaszTarkowski | back | 15:45 |
Chelsea | oops... wrong chan | 15:45 |
Albania_Hackers | pksadiq it says again " Invalid comand" | 15:45 |
Albania_Hackers | plsss help me | 15:45 |
Albania_Hackers | ! | 15:45 |
skalragg | nyone know how to get mouse button 4/5 working as shortcuts in the system, i can find where to add new shortcuts but it wont allow mouse button 4 or 5 | 15:45 |
fagoid | Chelsea: how long has vim had multi-windows? :-o | 15:46 |
B-r00t | Albania_Hackers: you are good hacker xD | 15:46 |
pksadiq | Albania_Hackers: there must be in menu, that option, I don't know about xchat, I use irssi | 15:46 |
Albania_Hackers | hahahahahahhahahaaahahahaahaahahahaaaa | 15:46 |
Albania_Hackers | B-r00t | 15:46 |
Albania_Hackers | pksadiq thanks for all your help ! | 15:47 |
dogmatic69 | xchat is so meh | 15:47 |
DJones | Albania_Hackers: You might be better asking in #freenode for registration/identification issues and connecting to a specific channel | 15:47 |
Chelsea | fagoid, Don't know... since 6 maybe? | 15:47 |
Okitain | skalragg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto | 15:47 |
Chelsea | fagoid, but it's defenitely a productivity booster ;) | 15:48 |
pksadiq | !emacs | fagoid | 15:48 |
ubottu | fagoid: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code | 15:48 |
turgon | hello! i cant use Tkinter in python3.1 ! any help? | 15:48 |
pksadiq | turgon: I think, it's compatible with python 2.x only | 15:49 |
turgon | pksadiq, so what else can i use for 3.1? | 15:50 |
neoakira | hello | 15:50 |
ghost_ | . | 15:50 |
pksadiq | !find tkinter | 15:50 |
ubottu | File tkinter found in cecilia, fnorb-doc, gnubg-data, pyching, python-medusa-doc, python-tk, python-tk-dbg, python2.6-doc, python2.6-examples, python2.7-doc (and 9 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=tkinter&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any | 15:50 |
neoakira | Holy crap: Facebook want to buy Ubuntu ??? -> http://goo.gl/G9Vj0 | 15:50 |
pksadiq | !info python-tk | 15:50 |
ubottu | python-tk (source: python-stdlib-extensions): Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 42 kB, installed size 168 kB | 15:51 |
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turgon | pksadiq, i installed the package using synaptic.. however i also installed and am using 3.1 not 2.6 .. do u think that i should add the module manually? | 15:51 |
dzhmg | hi,everyone | 15:52 |
pksadiq | turgon: I think calling python in terminal loads python2, isn't it? | 15:52 |
mlazzari2 | sera | 15:52 |
mlazzari2 | hello to all | 15:52 |
bucknasty | I installed postfix on my vserver but it runs under root. This is bad right? I was always wondering how to start it "the right way" ?? | 15:53 |
pksadiq | turgon: try wiki.python.org/moin/TkInter | 15:53 |
turgon | pksadiq, it does in vanilla ubuntu.. i my version it does not.. i changed the sym link :P | 15:53 |
turgon | pksadiq, wait i think that i has a bugged code :P | 15:53 |
gps23 | t | 15:54 |
icedearth | whats the best script for getting notifications if you are accessing irssi over ssh? | 15:54 |
pksadiq | turgon: for code based doubts go to #python | 15:54 |
delarge | hi | 15:54 |
delarge | i stopped a installation in the middle of apt | 15:54 |
delarge | and now i cant use aptitude | 15:55 |
pksadiq | delarge: try sudo apt-get install -f | 15:55 |
gps23 | delarge, sudo dpkg --configure -a | 15:55 |
lcuk | hey guys, does anyone know the best way for me to work around bug 436537 http://liqbase.net/metacity_bug_436537/ubuntu_gnome_metacity_closebutton_fail.htm | 15:55 |
turgon | pksadiq, owww okay thank you :) didnt know abwt that.... | 15:56 |
Okitain | Icuk, try alt-f4 | 15:57 |
lcuk | Okitain, not really practical on a touchscreen | 15:57 |
noob | hi , is there a way to check the daemons that start every time i start ubuntu ??? | 15:57 |
delarge | gps23: 'the area of data base its blocked for other process' | 15:57 |
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pksadiq | delarge: close any synaptic or aptitude if opened | 15:58 |
Okitain | noob: check /etc/rc0.d, /etc/rc1.d, etc. Look at the ones not starting with K | 15:58 |
gps23 | delarge: sorry, i never got this error. dpkg command i wrote above works for me | 15:59 |
Okitain | noob: also, check the processes with the usual process manager that end with d. | 15:59 |
delarge | pksadiq: its all close | 15:59 |
delarge | maybe i need restart | 15:59 |
gps23 | delarge: may be you need to delete a lock file | 15:59 |
gps23 | delarge: i forgot where is it made | 16:00 |
delarge | maybe i have a process stopped under | 16:00 |
=== wainer_lunch is now known as wainer | ||
Okitain | Make sure the process is completely killed. | 16:00 |
gps23 | Okitain: i think he initiated restart :p | 16:00 |
vikramb | Hii | 16:04 |
pksadiq | vikramb: Hi | 16:04 |
vikramb | After I re-sized my vista partition and installed ubuntu my vista partition is marked as inactive | 16:05 |
pksadiq | vikramb: does vista boots? | 16:05 |
vikramb | pksadiq, I am not seeing vista in the grub boot loader at all | 16:05 |
vikramb | pksadiq, gparted is giving me those partitions in red | 16:06 |
pksadiq | vikramb: in terminal type sudo update-grub2 | 16:06 |
FloodBot2 | SarOI: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:06 |
vikramb | pksadiq, ok done with that... vista is in /dev/sda2 | 16:06 |
Riveryk | f | 16:07 |
DexterLB | hello | 16:07 |
pksadiq | now restart your system and see whether you can boot to vista | 16:07 |
DexterLB | I have an NFS mountpoint. For some reason copying from it via nautilus is slower than with mc. Any idea why that happens? | 16:08 |
vikramb | pksadiq, but will you be there to help me out if I don't find a boot option? | 16:08 |
capcbd | I have a 160gig HDD and what I would like to do is give about 20 gigs to windows and it's programs, about 20 gigs to linux and it's partitions and the rest to be storage.... I tried this and it wouldn't let me asign a primary to the swap partition...Is this a problem? | 16:09 |
Pici | Please ignore that spam, its an official freenode message. | 16:09 |
pksadiq | vikramb: hope, I'll, anyway I'm about to sleep | 16:09 |
Pici | Argh, er NOT an official freenode message. | 16:10 |
DJones | Pici: :) | 16:10 |
vikramb | pksadiq, ok | 16:10 |
pksadiq | Pici: but what does command actually do? | 16:11 |
Pici | pksadiq: Nothing. Its just there to annoy. | 16:11 |
Okitain | capcbd: I can't imagine why you'd want to. | 16:11 |
vikramb | pksadiq, No it still doesn't show up | 16:11 |
capcbd | I don't understand why not for one I'm a newbie to linux | 16:12 |
Okitain | SWAP is used when you don't have enough RAM or is sleep mode. | 16:13 |
FloodBot2 | Iffuw: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:13 |
pksadiq | vikramb: didn't you see vista name when running update-grub2? | 16:13 |
Okitain | Facepalm! | 16:13 |
jk | heh lol | 16:13 |
capcbd | it's kinda like page filing in windows right? | 16:14 |
smegzor | yay! I fixed grub2! finally. However, I managed to get a grub folder installed on my ntfs xp partition in the process and grub isn't listing XP as a boot option. What do I need to run next? | 16:14 |
jerk | hey.....I installed ubuntu 10.04 some time ago, and then i installed Windows 7, thinking the option would show up on the boot menu whether i wanted to boot windows or ubuntu. however, only windows boots up, without asking me what i wanna boot....so, is it possible without wubi? | 16:14 |
vikramb | pksadiq, No I did not see anything | 16:14 |
pksadiq | vikramb: are you using gparted? | 16:15 |
vikramb | pksadiq, yes | 16:15 |
Okitain | smegzor: type grub in your App Center, install, fix | 16:15 |
Okitain | jerk: it deleted your MBR | 16:16 |
jerk | okitain: er, dunno what MBR is | 16:16 |
pksadiq | vikramb: I think you have to change the vista drive label to boot , I don't know exactly | 16:16 |
pksadiq | !grub2 | vikramb | 16:16 |
ubottu | vikramb: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 16:16 |
smegzor | Can I safely delete the rogue boot folder on the ntfs partition? | 16:16 |
thunkee_ | jeremydei: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot | 16:16 |
pksadiq | vikramb: ^^^ | 16:17 |
vikramb | ubottu, yeah grub2 is the default however it has eaten up my vista partition or has marked it as inactive | 16:17 |
vikramb | pksadiq, I didn't quite understand | 16:17 |
Pici | vikramb: ubottu is a bot, no need to adress it with responses like that. | 16:18 |
pksadiq | vikramb: in gparted right click on the drive > select label | 16:18 |
pksadiq | vikramb: sorry, not label, but manage flags | 16:18 |
vikramb | pksadiq,ok | 16:19 |
vikramb | pksadiq, and then? | 16:19 |
pksadiq | vikramb: any one got tick there? | 16:19 |
capcbd | so it doesn't matter if swap is primary or logical? | 16:19 |
aendruk | I just installed Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10, and after signing in all I get is the desktop wallpaper - no other interface. What should I check to find out what's wrong? | 16:19 |
vikramb | pksadiq, one of the partition /dev/sda1 has boot clicked | 16:20 |
pksadiq | vikramb: try in the vista partition too | 16:20 |
smegzor | yay! fixed. just had to run sudo update-grub to finish off | 16:20 |
pksadiq | vikramb: then run update-grub2 | 16:20 |
vikramb | pksadiq, ok | 16:20 |
pksadiq | vikramb: if this created any problem to boot ubuntu too , boot live CD and remove the tick for vista drive | 16:21 |
vikramb | pksadiq, oops the flag got moved from sda1 to sda2 | 16:21 |
jerk | !GRUB | 16:21 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 16:21 |
pksadiq | vikramb: k , then move to /dev/sda1 itself | 16:21 |
pksadiq | vikramb: done? | 16:23 |
Albania_Hackers | anyone can help me with metasploit???? windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp ???????? | 16:23 |
vikramb | pksadiq, yeah that has been restored | 16:23 |
Dmole | hello I'm unable to get sshd on Ubuntu 10.04.1 to use authorized_keys, works fine on Ubuntu 9.04, any thoughts? | 16:23 |
Pici | Albania_Hackers: We do not support such things here. | 16:24 |
pksadiq | vikramb: but once more, almost for every one the command sudo update-grub2 fixes the problem :O | 16:25 |
capcbd | I would really like to start this install.. does i matter weather or not the swap partition is primary or logical? | 16:25 |
Dmole | capcbd: nop | 16:26 |
vikramb | pksadiq, I read in one of the forums that re-sizing marks the vista partition as inactive and it is very tedious for ubuntu to identify that partition | 16:26 |
vikramb | pksadiq, anyways let me try | 16:26 |
capcbd | Thank you Dmole | 16:26 |
pksadiq | !swap | capcbd | 16:26 |
ubottu | capcbd: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info | 16:26 |
Dmole | I'm unable to get sshd on Ubuntu 10.04.1 to use authorized_keys, works fine on Ubuntu 9.04, help? | 16:28 |
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dragonkeeper | hello | 16:31 |
undertuga | sup! | 16:31 |
dragonkeeper | is there anyway i can use a web address such as www.example.com to broadcast a cam feed ? | 16:32 |
gnat_x | is there a checksum list for the lucid iso? i started a download yesterday, and i'm not sure if its finished, and i can't find where the checksum is. | 16:34 |
gnat_x | dragonkeeper: if you have a server to actually do the streaming. | 16:34 |
undertuga | if thats your domain... gotta "point" it to the some ip (oublic) that the machine running the cam feed service is running,,,, | 16:34 |
dragonkeeper | gnat_x i have a web server | 16:34 |
undertuga | ya can do it from your desktop or such.... | 16:34 |
ira | !mde5 | 16:34 |
undertuga | .... dont expect the most of it them... | 16:35 |
ira | !md5 | 16:35 |
ubottu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 16:35 |
dragonkeeper | do i need extra program to broadcast =S | 16:35 |
ted__ | my boot is hanging on "EDD information is not available" -- it just started on a perfectly good os | 16:35 |
Doonz | has anyone cloned the boot drive and went from a 120gb drive to a larger drive? | 16:36 |
Dmole | gnat_x: if only you torrented it :) | 16:36 |
gnat_x | ira: right, i know how to get the md5 of my iso, i need to see the published md5 hash. or does ubuntu not do that anymore. | 16:36 |
IdleOne | !hashes | 16:37 |
ubottu | See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs. | 16:37 |
gnat_x | dragonkeeper: look up red5, i've used that in the past. | 16:38 |
dragonkeeper | gnat_x ok ty | 16:38 |
undertuga | ya can use something like VLC | 16:38 |
gnat_x | ubottu: thanks. | 16:38 |
Dmole | dragonkeeper: yes VLc will do it I think | 16:38 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 16:38 |
nascentmind | Hi. I am using ati and I am suddenly getting an IB reschedule error. How can i workaround it? | 16:38 |
gnat_x | oh yeah, vlc can do it iirc | 16:38 |
dragonkeeper | ok ill google more :P | 16:38 |
nascentmind | I am not able to login to kde. also | 16:38 |
undertuga | it will do for some simple stuff... | 16:38 |
gnat_x | red5 is nice if you're looking to let others stream through your site. | 16:39 |
dragonkeeper | gnat_x i just want to broadcast my live feed | 16:39 |
gnat_x | since its flash based, but if its all machines you control, vlc - possibly icecast. | 16:39 |
=== creative is now known as Digistras | ||
x404x | does someone have time to help me a little with sabnzbdplus ? I cannot get it to save settings, if i reboot it tends to default them and erase all my hard work. I have set /etc/default/sabnzbdplus to point to the correct config file, still it uses the one in /home, also sab does not store email settings , any hints ? | 16:42 |
trijntje | I want to use Ubuntu to fix errors on a NTFS partition. How can I do this? | 16:42 |
Dmole | trijntje: don't try | 16:44 |
Dmole | trijntje: you can force mount it or make a backup with dd but use windows to fix errors recover files etc | 16:45 |
dragonkeeper | trijintje you can load a VM of windows and load the hdd (physical drive) or boot into windows instead | 16:46 |
trijntje | Dmole, I've tried chkdsk, it crashes without fixing it | 16:46 |
x404x | or can I atleast set sab to always "erase" file to a trasbin so they will still be there if sab mess up again ? | 16:46 |
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jiohdi | is there a program to scrub harddrives' empty space? | 16:46 |
popey | jiohdi: DBAN | 16:47 |
Assimilater | hey guys, i'm trying to setup apache and I guess I need to edit all these files "as root"...how do I do that? | 16:47 |
Dmole | trijntje: did you do a SMART test? | 16:47 |
popey | jiohdi: oh, no, not DBAN, that'll wipe the whole thing :) | 16:47 |
Dmole | jiohdi: "shred" | 16:47 |
jiohdi | shred | 16:47 |
brontosaurusrex | jiohdi: http://risto.kurppa.fi/blog/2008/10/disk-space-analyzers/ | 16:47 |
trijntje | Dmole, Disk Utility (from live cd) say's SMART is not supported for that drive | 16:47 |
=== sipherdee_ is now known as sipherdee | ||
trijntje | jiohdi, sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/bigfile | 16:48 |
trijntje | rm bigfile afterwards | 16:48 |
jerk | !GRUB2 | 16:48 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 16:48 |
Dmole | trijntje: try "dd -if /dev/sd? -of /dev/null" , if ir errors out with a crc or something your drive is dead | 16:49 |
Assimilater | Did anyone see me in all that mess?: "hey guys, i'm trying to setup apache and I guess I need to edit all these files "as root"...how do I do that?" | 16:49 |
Dmole | trijntje: where "?" is your drive letter | 16:49 |
Dmole | trijntje: this will take a while | 16:49 |
pksadiq | Assimilater: try sudo su to login as root | 16:49 |
Dmole | Assimilater: sudo su | 16:50 |
jiohdi | trijntje: will one time make the data unrecoverable? | 16:50 |
ted__ | >my boot is hanging on "EDD information is not available" -- it just started on a perfectly good os does anyone know what might be wrong? | 16:50 |
Okitain | Wait what? | 16:50 |
Dmole | Assimilater: or "sudo vim file" | 16:50 |
trijntje | jiohdi, pretty much, at least for you and me | 16:51 |
trijntje | Dmole, ill do that, thanks | 16:52 |
* hashashin nas | 16:52 | |
enapupe | Hi, how can I downgrade php5.3 to 5.2.14 at lucid lynx? | 16:52 |
Assimilater | appears to have worked | 16:52 |
Assimilater | sudo su | 16:52 |
Assimilater | thanks | 16:52 |
Bugs-Bunny | is there a way to setup a trashcan with unlimited size so all files that gets erased no matter what way will be sent here ? | 16:53 |
T1loc | Hi, someone use the ocfs filesystem? | 16:53 |
Random832 | how do i rearrange the launcher in ubuntu netbook? | 16:54 |
Assimilater | ok next question: how can I resolve a hostname on ubuntu? | 16:54 |
Assimilater | ie localhost.PHP | 16:54 |
karthick87 | I can't turn off or restart ubuntu 10.10..Can anybody help? | 16:54 |
dragonkeeper | power switch | 16:54 |
Dmole | Assimilater: the reason "sudo su" is discouraged is that you can type the wrong thing and wipe your system but if what is important to you is the documents you make as your user then there is no real extra risk | 16:54 |
trijntje | Assimilater, ubuntu comes with a server guide, I think it would be best if you start with that | 16:54 |
jiohdi | karthick87: pullling the plug usually works | 16:54 |
jerk | !rescatux | 16:54 |
nimbiotics | hello all. im using gadmin-samba on ubuntu 10.10. So far I havent been able to share devices within my mixed windoze/linux LAN. The status I get on gadmin-samba is "Activated, inactive servers: nmbd". Can someone please help this noob get this fixed??? TIA! | 16:54 |
pksadiq | !details | karthick87 | 16:55 |
ubottu | karthick87: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 16:55 |
dragonkeeper | karthick87 try "sudo reboot" | 16:55 |
Dmole | Assimilater: you can use "hostname" or you can make one up in the appache config | 16:55 |
Assimilater | where is the server guide? | 16:55 |
wastrel | nimbiotics: try /etc/init.d/nmbd start ? | 16:55 |
pksadiq | karthick87: in terminal type sudo halt to halt your system | 16:55 |
mimcpher | Is there something I need to do to get strace to work in Ubuntu? I get a permission failure when it is a process owned by my user. | 16:55 |
Assimilater | i'm using a virtual host directive in the config file, but on windows I still had to resolve the hostname | 16:55 |
karthick87 | When turning off, ubuntu stays forever in the purple screen with 4 dots. When restarting, I get init: Disconnected from system bus init: dbus main process (752) killed by TERM signal nm-dispatcher.action: Caught signal 15, shutting down... modem-manager: Caught signal 15, shutting down... | 16:56 |
brontosaurusrex | Assimilater: development machine? i'd just edit hosts file like mynewsite | 16:56 |
Dmole | !su | Assimilater | 16:56 |
ubottu | Assimilater: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo | 16:56 |
T1loc | Assimilater: if is a local hostname change the host table on windows. | 16:56 |
wastrel | mimcpher: did you start the process with strace ? | 16:56 |
Dmole | !host | Assimilater | 16:56 |
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mimcpher | wastrel: no, connecting to a running process. | 16:57 |
aendruk | The screen resolution on my laptop was not detected correctly. Where can I find an explanation of how to create the necessary xorg.conf to fix it? | 16:57 |
nimbiotics | wastrel: heres what i get with your suggestion: http://pastebin.com/5dx3Tdvf | 16:57 |
dury | hi there channel :) | 16:57 |
mimcpher | IE, cat < /dev/random > /dev/null in one terminal; strace `pgrep cat` in another | 16:57 |
Dmole | Assimilater: "dig @DNS -x myip" will tell you what your DNS thinks | 16:58 |
pksadiq | !resolution | 16:58 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution | 16:58 |
Assimilater | oh boy trying to read... | 16:58 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | Hello! | 16:58 |
Assimilater | dig: couldn't get address for 'DNS': not found | 16:59 |
dury | is it reliable to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 by synaptic | 16:59 |
mimcpher | wastrel: additionally, it works fine if I strace as root. | 16:59 |
Dmole | Assimilater: "dig @my.DNS.IP -x myip" | 16:59 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | I tried booting gwibber and I nearly added my Google (Buzz) account. | 16:59 |
Dmole | Assimilater: read "man dig" | 17:00 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | When I posted my Google account info. , does the info send some other internet sites than Google? | 17:00 |
Dmole | Assimilater: "q" to exit man | 17:00 |
dury | hey channel the question is: is it reliable to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 by synaptic? | 17:00 |
nexeh | Hello, I'm having an issue wiht overscan on a tv connected via DVI to HDMI... I have ATI grpahics with generic drivers.. could use some help finding a overscan adjustment? | 17:01 |
pksadiq | Emmanuel_Chanel: details, where, what,why? | 17:01 |
Dmole | dury: I would avoid it | 17:01 |
pksadiq | !bttv | 17:01 |
dury | Dmole: why? | 17:02 |
nexeh | Hello, I'm having an issue wiht overscan on a tv connected via DVI to HDMI... I have ATI grpahics with generic drivers.. could use some help finding a overscan adjustment? | 17:02 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | If I posted my Google account info on Gwibber for adding the profile of Google buzz, does the info send some other internet sites than Google? | 17:02 |
wastrel | nimbiotics: you need to use sudo with /etc/init.d or the service command | 17:02 |
van7hu | hi all, I downloaded a .rpm package, can I use it under ubuntu | 17:02 |
wastrel | mimcpher: sorry can't help further with strace :] | 17:02 |
pksadiq | !rpm | van7hu | 17:03 |
ubottu | van7hu: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) | 17:03 |
rob_p | ad | 17:03 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | pksadiq: Isn't it an enough good explanation...? | 17:03 |
van7hu | thank | 17:03 |
nexeh | Hello, I'm having an issue wiht overscan on a tv connected via DVI to HDMI... I have ATI grpahics with generic drivers.. could use some help finding a overscan adjustment? | 17:03 |
pksadiq | Emmanuel_Chanel: but how is it related to ubuntu? | 17:03 |
wastrel | dury: 9.10 -> 10.04 went fine for me. follow the wiki instructions to upgrade | 17:04 |
pksadiq | !tv | 17:04 |
ubottu | http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out | 17:04 |
nimbiotics | wastrel: it seems to start and gives me process id#, but when i go back to gadmin-samba its still inactive | 17:04 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | pksadiq: It's on my Ubuntu... | 17:04 |
dury | wastrel: url of it? | 17:04 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | pksadiq: It's not adequete? ok. I'll ask on another channel... | 17:04 |
arvut | G'evening support | 17:05 |
pksadiq | Emmanuel_Chanel: try #google if it exists ; | 17:05 |
wastrel | nimbiotics: i don't know anything about gadmin-samba :/ | 17:05 |
wastrel | dury: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 17:05 |
dury | wastrel: great :) | 17:05 |
dury | wastrel: thanks | 17:05 |
pksadiq | !find crt1.o | 17:07 |
ubottu | File crt1.o found in libc6-dbg, libc6-dbg-armel-cross, libc6-dev, libc6-dev-armel-cross, libc6-dev-i386, mingw-w64, mingw32-runtime | 17:07 |
nexeh | pksadiq, at first look this seems to be a link for TV tuners that you have for the PC... am I correct? I'm just trying to hook up my computer to a HD tv as a monitor | 17:07 |
noobie25 | syntax highlighting gets turned off when i run vim with "sudo vi newfile.c" .... .. doing syntax:on does not work...any help? | 17:08 |
nimbiotics | wastrel: thx 4 trying | 17:08 |
njbair | is there anything for video editing that's a little more mature than pitivi? | 17:08 |
pksadiq | nexeh: yes | 17:09 |
nimbiotics | hello all. im using gadmin-samba on ubuntu 10.10. So far I havent been able to share devices within my mixed windoze/linux LAN. The status I get on gadmin-samba is "Activated, inactive servers: nmbd". Can someone please help this noob get this fixed??? TIA! | 17:09 |
pksadiq | !info cinelerra | 17:09 |
ubottu | Package cinelerra does not exist in maverick | 17:09 |
pksadiq | !info live | 17:09 |
ubottu | Package live does not exist in maverick | 17:09 |
nexeh | !ubottu | 17:10 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | 17:10 |
pksadiq | njbair: I think cinelerra is good, but I don't know how to use it | 17:10 |
pksadiq | !samba | 17:10 |
=== the is now known as Guest89441 | ||
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 17:10 |
dury | bbl | 17:11 |
cj | hey folks | 17:11 |
cj | I got a new laptop, and the edge scroll bits aren't working | 17:11 |
cj | gnome-mouse-properties doesn't show the checkbox for enabling it | 17:11 |
jiohdi | trijntje: how about sfill? | 17:12 |
wastrel | cj: so annoying | 17:12 |
trijntje | jiohdi, I dont know that program | 17:13 |
sresu | Is there any problem in hibernate(suspend to disk) option in Ubuntu? The data was saved to disk but on system start, it couldn't resume back the data that I had to restart loosing all my data. | 17:13 |
pksadiq | !info sfill | 17:13 |
ubottu | Package sfill does not exist in maverick | 17:13 |
maco | sresu: highly hardware dependent answer | 17:14 |
jiohdi | sfill is part of a group of packages that installs from secure-delete | 17:14 |
wastrel | cj: for now try gpointing-device-settings | 17:14 |
sresu | maco: Hardware dependent as in? | 17:14 |
jiohdi | when you install secure-delete you get like three different programs | 17:14 |
wastrel | i'm not at home on my laptop so i can't look at my gnome-mouse thingy | 17:14 |
maco | sresu: for most people, that works. you may just be unlucky in that your hardware doesnt work so great on linux | 17:14 |
sresu | maco: Never I've been able to use it prpoerly | 17:15 |
sresu | properly* | 17:15 |
sresu | maco: Can I access the saved image? | 17:15 |
maco | sresu: not now that youve booted | 17:15 |
pksadiq | sresu: might be, you have less free space | 17:15 |
Ha | n #saurik | 17:16 |
maco | sresu: if youd pulled the drive and put it in an external enclosure and hooked it up to something (after that something was booted) you couldve inspected the swap partition | 17:16 |
creyato | Question: I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed on my netbook. When I close the lid, the OS suspends like it's suppose to... But when I open the lid, it only seems to wake up the hard drive and the screen stays blank. No matter what keys I press, it doesn't wake back up like it should. | 17:16 |
sresu | pksadiq: maco: More that .5 TB of space is free | 17:17 |
pksadiq | sresu: space in root drive? | 17:17 |
sresu | pksadiq: 3 Gib | 17:17 |
cj | thanks, wastrel... /me tries | 17:17 |
dfcnvt | knows any best gui schedule reminder? | 17:17 |
maco | sresu: the general disk space doesnt matter. was swap big enough to hold all the data that was in RAM plus everything that was swapped at the time? | 17:17 |
juampa1989 | swap swap seap | 17:18 |
sresu | maco: swap I've kept more than required | 17:18 |
jita | How do i enable mouse without gdm in console ? | 17:19 |
sresu | maco: What are the things usually required for hibernate process to complete properly? | 17:19 |
maco | sresu: enough space in swap and drivers that do what they're supposed to | 17:19 |
cj | wastrel: hurm... nice form with checkboxes and all, but it doesn't seem to have enabled it... maybe if I re-start X | 17:20 |
Muimi | What's a persistence option on the Universal USB Installer? | 17:20 |
sresu | maco: Any installation of package required? | 17:20 |
sresu | !info hibernate | 17:20 |
ubottu | hibernate (source: hibernate): smartly puts your computer to sleep (suspend to RAM or disk). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.99-1.1 (maverick), package size 93 kB, installed size 464 kB | 17:20 |
maco | sresu: no | 17:20 |
pucko- | jita, you mean gpm | 17:20 |
maco | sresu: the package you just pulled up is in universe, so its not a required thing | 17:20 |
wastrel | cj: works for me, YMMV :] is it a synaptics touchpad? you could try gsynaptics | 17:20 |
sresu | maco: I have it installed | 17:20 |
cj | wastrel: let me check dmesg | 17:20 |
jita | pucko-: apt-get says there is no gpm anymore :( | 17:20 |
pksadiq | !gpm | pucko- | 17:21 |
pksadiq | pucko-: I think gpm is used in debian, but ubuntu uses gdm instad | 17:21 |
sresu | maco: Could you please link me to ubuntu wiki page for hibernate? | 17:21 |
pksadiq | instead* | 17:21 |
pksadiq | !find gpm | 17:21 |
ubottu | Found: libgpm-dev, libgpm2, libgpmg1-dev, claws-mail-pgpmime, gpm | 17:21 |
pksadiq | !info gpm | 17:22 |
ubottu | gpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.4-3.3ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 214 kB, installed size 560 kB | 17:22 |
sresu | maco: Or any other important link for the same | 17:22 |
Muimi | !info persistence option | 17:22 |
ubottu | 'option' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable | 17:22 |
Muimi | !info persistence | 17:22 |
ubottu | Package persistence does not exist in maverick | 17:22 |
maco | sresu: oh yeah one other thing. you cant hibernate if you have encrypted swap | 17:22 |
pksadiq | pucko-: sorry, I said about debian | 17:22 |
sresu | maco: No, its not | 17:22 |
pksadiq | !persistent | 17:23 |
pksadiq | !usb | 17:23 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 17:23 |
Muimi | persistence? | 17:23 |
Muimi | hehe | 17:23 |
creyato | Question: I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed on my netbook. When I close the lid, the OS suspends like it's suppose to... But when I open the lid, it only seems to wake up the hard drive and the screen stays blank. No matter what keys I press, it doesn't wake back up like it should. | 17:23 |
sresu | maco: How can I confirm that its not encrypted? | 17:23 |
maco | sresu: i dont know | 17:24 |
cj | wastrel: says it's an i8042 AUX port PS/2 Generic Mouse | 17:24 |
sresu | maco: As far as I remember it isn't | 17:24 |
MindVirus | My nvidia driver is non-functional. Any help? | 17:25 |
pksadiq | !nvidia | MindVirus | 17:25 |
ubottu | MindVirus: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 17:25 |
MindVirus | pksadiq: I have Googled. | 17:25 |
sresu | maco: I'm looking for something like this for Maverick - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistySuspendOverview | 17:26 |
=== lyrae_ is now known as lyrae | ||
aroman | Hi guys, how can I _completely_ remove a package and all its settings? | 17:26 |
MindVirus | lyrae: You make my favorite themes. | 17:26 |
MindVirus | aroman: --purge | 17:26 |
lyrae | not me | 17:26 |
aroman | MindVirus, That's what I'm running right now, we'll see how it goes :) | 17:26 |
