ubuXubu | pie? | 04:16 |
Ycarene | How do I change the background for my login screen, I don't want the clouds. | 09:20 |
knome | the magic two minutes | 09:23 |
Ycarene | Sorry, had to reboot | 09:25 |
TheSheep | knome: so, how do you change the background, I'm curious too | 09:27 |
knome | Ycarene, TheSheep: gdm2setup should do the trick, afaik | 09:27 |
knome | you can find that in a ppa... | 09:27 |
knome | https://launchpad.net/gdm2setup | 09:27 |
Ycarene | It doesn't, it won't let me click on the ok button when I've picked a different background. | 09:28 |
Ycarene | Besides, I don't think gdm2setup works at all in general. | 09:28 |
knome | Ycarene, try to run it with sudo | 09:28 |
knome | i have no better answer. i don't know why gdmsetup was changed so that it has minimal customization possibilities. | 09:29 |
Ycarene | "IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/usr/share/images/xsplash/bg.jpg'" when I try | 09:29 |
knome | are you sure that file exists? | 09:29 |
Ycarene | I'm beginning to think that the background is compiled into the application and that it's not meant to be changed. | 09:30 |
knome | no, it's not "compiled" | 09:30 |
Ycarene | knome - I'm sure it doesn't, and that's not the file I'm selecting. | 09:30 |
Ycarene | knome - I meant as in the path is compiled in. | 09:30 |
knome | Ycarene, so why don't try putting an image in that path then? | 09:31 |
Ycarene | Doesn't seem right to do it that way for me. | 09:31 |
knome | no, but it might be your only way to do it, if it's like you said and gdm2setup does not work. | 09:33 |
Ycarene | I'm just wondering why they took so much of the customization of GDM out in the newer version. | 09:33 |
Ycarene | brb, testing. | 09:35 |
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nugget_ | hello everyone | 16:01 |
B-r00t | hi | 16:02 |
charlie-tca | !hi | nugget_ | 16:03 |
ubottu | nugget_: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! | 16:03 |
nugget_ | anyone know about how long it takes to install from the live CD? | 16:05 |
B-r00t | if you have good pc | 16:08 |
B-r00t | 15-20min | 16:08 |
nugget_ | I only reall ask because installing 10.04 took me about 25 minutes or so, and for 10.10 I'm going on 30 now and it is sitting at "removing conflicting OS files..." | 16:09 |
nugget_ | Is there an proper way to kill the installer, I think I've had this problem before and it is from my microSD card adapter that I normally leave in the slot. I think I had this problem last time too. | 16:10 |
charlie-tca | click the close button, I think is the only way now to kill it | 16:14 |
charlie-tca | Might take it a minute or two to recognize the clicks | 16:14 |
B-r00t | * nugget_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) | 16:14 |
B-r00t | xD | 16:14 |
charlie-tca | yeah, too late again | 16:14 |
charlie-tca | Guess he found a way to close the installer any way... | 16:15 |
B-r00t | reboot buttion xD | 16:15 |
B-r00t | button* | 16:16 |
Ycarene | I'm trying to get a scanner working, I have a solution, but I don't know how to implement it. It says to change the "SNMP Community settings" to "Read:public" and "Write:public" but I have no idea where to do that. | 19:32 |
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john__ | hello, i'm trying to make a .exe executable in it's properties, but don't see that option | 19:53 |
john__ | anyhelp | 19:53 |
charlie-tca | john__, you can do that in a terminal window if you have root priviledges. Just use | 19:54 |
charlie-tca | sudo chmod +x FILENAME | 19:54 |
john__ | that's not working | 19:57 |
john__ | keep getting no such file | 19:57 |
charlie-tca | did you type FILENAME or the real name of the file? | 19:58 |
john__ | what i see on the desktop | 19:58 |
Sysi | chmod +x Desktop/file.exe | 19:58 |
charlie-tca | Thanks, Sysi | 19:58 |
john__ | it just went to the next line. is that it? | 20:00 |
john__ | that was easy | 20:00 |
john__ | yeah, but i can't find the inf file for that | 20:03 |
john__ | and wine still didn't install it | 20:03 |
john__ | what my plan is. to install my belkin wireless driver which i downloaded from internet. i just did it on ubuntu using ndiswrapper, but i cant find the inf file on this system | 20:05 |
moetunes | you could try in terminal find ~ -name *.inf | 20:12 |
john__ | still no luck | 20:20 |
john__ | i downloaded f7d1101 driver, but i still need the inf file. any help? | 20:20 |
john__ | that's for the wireless belkin usb | 20:21 |
john__ | ummm.....anybody home | 20:22 |
charlie-tca | !patience | 20:22 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 20:22 |
john__ | still no help | 20:30 |
Gappar | hi | 20:35 |
Gappar | mi primera vez aquí. de qué va esto? | 20:36 |
charlie-tca | sorry, this is an english channel | 20:36 |
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lighta | Hi guys, i'm trying to change my keychain but I only found ubuntu graphic method (wich for gnome) does someone link me to an xfce method or command line (prefered) ? | 23:08 |
ridin | km | 23:15 |
ridin | uh | 23:15 |
ridin | keychain? | 23:15 |
lighta | yeah hmm | 23:24 |
lighta | thing you can set to remenber wifi pass etc | 23:24 |
CruelC | 0hai | 23:25 |
lighta | said it was seashore but look I don't have it, so I must have something else | 23:25 |
lighta | hi | 23:25 |
CruelC | I dloaded an ISO, burned it, and only THEN realized I got the wrong one | 23:26 |
lighta | sad, hope it was a rewritable disc | 23:26 |
CruelC | the install one instead of the trial one | 23:26 |
CruelC | we don't possess rewritables here | 23:26 |
lighta | uh :( so ridin do you understand what was I talking about ? | 23:27 |
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