
diplomorning all07:36
alastor_ubuntuhi there07:54
alastor_ubuntuis anyone install fedore over ubuntu(dual boot)?07:54
alastor_ubuntudid you install fedora over ubuntu,dual boot?08:10
Phineasi am back08:14
alastor_ubuntuPhineas,did you ever install fedora over ubuntu?08:14
Phineasalastor_ubuntu,  once08:14
alastor_ubuntutell me,did fedora have autodetect grub08:15
Phineasalastor_ubuntu, yes it did08:15
alastor_ubuntucouse i want to install fedora now over ubuntu,dual boot08:16
Phineasalastor_ubuntu,  fedora should just work out of the box08:17
AlanBellhappy christmas everyone08:18
AlanBellalastor_ubuntu: you want to install fedora alongside Ubuntu you mean?08:18
czajkowskiplease tell me there is no snow08:18
AlanBellczajkowski: no snow, but we are having 17 people for christmas dinner today08:19
Phineasczajkowski,  it is forcasted snow in the uk in a few days time08:19
AlanBellalastor_ubuntu: are you stuck somewhere?08:19
alastor_ubuntui want to install now08:19
czajkowskiAlanBell: you're a little ahead of yourself :)08:20
alastor_ubuntui hope that fedora will recognize grub08:20
AlanBellok, backup if you don't want to risk breaking things, then just go for it and read the screens carefully08:20
PhineasAlanBell,  worked for me08:20
AlanBellalastor_ubuntu: I am sure it will be fine08:20
AlanBellczajkowski: just a bit08:21
shaunoczajkowski: we had snow here, but it turned into "frost with a vengeance" overnight08:21
Phineaslike i said it worked for me (until i did something to fedora, my bad not yours)08:21
alastor_ubuntuand if i lost ubuntu,if i cant see him,can i configure grub over ubuntu live08:21
AlanBellalastor_ubuntu: probably08:21
AlanBellif it is just a grub issue and you haven't nuked the partition08:22
Phineasshauno,  its just freezing cold outside here and it is frosty as wll08:22
shaunoit's kinda nice tho.  dry with barely any wind.  so I'm not gonna complain08:22
alastor_ubuntui will try08:23
alastor_ubuntuthanks for support08:23
Phineaslucky if i go out i have to wrap up (alough today seems pretty sunny) unlike yesterday08:24
AlanBellalastor_ubuntu: don't get bitten by Bug #65910608:24
lubotu3Launchpad bug 659106 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Maverick installer lost Windows partitions" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65910608:24
Phineasoh and by its cold i was refering to yesterday08:24
alastor_ubuntuyes,but im working with fedora installer now08:25
AlanBellick, there are sprouts08:27
czajkowskiAlanBell: boil then fry in oil and black pepper corns08:28
AlanBellI think they are going to be chopped up and cooked with bacon bits08:29
AlanBellwhich is to my mind not going to improve the bacon very much.08:30
Phineasyesterday was cold and frosty today is bright and sunny08:30
Phineasit's 8:39 AM and i'm up08:39
PhineasAlanBell,  you n don't like sprouts08:39
AlanBellPhineas: http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2010/11/23/the-ubuntu-uk-christmas-party/08:43
PhineasAlanBell,  i see08:45
AlanBellnot only will I be expected to eat them, I will no doubt be held responsible if my children don't eat them08:47
Phineasoh bummer08:47
AlanBellwhich leads to a farcical display of "oh look how much daddy likes them" which is passed down through the generations08:48
AlanBelltradition is a wonderful thing08:48
Phineasoh dear08:48
AlanBellbah humbug08:49
popeygood book08:49
popeysadly its about a girl who doesnt like peas and her mum who doesn't like sprouts08:49
popeywhich leads the kids to believe they are allowed to say "I don't like that" and thats it08:49
popeyi dont mind if they dont like it, but they have to try it before they're allowed to say it08:49
Phineaspopey,  oh yeah i've read that book08:50
Phineasyeah it's a good bok08:53
* Phineas starts listening to music08:54
switchgirlPhineas: it snowed in edinburgh09:05
Phineasswitchgirl,  it was frosty now its bloody hot09:05
PhineasAlanBell,  don't be so bah humbug about christmas09:08
Phineasswitchgirl,  its very sunny here in Danvill09:09
