=== virtu is now known as virtu_AFK | ||
=== virtu_AFK is now known as virtu | ||
virtu | hi holstein | 02:05 |
virtu | finally I am back... but very very tired | 02:05 |
holstein | hey :) | 02:05 |
virtu | black friday tomorrow =) | 02:05 |
holstein | yeah | 02:05 |
holstein | im trying to keep my head down | 02:05 |
holstein | and not buy anything ;) | 02:05 |
virtu | I am used to buy something from USA and after send to Brazil | 02:06 |
virtu | but this time I will not... | 02:06 |
virtu | brazilian mail is coming to have a lot of work... and it's not a good time to do that | 02:07 |
holstein | AH | 02:08 |
holstein | so no toys this year :/ | 02:08 |
virtu | not really... =) | 02:08 |
virtu | this month I got a digital piano... | 02:08 |
virtu | ... some gadgets still coming... like the audio interface (didnt arrive yet) | 02:09 |
holstein | still? | 02:09 |
holstein | drag... | 02:09 |
virtu | a mp4/flac player | 02:09 |
holstein | cool | 02:09 |
virtu | and next week I will travel to work... | 02:10 |
virtu | so if it dont arrive until tomorrow... I will not enjoy it so early =( | 02:10 |
virtu | no records, no mix | 02:10 |
virtu | and by the way... | 02:11 |
virtu | in my ubuntu install... | 02:11 |
virtu | it load pulseaudio settings by default... ok no problem at all.. | 02:11 |
virtu | but when I playback some sound mp3, flac, wav any sound... it was not so clear | 02:11 |
virtu | so... reading over the internet... someone in ubuntu forums said to remove pulseaudio package and tryit | 02:12 |
virtu | try it... | 02:12 |
holstein | yeah | 02:12 |
virtu | ok... | 02:12 |
holstein | i wouldnt think you would need to do that anymore | 02:12 |
virtu | packeged removed... | 02:12 |
holstein | in my experience | 02:12 |
virtu | system restarted... | 02:12 |
virtu | and... no crap | 02:13 |
virtu | clear sound playback | 02:13 |
holstein | that causes more problems that it sovles | 02:13 |
virtu | 0o | 02:13 |
holstein | cool | 02:13 |
holstein | pulse is a temorary solution for sure | 02:13 |
holstein | temporary* | 02:13 |
holstein | we'll see | 02:13 |
holstein | BUT you got it sorted out :) | 02:13 |
virtu | =) | 02:13 |
holstein | i havent had any problems with pulse since hardy really | 02:14 |
virtu | thats right... the main problem is my sound chipset (SIS one) | 02:14 |
holstein | yeah | 02:14 |
holstein | i had an SIS chip | 02:14 |
holstein | but i never used it | 02:14 |
virtu | without pulseaudio package I dont have anymore the sound icon on notification bar | 02:14 |
holstein | i always used my firewire interface with JACK | 02:15 |
holstein | i could have disabled the SIS one in the bios | 02:15 |
holstein | virtu: you can still use alsamixer i bet | 02:15 |
virtu | my idea for next 2 or 3 years is to use a nice usb or firewire midi/audio interface | 02:15 |
virtu | holstein, for sure.. alsamixer works like a charm | 02:15 |
virtu | in my notebook I dont have the option to disable soundcard on bios manager, so I have to setup by software what soundcard I will use | 02:16 |
virtu | holstein, do you have a notebook or a desktop? | 02:17 |
holstein | i got a lot of boxes | 02:18 |
holstein | i have a desktop as my main studio box | 02:18 |
holstein | and a laptop that i use down there sometimes | 02:19 |
holstein | and on the road | 02:19 |
holstein | and i have a netbook that i use on the road too | 02:19 |
holstein | and a macbook that my girlfriend uses mostly | 02:19 |
holstein | that i can use on the road too | 02:19 |
holstein | with JACK and ardour | 02:19 |
virtu | is it nice to use a macbook? never play with one | 02:19 |
holstein | and another netbook that i use daily | 02:19 |
holstein | virtu: its OK | 02:20 |
holstein | i wouldnt run out and buy one | 02:20 |
holstein | its running snow leapard | 02:20 |
holstein | i got it free | 02:20 |
holstein | and repaired it | 02:20 |
virtu | people said that is music, documents management files is way different from windows | 02:20 |
virtu | here I am running on notebook... but in future i will be a desktop + a netbook | 02:21 |
virtu | a minimal desktop like Dell Zino HD | 02:21 |
virtu | http://co.native-instruments.com/index.php?id=samplinglineshop&L=1 | 02:43 |
virtu | NI with 50% sale | 02:43 |
holstein | AH cool | 02:44 |
holstein | are those native linux? | 02:44 |
virtu | no.. all for windows | 02:46 |
virtu | alicia keys and new york concert grand are very nice samples | 02:46 |
holstein | OIC | 02:46 |
virtu | NY C G for 40U$ | 02:47 |
virtu | download and dvd version | 02:47 |
virtu | for studios it's a nice way to get a pretty sample | 02:47 |
holstein | yeah | 02:48 |
holstein | im just going to save up for a piano :) | 02:48 |
virtu | a upright one? digital one? | 02:48 |
