
MuscovyIt seems the chapter dupe issue is beyond my ability to fix.01:45
MuscovyAnyone pretty good with Python?01:45
OmegaMuscovy: Do you know where the problem is?02:11
MuscovyOmega: nope.03:03
MuscovyI don't know why, but it happens whenever there's stuff in /usr/share/ubuntu-tour.03:03
MuscovyI'm 99% sure it doesn't scan any dir other than the one it sits in.03:04
Muscovy...I's better check in case I'm going insane.03:04
MuscovyI found the origins.03:05
MuscovyThis has been REALLY puzzling me because searching for "/usr/share/ubuntu-tour" only shows up unrelated uses.03:06
MuscovyThere's some weird glob.glob function that takes that path but without slashes.03:06
Muscovydirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tours", "*")) + glob.glob(os.path.join("/", "usr","share","ubuntu-tour","tours","*")) + glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".ubuntu-tour", "tours", "*"))03:06
Omegathat funtion checks three places03:10
Omegaso, it can give you a maximum of three times the pages03:11
MuscovyFixed. :D03:14
MuscovyI removed the /usr/share/ubuntu-tour check, since checking the current dir always does what we want.03:15
MuscovyLater it would be nice if someone smarter made it check against duplicate chapters in ~/.ubuntu-tour.03:16
MuscovyBut at least we don't have any other embarrassing issues hanging around. I think.03:16
MuscovyI'm uploading it to bzr and the PPAs.03:17
OmegaI fixed it too03:18
MuscovyDid you push that one?03:19
MuscovyI didn't do bzr yet.03:19
OmegaNot yet03:19
MuscovyMind if I do this one, since it's got the Debian changelog?03:19
Omegadirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tours", "*"))03:19
Omegaelif os.path.exists(os.path.join("/", "usr","share","ubuntu-tour","tours")):03:19
Omegadirs = glob.glob(os.path.join("/", "usr","share","ubuntu-tour","tours","*"))03:19
Omegaelif os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".ubuntu-tour", "tours")):03:19
Omegadirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".ubuntu-tour", "tours", "*"))03:19
Omegamissed a line: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tours")):03:20
MuscovyMaybe I'm reading that wrong, but does it work?03:21
Muscovy...wait, I think I see it.03:21
OmegaIt checks if the directories exist and if they do it makes dirs the directories03:21
MuscovyIt's reading from /usr/share/ubuntu-tours if it can't find ./tours, right?03:22
OmegaIt tries the current directory first, then /usr/.... then ~/.ubuntu-tour/tours03:23
MuscovyPush that one to the branch.03:25
OmegaHeh, it seems that my bzr is locked03:29
OmegaLet me try to fix this.03:31
OmegaI never had this problem with git ):03:33
MuscovyWhat's the error?03:33
OmegaUnable to obtain lock file:///home/omega/Projects/ubuntu-tour/.bzr/branch/lock03:34
MuscovyMaybe just branch revision 404 and copy the file over?03:35
Muscovy...did it say who was holding the lock, Omega?03:36
Muscovy'cause I had the bzr commit page open this whole time.03:37
Omeganautilus has it03:37
OmegaI have it03:37
OmegaI think it's groundcontrol.03:39
OmegaOkay, so I deleted my branch03:56
Omegaand brached again03:56
Omegaand it worked this time03:56
OmegaMuscovy: Anything else that needs hacking?03:57
MuscovyI don't think so.03:58
=== Crisco is now known as zz_Crisco
MuscovyI'm working on making http://ubuntutour.org/ a little more snazzy.16:21
OmegaOooh. :-)16:35
MichealHMuscovy: I could do that!16:46
MichealHMuscovy: :D16:47
MuscovyLet me just push what I have to the branch.16:47
MichealHMuscovy: Fellow people of the #webdevel community could help too16:47
MichealHMuscovy: What branch?16:48
MuscovyHang on, just pushing it...16:49
MuscovyLP seems awfully slow to display the branch. :|16:52
MuscovyMichealH: https://code.launchpad.net/~muscovy/+junk/ubuntu-tour-site16:58
MuscovySorry about the wait.16:59
MichealHNo Problem!16:59
MichealHMuscovy: You migth like to join #webdevel :)16:59
MuscovyI'm a bit amateur when it comes to html. :P17:00
MichealHThat channle WILL be of help :)17:01
MichealHNeed all of the work we can get ;)17:01
MichealHI mean, only 1 person comes in every 3 days or so :P17:02
OmegaI'm doing an update from karmic to maverick :|17:14
Muscovy...oh dear.17:14
OmegaThis box is so old.17:14
MichealHMuscovy: I have a nice, minimalistic design idea for the website :D17:18
MuscovyOh? :D17:21
MichealHMuscovy: I made a Launchpad Progect for it17:44
MichealHOh well It takes you to translations :P17:45
MuscovyI'll import my bzr branch and set my syncbot to use the new team's bzr.17:49
MichealHOkay :)17:58
MuscovyDo you know how to import branches? I can't figure it out.17:59
MichealHMuscovy: I will sort this out17:59
MichealHDo a merge?18:00
MichealHI can login :L18:00
MichealHO get an OOPS message18:01
MuscovyGenerally the oops fixed themselves if you try again.18:01
MuscovyAnd yes, we want a merge.18:01
MichealHSorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.18:02
MichealHWe’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.18:02
MichealH(Error ID: OOPS-1792A1723)18:02
MichealHThats weird...18:04
MichealHIt let me logon from your page ONLY18:04
MichealHMuscovy: Can you change the Website Images to the Tour Icon?18:08
MuscovyMaybe that with a globe in the corner?18:09
MichealHThat would look good18:10
MichealHMuscovy: Out of Intrest, How Is the site running? A server, Host?18:11
MuscovyShared host.18:11
MichealHMuscovy: can I /msg you then?18:12
=== zz_Crisco is now known as Crisco
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
=== |Omega| is now known as Omega
MichealHMuscovy: PING20:08
jasonoHello. Where is the public Key for the Tour PPA20:15
jasonoDo we have a Public Key?20:22
MuscovyI think we do.20:23
MuscovyThe launchpad one, right?20:23
jasonoTrying to add the PPA, but there is an error.20:24
Muscovy1024R/925D4E1F is daily.20:24
MuscovyYou can find the on the PPA pages,20:24
jasonoWas unavailable whe nI went to the Launchpad.20:25
jasonoWhen I20:25
MuscovyThe keyserver goes down every now and then.20:26
MichealHMuscovy: Here?22:02
MichealHOmega: Avalible?22:09
MichealHOmega: Can I quickly /msg you?22:09
MuscovyI'm looking forward to making a web.ubuntutour.org or something for online reading of the tour. :D22:28

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