AlanBellreally good post about headphones and speakers not getting their act together on Ubuntu http://drowninginbugs.blogspot.com/2010/11/fix-bug-already-aka-long-overdue.html09:11
switchgirlPhineas: hanukkah you mean?09:12
Phineasswitchgirl,  nope09:14
switchgirlPhineas:  i was making a point09:14
Phineasswitchgirl,  oh09:16
WelshDragonWhy do boilers only ever break when it gets cold =.=09:18
PhineasWelshDragon,  i know its like they have a mind of there own09:20
suprengrbecause when boilers are installed they are fitted with an external thermostat. this detects outside temperature and automatically breaks the boiler when below zero ;)09:20
TheOpenSourcererWelshDragon: We lose the gas supply regularly in the winter when the gas pipe to our house fills up with water after prolonged rain/melting snow :-(09:26
WelshDragonTheOpenSourcerer :o. How does the water manage to work it's way into the gas pipes? :s09:28
PhineasTheOpenSourcerer,  thats why you don't choose gas go for electric09:28
dutchieno snow here :(09:28
WelshDragonYou'll get some eventually dutchie09:29
TheOpenSourcererWelshDragon: Very good question. They are not really sure but affects mine and a neighbour's house too.09:29
dutchiethere's some forecast for tomorrow i think09:29
TheOpenSourcererPhineas: Heating our house electrically would cost a small fortune.09:29
Phineasdutchie,  no snow here just bloody hot sun09:29
PhineasTheOpenSourcerer,  we once had nucluar powered boler, that was fun but we had to stop (to dangorus)09:30
dutchienothing dangerous about a properly run nuclear reactor09:32
Phineasdutchie,  i didn't think of that09:32
dutchiewell, you probably didn't heat your house with a properly run nuclear reactor...09:34
Phineasdutchie,  yeah, the first thing i said was "lets switch to gas before theres an explosion"09:36
Phineasdutchie,   so we switched to gas09:38
switchgirli am dyslexic i find forms hard to fill out, any idea how to get edit a pdf file [ this: http://www.blockbuster.co.uk/help/1399_bb_new_app._form.pdf  ]  to a doc or other file type?09:40
switchgirli'll ask in #ubuntu-offtopic09:42
Phineasmy webcam wont work can you help me09:56
Phineas? anyone09:56
switchgirlPhineas: sure annswer my question an i'll help09:57
Phineasswitchgirl,  openoffice can now edit pdf file s give it a go09:58
Phineasswitchgirl,  you may need a plugin09:59
switchgirlok thanks09:59
switchgirlPhineas: lsusb09:59
switchgirlPhineas: lspci -vvv09:59
switchgirlpastebin those please09:59
suprengrPhineas: does it work in ANY application or NO applications at all. Does it work elsewhere / on other systems.10:00
Phineassuprengr,  just tried cheese no luck10:00
Phineasswitchgirl, http://pastebin.com/JzuJtPfY10:01
suprengrPhineas: built in or plug-in webcam?10:01
Phineasswitchgirl,  http://pastebin.com/grxs5b3v10:02
Phineassuprengr,  plug in10:02
danfishPhineas: what make and model of webcam?10:03
Phineasdanfish,  the only thing i know is that it says tevion on it10:03
suprengrdanfish: [you type faster than me!] ;)10:03
danfishsuprengr: :)10:04
danfishPhineas: odd - it's not showing up at all on lsusb10:04
switchgirldanfish: nore in lspci -vv10:05
Phineasdanfish,  yeah that is odd, one of the logs shows driver is loaded10:05
danfishtry removing and reinserting and see if anything changes in dmesg10:05
Phineasdanfish,  http://pastebin.com/yg0Wzt9Q10:06
AlanBellPhineas: just stick a new webcam on your christmas prezzie list10:10
danfishPhineas: absolutely nothing showing up. I think you are out of luck :(10:10
Phineasit used to work10:11
danfishPhineas: on ubuntu?10:11
Phineasdanfish, yep last years release10:11
AlanBellcan you prove it still works using a liveCD of some release of Ubuntu10:12
AlanBelland by "works" I mean shows up in lsusb10:12
PhineasAlanBell,  yep and it worked10:12
AlanBellshow me the lsusb output10:12
PhineasAlanBell,  now or back then (wont be in logs from back then)10:13
czajkowskiPhineas: so just go back to the last release or file a bug against this version10:15
danfishit is most likely borked hardware. *something* should show up in dmesg, even if it's an unsupported chipset10:16
