[01:01] New bug: #681986 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/681986 [01:23] Isn't there a virtual package that always provides the latest version of the proper linux-headers package? (I have DKMS installed to automatically recompile some kernel modules when I upgrade the kernel, but it doesn't work without getting the headers, too...) [01:27] linux-headers? [01:28] well, guess you need the right one, linux-headers-server [01:28] Ahh, that did it, thanks. [01:50] can i use a ubuntu server to monitor bandwidth consumption and statistics for a network? I figure if i make it the DC then all that information is going through it... would it be a 3rd party software or is ther open source alternatives? [01:52] if its possible at all... [01:53] the DC? [01:53] it's much easier to figure that stuff out by using a managed switch or something, that gives that info via snmp [01:59] hi guys. I've got a question about NFS write concurrency. Is it safe to perform r/w operations on the filesystem being hosted on NFS directly from the server? (i.e. will it respect the proper locks?) [02:00] I doubt it for nfs3, but nfs4 does some kind of odd loopback mounting thing, so I think it would be fine [02:00] e.g. I've got a server hosting /mnt/storage over NFS, bound to /exports/storage using mount --bind. Is it safe to read and write to /mnt/storage directly? [02:01] patdk-lap: hmm yeah it's nfs4. What's the loopback thing you're mentioning? [02:01] sounds like nfs4 [02:01] the --bind [02:01] that isn't needed for nfs3 [02:01] ah. is there anywhere I can read more about this? [02:01] google nfs4 :) [02:02] hmm. alright, I just really want to make sure I don't end up causing data corruption, especially since there's a high chance this will be happening while the clients are writing [02:52] squid or squid3? === Evet_ is now known as Evet [03:32] i distro upgraded my ubuntu [03:32] and lost some stuff like /var/run/network and i can't get apache to work again [03:32] Answer: squid2 -- it has an upstart job and is in main. [03:33] dassouki: /var/run/ should be a tmpfs and empty every boot [03:33] twb: i guess that's why i shouldn't have hard upgraded a linode image :( [03:36] is there a way i can install mysql 4 on lucid? [03:37] twb: now i managed to get an error of dav not allowed here [03:59] I am trying to dapper server release, but i can't find its CD version, all i see is dvd. [04:02] Error404NotFound: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06.2/ [04:03] remember you only have 1 year of support left on that... [04:04] why on earth do you want mysql 4 anyway? ;) [04:04] JanC, ya, just need to try mysql4 and php4 for somethings... [04:04] JanC, a 3rd party product that won't agree to upgrade [04:05] and it doesn't work with mysql 5 ? [04:07] JanC, nope... tried and failed, now setting up another dapper server, installing app on that, purchasing upgrade license, upgrading, then upgrading dapper to lucid and changing DNS [04:07] JanC, not my idea of a good weekend :( [04:07] I can imagine ;) [04:08] good luck [04:09] JanC, really need that... sucks big time [04:34] hi everybody, i have a problem trying to write (p.e. create a single text file) inside a directory where i have rwx permission and i am root. What could be wrong... filesystem, permission, attributes (has no attributes set)? some idea, friends? (it is a ubuntu server 8.04.1) 0_0 [04:56] Edwin_ach: Are you getting an error message when you try? [05:21] ailo, yes... it tells me that the system is read-only (and I am root) =/ [05:25] ailo, the problem is in specific on that partition, /storage, because i have tried creating a single txt file on / and it let me create it o_0 [05:26] I'm no expert, but did some searching and found that one cause could be that the filesystem is mounted as read only [05:29] Edwin_ach, check fstab [05:29] ailo, I have tried to "remount" option as r,w but it doesn't work =( [05:30] ailo, this is the /etc/fstab of the server: http://paste.ubuntu.com/536950/ [05:31] actually, that