karni | #join landscape | 00:02 |
karni | ops | 00:02 |
CardinalFang | rye, I know of that problem. It would happen if there's an error on the server on the first time the user tries to replicate anything. This is fixed in trunk, but not released yet. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/desktopcouch/+bug/655267 | 04:08 |
ubot4` | Launchpad bug 655267 in desktopcouch "NameError sometimes in Ubuntu One replication (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [High,Fix committed] | 04:08 |
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_ | ||
duanedesign | morning all | 10:09 |
karni | morning duanedesign | 10:23 |
duanedesign | hello karni | 10:25 |
karni | :) | 10:25 |
* karni enjoys coding android during classes xD | 10:26 | |
duanedesign | hope my message was not too cryptic. 6^ is supposed to be 6 lines up :) | 10:26 |
karni | duanedesign: oh, that's interesting ;D all in all, you probably had in mind that AndroidU1 mention - I have that hilighted ^ ^ I talked to the guy, thanks :) | 10:26 |
duanedesign | karni: yep that was it. | 10:27 |
duanedesign | karni: i did not have a laptop when I was in college. :( | 10:28 |
duanedesign | Would of been a real help though | 10:28 |
karni | duanedesign: yes, I appreciate that I own one | 10:29 |
duanedesign | :) | 10:30 |
duanedesign | karni: have you heard of 'TomDroid' | 10:31 |
duanedesign | syncs tomboy notes using U1. Read only though for now. | 10:31 |
karni | duanedesign: yes, but at that time (last holiday) it was not really usable. I mean.. you could 'sync' with your sdcard.. | 10:32 |
karni | duanedesign: oh, so it already syncs with U1 ? | 10:32 |
duanedesign | karni: let me see i just saw an article in my RSS feeds | 10:32 |
duanedesign | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/tomdroid-on-your-android-phone-syncs-tomboy-notes-through-ubuntu-one/ | 10:32 |
duanedesign | brb, breakfast time :) | 10:32 |
karni | if so, nice. however I expected a little faster project progress. TomDroid is kinda old aready, if I recall correctly | 10:33 |
karni | duanedesign: bon apetit | 10:33 |
karni | duanedesign: nice, thank for the link | 10:34 |
duanedesign | mandel: good day | 11:45 |
mandel | duanedesign, hello :) | 11:46 |
mandel | duanedesign, how are the holidays going? | 11:46 |
duanedesign | mandel: it was great. | 11:46 |
mandel | duanedesign, finished already? | 11:46 |
duanedesign | mandel: ate a lot of good food and spent some quality time with the family | 11:46 |
duanedesign | mandel: :) guess I still have Christmas coming | 11:47 |
mandel | duanedesign, yes, is amaxing how fast this year was, and is already over... well close :) | 11:48 |
duanedesign | mandel: this morning all the shopping diehards are lining up in front of the stores | 11:48 |
duanedesign | mandel: went to get some breakfast and the lines in front of the stores were several city blocks long | 11:48 |
duanedesign | and it is -3 C outside | 11:49 |
duanedesign | mandel: I think I have a deb ready to test :) | 11:49 |
mandel | duanedesign,oh, true is black friday! I would not mind buyinf some hardware :) | 11:49 |
duanedesign | mandel: yeah i thought about looking for some online deals | 11:49 |
mandel | duanedesign, cool, I'm on windows right now (ouch!) can you send it to me by mail and I'lltest in the afternoon? | 11:50 |
duanedesign | mandel: yep yep. In addition to the i18n I am curious what you think of the way you enter commands into the command list. I redid the format where it uses ? as a placeholder for user variables at command run time. | 11:51 |
mandel | duanedesign, cool, I'll use the app and will let you know, I'll also take a look at the code to see if there is anything you could do even better | 11:53 |
mandel | :) | 11:53 |
duanedesign | mandel: that would be huge | 11:53 |
duanedesign | thank you | 11:53 |
duanedesign | ill get the branch updated on LP | 11:54 |
mandel | cool | 11:54 |
karni | verterok: hi! two quick questions ;) is there difference between getDeltaFromScratch and getDelta(node, 0)? and, if the file is removed on the server, it's isLiving is set to false in the FileInfoDelta, correct? | 12:28 |
verterok | karni: let me check the code :) | 12:28 |
