
nisshhChrisWoollard, just reading the bug report you logged on launchpad, i did notice that a while ago when i built the manual, do you have any suggestions11:16
nisshhChrisWoollard, did you mention it had something to do with utf8 or something?11:18
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ChrisWoollardping godbyk14:49
ChrisWoollardi don't know how to do it though. Maybe godbyk knows14:51
nisshhi see14:51
ChrisWoollardThe Ubuntu font is pretty good, but it is missing some features.14:52
ChrisWoollardI am pretty sure it is defined in ubuntu-manual.cls14:52
nisshhmost notably, those special characters and a monospace version :)14:52
nisshhyeah, im not the one who made the change to the Ubuntu font, so im not sure14:53
ChrisWoollardthe monospace version is due soon insn' it?14:53
nisshhdue by natty final i think, yeah14:53
nisshhi am not sure about the special characters though14:54
ChrisWoollardthey are unicode characters14:54
nisshhi see14:54
nisshhso are they not displayed correctly because the Ubuntu font doesnt support unicode or something?14:54
ChrisWoollardthat's right14:54
ChrisWoollardI'll see if i can get godbyk to help me fix it14:55
nisshhi should get in touch with whoever is in charge of the Ubuntu font this cycle and ask them14:55
nisshhit might be that it needs to be fixed in the font though14:56
ChrisWoollardi guess logging a bug against the font could be a good step14:56
nisshhi would check for existing bugs first though14:56
ChrisWoollardI think they just need to expand the number of characters in the font14:56
nisshhthat describe the same annoying problem14:56
nisshhChrisWoollard, either way, it isnt something that is super important to fix right now, its more important to fix it before the full release really15:03
nisshhbut yeah, it would still be very handy15:03
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c7phello all21:46
c7pmuscovy how the chapter going ?21:48
c7pnice to hear that21:50
zkriessehallo all21:50
c7phello zkriesse21:51
zkriesseheya c7p21:51
c7pMuscovy, ChrisWoollard: when do you think the installation chapter will be finished ?21:53
* c7p sorry for the questions, i hope i'm not becoming too annoying21:53
Muscovycp7: Not too long.21:54
MuscovyI'll push what I have this afternoon.21:54
c7pgreat :)21:55
c7pgodbyk are you around ?21:55
zkriesseSorry Ive not been around to help out but I've been running with my head chopped off with all the other teams I work with21:55
c7phave you been on the last week's meeting ?21:57
c7pnight all22:08
c7pnight Muscovy22:10

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