server runs an application that allow me use the server as a backup server [05:32] Edwin_ach, did you try a file system check - fsck? [05:34] Edwin_ach, supposedly, if the disk is damaged it might be mounted as read-only [06:16] is there a good AMI available for dapper on amazon? [06:26] Hi, I currently have a bandwidth problem on my ubuntu server machine, my max speed is being limited to 1.7 MB/s not sure why any ideas? [06:29] dragoon123: mii-tool can tell what mode cards are, ifconfig will tell if you have alot dropped packages [06:30] dragoon123: iperf can be used to test speeds, or just use netcat [06:34] simplexio: How do i test speed with netcat? [06:41] http://deice.daug.net/netcat_speed.html tell google [06:42] the idea behind using netcat is that when starting it you can use /dev/zero as file and on endpoint you can just > /dev/null [06:43] how does this help me fix/find the bandwidth limitation bw? [06:43] dragoon123: or just use iperf [06:44] well, if iperf dosent get more that 1,7MB/s speed, then problem is in your network [06:45] if it is faster, then problem is server program which dosent put more than 1.7MB/s to net or harddisk [06:45] I only have a bandwidth limit problem on my linux machine/partition if i reboot the pc into windows it runs at full speed [06:45] I have tested the network speed on both LAN and from a remote server [06:46] result on both was 1.8MB/s [06:46] over which file tranfer protocol [06:46] I used aria2 (80) and vsftpd (21) [06:47] so http and ftp [06:47] dragoon123: did mii-tool tell you that your card is 100baseT... [06:48] 100Mbit [06:48] = 11.8MB/s [06:48] and harddisk are ok ? [06:48] and no errors etc. show in ifconfig [06:49] yes, as I said before this is a dual boot pc, with windows and linux server [06:49] on the windows partition everything runs at full speed [06:49] under ifconfig 0 dropped and [06:49] well, linux uses different fs, driver for disk etc [06:49] 8360errors frame 8360 [06:49] for RX packets === KB1JWQ is now known as oracle [06:50] dragoon123: does windows have errors too ? [06:50] for packets, no === oracle is now known as KB1JWQ [06:51] windows is windows heh [06:51] sound like you have somekind problem with network driver [06:52] what driver it uses ? [06:52] hmm [06:53] no idea tbh :s [06:54] lsmod helps [06:55] hmm, do not see any modules related to networking listed [06:56] dragoon123: and try ethtool eth0 (or what ever it is = [06:56] hmm [06:57] MII? [06:57] in some point i had problems to force nvidia 1G ethernet card to full dublex [06:57] it is set for correct speed and duplex [06:58] 100Mb/s and Full [06:58] mii-tools can be used to channge negotiated network speeds [07:01] dragoon123: it would help to know netcards model [07:02] 02:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family LAN Controller (rev 01) [07:15] have to say that i dont have anyideas. if duplex and other are ok on both sides, then problem must be on drivers === rjp is now known as sazhen86 [08:37] does anyone know if changing the cipher on openssh is possible? [08:38] Right now I'm using RSA keys to auth, but for the encryption itself I want to use 3des. [09:05] IrishWristwatch: actually 3des is default [09:05] IrishWristwatch: see ssh_config(5) and sshd_config(5) [09:07] I saw it now, thanks you joschi [09:07] thank you* [09:12] Here -t rsa is the default. [09:16] having trouble restarting vsftpd -> /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart = error of script has been converted to upstart job- use restart utility. sudo service vsftpd restart, sudo restart vsftpd both = restart:unknown instance: -vsftpd is running, i can log into it :( any ideas? [09:17] have you tried "sudo service vsftpd restart"? [09:17] oh wait [09:18] I misread. [09:18] same thing ' restart: unknown instance' [09:19] also, i have the options for chroot_local_user=yes however the ftp user still can go up levels into the '/' folder [09:19] soehow i don't think my /etc/vsftpd.conf file is being read, or something :/ [09:22] weird. [09:22] april__: type 'status vsftpd' [09:22] april__: does it say start/running ? [09:23] it says 'stop/waiting' but i dont' understand, because I can log into my ftp server [09:24] IrishWristwatch: oh, you mean -oCiphers. Note that -oCipher=3des is only for SSHv1 -- everything is (or should be) SSHv2 now, i.e. -oCiphers, for which the default is aes128-ctr. [09:24] aah [09:24] So it goes down that list then? [09:26] Well I guess aes128 is pretty secure too. 3.4 * 10^38 combinations [09:27] is there any possible way vsftpd could read another .conf other than /etc/vsftpd.conf? [09:27] what script generates /etc/motd ? [09:27] have you just tried killing the entire process april__ ? [09:27] (for when updates are available) [09:28] IrishWristwatch: yes, it goes through the list on the client and server sides until a cipher they both support is found [09:29] so if on the server I only specify 3des in the ciphers parameter, it will only allow 3des I take it. [09:30] Alright, I'll give it a try. [09:35] did it work, april_ ? [09:37] no, i typed sudo start vsftpd and it said start/running process 1862, so i typed kill 1862 - bash: kill" 1862 no such process [09:41] ps aux | grep vsftp [09:42] nothing comes up [09:42] it's not in htop anywhere either [09:43] yet you can still log in? [09:43] weird... [09:43] yea [09:44] and I still don't understand why my 'chroot_local_user=YES' doesn't work either [09:44] and my log files aren't being created [09:44] are you on a standard port? [09:44] 20/21 [09:45] yes, at least i assume so, i didn't specify a different port [09:45] then you can try [09:45] cemc: IIRC that comes from landscape-sysinfo [09:45] sudo lsof -i TCP:21 [09:46] while you're logged in [09:47] on my server? or on the ftp client [09:47] server [09:47] server [09:47] there was no output [09:47] ok [09:47] april_: that means something like 'wtf is listening to tcp/21' [09:48] are you sure your ftp client is connecting to that server and not some other random server? [09:48] yes, i'm sure it's my server, i recognize my file structure and files [09:48] what client are you using [09:48] in case you're using scp or something [09:48] 'andFTP' - android app [09:49] check the protocol [09:49] is it ftp/sftp/ftps? [09:49] i was using winSCP at my dads house, and it did the same thing [09:49] I use the same app. [09:49] how can i ensure that it's sftp? [09:49] ehh [09:49] ftp and sftp are similar but different [09:50] i 'assumed' sftp was just ftp through an ssh tunnel? [09:50] go to your andftp settings and go to edit [09:50] each machine asked me to verify the cert [09:50] yeah it is, but it doesn't use your vsftp software [09:50] it uses openssh [09:50] :p [09:50] ooooh [09:51] yeaaah [09:51] sftp is ftp over ssh [09:51] HOWEVER [09:51] which would possibly explain why my vsftp.conf file seems to be ignored? [09:51] ftps is regular ftp with ssl [09:51] vsftp isn't even being used for sftp [09:51] is it even being used? [09:51] no [09:51] but on the bright side, I just did this like 2 days ago [09:51] and I can tell you how to chroot openssh [09:52] well, the functionality is exactly what I need, so that would be very helpful [09:52] No, SFTP is a module within SSH that provides similar functionality to FTP, but is actually a totally different protocol. [09:52] (A much BETTER protocol.) [09:52] it's a file transfer protocol [09:52] hence, FTP [09:53] anyway, april_ [09:53] yea, i didn't want just FTP, because I've read that it's really un-secure. which I need secure, because I need to roll out a server for my dads business [09:54] http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie [09:54] ftp is unencrypted [09:54] i just need a folder for which 4 employees have access to (using 1 username/password) [09:54] ftps is better [09:54] sftp is the best [09:54] april_, ok do this [09:56] eh, I'll pm it to you [09:57] I agree with IrishWristwatch that you should be using SFTP, not FTP or FTP/S. [09:57] And HTTP instead of FTP for anonymous read-only access to documents. [09:57] also