verterok | hi | 12:28 |
karni | verterok: take your time ^ ^ | 12:28 |
karni | verterok: I know it's early morning for you | 12:28 |
verterok | heh, yes :) | 12:29 |
karni | like.. very early! | 12:29 |
verterok | karni: not so much, 9:30 :) | 12:30 |
verterok | karni: so, getDeltaFromScratch != getDelta(volumeId, 0) | 12:30 |
karni | aha ^ ^ | 12:31 |
karni | oh | 12:31 |
* karni wonders | 12:31 | |
verterok | karni: from scratch will return the current state of the server, like: all the live nodes in the volume | 12:31 |
karni | aha! | 12:31 |
verterok | karni: getDelta(volumeId, 0) will return the delta from generation 0 *if* the server has that generation | 12:32 |
karni | verterok: right! thank you =) | 12:32 |
karni | awesome | 12:32 |
verterok | karni: the server might not have generation=0 any more | 12:32 |
verterok | karni: in that case it will return a DeltaNotPossible error/message | 12:32 |
karni | verterok: I see, thank you ! | 12:32 |
verterok | karni: regarding dead nodes, when a node is deleted in the server, the FileInfoDelta.live attribute is false | 12:33 |
karni | right, that's what I thought. I checked by testing that ;D | 12:33 |
alecu | hey all! | 13:00 |
karni | verterok: /me <3 delta/generations | 13:20 |
verterok | karni: :) | 13:20 |
verterok | karni: question :) are the u1-s-p tests enough to understand the monster? if not, what do you think it's missing? | 13:21 |
karni | verterok: certainly u1-java-sp was the hardest nut to crack during GSoC this holiday, but the example client implementations and tests make it consumable ^ ^ | 13:24 |
karni | verterok: you did really great work | 13:24 |
verterok | karni: thanks :) | 13:24 |
karni | verterok: I'll let you know if I feel somethings missing -- I could help you document it a bit, so that it'd be easier to jumpstart for new developers. | 13:25 |
verterok | karni: but, what do you think will make it easier to use/consume? :) | 13:25 |
verterok | karni: yes, exactly my idea ;) | 13:25 |
karni | verterok: documentation (javadoc), definitely =) | 13:26 |
verterok | not only u1-java-sp, but also the python version...actually the protocol itself | 13:26 |
verterok | karni: :) | 13:26 |
karni | verterok: oh, that would be lovely | 13:26 |
verterok | aquarius: FWIW ^ :) | 13:27 |
karni | verterok: I must admit I never dug deep enough to find the .proto files, but the flesh must be freaking interesting | 13:27 |
verterok | karni: k, so..better javadocs for u1-java-sp, and probably some overiew of the protocol itself and the interactions with the server | 13:28 |
karni | verterok: man.. I wish I had that stuff before holidays xD | 13:30 |
karni | hahah | 13:30 |
verterok | jajaja | 13:30 |
mandel | Chipaca, vds, alecu stand up? | 14:04 |
vds | mandel: sure | 14:04 |
vds | me | 14:04 |
mandel | me | 14:04 |
vds | thisfred: ? | 14:04 |
mandel | CardinalFang, ? | 14:05 |
thisfred | me | 14:05 |
thisfred | chad and rodney are most likely off today | 14:05 |
mandel | ok, lets wait for alecu and Chipaca, if there are not here, we start | 14:06 |
mandel | we are 5 min late ;) | 14:06 |
mandel | ok, vds go | 14:07 |
thisfred | mandel I don't think Chipaca does this anymore | 14:07 |
vds | DONE: branch to fix #670700 | 14:07 |
vds | TODO: still land the branch for #675551, check with thisfred about #670700 | 14:07 |
vds | BLOCKED: not at all | 14:07 |
mandel | thisfred, :( | 14:07 |
alecu | me | 14:07 |
vds | mandel: please | 14:07 |
mandel | DONE: #681452 and looked at psyco to improve performance ol multithreading on windows | 14:08 |
mandel | TODO: elease fix to #681452 look at implementation to the rest of windows code for desktopcouch, finish mocker branch | 14:08 |
mandel | BLOCKED: No | 14:08 |
* mandel dances around thisfred, is his turn! | 14:08 | |
thisfred | DONE: day off TODO: finish bug #670700 with vds BLOCKED: no | 14:08 |
ubot4` | Launchpad bug 670700 in desktopcouch (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Migration from old style delete to new style delete ("trash") (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/670700 | 14:08 |
mandel | thisfred, vds sortest standup ever! hehe | 14:08 |
mandel | thisfred, vds any comments? | 14:08 |