MindVirus | aroman: That won't include user settings. | 17:26 |
aroman | MindVirus, That | 17:27 |
aroman | MindVirus, 's what I need | 17:27 |
Muimi | creyato, if you're using a laptop, I think you get the best battery life when you never put your harddrive to sleep, anyway. Maybe you could turn it off.... Not really a fix, though. | 17:27 |
GH1234 | My home pc is sending something (encrypted) to an amazone cloud server :D Any advises how to find out which process is going crazy? (I found out about the destination using wireshark) | 17:27 |
Muimi | I mean... to never turn your harddrive off. | 17:27 |
karthick87 | Ubuntu 10.10 booting takes longer time than Ubuntu 10.04 and also shows an error saying No wubildr but it runs fine later.What could be the problem? | 17:28 |
jita | how much ram ubuntu takes with gnome ? | 17:28 |
sresu | maco: Thanks | 17:29 |
Gnea | jita: you need at least 256 | 17:29 |
jita | Gnea: gnome can load in 256 mb ? | 17:29 |
MindVirus | jita: BARELY. | 17:29 |
MindVirus | Anything you'll do will be slow. | 17:30 |
jita | MindVirus: how much an idle ubuntu 10.10 takes ? | 17:30 |
MindVirus | Unless all you want to do is move the mouse around and look at menus. | 17:30 |
Gnea | jita: seen it happen | 17:30 |
MindVirus | jita: Depends on the amount of memory you have and the programs you have running on startup. | 17:30 |
Gnea | jita: but 512 or more is better | 17:30 |
MindVirus | I'd say ~256M. | 17:30 |
Bugs-Bunny | can i setup all files to go to trash dir and never get deleted ? atleast not for 6 months | 17:31 |
ubuntuguy | How do I perverse edge of my screen for docky? | 17:31 |
sresu | maco: What drivers are required for hibernate, you were speaking of? | 17:32 |
maco | sresu: no additional drivers, just your existing ones have to Not Suck | 17:32 |
ubuntuguy | Anyone know how to preserve edge of screen for docky | 17:33 |
sresu | maco: Ah.. They are fine. I'm still not able find the root of this problem | 17:33 |
maco | sresu: well if your hardware isn't handling hibernate properly, id say at least one driver is misbehaving somewhere | 17:33 |
maco | sresu: when hardware refuses to wake up from suspend or hibernate, its driver did something wrong | 17:34 |
maco | sresu: finding the root of the problem would mean figuring out *which* piece of hardware is the issue. that's hard. | 17:34 |
noobie25 | #redis | 17:34 |
=== FiReSTaRT is now known as Guest37488 | ||
creyato | Muimi: The hard drive wakes up though... It's the screen that never comes back on. | 17:34 |
cj | wastrel: looks like I should watch this one: | 17:34 |
cj | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/317025 | 17:34 |
sresu | maco: How can I find which driver would have caused that? | 17:34 |
LostHorizons | hi guys - i have a macbook pro model 5,4. I checked on the Ubuntu site and it recommended me to download Lucid Lynx but I'm not sure if i should download the desktop or the netbook edition | 17:34 |
Muimi | I had the same problem, creyato. | 17:35 |
wastrel | cj: bugs :[ | 17:35 |
sresu | creyato: Muimi: Same | 17:35 |
Muimi | It was part of why I reformatted and went back to Windows, last time. | 17:35 |
maco | sresu: i dont think an individual can. a few releases ago there was widescale "everybody run this script and send in the results" and then someone on the kernel team dug through all of it and found correlations between hardware on the hundreds of systems taht were submitted | 17:35 |
jita | how could it be that ubuntu 10.10 is taking 300MB without gnome ??? | 17:35 |
cj | wastrel: erhm, that's not right... that's a ball not a pad :) | 17:35 |
Muimi | Little stuff like that really bothers me. | 17:35 |
Muimi | You'd think the screen saver would work right, after all these years of Linux. | 17:36 |
ThomasB2k | Hello, I used KDE System Settings to configure my KDE appearance settings, even though I use GNOME. I changed some font settings through it, and now all of my fonts are really choppy. Is there any way to revert these changes? | 17:36 |
Muimi | And the billions of screen savers on the Internet. XD | 17:36 |
creyato | Muimi: Well, it's more than just a little thing I think. Sometimes you want and need to close the lid without shutting the whole thing down. This way, you kinda have to. It's pretty stupid. | 17:36 |
sresu | maco: Suspend to RAM doesn't give any problem | 17:36 |
=== GeamT is now known as Chien_Jaune | ||
ThomasB2k | I just wanted to make KolourPaint look a bit native :p | 17:36 |
Tom22 | How do I install stuff on a desktop user user account from an administrator account? It doesn't like to let me unless I change the other to adminstrator too and I guess I would prefer to avoid that. | 17:36 |
maco | sresu: suspend to ram and suspend to disk are two different activities | 17:36 |
ubuntuguy | Anyone know how to preserve edge of screen for docky? | 17:37 |
creyato | Muimi: So if I make it not turn off the hard drive, it should fix it? | 17:37 |
maco | sresu: it is not uncommon for one to work and the other to fail. things have to be ok with going *no power* in order to hibernate. suspend still keeps things turned on | 17:37 |
sresu | maco: Yes. Does Sleep asks for driver involvement? | 17:37 |
noobie25 | does anyone know who to enable syntax highlighting on VIM? it disappears when i'm running any sudo commands. | 17:37 |
jita | Could anybody please give me proper sources.list file for ubuntu 10.10 ? | 17:37 |
maco | sresu: yes, both depend on drivers being in very good condition. that doesnt change that what the driver has to do for each is *different* | 17:37 |
sresu | sresu: True | 17:38 |
Muimi | Hold on, noobie25... | 17:38 |
noobie25 | Muimi: thx Muimi | 17:38 |
AbhiJit | Tom22, you can login from terminal to desktop user and then install from command promt | 17:38 |
Tom22 | AbhiJitt: How do I do that? | 17:39 |
sresu | maco: Anyways, thanks. I'll see what I can do? | 17:39 |
Muimi | It's :syntax on | 17:39 |
=== eric is now known as Guest26834 | ||
pksadiq | noobie25: first ty sudo su | 17:39 |
Muimi | :color on | 17:39 |
sresu | /?/. | 17:39 |
aendruk | jita: http://askubuntu.com/questions/6076/i-need-a-copy-of-the-default-etc-apt-sources-list | 17:39 |
Muimi | Omg, pksadiq. | 17:39 |
noobie25 | Muimi: i tried syntax:on ... so i'll try now ... color on | 17:40 |
Muimi | Color first... | 17:40 |
Chien_Jaune | Hi, I've got a sound problem. In fact, after desinstalling of kde-desktop from my ubuntu, the sound disapeard | 17:40 |
Muimi | I mean, you cunt highlight without color. ^^ | 17:40 |
jita | aendruk: where do i add multiverse and universe ? | 17:40 |
AbhiJit | Tom22, sudo login | 17:40 |
Muimi | I've got the multiverse in my balls. They're that big. | 17:40 |
aendruk | jita: they are enabled by default. | 17:41 |
IdleOne | !guidelines | Muimi | 17:41 |
ubottu | Muimi: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines | 17:41 |
Muimi | sudo apt-get update | 17:41 |
noobie25 | Muimi: it says "Cannot find color scheme on" | 17:41 |
Muimi | and deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy universe | 17:41 |
Muimi | and deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy universehardy multiverse | 17:42 |
Muimi | er | 17:42 |
Muimi | hardy multiverse only | 17:42 |
ThomasB2k | http://askubuntu.com/questions/15010/how-to-fix-choppy-fonts-after-using-kde-system-settings | 17:42 |
Muimi | Then maybe you don't have a color scheme to turn on. :-/ | 17:42 |
noobie25 | Muimi: how do you turn it on? ... it works fine when i am not running a sudo command | 17:43 |
Muimi | That's probably at you, noobie25. What ThomasB2k said | 17:43 |
ThomasB2k | no, sorry muimi and noobie25 | 17:43 |
ThomasB2k | it's not | 17:43 |
LostHorizons | hi guys - i have a macbook pro model 5,4. I checked on the Ubuntu site and it recommended me to download Lucid Lynx but I'm not sure if i should download the desktop or the netbook edition | 17:43 |
Muimi | You gotta check your environmental variables, noobie25. | 17:44 |
noobie25 | Muimi: where can i do that? i'm sorry | 17:44 |
Muimi | try :colorscheme elflord | 17:44 |
ira | LostHorizons: you would want the desktop, why since you have Darwin already via macos? | 17:44 |
pksadiq | noobie25: try sudo su and you login as root and then simply use vim file , hpe it works | 17:45 |
LostHorizons | ira: i just want to use a different OS for the experience of setting it up | 17:45 |
pksadiq | hope* | 17:45 |
Muimi | try :!echo $VIMRUNTIME and :!echo $VIM and :set runtimepath | 17:45 |
wastrel | LostHorizons: the netbook edition has a GUI that's optimized for netbooks. a normal laptop would typically use the desktop edition | 17:45 |
Pici | pksadiq: You should use sudo -i not sudo su. | 17:45 |
Muimi | You want to make sure that your runtime path is right, in accordance with $vimruntime and $vim | 17:45 |
LostHorizons | thanks, wastrel :) | 17:46 |
pksadiq | Pici: both works! | 17:46 |
Pici | pksadiq: But sudo -i sets up the environment more-correctly. And it isn't a redundant command like sudo su is. | 17:46 |
Bing0 | LostHorizons, you should consider virtualbox first | 17:47 |
pksadiq | Pici: but actually sudo doesn't gives the whole powe of root, I get some errors like when running wine with sudo, but su works fine | 17:47 |
pksadiq | power* | 17:47 |
=== Guest69011 is now known as cheby | ||
st | pksadiq, nonsense | 17:48 |
nimbiotics | is there any other way than samba to share folders within a mixed lan? TIA | 17:48 |
LostHorizons | Bing0: i have virtualbox | 17:48 |
LostHorizons | i'm gonna install it through that | 17:48 |
st | nimbiotics, ftp or webdav | 17:48 |
LostHorizons | then, maybe, i'll use bootcamp and install it on my HD | 17:48 |
pksadiq | st: try any wine software to run with sudo , you will sense it | 17:48 |
Bing0 | LostHorizons, "ira: i just want to use a different OS for the experience of setting it up" I would think vbox would be ideal for your reason. :/ | 17:49 |
Tom22 | 3 packages can be updated. How do I find which ones can be updated from CL? How do I install them after finding them? | 17:49 |
LostHorizons | Bing0: with that in mind why does anyone use Ubuntu as opposed to Windows, Mac OS X etc? | 17:49 |
Pici | pksadiq: sudo -i gives you an interactive 'sudo' session. | 17:49 |
wastrel | i don't care for os x but it has better power management on macbooks than does ubuntu | 17:50 |
Bing0 | LostHorizons, for me, it forces me to understand the PC in a more scientific manner. everyone's reasons differ.. | 17:50 |
jkeyes0isawesome | Having trouble with USB installation, tried to ask on Debian servers but they sent me here. More details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1630846 | 17:50 |
wastrel | so i use ubuntu in a VM on my macbook | 17:50 |
LostHorizons | yeah | 17:50 |
Pici | pksadiq: then use sudo -s if you like the environment variables that sudo su sets up. | 17:50 |
ThomasB2k | Hello, I used KDE System Settings to configure my KDE appearance settings (I wanted to make KolourPaint look native), even though I use GNOME. I changed some font settings through it, and now all of my fonts are really choppy. Is there any way to revert these changes? | 17:50 |
wastrel | but i don't care for os x so i use it as little as possible | 17:50 |
LostHorizons | I just want to fool around with it, see if I can get it working | 17:50 |
LostHorizons | see what the GUI is like | 17:50 |
Chien_Jaune | Someone knows what's gnome-media ? | 17:51 |
nimbiotics | st: thx | 17:51 |
Bing0 | LostHorizons, it wont be much different than vbox full screen. i have ubuntu as a guest on my macbook | 17:51 |
MisterX | hiho | 17:51 |
LostHorizons | did you not install it properly on your machine? | 17:52 |
LostHorizons | i mean, partition your hard drive and install it that way? | 17:52 |
Bing0 | no reason to do that | 17:53 |
Bing0 | for me anyway | 17:53 |
LostHorizons | oh | 17:53 |
LostHorizons | well i guess you have a point | 17:53 |
Tom22 | I tried to install something on desktop user account from admin account and got xxxx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. How do I avoid this? | 17:53 |
LostHorizons | so you just run ubuntu via virtual box? | 17:53 |
sresu | I found that during hibernate process that it looks for a splash screen before saving image to swap like <Looking for splash screnn ............ none> What is it? | 17:53 |
LostHorizons | and keep your harddrive with just OS X running on it? | 17:53 |
LostHorizons | a | 17:54 |
Bing0 | LostHorizons, yes. | 17:54 |
LostHorizons | cool | 17:55 |
wastrel | LostHorizons: that's what i'm doing because os x will manage the hardware better than ubuntu | 17:55 |
abhijeet | hi guys .. is it possible to change the ip address of the interface while it is connected to the site lan... | 17:55 |
LostHorizons | i'll do that also | 17:55 |
Bing0 | LostHorizons, i am not trying to discourage you from trying what you want to do, but there is little dif at all.. ive tried both ways | 17:55 |
wastrel | LostHorizons: i still use ubuntu for 98% of what i do in the machine | 17:55 |
=== eternal_ is now known as dieth | ||
abhijeet | I have tried to change the ip address using connection manager while it is connected to lan but it failed.. | 17:55 |
LostHorizons | do you guys run any other guest OS's on your machine? | 17:55 |
abhijeet | it still shows the old ip address | 17:55 |
st | !ot | 17:56 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 17:56 |
dieth | How do i get my Language packages back? | 17:56 |
abhijeet | but i change the ip address after removing the cable then it is working | 17:56 |
st | dieth, use system/preferences/language | 17:56 |
nimbiotics | im using gadmin-samba on ubuntu 10.10. So far I havent been able to share devices within my mixed windoze/linux LAN. The status I get on gadmin-samba is "Activated, inactive servers: nmbd". Can someone please help this noob get this fixed??? TIA! | 17:57 |
dieth | Where at? | 17:57 |
Bing0 | LostHorizons, winxp | 17:57 |
sresu | maco: Is splash screen required for hibernate? | 17:57 |
maco | sresu: no | 17:57 |
LostHorizons | nice | 17:57 |
LostHorizons | well i will use the VirtualBox method then | 17:58 |
dieth | And also how do i upgrade? | 17:58 |
sresu | maco: What is it exactly for? | 17:58 |
maco | sresu: pretty | 17:58 |
dieth | In Terminal i did sudo aptitude install update-manager-core | 17:58 |
dieth | Then i did sudo do-release-upgrade -d | 17:59 |
RoguishRavager | I have a problem with my password. I must have managed to mistype it twice when i reset it earlier, and so i couldn't log in, so i used this guide http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/reset-your-ubuntu-password-easily-from-the-live-cd/#comment-109500 to reset it, because all the other ones I tried didn't work | 18:00 |
RoguishRavager | I can log in now | 18:00 |
jkeyes0isawesome | My problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1630846 | 18:00 |
LostHorizons | Bing0: if i install Ubuntu via VirtualBox will my Mac's WiFi work without any configuration? | 18:00 |
RoguishRavager | but I keep getting popups that tell me to "unlock login keyring" | 18:00 |
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RoguishRavager | can anyone help? | 18:00 |
=== karthick87 is now known as Guest78249 | ||
vic20gmr | how do i make changes hat ive made using iwconfig stick, so that they stay how ive set them between reboots? | 18:01 |
=== Guest78249 is now known as karthick87 | ||
arak | hi | 18:03 |
masterme120 | How do I change which channel the volume manager applet adjusts in 10.10? | 18:03 |
gnat_x | grumble. start up disk creator keeps not completing for me. it gets to 99% and just hangs. | 18:04 |
coz_ | masterme120, which sound card do you have? | 18:05 |
KnickLighter | Guys how come with 'motion', on my ubuntu server it does not work, but on my notebook, desktop edition, it does?? | 18:05 |
wildc4rd | evenin all!! | 18:05 |
masterme120 | coz_, it's an integrated one. How would I figure that out? | 18:05 |
Bing0 | LostHorizons, yes | 18:05 |
Bing0 | LostHorizons, your guest net config may have mild issues though...for example, when I was connected to my mac via ethernet, the ubuntu guest had an IP. when I was connected to my mac via wifi, my guest didnt | 18:06 |
Bing0 | LostHorizons, it might not happen to you, this was awhile back when i noticed this. | 18:07 |
coz_ | masterme120, open a terminal and type alsamixer the name and model of the card should show up in the upper left | 18:07 |
masterme120 | coz_, HDA ATI SB for card and VIA VT1708S for chip. | 18:08 |
coz_ | masterme120, and if you notice in alsamixer..you should have a series of sliders | 18:08 |
ddman | how can i get the shared memory dump in core files for analysis ? | 18:09 |
ethernet | hello all | 18:09 |
masterme120 | coz_, yeah, I've used it before | 18:09 |
coz_ | masterme120, ah ok | 18:09 |
coz_ | masterme120, and you want to do what now? | 18:09 |
sometux | anyone know about a web-based client for remote control on linux? | 18:10 |
masterme120 | coz_, change which channel the volume manager applet adjusts | 18:10 |
KnickLighter | sometux; webmin? | 18:10 |
LostHorizons | OK Bing0, thanks | 18:10 |
=== F|ReSTaRT is now known as FiReSTaRt | ||
vic20gmr | how do i make changes hat ive made using iwconfig stick, so that they stay how ive set them between reboots? | 18:10 |
LostHorizons | but my Mac OS won't be affected by the install of Ubuntu via Virtualbox, right? | 18:10 |
=== FiReSTaRt is now known as FiReSTaRT | ||
maco | LostHorizons: right | 18:10 |
LostHorizons | coool | 18:10 |
sometux | KnickLighter, I mean link VNC, RDP even ssh | 18:10 |
Tom22 | I tried to install something on desktop user account from admin account and got xxxx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. How do I avoid this? | 18:11 |
sometux | *like | 18:11 |
coz_ | masterme120, how many channels does your card support? | 18:11 |
KnickLighter | sometux; You could use a vnc, http based | 18:11 |
masterme120 | coz_, 7.1 | 18:11 |
KnickLighter | sometux; http://lifehacker.com/317125/set-up-vnc-on-ubuntu-in-four-steps | 18:11 |
Bing0 | LostHorizons, nope. hit the vbox forums(mac end) and read the stickies if you are paranoid. :) | 18:12 |
sometux | KnickLighter, the idea is to bypass my work firewalls to access my Work PC by running web-based client on one of our servers | 18:12 |
LostHorizons | lol | 18:12 |
LostHorizons | thanks | 18:12 |
coz_ | masterme120, mm I have a similar card but gnerally just adjust in alsamixer... there are gui frontends for that as well as a pulseaudio systemtic graphic equalizer | 18:12 |
milen8204 | where are my microfon setings ? | 18:12 |
dieth | How do i change lock from root to owner? | 18:12 |
KnickLighter | sometux; so run it on port 80 | 18:12 |
* major_redhat is back (gone 00:05:51) | 18:12 | |
sresu | jkeyes0isawesome: How is your USB stick recognised by the system? <ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/*usb*> | 18:12 |
sometux | KnickLighter, the servers are web servers | 18:13 |
KnickLighter | sometux; does your system admin / boss allow this though? | 18:13 |
sometux | KnickLighter, so the port 80 is already assigned | 18:13 |
KnickLighter | sometux; you might try teamviewer for linux then..? | 18:13 |
sometux | KnickLighter, the firewall is not at our control | 18:13 |
KnickLighter | not http based though, but still | 18:13 |
KnickLighter | Might work | 18:14 |
dieth | How do i change lock from root to owner? | 18:14 |
sometux | KnickLighter, you got the idea? | 18:14 |
KnickLighter | sometux; yeah.. A way to do that would be reverse.. but that won't really work. | 18:14 |
sresu | jkeyes0isawesome: <umount /dev/sdX1> then <dd_rescue /path/to/iso/debian-506-alpha-CD-1.iso /dev/sdX>. | 18:15 |
trijntje | Dmole, dd to /dev/null did take a long time, but returned no errors | 18:15 |
* major_redhat is away: Busy, usually AFK | 18:16 | |
LjL | !away > major_redhat (major_redhat, see the private message from ubottu) | 18:17 |
sometux | KnickLighter, I need an open-source solution | 18:18 |
KnickLighter | sometux; you need it to listen on ports in order to connect | 18:18 |
KnickLighter | check with your firewall which ports are available | 18:18 |
KnickLighter | and run a vnc listener on those ports | 18:18 |
KnickLighter | or teamviewer. | 18:18 |
KnickLighter | has http too, afaik | 18:18 |
jkeyes0isawesome | sresu: that gives me two outputs, both of which are pointing to the same device: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 2010-11-26 12:08 /dev/disk/by-id/usb-HP_v125w_UTa10615000698-0:0 -> ../../sdb | 18:20 |
jkeyes0isawesome | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-11-26 12:08 /dev/disk/by-id/usb-HP_v125w_UTa10615000698-0:0-part1 -> ../../sdb1 | 18:20 |
sometux | KnickLighter, the web server that will host the web-based client is part of the internal network so that I can access any pc on the network once I have access to web-server and entering the ip address of the PC I want to control | 18:21 |
KnickLighter | sometux; do you want it to be graphical? or text | 18:21 |
KnickLighter | I assume servers dont have Gui's | 18:22 |
trijntje | !enter | KnickLighter | 18:22 |
ubottu | KnickLighter: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 18:22 |
masterme120 | coz_, The original problem was that I can't adjust the volume through the "gnome-volume-control" applet. I have headphones connected to a port on the back, and the volume only changes when I adjust PCM or surround channels, but the volume manager applet is adjusting the Front Master channel. | 18:22 |
sometux | KnickLighter, the web-based client will render the remote desktop for me | 18:22 |
KnickLighter | trijntje; sorry heur ;) | 18:22 |
Dmole | trijntje: that would indicate your dive might be OK, it's just the FS that is mucked up | 18:22 |
KnickLighter | sometux; yeah i see what you mean.. hmm. thinking. | 18:23 |
coz_ | masterme120, ooo ... mmm have you tried alsamixergui | 18:23 |
Dmole | sometux: why not just use ssh forwarding? | 18:23 |
coz_ | masterme120, I am kind of suggesting the things I have tired ,,, I am definitly not a linux sound expert,,,you could try #alsa and or #pulseaudio channels | 18:23 |
trijntje | Dmole, yeah, so thats good news. Thanks again for the advice | 18:23 |
sometux | C | 18:24 |
trijntje | Hi people, how can I fix a damaged NTFS partition from ubuntu? | 18:24 |
sresu | jkeyes0isawesome: I would suggest to use dd_rescue /path/to/iso/openSUSE-11.2-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso /dev/sdX. That works perfectly with me | 18:24 |
KnickLighter | Dmole; ports blocked, he needs something from http | 18:24 |
sometux | Dmole, I need to control my Work PC which is behind firewall and NAT | 18:24 |
Dmole | KnickLighter: all outgoing ports? | 18:24 |
sresu | jkeyes0isawesome: <dd_rescue /path/to/iso/openSUSE-11.2-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso /dev/sdX> | 18:24 |
KnickLighter | Dmole; He wants to connect from the outside to his workstation. | 18:24 |
masterme120 | coz_, I went here because it's specifically the applet. You used to be able to change which channel it adjusted in the sound preferences dialogue, but it's not there any more. | 18:25 |
Dmole | KnickLighter: ah.... | 18:25 |
JPSman | when was the last LTS? | 18:25 |
xangua | JPSman: lucid | 18:25 |
JPSman | er, which distro was the LTS? | 18:25 |
checking2 | I love NTFS, it has junction points, hard links, symlinks | 18:25 |
JPSman | ok | 18:25 |
trijntje | !lts | 18:25 |
Dmole | sometux: webex or an open alt | 18:25 |
ubottu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) | 18:25 |
RoguishRavager | nvm, I figured it out | 18:25 |
sometux | Dmole, let me check it out | 18:25 |
coz_ | masterme120, understood... would still try both of those channels and let them know that gnome no longer has that options in sound dialog | 18:26 |
Dmole | sometux: you basically need to to leave a connection from the inside out | 18:26 |
Dmole | sometux: you can actualy use putty/ssh to do this with reverse port forwarding | 18:27 |
Dmole | KnickLighter:reverse port forwarding should do the trik | 18:27 |
Lins | anyone knows a PS3 channel? | 18:27 |
MrDudle | is ps3 opensource? | 18:27 |
sometux | Dmole, what about the proxy | 18:28 |
sometux | ? | 18:28 |
Milos_SD | How can I burn 7GB file on a DVD+DL? | 18:28 |
Milos_SD | can k3b or brasero do that? | 18:28 |
KnickLighter | sometux; you can use a tool to tunnel trough the proxy. | 18:28 |
Dmole | sometux: all you would need is a server somewhere not at work | 18:28 |
kenjin2201 | Can I suspend the system after some time? like we do for shutdown : sudo shutdown -h 30 | 18:28 |
kenjin2201 | ? | 18:29 |
sometux | Dmole, did you got what Im trying to do? | 18:29 |
=== masterme120__ is now known as masterme120_ | ||
Dmole | kenjin2201: "man at" | 18:29 |
wastrel | or sleep | 18:30 |
Dmole | sometux: yes; from work open a reverse port forward to your home computer with ssh(putty for windows) then from home you can use RDP to connect to your work computer via localhost | 18:31 |
sometux | Dmole, my_home_pc ---> 80 work_web_server ---> VNC work_workstation | 18:31 |
Dmole | sometux: you can skip the middle server | 18:32 |
milen8204 | where i can check my microphone settings ? | 18:32 |
=== rauno is now known as hipi | ||
Dmole | sometux: putty (work->home) then any time you can VNC (home->work) | 18:32 |
nimbiotics | im using gadmin-samba on ubuntu 10.10. So far I havent been able to share devices within my mixed windoze/linux LAN. The status I get on gadmin-samba is "Activated, inactive servers: nmbd". Can someone please help this noob get this fixed??? TIA! | 18:33 |
Dmole | sometux: but VNC is crap so ony use it if you "have to" | 18:33 |
nascentmind | Hi. When I try to login using kdm it quits and comes back. It was working fine before. | 18:34 |
fastronnie | anyone able to help me with wireless connection issues? | 18:34 |
=== masterme120_ is now known as masterme120 | ||
coz_ | fastronnie, unfortunately I personally have near to no experience with wireless | 18:36 |
JodaZ | how do i change tcps initial congestion window ? | 18:36 |
JPSman | is it possible to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 or 10.10 ? | 18:37 |
fastronnie | is there a good network connection manager that anyone can recommend? | 18:37 |
wastrel | fastronnie: wicd | 18:37 |
wastrel | fastronnie: you'll have to stop network-manager processes before it will work | 18:38 |
xangua | JPSman: from 9.10 then to 10.04 and finally to 10.10, yes | 18:38 |
evilbug | my friend did a fresh install of 10.10 yesterday and all worked well [wireless network]. when he got home and connected his ethernet cable he would not be able to connect to the internet even though his desktop worked fine hardwired. any clues? | 18:38 |
ubuXubu | driver issue | 18:40 |
=== nova is now known as nova_away | ||
trijntje | How can I fix a damaged NTFS partition from ubuntu? | 18:40 |
Tejaclfmo | does anyone know how can i create a new wireless interface ? | 18:41 |
Tejaclfmo | in jaunty | 18:41 |
evilbug | ubuXubu: another friend has the same laptop as this guy running 10.10 and has absolutely no problems. | 18:41 |
xangua | Tejaclfmo: jaunty is no longer supported | 18:41 |
BluesKaj | trijntje, damaged how ? | 18:42 |
coz_ | trijntje, is this a windows partition or maybe a bad sector? | 18:42 |
evilbug | BluesKaj: hey. so i managed to get that ubuntu install going yesterday. | 18:42 |
aroman | Hey all. I quickly share'd an app, got the accepted email, and trying to apt-add-repository, but it gives me Error: can't find signing_key_fingerprint at https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~myaccount/+archive/myapp | 18:42 |
sly007 | Hi, I am looking for a Qt or GTK terminal emulator which doesn't depend on gnome or kde. What do you use? | 18:43 |
coz_ | trijntje, is this a windows partition | 18:43 |
ubuXubu | evilbug, do they have the same rotuer modem, same isp etc... | 18:43 |
BluesKaj | hey evilbug , so you were able set up the boot sequence ok in the BIOS then, glad to hear it. | 18:43 |
erUSUL | trijntje: if it is ntfs is better to use windows tools to recover/check it. they know they stuff better than anyone | 18:43 |
trijntje | coz_, the disk doesnt support SMART but I've read the whole thing with dd and no errors showed up | 18:43 |
evilbug | ubuXubu: i don't think the same modem but isp yes. | 18:44 |
trijntje | BluesKaj, chkdsk on windows returns errors, and I keep ketting BSOD | 18:44 |
coz_ | trijntje, and this is an external drive | 18:44 |
evilbug | ubuXubu: like i said though, his desktop is hardwired to his router and works fine but the laptop won't connect. | 18:44 |
trijntje | coz_, no, internal NTFS | 18:44 |
ubuXubu | evilbug, try a different port | 18:45 |
trijntje | erUSUL, I've tried that, but it looks like windows cant fix the errors | 18:45 |
coz_ | trijntje, oh ok is this also just a storage device or windows os drive | 18:45 |
vic20gmr | how do i make changes hat ive made using iwconfig stick, so that they stay how ive set them between reboots? | 18:45 |
evilbug | BluesKaj: for some reason it wouldn't read the disc but i found out that my friend didn't create a proper usb stick install and so i guided him through that and worked out. | 18:45 |
erUSUL | trijntje: some windows third party tools? | 18:45 |
ubuXubu | evilbug, call isp and make them update the firmware then reboot | 18:45 |
evilbug | ubuXubu: ok. i'm going to get in touch with him later tonight and try your suggestions. thanks. | 18:46 |
toxictux | sly007, i have sakura on my laptop works quite good | 18:46 |
trijntje | coz_, the drive holds the windows install, thats why I cant just format it to see if that fixes it | 18:47 |
Padster | hey, i'm bored | 18:47 |
trijntje | erUSUL, I'm not sure, I'm also asking in #windows atm, but fixing the partitions would require that windows isnt running from that drive correct? | 18:47 |
Dmole | trijntje: can you mount the FS at all? | 18:47 |
coz_ | trijntje, ah understood so you need to redo grub2 ...yes? | 18:48 |
Xandry445 | how can i create a new wireless interface | 18:48 |
Xandry445 | ? | 18:48 |
ms8j3p | [*|NOTICE|*] AT 10PM TONIGHT, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*] ms8j3p DJClean MattB KindOne lucitu Superbest Zaidwi Padster Xandry445 Animagladius francescoparasil atxq sly007 gigasoft Lenin_Cat toxictux bodom LinuxMercedes NuXeLiTe maddentim evilbug pipegeek majnoon slipp3d tensorpudding yn | 18:49 |
ms8j3p | [*|NOTICE|*] AT 10PM TONIGHT, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*] Matic`Makovec Cpudan80 sometux andycc ddman frold major_redhat schmidtm Mud syslq_ biella lyrae paranoid_ndroid luis_lopez arak Tigger__ Barridus prong cozziemoto Warlord dhruvasagar olskolirc SuP|Lobby lamstyle compromised antiv | 18:49 |