holstein | maybe a smaller grand | 02:49 |
holstein | 6 footer or something like that | 02:49 |
holstein | OR a cabinet grand | 02:49 |
holstein | upright with longer strings | 02:49 |
holstein | as long as it has 5 foot strings or so | 02:49 |
holstein | i think that would do | 02:49 |
holstein | and the upright would save some space | 02:49 |
virtu | in my grandma's house a have a upright one... | 02:51 |
holstein | nice | 02:51 |
holstein | nothing like the real thing | 02:51 |
virtu | it's made in Brazil by a german manufacturer | 02:51 |
holstein | id like to check out a roland V piano | 02:51 |
virtu | and it has almost 305 years old | 02:51 |
holstein | i'll check one of those out before i buy | 02:51 |
holstein | and a nord | 02:52 |
holstein | virtu: w0w | 02:52 |
virtu | and is in a brand new conditions | 02:52 |
* TheMuso wonders who has the best piano sound outside of samples these days. | 02:52 | |
virtu | ops | 02:52 |
virtu | ops | 02:52 |
virtu | 30 ~ 35 | 02:52 |
holstein | 35 years ? | 02:52 |
holstein | yeah... | 02:52 |
holstein | 305 and it would be a forte piano ;) | 02:52 |
virtu | and my grandma millionaire | 02:53 |
virtu | =) | 02:53 |
holstein | my parents have a decent stienway | 02:53 |
holstein | i might be able to talk them out of it | 02:53 |
holstein | they were trying to sell it years ago | 02:53 |
holstein | and i didnt have the space for it | 02:53 |
holstein | now my sister is taking lessons | 02:53 |
holstein | SO they need it | 02:53 |
holstein | it feels really nice | 02:53 |
virtu | that's a problem in pianos... space | 02:53 |
holstein | sounds a little bright | 02:54 |
virtu | space and acoustik | 02:54 |
holstein | virtu: i got space now | 02:54 |
virtu | maybe the walls near bright the sound a bit | 02:54 |
holstein | and that would be great down in the studio | 02:54 |
holstein | a nice little 6 footer :) | 02:54 |
virtu | jordan rudess, dream theater keyboarder and pianist, said in his blog that he always study on uprights and grands piano | 02:55 |
virtu | and work in digitals or keyboards | 02:55 |
holstein | strange | 02:55 |
holstein | if i had that kind of money | 02:55 |
holstein | and i was on tour | 02:56 |
holstein | there would be a piano at the gig | 02:56 |
virtu | I dont know if Dream Theater already made some work in acoustik mode... without synth just a piano | 02:57 |
virtu | it would be nice... progressive metal rock with piano sound at back | 02:57 |
holstein | some of the sounds are really coming along | 02:57 |
holstein | BUT keyboards still feel bad | 02:57 |
holstein | i havnet played a V though | 02:57 |
holstein | roland V | 02:57 |
holstein | ive heard good things | 02:58 |
holstein | yeah, in a rock band | 02:58 |
holstein | doesnt really matter so much | 02:58 |
virtu | listen to Space Dye Vest from Dream Thearer... and imagine with a grand one | 02:58 |
virtu | Roland V-Piano? | 02:59 |
holstein | the subtlties of the piano are going to get eaten up by the drums anyways | 02:59 |
holstein | http://www.roland.com/V-Piano/ | 03:00 |
virtu | I read something about it on pianoworld foruns | 03:00 |
holstein | if it feels good and sounds good | 03:00 |
holstein | i'll consider it | 03:00 |
holstein | when the time comes | 03:00 |
virtu | to get a V? | 03:01 |
holstein | yup | 03:01 |
holstein | it would be nice to have no maintanence | 03:01 |
virtu | nice... people from pianoworld said that it s a uncomparable model | 03:01 |
holstein | no tuning or regulating | 03:01 |
virtu | korg sv1, yamaha cp1, maybe kaway mp10, no one of this model can bit him they said | 03:02 |
holstein | the V is suppose to the the latest and greatest | 03:02 |
holstein | different technology | 03:02 |
virtu | I like the design of roland stands | 03:03 |
virtu | and v-piano is huge.... but very nice | 03:04 |
holstein | smaller than a piano | 03:04 |
holstein | i'll tolerate the size if it works | 03:05 |
holstein | im still leaning toward the real deal though | 03:05 |
virtu | http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i24/sleestack666/IMG_0206.jpg | 03:07 |
virtu | http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i24/sleestack666/IMG_0195.jpg | 03:07 |
virtu | Steinway M Chippendale | 03:08 |
holstein | i was looking at http://asheville.craigslist.org/msg/2042627821.html | 03:08 |
holstein | they might take 7 for it right now | 03:09 |
holstein | BUT i dont have that kind of cash saved up yet | 03:09 |
virtu | "Has been valued between $15,000 to $20,000" | 03:09 |
virtu | or it's a nice deal or have something strange | 03:10 |
holstein | you could probably get 20 for that | 03:10 |
holstein | if it was recently set up | 03:11 |