Phineasczajkowski,  it was more than one release ago10:16
Phineasbrb breakfast10:17
czajkowskiPhineas: yes regression happens, but logging a bug is the way to get it fixed10:19
diplooooh starting to snow heavier now10:28
* diplo laughs at his wife who is going shopping :D10:28
* diplo not so happy that he has to go de-ice the car for the wife in the snow though10:28
exobuzzpopey, new joggler maverick image is out (and linux mint 10).10:42
exobuzz(and linux mint 9 in a moment)10:43
exobuzzsorted the sound stuff finally. had to roll back alsa a bit.10:44
popeylove the colour themes on those pages :D10:45
exobuzzadded. a touch calibration tool. for people like me with sausage fingers. and erm. the old userspace instead of 200 lines of kernel code performance when heavy io fix thingymajig10:45
exobuzzwell. not really what I would say was great design, but i threw some colours in. thanks ;-)10:46
exobuzzmy main site at http://www.exotica.org.uk/ is more interesting design wise i think ;-) (and also a bit strange perhaps)10:46
exobuzz</spammed the channel with almost every url)10:47
popeyI spammed twitter with it :)10:47
exobuzzi better keep an eye on my bandwidth monitor. since i did these joggler images my bandwidth went from around 300gb upstream to 750gb in one month :)10:48
exobuzzonly 3 days left in november mind.. so10:48
exobuzzpopey, is your joggler modified with a better heatsink or anything ?10:51
exobuzzdo you modify the kernel boot to change the passive thermal trip point ?10:52
popeyi havent10:52
popeymine mostly runs stock fw tho10:52
exobuzzi keep mine at around 80c.. stops it throttling so much when it gets a bit warm.10:52
popeyhave you documented that?10:53
exobuzzi mean it doesnt stay at 80c but i have the trip point at 80 or 85..10:53
exobuzzyeh it's on the page10:53
exobuzzuse at own risk type thing :)10:53
exobuzzcritical temp is 100c. throttles normally at 70c. but since it can idle at 55-60c or 66c with lcd on full, it normally doesnt take much to push it up to the throttling level10:54
exobuzzi believe the z520 also has a 120c remove power from chip before silicon fries protection also, or at least i read something about it.10:54
dutchielo daubers11:10
daubersnom nom nom eggs and tea11:14
MartijnVdSnom nom fried bits of fish11:16
directhexexobuzz: these images are your work, e.g. forcing poulsbong into them?11:51
exobuzzi put them together yeh. emgd + xorg 1.8 + some other stuff11:57
exobuzzi mean some patches for the joggler were derived from some others work also.11:57
directhexnice job#11:57
exobuzzgotta sleep now. took all night to get these finished. my brain has had it. cheers12:00
directhexpopey: (c) mjg5912:20
brobostigonafternoonings all.12:59
daubersRight, new plan13:05
daubers1) Make coffee13:05
daubers2) Web stuff13:05
penguin423) GOTO 113:06
gordhuh. i guess it snowed last night13:15
Azelphurhttp://game.azelphur.com/quote/he-programs-english-and-welsh haha, just had someone say this on my server :P13:17
Azelphurhe programs English, and Welsh \o/13:17
czajkowskihmm car shopping is soo addictive13:24
daubersczajkowski: Expensive too13:32
TheOpenSourcererczajkowski: So what takes your fancy then?13:41
czajkowskidaubers: cheaper over here than back home13:48
czajkowskiwhat does Insurance Group 11,  mean ?13:48
TheOpenSourcererPricey I think.13:48
czajkowskiwon't be for a few months at least till I get some cash saved up13:48
Pendulumczajkowski: is car shopping as addictive as clothes shopping?13:51
czajkowskihere I can go test drive13:51
* daubers hugs drupal for being easy13:56
czajkowskidaubers: never heard that statement before13:56
daubersczajkowski: It's easy if you're doing simple things :)13:56
Mezpopey: remember I said about the uupc mirror thing?14:08
Mezpopey: looks like It's going to have to move to a new box :()14:08
directhexczajkowski: insurance group gives a ROUGH indication of the cost to insure a car, from 1 to 20 (where 20 is 'special prices per car')14:17
czajkowskidirecthex: thanks14:18