ms8j3p | [*|NOTICE|*] AT 10PM TONIGHT, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*] NDPMacBook JackLeo mvn071 Bing0 LinGmnZ brianchidester llua b0nn eMxyzptlk arepeace_apis kbrosnan johan794 JanC roxy kotelette a_bug FiReSTaRT noob CatCheeto zulax betamine ben_kju Neillithan karrozia seiflotfy duffydack aroman a | 18:49 |
ms8j3p | [*|NOTICE|*] AT 10PM TONIGHT, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*] rats_ Jettis adac danopia jeb_ l34k teddymills serard h4z|da jhutchins_lt Kardos simplexio nouitfvf frewo64_ wastrel Ant- YWork Bugs-Bunny Biolunar hashashin Chopinn nimbiotics flupke r1k0 Kanniball obst amagee ispirto lhavelund | 18:49 |
ms8j3p | [*|NOTICE|*] AT 10PM TONIGHT, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. THANKYOU [*|NOTICE|*] sorrowsjoy skyred Gorthaur mimico oski Zonetti Abhinav1 brishu woulf miles__ B-r00t uprx ColKilkenny Gurty mndo pr0b0t mbeierl icedearth wedwo- dragonkeeper the_eye_ MaximLevitsky Tomcat_ha DaZ IVBela alpharesearch KnickLighter j | 18:49 |
coz_ | trijntje, if reinstalling grub is the issue you may want to look at this http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide ... read through that several times to get your bearings...also talk about it in the #grub channel before getting starting if there is some confusion | 18:49 |
erUSUL | trijntje: probably... what i am saying is that i only know of one tool to "fix" a ntfs partition from linux « ntfsfix » but that tool only makes sure the partition was not umounted uncleanly | 18:49 |
trijntje | Dmole, yes, windows can boot, but it keeps BSOD-ing me. I've already backed up all important data | 18:49 |
The_rogue_smiler | Ugh, I am having an annoying problem with openoffic word. | 18:49 |
st | what the hell?? | 18:49 |
Padster | Xandry445: right clock on the network icon and go to edit connections and add a new wireless one | 18:49 |
aroman | st, spam, don't worry about it | 18:50 |
The_rogue_smiler | It is not showing my cursor move when I space. | 18:50 |
The_rogue_smiler | This is annoying and confusing. | 18:50 |
=== Copia_de_sud0 is now known as sud0 | ||
trijntje | coz_, its not a grub issue, the PC doesnt even have Linux installed. I just popped in the live CD and tried to fix it from linux, since windows cant do it apparently | 18:50 |
Dmole | trijntje: then the FS is not your problem it's windows | 18:50 |
Dmole | trijntje: try a windows repair | 18:50 |
r000t_editsuite | Okay, WUBI worked fine yesterday, then I rebooted after an upgrade and whenever I select WUBI from Windoze bootloader, I get returned to POST/BIOS | 18:51 |
coz_ | trijntje, mmm yes you may have to do the windows repair or reinstall windows... I havent done a windows repair in some time | 18:51 |
r000t_editsuite | How f*cked is my install, and how can I recover data that's on the loop file? | 18:51 |
BluesKaj | trijntje, can you get to C:\ prompt , if so try fixmbr | 18:52 |
Xandry445 | how can i create a new wireless interface in ubuntu? | 18:52 |
erUSUL | !wubi | r000t_editsuite | 18:52 |
ubottu | r000t_editsuite: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe | 18:52 |
Xandry445 | thank you | 18:52 |
Dmole | trijntje: or if you backed up then just format reinstall | 18:52 |
trijntje | BluesKaj, I dont think my problem is related to the mbr, is it? | 18:53 |
trijntje | coz_, Dmole, erUSUL thanks for your help, ill go back to windows and see what I can do form there | 18:54 |
TheSov | I need help with bind 9 on 10.10 for some odd reason when i nslookup the zone files i added from my slack box they dont work. | 18:54 |
majnoon | ok checked in #freenode the SASL thingy is just spam | 18:54 |
wastrel | :[ | 18:55 |
NewOne | hi | 18:56 |
TheSov | hello | 18:56 |
NewOne | is there a software to image my hard drive for linux? | 18:56 |
TheSov | dd | 18:56 |
NewOne | but not bit by bit, | 18:57 |
wastrel | g4l | 18:57 |
peppy_ | newone:clonezilla | 18:57 |
wastrel | that too | 18:57 |
NewOne | i mean to back up my used drive and not the free space like dd | 18:57 |
NewOne | peppy_ tnx | 18:58 |
NewOne | lol | 18:58 |
TheSov | anyone got some bind9 experience on 10.10, its setup oddly. im switching over from slackware and im about to rip my hair out. | 18:58 |
erUSUL | TheSov: /join #ubuntu-server ? | 18:59 |
TheSov | erUSUL, thanks | 19:00 |
jags | hey I'm trying to change some notification icons, i have replacements but they're actually in .png format, all the howtos I've read involve .svg's | 19:02 |
jags | anyone know how to change notification area icons, I know they're stored in /usr/share/icons, but not sure how to go about replacing them | 19:02 |
rpin42 | jags: PNG are bitmap where SVG are vector. you might need to redraw them | 19:02 |
jags | rpin42, how is that accomplished? is there an app that will do it for me? | 19:03 |
gnat_x | jags: inkscape | 19:03 |
jags | gnat_x, thanks | 19:03 |
rpin42 | jags, not really. You can dr.. inkscape | 19:03 |
gnat_x | i cannot for the life of me figure out why the startup disk creator keeps hanging at the very end of trying to create a bootable USB. | 19:04 |
Padster | jags: there are program that convert pixel images into vector, but they're usually not that good. in inkscape you will have to manually trace it. | 19:04 |
gnat_x | the drive is brand new from the package. | 19:04 |
Padster | jags: and inkscape has a built-in tracer, too | 19:04 |
gnat_x | jags: also, you can use png images as icons, but if you change the size of your panel they won't scale like the other icons do. | 19:05 |
NewOne | i'm trying to install ubuntu but my screen is not so good with Nvidia gt330m driver | 19:06 |
NewOne | what kind of OS are you segest me? | 19:06 |
Stava | offtopic: Is there a channel for computer hardware discussion? :o | 19:06 |
NewOne | i have sony noteboot | 19:06 |
NewOne | vpcf12 | 19:07 |
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NewOne | any advice ? | 19:07 |
bradahl | hi guys :D | 19:08 |
hcj | can someone help me with this...E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 19:09 |
Muimi | Can someone please help me figure out how to get Ubuntu bootable on this system | 19:09 |
bradahl | what system are you using muimi?? | 19:10 |
Muimi | I tried to write 10.10 64-bit to a 700 MB CD, and it said that the CD was not large enough. So, I tried to write Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit mini onto the CD, and it gave me an 'invalid cue sheet' error. | 19:10 |
baggar11 | I've enabled three monitors on my 10.10 build, and now the gnome-panel looks ugly. Doesn't seem to be applying a theme. Any help on this? | 19:10 |
Muimi | I've tried this on three XP machines using the instructions at http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download | 19:10 |
wastrel | :[ | 19:10 |
Muimi | I tried USB installer. My motherboard, not that old, uses USB FDD and USB CD. I tried both of the options... It will not boot to the USB stick. | 19:11 |
hcj | @ muimi did you make it burn it on an image burner | 19:11 |
Muimi | I tried infrared, recommended at that site: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download | 19:11 |
bradahl | I used the Wubi installer | 19:11 |
Muimi | And I tried Clone CD... and I tried Clone CD with Daemon Tools. | 19:12 |
Muimi | Yes, but then it's not bootable. I'm trying to make a bootable install. | 19:12 |
hcj | Can someone help me with this error....E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 19:12 |
bradahl | aha | 19:12 |
gnomefreak | hcj: depends on what you were doing | 19:13 |
jon__ | Hey, I've heard that it's a bad idea to upgrade distros through the gui Update Manager... is that true? | 19:13 |
Muimi | @ hcj: After you get that error, try apt-get -f install to force an install of the files that didn't get loaded because of the error. Then try apt-get upgrade again, apt-get -f install back and forth until only the package that has the error is left. | 19:13 |
evilbug | jon__: no. | 19:13 |
gnomefreak | jon__: use update-manager command | 19:13 |
jon__ | what about apt-get dist-upgrade | 19:14 |
hcj | it always says it is something with java 6 | 19:14 |
gnomefreak | jon__: better and recommended you use update-manager as it can fix any problems that dist-upgrade may not fix | 19:14 |
jon__ | so run apt-get dist-upgrade then update-manager? | 19:15 |
Muimi | I also read that you should read manpage for dpkg and apt-get if you are going to use debian unstable (Sid)... | 19:15 |
Muimi | @ hcj. | 19:15 |
gnomefreak | jon__: run update-manager from command line | 19:15 |
BluesKaj | Muimi, try imgbrn in windows , it's the best img and iso burn app in window in my experience | 19:15 |
jon__ | gnomefreak, Ok, gotcha you're saying update-manager is better and recommended | 19:15 |
gnomefreak | it should prompt you that there is a new version of ubuntu | 19:15 |
hcj | yeah i did iso image burner | 19:15 |
jon__ | gnomefreak, what's up with apt-get... does it just not work well? | 19:16 |
BluesKaj | Muimi, http://www.imgburn.com/ | 19:16 |
hcj | i did have to mess with the bios to get it to install @muimi | 19:16 |
BluesKaj | hcj, @ doen't work on irc clients , just the nick is fine | 19:17 |
gnomefreak | jon__: it works but if you have a problem app or a problem with a package update-manager can fix most of them were as dist-upgrade(when jumping ubuntu versions, not packages) can cause problems | 19:17 |
augdawg | when i try to branch somehting from launchpad, gnome asks me to unlock the keyring. can anyone tell me how to bypass this? (i have forgotten my password) | 19:17 |
hcj | also anything i try to install something the install freezes.... idk wut to do... | 19:18 |
gnomefreak | jon__: main problems that can pop up is version of packages in PPAs or outside repos | 19:18 |
jon__ | gnomefreak, thanks, another thing I'm concerned about, this is a fresh installation of 9.04 because I tried 10.10 on my laptop, but the live version wasn't working correctly. | 19:18 |
jon__ | gnomefreak, do you think upgrading will break something? | 19:18 |
gnomefreak | not sure what you mean. but since you mentioned it you are best to upgrade from 9.04->9.10->10.04- | 19:19 |
gnomefreak | 10.10 | 19:19 |
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nimbiotics | Pease help me!! im using gadmin-samba on ubuntu 10.10. So far I havent been able to share devices within my mixed windoze/linux LAN. The status I get on gadmin-samba is "Activated, inactive servers: nmbd". Can someone please help this noob get this fixed??? TIA! | 19:19 |
jon__ | gnomefreak, yea thats the plan. 10.10 would load most of the way but lock up before it fully loaded | 19:20 |
ddman | how can i get the shared memory dump in core files for analysis ? | 19:20 |
gnomefreak | maybe best to install a clean version of 10.10. skipping releases is not recommened and can and will most likely give you major problems when skipping releases | 19:20 |
hcj | can someone help me with this...Setting up sun-java6-doc (6-10-0ubuntu2) ... This package is an installer package, it does not actually contain the JDK documentation. You will need to go download one of the archives: | 19:20 |
jon__ | gnomefreak, it was just the live version of 10.10 | 19:20 |
BluesKaj | nimbiotics, make sure you have smb servers install on the other linux machine , it's also a good idea to both smb clients and servers installed | 19:21 |
gnomefreak | jon__: maybe bad ISO, mismatched MD5SUM, or not burned on slowest speed | 19:21 |
gnomefreak | or any other number of reasons | 19:21 |
jon__ | gnomefreak, gotcha. so you don't recommend 9.10 > 10.10 then? | 19:22 |
gnomefreak | no, eiother go 9.04->9.10->...... or clean install | 19:22 |
BluesKaj | nimbiotics, and I have to ask if you have setup sharing folders on the other pcs | 19:22 |
jon__ | gnomefreak, cool, 9.10 it is. thanks. two more questions. what is a good resource to read up for getting familiar with the nuts and bolts of linux; and what isa very customizable IRC client. I'm using xchat | 19:23 |
gnomefreak | there is a very good chance something will break by skipping rleeases but you are alot more likely to see issues skipping that many releases | 19:23 |
jon__ | I suspect you're busy. those are minor details so I'm gonna go do the upgrade now. | 19:26 |
jon__ | Later | 19:26 |
jon__ | thanks for the help | 19:26 |
gnomefreak | jon__: hereis info on Linux itself http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux and as for irc clients i use irssi xchat instantbird | 19:26 |
gnomefreak | and more | 19:26 |
jon__ | gnomefreak, thanks | 19:26 |
gnomefreak | np | 19:26 |
airlynx | I'm having serious problems with PulseAudio under 10.04 and was considering upgrading to 10.10 using the Update Manager, however I've read that there is no RT kernel for 10.10, is this a big issue if I'm using Ubuntu Studio to play/record MIDI instruments? | 19:27 |
jp | hi guys... i installed vpn pptp on a server, but when a remote computer gets connected through it, it can't ping any ip from the connected vpn network, any ideas? | 19:27 |
jp | thanks! | 19:27 |
nimbiotics | BluesKaj: as of this moment its only an ubuntu and a windows pc. i do have file sharing on both pcs but none can see the other. on the linux pc i shared a folder using garmin-samba and when i go to nautilus, it is not shared. Also, gadmin-samba reports status as: 'Activated, inactive servers: nmbd winbindd". furthemore; Status wont change even when i press "Deactivate" button | 19:28 |
hcj_ | can anyone help me with this error? Errors were encountered while processing: sun-java6-doc | 19:28 |
jeremia | hi | 19:29 |
Padster | hcj: that's not a helpful error message. it just says an error was encountered with jave. | 19:29 |
jeremia | does someone know how I can limit the amount of RAM a programm may use? | 19:29 |
Gnea | !ask | hcj_ | 19:29 |
ubottu | hcj_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 19:29 |
Padster | jeremia: sorry, not me | 19:30 |
hcj_ | @ padster how woulf i get something thats more helpfull | 19:30 |
Muimi | Works. DVD-requird. | 19:30 |
Muimi | Wasn't brave enough to try anything but Mini. | 19:30 |
Gnea | jeremia: no, but you can change its priority over or under other processes | 19:30 |
Muimi | I think that http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download should say "DVD" or "USB". | 19:31 |
airlynx | hcj_: what were you doing when you got the message? | 19:31 |
SeanInSeattle | Hey all. Can anyone tell me whether or not the following functionality is slated to be included in a future and/or current release of Ubuntu: When a laptop is disconnected from any, or is connected to one or more, external monitors is updates the nvidia/x configuration accordingly? | 19:31 |
Muimi | And it should also say USB HDD... not just USB | 19:31 |
hcj_ | i was trying to do this sudo dpkg --configure -a | 19:31 |
hcj_ | airlynx | 19:31 |
jeremia | Gnea_: well, the programm just filled up my whole swap and got killed. but I don't want it to do that | 19:32 |
ilovefairuz | jeremia: ulimit -m | 19:32 |
ilovefairuz | jeremia: for all available options, type: help ulimit | 19:33 |
Gnea | jeremia: I think he means: man ulimit | 19:33 |
=== Koopa516 is now known as BSOD_AFK | ||
john | any luck with wirless usb adapters. i can't get mine to work with ubuntu | 19:33 |
Gnea | !wifi | john there is a list to what is supported here: | 19:34 |
ilovefairuz | Gnea: jeremia: no i don't 'man', ulimit is a bash builtin not a binary | 19:34 |
ubottu | john there is a list to what is supported here:: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 19:34 |
hcj_ | i downloaded the java jdk pakage... .but how do it install it... | 19:34 |
Gnea | ilovefairuz: ah yes | 19:34 |
llutz_ | !java | hcj_ use that from the repos | 19:34 |
ubottu | hcj_ use that from the repos: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases. | 19:34 |
ilovefairuz | hcj_: downloaded from where? oracle's site? you shouldn't do that, use the repository in the link ubottu just gave you | 19:35 |
hcj_ | k repos.... ill try that | 19:35 |
elijah | What is the best way to get Chrome 8 beta or Dev? | 19:35 |
evfool | hi all | 19:35 |
ShakeyJake | h | 19:35 |
hcj_ | i forgot how to get to repos...? | 19:36 |
SeanInSeattle | Hello all. Does anyone know how to configure Ubuntu 10.04 to auto-detect external displays, and switch to that x-server config accordingly? | 19:36 |
ilovefairuz | elijah: when you install the stable version, a repository is added that also contains the beta and the dev versions, if you install any (using apt-get or the software center) the stable version will be replaced | 19:36 |
ilovefairuz | hcj_: in the software center, select edit > software sources, and enable the partner repository, then search for google chrome | 19:38 |
ilovefairuz | hcj_: sorry, search for "sun java" | 19:38 |
hcj_ | @ ilovefairuz thanks... | 19:39 |
ilovefairuz | hcj_: should be called sun-java6-jre or so | 19:39 |
anr78 | !info nmdb | 19:40 |
ubottu | Package nmdb does not exist in maverick | 19:40 |
elijah | ilovefairuz: Thanks, I found this and it appears to be working | 19:40 |
elijah | ilovefairuz: http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/switch-dev-and-beta-chrome-channels-on-linux/ | 19:40 |
ramu | ramu | 19:40 |
ramu | i want to install sound drivers | 19:40 |
anr78 | !info smbd | 19:41 |
ubottu | Package smbd does not exist in maverick | 19:41 |
capcbd | Hope someone can help | 19:41 |
elijah | ilovefairuz: I am on Chrome Beta 8 now, when an update to the beta hits will the update manager find it? | 19:41 |
Ycarene | I'm trying to get a scanner working, I have a solution, but I don't know how to implement it. It says to change the "SNMP Community settings" to "Read:public" and "Write:public" but I have no idea where to do that. | 19:41 |
ilovefairuz | elijah: yes | 19:41 |
GeamT | salut | 19:41 |
hcj_ | @ ilovefairuz i dont see an option to search for sun java | 19:41 |
ilovefairuz | Ycarene: does this "scanner" have a web or a telnet interface? | 19:42 |
ilovefairuz | hcj_: it's in the upper right corner of the software center | 19:42 |
Ycarene | not that I know if, it's handled through hpaio | 19:42 |
=== ng_ is now known as NG_ | ||
GeamT | je viens de créer une partition de 10 Gib mais lorsque je veux sauvegarder mes fichiers à l'intérieur, il y a un message d'erreur empêchant toute copie. | 19:42 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | Hello! | 19:42 |
GeamT | mince je me suis encore trompé de chanel | 19:43 |
hcj_ | oh not in the sources... ok | 19:43 |
tensorpudding | !fr | GeamT | 19:43 |
Mavs | oui | 19:43 |
ubottu | GeamT: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 19:43 |
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Guest6884 | buonasera | 19:43 |
ilovefairuz | Ycarene: how is your scanner connected to your computer? | 19:43 |
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ilovefairuz | !who | Ycarene | 19:43 |
ubottu | Ycarene: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 19:43 |
Ycarene | It's usb, yeah, I think I clicked on the wrong link. | 19:43 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | When I connect Google buzz, Facebook, and so on, gwibber itself directly connect to those sites, without sending account info. to gwibber.com ? | 19:43 |
ilovefairuz | Ycarene: SNMP has no business with USB attached devices, it's for network attached ones | 19:44 |
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan` | ||
HazardX | anyone know of a ttyS duming program that prints the values in byte-size hex values (indead of text strings)? | 19:44 |
ilovefairuz | Emmanuel_Chanel: yes, gwibber is a client not service | 19:45 |
jeremia | ilovefairuz: thanks, it kinda works | 19:45 |
hcj_ | anytime i try to install in the software center it freezes when "applying changes" wut can i do | 19:46 |
ilovefairuz | HazardX: pipe through 'od' ? | 19:46 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | ilovefairuz: Thx for the answer! I wanted to know that. I got confused. | 19:46 |
jeremia | ilovefairuz: i set the limit to 1GB with 'ulimit -m 1048576'. the programm allocated 4GB and after about half a minute, it terminated because of out of memory. | 19:46 |
Bing0 | hcj_, this happens to me occasionally, and i find that clicking on the other options smartens it up | 19:46 |
Bing0 | no idea why | 19:46 |
HazardX | ilovefairuz, od might do | 19:46 |
BluesKaj | nimbiotics, garmin-samba? | 19:46 |
slide | Is there a quick command line way to launch an application in 5 seconds? | 19:46 |
New0 | hi every one i just install ubuntu notebook version how can i be sure it is? | 19:47 |
jeremia | ilovefairuz: but shouldn't it take more than 1 gig? or is this another parameter (don't understand the difference between -m and -l) | 19:47 |
quant | New0, it surely is | 19:47 |
capcbd | I've been trying to install ubuntu 10.10 as a dual boot with winxp it gets as far as asking me o restart the computer and when I do I get a DOS looking screen with [ 1503.322607] end request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 533520 | 19:47 |
nimbiotics | BluesKaj: yes | 19:48 |
BluesKaj | yes doesn't tell me much , nimbiotics ...not familiar with that version | 19:48 |
ilovefairuz | jeremia: i'm guessing -H but let me check | 19:49 |
New0 | quant ok but i have some problem with the ubuntu regilar version so how can i check it? | 19:49 |
tomtom354 | I suspect a DVD drive is hanging shutdown. how to do temporarily disable the drive for diagnostic reasons? | 19:49 |
quant | New0, check what? | 19:49 |
nimbiotics | BluesKaj: sry, GADMIN-SAMBA | 19:49 |
New0 | check what system i'm on ? | 19:50 |
New0 | as right now | 19:50 |
bradahl | hi capcbd. download wubi and install the linux you want to use from there | 19:50 |
capcbd | I've tried it twice on 2 different HDD's and the 2nd hdd was with IDE to usb cord | 19:50 |
ilovefairuz | jeremia: do you run the program from the same terminal you issued the ulimit command in ? | 19:50 |
quant | New0, uname -a | 19:50 |
Alan502 | Hey :) I'm doing a script that needs the user's idle time, I found the w command but the idle time doesn't seem to be displaying correctly on my machine, can somebody help? | 19:50 |
New0 | quant tnx | 19:50 |
Stava | How do I name the file im editing in vim? :o | 19:50 |
jeremia | ilovefairuz: yes, by a bash-script | 19:51 |
tensorpudding | :w <name> | 19:51 |
quant | starcoder, vim filename | 19:51 |
Stava | tensorpudding, thanks | 19:51 |
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=== ubnotru is now known as m00se | ||
anr78 | !info samba | 19:51 |
ubottu | samba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8 (maverick), package size 7285 kB, installed size 20624 kB | 19:51 |
tensorpudding | name being the full or relative path | 19:51 |
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hcj_ | is there a book or a site that teaches you how to work and navigate and fix stuff on linux.... | 19:52 |
NewOne | ok i don't know what heppen but my computer is freeze | 19:52 |
NewOne | i'm New0 too | 19:52 |
NewOne | *also | 19:52 |
Alan502 | hcj_, there's a ubuntu book | 19:52 |
NewOne | i'm on my other computer now | 19:52 |
Ycarene | Wow, I've encountered an issue that no-one else has encountered. | 19:53 |
NewOne | here ubuntu work fine | 19:53 |
Dave_L | I just installed xchat-gnome. I can't find the setting that caused it to automatically connect to #freenode and join #ubuntu. | 19:53 |
NewOne | but my other computer of New0 just freeze | 19:53 |
ilovefairuz | jeremia: pastebin the output of ulimit -a | 19:53 |
ilovefairuz | !paste | jeremia | 19:53 |
ubottu | jeremia: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 19:53 |
NewOne | after the uname -a command | 19:53 |
Alan502 | Dave_L, didn't you add it to favorites? | 19:53 |
NewOne | any advie? | 19:53 |
Dave_L | alan, no | 19:53 |
hcj_ | @ alan502 where would i find that | 19:53 |
NewOne | *advise | 19:54 |
Alan502 | hcj_, https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/book/book-toc.html | 19:54 |
Alan502 | hcj_, you can find a print version on amazon | 19:54 |
starcoder | <quant> starcoder, vim filename | 19:54 |
starcoder | ? | 19:54 |
hcj_ | thanks ALAN502 | 19:54 |
BluesKaj | ok nimbiotics . I'm just using the smb client and server with networking in nautllus .. haven't used the samba guis in while. It helps also to have openssh server and client installed | 19:54 |
jeremia | ilovefairuz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/536821/ | 19:55 |
Alan502 | Dave_L, go to xchat>network list , look for freenode and click edit | 19:55 |
Alan502 | hcj_, np :) | 19:55 |
NewOne | ok i geuss my computer (New0) don't won't ubutnu on him LOL | 19:55 |
nimbiotics | BluesKaj: thx | 19:55 |
Cars10 | i booted from the LiveCD and pressed Try Ubuntu, but how long should it before it starts ??? | 19:56 |
New0 | hi again :) | 19:57 |
capcbd | when the dos screen came up the 2nd time I hit the reset button the computer and unplugged the usb and it was giving me and error about the grub not being there so I reset again with usb plugged in and it shows me the grub and loaded up ubuntu from the USB exturnal drive | 19:57 |
New0 | i did a reboot | 19:57 |
Alan502 | Cars10, depends on your ram, it might take a good while... | 19:57 |
nimbiotics | BluesKaj: i just installed openssh server from synaptic but i dont see openssh client, which one is it? | 19:57 |
Alan502 | nimbiotics, ubuntu has ssh client by default | 19:57 |
Cars10 | Alan502: its and old pc with 250 ram and only dual speed cd | 19:57 |
nimbiotics | Alan502: thx | 19:58 |
New0 | the problem that i have is becouse Nvidia GT 330m driver | 19:58 |
Alan502 | Cars10, well, you should let it some time then | 19:58 |
Alan502 | nimbiotics, welcome :) | 19:58 |
New0 | my screen is not so good with it at all :( | 19:58 |
BluesKaj | nimbiotics, openssh-client | 19:58 |
Dave_L | alan502: i unchecked "cycle until connected", although "automatically connect" was already unchecked. I didn't see #ubuntu listed anywhere. | 19:58 |
Cars10 | Alan502: like 30min? | 19:59 |
jeremia | ilovefairuz: gnome-system-monitor shows me 3.2GB and then immediatly puts matlab to sleep, could it be that the information there is simply wrong for a very short time (at least the system doesn't really freeze anymore) | 19:59 |
Alan502 | Dave_L, It isn't on favorite channels? | 19:59 |
FrozenFire[work] | Can anyone recommend a solution for remotely locking a system from access by a specific user, via a standard protocol such as HTTP or RPC? | 19:59 |
Dave_L | I can't find "favorite channels". | 19:59 |
nimbiotics | BluesKaj: got it | 20:00 |
Alan502 | Cars10, perhaps, let it 30-50 min | 20:00 |
nimbiotics | BluesKaj: what can i do next? | 20:00 |
capcbd | how much HDD space should ubuntu have it all it's partitions | 20:00 |
Cars10 | Alan502: ok thx | 20:00 |
Alan502 | Cars10, np, after all the waiting you'll have your ol machine with the best os :) | 20:00 |
Alan502 | Can somebody here help me? | 20:01 |
ilovefairuz | jeremia: try -v instead of -m, there are (outdated?) reports that linux ignores -m | 20:01 |
Alan502 | I'm doing a script that needs the user's idle time, I found the w command but the idle time doesn't seem to be displaying correctly on my machine, can somebody help? | 20:01 |
jeremia | ilovefairuz: just tried that before, didn't work either | 20:01 |
Cars10 | Alan502: yup windows 2003 server is going out the window ^^ | 20:01 |
notlistening | any clever boxee fans here? | 20:02 |
Alan502 | Cars10, yey! :D | 20:02 |
mattwj2002 | hi guys | 20:02 |
capcbd | how do I remove ubuntu from a harddrive I don't want it on? | 20:02 |
Alan502 | Cars10, and btw, did you check your disk for errors? that happens, and might slow the live cd load... | 20:03 |
mattwj2002 | question for the room.....is there a tool formatting SD cards for digital cameras/printers? | 20:03 |
SeanInSeattle | Is it possible to get ubuntu to use gmail through the browser instead of evolution as the primary email client? | 20:03 |
anr78 | After todays upgrade of 10.04 it seems smbclient has stopped working. Known issue? | 20:03 |
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Alan502 | SeanInSeattle, that sounds challenging, but doesn't gmail have SMTP support? | 20:03 |
notlistening | how do i make a .img bootable if it currently isn't | 20:03 |
New0 | those any one here have Nvidia display card ? on notebook ? | 20:04 |
capcbd | ??? | 20:04 |
Alan502 | notlistening, what type of bootable image? | 20:04 |
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Cars10 | Alan502: no i didnt, can i do this after i installed if it works ??? | 20:04 |
SeanInSeattle | Alan502: Yes, it does. I don't have any desire to use the Evolution mail client instead of the primary/main gmail interface. I prefer their web UI to the Evolution client. | 20:04 |
New0 | i need some link how to, for mine | 20:04 |
New0 | *for my self | 20:04 |
notlistening | Well i have an img that i have found somewhere i should not have which has a linux system in it. I want to run it on virtualbox | 20:04 |
New0 | for fixing the driver problem | 20:04 |
Feels_Goodman | sup @ u #ubuntu - I've got a hard drive caddy (with hard drive, derp) plugged into my USB ports (it's one of them 1usb > 2usb jobbies) - I can see the HD using CLI, (/dev/sdc1 -HPFS/NTFS) - but I want it to 'open' in a window so I can move some files to it - anyone got any pointers for me please? | 20:05 |
Dave_L | alan502: thx, i found the settings by right-clicking on the netwk & chnl names in the sidebar. | 20:05 |
Alan502 | Cars10, if you didn't and if it does have errors, then the installation will fail or your disk won't load. | 20:05 |
maria_ozawa | anybody know how to use logitech 5000 pro in ubuntu? i search driver at logitech support webpage, but they not provide a driver for linux platform | 20:05 |
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capcbd | am I just to slow to get a responce? | 20:06 |
Alan502 | SeanInSeattle, Well, if it's about the interface, maybe you can consider thunderbird | 20:06 |
New0 | ok every one tnx for help :D | 20:06 |
Alan502 | New0, keep your questions in one line, so it's easier to follow up | 20:06 |
New0 | join #nvidia | 20:06 |
i_is_broke | New0, try going to systems, and admin and see if there is a driver for it in additional drivers | 20:07 |
New0 | Alan502 ok | 20:07 |
Alan502 | I'm doing a script that needs the user's idle time, I found the w command but the idle time doesn't seem to be displaying correctly on my machine, can somebody help? | 20:07 |