holstein | and in good shape | 03:11 |
holstein | and you were in NYC or something | 03:11 |
holstein | and 5 years from now | 03:11 |
virtu | so... why dont buyt it for 7 and take care to sell by 15 or 20? | 03:11 |
holstein | sure | 03:12 |
holstein | that would be nice | 03:12 |
holstein | and thats a good reason to get a piano like that | 03:12 |
holstein | the value increases | 03:12 |
holstein | you get a roland V for 5 grand | 03:12 |
holstein | and keep it for 20 years | 03:12 |
holstein | IF its still working | 03:12 |
virtu | also a good reason to play around holstein... | 03:12 |
holstein | its worth a couple hundred ;) | 03:12 |
holstein | a stienway could be worth 4 times what you pay for it in 20 years | 03:13 |
holstein | who knows | 03:13 |
virtu | so... if I had that money I will get it and announce for sale asking 15 or 20... | 03:13 |
holstein | sure | 03:14 |
holstein | you can try | 03:14 |
holstein | :) | 03:14 |
virtu | hmm... nice investiment | 03:14 |
virtu | I was thinking in your position to get a piano or a v-piano... | 03:14 |
virtu | if you buy this one from craigslist | 03:14 |
virtu | you can get some money selling away in future | 03:15 |
holstein | well, i have plenty of time to think about it, because im broke right now ;) | 03:15 |
virtu | with v-piano not | 03:15 |
virtu | I am saving money to try to buy a house for me | 03:16 |
virtu | house or apartment | 03:16 |
virtu | but it's not easy... | 03:16 |
holstein | thats fun | 03:16 |
holstein | we just got something last year | 03:16 |
holstein | new house | 03:16 |
holstein | and sold the old one a couple months ago | 03:16 |
virtu | nice holstein... =) | 03:16 |
virtu | where do you live in USA? | 03:17 |
virtu | I think that I already asked you... but I forgot | 03:17 |
holstein | asheville north carolina | 03:17 |
virtu | When I was at USA in 1996, I had been in Florida and saw some photos of some cities from NC | 03:18 |
virtu | very nice and beautifull cities | 03:18 |
holstein | yeah | 03:18 |
holstein | its great here | 03:18 |
holstein | mountains :) | 03:18 |
virtu | mountains and in autumm is very pretty | 03:19 |
virtu | the leafs on the trees... forgot the name of that thing | 03:19 |
virtu | http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&expIds=17259,27642,27744&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=asheville+north+carolina&cp=11&qe=YXNodmlsbGUgbm8&qesig=hES47BqE-ZgJHFu8XaDnrw&pkc=AFgZ2tmInDAv3cr70o8nBMNvNg6hTCtbQLkuVyYaZ9212JMTKmySiO8oebDmW6aVk9_WnyQGDas7Y3cN1F4ppZzuvC-cRVa5QQ&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1082&bih=622 | 03:20 |
holstein | OH yea | 03:20 |
holstein | the biltmore | 03:20 |
holstein | and the grove park inn too | 03:20 |
virtu | I live in Porto Alegre Brazil | 03:21 |
virtu | in a state very different from others in Brazil | 03:22 |
holstein | i bet its beautiful there too :) | 03:23 |
virtu | it's nice | 03:23 |
virtu | have to go... | 03:45 |
virtu | bye | 03:45 |
airlynx | I'm having serious problems with PulseAudio under 10.04 and was considering upgrading to 10.10 using the Update Manager, however I've read that there is no RT kernel for 10.10, is this a big issue if I'm using Ubuntu Studio to play/record MIDI instruments? | 19:24 |
airlynx | hmm, quiet time, I'm going AFK for a bit, but if you have any advice shout it out, I'll be back later | 19:34 |
crysaz | you could increase buffer sizes, but you'll end up with intolerant latency issues | 19:34 |
airlynx | I'm sorry, crysaz, was that meant for me? | 19:35 |
crysaz | airlynx: kinda | 19:38 |
crysaz | i must say that i can't recommend running jack without rt support | 19:39 |
airlynx | I've seen mention of a preempt patched kernel, but I'm not sure what the difference is | 19:40 |
crysaz | every computer that i have used with jack clipped the sound. no matter what i did with it | 19:40 |
crysaz | neither do i | 19:41 |
airlynx | I don't record very often from line inputs or the mic, and if I do it's usually one track at a time just for effect | 19:41 |
airlynx | I guess the worst I could do is go ahead and try it and see what happens | 19:42 |
airlynx | I have no idea if it will solve my pulseaudio issues or not, but I'm getting tired of pulseaudio crashing on me | 19:43 |
crysaz | that's a bugger | 19:48 |
crysaz | i did some quick googling, and if i understood correctly, pre-emptive scheduling is a form of realtime implementation | 19:48 |
crysaz | airlynx: found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10072326&postcount=10 | 19:52 |
airlynx | crysaz, thanks | 20:13 |
=== olinuxx is now known as graciaspassifide | ||
=== graciaspassifide is now known as olinuxx |
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