vds | mandel: shortest was yesterday :) | 14:08 |
mandel | vds, yes, it was me an you hehe :P | 14:09 |
vds | :) | 14:09 |
mandel | lazy americans! | 14:09 |
mandel | vds, at one point we should move there, I was with the gys from landscape and they are all in europe, tat is much better | 14:09 |
mandel | vds, although the food... and I've heard terrible things about baltimore hehe | 14:09 |
vds | I'm a great cook :) | 14:10 |
thisfred | The food is actually pretty good | 14:10 |
thisfred | But yeah, maybe not move to Baltimore if you're of a sensitive disposition ;) | 14:10 |
vds | ahah :) | 14:11 |
alecu | DONE: worked on Zeitgeist for SyncDaemon, bug #674252 | 14:11 |
alecu | TODO: catch up with expenses! keep churning in above bug. | 14:11 |
alecu | BLOCKED: how deep should I test syncdaemon events? and no reviews on: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/add-simple-zeitgeist/+merge/41667 | 14:11 |
ubot4` | Launchpad bug 674252 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to store events into zeitgeist (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/674252 | 14:11 |
mandel | alecu, hola! | 14:12 |
alecu | hola mandel! | 14:12 |
alecu | mandel, vds, thisfred: anybody remembers what days of the sprint in córdoba we had to pay for our own food? | 14:12 |
CardinalFang | mandel, thisfred, vds, if desktopcouch code doesn't land today, it doesn't go in the release. | 14:12 |
thisfred | alecu, I can see if I can find it in the expense thingy | 14:13 |
mandel | CardinalFang, ok, noted | 14:13 |
mandel | alecu, same here, I can look at the expenses thing | 14:13 |
thisfred | CardinalFang: understood! | 14:13 |
alecu | mandel, thisfred: thanks! | 14:13 |
vds | CardinalFang thisfred what do we do with python-couchdb? | 14:14 |
CardinalFang | vds, land your branch. install python-couchdb from the PPA and make sure tests work. | 14:16 |
vds | CardinalFang: will do | 14:16 |
vds | can we make the point of what's left? | 14:17 |
CardinalFang | I pushed a few things to a new 1.1 milestone. If it's not already committed and reviewed, then it's probably too late for 1.0. | 14:18 |
CardinalFang | test failures and merge conflicts should be our only obstacle to releasing 1.0. | 14:19 |
vds | CardinalFang: ok | 14:19 |
CardinalFang | mandel's new work, e.g., is too late. | 14:19 |
vds | thisfred: then we have a lot of things to do | 14:19 |
thisfred | vds, yep | 14:20 |
vds | both trash and re-merge the python-couchdb branch | 14:20 |
mandel | CardinalFang, ok, so my work on windows goes to 1.1? | 14:20 |
thisfred | vds, the remerge should be fairly easy | 14:20 |
thisfred | I saw 4 conflicts | 14:20 |
thisfred | vds, but the migration we cannot postpone to 1.1 | 14:21 |
thisfred | vds, since the change is already there | 14:21 |
vds | thisfred: yes | 14:22 |
vds | so trash first | 14:22 |
mandel | CardinalFang, one queston, i here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/desktopcouch/add_windows_keyring/+merge/41874 the only issues is the super, or did I use count() wrong? | 14:22 |
CardinalFang | mandel, no. It's great. | 14:22 |
mandel | CardinalFang, ah ok :) | 14:23 |
vds | thisfred: lp:~vds/desktopcouch/migration_second_part | 14:23 |
vds | thisfred: I'm trying to find a way to test it, but I'm still not sure that's the right approach :( | 14:23 |
CardinalFang | https://edge.launchpad.net/desktopcouch/+milestone/1.1 | 14:24 |
CardinalFang | https://edge.launchpad.net/desktopcouch/+milestone/1.0 | 14:24 |
thisfred | vds, I'll have a look | 14:24 |
CardinalFang | Just a reminder: mandel, you have 4 in-progress bugs that have to land OR be pushed to 1.1. thisfred, 2. vds, 2. CardinalFang, 1. | 14:27 |
mandel | CardinalFang, yes, I'm on it right now | 14:27 |
mandel | sorry guys for the dealy, got ciught by windows... | 14:28 |
mandel | :( | 14:28 |
CardinalFang | I'm going to push mine to 1.1 now. It involves a simple change to local_files.Configuration.__init__ and lazy init somehow, but I will have no reviewers. | 14:30 |
CardinalFang | Er, I'm looking at my "Confirmed", not "In Progress." | 14:30 |
thisfred | CardinalFang: reviewers don't have to be people from d-c | 14:30 |
thisfred | but yeah, there won't be many people around, today | 14:31 |