Feels_Goodman | I've got a hard drive caddy (with hard drive, derp) plugged into my USB ports (it's one of them cheapo 1usb > 2usb jobbies) - I can see the HD using CLI, (/dev/sdc1 -HPFS/NTFS) - but I want it to 'open' in a window so I can move some files to it - anyone got any pointers for me please? | 20:08 |
ilovefairuz | jeremia: also, ask in #ubuntu-server, if you find an answer, let me know | 20:09 |
hmw | The firmware file for my DVBT-USB device "disappeared" from /lib/firmware, I had to copy the file from my archive back there. I don't use that netbook often, and all updates are done strictly manually. I want to find out, how the file could have disappeared. How could I possibly find out? | 20:09 |
FrozenFire[work] | Feels_Goodman, Does it not display in Nautilus? | 20:09 |
New0 | i_is_broke there is but it's make me problems, when i did install ubuntu (not noteboot version) after i was active my driver and reboot my system won't start. it just went blank | 20:09 |
FrozenFire[work] | Feels_Goodman, It should show up in the list on the left-hand side of the file manager. | 20:09 |
stringer5 | exit | 20:10 |
Feels_Goodman | FrozenFire[work]: I can't see it in the file manager :\ | 20:10 |
FrozenFire[work] | Feels_Goodman, If this is not the case, it may be mounted to a directory where your non-root user does not have read access. | 20:10 |
FrozenFire[work] | Feels_Goodman, Open System->Administration->Disk Utility | 20:10 |
FrozenFire[work] | Select the drive | 20:10 |
jiffe | I have an ubuntu virtual machine on vmware, I can add a disk to an existing controller and run rescan-scsi-bus.sh and it will show up, but if I add a disk to an empty controller it doesn't, is there a way to do this without rebooting? | 20:10 |
Feels_Goodman | FrozenFire[work]: Yes - it's there, as "Unknown" | 20:11 |
Feels_Goodman | it must have been formatted to WBFS | 20:11 |
Feels_Goodman | FrozenFire[work]: thanks man! :) | 20:11 |
New0 | serirely i need HELP with ubuntu, untiill now i was using Win 7 that already installed, but i want to get to know ubuntu more. becouse it's more best for me very fast system | 20:11 |
FrozenFire[work] | Happy to help :) | 20:11 |
capcbd | can any one here help me? | 20:11 |
FrozenFire[work] | capcbd, Just ask the question ;) | 20:11 |
New0 | forgive my bad english :) | 20:11 |
omar | hey | 20:11 |
FrozenFire[work] | Feels_Goodman, https://code.google.com/p/linux-wbfs-manager/wiki/Usage | 20:12 |
capcbd | I have frozen | 20:12 |
FrozenFire[work] | capcbd, To remove Ubuntu from a drive, you can simply delete the partitions associated with it. | 20:13 |
FrozenFire[work] | If you wish to absolutely remove the data, you would need to overwrite the partitions with zeroes first. | 20:13 |
omar | hello | 20:13 |
bonhoffer | what is this: "sudo: /var/run/sudo owned by uid 33, should be uid 0" | 20:13 |
capcbd | but will the grub still show up? | 20:13 |
BluesKaj | nimbiotics, open nautilus/network / , you should see windows network | 20:14 |
omar | hey | 20:14 |
FrozenFire[work] | capcbd, Grub resides in the boot partition. | 20:14 |
New0 | i_is_broke so...... | 20:14 |
FrozenFire[work] | If you wish to disable Grub from loading on that disk, you can overwrite the MBR on the disk. | 20:14 |
FrozenFire[work] | The MBR is located in the first 512 bytes of the disk. | 20:14 |
tomtom354 | I suspect a DVD drive is hanging shutdown. how to i temporarily disable it for diagnostic reasons? | 20:15 |
FrozenFire[work] | If you wish to simply remove the MBR from pointing to GRUB, you can use sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd* bs=512 count=1 | 20:15 |
New0 | so no one can HELP me ??? | 20:15 |
FrozenFire[work] | Where * is a, b, c, etc associated with your disk. | 20:15 |
FrozenFire[work] | New0, Please be patient. If you question has not been responded to for ten or so minutes, re-ask it. | 20:16 |
FrozenFire[work] | New0, Your question is too vague for an answer. Learning to use Ubuntu is simply a matter of experience. | 20:17 |
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New0 | FrozenFire[work] ok tnx for the advice :) | 20:17 |
yuz | hi | 20:17 |
FrozenFire[work] | Play with it a bit. It's hard to break Ubuntu without using sudo. | 20:17 |
yuz | hi | 20:17 |
New0 | FrozenFire[work] ok | 20:17 |
FrozenFire[work] | New0, If there is something specific you would like to ask about, please feel free. | 20:17 |
FrozenFire[work] | yuz, Hello. | 20:18 |
st | FrozenFire[work], it's trivially easy, just install the updates and voila | 20:18 |
nimbiotics | BluesKaj: sry, was AFK... I see the windows network, but when i try tu open, i get err msg: "Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server" | 20:18 |
FrozenFire[work] | st, Regarding? | 20:18 |
st | regarding 'hard to break ubuntu' | 20:18 |
FrozenFire[work] | Herp derp. Hilarious. | 20:19 |
yuz | hi | 20:19 |
tomtom354 | I suspect a DVD drive is hanging shutdown. how to i temporarily disable it for diagnostic reasons? | 20:19 |
yuz | lokking 4 a relationship | 20:19 |
FrozenFire[work] | tomtom354, Typically, I would recommend disabling it in the BIOS if it is causing problems. | 20:19 |
BluesKaj | nimbiotics, windows doesn't ask for a username and password ? | 20:19 |
tomtom354 | ok that makes sense | 20:19 |
tomtom354 | good idea | 20:19 |
devdz | Hi, i'm still new with linux stuff im using ubuntu and wana reinstall the module that treats connections and wireless connections, but i dont know its name. would some1 tell me? | 20:19 |
nimbiotics | BluesKaj: nope | 20:20 |
Adasz | how can i catch the signals from any usb port? | 20:20 |
i_is_broke | New0, have you tried using the open source drivers for you nvidia? | 20:20 |
bonhoffer | i keep getting /var/run/sudo owned by uid 1001, should be uid 0 | 20:21 |
bonhoffer | evertime i type sudo | 20:21 |
FrozenFire[work] | nimbiotics, Is there a Windows system on the network that has a share available? | 20:21 |
bonhoffer | of course it changes the uid #, but the error is the same -- any thoughts? | 20:21 |
FrozenFire[work] | nimbiotics, In my experience, Samba can be a bit buggy if you rely on Nautilus to retrieve and display the share list. | 20:21 |
FrozenFire[work] | So, I would recommend addressing the system directly by hostname. | 20:21 |
nimbiotics | yes there is, should i use a pwd for the usr in win?? | 20:22 |
New0 | ok i will ask not vague... i have sony VPCF12KFX with Nvidia display card GT 330M and my screen not show me all the system (i don't) see my buttom panel but after i install (active) the driver from Additional Drivers and reboot it's went bank | 20:22 |
nimbiotics | FrozenFire[work]: yes there is, should i use a pwd for the usr in win?? | 20:22 |
Muimi | devdz: what do you mean "treat"? | 20:22 |
bonhoffer | anyone know what permissions /var should have? | 20:22 |
Muimi | Treat as in treating a dying patient? | 20:22 |
FrozenFire[work] | nimbiotics, Try addressing the share directly via the location bar. | 20:22 |
New0 | i_is_broke i only see the driver from Additional Driver under System > Administration | 20:23 |
FrozenFire[work] | nimbiotics, An example would be smb://systemhostname/C$ | 20:23 |
cyborgsmurf | Tecnoballz on Ubuntu 10.04 crashes when there is too much activity... anyone knows why? | 20:23 |
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FrozenFire[work] | If the share is available, it should request authentication. | 20:23 |
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New0 | i_is_broke i'm don't know if it is the open source driver | 20:23 |
Adasz | how can i catch the signals from any usb port? | 20:24 |
i_is_broke | !nvidia | New0 | 20:24 |
ubottu | New0: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 20:24 |
FrozenFire[work] | bonhoffer, Run "which sudo" in the terminal | 20:24 |
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New0 | i_is_broke tnx | 20:25 |
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bonhoffer | FrozenFire[work]: /usr/bin/sudo | 20:25 |
john__ | i'm looking for the inf file so i can use ndiswrapper. | 20:25 |
john__ | i downloaded the driver for the belkin usb adapter, but i can't find it's inf file | 20:26 |
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FrozenFire[work] | bonhoffer, It sounds like your sudo log simply has incorrect permissions. | 20:26 |
bonhoffer | FrozenFire[work]: i screwed up my var directory permissions | 20:26 |
Kontez | ./server freewild.ns0.it | 20:26 |
john__ | ?? | 20:26 |
FrozenFire[work] | bonhoffer, That'd certainly explain it. I'm not certain what the solution to that would be. Let me do a quick search. | 20:27 |
bonhoffer | FrozenFire[work]: thanks! | 20:27 |
Shorty | hey all | 20:27 |
DarkSector | Hello, I installed kubuntu-desktop and its wrecked havoc on my gnome theme/fonts etc. and amarok2 etc don't play because of phonon. I also see a bunch of K-applications installed, I'd like to remove them all, is there a way to do it ? | 20:27 |
nimbiotics | how can i typer in the location bar? it only show buttons for directories | 20:27 |
john__ | 1 hr and still no help | 20:27 |
Kevin-Laptop | I'm having trouble with my sound driver. When I try to play music from Rhythmbox, I don't hear anything. When I play a Youtube video, its in fast forward mode. How do I fix this? | 20:27 |
bonhoffer | i need the permissions for /var/lock/ too | 20:27 |
Onryo_ | I am using "network proxy" for all of metacity (gnome). The problem is that Rhythmbox gets messed up though Tor. Can I pick certain programs NOT to get sent though Tor | 20:28 |
FrozenFire[work] | bonhoffer, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/restoring-var-permissions-472421/#post2374060 | 20:28 |
bonhoffer | thanks | 20:28 |
john__ | i need to get an inf file. how do i download it | 20:28 |
FrozenFire[work] | nimbiotics, Under View, there is an entry called "Location Bar" | 20:28 |
New0 | in Synaptic is there a way to list all my nvidia result in the teminal so i will post it in pastebin.com? | 20:29 |
giant_g2 | I need to do an interview with a computer science professional for a school report. Anybody here able and willing to help me? | 20:29 |
Alan502 | what command do i use to pause a linux script? | 20:29 |
FrozenFire[work] | That will display the location bar, similar to what you would find in a web browser. | 20:29 |
karthick87 | Is there ruby syntax validation plugin for gedit? | 20:29 |
john__ | damn, how y'all ignore a person | 20:29 |
nimbiotics | FrozenFire[work]: ive got it on, but it only shows buttons for folders and nothing where i can type | 20:29 |
Alan502 | john__, whats the mater | 20:29 |
Shorty | lol john | 20:29 |
Alan502 | xD | 20:29 |
Shorty | i need some help | 20:30 |
Shorty | if someone has a quick minute | 20:30 |
Alan502 | ask. | 20:30 |
LadySm0ke | hi... same as Shorty I'm in desperate need for help | 20:30 |
Kevin-Laptop | I'm having trouble with my sound driver. When I try to play music from Rhythmbox, I don't hear anything. When I play a Youtube video, its in fast forward mode. How do I fix this? | 20:30 |
FrozenFire[work] | nimbiotics, If the Location Bar is checked, then it should show the entry at below the toolbar. | 20:30 |
Shorty | im trying to install 10.10 64bit on my laptop | 20:30 |
Muimi | Alan502, read or sleep | 20:30 |
New0 | i_is_broke by the way the only thing i can see in Synaptic is nvidia-common with check (V) on it | 20:30 |
Alan502 | Muimi, sleep miliseconds? | 20:30 |
cyborgsmurf | (1) I cant type in japanese at www.sharedtalk.com (2) The game Tecnoballz keeps crashing when playing (3) Firefox crashes when I have a certain page loaded while exiting (4) Editor in Njam dosent save my levels | 20:30 |
Shorty | and after GRUB my backlight will not come on so i cannot seen anything unless i shine my desklight right at the screen | 20:30 |
Shorty | any ideas? | 20:31 |
Onryo_ | John just use wget | 20:31 |
cyborgsmurf | If anyone can help me with any of my issues please say yes | 20:31 |
Muimi | yes. | 20:31 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, It sounds like, possibly, an issue with display drivers. | 20:31 |
Muimi | or read -p | 20:31 |
Muimi | read -n 1 -p | 20:31 |
Alan502 | read -p? | 20:31 |
Alan502 | -n? | 20:31 |
Onryo_ | ie wget http://this.is.the.file.com | 20:31 |
Alan502 | is sleep in seconds or milliseconds? | 20:31 |
Muimi | read -n 1 -p "press my mouseballs to continue" | 20:31 |
Shorty | FrozenFire[work] pm? | 20:31 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, Are you able to see what's on the laptop screen, or is it too dark? | 20:32 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, I'd prefer to keep it in the channel ;) | 20:32 |
Muimi | Probably in miliseconds. | 20:32 |
Shorty | too dark | 20:32 |
Alan502 | hahaha | 20:32 |
Kevin-Laptop | Hello?! I need help here, and everyone is ignoring me! | 20:32 |
LadySm0ke | let me know if i can ask something here or on private, thanks | 20:32 |
Shorty | trying to keep up with you but soo much text | 20:32 |
Shorty | lol | 20:32 |
Alan502 | ig2g thanks Muimi | 20:32 |
Muimi | Yeah good luck.. remember check --help | 20:32 |
blue_pearl | Kevin-Laptop, hi..is this a fresh install ? | 20:32 |
cyborgsmurf | Kevin-Laptop: same here dude | 20:32 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, I would recommend booting into root when grub shows. | 20:32 |
Shorty | ok | 20:32 |
dfcnvt | Kevin-Laptop, read this http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | 20:33 |
Kevin-Laptop | blue_pearl: Yes it is. | 20:33 |
FrozenFire[work] | You might be able to have a visible terminal then | 20:33 |
a_bug | cyborgsmurf: how do you type in japanese ? | 20:33 |
a_bug | do you have a japanese keyboard ? | 20:33 |
a_bug | in that case, how are you typing in english ? | 20:33 |
a_bug | right now | 20:33 |
Shorty | ok from there then what? | 20:33 |
blue_pearl | Kevin-Laptop, did u ran update after install? what sound card it is? | 20:33 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, I would recommend installing any updates that are available. | 20:33 |
Shorty | hmmm | 20:33 |
Kevin-Laptop | dfcnvt: How does that help me with my sound problem? Like seriously. | 20:33 |
FrozenFire[work] | That is, apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 20:33 |
Muimi | I think read -p actually doesn't work. XD Oops! | 20:33 |
Shorty | idk how to do that | 20:33 |
Onryo_ | export CVSROOT=anoncvs@obsd.cec.mtu.edu:/cvs then cvs -d$CVSROOT checkout -rOPENBSD_4_5 -P src ports xenocara | 20:33 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: by using anthy in ubuntu. And yes I have a japanese/ english keyboard | 20:33 |
a_bug | oh | 20:34 |
a_bug | ok | 20:34 |
karthick87 | Is there ruby syntax validation plugin for gedit? | 20:34 |
Muimi | wait_enter maybe... awgh | 20:34 |
* Shorty is a complete UBUNTU N00b | 20:34 | |
Kevin-Laptop | blue_pearl: Yes I did. How do I find out what kind of sound driver it is? | 20:34 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, That's fine ;) I'll do what I can to walk you through it. | 20:34 |
Shorty | im in windows right nwo | 20:34 |
Shorty | cant be in here and do what you say at the same time | 20:34 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, Ah. That could be tricky, then ;) | 20:34 |
Shorty | gotta reboot and try | 20:34 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, A moment. | 20:34 |
dfcnvt | Kevin-Laptop, I take that back.. Nevermind | 20:34 |
Onryo_ | shorty just install ubuntu in a vm so you dont mess up your box | 20:34 |
FrozenFire[work] | I'll try to provide directions before you boot into the terminal. | 20:35 |
Muimi | Yeah do that. | 20:35 |
Shorty | eff that Onryo_ | 20:35 |
a_bug | cyborgsmurf: which browser are you using to open sharedtalk.com | 20:35 |
nimbiotics | FrozenFire[work]: again, it does but, like this: [IMG]http://i55.tinypic.com/sbo9ig.png[/IMG] | 20:35 |
LadySm0ke | please help, can't make my 10.04 boot up, though W will work just fine | 20:35 |
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Muimi | Shorty, what's wrong with VB? I think it's great for testing things out. | 20:35 |
a_bug | also, unless you paste a crash dump of tecnoballz here, it is not much use to say that the game is crashing | 20:35 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: firefox | 20:35 |
Shorty | cuz im trying to use ubuntu as my daily | 20:35 |
Shorty | not windows | 20:35 |
cyborgsmurf | 3.6 | 20:35 |
Muimi | Oh. Do what I'm doing, then... | 20:35 |
Muimi | Install mini to a DVD... not a CD... not a USB stick... | 20:36 |
Shorty | id rather go as clean install as possible | 20:36 |
a_bug | cyborgsmurf: so what happens when you try to type in japanese on that site ? | 20:36 |
Kevin-Laptop | blue_pearl: Yes I did. How do I find out what kind of sound driver it is? | 20:36 |
Muimi | Format and partition some space.... | 20:36 |
Shorty | its installed fine, i just can see anything | 20:36 |
Muimi | and install it w/ Windows installed still, in case you want to use reading programs or play video games. | 20:36 |
Markive | Hi Helpers, anyone know how I move the maximise and close buttons over to the top right instead of the top left? Thanks | 20:36 |
Muimi | Well... you should go to a doctor's office. | 20:36 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: the anthy icon dosent appear and I cant type anything besides romaji | 20:36 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html | 20:37 |
a_bug | so desuka | 20:37 |
LadySm0ke | Markive, choose one of the themes that has it on the top right and then customize the rest of it to your like | 20:37 |
a_bug | matte kure | 20:37 |
blue_pearl | Kevin-Laptop, lshw give u details of all the hardware of ur computer | 20:37 |
Onryo_ | OMG lmao | 20:37 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, It may be possible to configure the graphics card from the terminal. | 20:37 |
Muimi | lol. how rude. | 20:37 |
Shorty | ok | 20:37 |
Shorty | should i print that out and reboot? | 20:37 |
capcbd | frozenfire that sudo command you gave me should I load the live cd to do it or did in linux from and hdd I want to clear | 20:37 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, Do you know what the model of the graphics card is? | 20:37 |
blue_pearl | Kevin-Laptop, thats sudo lshw | 20:37 |
Shorty | umm please hold | 20:38 |
Kevin-Laptop | blue_pearl: alright, hold on | 20:38 |
Markive | Ladysm0ke thanks, I'll try and find themes | 20:38 |
FrozenFire[work] | capcbd, Sorry, refresh me on what you're doing? I've offered help to a few people recently. | 20:38 |
Muimi | Shorty, get Belarc Advisor and paste its report to Pastebin.com | 20:38 |
Muimi | You have X or desktop ver installed and everything, right? | 20:38 |
LadySm0ke | can any1 help me plz? when i select Ubuntu for boot up, screen flashes and reboots computer - kinda desperate here | 20:38 |
a_bug | perhaps this might help you, I'm not sure : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JapaneseInput | 20:38 |
capcbd | removing the grub from MBR | 20:38 |
Muimi | I've got Japanese running. Who's having trouble with that? | 20:38 |
a_bug | Muimi: cyborgsmurf | 20:39 |
FrozenFire[work] | capcbd, Before we proceed, may I ask why you're needing to do this? It's really not necessary; I'm simply offering a possible solution if you *must*. | 20:39 |
Muimi | Oh crap. I had the same error you had. Never mind. | 20:39 |
Shorty | FrozenFire[work] just says intel hd display | 20:39 |
FrozenFire[work] | Wouldn't want you buggering anything up accidentally :P | 20:39 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: でも、日本語はかけます。 | 20:39 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, What version of Windows are you currently running? | 20:39 |
Onryo_ | Why is Ent only showing that the entropy pool in kenel 2.6.3x is only about 150 ish??? | 20:39 |
jiffe | I have an ubuntu virtual machine on vmware, I can add a disk to an existing controller and run rescan-scsi-bus.sh and it will show up, but if I add a disk to an empty controller it doesn't, is there a way to do this without rebooting? | 20:39 |
Muimi | un. yomeru | 20:39 |
Kevin-Laptop | blue_pearl: http://pastebin.com/a6Z39tnF | 20:39 |
Shorty | 7 | 20:40 |
a_bug | cyborgsmurf: gomenasai yo - no japanese reading | 20:40 |
a_bug | only speaking lil bit :P | 20:40 |
Markive | @ Ladysm0ke thanks very much all done... Merry Christmas | 20:40 |
a_bug | from all the anime | 20:40 |
a_bug | P | 20:40 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, Do you know how to open the Device Manager in Windows? | 20:40 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: okay | 20:40 |
LadySm0ke | same to you Markive | 20:40 |
Muimi | But the problem is getting back into a US keyboard, right? | 20:40 |
Shorty | yea im in | 20:40 |
Muimi | b/c that's the problem I had with Japanese keyboards in Buntu. | 20:40 |
LadySm0ke | can any1 help me plz? when i select 10.04 screen flashes and reboots computer - kinda desperate here | 20:40 |
Markive | Goodbye helpers Merry Christmas to all. | 20:40 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: anyways, do you know a solution | 20:40 |
capcbd | I have ubuntu installed on a external harddrive and it won't let me boot in to windows without it plugged in | 20:40 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, And within that, does it provide additional information about the graphics card? | 20:40 |
Shorty | under display adapters it says Intel(R) HD Graphics | 20:40 |
blue_pearl | Kevin-Laptop, aah i see its a Creative sound card | 20:40 |
a_bug | cyborgsmurf: have you gone to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JapaneseInput | 20:41 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, What's the model of your laptop? | 20:41 |
Muimi | cyborgsmurf: you selected the wrong keyboard type? | 20:41 |
a_bug | it has something about SCIM and UIM cyborgsmurf | 20:41 |
Kevin-Laptop | blue_pearl: so like how do I fix it? | 20:41 |
a_bug | so maybe that's your problem | 20:41 |
Muimi | cyborgsmurf: i had the error like 5 times, man... | 20:41 |
Shorty | Gateway Nv79 | 20:41 |
a_bug | or listen to Muimi he seems to know better | 20:41 |
Muimi | cyborgsmurf: it's the auto keyboard detect. It doesn't work. | 20:41 |
Onryo_ | Ladysm0ke are you using Grub or how are you booting your system? | 20:41 |
blue_pearl | Kevin-Laptop, havent used any sound card of them let me see if there is some drivres available | 20:41 |
Saya | I do all of this manual http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/Linux_support, but I get an error http://paste.enzotools.org/show/1384/ | 20:41 |
FrozenFire[work] | capcbd, What it sounds like is that you have misconfigured your BIOS to boot from the external hard disk, instead of your internal disk. | 20:41 |
cyborgsmurf | Muimi: strange thing is that it works everywhere else besides at sharedtalk | 20:41 |
Kevin-Laptop | blue_pearl: ok thanks | 20:41 |
LadySm0ke | yes, Dell laptop with Vista and installed 10.04 with wubi | 20:41 |
Muimi | cyborgsmurf: You need to figure out exactly what kind of keyboard you have and then use that keyboard. | 20:42 |
FrozenFire[work] | capcbd, Removing the MBR from the external hard disk will not fix the problem. | 20:42 |
LadySm0ke | worked fine for almost a year | 20:42 |
Muimi | It happened everywhere but in VIM for me. | 20:42 |
burntoutlamp | hey people I feel stupid but how I can access the files in the root directory? I keep doing cd /srv/share blah and can't get in | 20:42 |
Muimi | I was using CLI-only. | 20:42 |
FrozenFire[work] | capcbd, You will need to enter your BIOS and change your boot order to boot from the internal HDD first. | 20:42 |
cyborgsmurf | Muimi: okay I will try that... (hope this dosent makes things worse) | 20:42 |
blue_pearl | Kevin-Laptop, i guess the driver is not available in default repo of ubuntu so the update did not install it...u will have to install it frm source . let me check if there is any link available 2 dwnld | 20:42 |
FrozenFire[work] | capcbd, If the drive will still not boot, you will need to install the Windows MBR and to the internal disk. | 20:42 |
Muimi | I don't see why it would. Just make sure your software matches your hardware. | 20:42 |
FrozenFire[work] | capcbd, Unfortunately, that is beyond the scope of Ubuntu support. | 20:42 |
Kevin-Laptop | blue_pearl: okay | 20:43 |
FrozenFire[work] | capcbd, You might seek support in the Windows channel. | 20:43 |
Muimi | If that doesn't work, come back.... but also check a_bug's page, please. It looks like it is loaded with awesome information. | 20:43 |
Shorty | FrozenFire[work] Gateway NV79 | 20:43 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, Yeah, sorry, just multitasking here :P | 20:43 |
FrozenFire[work] | A moment. | 20:43 |
cyborgsmurf | Muimi/a_bug: I will not be reading for a few minutes so if you msg me I might not notice. Thank you for you time :) | 20:44 |
Shorty | np | 20:44 |
Onryo_ | LadySm0ke sounds like the boot loader is messed up. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 20:44 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, Reading a few relevant forums postings, it seems that the problem *might* resolve itself if you simply boot into the root terminal and run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 20:44 |
FrozenFire[work] | This should upgrade your kernel, which will provide working display drivers. | 20:44 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, If that does not resolve it, feel free to come back and we can offer further advice ;) | 20:45 |
Shorty | ok i'll try | 20:45 |
Onryo_ | Since I am not sure if you are duel booting etc I just sent you a link. | 20:45 |
Shorty | just type exactly what you said | 20:45 |
LadySm0ke | Onryo_, already tried it, but after i run the mount command, it says "wrong fs type..." | 20:45 |
FrozenFire[work] | Type exactly this: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 20:45 |
FrozenFire[work] | Or run each apt-get thing separately. | 20:45 |
LadySm0ke | that's when i boot on a Live CD, of course | 20:46 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, A word of warning, though, if you're using wireless, it may not work. | 20:46 |
Shorty | ok i'll try thanks | 20:46 |
a_bug | why won't it work with wireless | 20:46 |
Onryo_ | ouch might have a windows bootloader that over wrote your grub. Did you try grub-install -v ? | 20:46 |
LadySm0ke | nope, but i can try now - hold on | 20:47 |
Muimi | This google ajax crap wants me to change search engines. | 20:47 |
a_bug | what crap ? | 20:47 |
guntbert | burntoutlamp: your question is not clear to me: are you talking about the local file system or about access via a network protocol? | 20:47 |
Muimi | auto-complete. | 20:47 |
a_bug | oh | 20:47 |
a_bug | hehe | 20:48 |
a_bug | baidu.com is popular in china | 20:48 |
blue_pearl | Kevin-Laptop, hey found a wiki it got some creative sound cards open source drivers have a look. http://connect.creativelabs.com/opensource/Wiki/SoundCard%20Support.aspx | 20:48 |
LadySm0ke | running on live cd it's 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu3 | 20:48 |
Kevin-Laptop | blue_pearl: thank you | 20:48 |
jaraco|x | I'm reading about Upstart in ubuntu and comparing it against daemontools. We currently use daemontools for two purposes - to startup and monitor a process, and to log the process output to a centralized location (via multilog). I understand Upstart does the former. Does it also facilitate logging? | 20:48 |
khannz | hello! community, help me please with windows7 anon shares. I can't get there and still can't fix it with google. I'm on Ubuntu 10.10 | 20:48 |
devdz | How can I reinstall the Network Manager from shell ? | 20:48 |
bonhoffer | i have sudo: /var/run/sudo/tim writable by non-owner (040775), should be mode 0700 | 20:49 |
bonhoffer | and am not able to fix this via the usual methods | 20:49 |
FrozenFire[work] | devdz, sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome | 20:49 |
Mavs | I installed ubuntu with a separate boot partition but now I want to integrate it to /, what to do | 20:49 |
blue_pearl | Kevin-Laptop, dont thank me ...could not find the exact name frm the list 4 u. | 20:49 |
bonhoffer | FrozenFire[work]: any idea what permissions i need to set? | 20:49 |
FrozenFire[work] | Mavs, What do you mean by integrate? | 20:49 |
a_bug | jaraco|x: you can use rsyslogd for the remote logging I guess | 20:49 |
Kevin-Laptop | blue_pearl: nah its fine, I'm sure my friend can get it working with that link. lol | 20:50 |
FrozenFire[work] | bonhoffer, chmod 700 /var/run/sudo/tim | 20:50 |
blue_pearl | Kevin-Laptop, :) | 20:50 |
khannz | anyone? win7 share problemm.... | 20:51 |
bonhoffer | FrozenFire[work]: thanks! | 20:51 |
s3a | Could someone please tell me why I get this error message?: "mount: you must specify the filesystem type" http://pastebin.com/XYA4mxVe | 20:51 |
s3a | (Ubuntu 9.10 live cd) | 20:51 |
s3a | 32-bit | 20:51 |
a_bug | what kind of fs are you trying to mount ? mount -t that filesystem | 20:52 |
john__ | so how can i stop putting my password in for everything | 20:52 |
thunkee | s3a: the mountpoint is not listed in /etc/fstab | 20:52 |
s3a | mount -t ext3 ? | 20:52 |
john__ | i should already have all access. getting tired of putting my password everywhere | 20:52 |
s3a | thunkee, what do i put there exactly? | 20:52 |
jaraco|x | a_bug: Thanks for the tip. | 20:52 |
s3a | a_bug, mount -t ext3 ? | 20:52 |
FrozenFire[work] | s3a, What are you trying to do? | 20:53 |
a_bug | john__: s3a what kind of filesystem is it ? | 20:53 |
s3a | FrozenFire[work], chroot into my drive to fix something | 20:53 |
guntbert | john: for "everything"? what are you trying to do? | 20:53 |
varun_ | Hello everyone.I have to install ubuntu lynx and remove a ubuntu intrepid.I was reading about partitioning and I remember a couple of friends telling something about making separate partitions and giving the / to only system files so later when I have to upgrade I can do so without any hassel.Could someone please elaborate on how that would be good coz I got confused when reading about partitioning scheme as they say we can do separate | 20:53 |
varun_ | /,/home,/var etc .Also the hard drive allows only 3 primary and 1 extended partiotion so how can I create so many partitions?? | 20:53 |
a_bug | john__: open /etc/sudoers and increase the sudo timeout | 20:53 |
john__ | how do i get there | 20:53 |
a_bug | varun_: logical partitions ? | 20:53 |
a_bug | john__: vim ? | 20:54 |
varun_ | @ | 20:54 |
john__ | ? what's that | 20:54 |
varun_ | a_bug I think so but I dont know the difference between logical and others | 20:54 |