directhexmy car is... IG16??!?!14:18
directhexexplains why i spend so much14:18
czajkowskidirecthex: eh ?14:19
directhexczajkowski: i'm kinda shocked my car is a higher group than an A414:19
czajkowskidirecthex: is there a list somwehere ?14:20
directhexczajkowski: of cars in each ig?14:20
=== Richie_ is now known as WelshDragon
shaunowhat on earth do you drive that's 16?14:22
directhexactually, i think the scale's been changed lately14:22
directhexseems to go up to 50 now14:22
directhexczajkowski: bottom right of http://www.parkers.co.uk/insurance/#ig=014:23
directhex... how are the aygo, 107 and c1 in different groups? they're the same car!14:24
czajkowskidirecthex: thanks14:25
PendulumAlanBell: ping14:25
daubersdirecthex: Engine is tweaked differently so different CO2 emissions14:26
daubersdirecthex: You can fix that if you chip them :)14:26
* daubers is pondering getting his golf chipped to 110bhp14:32
=== OmNomSequitur is now known as CokeHog
czajkowskiI have found a downside to Aldershot14:38
czajkowskithere is no chinese take away14:38
gordhow do you not starve?14:39
czajkowskior I cook14:39
czajkowskiand seeing s the only thing I've eaten since saturday is Rice14:39
czajkowskiI really want food today14:39
daubersczajkowski: You need a slow cooker14:39
gordcould always cook your own chinese food, i like doing that sometimes. occasionally its not poisonous14:40
daubersJust throw it all in the pot and let it go all day14:40
gordplus, chinese food is so quick to cook -_-14:40
shaunoI thought aldershot was a military town?  how could they not have every takeaway conceivable?!14:43
czajkowskithey have14:44
czajkowskiabout 8 indians14:44
czajkowskiand 5 pizza14:44
directhexconsidering the chinese population in the uk isn't very high, i think we have a disporportionate number of chinese takeaways14:45
diploYou sure there isn't a chinese there czajkowski, sure i had one last time i visited, albeit that was a few years ago14:47
diploI live in a town with 16k of people and we havei think at last count 13 chinese takeaways14:47
diploLet along indians and chippys14:48
shaunodirecthex: I think that's just how it works.  the number of McDs / KFC isn't proportional to the american populace14:48
czajkowskidiplo: was told there was 1 but its not great14:48
directhexshauno: most "ethnic" restaurants are run by people from that ethnic background. you wouldn't find it weird if a chinese restaurant was run by, say, a black guy?14:49
* daubers has a pizza place, a chinese, a nepalese, an indian and a chippy within a 5 minute walk14:49
directhex"hm, this can't be authentic food :o"14:49
shaunodirecthex: not at all.  I don't think chinese food is pretty unrelated to what chinese people eat14:49
directhexshauno: definitely unrelated. but it still happens. indian restaurants are filled with indian staff, thai restaurants are filled with thai staff, mexican restaurants are filled with mexican staff, etc.14:51
jacobwall this talk of food is making me hungry :(15:08
daubersAnyone ever played Thud?15:10
MattJ100daubers: what?15:23
daubersMattJ100: I've had this urge to get the Thud board out again, but need an apponent15:24
Pendulumwhen did pad.ubuntu-uk.org get more colour choices?15:59
=== MattJ100 is now known as MattJ
AlanBellczajkowski: I live about 100m from a great chinese restraunt16:28
AlanBellalso in farnham http://www.restaurantuk.com/details_page.asp?ID=1852316:29
czajkowskiAlanBell: I don't live in Farnham :)16:36
gordstop making me want to get chinese tonight you guys :P gonna make gord tubby for next uds16:37
Pendulumgord: you'd have to gain a lot of weight to be tubby. more than you could by the next UDS :P16:44
gordChallenge accepted!16:44
Pendulumgord: so now you have to get chinese tonight to start off :P16:46
=== Richie_ is now known as WelshDragon
czajkowskiwent for a walk17:51
czajkowskifound 2 chinese take outs17:52
czajkowskiforgot to take down the numbers of them17:52
penguin42czajkowski: Google!17:53