thisfred | good day for launchpad to be timing out. Or is that just for me? | 14:33 |
CardinalFang | I'm offline now. | 14:33 |
thisfred | later! | 14:33 |
CardinalFang | Laters. Have a nice weekend. If you're around Sunday, I'll see you then. | 14:34 |
thisfred | CardinalFang: I might check in to see what needs doing | 14:34 |
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch | ||
popey | What license is the Windows Ubuntu One client released under? | 16:03 |
alecu | popey, I believe it's GPLv3, but let's ask mandel_ | 16:04 |
alecu | mandel ^ | 16:04 |
popey | assuming http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-hackers/ubuntuone-windows-installer/trunk/files is the code? | 16:05 |
popey | i see no LICENSE or COPYING file | 16:05 |
popey | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-hackers/ubuntuone-windows-installer/trunk/annotate/head:/src/UbuntuOneClient/Program.cs implies LGPL | 16:06 |
mandel | popey, I must have user the wrong header in the ide... dammed! | 16:08 |
mandel | popey, it should be GPLv3, I'll file a bug to fix that | 16:08 |
popey | great, thanks. | 16:09 |
mandel | popey, done bug 681839 | 16:09 |
ubot4` | Launchpad bug 681839 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Wrong license headers are used. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/681839 | 16:09 |
popey | also, the very first time I open u1, it hits me with "there are updates available" | 16:10 |
popey | I haven't even connected this computer to u1 at this point | 16:10 |
mandel | popey, mmm are u using the official msi? | 16:10 |
popey | i got an email from joshuahoover | 16:11 |
popey | so I don't know what's official and what isnt | 16:11 |
mandel | popey, ok, le me sort that out for you | 16:11 |
popey | i have chosen "no" to update, and am continuing to setup u1 | 16:12 |
mandel__ | popey, I was plying with the rss of the update infrastructure and I screw it up | 16:12 |
mandel__ | popey, say no and it will stop happening in a few minutes, sorry | 16:12 |
popey | heh | 16:12 |
danyR | mandel__: hey there. I'm too testing u1 windows. | 16:12 |
popey | thanks | 16:12 |
mandel__ | danyR, then same as with popey say no to the update, it will be sorted out very soon | 16:13 |
danyR | mandel__: I've already updated, but it keeps asking me to update everytime i start the client | 16:13 |
popey | mandel__: a minor thing.. the one.ubuntu.com/dashboard site says "1.3GB Used (62.8%)", the windows client says "62% used" | 16:13 |
popey | would be nice for them to show the same. i.e. GB and percentage | 16:14 |
popey | would you like me to file a bug for that? | 16:14 |
* popey wonders if mandel missed what I said :) | 16:16 | |
* popey files a bug :) | 16:17 | |
mandel__ | popey, yes, please do | 16:17 |
popey | np | 16:17 |
mandel__ | popey, I'm probably rounding in the calculation, got to love casting to int :) | 16:17 |
popey | heh | 16:17 |
mandel__ | popey, sorry, you got me cleaning the floor, dog pee in the house :P | 16:18 |
mandel__ | danyR, yes, just say not, we are fixin it, sorry for that | 16:18 |
popey | bug 681843 | 16:18 |
ubot4` | Launchpad bug 681843 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Inconsistency between Windows client and website (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/681843 | 16:18 |
popey | ok, second bug, and this is going to be a killer I think :) | 16:18 |
popey | my client just says "Disconnected" at the top | 16:19 |
popey | and the menu says "Synced" but I see no files in "My Documents\Ubuntu One" | 16:20 |
danyR | mandel__: no problem, it's beta software. should I file a bug regarding too distracting notifications? A simpler notification system should be used, I think | 16:20 |
popey | I suspect this _might_ be because I am behind a corporate proxy server? | 16:20 |
danyR | popey: All worked flawlessly to me. The initial sync was pretty fast, in fact | 16:20 |
popey | danyR: are you behind a proxy? | 16:20 |
mandel__ | danyR, yes please file it :) | 16:20 |
danyR | popey: no | 16:20 |
popey | danyR: I am :) | 16:21 |
mandel__ | popey, could be the proxy, the code does not have proxy support, dammed! | 16:21 |