Slashx | Can ubuntu be a replacement for OS X? In terms of easy to use OS? | 20:54 |
a_bug | john__: echo "Defaults env_reset,timestamp_timeout=1000" >> /etc/sudoers | 20:54 |
a_bug | run this command as root | 20:54 |
idletask | Slashx, no idea, but it surely is the easiest OS around to install | 20:55 |
a_bug | and you will have passwordless sudo access for 1000 minutes | 20:55 |
code_astronomer | Slashx: you can configure a window manager to look similar to OSX | 20:55 |
guntbert | Slashx: please ask this question in #ubuntu-offtopic -- this channel here is for support only | 20:55 |
john__ | you losing me. where do i start | 20:55 |
a_bug | john__: on your terminal ? | 20:55 |
carandraug | hi! Does anyone knows why there's a ubuntu-10.04 and an ubuntu-10.04.1 iso files? | 20:55 |
LadySm0ke | can someone help me with this boot up problem? Ubuntu 10.04 installed from wubi, reboots when I select Ubuntu on startup - tried fixing GRUB but doesn't work for some reason, error messages everywhere | 20:55 |
john__ | o | 20:55 |
a_bug | varun_: please read about them, info is readily available | 20:55 |
Muimi | It flashes and restarts, smoke? | 20:56 |
LadySm0ke | yes Muimi | 20:56 |
FrozenFire[work] | LadySm0ke, It's almost certainly a boot loader issue. | 20:56 |
guntbert | carandraug: LTS releases get a "point" update several weeks after the actual release (to increase long term stability) | 20:56 |
idletask | Does anyone know when the base CD will have decent partitioning capabilities? I've had to go for the alternate install CD to set up LVM, and this was without even using software RAID :/ | 20:57 |
LadySm0ke | that's why I tried reinstalling grub, but no matter what i do, after mounting a directory it doesn't let me touch anything else | 20:57 |
carandraug | guntbert, oh! I didn't knew that. Thanks | 20:57 |
Muimi | Alright... fresh install? | 20:57 |
guntbert | carandraug: you're welcome :-) | 20:57 |
FrozenFire[work] | LadySm0ke, Did you run?: sudo grub-install /dev/sd<a, b, c etc> | 20:57 |
fat_freddys_cat | hello i want to install amarok 2.2. where can i get it? | 20:58 |
idletask | LadySm0ke: "after mounting a directory"? Care to elaborate? | 20:58 |
LadySm0ke | yes i did, and trust me... doesn't let me | 20:58 |
Muimi | Alright alright.... Is it a fresh install? | 20:58 |
FrozenFire[work] | LadySm0ke, What error messages does it provide? | 20:58 |
LadySm0ke | nope, worked on it since release - after the last update it's when it started happening, 2 days ago | 20:58 |
cyborgsmurf | Muimi: on sharedtalk, it dosent respond when I try to switch input | 20:58 |
Muimi | Okay. What did you do also, right before? | 20:58 |
FrozenFire[work] | LadySm0ke, Keep in mind that you're running grub-install to the disk device, not to a partition. | 20:58 |
Muimi | You don't switch it on sharedtalk you switch it at the OS level. | 20:59 |
LadySm0ke | "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3..." | 20:59 |
FrozenFire[work] | LadySm0ke, Run grub-install /dev/sda | 20:59 |
FrozenFire[work] | Not sda3 | 20:59 |
jon__ | Hello | 20:59 |
capcbd | well my interal harddrive is the first in th boot line up and I can't don't know how to register with the windows channel | 20:59 |
cyborgsmurf | Muimi: how do you mean? | 20:59 |
blue_pearl | fat_freddys_cat, hi did u try http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Download | 20:59 |
LadySm0ke | going for it Frozenball | 21:00 |
capcbd | I really messed things up this time | 21:00 |
Muimi | You're going to have to wait a tic because we're working with LadySm0ke. | 21:00 |
LadySm0ke | error: cannot find a device for boot/grub (is /dev mounted?) - answer YES, i just mounted it | 21:00 |
capcbd | TBH I didn't think installing ubuntu to an external would work | 21:01 |
Muimi | I got nothing, LadySm0ke. I feel like this usually happens when people install using Wubi. | 21:02 |
tomtom354 | I am trying to view log information about shutdown do to a bug. Is there any way to capture this such as the command -dmesg? | 21:02 |
fat_freddys_cat | blue_pearl, yes i have. it automatically installs the current version of 10.04 | 21:02 |
Muimi | Since it happens at grub, though, you may also want to try ##grub b/c they may have seen this many times before. | 21:02 |
LadySm0ke | then any ideas on how to get the files in ubuntu? i just need to get my hands on files i got for school | 21:03 |
capcbd | you talking to me Muimi? | 21:03 |
anygivenname | how do I connect to a workgroup ? | 21:03 |
Khaotic | where is the cdrom directory? | 21:03 |
nimbiotics | Pease help me!! im using gadmin-samba on ubuntu 10.10. So far I havent been able to share devices within my mixed windoze/linux LAN. The status I get on gadmin-samba is "Activated, inactive servers: nmbd". Can someone please help this noob get this fixed??? TIA! | 21:03 |
LadySm0ke | thanks Muimi, will try that - still any idea on how to get to the files in there? even if i have to format? | 21:03 |
Muimi | No... LadySm0ke. Maybe use a live CD and back the data up onto an external, Lady. | 21:03 |
LadySm0ke | that's fine, i'm on the live, will try now - thanks | 21:04 |
cyborgsmurf | LadySm0ke: maybe you should try booting the OS from the disc and then copy all the files to a USB or the like | 21:04 |
blue_pearl | fat_freddys_cat, http://amarok.kde.org/en/releases/2.2 | 21:04 |
Muimi | I'll look around a little more, but it seems that many people give up on this error.... I may end up doing the same. I wish you could get some kind of error report out. Good luck. | 21:04 |
frustro | hi all, did an update last night, now i cant get x to recognize my crt display mode. it's at 1024x768 amd should be 1280x768 | 21:05 |
frustro | tried reinstalling nvidia drivers | 21:05 |
bradahl | frustro. you using ubuntu? | 21:05 |
Muimi | capcbd, if you don't have USB DD as a boot option in your BIOS, USB isn't going to work. | 21:06 |
LadySm0ke | will do - specially the ones i got after installing 10.04 - after every update or installation of a package i'd get an error with obm2... got it for over 6 months. you think that might be the cause of it, after the synaptics update? | 21:06 |
frustro | 10.10 | 21:06 |
New0 | what music software are you recommended for me ? | 21:06 |
cyborgsmurf | Muimi: btw, I had to reinstall Ubuntu recently because I couldnt get back into xwindows... | 21:06 |
vitall | good afternoon | 21:06 |
Muimi | cyborgsmurf: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/01/31/changing-the-system-keyboard-mapping-on-ubuntu-dvorak-vs-qwerty/ | 21:06 |
guntbert | tomtom354: (nearly) all messages should be found in /var/log/syslog | 21:06 |
Chiwauwa | Hi, my MythBackend is running Ubuntu 10.10. From time to time it doesn't start ... or it is waiting for the user to make a selection in Grub - can be seen, when I hook it up to a monitor. The list will contain recovery options. Does this sound like something went wrong with the last boot up and Grub is then presenting recovery options and waiting for user input. I guess that one workaround is to enable 'GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_RECOVERY=true'? ... not taking | 21:07 |
Chiwauwa | the reason for the boot failure into account | 21:07 |
Muimi | There's channels for that kind of stuff. It's sad that you had to reformat. Try #xwindows next time.... There's a channel for almost everything in Linux. | 21:07 |
del_diablo | Anybody has D2 installed? Could someone please open regedit and find the keyname of installed path? | 21:07 |
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Muimi | And spreading out the support like that makes the load easier on this channel, which is often undersupported. | 21:07 |
tomtom354 | thx | 21:07 |
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capcbd | I have a HDD hooked up via IDE to USB cored and I have ubuntu installed on that but if I reboot and unpluge the usb I get ans error that it can't find the grub | 21:08 |
New0 | what music software are you recommended for me ? | 21:08 |
anygivenname | how do I connect to a NAS on my network ? ? | 21:08 |
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=== ubotnu is now known as m00se | ||
carandraug | New0, depends on your needs | 21:08 |
Khaotic | how do i open a black cd rom? | 21:08 |
Khaotic | what directory is it in? | 21:08 |
New0 | anygivenname Places > Network | 21:08 |
Muimi | anygivenname: sudo mount -t cifs '// 1' /media/nas1 -o | 21:09 |
Muimi | uid=1000,gid=1000 | 21:09 |
New0 | caranraug like winamp on windows | 21:09 |
carandraug | New0, audacious | 21:09 |
Muimi | look in etc/passwd to find yourgroupname:x:gid: | 21:09 |
New0 | caranraug tnx very much :D | 21:09 |
anygivenname | New0: IT IS NOT SHOWING | 21:09 |
Khaotic | how do i open a blank cd rom? | 21:09 |
capcbd | any ideas how to fix? | 21:09 |
zzzxzzz | Guys need your help please, I cannot watch the whole movie on ubuntu netbook system, on windonws works fine. Is any setup? | 21:10 |
anygivenname | although on the Win pc it can see it | 21:10 |
jon__ | Are LTS releases more stable than regular releases? | 21:10 |
vitall | can i use ubuntu one to sync data from postgresql ? | 21:10 |
tonsofpcs | jon__: not particularly | 21:10 |
Muimi | Looks like in xubuntu someone also did it, here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=264598 @ anygivenname | 21:10 |
New0 | anygivenname well try wht Muimi say | 21:10 |
guntbert | jon__: no, they are supported for a longer time | 21:10 |
New0 | *what | 21:10 |
carandraug | jon__, I don't think so. Just supported for a longer time | 21:10 |
New0 | anygivenname *what | 21:10 |
jon__ | interesting... thanks | 21:10 |
zzzxzzz | Guys need your help please, I cannot watch the whole movie on ubuntu netbook system, on windonws works fine. Is any setup? | 21:11 |
rats__ | they become stabler over time | 21:11 |
blue_pearl | zzzxzzz, does the movie not play in linux? u may need to install aditional plugins.. | 21:11 |
carandraug | zzzxzzz, you need to be more specific. What file type is it. What media player are you using. Why does it stop mid way? | 21:11 |
blue_pearl | zzzxzzz, what format is it in? | 21:11 |
edison_ | I have 2 hard drives, one with ubuntu and the other had windows, have to reinstall windows due to crazy viruses.. i am following some articles on "Install Windows after Ubuntu". Windows when I install asks to write something on the existing ubuntu drive.. Why? | 21:12 |
zzzxzzz | no is stop working on the middle time | 21:12 |
HazardX | so, I have a netbooted box, and I've now come to the discovery that everything (like autofs) that I've installed since upstart was initially configured isn't loading | 21:12 |
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blue_pearl | zzzxzzz, what format is the movie in? what player r u using? | 21:12 |
noobie25 | my vim syntax highlighting turns off when i run .... %>sudo vi test.c | 21:12 |
Muimi | edison_, are you installing on the same drive? | 21:12 |
jon__ | Does anyone with xchat know how I can get it to stop telling me every time someone quits and joins? | 21:13 |
edison_ | no different drive... | 21:13 |
zzzxzzz | is on the web | 21:13 |
zzzxzzz | http://www.echotv.hu/ | 21:13 |
Muimi | please show link | 21:13 |
frustro | anyone know how to force the size of crt0 in xorg.conf? | 21:13 |
Muimi | Here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot ? | 21:13 |
ChaoRhi | !xorg.conf | 21:13 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution | 21:13 |
guntbert | jon__: right click on the channel tab, select "settings" - hide... | 21:13 |
jon__ | ! guntbert thanks | 21:13 |
Morcegolas | hi | 21:13 |
Wicked | !webcam | 21:13 |
ubottu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 21:14 |
ChaoRhi | !xorg.conf | frustro | 21:14 |
ubottu | frustro: please see above | 21:14 |
frustro | not resolution, but actual size | 21:14 |
cyborgsmurf | Muimi: why in the whole world would I use another keyboard-mapping? | 21:14 |
Morcegolas | I'm trying to start my ubunto wihou a monitor, but it won't start can anybody help me? | 21:14 |
noobie25 | guntbert: my syntax highlighting turns off when i run : sudo vi test.cpp how can i get it turned on? | 21:14 |
ChaoRhi | Morcegolas: as in a thin client? | 21:14 |
jon__ | guntbert, ubottu says he doesn't know anything about you | 21:14 |
Muimi | Because the ubuntu installer almost always maps the wrong Japanese keyboard making it difficult to switch back to Roman keys. I thought that was the problem you had described? | 21:14 |
HazardX | Morcegolas, that's probably your system bios (not ubunut) | 21:14 |
HazardX | well, possibly anyway | 21:15 |
zzzxzzz | blue_pearl what u think? r u still here | 21:15 |
Muimi | edison_, I don't think that you have to do that. You can install them in any order, especially if you're using two different harddrives. | 21:15 |
Morcegolas | ChaoRhi: its ubuntu desktop 10.10 and I'm trying to use it with teamviewer, but it won't start without monitor | 21:15 |
edison_ | Muimi, I followed the same article as well.. after backing up MBR, I formatted the Windows drive, then try to install...its weird Windows installation could not proceed but asking for writing into the other drive... | 21:15 |
Muimi | Unless you mean repairing the MBR? | 21:15 |
a_bug | could it be the POST failing ? | 21:15 |
guntbert | jon__: I'd be highly surprised if she would tell you anything about me :-) - the reason she answered was that youused a ! as first character of a line | 21:15 |
frustro | ChaoRhi, after update, 1280x768 is no longer available as CRT size, nor is it a resolution....I can force the resolution with panning...but it thinks my m monitor native display is 1024x768 | 21:15 |
a_bug | for lack of a display device ? | 21:15 |
capcbd | I have ubuntu installed on a hdd hooked up via and ide to usb cored and if I unplug it when I reboot I get an error saying it can't find the grub.... any suggestion how to fix this and get rid of ubuntu do I can try another HDD | 21:16 |
cyborgsmurf | Muimi: it works perfectly in any document or even in a browser or even in here but not in sharedtalk... I dont know if it has to do that it is in flash or what :S | 21:16 |
blue_pearl | zzzxzzz, can u tell me the fromat of the movie. and player u using in linux? | 21:16 |
Morcegolas | I used to have this worknig but I changed my MB, CPU,etc and now after formatting it won't work withou monitor | 21:16 |
a_bug | Morcegolas: your power on self test might be failing | 21:16 |
a_bug | for lack of a display device ? | 21:16 |
a_bug | so you might have to configure your BIOS | 21:16 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: have you tried Tecnoballz? | 21:16 |
Muimi | Okay, cyborgsmurf. I thought you said it was the other way around: it only works in sharedtalk. | 21:16 |
anygivenname | Muimi: sudo mount -t cifs '// 1' /media/nas1 -o only gave some help lines | 21:16 |
Morcegolas | I don't think its a bios problem... | 21:17 |
Muimi | anygivenname, did you see the other link to do it in xubuntu? | 21:17 |
edison_ | Muimi thx.. does it have to do with which hardrive it is.. i mean master or slave.. does windows xp have any restriction to be on master or slave... | 21:17 |
Muimi | It's less advanced. | 21:17 |
guntbert | noobie25: please generally ask the channel, not one specific user - in this case I suggest you don't edit that as root | 21:17 |
jon__ | guntbert, haha yea I thought the space would prevent that | 21:17 |
meowz | what's the linux equivalent to mspaint? | 21:17 |
a_bug | cyborgsmurf: nope lol seems like a lame game :P | 21:17 |
st | meowz, mtpaint | 21:17 |
ChaoRhi | !gimp | meowz | 21:17 |
ubottu | meowz: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information. | 21:17 |
Muimi | what ver of ubuntu? | 21:17 |
a_bug | cyborgsmurf: but I doubt any non-tecnoballz dev guy will help you without a crash dump | 21:17 |
anygivenname | Muimi: yes...it is what I have been trying already | 21:17 |
meowz | ChaoRhi: gimp is way too advanced | 21:18 |
Bing0 | meowz, sec.... | 21:18 |
cyborgsmurf | Muimi: ahh, okay. I hope there is a solution. Btw I talked to a guy at sharedtalk and he was also using ubuntu the same version as I but he didnt have any trouble typing in japanese whatsoever | 21:18 |
meowz | ChaoRhi: next time you don't know, just don't answer | 21:18 |
Bing0 | meowz, pinta | 21:18 |
edison_ | 10.x one before the latest.. lucid | 21:18 |
meowz | st: will try it, wasn't impressed with xpaint | 21:18 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: it crashes a'right | 21:19 |
noobie25 | guntbert: thank you. sorry i'm learning my ettiquette. | 21:19 |
Muimi | Checking, edison_. | 21:19 |
capcbd | anyone? | 21:19 |
meowz | Bing0: is pinta in the default ubuntu repos? i.e after selecting all 5 checkboxes from Sources? | 21:19 |
ChaoRhi | meowz: I still stand by my answer | 21:19 |
a_bug | cyborgsmurf: you should look in `dmesg` 's output, or the game logs as to why it crashed | 21:19 |
HazardX | is there any way to get back an old-style init in 10.04? | 21:19 |
a_bug | and report that to the game devs | 21:19 |
meowz | ChaoRhi: why are you insisting with me? | 21:19 |
Bing0 | meowz, not sure. hit their homepage and see howto :/ | 21:19 |
guntbert | noobie25: no problem - why would you work as root when trying to program in c++ ? | 21:19 |
Muimi | capcbd, try #grub | 21:19 |
ChaoRhi | meowz: because I am | 21:20 |
meowz | Bing0: okay will try it after mtpaint | 21:20 |
Bing0 | meowz, ChaoRhi isnt wrong, he had no idea it was 2 complex for you. patience, meowz | 21:20 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: people keep talking in those terms which I am frankly a total noob to | 21:20 |
rats__ | meowz: try the tutorials at http://meetthegimp.org/ you will learn gimp | 21:20 |
meowz | Bing0: why is hi insisting at least twice after i said its not for me? | 21:20 |
noobie25 | guntbert: i'm actually logged in as another user, but it vi complains i don't have persmission to edit the file. | 21:20 |
meowz | rats__: waste of time | 21:20 |
Bing0 | meowz, it dont matter.. next! :P | 21:20 |
meowz | rats__: i just want to crop, not learn gimp | 21:20 |
* Bing0 looks at the next person in line... | 21:20 | |
a_bug | oh | 21:20 |
edison_ | Muimi.. sda, sdb were the harddrive id or names... sdb is where ubuntu is.. on sda i am trying to install windows xp | 21:20 |
a_bug | sorry cyborgsmurf :) | 21:20 |
a_bug | meowz: sudo apt-get install wajig; sudo wajig list paint | 21:21 |
a_bug | meowz: and then pick the one you like best | 21:21 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: nah, dont bother. Im just ashamed that my first OS was Windows | 21:21 |
a_bug | or you can try one by one until you find one with a learning curve to match your capacity | 21:21 |
Muimi | As far as I know, I don't see any reason why Win should try to jump partitions like that... | 21:22 |
a_bug | cyborgsmurf: nothing to be ashamed of, I think a lot of people here have used windows as their first os. | 21:22 |
guntbert | noobie25: then use sudo to make that file your own --- sudo chown -v <your account> test.cpp | 21:22 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: Its for those who dont want to learn anything about computers, they just want things done | 21:22 |
Muimi | It's going to want to recognize the drive, though. | 21:22 |
noobie25 | guntbert: oh..... thank you! | 21:22 |
rats__ | meowz: you can still learn how to do it with GIMP here http://meetthegimp.org/tag/crop/ | 21:22 |
anygivenname | it said smb://192.168......can not load...the specified location is not mounted | 21:23 |
NewOne | carandraug i'm also New0 did you mean audacity? | 21:23 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: its a real punch in the face when you think you know computers and switch to Linux and realize you knew nothing (after 16 years) | 21:23 |
bonhoffer | after i visudo do i need to reboot? | 21:23 |
a_bug | cyborgsmurf: hehe | 21:23 |
guntbert | noobie25: strong advice: only use root permissions if absolutely needed - help keep your system healthy | 21:23 |
FiXe | hi! | 21:23 |
carandraug | NewOne, no no no! I mean "audacious". Very different programs | 21:23 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: :) | 21:23 |
carandraug | bonhoffer, no | 21:24 |
bonhoffer | i added timAll=(All) ALL to sudoers | 21:24 |
Some_Person | cyborgsmurf: You'll get sed to it | 21:24 |
bonhoffer | via visudo | 21:24 |
edison_ | on the installation steps, windows shows both drives, i choose sda (ntfs formatted) to be the target for installation, but on the next screen it says, it has to write some information on sdb and it asks me to go back and format sdb to a windows recognizable format and come back to installation... | 21:24 |
NewOne | carandraug becouse i can't find it on my terminal | 21:24 |
a_bug | cyborgsmurf: did you find any luck with that link to japanese input keyboards ? | 21:24 |
a_bug | that I pasted earlier ? | 21:24 |
bonhoffer | carandraug: but then i log in as tim and i can't sudo | 21:24 |
cyborgsmurf | Some_Person: sed? | 21:24 |
Some_Person | cyborgsmurf: s/sed/used | 21:24 |
noobie25 | guntbert: thanks guntbert. I don't knwo why i didn't think of changing the owner of the file. | 21:24 |
bonhoffer | tim is not allowed to run sudo on li24-105. This incident will be reported. | 21:24 |
FiXe | i m l ooking for the way of add to a tar.gz file created, another file | 21:24 |
meowz | rats__: why don't you read a guide on how to effectively communicate with people? | 21:24 |
carandraug | NewOne, "aptitude search audacious" | 21:25 |
NewOne | carandraug ok sudo apt-get install was ok sorry | 21:25 |
Muimi | sharedtalk is for Rosettastone, right? | 21:25 |
guntbert | noobie25: don't worry - and keep asking :-) | 21:25 |
Nadav | whats the command to change password for a user? | 21:25 |
Nadav | passwd -? | 21:25 |
ChaoRhi | meowz: if you don't like the answers, either do your own research or don't ask the question | 21:25 |
guntbert | !root | Nadav | 21:25 |
ubottu | Nadav: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 21:25 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: well, Miumi thought the trouble was not being able to type anywhere except in sharedtalk, when it actually was the other way around. In other words... no. | 21:25 |
guntbert | !sudo | Nadav | 21:25 |
Muimi | It's not a program, but it's inside a browser, too. | 21:26 |
ubottu | Nadav: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo | 21:26 |
bonhoffer | carandraug: any thoughts on how to get me sudo on my server | 21:26 |
meowz | ChaoRhi: how about, if someone is insisting (such as you, or rats___), they should be warned to stop trolling? | 21:26 |
rats__ | sry | 21:26 |
Nadav | i know what sudo is, I need to change a password for a user | 21:26 |
Nadav | so sudo passwd but what is the parameter I need to use? | 21:26 |
Nadav | the help file doesnt specify something about change | 21:26 |
FiXe | i m l ooking for the way of add to a tar.gz file created, another file | 21:26 |
Muimi | So, cyborgsmurf, I guess that the problem is likely something to do with your browser not supporting the website, right? | 21:26 |
guntbert | Nadav: sorry, I was referring to your question in freenode | 21:26 |
Muimi | Have you tried different browsers? | 21:26 |
carandraug | bonhoffer, no. but on mine. It all in caps (except user name) and it works | 21:26 |
blue_pearl | Nadav, sudo "username" passwd | 21:26 |
guntbert | Nadav: sudo passwd <accountname> | 21:26 |
Muimi | And also, have you tried changing character sets? | 21:26 |
Nadav | thanks | 21:26 |
edison_ | Muimi... do you think, since 2 separate drives, choosing OS via bios setting is better than dual boot... | 21:27 |
bonhoffer | carandraug: so put my username inall caps? | 21:27 |
Nadav | guntbert Im not going to use it, I download a ubuntu machine I just want to change the user password, not the root | 21:27 |
NewOne | carandraug is it ok if i use sudo apt-get install instead ? | 21:27 |
carandraug | bonhoffer, try "tim ALL=(ALL) ALL" | 21:27 |
ChaoRhi | meowz: hoi, don't peepee on my shoes and tell me it's raining. | 21:27 |
cyborgsmurf | Some_Person: English pls | 21:27 |
bonhoffer | carandraug: o.k. | 21:27 |
cyborgsmurf | Muimi: let me try g-chrome... | 21:27 |
root_ | jjansjanjansas | 21:27 |
root_ | a | 21:27 |
Nadav | please welcome me to the world of obontu! | 21:27 |
root_ | a | 21:27 |
carandraug | bonhoffer, no. Not the username. Just every instance of the word all. I don't know if it makes a difference. Also, make sure you don't have some other rule for tim that goes against that | 21:27 |
Some_Person | cyborgsmurf: substitute sed for used | 21:27 |
edison_ | Muimi.. thx... I have to leave.. I will try again and get back to here... thx again | 21:27 |
NewOne | carandraug and by the way aptitude find it | 21:28 |
guntbert | Nadav: understood :-) (btw even if we advise against something you are free to do it anyway :-)) | 21:28 |
carandraug | NewOne, yes. it's ok | 21:28 |
st | root_, we can hear you | 21:28 |
NewOne | carandraug tnx | 21:28 |
rats__ | actually im not sorry- I hope someone did get something out of it | 21:28 |
bonhoffer | carandraug: thanks -- works! | 21:28 |
carandraug | bonhoffer, or maybe make sure that tim is not part of some group, a group whose limit to sudo is restricted | 21:28 |
carandraug | bonhoffer, no problem | 21:28 |
cyborgsmurf | Some_Person: okay | 21:29 |
root_ | msn craack | 21:29 |
root_ | msn crack | 21:29 |
a_bug | lol | 21:29 |
LjL | root_: do you have an Ubuntu support question? | 21:29 |
root_ | doy | 21:29 |
ChaoRhi | rats__: Exactly. Don't apologise because someone wasn't satisfied with the several correct answers he got | 21:29 |
root_ | do you know how to crack msn password | 21:29 |
carandraug | Nadav, use passwd | 21:29 |
guntbert | root_: and don't irc as root | 21:29 |
Nadav | I should used bridged network to enable network on my vmware ubuntu right? | 21:30 |
Nadav | carandraug I already did, thanks | 21:30 |
root_ | ? | 21:30 |
LjL | root_: cracking is offtopic | 21:30 |
FrozenFire[work] | Nadav, Depends upon what sort of connection you're trying to accomplish. | 21:30 |
HazardX | is there any kind of management utility for upstart? | 21:30 |
bradahl | root_ ..sudo apt-get update > sudo apt-get install amsn | 21:30 |
cyborgsmurf | Thank you 3G my internet is at lightningspeed and I can download 1GB a year :S | 21:30 |
HazardX | (that's commandline) | 21:30 |
Nadav | internet connection, my physical machine is connected to a router that connected to a L2TP | 21:30 |
NewOne | my compter just freeze again, and i notice that this is my second time that this is hepping. after i open up terminal and do one command and i sweath between programs, than i switch to terminal again and my computer went freeze | 21:30 |
a_bug | yes, now you can use CUDA C to crack sha-1 hash-es of upto 10 characters within 10 hours on GPU powered amazon instance | 21:31 |
a_bug | s | 21:31 |
a_bug | for less than 10 dollars | 21:31 |
a_bug | $ | 21:31 |
FrozenFire[work] | Nadav, A bridged connection is typically to give the guest direct access to the networking adapter. | 21:31 |
a_bug | that was for root_ 's benefit | 21:31 |
anygivenname | does the filesystem CIFS support fie sizes larger than 2GB ? | 21:31 |
NewOne | it's a fresh installatino | 21:31 |
Muimi | edison_... Microsoft Reserved Partition 36. What is a Microsoft Reserved Partition (MSR)? The Microsoft Reserved Partition (MSR) reserves space on each disk drive for subsequent use by operating system software. GPT disks do not allow hidden sectors. Software components that formerly used hidden sectors now allocate portions of the MSR for component-specific partitions. For example, converting | 21:31 |
Muimi | a basic disk to a dynamic disk causes the MSR on that disk to be reduced in size and a newly created partition holds the dynamic disk database. The MSR has the Partition GUID: | 21:31 |
FrozenFire[work] | Nadav, You probably just want NAT | 21:31 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: I am almost sure that my neighbour is sucking my bandwidth | 21:32 |
NewOne | *it's a fresh installation | 21:32 |
=== Koopa516[back] is now known as Koopa516 | ||
Muimi | In other words, Windows wants all drives to be windows-readable upon setup. | 21:32 |
root_ | hzhzhzfrdok | 21:32 |
Nadav | aha, well just out of curiousity, if the vmhost got a connection to my network adapter, wouldnt it mean it would use the same ip? | 21:32 |
Nadav | I assume that will NAT the DHCP service in my router will assign the vm machine a new ip | 21:32 |
a_bug | cyborgsmurf: why don't you use security on your wireless network ? | 21:32 |
a_bug | WEP or WPA ? | 21:32 |
sresu | If I suspend my system to RAM (sleep) now, how can I automatically wake it after 2 hours? | 21:32 |
FrozenFire[work] | Nadav, http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch06.html#id471083 | 21:32 |
cysioland | Hey! How to remove Akonaditray icon from Apps menu? Alacarte fails. | 21:32 |
carandraug | NewOne, look into top to see what process is taking the resources during those freezes | 21:33 |
Muimi | Someone at #windows is telling me that you want to have the C: drive as your Windows Install driv if you're going to try to install Windows XP. Are you instalilng XP, edison_? | 21:33 |
Nadav | thank you, Frozenball | 21:33 |
Nadav | FrozenFire[work] even | 21:33 |
Frozenball | you are welcome | 21:33 |
Nadav | hah :p | 21:33 |
carandraug | cysioland, System> Preferences > Main menu | 21:33 |
Frozenball | stealing highlights from FrozenFire[work] since '99! | 21:33 |
FrozenFire[work] | :P | 21:33 |
cysioland | It's Alacarte, and it just falis, itried | 21:33 |
cyborgsmurf | Muimi: funny note, *.odt cant be read by even Office 2007 while it can be read on mac | 21:33 |
FrozenFire[work] | Frozenball, There's another guy in #phpc who gets all of mine, Frozen_Solid. | 21:33 |
Nadav | hah | 21:34 |
FrozenFire[work] | I'd guess that 30-40% of my highlights are given to other people. | 21:34 |
NewOne | carandraug now i can't but i will resttart my comp with 7 sec press on start button | 21:34 |
Frozenball | Frozensolid? | 21:34 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: I screwed things up before and frankly I am not that good with those terms like dhcp, and whatnot | 21:34 |
Frozenball | scary | 21:34 |
cysioland | carandraug, it fails, i tried | 21:34 |
Frozenball | Frozensolid is my alt nick | 21:34 |
blue_pearl | cyborgsmurf, as far as i know .odt can be opend by MS word2007 | 21:35 |
bradahl | halla jungel | 21:35 |
jungeldyret | yo | 21:35 |