sftp is much easier to set up [09:58] with ftps you gotta make all your certs and it's just a pain [09:58] IrishWristwatch: especially in the current versions where chrooting is handled inside opensshd [10:03] yeah it's a new feature [10:13] hey all. Do any of you know if there's a way to install XFE or Nautilus without installing any of the X dependencies. I don't even have a video card in the computer , i am only planning to use it from another computer on the network that has an x server installed [10:13] does anyone have any pointers on this [10:13] Dibbler_: you can install X apps without installing an X server. [10:14] Dibbler_: you cannot install X apps without the X libraries they depend on [10:15] so x11-common is not really x .. [10:15] it just seems very big .. 30 megs [10:15] for nautilus [10:16] i just don't wnat my server to crap out on me wfter reboot for not finding a video card .. i'm actually no where near the thing [10:16] grep-available -sInstalled-Size -P x11-common ==> Installed-Size: 568 [10:16] It is not a big package. [10:17] nautilus is 36 megs .. [10:17] it seems big [10:17] That's because gnome = bloat [10:18] mmk [10:18] You could, of course, just learn to use a tty file manager like Emacs' dired. [10:19] the thing is .. it's for my boss [10:19] don't ask [10:19] I know what that's like [10:19] i'm fine with MC [10:20] He could just run nautilus on his local machine nad use gnome-VFS URLs like (IIRC) ssh://boss@example.net/etc/default/grub [10:21] whisper : he's got windows , with winaxe on top [10:22] If he has windows you'll need a w32 X server [10:23] yes [10:23] winaxe [10:23] Oh right [10:24] i'm actually not comfortable with him rummaging in the roadwarriro box i use ubuntu server for [10:24] but he needs to be able to stay on top of it [10:24] i just hop ehe doesn't touch anything [10:25] He needs to learn his place is what he needs [10:26] smike , shake hands , go to the dinners with his wife , and shut the fuck up [10:26] if it was up to him we'd still be using the AS400 and everyone would have a terminal on their desk === ogra_ is now known as ogra [11:51] New bug: #682085 in samba (main) "Tryd sharing installed samba Unknown process runing not allowing log out" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/682085 [12:13] I'm considering building a home server based on ubuntu. It's main purpose will be NAS, but I also want to run irssi, a couple of Tomcat apps and also smaller tasks. My current concern is maintaining the "NAS". Both configuration and monitoring. [12:13] any good guides/articles on this topic? [12:27] l3dx, did you look at freenas or something similar ? [12:37] yes I've had a look at freenas [12:37] but to me it didn't seem like it is possible to install additional software [12:37] like Tomcat [12:43] also, I want to be able to run X (don't know yet if I will use it as a htpc as well) [12:46] browse a bit through synaptic, using search terms etc, there are many webbased managers and monitors [12:47] is ZFS supported in ubuntu? [12:51] l3dx: with zfs-fuse, yes [12:51] it cn be done through fuse-zfs, but not sure how that will work [12:51] :p [12:51] l3dx: but performance isn't very good [12:51] UndiFineD: it works [12:52] seems zpool version is up to v23 on Maverick, which is good [12:52] just don't enable dedup [12:52] and don't enable dedup [12:53] hm... I have this 10TB test box at work - I guess testing zfs-fuse on that should be worth a try :) [12:54] l3dx: if you want zfs, go for openindiana or solaris 11 express [12:55] both will allow for custom software, but installing stuff like tomcat might be done manually [12:55] l3dx: freebsd also has native zfs [12:58] guess I will have to play around with them [12:58] personally I'd recommend openindiana [12:58] * RoyK is using openindiana on some new 110TB units [12:59] :) [12:59] that's a truckload of drives :) [12:59] raw storage 320TB, net storage 2x110TB [13:00] nice [13:00] don't know if you remember helping me with a system freezing (you suggested