danyR | mandel__: yet another one, I don't use windows that often, but is the monochrome icon spec being widely used? Maybe u1 should have a monochrome icon too or is it unusual in windows? | 16:21 |
popey | :( | 16:21 |
mandel__ | danyR, can you send me a pict? just to see what you mean | 16:23 |
mandel__ | popey, we can get the logs to see if that is the issue, ok with that? | 16:24 |
mandel__ | popey, if it is you can send a bug and wil put it as high priority | 16:24 |
mandel__ | popey, should be the first one I do | 16:24 |
popey | bug 681848 | 16:24 |
ubot4` | Launchpad bug 681848 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "No syncing behind a proxy (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/681848 | 16:24 |
popey | :) | 16:24 |
mandel__ | popey, did you add the logs? | 16:25 |
popey | uhm, no. what log do you need? | 16:25 |
mandel__ | popey, do you know how to get to your appdata folder? | 16:25 |
popey | yes | 16:25 |
popey | client.log? | 16:26 |
mandel__ | popey, yes | 16:26 |
mandel__ | popey, is there a u1ync.log? | 16:26 |
popey | client.log is the only file in that directory | 16:27 |
mandel__ | popey, ok, that should be enough | 16:27 |
mandel__ | popey, add that one to the bug, which i'll set to private until we are sure there is no private data | 16:28 |
popey | I redacted my username | 16:28 |
popey | there is token in there | 16:28 |
popey | dunno how useful that is to someone | 16:28 |
popey | have set it private | 16:29 |
danyR | mandel__: I uploaded a .odt file to U1 from ubuntu. deleted on windows and now I've got ~$(...) odt file created by windows. is that just windows being dumbass with file encoding and naming? | 16:29 |
mandel_shit_netw | popey, sorry, my network is terrble | 16:31 |
mandel_shit_netw | popey, I've set the bug as private because there is private information in the logs | 16:31 |
popey | :) | 16:32 |
* popey tickles aquarius | 16:32 | |
danyR | mandel__: I uploaded a .odt file to U1 from ubuntu. deleted on windows and now I've got ~$(...) odt file created by windows. is that just windows being dumbass with file encoding and naming? (resending, just in case :) | 16:32 |
mandel_shit_netw | danyR, what is the full ~$ name? | 16:33 |
danyR | mandel_shit_netw: The file was called Love Story.odf | 16:33 |
danyR | odt* | 16:33 |
danyR | now I got ~$ve Story.odt | 16:34 |
mandel_shit_netw | danyR, uh? cute, that is some strange encoding issues | 16:34 |
mandel_shit_netw | danyR, try again to see what happens | 16:34 |
danyR | ok, wait a sec | 16:35 |
mandel_shit_netw | danyR, sure | 16:35 |
danyR | *me thinsk VBox seamless mode is awesome to do this side-by-side comparisons | 16:35 |
danyR | mandel_shit_netw: still about the icon in the systray: http://ubuntuone.com/p/Qvb/ | 16:37 |
mandel_ | danyR, which lang do you have the os in? | 16:39 |
mandel_ | guys sorry for the network, this aint working properly | 16:39 |
danyR | mandel_: I've got the Windows in English, Ubuntu in Portuguese | 16:39 |
danyR | but I just tried again and all went smoothly | 16:39 |
danyR | no idea why it happened | 16:40 |
mandel_ | danyR, ah, there we go, so I've tried to fix all the encoding things (I'm spanish) but windows does not have utf-8 so is kinds shit | 16:40 |
mandel_ | danyR, about the logo, well, you are right yet on windows xp the monochrome sould look strange | 16:40 |
popey | it would :) | 16:40 |
mandel_ | danyR, we can have a bug just for windows vista/7 | 16:40 |
mandel_ | popey, yes :) | 16:41 |
danyR | mandel_: I think just 7. vista has this ugly systray, it should use the same as xp | 16:41 |
mandel_ | danyR, ok, I know how to fix that on 7 only, should be easy, lets file a bug ! | 16:41 |
mandel_ | :) | 16:41 |
danyR | mandel_: will do. fill that one and the one about the notifications. but first I have to wash the dishes :) | 16:42 |
mandel_ | danyR, mno worries | 16:42 |
mandel_ | danyR, popey I've got to go out, please file as many bugs as you want, I'll be fixing them asap | 16:43 |
mandel_ | popey, danyR the update things should have been fixed | 16:44 |
popey | :) | 16:44 |
* popey hugs mandel_ | 16:44 | |
mandel_ | :) | 16:44 |