meowz | ChaoRhi don't get obscene with me, if you don't have any respect for me at least have some respect for the channel | 21:35 |
ChaoRhi | meowz: What obscene? | 21:35 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: I need a freakin manual or something | 21:35 |
carandraug | cysioland, sorry, you're right. There was a folder with the links but you'd have to do it from command line (nautilus was smart/dumb by identifying them correctly and makes it look different. Very confusing) | 21:35 |
meowz | This isn't the conversation for this channel, you know what you did and I'm asking you politely to watch it. | 21:36 |
FrozenFire[work] | meowz, Take it to PM ;) | 21:36 |
ChaoRhi | meowz: because in the scrollback, the only person who need to wach what they type is you, you little troll | 21:36 |
cysioland | carandraug, go on, i like terminal! | 21:36 |
NewOne | carandraug wow audacious is very nice just (exatly) like winamp very tnx :D | 21:36 |
carandraug | NewOne, when you it freezes you have to restart? Or is it just for a short time interval | 21:36 |
carandraug | cysioland, I don't remember how. I did it ages ago. I'll take a look see if I can find it | 21:37 |
guntbert | meowz: ChaoRhi: please drop that discussion | 21:37 |
morcegolas | Help me please, can't boot ubuntu 10.10 without moniotr, and it's not a bios problem... | 21:37 |
TrueNhero | hi, i gonna to reinstall ubuntu, how can i get the list of software that i have installed??, i wanna see it from my livecd... | 21:37 |
cyborgsmurf | blue_pearl: maybe but as far as my teacher said she couldnt give me a degree because she couldnt read the file | 21:37 |
cysioland | carandraug, i'm waiting | 21:37 |
NewOne | carandraug i have to restart | 21:37 |
Nadav | whats the command to turn on the internet in ubuntu? :p | 21:37 |
a_bug | cyborgsmurf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo | 21:37 |
Muimi | edison_, are you able to say "no" and go forward? | 21:37 |
Muimi | edison_, in the setup? | 21:37 |
blue_pearl | cyborgsmurf, sorry to hear that. but if u right click and open with and select word2007 then it would open | 21:38 |
_16BitSubsystem_ | Help available at _16BitSubsystem_ | 21:38 |
digitalstimulus | does anyone know where PiTiVi config settings are located in ~/? | 21:38 |
jungeldyret | just save as .doc | 21:38 |
New0 | carandraug hi this is the computer that went freeze | 21:38 |
jungeldyret | or xdoc or whatever 2007 runs on | 21:38 |
cyborgsmurf | blue_pearl: no trouble, I renamed it with a doc extension instead | 21:39 |
a_bug | digitalstimulus: why are you using pitivi? doesn't it crash like hell ? | 21:39 |
a_bug | openshot is better imo | 21:39 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: hope this helps... thanks :) | 21:40 |
a_bug | Nadav: sudo internetz on | 21:40 |
Muimi | edison_: disconnect the Linux drive. Install Windows. Reconnect the Linux drive. | 21:40 |
Muimi | All you gotta do is pull a wire out and then plug it back in. | 21:40 |
edison_ | Muimi.. Yes I am installing XP. I could not say no and go forward... It kind of forcing me .. | 21:40 |
st | Muimi, why? | 21:40 |
New0 | carandraug right now the compter work just fine :P | 21:40 |
HazardX | can anyone shead some light on why upstart isn't starting autofs for me at boot? | 21:40 |
Muimi | Because Windows is just being a b*ch about it. You know that Ubuntu and Win can run on the same machine.... | 21:40 |
v-himanshu | yes | 21:40 |
Muimi | This is essentially installing Ubuntu afterwards. | 21:41 |
=== v-himanshu is now known as himanshu | ||
edison_ | Muimi..Ooohh.. "disconnect Linux.." that is a sneak idea... could not think of it right away | 21:41 |
Nadav | thats wierd... I cant get a internet access in my ubuntu machine | 21:41 |
cysioland | carandraug, you have that, or not | 21:41 |
cysioland | ??? | 21:41 |
digitalstimulus | a_bug, does openshot use gstreamer codecs? | 21:41 |
Muimi | I didn't think of it myself, but yes.... I like the idea. I would do it. | 21:41 |
a_bug | digitalstimulus: yes ! | 21:41 |
_16BitSubsystem_ | nadav: why? | 21:41 |
carandraug | cysioland, I'm looking for it. Really | 21:41 |
Muimi | Make sure you turn the thing off, first. | 21:41 |
jungeldyret | Anyone knows whats up when Im using wine to install utorrent and after the choosing of langunge pack it wont proceed with the installation, no error message or nothing, still running in the processes, but not visually viewable : s | 21:41 |
cysioland | carandraug, i know | 21:41 |
Nadav | its a vm machine, I tried NAT / Bridging | 21:41 |
Nadav | neither work | 21:41 |
edison_ | Muimi.. Sure... I should be able to go ahead.... another question... | 21:41 |
a_bug | jungeldyret: why're you installing utorrent ? | 21:42 |
NewOne | carandraug ok just send me messenge to this nick becouse i have some problems with the other pc | 21:42 |
jungeldyret | Im familiar with the program | 21:42 |
a_bug | jungeldyret: there are plenty of native torrent clients on linux, transmission, ktorrent, etc | 21:42 |
Muimi | Alright. Last one. I gotta go and get myself into bunt. | 21:42 |
jungeldyret | Qbit or something I'm using now | 21:42 |
_16BitSubsystem_ | jungeldyret: maybe it happens because wine doesn't have some required dlls or some windows libraries i guess | 21:42 |
meowz | ChaoRhi: please don't PM me | 21:43 |
_16BitSubsystem_ | jungeldyret: wine is not perfect. | 21:43 |
edison_ | Muimi.. I formatted the sda drive completely.. it has now only one partition ntfs formatted for windows to get in... now i got confused and had an idea like MBR has to reside in Windows drive or something | 21:43 |
New0 | carandraug wierd it's took a lot of time untill i was able to see all of the messeges here | 21:43 |
Nadav | so anyone have any idea how can I solve it? | 21:43 |
elijah | Is there a tool to allow for multi touch gestures, such as three fingers swiped left to go back in browser history? | 21:43 |
a_bug | french wine is | 21:43 |
ChaoRhi | I'm not PMing you | 21:43 |
meowz | i know, i'm only warning you | 21:43 |
kitobazong8720 | hi there :) | 21:43 |
a_bug | lol hahaha | 21:43 |
jungeldyret | Any other options than wine ? really want to use utorrent | 21:43 |
_16BitSubsystem_ | Nadav: what kind of internet connection are you using? | 21:43 |
FrozenFire[work] | meowz, If you have a personal issue to resolve, keep it out of the channel. Next time I'm passing the issue to an op. | 21:43 |
jiffe | I have an ubuntu virtual machine on vmware, I can add a disk to an existing controller and run rescan-scsi-bus.sh and it will show up, but if I add a disk to an empty controller it doesn't, is there a way to do this without rebooting? | 21:43 |
meowz | FrozenFire[work]: please don't PM me either | 21:43 |
edison_ | Muimi.. finally even after cleaning up sda for windows... system was able to show grub and get into ubuntu... does this mean MBR is in sdb drive where ubuntu is... | 21:44 |
FrozenFire[work] | !ops meowz | 21:44 |
ChaoRhi | meowz: than stop telling me to not do something I'm already not doing | 21:44 |
_16BitSubsystem_ | jungeldyret: just make another partition an install windows :P | 21:44 |
carandraug | cysioland, I went the last time by looking into .config/menus/gnome-applications.menu and following from there. But I can't seem to find the right file | 21:44 |
ChaoRhi | !ops meowz | 21:44 |
meowz | ChaoRhi: others are doing it, i just want to make sure things don't get out of hand | 21:44 |
NewOne | jungeldyret why won't you install virtual pc on your computer? | 21:44 |
edison_ | Muimi, its been more than an year since I set them up... might have forgtotten what I did then. | 21:44 |
cyborgsmurf | a_bug: thank you so much, I will look into it later, too tired. Bye | 21:44 |
a_bug | bye cyborgsmurf | 21:44 |
jungeldyret | I haz windows, but dont care to reboot for it | 21:44 |
meowz | ChaoRhi: guntberth automatically assumed I'm okay with PM's when he threw it out as a suggestion to you | 21:44 |
ubuntu | hi all | 21:44 |
jungeldyret | Want to relay soly on ubuntu | 21:45 |
ubuntu | I uninstalled "Network Manager" in GNOME and now my internet doesn't work! How can I fix this? | 21:45 |
cyborgsmurf | Miumi: thank you for your help. I will be back another time. :) | 21:45 |
FrozenFire[work] | ubuntu, sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome | 21:45 |
kitobazong8720 | say guys, is there anybody who knows how to reassing the unicode-shortcut (ctrl+shift+u) to another key? | 21:45 |
cyborgsmurf | blue_pearl: peace out | 21:45 |
digitalstimulus | a_bug, do you know if openshot will allow me to mofify aspect ratio of a video without automatically adding black borders like PiTiVi is doing? | 21:45 |
FrozenFire[work] | ubuntu, If you're missing the package, you might have to download the source deb on another system and copy it to the non-networked one. | 21:45 |
a_bug | digitalstimulus: yes it does ! | 21:46 |
brontoeee | digitalstimulus, use kdenlive | 21:46 |
Muimi | edison_, ... I'm not sure I follow. Sorry. | 21:46 |
cysioland | carandraug, i can't find that too | 21:46 |
ubuntu | FrozenFire: I'm on the same system now, but on a Kubuntu LiveCD...how do I get he source deb? | 21:46 |
a_bug | digitalstimulus: if you've used windows movie maker, it's almost the same as that | 21:46 |
Muimi | The thing is, worst case scenerio after you install Windows, you're going to be using Windows' boot loader. | 21:46 |
cyborgsmurf | Muimi: thank you for your help. I will be back another time. :) | 21:46 |
Muimi | Thanks. Good luck. | 21:46 |
a_bug | digitalstimulus: easy to use an dmroe stable than any other linux movie editor | 21:46 |
carandraug | cysioland, hmmm. I'm on debian right now. The files may be in different places | 21:46 |
cysioland | I just can't find akonadi, not file | 21:47 |
cysioland | carandraug, i can find file, but not akonadi | 21:47 |
_16BitSubsystem_ | Nadav: what kind of internet connection are you using? | 21:47 |
Muimi | No. Office won't read *.odt | 21:47 |
NewOne | carandraug i just install audacious on my other pc and it's different, why? | 21:47 |
Muimi | Use the converter in OpenOffice.org | 21:47 |
digitalstimulus | a_bug, I haven't used WMM much, but I have used everything from Virtualdub, avidemux, even tried lmms. PiTiVi was the default in 10.10 and the better of the lot *so far* | 21:47 |
_16BitSubsystem_ | Nadav: dsl wireless or what? | 21:47 |
Muimi | @ cyborg... did he leave? | 21:47 |
Muimi | yep | 21:47 |
st | Muimi, it depends | 21:47 |
carandraug | NewOne, what do you mean different? | 21:47 |
ubuntu | can't I download the network-manager .deb for Ubuntu and isntall it hat way? | 21:47 |
ubuntu | ?? | 21:47 |
Muimi | Yeah, you can jimi rig it. | 21:47 |
Muimi | hehe. that's so racist. | 21:48 |
NewOne | carandraug may be the skin | 21:48 |
a_bug | digitalstimulus: for a while, all linux video editors sucked. Then there was openshot | 21:48 |
digitalstimulus | a_bug, i'm installing it now, looks promising, but I have my doubts :) | 21:48 |
NewOne | carandraug oh it's ok now | 21:48 |
karthick87 | How do I bind .sh files to keyboard combination? | 21:48 |
carandraug | NewOne, you're probably using audacious-gtk. Ubuntu 10.10 uses that as default. Right click and choose "Audacious" instead of "audacious (GTK)" | 21:48 |
a_bug | ubuntu: you can enable your CD as one of the repositories, and install the package from the CD if it's included in it. | 21:48 |
NewOne | carandraug it was gnome skin and not classic skin | 21:48 |
a_bug | ubuntu: using synaptic. | 21:48 |
Muimi | edison_, because youa re using two separate drives... | 21:49 |
a_bug | digitalstimulus: :d | 21:49 |
Assimilater | hey guys, I have win7 and ubuntu on separate partitions and am trying to set up an apache server to run on the ubuntu partition files that are on the windows partition. As near as I can tell I'm getting 403 errors "no access". Can anyone help me with granting access to "/media/Assimilater/xampp/htdocs/" for my server? | 21:49 |
Muimi | all you have to do is make sure that the drive with the GRUB boot loader is prioritized first, and you will get the GRUB boot loader. | 21:49 |
ubuntu | a_bug: oh, so I can stick in 10.10 CD, enable as repo, and ry installing that way? | 21:49 |
Muimi | You can also write the GRUB boot loader to the win disk.... That resizing partitions crap is for people who install onto one drive. | 21:49 |
a_bug | ubuntu: yes | 21:49 |
NewOne | carandraug ok it is now tnx | 21:49 |
carandraug | cysioland, you now when you said that alacarte doesn't work? Did you try to start it from command line and find out why? | 21:49 |
Muimi | Remember, the person who wrote the ubuntu website does not speak English fluently, okay? | 21:49 |
a_bug | ubuntu: or if you can do without it, it's ok | 21:50 |
a_bug | ubuntu: like using wpa_supplicant for wireless, etc | 21:50 |
Flannel | Assimilater: Are you using apache in Ubuntu? (and xampp in Windows)? | 21:50 |
Muimi | In fact, it's a fairly safe assumption that the webmaster is around TOEFL 100. hehe | 21:50 |
Nadav | [23:43] <_16BitSubsystem_> Nadav: what kind of internet connection are you using? | 21:50 |
zzzxzzz | Guys need your help please, I cannot watch the whole movie on ubuntu netbook system, on windonws works fine. Is any setup? | 21:50 |
cysioland | carandraug, It work, but it doesn't show akonaditray | 21:50 |
a_bug | network-manager is not essential, it's just a fad | 21:50 |
Nadav | my physical connection is a router that connects to a L2TP server | 21:50 |
a_bug | well more useful than a fad | 21:50 |
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NewOne | carandraug it was not GTK , it was the real one but with the gnome skin and not the classic | 21:50 |
ubuntu | a_bug: well, I'm wired...for some reason, internet not working, and appened after I uninstalled network manager :-( | 21:51 |
pankajm | in windows 7 , there is a built in tool to call using cell phones through bluetooth , any alternative for ubuntu | 21:51 |
a_bug | ubuntu: what kind of a connection do you have ? | 21:51 |
Assimilater | whoever pmed me please do it again | 21:52 |
Assimilater | i hate empathy | 21:52 |
zzzxzzz | Guys need your help please, I cannot watch the whole movie on ubuntu netbook system, on windonws works fine. Is any setup? | 21:52 |
NewOne | carandraug *GTK interface under View > interface > GTK interface :) tnx | 21:52 |
beiromber | someone installed Licq 1,5 source on maverick? | 21:52 |
beiromber | someone installed Licq 1,5 source on maverick? | 21:52 |
beiromber | someone installed Licq 1,5 source on maverick? | 21:52 |
FloodBot1 | beiromber: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:52 |
ubuntu | a_bug: it is a wired ethernet connection...RJ-45 cable to cable model or whatever it is called...the connection is working fine, I'm onthe connection right now from 8.10 LiveCD | 21:52 |
NewOne | carandraug is it the same company of winamp ? | 21:52 |
carandraug | cysioland, I got it. Gimme 2 minutes and I'll give you the code | 21:52 |
Assimilater | a second pm should get sent to pidgen now | 21:52 |
a_bug | zzzxzzz: what do you mean ? | 21:52 |
cysioland | carandraug, i'm waiting | 21:52 |
a_bug | ubuntu: what happens when you plug in the connection on your non-live cd installation ? | 21:53 |
Muimi | And with all the open-source stuff in linux, you'd think they'd, someday, move their site to something with version control and community editting... like wiki or drupal | 21:53 |
carandraug | NewOne, no. It's a fork from xmms I think and xmms is older than winamp. Also Winamp is not free software, audacious and xmms are | 21:53 |
a_bug | ubuntu: you can use ifconfig to list the available interfaces | 21:53 |
beiromber | sorry | 21:53 |
ubuntu | a_bug: ahhhh, I'll try hat, I remember that from when I used gentoo | 21:53 |
jg47hm | how to open .sh file??? | 21:53 |
a_bug | ubuntu: and then configure them to use IPs, or if you have a DHCP server, run dhclient to get the IP for you | 21:53 |
a_bug | jg47hm: open as in ? to read or execute ? | 21:54 |
Assimilater | sorry someone pmed me and I couldn't open it. Please pm again | 21:54 |
Flannel | Assimilater: Are you using apache in Ubuntu? (and xampp in Windows)? | 21:54 |
NewOne | carandraug oh tnx good to know :) | 21:54 |
Assimilater | yes | 21:54 |
a_bug | jg47hm: to read, use vim and to execute, use bash | 21:54 |
Flannel | Assimilater: This isn't a query/PM, it's just talking in channel. | 21:54 |
phoul | is anyone else having serious issues with empathy and msn | 21:54 |
jon__ | Adding a repository w/o a key to the apt-get list will only result in the packages not being "trusted"? | 21:54 |
jg47hm | <a_bug> .sh to execute | 21:54 |
Assimilater | the first time it came up as a pm | 21:54 |
carandraug | NewOne, and I obviously mean free as in freedom | 21:54 |
Assimilater | oddly enough | 21:54 |
morcegolas | I can't start ubuntu withou monitor, this is making me crazy. HELP Me please | 21:54 |
NewOne | carandraug oh i see lol | 21:54 |
a_bug | jg47hm: just ./filename,sh | 21:54 |
a_bug | ./filename.sh | 21:55 |
Flannel | Assimilater: Alright, you need to make sure that folder (/media/Assumilater/xampp/htdocs/) is readable by the 'www-data' user, which is the user apache runs as. | 21:55 |
a_bug | if it has execute perms it will execute | 21:55 |
carandraug | cysioland, can you find the file ~/.config/menu/applications.menu ? | 21:55 |
Assimilater | Flannel: that's what I'm having a hard time doing | 21:55 |
jg47hm | <a_bug> where to write ./filename,sh | 21:55 |
a_bug | morcegolas: can you please atleast consider that it could be a BIOS problem ? | 21:55 |
Flannel | Assimilater: Have you tried just giving everyone read permissions? | 21:55 |
jg47hm | <a_bug> in terminal?? | 21:55 |
frustro | jg47hm, you may have to chmod 777 FILENAME to make executable | 21:55 |
a_bug | change your BIOS settings to disable POST or allow for POST to succeed without a display device | 21:55 |
HazardX | frustro, chmod +x is better | 21:55 |
a_bug | jg47hm: yes | 21:55 |
Assimilater | Flannel: I tried going to the properties in the explorer and going to properties, and changing the "other" permissions to access files | 21:55 |
morcegolas | a_bug: its not a bios problem, with windows this works fine | 21:56 |
guntbert | jg47hm: don't apply 777 | 21:56 |
NewOne | carandraug how and where can i set the Hotkey Shorcut ? like winamp !! | 21:56 |
Assimilater | Flannel: but that didn't appear to make the changes i need | 21:56 |
a_bug | morcegolas: same machine ? | 21:56 |
guntbert | frustro: don't recommend 777 witout proper expalanetion/warning | 21:56 |
guntbert | *without | 21:56 |
jg47hm | Guys is have a file (setup.sh) is a game. how to execute it ??? | 21:56 |
digitalstimulus | a_bug, openshot appears to have some serious drag and drop issues in the stable release. | 21:56 |
jg47hm | in details pls | 21:57 |
a_bug | digitalstimulus: really ? works for me - what kinda issues are you facing ? | 21:57 |
Flannel | Assimilater: If you're doing it from Ubuntu, you'll need to make sure the permissions are appropriate via Ubuntu, not Windows. This probably consists of mounting that drive with more permissions than before | 21:57 |
carandraug | NewOne, look into the plugins. It's one for that | 21:57 |
Nadav | wow so much activity in this channel, Ill ask my question again, I am running an ubuntu 10.10 on a VM, I am connnected to the internet through a router, I have tried both Bridged connection and NAT in the VM settings, any reason why it doesnt work? | 21:57 |
morcegolas | a_bug: yes same machine | 21:57 |
Assimilater | currently I have the drive mounted in ubuntu | 21:57 |
FrozenFire[work] | morcegolas, If you're running the system headless, there shouldn't be any problem for Ubuntu. It's either a BIOS problem, or it's simply not a problem. | 21:57 |
FrozenFire[work] | morcegolas, What is indicating to you that it is not working? | 21:57 |
FrozenFire[work] | Does it provide an error? | 21:57 |
jon__ | Adding a repository w/o a key to the apt-get list will only result in the packages not being "trusted"? | 21:57 |
guntbert | jg47hm: open a terminal, change into the directory where you downloaded/extracted the file | 21:57 |
digitalstimulus | a_bug, unable to drag video clips onto the timelines, once I finally do get one on the timeline it doesn't "snap" into place and I can actually drag the colored box below the timeline and it sits there. | 21:58 |
Assimilater | Flannel: my friend thinks he knows what you're takling about | 21:58 |
Assimilater | Flannel: one sec | 21:58 |
a_bug | digitalstimulus: oops sorry - but honestly, my experience with it was 10x better than with pitivi, lives, and 2-3 more that I tried | 21:58 |
seppy003 | hi | 21:58 |
FrozenFire[work] | seppy003, Hello | 21:58 |
seppy003 | i have some wierd problem with ubuntu server and wlan | 21:59 |
jg47hm | <guntbert> i did that what i should do next?? | 21:59 |
digitalstimulus | a_bug, it was worth a shot, PiTiVi seems much more mature, although much less features at the moment (10.10 repository version of PiTiVi versus the "stable" openshot release) | 21:59 |
NewOne | carandraug Audacious Preferences > Plugins........ ????? | 21:59 |
FrozenFire[work] | seppy003, Feel free to elaborate ;) | 21:59 |
seppy003 | thanks | 21:59 |
carandraug | cysioland, are you there? | 21:59 |
seppy003 | i'm able to connect from the lan to my laptop, where is ubuntu server 10.10 installed | 21:59 |
seppy003 | ssh and webserver are working fine | 21:59 |
cysioland | carandraug, im there | 21:59 |
seppy003 | but i'm unable to connect from another laptop, on wlan, to the server | 22:00 |
guntbert | jg47hm: now type chmod -v +x setup.sh | 22:00 |
FrozenFire[work] | seppy003, Since you are using a router with a NAT and firewall, you need to set up port forwarding. | 22:00 |
Nadav | wow so much activity in this channel, Ill ask my question again, I am running an ubuntu 10.10 on a VM, I am connnected to the internet through a router, I have tried both Bridged connection and NAT in the VM settings, any reason why it doesnt work? :< sory for repost | 22:00 |
seppy003 | neither ping nor ssh nor http are working | 22:00 |
carandraug | cysioland, I went to a ubunut machine, remove an item from the menu with alacarte and noticed this change on that file. It added a exclude section. See this http://pastebin.com/20Ks5faC | 22:00 |
seppy003 | frozenfire: i'm still in lan | 22:00 |
morcegolas | FrozenFire[work]: if I boot my machine it wont get to x and when i connect the cga cable its frozen on ubuntu image | 22:01 |
jg47hm | <guntbert> ok next?? | 22:01 |
_16BitSubsystem_ | Nadav: that explains everything. | 22:01 |
FrozenFire[work] | seppy003, If port forwarding is not enabled, you will be able to access it from within the LAN, but not from outside of the LAN. | 22:01 |
HazardX | Nadav, that sounds like a problem with the VM's hypervisor, not the VM itself | 22:01 |
guntbert | jg47hm: ./setup.sh | 22:01 |
cysioland | carandraug, what file? | 22:01 |
seppy003 | yeah but im am not able to access is within the lan | 22:01 |
carandraug | NewOne, look in the plugins list. One of them is for keyboards shortcuts. Go to the geranl tabs on plugins and activate the "Gnome shortcuts" plug-in. Then, you set the shortcuts with Gnome so all programs respect the same shortcuts | 22:01 |
carandraug | cysioland, ~/.config/menu/applications.menu ? | 22:01 |
jon__ | seppy003, your hard wired lan and wireless lan are in two different subnets | 22:02 |
seppy003 | nope | 22:02 |
cysioland | i can't find akonadi there | 22:02 |
jon__ | seppy003, they have to be | 22:02 |
_16BitSubsystem_ | Nadav: I'm very grateful with ubuntu but. Ubuntu 10.10 has a lot of bugs. | 22:02 |
jg47hm | <guntbert> 9: function: not found x86 i thing didnt work | 22:02 |
guntbert | Nadav: at the moment: is it set to NAt or bridged? | 22:02 |
seppy003 | i am able to connect from the laptop to the lan | 22:02 |
HexLaTor | hi, what's the equivalent of dreamweaver on linux ? | 22:02 |
jon__ | seppy003, well, they don't have to | 22:02 |
HazardX | _16BitSubsystem_, agreed | 22:02 |
carandraug | cysioland, in my case, I removed the gbrainy from the menu, and this is what showed up http://pastebin.com/NJGFaTAX | 22:02 |
FrozenFire[work] | morcegolas, That may be an issue with your X configuration. | 22:02 |
guntbert | jg47hm: please !pastebin the output of that command | 22:03 |
jon__ | seppy003, what do you mean to the LAN? the LAN is a collection of devices, do you mean you can connect from the Laptop to the Server? | 22:03 |
guntbert | !pastebin | jg47hm | 22:03 |
ubottu | jg47hm: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 22:03 |
seppy003 | ok staring from the beginning | 22:03 |
_16BitSubsystem_ | Nadav: I guess your ubuntu 10.10 has a conflict with your router, or maybe it's the VM. | 22:03 |
seppy003 | i have a debian server connected to the lan | 22:03 |
jon__ | seppy003, k | 22:03 |
Jouva | Argh argh argh argh. I'm getting that SquashFS issue with the .iso. Is there a way around using it with boot parameters? | 22:03 |
morcegolas | FrozenFire[work]: its a clean install of ubuntu | 22:04 |
guntbert | _16BitSubsystem_: your comments seem not so helpful :-) | 22:04 |
FrozenFire[work] | morcegolas, Be that as it may, it could still be an X configuration problem. | 22:04 |
seppy003 | than an win laptop connect to wlan (connected to lan), and i'm able to connect from this to the debian server, vice versa | 22:04 |
FrozenFire[work] | morcegolas, Is there a reason why you're running Ubuntu Desktop headless? | 22:04 |
FrozenFire[work] | Ubuntu Server is probably better suited for that. | 22:04 |
a_bug | HexLaTor: Quanta, komposer, hand-writing your HTML & CSS :P | 22:04 |
seppy003 | i have a 2. laptop with ubuntu server on it, connected to wlan | 22:04 |
_16BitSubsystem_ | guntbert: so help him!! | 22:05 |
morcegolas | FrozenFire[work]: yes I only have one monitor and this computer is for server proposes only, ftp server, torrent server, Teamspeak server... | 22:05 |
NewOne | carandraug in general Tab (not Decoder right) GlobalHotkey? or Gnome Shortcuts? | 22:05 |
carandraug | cysioland, after making that changes you probably need to reload the menu somehow. Can't remmeber how. Restart is probably faster than looking for how to do it | 22:05 |
frustro | Nadav, is the VM getting an IP from the same network as the VM host? ifconfig -a from VM and ifconfig -a from host and pastebin please. | 22:05 |
seppy003 | from the debian server i'm able to connect to the ubuntu-server laptop, but from the windows laptop, he doesn't connect | 22:05 |
carandraug | NewOne, up to you. I use the Gnome shortcuts and works fine | 22:05 |
FrozenFire[work] | morcegolas, So run Ubuntu Server. Ubuntu Desktop is primarily intended as a graphical flavour. | 22:05 |
jon__ | seppy003, can the server laptop connect to the debian server? | 22:05 |
guntbert | _16BitSubsystem_: being busy at the moment, but please don't give out sentences like above "I guess .... or maybe ..." | 22:06 |
cysioland | I reloaded WM, fails. I removed file to what linked that shortcut | 22:06 |
a_bug | or, attach the monitor, boot up and then remove the monitor :P | 22:06 |
jason88 | Hey everyone I got a question. Is it possible to get a driver update for my optiarc disk drive? | 22:06 |
NewOne | carandraug what's the different ? | 22:06 |
cysioland | carandraug, I reloaded WM, fails. I removed file to what linked that shortcut | 22:06 |
HexLaTor | a_bug, are these php kind of ide? | 22:06 |
morcegolas | FrozenFire[work]: but since i'm a linux n00b i need to have x, and connect with teamviwer for example | 22:06 |
seppy003 | jon__: jeah | 22:06 |
jon__ | seppy003, k, what type of connection are you trying to make from the windows laptop to the debian server? | 22:07 |
carandraug | cysioland, which file you removed? | 22:07 |
davidheinrich | hi all, I'm ubuntu from before | 22:07 |
morcegolas | FrozenFire[work]: i used to have this configured in older pc with ubuntu | 22:07 |
FrozenFire[work] | morcegolas, Well, I suppose here might be an opportunity to learn ;) | 22:07 |
seppy003 | jon__:ssh, but this works | 22:07 |
davidheinrich | I'm trying o get network-manager-gnome back in my install, b/c I can't connect to the internet | 22:07 |
FrozenFire[work] | morcegolas, It'd be a bit silly to try to run a server using only graphical utilities. | 22:07 |
a_bug | HexLaTor: well, kompozer is . APtana has a php extension | 22:07 |
jon__ | seppy003, so what isn't working? | 22:07 |
davidheinrich | I'm in Ubuntu 10.10 liveCD now, is here a way I can use apt-get to download the deb files for it so that I can put them ona USB and install on my system after rebooting? | 22:07 |
carandraug | NewOne, choose the plugin and click on information | 22:07 |
seppy003 | the connection form windows laptop to ubuntu laptop | 22:08 |
digitalstimulus | a_bug, have you tried PiTiVi lately? I had really lost hope for non-linear video editing before I used it in 10.04 | 22:08 |
HexLaTor | a_bug, tnx,i'll take a look | 22:08 |
graphitemaster | I would like to rebork a bug in ubuntu | 22:08 |
jason88 | my disk drive isn't working right, and I couldn't find anything by searching google. Anyone have any suggestions? | 22:08 |
graphitemaster | report a bug... | 22:08 |
jon__ | seppy003, oh, and what type of connection are you trying to make there? | 22:08 |
Jouva | Anybody know of a workaround or fix for the squashfs issue with installs? It looks like it's an issue within the .iso itself, cause using Universal USB Installer gave errors when 7Zip tried to extract the squashfs file | 22:08 |
a_bug | digitalstimulus: nope - two years ago | 22:08 |
cysioland | /usr/share/applications/kde4/akonaditray.desktop | 22:08 |
guntbert | !bug | graphitemaster | 22:08 |
ubottu | graphitemaster: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 22:08 |
cysioland | carandraug, /usr/share/applications/kde4/akonaditray.desktop | 22:08 |
seppy003 | ssh again | 22:08 |
a_bug | digitalstimulus: has it improved dramatically since then ? | 22:08 |
morcegolas | FrozenFire[work]: let me try another thing, i'm going to restart my pc | 22:08 |
jon__ | seppy003, are you able to ping back and forth? | 22:08 |
digitalstimulus | a_bug, I don't know about two years ago, but it is very nice, clean, stable, and fast | 22:08 |
Nadav | guntbert at the moment it set as Bridged | 22:08 |
digitalstimulus | a_bug, I also do not edit THAT much video, so I can't vouch for daily use of it, just occasional use here | 22:09 |
seppy003 | only from debian server to ubuntu server | 22:09 |
guntbert | Nadav: ok, do you have a DHCP server in your real network? | 22:09 |
a_bug | digitalstimulus: thanks, as long as it doesn't crash | 22:09 |