determining if it was a hard hang) [13:01] turns out it's the MB that's defect [13:01] it won't even start anymore [13:01] oh [13:01] so I'm browsing for new hardware :) [13:01] :) [13:01] have already spent way too much time on it [13:01] :D [13:02] just rememmber - if you want to run zfs, you'd _really_ want a 64bit system, and 4 gigs of memory+ [13:02] zfs is a little hungry on the memory side [13:02] noted [13:02] but the old system was running raid1+encryption on the system disk..feels a bit stupid right now [13:03] the reason I say Don't Use Dedup, is that it requires hilarious amounts of memory and/or l2arc [13:03] how can I get it mounted in a different computer? [13:03] should be doable if you have the password... [13:03] sure [13:03] LVM or MD? [13:03] lvm [13:04] or..hm [13:04] then lvm should detect the attached drives [13:04] I had one raid1 and one raid5 [13:04] type 'lvs' [13:04] unsure if both are LVM [13:04] IIRC LVM doesn't support raid5 [13:04] that'll be MD [13:05] you might run lvm on top of md, though [13:14] guys any suggestion i want to create a file server on my hosted server- with a couple of client connecting on it with folder permission [13:14] with two ram slots, should I buy on 4g or two 2g? I'm thinking 1x4 to be able to expand later on, but is dual channeling a big loss? or am I completely lost:P [13:15] buy 8 gb and be happy :) [13:17] d'oh [13:17] :) [13:20] another semi-stupid question: is it possible to swap disks while the system is running? without a hot-swap bay [13:20] l3dx: usually the memory bus is wide enough to utilize both slots, so get two modules [13:21] l3dx: the SATA connectors are made to support hotswap, so if the driver supports it, it'll work fine [13:22] l3dx: btw, I googled a little about zfs-fuse and the performance seems to suck quite badly [13:24] ah [13:24] I've no experience with zfs, I only read that it was quick and self-healing [13:24] so it sounded like a good choice [13:25] I've been working with zfs in quite large setups for a year and a half (or so) and I can recommend it [13:26] we have a box that's been running stably for more than a year on an oldish opensolaris install with 50TB of storage - on WD Green drives [13:26] I really wouldn't recommend those drives, but still, it works [13:26] :) [13:26] WD Black or Hitachi Deskstar both spin on 7k2, which is better [13:26] I have no experience with neither freebsd or opensolaris [13:27] freebsd zfs version is _old_ [13:27] so better try openindiana (opensolaris is dead) [13:29] l3dx: http://zfs-fuse.net/issues/37 <-- about zfs-fuse performance [13:29] might not be that bad after all [13:30] anyway - I'd recommend trying OI first - it won't hurt [13:30] downloading openindiana now [13:30] :) [13:30] going to try it out in virtualbox first [13:30] good idea [13:30] anyway, I need to order new hardware for my homeserver first of all :o) [13:31] how much storage do you plan on this one? [13:32] currently I have 4x500gb disks I plan to use [13:32] but later on I will most likely upgrade the disks [13:32] zfs has a nifty feature in that if you replace the drives one by one and resilver the pool after changing each of them, it'll grow to fill them all [13:33] once all are replaced, that is [13:34] l3dx: also, use a separate system drive [13:34] a usb plug will probably do [13:34] OI can't boot from a raidz volume, and the rpool can't contain more than one drive (or two or more in a mirror) [13:53] l3dx: I'll be setting up a similar system for my brother for christmas - 5x2TB in a RAIDz2 as a file server :) [13:53] s/z2/z/ [14:02] RoyK: nice! [14:04] spoiled a little of the surprise when I told him, but I want him to get the mobo, cpu etc, then I can just get the drives and install the system for him [14:05] a 6TB fileserver will be something he can live with for some time, even with his nerdy things about downloading horror movies [14:05] based on OI? [14:05] yeah [14:06] what about PS3 streaming? [14:06] as in streaming to a PS3 [14:06] shouldn't be a problem so far