danyR | mandel_: you there. while writing the report about notifications, other thing came to my mind: notifications use too technical terms. regular users doesn't know what metadata is. he justs wants to know wheter or not u1 is "Syncing..." | 16:56 |
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno | ||
Chipaca | popey: what kind of proxy is your proxy? | 16:58 |
Chipaca | popey: and, how does one go about detecting proxy settings on windows? :) | 16:58 |
* Chipaca ignoramous | 16:59 | |
Chipaca | popey: the protocol does have support for proxies of some kind :) | 16:59 |
Chipaca | popey: but it's not hooked up; hooking it up to "just work" is *hard* | 16:59 |
danyR | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-windows-installer/+bug/681869 | 17:32 |
ubot4` | Launchpad bug 681869 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Current notification model is excessively disturbing (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 17:32 |
karni | beuno: aquarius: i still have tons of work to do, but wanted to tell you that only action_queue's python source for U1 has ~2400 lines (plus few hundread more for universal/uniform command handling), so I'll use loose deferreds like I did in AU1, and leave that for improvements in January of Februrary. today I was (and will be still) working on meta sync, I really like the generations/delta support | 17:58 |
beuno | karni, loose defereds? | 17:59 |
karni | beuno: it means that we (theoretically) can't undo a pending operation, for instance a user creates a folder using android app | 18:00 |
karni | beuno: and immediately removes it. instead of invoking the two commands, we could invoke none | 18:00 |
beuno | karni, I see | 18:00 |
karni | beuno: but if I use loose deferreds, I'll fire the first one, and next, fire the second | 18:00 |
karni | so that it tells the server to remove the just-created folder | 18:00 |
karni | beuno: however, I plan to save pending operations, so that | 18:00 |
karni | beuno: user will be able to redownload what he didn't finish downloading the last time in case of a crash or some similar problem | 18:01 |
beuno | karni, cool, sounds good | 18:01 |
karni | right now I'm implementing meta sync (both for /Ubuntu One and UDFs, shares are similar, but leaving that for a little later) | 18:02 |
karni | beuno: but what I'm certainly happy about is clean and solid code (although I'm in a little rush, I don't want to overdo with pushing myself) | 18:03 |
beuno | karni, this sounds like awesome progress | 18:04 |
beuno | when do you think it'll be in a usable state again? | 18:05 |
karni | beuno: I was hoping to have it testable by the end of this month, but I might need a week or two more. certainly there'll be more GUI work, becase I'm fleshing all the guts out right now | 18:05 |
karni | beuno: I won't let you down guys, I'm doing my best | 18:06 |
beuno | karni, don't stress yourself, it'll be fine! | 18:06 |
karni | my visual perspective is weird.. I should leave my computer for 0.5 hour. i'll be back soon.. | 18:08 |
* karni gets some rest | 18:08 | |
beuno | karni, please get some rest, yes :) | 18:08 |
* karni feels better ^ ^ | 19:17 | |
karni | verterok: what's getDelta.isFull() method? | 19:20 |
verterok | karni: a delta can be full or not | 19:48 |
karni | verterok: aha? | 19:48 |
karni | what it means that it's full? | 19:48 |
verterok | if isn't full, you need to request a new delta from the last revision you get from the previous call (I think) | 19:48 |
karni | aha | 19:49 |
verterok | karni: but I might be wrong | 19:49 |
verterok | facundobatista: ^ ? | 19:49 |
facundobatista | Hola karni | 19:50 |
karni | hi facundobatista :) | 19:50 |
facundobatista | karni, you're talking about storage protocol, right? | 19:50 |
karni | facundobatista: I was just asking verterok what's isFull() method in ... yes, correct | 19:50 |
verterok | facundobatista: detla.full attribute | 19:51 |
facundobatista | verterok, ahhhhh, ok | 19:51 |
facundobatista | didn't find isFull anywhere | 19:51 |
karni | verterok: thanks | 19:51 |
verterok | facundobatista: :) that's java camelcase-ish code | 19:52 |
karni | facundobatista: right, becaseu I'm talking about Java implementation ^ ^ | 19:52 |
verterok | facundobatista: I can't remember what the client should do with an not-full delta | 19:52 |