a_bug | digitalstimulus: will give it a a try too, thanks | 22:09 |
jason88 | I even tried to install a windows driver through wine but I don't know if it's really legit | 22:09 |
NewOne | carandraug hooo you mean instead of gnome's Keyboard Shortcuts i can use the global that not have to deal with gnome. right? | 22:09 |
jon__ | seppy003, so you can't even ping the ubuntu laptop from the windows laptop... | 22:09 |
owen1__ | anyone with macbookpro5,1 was able to install ubuntu/xubuntu? | 22:09 |
Nadav | yeah | 22:09 |
davidheinrich | anyone ave a suggestion on apt-get to d/l the .deb files??? | 22:09 |
graphitemaster | ubuntu-bug libaa-bin 'instlling this package halts: frezzing apt, requiring you to manually kill apt, and remove the lock file and traces of the package, --reinstall switch causes the same issue, on Kubuntu 10.10' | 22:10 |
seppy003 | jon__:thats the point | 22:10 |
Nadav | guntbert, yeah I got a dhcp server | 22:10 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, What type of drive is it, and what is the partition format of the volume you're trying to access? | 22:10 |
FrozenFire[work] | filesystem format, that is. | 22:10 |
carandraug | cysioland, and after removing the file and restarting, the icon is still there? | 22:10 |
jon__ | seppy003, I just want to make sure we are on the same page. | 22:10 |
carandraug | NewOne, yes | 22:10 |
jon__ | seppy003, what are the IPs on each? | 22:10 |
guntbert | Nadav: ok, then tell your guest system to use "automatic" method for IP configuration | 22:10 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, Also, it's worth noting that filesystem drivers from Windows will not function in Linux. | 22:11 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
NewOne | carandraug ok tnank you very much :D you have been so much helpfull :) :D | 22:11 |
a_bug | davidheinrich: sudo apt-get source --compile pkgname | 22:11 |
seppy003 | jon__: windows, debian:, ubuntu: | 22:11 |
carandraug | NewOne, but in my opinion is better to have the Gnome. If one day you use another player, the shortcuts will the same. And the volume up and down, will be shared with movie players | 22:11 |
jason88 | FrozenFire[work]: Sorry I meant my CD/DVD drive. I'm assuming you thought my harddrive? | 22:11 |
cysioland | yes | 22:11 |
cysioland | carandraug, yes | 22:11 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, Yeah, that's what I had thought. | 22:11 |
frustro | Nadav, I have had problems with the default adapter type in VBOX, if that's what you are using. I had to change it. Settings>Network>Advanced>Adapter Type> I use the Intel Pro/1000 MT Server.. that resolved my network problems. | 22:12 |
davidheinrich | a_bug: what about sudo apt-get install "program name" --download-only ??? | 22:12 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, If you open System->Administration->Disk Utility, do you see the optical drive listed there? | 22:12 |
NewOne | carandraug hhooo you right tnx for the advice :) | 22:12 |
Nadav | guntbert the guest system is ubuntu, I'm pretty sure its the default? | 22:12 |
Nadav | also. could the problem be with the ubuntu version? | 22:12 |
a_bug | davidheinrich: probably better :D | 22:12 |
guntbert | Nadav: unlikely, please look at the config | 22:12 |
jon__ | seppy003, do they all have the same netmask? | 22:12 |
carandraug | cysioland, sorry. Don't know what else. This should have something http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-latest.html | 22:12 |
Nadav | guntbert, ifconfig? plase be patient with me :) | 22:13 |
seppy003 | jon__:sure | 22:13 |
FrozenFire[work] | Nadav, It's worth mentioning that there's a VirtualBox channel. | 22:13 |
jason88 | FrozenFire[work]: Yes. I have an optiarc dvd rw ad-7560A fw ver. DS04 | 22:13 |
FrozenFire[work] | They're probably better suited to help. | 22:13 |
a_bug | seppy003: can you enable promisc mode and paste the out | 22:13 |
davidheinrich | a_bug: arrrg!~!! when I do that, it says "network-manager-gnome is already the newest version! wtf | 22:13 |
a_bug | put of pinging one host from another (unsuccessful ) | 22:13 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, And, clicking on it, is there media listed? | 22:13 |
davidheinrich | a_bug: why is it ignoring the download-only option | 22:13 |
Nadav | FrozenFire[work] I ask in both channels | 22:13 |
jon__ | a_bug, what do you use, wireshark? | 22:14 |
a_bug | jon__: no, tcpdump | 22:14 |
seppy003 | a_bug:unfortunately not | 22:14 |
a_bug | seppy003: sudo tcpdump -i any -nXSs 1514 | 22:14 |
guntbert | Nadav: no worries: in the guest right click on the network icon, select edit connections, on the "wired " tab there is one connection, click on "edit" | 22:14 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, Additionally, are you certain that the disc you've inserted in the drive is working? | 22:14 |
Four2zero | hello everyone. what is the default set permission for the users /home directories.? | 22:14 |
jason88 | FrozenFire[work]: Well, I don't have anything in at this moment. I'm having problems burning cds and it doesn't read DVDs. | 22:14 |
a_bug | sudo ifconfig eth0 promisc; sudo tcpdump -i any -nXSs 1514 | 22:14 |
a_bug | and then ping | 22:14 |
graphitemaster | literally iy halts here: Preparing to replace libaa-bin 1.4p5-38build1 (using .../libaa-bin_1.4p5-38build1_i386.deb) ... | 22:14 |
graphitemaster | Unpacking replacement libaa-bin ... | 22:14 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, You may need to install ubunu-restricted-extras to read DVDs | 22:15 |
Nadav | alright guntbert, what then? | 22:15 |
guntbert | FrozenFire[work]: right but his issue might be with ubuntu after all | 22:15 |
Nadav | oh, its set to automatic, dhcp | 22:15 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, Unfortunately, DVD movies are typically encrypted with a scheme called CSS | 22:15 |
a_bug | davidheinrich: it's already installed so it won't get the deb file anymore I guess | 22:15 |
guntbert | Nadav: thats what I wanted to check | 22:15 |
FrozenFire[work] | A special library is required to decrypt them. | 22:15 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, As for CDs, you'd need to elaborate further on the issue. | 22:16 |
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jason88 | FrozenFire[work]: Ok thank you. But when I use a cd burning program, it shows it's doing progress, but once it's all done, it shows as a blank cd. | 22:16 |
seppy003 | a_bug:did it, getting results but not from the laptop | 22:16 |
TheLolrus | does anyone know how to take a screenshot with imagemagick with effects enabled? It doesn't take screenshot of all the effects and such | 22:16 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, What burning software are you using? Brasero? | 22:16 |
Nadav | well, guntbert any idea on what I can do? :p | 22:16 |
a_bug | seppy003: are you pinging from the laptop with the wireless lan interface ? | 22:16 |
jon__ | seppy003, you'll see a lot of random traffic, you are looking for anything related to your ping, i.e. with source address from the server | 22:16 |
a_bug | then you will have to do sudo ifconfig wlan0 promisc (instead of eth0) | 22:17 |
a_bug | and repeat the command | 22:17 |
guntbert | Nadav: now close that again, and in a terminal type: ip ad, you should get several lines - after eth0.... ther is one starting with "inet..." | 22:17 |
jason88 | FrozenFire[work]: Yes, I've even tried gnomebake, or something like that. Still shows as a blank cd afterwards | 22:17 |
a_bug | yes, like jon__ said, add a filter for your own host | 22:17 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, It could be an issue with the device drivers for your drive. A moment while I look it up. | 22:17 |
beiromber | some one have an idea how to install Licq 1,5 source on maverick? | 22:17 |
a_bug | damnit this is tough | 22:17 |
a_bug | bye | 22:17 |
Nadav | inet scope host lo | 22:17 |
seppy003 | a_bug: sure | 22:17 |
jason88 | FrozenFire[work]: I'll brb I have to go | 22:18 |
guntbert | Nadav: not that one, further down | 22:18 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, cdrecord -v checkdrive | 22:18 |
jon__ | this command is so cool: wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | apt-key add - | 22:18 |
TheLolrus | does anyone know how to take a screenshot with imagemagick with effects enabled? | 22:18 |
seppy003 | jon__:yeah but not from windows laptop | 22:18 |
Nadav | guntbert | 22:18 |
Nadav | 2: eth0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN qlen 1000 | 22:18 |
Nadav | link/ether 00:0c:29:f6:49:40 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff | 22:18 |
Nadav | ? | 22:18 |
FloodBot1 | Nadav: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:18 |
jon__ | seppy003, which are you initiating the ping from? | 22:19 |
Nadav | thats the only one I have other then what I've posted | 22:19 |
seppy003 | windows laptop | 22:19 |
guntbert | Nadav: I see - did you enable/connect the virtual adapter in vbox? | 22:19 |
FrozenFire[work] | TheLolrus, The import command takes the screenshot. | 22:19 |
Nadav | yeah | 22:19 |
Nadav | I removed the network adapter and readded | 22:19 |
jon__ | seppy003, so with tcpdump running on the ubuntu you aren't seeing anything... what about if you initiate the ping from the ubuntu laptop? | 22:20 |
NewOne | carandraug i check the box of gnome but where can i set it up ? | 22:20 |
Nadav | lets see if it works | 22:20 |
FrozenFire[work] | TheLolrus, So, specify any effect switches when using it. | 22:20 |
carandraug | NewOne, System > Preferences > Keyboard shortcuts | 22:20 |
frustro | Nadav, did you change from the default PCNET II to the intel pro/1000 MT adapter? | 22:20 |
jon__ | seppy003, also, make sure that the firewall settings on your windows laptop permit ping traffic... I know with XP they were by default disallowing ICMP Echo (Ping) | 22:20 |
TheLolrus | FrozenFire[work]: what so turn of my effects? | 22:20 |
Assimilater | Flannel: We're getting it to work. Thanks | 22:20 |
NewOne | carandraug sure i'm there but what do i need to look for ? | 22:20 |
FrozenFire[work] | TheLolrus, Sorry, rephrase that? I don't understand. | 22:21 |
carandraug | NewOne, anything that says "Stop playback", "Next track", etc | 22:21 |
kitobazong8720 | how can i reassign the (systemwide) shortcut ctrl+shift+u for entering unicode to a different setting? like ctrl+shift+z? | 22:21 |
metalfan_ | hi | 22:21 |
davidheinrich | a_arg, sudo apt-get --download-only install network-manager gave me a .dsc and .tar.gz file...I want to install them when I reboot from the hD...what do I do with these files? | 22:21 |
Nadav | heh guntbert works now | 22:21 |
Nadav | I used NAT and marked Connected, probaly was the problem | 22:22 |
seppy003 | jon__:i see much trash, pinging from debian and from ubuntu server correct results | 22:22 |
TheLolrus | FrozenFire[work]: it's not showing the transparency and blur on windows. | 22:22 |
metalfan_ | i have a 10.04 server installation, but when i do "sudo do-release-upgrade" it says that there is no never ubuntu version? | 22:22 |
guntbert | !yay| Nadav | 22:22 |
ubottu | Nadav: Glad you made it! :-) | 22:22 |
TheLolrus | FrozenFire[work]: instead it shows black blocks | 22:22 |
Nadav | but, this is the ip I recieved, my router suppotrs | 22:22 |
Nadav | how come? :P | 22:22 |
Nadav | haha guntbert:p | 22:22 |
seppy003 | jon__:ping from my windows laptop to debian works fine | 22:22 |
jon__ | seppy003, ping from ubuntu to what? | 22:22 |
FrozenFire[work] | TheLolrus, What format are you outputting as? | 22:22 |
seppy003 | jon__: to its self | 22:22 |
jon__ | seppy003, ping from ubuntu to windows and see what the tcpdump output is | 22:22 |
FrozenFire[work] | metalfan_, Have you run apt-get update? | 22:23 |
TheLolrus | FrozenFire[work]: I put it as png but apparently the default is MIF or something | 22:23 |
guntbert | Nadav: the beauty of NAT - is inside the virtual network of virtual box | 22:23 |
metalfan_ | Frozenball, will try | 22:23 |
Nadav | Hah! I think I got it | 22:23 |
Frozenball | great | 22:23 |
ejm | aaaugggh | 22:23 |
metalfan_ | FrozenFire[work], will do | 22:23 |
ejm | that was great timing | 22:23 |
metalfan_ | Frozenball, sry...wrong person | 22:23 |
Nadav | lets say my private ip is, then all the virtual machines Ill use, will use that ip as a default gateway? | 22:23 |
Nadav | that will be their "dhcp server"?:p | 22:24 |
seppy003 | jon__:getting the nearly the same as pinging from debian to ubuntu | 22:24 |
FrozenFire[work] | TheLolrus, I'm not certain. You might try ##imagemagick | 22:24 |
ZykoticK9 | guntbert, i don't remember for sure, but I thought VBox gave out 10.x.x.x IPs if NATed | 22:24 |
davidheinrich | hello? anyone know what t odo with hese .dsc files? | 22:24 |
graphitemaster | okay wtf | 22:24 |
jon__ | seppy003, can you pastebin the results of pinging from ubuntu to windows? | 22:24 |
NewOne | carandraug yea but there is already a shortcuts of my laptop special keys, but i used to Ctrl + Alt + (HOME) for example but i still want to live at as it is and set another key beside the laptop >> or << key | 22:24 |
graphitemaster | any package in 10.10 that "unpacking replacement" <-- just locks up! | 22:25 |
jon__ | !pastebin seppy003 | 22:25 |
guntbert | ZykoticK9: not necessarily - and it is configurable | 22:25 |
jon__ | !pastebin | 22:25 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 22:25 |
NewOne | carandraug do you know what i mean ? | 22:25 |
guntbert | !language | graphitemaster | 22:25 |
ubottu | graphitemaster: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 22:25 |
morcegolas | FrozenFire[work]: can't get this thing to work :( | 22:25 |
seppy003 | jon__:just a second | 22:25 |
graphitemaster | what does gdebi use to unpack ? | 22:26 |
FrozenFire[work] | morcegolas, As I said, Ubuntu Server is what you should be using. | 22:26 |
NewOne | carandraug or may be i can use gnome key and Global key at the sametime in the software ? | 22:26 |
_jesse_ | davidheinrich: perhaps supply the --compile flag to to get a .deb | 22:26 |
jon__ | k | 22:26 |
ejm | sigh...so not all the keys work on my notebook (not linux related cause | 22:26 |
graphitemaster | woot: I can't install any packages now that replace other packages | 22:26 |
graphitemaster | because you know it just locks up | 22:26 |
morcegolas | FrozenFire[work]: i'm very frustated, becase I have this working in my older computer. And in ubuntu server i don't know how to use transmisssion bittorrent client for example... | 22:27 |
ejm | anyway, I need help with my intel gm45 hdmi. The playback is tearing and the audio output doesn | 22:27 |
FrozenFire[work] | morcegolas, Transmission has a number of interfaces. | 22:27 |
morcegolas | FrozenFire[work]: everything is realy difficult to me in terminal mode | 22:27 |
davidheinrich | _jesse_: like this? sudo apt-get --download-only --compile install network-manager | 22:27 |
FrozenFire[work] | It can run a webserver, for example. | 22:27 |
ejm | whoops. the audio output doesnt work on my TV. | 22:27 |
FrozenFire[work] | You can also connect to Transmission-daemon using RPC | 22:27 |
ejm | I am running ubuntu 10.04 64bit. | 22:28 |
ejm | i mean 10.10 64bit | 22:28 |
ZykoticK9 | morcegolas, if you don't like command line - DON'T install Server version! you can install any services onto desktop just the same as server. | 22:28 |
Shorty | FrozenFire[work] you around? | 22:28 |
FrozenFire[work] | ZykoticK9, The issue is that he's trying to run a headless servver. | 22:28 |
FrozenFire[work] | So, Ubuntu Server is what he *should* have. | 22:28 |
morcegolas | FrozenFire[work]: i realy hate windows, but i think its the only way I have to manage my server. Just now that I was loving ubuntu | 22:28 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, I am indeed | 22:28 |
ZykoticK9 | FrozenFire[work], NOT if they aren't comfortable in cli mode | 22:28 |
morcegolas | ZykoticK9, but my ubuntu won't start withou a monitor on my new pc... | 22:29 |
FrozenFire[work] | ZykoticK9, For all of the things he listed earlier, yes. | 22:29 |
_jesse_ | davidheinrich: yeah | 22:29 |
Shorty | im back.. no luck with getting apt-get upate... | 22:29 |
davidheinrich | _jesse_ when I do that, it says "Download complete and in download only mode", but I don't see anything different | 22:29 |
FrozenFire[work] | Because, for the most part, that's where the configuration of those utilities lies. | 22:29 |
zzzxzzz | What is the longest word? | 22:29 |
Shorty | i couldnt seen anything in root | 22:29 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, Can you SSH into the system? | 22:29 |
guntbert | Nadav: not quite, all VMs are within the virtual network, they will have a 192.168.189.xxx and their gateway will be ( iirc), the vbox itself takes care of the rest | 22:29 |
jon__ | Has anyone used google desktop for linux? | 22:29 |
ZykoticK9 | morcegolas, sorry i have no idea why that would be happening. doesn't make much sense to me. good luck man. | 22:29 |
Shorty | ssh? | 22:29 |
zzzxzzz | What is the longest word? | 22:30 |
seppy003 | jon__:http://pastebin.com/17MF3uwt | 22:30 |
_jesse_ | davidheinrich: right that's what you'd expect :) it just downloads but doesn't install it | 22:30 |
davidheinrich | _jesse_: I deleted the original .dsc, .diff, and .tgz files that it d/l-ed and redid it like I posted, but it just says d/l complete and in d/l only mode, and doesn't re-get and put the files in deb format? | 22:30 |
guntbert | !ot | zzzxzzz | 22:30 |
ubottu | zzzxzzz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 22:30 |
Tetrahedrex | Hi there, I'm having some trouble installing Ubuntu with my USB drive. Can anyone assist? | 22:30 |
ZykoticK9 | !ot | zzzxzzz but in english i believe it's antidisestablishmentarianism | 22:30 |
ubottu | zzzxzzz but in english i believe it's antidisestablishmentarianism: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 22:30 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, Actually, come to think of it, it's not easy to install a SSH server without a network connection ;P | 22:30 |
davidheinrich | _jesse_: but now it isn't d/l-ing them ata ll...it thinks they're already there, eventhoughthe directory is empty! | 22:30 |
_jesse_ | davidheinrich: you can do apt-get --no-download install package when you restart | 22:30 |
zzzxzzz | Smiles, because it has a mile in between. | 22:30 |
_jesse_ | davidheinrich: I'm not sure where apt-get stores them | 22:31 |
davidheinrich | _jesse_: I saw the files in my home directory in LiveCD | 22:31 |
hareldvd | Ubuntu production server notifies on Login it needs to get updated. How can I perform a safe update? | 22:31 |
Shorty | i was trying the apt-get, i could seen enough to type but after i typed the command and hit enter i couldnt tell what was going on | 22:31 |
davidheinrich | _jesse_: it just d/led them to he working directory | 22:31 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, When you ran the install of Maverick, it should've asked you if you wanted to download updates during the installation. | 22:31 |
Shorty | then i tried reinstalling and it errored again and screwed grub up | 22:31 |
FrozenFire[work] | That's what you need to do. | 22:31 |
_jesse_ | davidheinrich: strange, well look in /var/cache/apt/archive | 22:31 |
jon__ | seppy003, it looks like it's working ok, one sec | 22:31 |
_jesse_ | davidheinrich: * /var/cache/apt/archives | 22:31 |
davidheinrich | ahhh, here hey are! thanks! | 22:32 |
Shorty | everytime i select "download updates during installation" it errors | 22:32 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, How is the system connected to your network? | 22:32 |
Shorty | wifi | 22:32 |
_jesse_ | davidheinrich: np | 22:32 |
davidheinrich | _jesse_: so then I can just use dpkg to install hte .deb's, right? | 22:32 |
Shorty | i dont have a hard line | 22:32 |
Shorty | :( | 22:32 |
_jesse_ | davidheinrich: yessir | 22:32 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, I would strongly recommend plugging it in wired, if you can manage. | 22:32 |
FrozenFire[work] | Because getting the wireless drivers installed without being able to see anything is pretty-well impossible :P | 22:33 |
Shorty | think maybe 10.04 would work | 22:33 |
_jesse_ | davidheinrich: make sure you grab all dependencies too | 22:33 |
Nadav | whats the equilivant of tracert on linux? | 22:33 |
mattish | good evening :) | 22:33 |
mattish | traceroute | 22:33 |
jon__ | seppy003, your pings are working correctly. Is it telling you that it's not? | 22:33 |
Nadav | makes sense :p | 22:33 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, it's possible, but I doubt it. | 22:33 |
mattish | :) | 22:33 |
davidheinrich | _jesse_: I think it was just network-manager-gnome and network-manager...I don't think any other deps were removed when I installed it...I hope | 22:33 |
beiromber | sorry | 22:33 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, The issue is that you need a more recent kernel version, for your display adapter. | 22:33 |
jason88 | FrozenFire[work]: Ok I'm back and I did that command you told me to put | 22:33 |
beiromber | someone could help to install Licq 1.5 source on maverick? | 22:33 |
_jesse_ | davidheinrich: ah alrighty | 22:33 |
seppy003 | jon__: the pings from windows to ubuntu aren't working | 22:33 |
Shorty | and theres no way for me to download the new kernel and include it in the install | 22:34 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, Pastebin the output | 22:34 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, There is, but you have to be networked. | 22:34 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, Basically, the issue is that you need to install updates. | 22:34 |
FrozenFire[work] | To do so, you need to be networked. | 22:34 |
Shorty | i mean download it in windows | 22:34 |
jon__ | F my mouse just stopped working | 22:35 |
FrozenFire[work] | It's possible, but since you're not very savvy, it'd be too difficult to walk you through it. | 22:35 |
Shorty | like do everything in windows and reburn the cd to include the new kernel | 22:35 |
Shorty | im savy on windows...been a while with linux | 22:35 |
ZykoticK9 | Shorty, wifi is a bit of a catch22 situation. you really should plug into a hard line nic, to install/update - then you have a chance to get your wifi workings. best of luck man. | 22:35 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, You say that you can see things if you shine a flashlight into the screen, yes? | 22:35 |
Shorty | yea anything that's white | 22:36 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, Because, this is all fairly easy stuff, from the GUI :P | 22:36 |
jon__ | nothing to worry about... alt tab works... one sec seppy003 | 22:36 |
jason88 | FrozenFire[work]: http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=abKAs7bJ | 22:36 |
Shorty | if its black like command line an i cannot see anythiing | 22:36 |
Tetrahedrex | anyone have experience with problems from USB installations? | 22:36 |
Shorty | but the install gui i can see most of what is going on | 22:36 |
ZykoticK9 | !anyone > Tetrahedrex | 22:36 |
ubottu | Tetrahedrex, please see my private message | 22:36 |
Besogon | Hello. I don't know why but Gnome Do don't calculate 2+2 using Google calculate. What am I doing wrong? | 22:37 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, Are you able to run the Ubuntu Live CD? | 22:37 |
Shorty | yea | 22:38 |
FrozenFire[work] | That is, when you load up the install CD, it asks if you would like to "Try Ubuntu" | 22:38 |
Shorty | works perfect | 22:38 |
Shorty | no backlight issues on live cd | 22:38 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, You could try http://my.opera.com/ubuntunerd1/blog/how-to-create-an-ubuntu-update-cd-dvd | 22:38 |
graphitemaster | two packages libaa-bin and libpam-module both will not install at all and just lock the terminal into a crazy state | 22:38 |
seppy003 | jon__:take the time you need :D | 22:38 |
HaxMeadroom | Anyone noticed any recent cifs problems after the most recent updates? | 22:38 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, Except, instead of making a CD, copy the files to the installation on the disk. | 22:38 |
Besogon | Perhaps, the plugin doesn't work at all | 22:38 |
graphitemaster | i have to go into dpkg and remove the files from the cache just to killall dpkg to allow me to dpkg --configure -a | 22:38 |
jon__ | seppy003, so debian to ubuntu works, but windows to ubuntu doesnt... | 22:39 |
graphitemaster | and once I'm there I'm back at square one. | 22:39 |
graphitemaster | installing packages freeze | 22:39 |
seppy003 | jon__:correct | 22:39 |
Shorty | hmm | 22:39 |
Tetrahedrex | When I installed Ubuntu from a USB drive, the installation supposedly completed but on restart I got a string of disk I/O errors. The computer won't boot by itself. What can I do to finish the installation? | 22:39 |
jon__ | seppy003, can you run ifconfig and double check the netmask on the ubuntu computer | 22:39 |
graphitemaster | Tetrahedrex: reinstall? | 22:40 |
jon__ | and can anyone explain why my touchpad suddenly quit working? | 22:40 |
Shorty | think im just gonna say screw it for now | 22:40 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, If you would like, I'd be willing to assist you via SSH or VNC. It's an interesting problem ;) | 22:40 |
magicjoe | anyone!!! i need to run "make menuconfig" but it says my display is too small, any suggestions? | 22:40 |
graphitemaster | magicjoe: just "make oldinstall" | 22:40 |
Tetrahedrex | I tried a reinstall but got the same result | 22:41 |
Shorty | how? | 22:41 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, Via the Live CD. | 22:41 |
Shorty | i cant be in windows and linux at the same time | 22:41 |
jon__ | Is there any way to restart my touchpad? | 22:41 |
Shorty | oh | 22:41 |
Shorty | idk | 22:41 |
ejm | !intel | 22:41 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information. | 22:41 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, You can access IRC from the Live CD. | 22:41 |
jon__ | ejm, who's that for? | 22:41 |
* stilia-johny hi is any that knowing about deb packaging and/or lanchpad ppa make and upload | 22:42 | |
ejm | man, I really hate intel graphics | 22:42 |
FrozenFire[work] | Shorty, It's up to you, of course. :P | 22:42 |
ejm | for me. | 22:42 |
beiromber | someone know what "A C++ compiler and libstc++-devel" is and how to install it as aptitude | 22:42 |
jason88 | FrozenFire[work]: Does that pastebin help? | 22:42 |
jon__ | ejm, oh | 22:42 |
Besogon | jon__, restart synaptics daemon could help I suppose | 22:42 |
Shorty | yea im getting really aggrevated, think i'll just wait | 22:42 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, Sorry, was distracted. One moment. | 22:42 |
ejm | i'm troubleshooting hdmi issues | 22:42 |
jon__ | Besogon, will I lose all my running apps? and how do I do that? | 22:42 |
* stilia-johny any that know about deb packaging? | 22:42 | |
Besogon | jon__, not Synaptic, but synaptics ;) | 22:42 |
bazhang | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide stilia-johny please stop using /me as well | 22:43 |
stilia-johny | sorry and thanks1 | 22:43 |
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bazhang | stilia-johny, /msg ubottu ppa for more info on ppa | 22:43 |
Besogon | jon__, man synaptics. | 22:43 |
rww | stilia-johny: #ubuntu-packaging also exists :) | 22:44 |
seppy003 | jon__:netmask checked, each mask is | 22:44 |
FrozenFire[work] | jason88, I'm not really certain what the issue would be with burning. You might check to see if there are any proprietary closed-sourced drivers available. They can be found via System->Administration->Hardware Drivers | 22:44 |
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jon__ | seppy003, f... that doesn't make sense | 22:44 |
seppy003 | jon__:yeah | 22:44 |
jon__ | seppy003, can you ping the loopback on your windows? | 22:44 |
jon__ | seppy003, | 22:44 |
FrozenFire[work] | Heh, I've managed to waste the majority of my work day helping in this channel XD | 22:44 |
IdleOne | jon__: obfuscated swearing is still swearing, please don't | 22:44 |
seppy003 | jon__:yes | 22:45 |
ejm | intel gm45 w/hdmi. It started out on win7 with jerky playback on my tv. I jumped to xubuntu 9.04, which someone told me 9.04 wasnt supported anymore. so I upgraded to 10.04, had the same problem as before. I was told to upgrade to 10.10. I did that last night, only to try it today and have the same tearing problem, except the jerkiness is with it. | 22:45 |
jon__ | seppy003, what does tracert show from windows? | 22:45 |
jon__ | er traceroute whichever it is | 22:45 |
jon__ | !obfuscated | 22:45 |
FrozenFire[work] | jon__, Obfuscated means to make something unclear. | 22:45 |
ejm | and add to that the keyboard doesnt work quite right because my bro doesn't want to pay $100 for a new keyboard | 22:45 |
DavidJHeinrich | _jesse_ : thank you very much for your help, I have internet again, whew | 22:45 |
seppy003 | jon__:WTF | 22:46 |
jon__ | seppy003, ? | 22:46 |
FrozenFire[work] | jon__, Basically, the issue is that this channel is used by people at work and so on, so unprofessional language is not appreciated. | 22:46 |
seppy003 | jon__: no i am able to ping to the ubuntu | 22:46 |
noir_lord | I have just bought two 23" Full HD monitors, primary monitor is the right monitor, how do I control which monitor programs are initially started on since at the moment everything starts on the left monitor? | 22:46 |
bonhoffer | i have this directory drw-rw-rw- 5 tim www-data 4096 Nov 26 21:32 fitwit | 22:46 |
noir_lord | oh, it's nvidia graphics twinview and both monitors are DVI | 22:46 |
bonhoffer | but i can't go into it | 22:46 |
jon__ | FrozenFire[work], depends on your profession ;-) | 22:46 |
DavidJHeinrich | computers are very boring and limited without the internet, you're very limited in what you can do | 22:46 |
seppy003 | jon__:ssh working as well | 22:47 |
bonhoffer | even though i am the user tim | 22:47 |
bonhoffer | what can i do? | 22:47 |
jason88 | FrozenFire[work]: Ok thanks | 22:47 |
intrader | Anyone, I have added the 'windata' folder, and added in fstatb ' /dev/sdb1 /home/intrader/windata vfat users,rw,umask=000,dmask=000,fmask=000 0 0'. The result upon reboot is that I get a warning that the usb stick is not there and to type S or M. I type S. When I try to execute Pharo.sh from the usb, it still says that the Pharo.sh is not executable. | 22:47 |
jon__ | seppy003, well... at least you weren't bored while you were waiting... | 22:47 |