danfishweirdness - staying at a place with free wifi, but need to log on via captive portal. Android phone find the portal fine, but ubuntu laptop stubbornly refuses. Now connecting to net via usb tethering -> wifi on android18:00
exobuzzchinese.. mmm hungry18:02
brobostigonevening all.18:16
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DJonesThat was a wild ride on Freenode18:42
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lubotu3netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:48
danfishand then some18:48
penguin42oh, didn't see one here18:48
lubotu3netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:50
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danfishwho's broken IRC?19:34
czajkowskiits beeb looked into19:40
danfishsince when did lubotu3 do 'poing'?19:41
danfishczajkowski: :)19:41
danfishczajkowski: d'ya get your chinese 2nite?19:41
czajkowskiegg and chips19:41
czajkowskibucket of te19:41
czajkowskiand rugby19:41
=== emma is now known as em
danfisheven better then :D19:43
danfishdoing a 'medivac' from Lisbon this weekend so no rubgy19:44
zleaphi, i am looking for a progranm that lists video hardware its a bit like uname -a but the output includes the video chipset19:44
zleapor looking for waht to search for in google19:44
danfishbut 'tis a lovely place. Would thoroughly recommend for a visit (or UDS venue!)19:45
danfishzleap: what does lsusb or lspci -vvv show?19:45
zleaphardware,  however i found something simiar that gives less output,19:46
zleapbut can't remember what it was,  i stopped using it as it used to cause x to crash19:46
czajkowski  6 619:46
danfishczajkowski: put another 6 on that and I'll be sending and exorcist round :P19:47
czajkowskidanfish: england were wining19:47
danfishah - now makes sense. We lost in the end I take it. How about Ireland?19:48
czajkowskidanfish: just half time now19:49
czajkowskididnt see ireland  game19:49
czajkowskie're playing tomorrow19:49
danfishok - should be home by then :) 9am flight19:50
zleaprugby or cricket19:53
jacobwnext question19:53
zleapwhos winning19:53
zleapor who are england playing19:53
jacobwer.. not england19:53
jacobwthat is for sure :D19:53
czajkowskibah so close for a ftry19:56
czajkowskiboggled it at the 3 meters out19:56
czajkowski9 6 to rsa19:58
czajkowskitry SA20:00
czajkowski14 620:00
czajkowskiohh gone to video ref20:01
czajkowskitry again20:05
czajkowski19 620:05
czajkowskino conversaion the last time20:05
danfishdouble bah!20:06
czajkowskiconversion 21 620:06
danfishright - ubuntu laptop to android phone -> UK VPS as a proxy gives me iplayer20:07
danfishbut a losing England :(20:07
czajkowskiohh try england20:08
danfishconsolation try20:09
czajkowski11 2120:09
danfishstill, some sparks of hope for england for the world cup from the Autumn series, me thinks20:10
* danfish puts a bet on NZ 20:10
czajkowskidanfish: sure20:10
=== CokeHog is now known as OmNomSequitur
czajkowskiwe play argentina at 2:1520:10
czajkowskigame over20:10
danfishczajkowski: will tune in. ?how about a ubuntu-uk rugby day - ?london irish20:11
czajkowskidanfish: sounds like a great idea!20:15
czajkowskiwhen are you organising it :D20:15
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danfishczajkowski: I'll add it to the list ;)20:39
danfish(of stuff to do)20:39
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danfishright - laters - got to go and see how my medavac is doing20:40
WelshDragonGooooooooood evening UK \o20:53
jacobwgood evening WelshDragon20:55
AlanBellczajkowski: AMs on Aldershot high street is a nice place21:22
AlanBelldoes an all-you-can-eat chinese buffet21:22
AlanBellI was thinking of going there with TheOpenSourcere1 and popey to test the small print on that one21:22
mattiAlanBell: ;]21:23
czajkowskiAlanBell: heh21:23
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popeyevening all btw21:40
mattiI had a dumb question.21:51
mattiHow do you change/update wallpapers shipped with Ubuntu by default? I mean, the space ones... which rotate.21:51
mattijacobw: I have a little fever and my brain is sloowwwwwww today ;21:52