karni | facundobatista: so, what's that magic :) if the delta is not full? | 19:52 |
verterok | facundobatista: request a new from the last generation? | 19:52 |
facundobatista | if the client asks a GetDelta from generation N, the server will answer with M records | 19:53 |
facundobatista | if those M records are all the change from N to current generation, full is True | 19:53 |
karni | understood | 19:53 |
facundobatista | otherwise, the client is not "fully updated", need to issue another get delta to the server for more changes | 19:53 |
karni | facundobatista: ok, thank you :) | 19:54 |
karni | verterok: thanks for your help :) | 19:54 |
karni | so basically, we need to fetch volumes again to know the last possible generation and request the delta with current generation again. | 19:54 |
karni | beuno: verterok: a little success with delta ;) initial android app run synced all the meta. second run synced.. nothing, because it was up to date! this is awesome | 21:48 |
danyR | karni: so, are you implementing delta sync in u1? | 21:53 |
karni | danyR: in the Android app, yes :) | 21:54 |
danyR | oh, and couldn't that be somewhat reusable in other interfaces? | 21:54 |
karni | danyR: what do you mean by somewhat reusable :) ? | 21:55 |
danyR | karni: get it to work with desktop sync too, for example :) | 21:55 |
karni | danyR: I'm not sure what you mean. the Android app gives you the access to your cloud (which syncs with your desktop). is that what you mean? | 21:56 |
danyR | karni: I'm talking about delta sync in the desktop protocol too. | 21:56 |
karni | ooh | 21:57 |
karni | danyR: don't get me wrong (I once understood the same way, too). | 21:57 |
karni | danyR: it only avoids server rescan | 21:57 |
karni | danyR: it's still not the 'modified data only deta' thingy | 21:57 |
karni | danyR: but they have that planned. not sure for when, though. | 21:57 |
karni | danyR: I'd love to see that too. what current generations/delta let you do is | 21:58 |
karni | danyR: you say 'hey server, I've got generation 5', and it says 'i've got 10' and you receive all the changes from 5 up to 10 | 21:58 |
karni | danyR: instead of directly asking what each folder contains | 21:58 |
danyR | karni: oh, I see. had no idea, thanks for clarifying. the generations things, which dropbox has, would significantly improve the speed, I guess. Although I must recognize u1 is really fast now | 21:59 |
karni | danyR: dropbox has something like data-delta thing. generations (on it's own) is kinda U1 concept. or, at least, I haven't heard about dropbox using generations | 22:00 |
karni | danyR: and yes, it's significant improvemement for data transfer (which is much, much smaller) | 22:01 |
karni | danyR: the recent change makes it easy to ask 'what has changed'. and the server replies with 'new files' and 'those deleted'. and then the client syncs knowing that stuff. | 22:01 |
karni | danyR: I'm also excited about forthcoming data-delta, but I have no clue when. | 22:02 |
danyR | karni: so it would only syncs the recently changed files, instead of doing a full server rescan and then comparing? | 22:02 |
karni | danyR: exactly | 22:02 |
karni | danyR: that's why the mobile app will also greately benefit | 22:03 |
danyR | karni: yes, mobile internet plans should be taken into account. you're working here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-android-files, right? | 22:03 |
karni | danyR: exactly, but I'm currently writing major parts from scratch. faster, cleaner, better. | 22:04 |
karni | danyR: it's currently still known as AndroidU1 ( https://launchpad.net/androidu1 ) | 22:04 |
danyR | nice ;) if IIRC, wasn't an u1 files android app also in development as a GSoC project? | 22:05 |
danyR | oh, that's it :) | 22:05 |
danyR | wait, have you been hired by canonical? | 22:05 |
karni | danyR: yes it was ;) and i've been sponsored by google. I'd love to be hired by canonical xD !! | 22:06 |
karni | danyR: you may say I worked for Ubuntu for 3 months (actually over 4) | 22:07 |
karni | it was incredible challenge and experience | 22:07 |
danyR | As a contractor? | 22:07 |