jon__ | seppy003, did you change any settings? | 22:47 |
FrozenFire[work] | bonhoffer, chmod u+x <directory> | 22:47 |
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Tetrahedrex | graphitemaster: I tried another install with the same result | 22:47 |
bonhoffer | FrozenFire[work]: +x, why -- do i need to execute? | 22:47 |
stilia-johny | nobody help me on #ubuntu-pack... | 22:48 |
seppy003 | jon__:yes i weren't bored, no i changed no settings | 22:48 |
ejm | so has anyone got their intel gm45 to work at all, beyond just normal use (internet, office stuff, etc)? | 22:48 |
FrozenFire[work] | bonhoffer, To execute a directory is to list its contents. | 22:48 |
bazhang | stilia-johny, so be patient and read the links given you first | 22:48 |
ejm | i mean, i know intel graphics aren't top of the line stuff | 22:48 |
bonhoffer | FrozenFire[work]: got it | 22:48 |
jon__ | seppy003, strange... very strange... had you tried pinging the loopback before? maybe there was a stuck '1' in the pipe | 22:48 |
ejm | but not being able to watch a movie? that's just retarted | 22:49 |
seppy003 | jon__:yeah, maybe | 22:49 |
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intrader | Anyone, after inserting USB stick, I see that the Pharo.sh has the executable bit on. however, I can't open it by double click as it tells me that the executable bit is not set. | 22:49 |
jon__ | seppy003, by the way it's bad practice to be logged on as root | 22:49 |
FrozenFire[work] | Is there a list of ubottu commands somewhere? | 22:49 |
seppy003 | i was to lazy to register my own account on my dockstar | 22:50 |
stilia-johny | i make my app and im trying to packaging..... | 22:50 |
trism | FrozenFire[work]: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | 22:50 |
jon__ | seppy003, gotcha. well, if you figure out why it wasn't working I'm curious to know... | 22:50 |
seppy003 | jon__: but i cannot connect via my smartphone to ubuntu server(wlan as well) | 22:50 |
timposey | my sd camera memory is showing as read-only, I can't delete the files or write new files to the memory. | 22:50 |
jon__ | seppy003, can your smartphone connect with everything else? | 22:51 |
FrozenFire[work] | trism, Thanks | 22:51 |
jon__ | seppy003, ping, etc | 22:51 |
ridin | how do you find out who's connected to your network? | 22:51 |
seppy003 | jon__:sure | 22:51 |
jon__ | seppy003, and can ubuntu comm with smartphone? | 22:51 |
intrader | Anyone, the terminal displays the windata usb file tree in a horrible greenbacks color. | 22:51 |
seppy003 | its http | 22:52 |
FrozenFire[work] | timposey, On *some* SD cards, there is a read-only switch. That is, a physical switch on the card. | 22:52 |
seppy003 | jon__:which works on windwos now | 22:52 |
FrozenFire[work] | timposey, Similarly for cameras, if you're connecting via USB. | 22:52 |
jon__ | seppy003, your phone would still have an IP address. check the http server on ubuntu and see how many simoultaneous connections are allowed | 22:52 |
timposey | FrozenFire[work], that was the first thing I checked, no matter where I put the switch it will not unlock | 22:53 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, Regarding the executable bit, you can open the file properties, go to the permissions tab, and enable the execution permission. | 22:53 |
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mattish | im trying to stream with vlc but pretty much what ever settings i use i get no video just audio :( | 22:53 |
intrader | Anyone, from terminal I see that the Pharo.sh file has permissions of -rwxrwxrwx. Yet when I do `./Pharo.sh` it tells me Permission denied' | 22:53 |
FrozenFire[work] | timposey, What filesystem is the SD card formatted with? Check System->Administration->Disk Utility | 22:54 |
mattish | i was looking at h264/x264 but really unsure, are the default installs of these usable or ? | 22:54 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, I already answered the question ;) | 22:54 |
FrozenFire[work] | Oh, wait, it's already set... | 22:54 |
n3glv | hi guys | 22:54 |
n3glv | fresh install of 10.10 unr | 22:55 |
seppy003 | jon__:after rebooting the phone it works as well | 22:55 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], permissions are -rwxrwxrwx. Wants something else. Tells me permission denied. | 22:55 |
n3glv | how can a person loose this rediculous UNITY launcher? | 22:55 |
n3glv | and get a normal gnome desktop? | 22:55 |
jon__ | seppy003, strange | 22:55 |
timposey | FrozenFire[work], it is Fat 16, I have used this card on this computer before and not had a problem. | 22:55 |
xangua | n3glv: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 22:56 |
n3glv | will try | 22:56 |
n3glv | that thing is HORRID | 22:56 |
seppy003 | jon__:sry | 22:56 |
seppy003 | my fault | 22:56 |
jon__ | seppy003, ? | 22:56 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, What are the directory permissions? | 22:56 |
retfar | .. | 22:56 |
seppy003 | jon__:closed irssi | 22:57 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], how do I find these out | 22:57 |
FrozenFire[work] | timposey, Well, the only two things that come to mind are that it may be set to read-only physically, or it's being mounted read-only by your system. | 22:57 |
jon__ | seppy003, oh, I didn't notice | 22:57 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, Are you in the terminal? | 22:57 |
seppy003 | jon__:thanks a lot, for your help | 22:57 |
jon__ | seppy003, np, unfortunately I didn't fix anything... | 22:58 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], yes | 22:58 |
jon__ | does anyone know how to restart the synaptics daemon? | 22:58 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, ls -lah . | 22:58 |
replicasex | Is there a Banshee IRC? | 22:58 |
kleopatra | which command can i use to find out if a certain service is running on my system? | 22:58 |
seppy003 | jon__:maybe your positive thoughts helped | 22:58 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, That'll list the directory permissions at the top. | 22:58 |
FrozenFire[work] | "." is the current directory. | 22:58 |
jon__ | seppy003, Haha, i can't tell you how many times I've been on a trouble call and as soon as i stand next to the computer it starts working. | 22:59 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], it is drwxrwxrwx | 22:59 |
xangua | replicasex: tried #banshee ¿¿ surelly on gnome's irc network if not here | 22:59 |
seppy003 | jon__:happend to me also | 22:59 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, That's odd. Who is the file owner? | 22:59 |
sopwith | anyone is a programmer here ? | 22:59 |
FrozenFire[work] | !ask sopwith | 22:59 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], as you may have noticed I have an active fstab on that usb | 23:00 |
jon__ | !syanptics | 23:00 |
jon__ | !synaptics | 23:00 |
ubottu | For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad | 23:00 |
replicasex | xangua, is GNOME's IRC network something like irc://irc.gnome.com or? | 23:00 |
sopwith | thanks i have find my problem | 23:00 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], the .sh file 'ls' is '-rwxrwxrwx 1 intrader root 189 2010-04-07 06:46 Pharo.sh' | 23:01 |
jon__ | This is so weird... my mouse is stuck i the corner | 23:01 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, Since I'm assuming you're not logged in as root, you'll want to sudo chown <yourusername> Pharo.sh | 23:01 |
jon__ | it clicks but it won't move | 23:01 |
FrozenFire[work] | Oh, wait, sorry. | 23:01 |
FrozenFire[work] | chgrp | 23:02 |
seppy003 | jon__:restart x11? | 23:02 |
jon__ | seppy003, dunno how... all of my training is in networking, I just got into linux | 23:02 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], still 'Permission denied' when I do `./Pharo.sh` | 23:03 |
stilia-johny | does any write or upload source at his own ppa????? | 23:03 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, Just to confirm, you did sudo chgrp intrader Pharo.sh? | 23:03 |
seppy003 | jon__:sudo /etc/init.d/xdm restart | 23:03 |
bazhang | stilia-johny, yes. | 23:03 |
jon__ | it tap clicks too.... which means the pad is still taking input | 23:03 |
seppy003 | jon__:reboot my also work :D | 23:03 |
bazhang | stilia-johny, please read the ppa info | 23:03 |
bazhang | !ppa | stilia-johny | 23:04 |
ubottu | stilia-johny: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk. | 23:04 |
jon__ | seppy003, haha | 23:04 |
seppy003 | jon__: o´r CRTL-ALT-BACKSPACE | 23:04 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], chgrp 'Operation not permitted' | 23:04 |
jon__ | seppy003, what's that do? | 23:04 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, Did you do it as sudo? | 23:04 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], yes | 23:05 |
seppy003 | jon__:ctrl-alt-backspace? restarting x11 | 23:05 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, That's bloody confusing, then. How did you say you had the volume mounted? | 23:05 |
seppy003 | jon__:better xserver | 23:05 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], here is the fstab '/dev/sdb1 /home/intrader/windata vfat users,rw,umask=000,dmask=000,fmask=000 0 0' | 23:06 |
seppy003 | jon__:its not x11 its xserver | 23:06 |
sinusoid | hey all | 23:06 |
jon__ | seppy003, haha, I don't have XDM installed, ctl alt backspace doesn't work | 23:06 |
sinusoid | having a little trouble with ecryptfs | 23:06 |
sinusoid | anyone familiar | 23:06 |
bonhoffer | FrozenFire[work]: do you know how i set the time zone from cli? | 23:07 |
strouthos | What's the best tool for doing advanced find and replace (e.g., if a word between two "|" ends with "en", move all words between the two before that word and between the two "|" word after it)? | 23:07 |
seppy003 | jon__:than my solution is senseless | 23:07 |
quant | strouthos, regular expressions | 23:07 |
ubuntusucks | hi | 23:07 |
stilia-johny | -bazhang i readit but it doesnt help me .... i have write a bash programm that its a gui for xwinwrap.. and i make the make file and i give debuild -b in terminal and i take an error | 23:07 |
FrozenFire[work] | bonhoffer, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime | 23:07 |
quant | strouthos, which you can use in e.g. vim etc. | 23:07 |
jon__ | seppy003, I got an interesting message in dmesg saying my touchpad lost synchronization | 23:07 |
bazhang | ubuntusucks, hi | 23:07 |
ubuntusucks | ubuntu with newer radeon - does not work - nothing on screen | 23:07 |
sinusoid | anyone familiar with ecryptfs --- i can't find a good tutorial anywhere | 23:07 |
stilia-johny | ?? | 23:07 |
sinusoid | that details the keys and such and how they work | 23:07 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], when I inserted the stick the folder windata opened. I navigate to the folder containing the Pharo.sh file | 23:07 |
KnickLighter | What command can I issue to find out which driver my webcam is using ? | 23:08 |
ubuntusucks | how to destroy xorg.conf ? | 23:08 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.smalltalk.squeak.seaside/22591 That may be of interest | 23:08 |
=== BedMan_ is now known as BedMan | ||
ubuntusucks | or, how to force emergency/low Xorg mode | 23:08 |
seppy003 | jon__: found something in arch wiki about touchpad synchronization issues | 23:08 |
stilia-johny | >bazhang any help | 23:08 |
bazhang | stilia-johny, sounds like you are not following the packaging guide | 23:09 |
jon__ | seppy003, what's the site? | 23:09 |
stilia-johny | yes give me a link pls! | 23:09 |
bazhang | !packaging | stilia-johny | 23:09 |
ubottu | stilia-johny: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports | 23:09 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, It could be that the sh file is trying to execute something else, but that other file doesn't have the correct permissions. | 23:09 |
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seppy003 | jon__:https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics | 23:10 |
stilia-johny | thanksss | 23:10 |
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sinusoid | hmmm | 23:11 |
sinusoid | no help on ecryptfs huh | 23:11 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], the troubles started after Nov 10th on Maverick. It tried to execute the squeak executable. It is also set to executable (I see it in the Permissions tab for squeak context menu) | 23:11 |
sinusoid | third time i asked... guess thats probably enough asking | 23:11 |
jon__ | seppy003, thanks | 23:12 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], I had a long and contentious thread about executables in Maverick. They did not pay attention to this problem. | 23:12 |
strouthos | quant: Thanks. Is it powerful enough to stuff like: "if line starts with "*|", copy and paste in it what's between "*" and "|" on the line above"? | 23:12 |
earthmeLon_ | Hey guys. I am having a problem with X starting with NVIDIA drivers on my Sony Vaio Laptop. It uses 330m NVIDiA card. I have created a post with information here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10166790 | 23:12 |
jon__ | seppy003, interesting because it doesn't mention how to unfreeze somthing completely frozen | 23:12 |
seppy003 | jon__:no problem | 23:12 |
jon__ | seppy003, I'll try thos solutions | 23:12 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, You might want to try just running "chmod -R u+x *" in the directory. That'll set all of the files to executable by the user. | 23:12 |
FrozenFire[work] | For better of for worse. | 23:12 |
seppy003 | jon__:hopefully they help | 23:13 |
TrueNhero | can i install ubuntu32 over ubuntu64 without format? | 23:13 |
FrozenFire[work] | TrueNhero, It is absolutely not recommended. | 23:13 |
jon__ | seppy003, Yea, I'm running the battery monitor so maybe if I turn that off.. | 23:13 |
bazhang | TrueNhero, no | 23:13 |
TrueNhero | why? | 23:13 |
wn1zid | http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6AP06Z20101126 | 23:14 |
lighta | can't we have a command line to acces keychain ? | 23:14 |
wn1zid | ops, sry | 23:14 |
bazhang | wn1zid, not here please | 23:14 |
FrozenFire[work] | TrueNhero, Ubuntu 64-bit will have binaries which will not work in a 32-bit environment. | 23:14 |
wn1zid | wrong room, ary | 23:14 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], I not happy with the fstab change. It says that I could execute anything that is in the stick. Before, ubuntu did the reasonable thing: it opened a dialog asking to see if I really wanted to run the .sh file.. By the way the all the files and directories have rwxrwxrwx | 23:14 |
wn1zid | sry | 23:14 |
CkhiKuzad | would it be possible for me to create a new partition, copy my /home directory over to it, then use it as my /home? | 23:14 |
mfaroukg | why is the fonts in the ubuntu 10.10 are not showing the correct letter. they show wrong unreadable in my case in arabic. when i turn ubuntu to arabic interface it show some fonts correct and some wrong | 23:15 |
FrozenFire[work] | CkhiKuzad, Certainly. | 23:15 |
bazhang | !home | CkhiKuzad | 23:15 |
ubottu | CkhiKuzad: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome | 23:15 |
CkhiKuzad | woot, for the first time, ubottu has had exactly what i'm looking for, almost verbatim ^^ | 23:15 |
mfaroukg | any one has font encoding info? | 23:16 |
TrueNhero | how could i extract from my ubuntu64 installed on hdd, using a livecd? | 23:16 |
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TrueNhero | my software list | 23:17 |
CkhiKuzad | APTonCD | 23:17 |
bazhang | !clone > TrueNhero | 23:17 |
ubottu | TrueNhero, please see my private message | 23:17 |
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sxdemon | Is it normal that when trying to access the root/scr on Ubuntu 32 bit live boot, it keep crashing my pc? | 23:17 |
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intrader | FrozenFire[work], it is horrible gyrations I need to go through now to bring up the smalltalk environment. I have several sticks with various versions of smalltalk; and that all used to work in maverick until Nov. 10th | 23:17 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, Could you pastebin an explanation of exactly what it is you're trying to accomplish, what the environment is set up as, etc? I'm a bit busy at the moment, and IRC is very non-permanent. Having a single place with all of the information will make it clearer. | 23:18 |
sx | hi, is there a way to add .desktop files (for the menu) to debian packages created with checkinstall? | 23:19 |
jon__ | anyone have any other ideas how to restart my synaptics daemon? | 23:20 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], I will and I include the Pharo.sh file. Wait a moment please. | 23:20 |
sxdemon | Is it normal that whentrying to access the root/scr on Ubuntu 32 bit live boot, it keep crashing my pc? | 23:20 |
mfaroukg | any font experts? | 23:20 |
takai | Hi All ... I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 with Compiz+Emerald ... I installed conky, and have been googling for 2 days now on how to get it to actually anchor to the desktop and stop covering icons. | 23:21 |
takai | http://pastebin.com/KGxKaZxW here is a pastebin of my conkyrc | 23:22 |
TrueNhero | all u r great | 23:22 |
fffggg | how to generate xorg.conf for fglrx ? | 23:22 |
takai | I've tried messing with the own_window stuff, I've tried window rules in compiz, but still ... conky insists on showing ontop of my desktop icons :/ | 23:22 |
takai | Any help would be HUGELY appreciated | 23:23 |
CkhiKuzad | TrueNHero: Thank you, we try. | 23:23 |
shodue | Can someone help me set up an FTP server for my Ubuntu machine? I'm trying to FTP send files (or SFTP or LFTP ) into PORT 22 on my ubuntu from my MAC. | 23:23 |
fffggg | shodue: make new user named like ftpaccount and then ssh into him, when this works, sftp / scp will also | 23:23 |
jon__ | anyone have any other ideas how to restart my synaptics daemon? | 23:24 |
jon__ | whoops sorry | 23:24 |
shodue | fffggg, what is the default port for ssh? I only have ports 80 and 22 open | 23:24 |
XuMuK | shodue: 22 | 23:24 |
fffggg | shodue: ssh is port 22 i think | 23:24 |
mfaroukg | shodue, sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client | 23:24 |
XuMuK | or just ssh | 23:25 |
fffggg | guys? | 23:25 |
shodue | fffggg, I"m sorry, I have ssh installed, I ssh into my server all the time. I'm trying to send files to that server. | 23:25 |
KnickLighter | use sftp | 23:26 |
mfaroukg | fffggg, sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client | 23:26 |
XuMuK | shodue: connect your server via sftp | 23:26 |
TrueNhero | aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages and if i have 2 distros | 23:26 |
TrueNhero | ? | 23:26 |
shodue | XuMuK, okay, that worked, I guess i had trouble with it before | 23:26 |
zeroseven0183 | Anyone played 0 A.D.? I need to know how this game is doing in Maverick. Thanks | 23:26 |
jigarnilam | hows it going...i have a problem it seems | 23:27 |
magicjoe | ANYONE. i need to run make menuconfig but it says my display is too small. what do i do? | 23:27 |
jigarnilam | just installed ubuntu on a new dell notebook - and updated the graphics driver (nvidia) > restarted the computer > not it boots to command prompt | 23:27 |
shodue | XuMuK, what are the commands for sending files within sftp? | 23:27 |
XuMuK | magicjoe: buy some bigger display? o_O | 23:27 |
mfaroukg | why is the fonts in the ubuntu 10.10 are not showing the correct letter. they show wrong unreadable in my case in arabic. when i turn ubuntu to arabic interface it show some fonts correct and some wrong ??? | 23:28 |
XuMuK | shodue: scp | 23:28 |
jon__ | well... restarting Xorg works... | 23:28 |
jon__ | but it kills everything running | 23:28 |
jigarnilam | jon__, how do i restart xorg? | 23:28 |
magicjoe | xumuk....its a laptop. i mean, is there a setting i can change to make it work, or can i do it through command line only? | 23:28 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, I did it through a console | 23:28 |
XuMuK | shodue: this copies as cp, but using secure shell (ssh) | 23:28 |
jigarnilam | jon__, i'm sorry I forgot to telll you im very new at linux.. some help please | 23:29 |
magicjoe | and has anyone seen JORDANU? | 23:29 |
=== dani is now known as Guest10244 | ||
* Guest10244 hihihihi | 23:29 | |
jigarnilam | jon__, i'm at the console right now | 23:29 |
XuMuK | jillsmitt: sudo restart gdm | 23:29 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, k, you can get to a console by ctl+alt+f1 (actually anything from f1-f6) | 23:29 |
shodue | XuMuK, okay, so I use somehting like, "scp /local/dir /target/server/dir" | 23:29 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, once I got there I did ps -A | grep -Xorg | 23:29 |
jon__ | you'll see xorg with a number by it | 23:30 |
takai | Anyone here have any success at all with anchoring conky to the desktop BEHIND the icons? o.O | 23:30 |
jon__ | make sure you use a capital x | 23:30 |
jillsmitt | XuMuK: hello there | 23:30 |
Seven_Six_Two | when I am installing another linux beside ubuntu(sda1 /) do I put the boot loader on new linux (sda4 /) and modify ubuntu loader, or tell second linux to install boot loader on sda1? | 23:30 |
jon__ | then do sudo kill ### (whatever the number was) | 23:30 |
magicjoe | ANYONE....is there a way to change the screen resolution, so i can fit more on the screen? need to run make menuconfig to edit my kernel | 23:30 |
XuMuK | shodue: it's something like scp /local/dir user@SERVER.IP/target/server/dir | 23:30 |
zeroseven0183 | magicjoe: What have you tried so far? | 23:30 |
XuMuK | jillsmitt: hi | 23:31 |
jigarnilam | jon__, i tghyped what u said and it returned with "ERROR garbage option" | 23:31 |
magicjoe | zeroseven: i have only tried running the make menuconfig command and got the error. im stuck there | 23:31 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, what did you type? | 23:31 |
jigarnilam | jon__, ps -A | grep -Xorg | 23:32 |
jigarnilam | jon__, should it be sudo grep -Xorg | 23:32 |
jon__ | nah | 23:32 |
XuMuK | jillsmitt: grep doesn't need sudo | 23:32 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, does ps -A work? | 23:32 |
magicjoe | zeroseven: im using instructions from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1498559 except i am using the latest stable kernel | 23:33 |
wowaname | 1433 people here... that's a lot | 23:33 |
jigarnilam | jon__, yes i get a list | 23:33 |
shodue | XuMuK, I did sftp user@server.ip then provided the password, and it prompts me with "<sftp> " | 23:33 |
TrueNhero | aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages , how use this from a livecd? | 23:33 |
zeroseven0183 | magicjoe: have you checked Preferences > Monitors? | 23:33 |
allure | hi guys... when running starcraft II on wine, I get a black square as the mouse pointer. Does anyone knows how to solve this? | 23:33 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, try ps -A | grep -X | 23:34 |
jigarnilam | will it accept he | ? | 23:34 |
jigarnilam | the* | 23:34 |
bazhang | allure, check the appdb and /join #winehq | 23:34 |
bazhang | !appdb | allure | 23:34 |
ubottu | allure: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help | 23:34 |
magicjoe | zeroseven: it is on the highest resolution setting, but it says my display is too small to load menuconfig | 23:35 |
TrueNhero | !clone | 23:35 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 23:35 |
allure | thanks bazhang and ubottu | 23:35 |
jigarnilam | jon__, "grep: optio requires an argument --x" | 23:35 |
NJ_ | Hi all new here so bear with me i'm trying to get xrdp setup to use with thin clients have downloaded from rep. how can i configure it to start? | 23:35 |
jillsmitt | XuMuK: okay | 23:35 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, o, no crap... sorry... ps -A | grep X | 23:36 |
raskol | Every time I reboot I have to run xinput to turn off emulate3buttons. Way back in the day you could edit xorg.conf, what's currently the way to save this and similar settings? | 23:36 |
XuMuK | shodue: I sad scp for copy from terminal or sftp using nautilus | 23:36 |
jigarnilam | jon__, okay i did that....went back to $ | 23:36 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, then it didn't find anything | 23:37 |
jigarnilam | jon__, damn what do i do now? reinstall ubuntu? | 23:37 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, mmm, probably not... is your GUI working ok? | 23:37 |
jon__ | graphical user interface | 23:37 |
magicjoe | zeroseven: says it must be 19lines by 80 columns. can i use a - operator to change the height and width when running this command? | 23:37 |
jigarnilam | jon__, no..i have no GUI..just a black screen and text | 23:37 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, so you're on another computer? | 23:38 |
jigarnilam | jon__, yes | 23:38 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, hit ctl+alt+f7 | 23:38 |
jon__ | on the linux | 23:38 |
blackshirt | good morning | 23:38 |
jon__ | good evening blackshirt | 23:38 |
jigarnilam | jon__, it just entered the "~" character | 23:38 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, hmmm, weird, go back to f1... did you just install? | 23:39 |
jigarnilam | jon__, yes just now did install | 23:39 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, what version? | 23:39 |
jigarnilam | jon__, 10.10 | 23:39 |
jon__ | I had some trouble with that one, too... I'm on 9.10 right now, that I upgraded from 9.04 | 23:40 |
jon__ | is it connected to the internet? | 23:40 |
* XuMuK goes to play Call of Duty: BlackOps | 23:41 | |
XuMuK | bb all | 23:41 |
jigarnilam | jon__, yes | 23:42 |
jigarnilam | jon__,i think im going to reinstall | 23:42 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, you might be able to fix it | 23:43 |
jigarnilam | jon__, and NOT install the nvidia drrivers | 23:43 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], here is the http://paste.ubuntu.com/536885/. Hopefully it is clear. | 23:43 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, type dpkg -l | Xorg | 23:45 |
jon__ | er | 23:45 |
jon__ | dpkg -l | grep Xorg | 23:45 |
Amacidia | hey everyone, just installed the netbook remix of 10.10 on an aspire one d250, however my wireless is not working. Network manager says " device not ready (firmware missing)" Any ideas how I can get this to work? | 23:46 |
jigarnilam | k | 23:46 |
jigarnilam | is that a 1 or l | 23:47 |
joneslee85 | i have a very stupid question: Would GNOME3 allow you to change theme? (Because I could not find theme changer capplet within gnome-control-center 2.91) | 23:47 |
blackshirt | Amacidia: what your wireless card ?? | 23:47 |
jigarnilam | jon__, | 23:49 |
jigarnilam | jon__, okay it shows : nvidia-current and xerver-xorg-core | 23:50 |
jon__ | hmmm | 23:50 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], still around? | 23:50 |
FrozenFire[work] | intrader, Yeah, just working on a client's site ;) | 23:51 |
FrozenFire[work] | Feel free to ask someone else, if time is an issue. | 23:51 |
Milossh | hello. anyone managed to install rapache on 10.10? | 23:51 |
Amacidia | blackshirt: lspci tells me boradcom BCM4312 | 23:51 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, try Xorg | 23:52 |
TheTaLL1 | jigarnilam, "el" | 23:52 |
jon__ | er sudo Xorg | 23:52 |
jigarnilam | jon__, if i type "xorg" it says fatal server error: cannot move old log file...... | 23:53 |
airtonix | Milossh, unfortunately i don't think rapache works properly on anything later than 7.10 | 23:54 |
jon__ | jigarnilam, not sure there... if someone can't help you here, i'd try 9.04, but there's a lot of bright people... I'm just past beginner stage my self | 23:54 |
intrader | FrozenFire[work], I have not had too much luck with this one. So I will wait for your help if you don't mind. | 23:54 |
jigarnilam | jon__, okay thank you for the help - i'll keep resarching. Thank you sir | 23:55 |
Milossh | airtonix: anybackports that played good enough you heard of? | 23:55 |
* jon__ is going rockclimbing, and wishes everyone a wonderful evening | 23:55 | |
airtonix | jigarnilam, what are you trying to do ? | 23:55 |
blackshirt | Amacidia: do you have bcmwl-kernel-source packages installed?? | 23:55 |
airtonix | Milossh, no author has stopped working on it | 23:55 |
Milossh | airtonix: or, is there anything similiar | 23:55 |
jigarnilam | airtonix, i'm trying to get back into the GUI... | 23:55 |
Docfxit | I'm trying to connect from XP Pro to Ubuntu shared files. I'm getting an error saying invalid user / password. I think I have the correct user and password . Any ideas what I could do to figure out the problem? | 23:55 |
airtonix | jigarnilam, what version of ubuntu ? (type lsb_release -a) | 23:55 |
jigarnilam | airtonix, i installed nvidia drivers and rebooted > now im at a black screen with console ...can't get int ot he GUI | 23:56 |
jigarnilam | airtonix, 10.10 ubuntu | 23:56 |
airtonix | jigarnilam, how did you isntall? via a .run file or through the software center ? | 23:56 |
airtonix | nvdia drivers * | 23:56 |
elvirolo | hi everyone | 23:56 |
jigarnilam | airtonix, via install hardware drivers > system > admin.... | 23:56 |
WantBearOld | ver irc.ptnet.org | 23:57 |
blackshirt | hi | 23:57 |
elvirolo | nm-applet doesn't launch itself automatically when I open a new session, why is that ? | 23:57 |
airtonix | jigarnilam, what happens when you run : sudo service gdm restart | 23:57 |
jigarnilam | airtonix, says "gdm start/running, process 15083 (screen blinks while doign that) | 23:57 |
kismet | hi | 23:58 |
Chevy787 | I've got a problem: Was upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 earlier today and my laptop shutoff in the middle. Now, I'll skip to my main problem. The partition locked itself as read only...so I can't fix the errors I'm encountering due to a bad upgrade | 23:58 |
airtonix | jigarnilam, try pressing the ctrl alt + f7 or f8 | 23:58 |
kismet | how can I check if a given port is allowed for connection ? | 23:58 |
airtonix | kismet, more details required. | 23:58 |
jigarnilam | airtonix, okay goes to black screen with blinking "_" | 23:59 |
Chevy787 | ^ I ran fsck with no avail | 23:59 |
kismet | I want to connect to my ubuntu server via port 9160 but I get connection refused | 23:59 |
airtonix | kismet, 1) check ufw is running : sudo ufw status , 2) if not start it : sudo ufw enable 3) check rules again : sudo ufw status , 4) read man page : man ufw | 23:59 |
guampa | kismet: from another machine nmap -PN -p 9160 <ip address> | 23:59 |
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