zleapnot sure,  seems tyou can't configure a slideshow,  if you hover over an image it gives the location yhou could move a few so it can only display 1 image21:54
zleapor add your own images i guess21:55
directhexslideshows are in /usr/share/backgrounds/foldername and have a background-1.xml file with a manifest21:55
zleapso is there a widget to edit / configure21:56
directhexthe manifest lists the files and the transitions21:56
mattidirecthex: Bingo!21:57
mattidirecthex, zleap: Thanks :)21:57
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mattiI need a collection of high resolution photos from NASA ;]22:07
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zleaphi tombrough22:11
=== Richie is now known as WelshDragon
WelshDragonGoooooooooooood evening UK. (again)22:13
zleaphi WelshDragon22:14
WelshDragonHow is everyone?22:15
zleapi am good22:15
directhexannoyed. looks like another busted power supply22:16
WelshDragonOh dears directhex :s22:17
zleapnot good22:17
zleapi got one of them here22:17
WelshDragonzleap, you've got a busted one?22:18
WelshDragonzleap, why keep it then? :s22:19
penguin42directhex: Stop running the welding kit off them22:19
zleapwhen i get round to it will get rid of it with a load of othetr bits thjat i don't want22:20
WelshDragonzleap, Ah. So basically.... you're lazy? :P22:20
zleapno but there is no point in going to the tip with 1 power supply when i have other bits needing to go too22:20
zleapso collect everythibng together and take it all at the same time22:21
WelshDragonI need to get a new mobo for mine (although still old. Got an asus atm, the old core 2 lga775 but it's a load for nuts when it comes to overclocking.22:22
* directhex is selling old kit22:23
WelshDragondirecthex, define old kit :P22:23
directhexWelshDragon: my old server... which is mostly an htpc platform22:24
WelshDragondirecthex, htpc?22:24
WelshDragondirecthex, what's the model of the mobo you have that you're looking to sell?22:26
directhexmsi p7ngm-digital22:27
WelshDragongod i hate that typo >.<22:28
WelshDragondirecthex, how long have you been trying to sell? and how much are you wanting for it?22:29
directhexWelshDragon: approximately minus 30 minutes22:32
directhex(haven't posted it up yet for sale)22:32
directhextaken a photo though22:32
* popey tickles heeed 22:34
popeyheeed: you have a 4 year old right?22:34
popeymy son keeps asking about yorus22:34
czajkowskiplay dates22:34
popeybecause of that one time you were playing minecraft, mine was watching as I played22:34
popeyand you said yours went off to watch cbeebies or something22:35
heeedcastlegame as jack would call it22:35
popeysam called it the monster game22:35
heeedyeah, kerwhizz is the favourite at the moment22:35
popeynow they call it minecraft and each have their own world22:35
heeedBeen getting into extreme tux racer a bit more now22:36
heeedthat and bloody Sega all stars racing on the 360....perhaps one day Ill be able to claim that back one day :D22:38
heeedoops spot the typo22:39
* Ng been wondering how early one can start teaching a kid to program ;)22:41
jacobwi think win logo with the turtle was my first programming exposure22:42
czajkowskiNg: ello22:42
zleapNg, try logo first thats simple22:42
heeeddunno, trying to get the nephew into it. He enjoyed programming some floor robot thing the other day22:42
jacobwfloor robot?22:43
heeedyeah, 2 secs22:43
zleaplet them deveop so they enjoy it  don't force em22:43
Azelphurhttp://game.azelphur.com/forum/building-computer any comments on this build? :D22:43
AzelphurObviously gonna be running Ubuntu on it :)22:44
heeedjacobw, this thing: http://www.valiant-technology.com/archive/products/roamer1.htm22:44
Ngzleap: then I'd have to learn logo and buy one of those stupid turtles ;(22:45
zleapthere is a logo program in kubuntu22:46
zleapklogo it should work in ubuntu under gnome unless there is a gnome version22:46
zleapits simple and you control a screen robot22:47
NgI quite like the idea of somehow teaching them by stealth with early games/toys that familiarise them with the concepts, but I know of no such things22:47