karni | danyR: worked on a project for Ubuntu, being sponsored by google. that works for you ^ ^? | 22:08 |
karni | I didn't sign anything with Ubuntu/Canonical | 22:08 |
karni | and just developed an open source project on a daily basis (that kinda included everyday, with weekends) | 22:09 |
danyR | yes, I know how GSoC works. either way, I would love to take part in something like that. I read some of your weekly reports, you had some problems with u1 slowness, wasn't it? | 22:09 |
karni | perhaps not all students where so dedicated hehe | 22:09 |
karni | danyR: oh yes. at first, authentication was terribly slow (sometimes over a minute o_O). later, any requests where slow (server maintanance, new server software) | 22:10 |
karni | I also faced an android bug, and verterok saved my ass by porting u1 client back from NIO to OIO | 22:10 |
danyR | yeah, the shfit in u1 server-side software was really noticeable. In fact, it made me change from dropbox to u1 | 22:11 |
karni | but man, that was stressful. I basically thought I hit a wall. | 22:11 |
karni | neat | 22:11 |
karni | :) | 22:11 |
vitall | good night | 22:11 |
karni | good evening | 22:12 |
danyR | karni: I really like where u1 is headed. it's hitting hard in all plataforms | 22:12 |
vitall | can i use ubuntu one to sync data from postgresql between 3 machines? | 22:12 |
karni | vitall: I don't think so. you can sync files or data kept in CouchDB. couchDB != postres, very different | 22:13 |
karni | vitall: U1 can replicate data between CouchDB instances (one in the cloud, others on your computers) | 22:13 |
karni | danyR: me too, I'm happy they got windows client. although I hardly use windows, it can be useful. | 22:14 |
karni | and it'll bring more potential customers | 22:14 |
karni | customers/users | 22:14 |
vitall | mmmm | 22:14 |
vitall | its because i have a software that uses db postgresql but i can't use it in a server | 22:15 |
danyR | karni: I've a w7 vm machine. I used it to test u1 windows, and spent a considerable part of my afternoon reporting some bugs (well, I think I kinda wrote a spec or two), see: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-windows-installer/+bug/681869 | 22:16 |
ubot4` | Launchpad bug 681869 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Current notification model is excessively disturbing (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 22:16 |
karni | vitall: postresql is an SQL database. CouchDB is a NoSQL database.. based on documents. :( | 22:16 |
danyR | and: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-windows-installer/+bug/681880 | 22:16 |
ubot4` | Launchpad bug 681880 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Behavior of the notification area icon (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 22:16 |
nhaines | Do we know that the beta installer doesn't run on WinXP yet? | 22:17 |
karni | danyR: nice job danyR ! | 22:17 |
danyR | nhaines: I've just read a bug report from someone on Windows xp | 22:18 |
vitall | so no way to do that ? | 22:23 |
duffydack | is xp still 'supported' ? | 22:31 |
JamesTait | duffydack: By Microsoft? I don't think so. | 22:39 |
karni | agreed. XP is not supported. | 22:40 |
duffydack | just wondered....Im a windows noob now | 22:40 |
* JamesTait looks back on three Windows-free months and smiles. | 22:41 | |
* duffydack upgrades his wine xp to wine win7 :) | 22:54 | |
verterok | `/quit | 23:16 |
zmjb1 | so, Ive just signed up for u1 | 23:55 |
zmjb1 | what can I do with it? I see I can sync files, which looks great | 23:55 |
zmjb1 | what else? | 23:55 |
zmjb1 | not interested in the music bit | 23:56 |
nhaines | zmjb1: you can sync your contacts, bookmarks, and Tomboy notes. | 23:57 |
zmjb1 | I saw that, how do I synce my bookmarks? | 23:58 |
zmjb1 | I did the firefox add in | 23:58 |
zmjb1 | what next | 23:58 |
zmjb1 | do I need to configure | 23:58 |
zmjb1 | I was successful with the tomboy | 23:59 |
zmjb1 | that is pretty nice | 23:59 |
nhaines | zmjb1: go to System > Preferences > Ubuntu One and then click on the Services tab. | 23:59 |
nhaines | If Bookmarks is checked, then you're all set. | 23:59 |
zmjb1 | I'll check | 23:59 |
zmjb1 | thanks | 23:59 |
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