
=== virtu is now known as virtu_OFF
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
=== niark_niark is now known as gniourf_gniourf
alexidoiahi there22:33
alexidoiaI have a RME card that works well, the only thing is that it does not appear in the System > Preferences > Sound so I can't route my application output to it, can someone tell me how to add the card ?22:34
holsteinalexidoia: i would be using JACK22:35
holsteinit should show up there22:35
holsteinthat will let you route whatever you want to it22:35
alexidoiaholstein: yeah, but the thing is that jack won't start up for some reason22:36
holsteinlet the trouble shooting begin :)22:36
holsteinwhats the error?22:36
holsteinalexidoia: try22:36
holsteinsudo qjackctl22:36
holsteinand see if it starts22:36
holsteinthen you can troubleshoot for permissions errors22:36
holsteinmaking sure your in the audio group22:37
holsteinsudo adduser alexidoia audio22:37
holsteinanyways, im about to run out22:38
holsteinjoin #opensourcemusicians if you need more help :)22:38
holsteinyou could also disable any other sound devices in the bios22:38
holsteinthat might help with the pulse routing that you are trying to do22:39
jv__hi, hwo is using realtime kernel with jack?23:23
jv__my modest eeepc works with generic kernel but no go with the real time23:23
jv__too many x runs with generic23:23
jv__now using lucid..tried latest ubuntu studio but not even on generic23:24
jv__with 2.6.32-24 only have latency problem23:25
jv__so my question is since I am narrowing down the problem:23:31
jv__which file is used to select my sound card?23:32
jv__I mean, for alsa? when i boot in alsa I have to select manually my card in alsamixer and it does not stic23:32
jv__when i use the generic kernel the alsamixer is properly configured and I can see all controls of my sound card23:33
jv__tx for any help..23:37

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