Ngczajkowski: hey :)22:48
zleapi remember toys back in the 80[syou could program22:48
Ngalternatively I wonder if something like lego mindstorms would be a good route in22:48
czajkowskiNg: you  have kids?22:48
Ngczajkowski: should have one in April :)22:48
gordmake them learn logo but *without* the turtle, replace it with a roomba. then you get your house cleaned at the same time!22:48
Nggord: nice :)22:49
czajkowskiNg:  sweet22:49
* popey tickles Ng 22:50
zleapi am sure there are simple tools out there somewhere22:50
popeyNg: I assert that minecraft teaches kids resource management, construction, safety ...22:51
popeyit also scares the bejeezus out of them22:51
gordi hatred of creepers22:51
gordand a *22:51
popeyso a little from column A, a little from column B22:51
popeySam leapt out of his skin today when we had incoming arrows nearby22:51
popeythat is easily the best tenner I have ever spent on a game22:52
Ngthose semi-motorised things where a bunch of wickle trucks move stuff around - those are essentially expressing an algorithm, but they seem to mostly be fixed and very pointless ;(22:52
zleapstart em young linux baby grow, tux stuffed toy22:52
zleapand ubuntu stickers on carry cot22:52
popeyNg: friend of mine had a great plan for potty training22:53
directhexthere we go! more stuff on sale! http://forums.hexus.net/classifieds-sell-your-stuff/195337-chopping-up-server-htpc-bundle-atx-mobo-cpu-ram.html22:53
popey(which I appreciate is a long way off for you/your progeny)22:53
popeyshe bought a massive amount of that wooden train track stuff off ebay22:53
zleapkids love that esp at nursery age22:54
popeyevery time the kid got a poo/wee in the right place he got either a train or a single piece of track22:54
popeyso motivating him22:54
popeyrewarding him22:54
zleapgood plan22:54
popeyand it builds up real quick22:54
Ngmmm, pavlovian training22:54
zleaphence buy in bulk22:54
popeyi love brio train track22:55
popeyits very theraputic and creative to build a track layout22:55
mgdmI found there's an OSS version of Worms the other day22:55
mgdmI was rather chuffed with that :)22:55
zleapbeen around for ages22:55
mgdmnever seen wormux22:55
zleapwormux was the older one,22:55
zleappenguns, vs gnus, etc22:56
zleapnot sure if the bsd demon is in there22:56
popeydirecthex: needs a logon, that url22:57
directhex:o :'(22:58
popeywhich it seems I have a logon to22:58
popeypopey, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:22:58
zleap403 error iirc22:59
heeedall the talk of basic and Im currently getting VICE installed to play with23:05
popeyI'm more of a speccy man myself23:05
popeyso I'm guessing you're about 36-39 then heeed ?23:06
directhexpfft spectrum23:06
directhexreal men used welsh computers23:06
heeedfirst proper computer was a VIC2023:06
popeywhat was before that?23:06
popeyplug in the telly tennis games?23:06
directhexpopey: we had one of those... a binatone mk8 TV Master23:06
heeedsome phillips g700 console thingy when I was about 823:07
popeywe had an orange thing with paddles23:07
directhexnot welsh enough for my tastes though23:07
popeydont recall the make23:07
directhexnot proper if it's not welsh.23:07
heeedthats why I loved r3play....every system I had ever owned/played on all under one roof. Forgot how big the Atari Lynx was23:07
popeyi think ours had tennis, practice, squash and something else23:08
heeedthis was the badger: http://www.pugo.org/collection/console/27/23:09
directhexheeed: oh, a rebadged odyssey223:09
directhexthose things are famous23:09
zleappopey, me too23:10
zleapwe had a light gun too23:10
popeyoh wow23:10
directhex:o look at it! it's so welsh! http://www.pugo.org/collection/computer/182/23:10
heeednah, didnt get the light gun till christmas 198823:10
zleapthis was more like 8223:11
zleapshoot sqare thing on the screen23:11
jacobwdirecthex, strange and irrelevant? :D23:11
heeedCommodore 64 Light Fantastic Pack http://www.retrogames.co.uk/more/on/details/01779423:13
zleapsoeccy ftw23:16
zleapspeccy ftw23:16
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