as the PS3 supports standard protocols like SMB/CIFS/NFS/FTP/HTTP/whatever [14:08] ok... small test on OI here in a VM. 8 virtual disks attached, 1GB each. create a raidz2 with a spare on the lot, and fill up a gigabyte or so with garbage. shut down the VM, remove two virtual disks and rearrange the others..... [14:10] I think ps3 uses DNLA (or similar) [14:10] it can probably do streaming over 'normal' protocols as well [14:11] http://code.google.com/p/ps3mediaserver/ I've been using this with ubuntu [14:11] might work with OI as well [14:11] I use mediatomb with my PS3 [14:14] mdeslaur: will have a look [14:14] RoyK: I only get a grub> screen when booting [14:14] l3dx: after installing?? [14:15] when booting [14:15] booting the cd? [14:15] from the .iso [14:15] yeah [14:15] that's rather wierd [14:15] seems like the download is not successful [14:15] make an md5sum of it [14:16] I downloaded the torrent and pointed it to the same location. started on 65% :) [14:16] after a re-check [14:16] no wonder why it didn't work [14:28] RoyK: know anything about when OI will become stable? [14:28] as in a stable release [14:28] 2011Q1 they say [14:28] ok === niko is now known as Guest18559 [14:33] l3dx: it's still stable enough for production as of now [14:34] l3dx: there are some issues with lsi-sas2 and device order, but that's all I've seen (although that caused a bit of a headache, since with 160 drives in the chassis, you want to know the physical location of a drive once it fails) [14:45] ok... small test on OI here in a VM. 8 virtual disks attached, 1GB each. create a raidz2 with a spare on the lot, and fill up a gigabyte or so with garbage. shut down the VM, remove two virtual disks and shuffled the others..... Rebooted into the system, can't read testpool, removed /etc/zfs/zpool.cache, rebooted again, imported testpool without the two drives lacking, powered down the VM, added the missing drives, booted the system again, res [14:45] ilver starting, one more drive found, but not all, let the resilver finish, removed /etc/zfs/zpool.cache, rebooted and re-imported the pool, no data corruption.... [14:48] l3dx: did you get it up running? [14:49] yes :) [14:49] I just booted the live env [14:50] just remember, solaris isn't linux, things are done differently here and there [14:55] what are the main differences? [14:56] l3dx: litt things like the old sysv startup is more or less abandoned and files are sometimes placed other places than on linux [14:56] you'll get used to it [14:57] I just use OI (or solaris) for storage plus some database servers [14:58] ok [14:59] looking forward to try it out as a multi purpose home server ;) [15:00] l3dx: for a multipurpose home server, at least if you plan to install a truckload of application services on it, ubuntu is likely to be easier to setup [15:03] Yes, sure [15:03] I don't think it will be a truckload [15:04] that's why I use ubuntu for general purpose servers and OI for storage [15:05] but as storage will be its main purpose, do you still suggest trying out OI first? [15:05] yes [15:05] you can probably run a virtualbox VM for the rest if you're in need for ubuntu [15:06] with 4 gigs of RAM, half a gig for an ubuntu VM won't hurt much [15:06] * RoyK loves virtualisation [15:11] virtualisation is nice [15:13] l3dx: I've seen some rather nasty bugs with virtualbox on opensolaris, but haven't tested it on OI - also, those bugs were only on one system, bugs filed and rejected, so I don't know if it was a single incident. For a home system, I'd use OI as the host with zfs and then run vbox VMs on top of it if it turns out to be hard to install the stuff you need natively on OI [15:14] If I've disable NAT on my gateway and want use Ubuntu Server as a router (besides enabling the second NIC), what other service do I need to add other than DHCP, Bind and enabling my routes. [15:14] l3dx: btw, those bugs made the system hang, no data corruption, so even if they're still there, it should be safe [15:14] ehcah: iptables NATing [15:15] RoyK: ok. nice to know [15:15] ehcah: and make sure ip forwarding (routing) is enabled - google for iptables nat [15:15] RoyK: thank you. [15:21] hm, how likely is it that a mITX MB will fit in a ATX chassis? [15:58] l3dx: mini itx? [15:58] l3dx: if it doesn't fit, use some gaffer tape :D [15:58] yes [15:58] hehe :) [15:58] l3dx: it'll probably fit [15:59] hope so [15:59] want do delay buying a chassis [15:59] and use the old one for a while [15:59] Atom cpu? [15:59] if so, make sure it's 64bit [16:00] Solaris can't address disks > 1TB on 32bit [16:02] Hey does anybody know Grub Rescue? [16:02] RoyK: no, thinking of i3 [16:02] My laptp just stopped working and only brings me to this screen [16:02] l3dx: ok [16:02] l3dx: I just thought atom as many mini itx boards come with a cpu soldered on [16:03] Anybody? [16:03] yes, but not the one I've been looking at [16:03] Csmgiw: laptop with ubuntu server? [16:04] Erm ubuntu desktop 10.10.. I used wubi to install [16:04] Csmgiw: try #ubuntu [16:05] Thanks royk [16:06] l3dx: i3 should be quite sufficient for a file server [16:06] * RoyK just ordered a new macbook pro 17" with an i7 :D [16:06] sweet [16:07] I've been trying to make my boss understand that, no, I don't want no HP shit, I want a mac, and finally he gave me permission to get one :) [16:08] we use HP at work too. but now I'm soon starting in a new company, and I'm crossing my fingers for a macbook pro, or at least something else than HP ;) [16:09] I'm still with my soon-to-be 4YO MBP [16:10] still works well, although the monitor is a little patchy and it looks, well, used [16:10] I think it's quite funny that my old acer aspire with a DualCore cpu is more comfy to work on than my brand new i5 HP [16:10] guess corp-ware is mostly to blame [16:11] so long as you have a decent OS on it, even 5YO laptops work well [16:11] decent OS != windoze [16:11] I think win7 is very nice, but we're stuck with winXP [16:12] royk, you don't think win2k would run pretty fast on it? :) [16:12] win7 is the best windoze version I've tested, but then, I don't really like windoze - taste means a lot [16:12] * RoyK hands patdk-lap a WinME CD [16:13] :D [16:13] yuk [16:13] we still have a few win2k servers _in_production_ at work [16:13] I wonder if anyone still has a winME computer running [16:14] ya, and didn't win2k security patchs stop awhile ago? [16:14] and DOS and NT4 and even a couple of VMS machines [16:14] patdk-lap: some time back, yes :) [16:14] RoyK: is OI using some kind of package system? [16:15] l3dx: yes, pkg install ..... [16:16] thanks [16:21] l3dx: there is also #openindiana if you want to ask platform specific questions [16:22] RoyK: I've already thought of it, but I didn't bother joining..but I did now ;) === Amgine is now known as perp === perp is now known as Amgine === mrmist is now known as Guest38564 === Mr_mist is now known as mrmist === unreal_ is now known as unreal === WaVeR` is now known as WaVeR === Mr_mist is now known as mrmist === L is now known as Guest74587 === 30BAAH79P is now known as timo === _Techie_ is now known as Guest40405 === jenkinbr is now known as Guest9149 === nigelb is now known as Guest81825 === Mr_mist is now known as mrmist [18:56] good morning === IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne === __Techie__ is now known as _Techie_ === lifeless_ is now known as lifeless === yann__ is now known as Yann2 === Datz_ is now known as datz === mrpara is now known as mrparanoid [20:23] Guten Abend [21:01] New bug: #682219 in nagios-plugins (main) "Please merge nagios-plugins 1.4.15-2 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/682219 === unreal_ is now known as unreal === Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo [21:40] humm, what can I do about a frozen screen session of irssi? [21:40] I killed the screen session, but it remains frozen in the tty [21:42] nevermind === mattt_ is now known as mattt [21:59] <_Techie_> does anybody in here know how to setup a tv tuner card to be able to be used on the network [22:03] _Techie_: I think mythtv has some about that [22:03] but it's not really a general ubuntu server thing [22:03] yeah, your options are basically a myth backend/frontend setup, or a V4L stream [22:03] <_Techie_> just thought id ask as im going to be doing it ona buntu server box, and maybe someone in here has done it before [22:03] never actually done either [22:04] I guess the mythtv people will help more [22:04] no offence, but I have no friggin' idea [22:04] that is, vlc can proabably do it [22:05] but the exact config isn't my thing (anymore) [22:05] <_Techie_> its only an idea at the moment [22:05] ffmpeg can also do it [22:06] grab a DVB stream and multicast it on the network isn't very hard [22:06] I tried to set up a myth-based HTPC, but I couldn't get video acceleration on my hardware [22:06] or is this analogue? [22:06] had to settle for windows [22:06] <_Techie_> analogue [22:06] I think ffmpeg can do that [22:06] <_Techie_> i wish i could have used DVB, but we dont have DVB streams in my area [22:07] <_Techie_> only analogue and sat [22:07] <_Techie_> and sat cards are damn expensive [22:07] I have cable, but it's all encrypted [22:07] I'd try ffmpeg if working on the commandline [22:07] can only get over-the-air channels in digital [22:07] qman__: that's DVB-T [22:08] useless cable box and even more useless proprietary cablecard junk [22:09] DVB comes in C, S and T (cable, satellite and terrestrial) [22:49] Hi, I was in here last night try to resolve a network issue on my ubuntu server machine, It's speed seems to be limited for some reason [22:49] It is a dual boot with windows as well, speeds are fine on that partition it is just the linux part that is not working correctly [22:50] any ideas on what might be causing the limited speed? [22:52] dragoon123: it's a little hard to tell with so little info - is this nfs or cifs? single disk? which filesystem? what is the system load? [22:54] its a single disk with two partitions ntfs + ext4(linux) [22:54] Can I / How do I upgrade to the latest release (i.e. 10.10) from apt / command line? [22:55] Guinness2702: should be sudo apt-get upgrade [22:56] Guiness2702: sorry is sudo do-release-upgrade [22:56] RoyK: The system load is 0.26 [22:56] dragoon123, Ahh, I read that, and it talked about running a tool, so I assumed it needed a GUI [22:58] Guinness2702: do-release-upgrade [22:58] oh [22:58] someone said that [23:00] RoyK: Can I provide you with anymore information to help me figure out what may be the problem? [23:00] the data you're shareing, is that on ntfs or ext4? [23:01] It is the ext4 partition (ubuntu-server) that is experiencing the slow network, limited speed issues [23:02] nfs or samba or what? [23:02] I ran mii-tool on my connection and it reported full duplex so I am unsure where the problem maybe [23:03] nfs or samba or what? [23:03] I have tested the connection by downloading a file and transfering files on LAN both resulted in max speed of 1.8 MB/s, I have no idea what nfs or samba is [23:04] well, how do you download the file? [23:04] with aria2c, http protocol [23:04] and for LAN transfer i use sftp [23:05] and during transfer, if you run top, is there a load issue? [23:05] nope [23:07] sorry, can't help you, then. 1.8MB/s seems to me like DSL speed - check the nic for corrupted packages (snmp stats) [23:08] ifconfig reports not dropped package hmm [23:09] dragoon123: consider connecting directly to another machine and perform some tests transfers. this would isolate the LAN itself as part of the problem [23:10] pmatulis: I have resulted in max speed of 1.8MB/s [23:10] But when I reboot the server machine into windows the speeds are maxed out to 11.8MB/s [23:10] So something on the linux partition is limiting somewhere [23:14] any other ideas? [23:39] dragoon: why do you use sftp for lan transfers? (forgive my noobness) [23:43] april_: I have vsftpd running on my server so i just use that === NG_ is now known as ng_ [23:45] vsftpd does not do SFTP though, only FTPS ;) === ng_ is now known as NG_